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Prevention approaches for reproductive health have evolved from an emphasis on individually focused models of behavior change to a recognition that risk reduction occurs within a context of social norms. Prevention programs can be improved by understanding how social structure influences sexual behavior and using that understanding to develop strategies for positive change. In a dynamic, urban context, communities are better conceptualized as informal networks of ties. These network structures may help to protect, or conversely, expose members to reproductive risk behaviors. Using data from a study of social and sexual networks conducted in northern Thailand, this article describes partner relations and social structure in the modern, urban context, and illustrates the links between individual, relational and structural properties and reproductive risk behaviors. Triangulation of ethnographic, survey and social network data collection and analytic tools provide an opportunity to interpret individual behaviors, meanings of relationships and structural properties of networks. Intervention approaches should build on existing networks, and address the complex meanings of romantic and sexual partnerships.  相似文献   


Following the 1994 International Conference on Population and Development, the world has seen a shift in paradigm away from focused family planning programmes towards reproductive and sexual health more generally. This paper considers how the traditional emphasis on women's health and family planning can result in men's sexual health needs being overlooked. A biomedical rationale to target men with health services evolved from the rising interest in control programmes for HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs). To plan appropriate health interventions more needs to be known about how men perceive their sexual health. Unique data from Orissa (India) and rural Bangladesh illustrate men's perceptions of their sexual health problems and demonstrate that men are willing to seek care. While public sector programmers and health planners may be focusing their attention on the control of STIs, men in both studies indicated that their major concerns relate more to matters of psychosexual disorders. The failure of public sector programmes to take cognisance of male sexual health problems may lead to men continuing to seek care for all their sexual health problems (including STIs) in the unregulated and possibly ineffective private sector. If programmes addressing the sexual health needs of men are to be effective, they will need to be comprehensive in their scope and coverage, just as they are now aiming to be for women.  相似文献   

HIV/AIDS has emerged as a significant health threat for African American women with well-documented disparities. The purpose of this study was to assess the association between social network characteristics and high-risk sexual behaviors among a sample of urban African American women at risk of heterosexually acquired HIV/STIs. We performed a cross-sectional study of baseline data collected from the CHAT study, a randomized HIV-prevention trial targeting urban HIV-at-risk women in Baltimore, MD. Our primary outcomes were risky sexual behaviors defined as either (a) two or more sexual partners or (b) having a risky sex partner within the past 90 days. Bivariable and multivariable logistic regression examining the associations between individual and social network factors and our two outcomes of interest were conducted. The study population included 513 sexually active African American women with a mean age of 41.1 years. High levels of unemployment (89.5%), depressive symptoms (60.0%), and drug use (68.8%) were present among this high-risk urban cohort. Controlling for individual factors including participant drug use, age, and depression, having two or more sex partners within the past 90 days was associated with having a larger personal network (OR = 1.11; 95% CI, 1.06 and 1.17); more network members who pitched in to help (OR = 1.22; 95% CI, 1.04 and 1.44), provided financial support (OR = 1.33; 95% CI, 1.11 and 1.60), or used heroin or cocaine (OR = 1.26; 95% CI, 1.14 and 1.40). Having a risky sexual partner within the past 90 days was associated with having a larger social network (OR = 1.06; 95% CI, 1.00 and 1.12) and having more social networks who used heroin or cocaine (OR = 1.30; 95% CI, 1.14 and 1.49).In summary, social network characteristics are associated with HIV sexual risk behaviors among African American urban women. Social-network-based interventions that promote norms pertaining to HIV risk reduction and provide social support are needed for African American women at risk of heterosexually acquired HIV/STIs.  相似文献   


There is a reported increase of intentional seroconversion in the United States over the past several years in the gay community (Crossley, 2004 Crossley, M. 2004. Making sense of bare backing: Gay men's narratives on unsafe sex. Resistance Habitus. British Journal of Social Psychology, 43(2): 225244. [Crossref], [PubMed], [Web of Science ®] [Google Scholar]; Trinufol, 2003). This article reports on a sample (n = 24) of men who identify their motivations behind their pursuit of seroconversion. Respondents were asked to identify what motivations were connected to their attempt to become seropositive. Three general variables emerged as potential indicators: (1) seeking relief from emotional HIV fatigue, (2) the wish to be closer with one's HIV positive partner, and (3) the expectation to become HIV positive. By identifying these possible motivations (both psychological and sociocultural), sex educators and therapists providing counseling to the gay male community may be better equipped to more effectively identify clients at high risk for intentional seroconversion. Recommendations for assessment and intervention with those at high risk for such behaviors are provided by the authors.  相似文献   

Little information is available about sexual risk, protective, and disclosure practices among Black bisexually active men and how these may be amenable to intervention when necessary. In-depth interviews were conducted with 30 at-risk urban Black men who have sex with both men and women (MSMW). Participants reported protecting themselves and their partners through routine HIV testing, using condoms consistently, engaging in strategic positioning during sexual activity, and limiting the number of sexual partners. In addition, they described several reasons for not using protection, including not having condoms available, enjoying sexual activity more without condoms, and perceiving female partners to be "safer" than male partners. Disclosure of bisexuality was complex and reportedly difficult, in particular to female and gay-identified male partners. Future interventions must not only build protection and disclosure skills among MSMW, but also increase broader social awareness and acceptance of male bisexuality.  相似文献   

ObjectivesWe considered how decision making around human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) among gay, bisexual, and other men who have sex with men (GBMSM) is made in the context of one’s perceived risk of HIV acquisition and the availability of condoms.MethodsWe recruited 648 GBMSM aged 18 years old and residing in Singapore through Grindr. Participants were given information on PrEP and participated in a discrete choice experiment requiring them to choose between 2 baskets of PrEP attributes and compare the chosen “PrEP only” option to default options of “condoms only” or “PrEP with condoms.” Generalized multinomial logit model was used to examine the scaling effect and preference heterogeneity. Latent class analysis was conducted to examine preference heterogeneity in the sample.ResultsLatent class analysis revealed 3 classes of GBMSM: PrEP conservatives (53.9%), moderates (31.1%), and liberals (14.9%). PrEP conservatives were more likely to report greater utility when using condoms only compared with PrEP only, as well as PrEP with condoms, compared with PrEP only, and more likely to report the lowest utility for PrEP as perceived HIV risk increased. PrEP liberals were more likely to report greatest utilities for PrEP only compared with condoms only, as well as PrEP only compared with PrEP with condoms. The utility for PrEP was not affected by perceived risk of HIV or sexually transmitted infections when risks were low.ConclusionThis study provides some evidence for risk compensation among a class of GBMSM who already perceived themselves to be good candidates for PrEP before the discrete choice experiment.  相似文献   

High-risk social ties portend differences in opportunity for HIV exposures and may contribute to racial/ethnic disparities in HIV transmission. Discrimination may affect the formation of high-risk social ties and has not been explored as a possible explanation for these persistent disparities. Using data from injection and non-injection drug users, we examined the association between the number of high-risk sex and drug ties with discrimination due to race, drug use, and incarceration stratified by race/ethnicity. Negative binomial regression models were used. While blacks had significantly fewer injecting ties than Latinos and whites, blacks who reported racial discrimination compared to blacks who did not, had more sex and injecting ties. Latinos who reported drug use discrimination compared to Latinos who did not also had more sex ties. Latinos and whites who reported drug use discrimination had more injecting ties than Latinos and whites who did not. Discrimination is associated with high-risk social ties among all racial/ethnic groups. But, these data highlight different forms of discrimination within racial/ethnic group are associated with risky social ties. More research is needed to confirm these findings and further explore the association between various forms of discrimination and social ties that may help explain racial/ethnic disparities in HIV.  相似文献   

Protease inhibitor combination therapies have significantly improved the health of many people with HIV/AIDS. Prior studies, consisting mainly of gay men, have indicated that these treatments have prompted reduced concern about HIV and an increase in high-risk behavior. This study assessed the impact of HIV treatment advances on HIV-infected individuals living in inner-city areas. A convenience sample was used (n = 196), consisting largely of heterosexual African-Americans and Hispanics. Almost the entire sample had heard of the latest HIV treatments, and 75% were currently on protease inhibitor regimens. One-third of the sample reported that AIDS was a less serious threat nowadays and that being HIV-positive was not a big deal. Fifteen percent of respondents believed that protease inhibitor combination therapies reduced the risk of HIV transmission, and 10% believed that these treatments reduced need for safer sex practices. As in previous studies of other populations, a significant percentage (23%) of respondents practiced safer sex less often since new HIV treatments arrived. HIV prevention programs need to focus more attention on HIV-infected individuals in inner city areas. Interventions for these individuals need to address changing attitudes and behaviors stemming from HIV treatment advances.  相似文献   

Children affected by their parents’ dual drug use and HIV/AIDS face considerable challenges to their psychosocial development, including parent dysfunction and foster care placement. While HIV/AIDS may increase parents’ mobilization of social support, their drug use may restrict who is available to help them, with potential implications to the adjustment of their children with whom they remain in contact. This study sought to identify dually affected children’s living situations, and parent and parent’s support network factors as correlates of children’s externalizing problem behaviors. An urban community sample of 462 HIV seropositive, current or former drug-using parents were queried about their children aged 5–15 years old. One hundred ninety-four children were reported by 119 parents. The outcome was children’s externalizing behaviors of ever having been suspended or expelled from school, criminal-justice system involvement, or illicit drug or heavy alcohol use. Independent variables included kin and drug users in parent’s support network. Generalized estimating equations were used to adjust for the potential correlation of children of the same parent. Among parents, 63% were mothers, 57% current opioid or cocaine users, 85% were African American, 35% had AIDS or CD <200, and 53% had high depressive symptoms (CES-D ≥ 16); median age was 38. Among children, median age was 12; 23% lived with the nominating parent, 65% with other family, and 11% in non-kin foster care. While only 34% of parents reported child custody, 43% reported daily contact with their child, and 90% reported high emotional closeness. Parents reported externalizing behaviors among 32% of the children. Logistic regression indicated that externalizing behavior was positively associated with parent’s physical limitations and proportion of illicit drug users in parent’s support network. A significant interaction was found indicating that the effect of parent’s support network-level drug use was greater for children living with versus not living with the parent. The model adjusted for parent’s current drug use and depressive symptoms, which were not significant. Results indicate that while only a minority of these dually affected children lived with the parent, the parents’ physical limitations and embeddedness in drug using support networks, particularly if living with their children, was associated with the children’s maladjustment. It is plausible that these factors interfere with parenting, expose the children to conflict or adverse social influences, or obligate children to assume caregiving for their parent. While dually affected children’s contact with their parents may have important benefits, results suggest it presents ongoing needs for intervention with the children, their parents, and caregivers. Knowlton, Wissow, and Latkin are with the Department of Health, Behavior and Society, Johns Hopkins University, Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA; Buchanan is with the Department of Mental Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD, USA; Pilowsky is with the Departments of Epidemiology and Psychiatry, Columbia University, New York, NY, USA.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the associations between individual and neighborhood social contextual factors and smoking prevalence among African-American women in subsidized neighborhoods. We randomly sampled 663 adult women in 17 subsidized neighborhoods in two Southeastern US states. The smoking prevalence among participants was 37.6 %, with an estimated neighborhood household prevalence ranging from 30 to 68 %. Smokers were more likely to be older, have lower incomes, have lower BMI, and live with other smokers. Women with high social cohesion were less likely to smoke, although living in neighborhoods with higher social cohesion was not associated with smoking prevalence. Women with higher social cohesion were more likely to be older and had lived in the neighborhood longer. Women with high stress (related to violence and disorder) and who lived in neighborhoods with higher stress were more likely to smoke. Younger women were more likely to have higher stress than older women. There were no statistically significant associations with objective neighborhood crime data in any model. This is the first study to examine both individual and neighborhood social contextual correlates among African-American women in subsidized neighborhoods. This study extends findings about smoking behaviors and neighborhood social contexts in this high-risk, urban population. Future research is needed to explore age and residential stability differences and perceptions of social cohesion, neighborhood disorder, and perceived violence in subsidized housing. Further research is also warranted on African-American women, subsidized housing, smoking, social context, health disparities’ effective strategies to address these individual and contextual factors to better inform future ecological-based multilevel prevention, and cessation intervention strategies.  相似文献   

This article reviews the scientific literature regarding mental health services for poor HIV-infected women in sub-Saharan Africa and argues that they should constitute part of the healthcare agenda for these women. Key evidence points to the growing feminization of the HIV epidemic, as well as the differential social and economic impact of HIV on women. Further, HIV and poverty, both disproportionately affecting women, contribute independently and cumulatively to the risk for poor mental health. The limited empirical evidence regarding the mental health of this population is discussed. Multi-level psychosocial services, integrated within general health provision, are required to ensure long-term psychological benefits for HIV-infected women in the region.  相似文献   

李慧民  李莉  张晓慧  蔡聚雨 《现代预防医学》2012,39(14):3583-3585,3587
目的了解社会支持各维度在工作压力与工作倦怠之间的调节作用。方法采用艾滋病医护人员工作压力源调查问卷、社会支持问卷和中式工作倦怠量表对342名艾滋病医护人员进行测试,运用SPSS 11.5管理并进行分析。结果(1)艾滋病医护人员的工作压力和工作倦怠显著正相关,工作压力越大,工作倦怠程度越深(P﹤0.01)。(2)社会支持的调节作用主要体现在支持利用和主观支持方面。面对职业风险和社会排斥,高支持利用和高主观支持医护人员的情感耗竭低于具有低支持利用和低主观支持的人员。但人际排斥压力增大时,高主观支持个体的情感耗竭水平上升更快。结论社会支持是工作压力和工作倦怠的有效调节变量,其中支持利用和主观支持的调节作用更显著。  相似文献   

Incarcerated women are disproportionately affected by HIV and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) due to risk factors before, during, and after imprisonment. This study assessed the behavioral, social, and contextual conditions that contribute to continuing sexual risk behaviors among incarcerated women to inform the adaptation of an evidenced-based behavioral intervention for this population. Individual, in-depth interviews were conducted with 25 current and 28 former women prisoners to assess HIV/STI knowledge, perceptions of risk, intimate relationships, and life circumstances. Interviews were independently coded using an iterative process and analyzed using established qualitative analytic methods. Major themes identified in the interviews involved three focal points: individual risk (substance abuse, emotional need, self-worth, perceptions of risk, and safer sex practices); interpersonal risk (partner pressure, betrayal, and violence); and risk environment (economic self-sufficiency and preparation for reentry). These findings highlight the critical components of HIV/STI prevention interventions for incarcerated women.  相似文献   

Renewed enthusiasm for biomedical HIV prevention strategies has followed the recent publication of several high-profile HIV antiretroviral therapy-based HIV prevention trials. In a recent article, Roberts and Matthews (2012) accurately note some of the shortcomings of these individually targeted approaches to HIV prevention and advocate for increased emphasis on structural interventions that have more fundamental effects on the population distribution of HIV. However, they make some implicit assumptions about the extent to which structural interventions are user-independent and more sustainable than biomedical or behavioral interventions. In this article, I elaborate a simple typology of structural interventions along these two axes and suggest that they may be neither user-independent nor sustainable and therefore subject to the same sustainability concerns, costs, and potential unintended consequences as biomedical and behavioral interventions.  相似文献   

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