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Yao X  Hamilton RG  Weng NP  Xue QL  Bream JH  Li H  Tian J  Yeh SH  Resnick B  Xu X  Walston J  Fried LP  Leng SX 《Vaccine》2011,29(31):5015-5021
Annual immunization with a trivalent inactivated vaccine (TIV) is considered efficacious for prevention of seasonal influenza in older adults. However, significant controversy exists in the current literature regarding the clinical effectiveness of TIV immunization in this highly heterogeneous population. Frailty is an important geriatric syndrome characterized by decreased physiologic reserve and increased vulnerability to stressors. Using a validated set of frailty criteria, we conducted a prospective observational study to evaluate TIV-induced strain-specific hemagglutination inhibition (HI) antibody titers and post-vaccination rates of influenza-like illness (ILI) and infection in frail and nonfrail older adults. The results indicate that frailty was associated with significant impairment in TIV-induced strain-specific HI titers and increased rates of ILI and laboratory-confirmed influenza infection. These findings suggest that assessing frailty status in the elderly may identify those who are less likely to respond to TIV immunization and be at higher risk for seasonal influenza and its complications.  相似文献   

Estimation of influenza vaccine effectiveness (VE) is complicated by various degrees of mismatch between circulating and vaccine strains each season. We carried out a cohort study to estimate VE of trivalent (TIV) and pandemic influenza vaccines (PIV) in preventing various respiratory outcomes among general practice (GP) patients in England and Wales between 2008 and 2010. Dates of consultations for influenza-like illness (ILI), acute respiratory tract infection (ARTI), lower respiratory tract infection (LRTI) and nasopharyngeal swabs were obtained from the patient-level electronic records of the 100 practices enrolled in a national GP network. Dates of vaccination with TIV and PIV were also extracted. Confounders including age, time period and consultation frequency were adjusted for through Poisson regression models. In the winter of 2008/9, adjusted VE of TIV in preventing ILI was 22.3% (95% CI 13.5%, 30.2%). During the 2009/10 winter VE for PIV in preventing ILI was 21.0% (5.3%, 34.0%). The VE for PIV in preventing PCR-confirmed influenza A/H1N1 (2009) was 63.7% (-6.1%, 87.6%). TIV during the period of influenza circulation of 2008/9 and PIV in the winter of 2009/10 were effective in preventing GP consultations for ILI. The cohort study design could be used each season to estimate VE; however, residual confounding by indication could still present issues, despite adjustment for propensity to consult.  相似文献   



Increased numbers of children presenting with febrile adverse events following trivalent influenza vaccine (TIV) were noted in Australia in 2010. We describe the epidemiology and clinical features of the adverse events and explore the biological basis for the adverse events using an in vitro model.

Materials and Methods

Children presenting to a tertiary paediatric hospital in 2010 with adverse events within 72 h of TIV were retrospectively reviewed. Demographics, clinical features, physiological variables and outcomes were examined. Plasma cytokine and chemokine levels were examined in a subgroup of children with vaccine-related febrile convulsions. Peripheral blood mononuclear cells of age-matched children were stimulated with different TIV preparations. Inflammatory cytokine and chemokine analysis was performed on cultured supernatants.


Vaccine-related febrile adverse events were identified in 190 children. Most occurred in healthy children (median age: 1.5 years) within 12 h of vaccination. Twenty-eight (14.7%) required hospital admission. High temperature ≥39.0 °C (101/190; 53%), vomiting (120/190; 63%) and convulsions (38/190; 20%) were common. All children presenting had received Fluvax® or Fluvax Junior®.In the in vitro model, IFN-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-10, IP-10 and MIP-1α levels were significantly higher when measured at 6 and 24 h in cultures stimulated with Fluvax® compared with alternative 2010 TIV preparations.


Numerous febrile adverse events (including febrile seizures) were observed following Fluvax® or Fluvax Junior® in 2010. Clear differences in cytokine production were observed when peripheral blood mononuclear cells were stimulated with Fluvax® compared with alternate TIV preparations. Increased awareness of these potential adverse events is required to ensure earlier detection and prevention in the future.  相似文献   



Although influenza is a major public health concern among adults ≥60 years of age, few large, prospective studies of influenza vaccines have been conducted in this population. The goal of the present study was to directly compare the safety and efficacy of LAIV and TIV in adults ≥60 years of age.

Materials and methods

A prospective, randomized, open-label, multicenter trial was conducted in South Africa. In March-April 2002, 3009 community-dwelling ambulatory adults 60-95 years of age were randomized 1:1 to receive a single dose of LAIV or TIV. Surveillance for influenza illness was conducted through November. Serum antibody titers were evaluated in all participants, and interferon-γ enzyme-linked immunosorbent spot assay responses were evaluated in a cohort of subjects. Solicited reactogenicity and adverse events were monitored for days 0-10 postvaccination; serious adverse events were monitored for the entire study.


Influenza illness caused by vaccine-matched strains was detected in 0.8% (12/1494) and 0.5% (8/1488) of LAIV and TIV recipients, respectively; the relative efficacy of LAIV vs TIV was −49% (95% CI: −259, 35). As expected, greater serum antibody responses were seen with TIV, and greater cellular responses were seen with LAIV (although not for influenza B). Among subjects with culture-confirmed influenza illness, post hoc analyses revealed trends toward less feverishness (LAIV, 14%; TIV, 46%; P = 0.05) and less fever (LAIV, 9%; TIV, 31%; P = 0.16) among LAIV recipients. In each treatment group, 38-39% and 24-25% of subjects had baseline hemagglutination inhibition titers of ≤4 for A/H1 and A/H3, but 7 of 8 TIV cases and 7 of 12 LAIV cases of matched-strain influenza occurred among these subjects. Runny nose/nasal congestion (+13%), cough (+5%), sore throat (+5%), lethargy (+3%), and decreased appetite (+2%) were reported by more LAIV vs TIV recipients. Injection site reactions were reported by 27% of TIV recipients. SAEs were reported by a similar proportion of LAIV and TIV recipients (9% vs 8%).


Given the low incidence of influenza in both groups, no conclusions were possible regarding the relative efficacy of LAIV and TIV. There was a trend toward less feverishness/fever among LAIV recipients who developed influenza compared with TIV recipients with influenza, consistent with results from studies comparing the vaccines in children. A disproportionate number of influenza illnesses occurred among baseline seronegative subjects, particularly for those receiving TIV, which suggests that this subgroup has the greatest need for improved influenza vaccination. The safety profiles of LAIV and TIV were consistent with results from previous studies in older adults and no significant safety concerns were identified.clinicaltrials.gov identifier, NCT00192413.  相似文献   

The second meeting of the Afriflu conferences took place in Cape Town, South Africa, with over 60 participants from 15 countries in Africa and also outside the continent. Significant progress in surveillance has been made in better understanding the illness burden of influenza on the continent, which limited evidence suggests is greater than that in the developed world. In southern Africa HIV and TB coinfections play a major role in increasing hospitalisation and mortality, while elsewhere in Africa other cofactors still need to be determined.  相似文献   

Influenza vaccines are universally funded in Ontario, Canada. Some public health units (PHUs) vaccinate children in schools. We examined the impact of school-based delivery on vaccination rates and healthcare use of the entire population over seven influenza seasons (2000–2007) using population-based survey and health administrative data. School-based vaccination was associated with higher vaccination rates in school-age children only. Doctors’ office visits were lower for PHUs with school-based vaccination for children aged 12–19 but not for other age groups. Emergency department use and hospitalizations were similar between the two groups. In the context of universal influenza vaccination, school-based delivery is associated with higher vaccination rates and modest reductions in healthcare use in school-age children.  相似文献   



Two influenza B lineages have been co-circulating since the 1980s, and because inactivated trivalent influenza vaccine (TIV) contains only one B strain, it provides little/no protection against the alternate B-lineage. We assessed a candidate inactivated quadrivalent influenza vaccine (QIV) containing both B lineages versus TIV in healthy adults.


Subjects received one dose of QIV (lot 1, 2, or 3) or one of two TIVs (B strain from Victoria or Yamagata lineage); randomization was 2:2:2:1:1. Hemagglutination-inhibition assays were performed 21-days post-vaccination; superiority of QIV versus TIV for the alternate B-lineage was demonstrated if the 95% confidence interval (CI) lower limit for the GMT ratio was ≥1.5, and non-inferiority against the shared strains was demonstrated if the 95% CI upper limit for the GMT ratio was ≤1.5. Reactogenicity and safety were assessed during the post-vaccination period. NCT01196975.


Immunogenicity of QIV lots was consistent, QIV was superior to TIV for the alternate B-lineage strain, and QIV was non-inferior versus TIVs for shared strains (A/H1N1, A/H3N2, B-strain). Reactogenicity and safety profile of the QIV was consistent with seasonal influenza vaccines.


QIV provided superior immunogenicity for the added B strain without affecting the antibody response to the TIV strains, and without compromising safety.  相似文献   

In Australia, during the 2010 Southern Hemisphere (SH) influenza season, there was an unexpected increase in post-marketing adverse event reports of febrile seizures (FS) in children under 5 years of age shortly after vaccination with the CSL 2010 SH trivalent influenza vaccine (CSL 2010 SH TIV) compared to previous CSL TIVs and other licensed 2010 SH TIVs. In an accompanying study, we described the contribution to these adverse events of the 2010 SH influenza strains as expressed in the CSL 2010 SH TIV using in vitro cytokine/chemokine secretion from whole blood cells and induction of NF-κB activation in HEK293 reporter cells. The aim of the present study was to identify the root cause components that elicited the elevated cytokine/chemokine and NF-κB signature. Our studies demonstrated that the pyrogenic signal was associated with a heat-labile, viral-derived component(s) in the CSL 2010 SH TIV. Further, it was found that viral lipid-mediated delivery of short, fragmented viral RNA was the key trigger for the increased cytokine/chemokine secretion and NF-κB activation. It is likely that the FS reported in children <5 years were due to a combination of the new influenza strains included in the 2010 SH TIV and the CSL standard method of manufacture preserving strain-specific viral components of the new influenza strains (particularly B/Brisbane/60/2008 and to a lesser extent H1N1 A/California/07/2009). These combined to heighten immune activation of innate immune cells, which in a small proportion of children <5 years of age is associated with the occurrence of FS. The data also demonstrates that CSL TIVs formulated with increased levels of splitting agent (TDOC) for the B/Brisbane/60/2008 strain can attenuate the pro-inflammatory signals in vitro, identifying a potential path forward for generating a CSL TIV indicated for use in children <5 years.  相似文献   

Block SL  Yi T  Sheldon E  Dubovsky F  Falloon J 《Vaccine》2011,29(50):9391-9397


Trivalent seasonal influenza vaccines contain 2 A strains and 1 B strain. B strains of 2 antigenically distinct lineages, Yamagata and Victoria, have been co-circulating annually, and the B strain included in vaccines often has not been a lineage match to the major circulating strain. Thus, a vaccine containing B strains from both lineages could broaden protection against influenza. Quadrivalent live attenuated influenza vaccine (Q/LAIV) is an investigational 4-strain formulation of LAIV that contains 2 A strains, A/H1N1 and A/H3N2, and 2 B strains, 1 from each lineage.


A randomized, double-blind, active-controlled study of Q/LAIV was conducted in 1800 adults aged 18-49 years to compare the immunogenicity and safety of Q/LAIV to trivalent LAIV (T/LAIV). Subjects were randomized 4:1:1 to receive an intranasal dose of Q/LAIV (n = 1200) or 1 of 2 matching T/LAIV vaccines, each containing 1 of the B strains included in Q/LAIV (n = 600 total). The primary endpoint was the comparison of the post-vaccination strain-specific geometric mean titers (GMT) of hemagglutination inhibition antibody in Q/LAIV recipients to those in T/LAIV recipients, with immunologic noninferiority of Q/LAIV to be demonstrated if the upper bound of the 2-sided 95% confidence interval (CI) for the ratio of the GMTs [T/LAIV divided by Q/LAIV] was ≤1.5 for all strains.

Results and Conclusion

Q/LAIV met the criteria for noninferiority: the ratios of the GMTs for the A/H1N1, A/H3N2, B/Yamagata, and B/Victoria strains were 1.09 (95% CI, 1.01-1.18), 1.05 (95% CI, 0.96-1.14), 1.10 (95% CI, 0.97-1.25), and 0.92 (95% CI, 0.82-1.03), respectively. Solicited symptoms and adverse events were similar in the Q/LAIV and T/LAIV arms. Q/LAIV may confer increased protection against influenza by targeting B strains from both lineages.  相似文献   



Live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) was licensed in 2003 in the United States for use in individuals aged 5–49 years.


A prospective observational postmarketing study was conducted to evaluate the safety of LAIV. Rates of medically attended events (MAEs) and serious adverse events (SAEs) in eligible children aged 5–17 years receiving LAIV as part of routine care from October 2003 to March 2008 were compared with rates in nonrandomized self, matched unvaccinated, and matched trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV)-vaccinated controls. All MAEs and SAEs through 42 days postvaccination and all hospitalizations and deaths through 6 months postvaccination were analyzed. Statistical significance was assigned without multiplicity adjustment.


43,702 LAIV recipients were matched with similar numbers of TIV-vaccinated and unvaccinated children. Of approximately 9500 MAE incidence rate comparisons, 204 were statistically significantly higher and 168 were statistically significantly lower in LAIV recipients versus controls. No pattern of MAE rate differences suggested a safety signal with LAIV. Asthma/wheezing MAEs were not statistically increased in LAIV recipients. No anaphylaxis events occurred within 3 days postvaccination. Rates of SAEs were similar between LAIV and control groups. Two SAEs were considered possibly related to LAIV: Bell's palsy and nonspecific paroxysmal spell.


Results of this postlicensure evaluation of LAIV safety in US children aged 5–17 years are consistent with preapproval clinical studies and Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System reports, both of which demonstrated no significant increase in asthma/wheezing events or other adverse outcomes among eligible children who received LAIV.  相似文献   



We estimated the effectiveness of seasonal inactivated influenza vaccine and the potential influence of timing of immunization on vaccine effectiveness (VE) using data from the 2016 southern hemisphere influenza season.


Data were pooled from three routine syndromic sentinel surveillance systems in general practices in Australia. Each system routinely collected specimens for influenza testing from patients presenting with influenza-like illness. Next generation sequencing was used to characterize viruses. Using a test-negative design, VE was estimated based on the odds of vaccination among influenza-positive cases as compared to influenza-negative controls. Subgroup analyses were used to estimate VE by type, subtype and lineage, as well as age group and time between vaccination and symptom onset.


A total of 1085 patients tested for influenza in 2016 were included in the analysis, of whom 447 (41%) tested positive for influenza. The majority of detections were influenza A/H3N2 (74%). One-third (31%) of patients received the 2016 southern hemisphere formulation influenza vaccine. Overall, VE was estimated at 40% (95% CI: 18–56%). VE estimates were highest for patients immunized within two months prior to symptom onset (VE: 60%; 95% CI: 26–78%) and lowest for patients immunized >4?months prior to symptom onset (VE: 19%; 95% CI: ?73–62%).


Overall, the 2016 influenza vaccine showed good protection against laboratory-confirmed infection among general practice patients. Results by duration of vaccination suggest a significant decline in effectiveness during the 2016 influenza season, indicating immunization close to influenza season offered optimal protection.  相似文献   

We conducted a randomized, controlled, multicenter, phase II study to evaluate the immunogenicity and safety of an investigational intradermal (ID) trivalent influenza vaccine (TIV) and a high-dose (HD) intramuscular (IM) TIV in older adults (≥65 years of age). Older adult subjects were immunized with ID vaccine containing either 15 μg hemagglutinin (HA)/strain (n = 636) or 21 μg HA/strain (n = 634), with HD IM vaccine containing 60 μg HA/strain (n = 320), or with standard-dose (SD) IM vaccine (Fluzone®; 15 μg HA/strain; n = 319). For comparison, younger adults (18–49 years of age) were immunized with SD IM vaccine. In older adults, post-vaccination geometric mean titers induced by the ID vaccines were superior to those induced by the SD IM vaccine for the A/H1N1 and A/H3N2 strains and non-inferior for the B strain. Seroconversion rates induced by the ID vaccines were superior to those induced by the SD IM vaccine in older adults for the A/H1N1 and B strains and non-inferior for the A/H3N2 strain. Results did not differ significantly for the two ID vaccine dosages. Post-vaccination geometric mean titers, seroconversion rates, and most seroprotection rates were significantly higher in HD vaccine recipients than in older adult recipients of the SD IM or ID vaccines and, for most measures, were comparable to those of younger adult SD IM vaccine recipients. Injection-site reactions, but not systemic reactions or unsolicited adverse events, were more common with the ID vaccines than with the IM vaccines. No treatment-related serious adverse events were reported. This study demonstrated that: (1) the ID and HD vaccines were well-tolerated and more immunogenic than the SD IM vaccine in older adults; (2) the HD vaccine was more immunogenic than the ID vaccines in older adults; and (3) the HD vaccine in older adults and the SD IM vaccine in younger adults elicited comparable antibody responses (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier no.: NCT00551031).  相似文献   



Jet injectors (JIs) avoid safety drawbacks of needle-syringe (N-S) while generating similar immune responses. A new generation of disposable-syringe jet injectors (DSJIs) overcomes the cross-contamination risk of multi-use-nozzle devices used in 20th-century campaigns. In the first study in humans, the newly-US-licensed LectraJet® model M3 RA DSJI was compared to N-S.


Sixty healthy adults received one 0.5 mL intramuscular dose of the 2009-2010 seasonal, trivalent, inactivated influenza vaccine (TIV) in randomized, double-masked fashion by either DSJI (n = 30) or N-S (n = 30). Adverse reactions were monitored for 90 days after injection, and serologic responses assayed by hemagglutination inhibition (HI) at days 28 and 90.


There were no related serious adverse events (SAEs), nor differing rates of unsolicited AEs between DSJI and N-S. Solicited erythema and induration occurred more often after DSJI, but were transient and well-tolerated; a trend was noted for fewer systemic reactions by DSJI. Pre-vaccination HI geometric mean titers (GMT) increased by 28 days for H1N1, H3N2, and B antigens by 13-, 14-, and 8-fold via DSJI, and by 7-, 10-, and 7-fold for N-S, respectively. No trending differences in GMT, seroconversion, or seroprotection were noted; sample sizes precluded non-inferiority assessment.


DSJI delivery of TIV is well-tolerated and immunogenic.  相似文献   

Immunization of pregnant women against influenza is a promising strategy to protect the mother, fetus, and young infant from influenza-related diseases. The burden of influenza during pregnancy, the vaccine immunogenicity during this period, and the robust influenza vaccine safety database underpin recommendations that all pregnant women receive the vaccine to decrease complications of influenza disease during their pregnancies. Recent data also support maternal immunization for the additional purpose of preventing disease in the infant during the first six months of life.  相似文献   

In Australia, during the 2010 Southern Hemisphere (SH) influenza season, there was an unexpected increase in post-marketing adverse event reports of febrile seizures (FS) in children under 5 years of age shortly after vaccination with the CSL trivalent influenza vaccine (CSL 2010 SH TIV) compared to previous CSL TIVs and other licensed 2010 SH TIVs. The present study describes the outcomes of a series of in vitro experiments directed at elucidating the root cause. The scientific investigations found that a subset of paediatric donors displayed elevated cytokine/chemokine responses to the CSL 2010 SH TIV but not to previous CSL TIVs nor other 2010 SH TIVs. The induction of elevated cytokines/chemokines in paediatric whole blood correlated with elevated NF-κB activation in a HEK293 cell reporter assay. The data indicate that the introduction of the B/Brisbane/60/2008 strain within the CSL manufacturing process (such as occurred in the preceding 2009/10 NH season) appears to have raised the pyrogenic potential of the CSL 2009/10 NH TIV but that this was insufficient to elicit FS in children <5 years. The 2010 SH season coincided with the first introduction of the H1N1 A/California/07/2009 in combination with the B/Brisbane/60/2008 strain. Our data demonstrates that the introduction of the H1N1 A/California/07/2009 (and to a much lesser degree, H3N2 A/Wisconsin/15/2009) in combination with B/Brisbane/60/2008 (as expressed through the CSL method of manufacture) combined and likely compounded the bioactivity of the CSL 2010 SH TIV. This was associated with stronger immune responses, which in a proportion of children <5 years were associated with FS. The assays and systems developed during these investigations should greatly assist in determining the bioactivity of new influenza strains, and thus aid with the manufacture of CSL TIVs indicated for use in the paediatric population.  相似文献   

During the 2009–2010 Northern Hemisphere influenza season, both seasonal and pandemic influenza vaccines were expected to be administered to elderly people, which is an important target group for influenza vaccination. Two multicentre randomised clinical studies were conducted in participants aged ≥61 years to assess the immunogenicity and reactogenicity following vaccination with two doses of an AS03-adjuvanted A(H1N1)pmd09 vaccine when either sequentially administered (21 days before first dose [N = 73] or 21 days after second dose [N = 72]) or co-administered (first dose [N = 84] or second dose [N = 84]) with a licensed trivalent seasonal influenza vaccine (TIV). Overall, 313 participants from 2 centres in Sweden (ClinicalTrials.gov, NCT00968890) and 6 centres in Germany (NCT00971425) were randomised to one of the four treatment groups. The AS03-adjuvanted A(H1N1)pmd09 vaccine elicited a good immune response against A(H1N1)pmd09-like virus in all treatment groups after the first and second dose, meeting and exceeding the European licensing criteria for pandemic influenza vaccines. After one dose of the AS03-adjuvanted A(H1N1)pmd09 vaccine, haemagglutination inhibition seroconversion rates ranged from 85% (95% confidence interval: 74–93%) to 93% (85–97%), seroprotection rates from 87% (76–94%) to 96% (90–99%) and geometric mean fold rise from 15 (11–19) to 20 (16–25). The haemagglutination inhibition immune responses to the AS03-adjuvanted A(H1N1)pmd09 vaccine seemed lower when TIV was administered 3 weeks before, while immune responses to TIV seemed not affected by either vaccination schedule. Solicited symptoms were more frequently reported following administration of the AS03-adjuvanted A(H1N1)pmd09 vaccine compared to TIV, but these were mainly mild to moderate in intensity and transient in the four treatment groups. These results suggest that sequential or co-administration of the AS03-adjuvanted A(H1N1)pmd09 vaccine and TIV induced a good immune response to both vaccines and had a clinically acceptable safety profile in people aged ≥61 years.  相似文献   

BackgroundVaccination is the most effective means of influenza prevention. Efficacy of trivalent vaccines may be enhanced by including both B strain lineages. This phase 3, double-blind study assessed the immunogenicity and safety/tolerability of a quadrivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV4) versus the United States (US)-licensed 2014–2015 trivalent inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV3-Yamagata [IIV3-YAM]; Afluria) and IIV3 containing the alternate Victoria B strain (IIV3-VIC) in adults ≥18 years.MethodsParticipants (n = 3484) were randomized 2:1:1 and stratified by age to receive IIV4 (n = 1741), IIV3-YAM (n = 871), or IIV3-VIC (n = 872). The primary objective was to demonstrate noninferiority of the immunological response to IIV4 versus IIV3-YAM and IIV3-VIC. Noninferiority was assessed by hemagglutination inhibition geometric mean titer (GMT) ratio (IIV3/IIV4; upper bound of two-sided 95% confidence interval [CI]  1.5) and seroconversion rate (SCR) difference (IIV3 – IIV4; upper bound of two-sided 95% CI  10%) for vaccine strains. Solicited local and systemic adverse events (AEs) were assessed for 7 days postvaccination, AEs recorded for 28 days postvaccination, and serious AEs for 6 months postvaccination.ResultsIIV4 elicited a noninferior immune response for matched strains, and superior response for unmatched B strains not contained in IIV3 comparators. Adjusted GMT ratios (95% CI) for A/H1N1, A/H3N2, B/YAM, and B/VIC strains were 0.93 (0.88, 0.99), 0.93 (0.88, 0.98), 0.87 (IIV3-YAM; 0.82, 0.93), and 0.95 (IIV3-VIC; 0.88, 1.03), respectively. Corresponding values for SCR differences (95% CI) were −1.1 (−4.5, 2.3), −1.7 (−5.0, 1.7), −3.2 (IIV3-YAM; −7.4, 0.9), and −1.6 (IIV3-VIC; −5.8, 2.5). AEs were generally mild and experienced by 52.9% of participants. Serious AEs were reported with a slightly higher frequency with IIV4 (2.3%) versus IIV3-YAM (1.6%) and IIV3-VIC (1.5%).ConclusionsIIV4 demonstrated immunological noninferiority to the US-licensed IIV3, and superiority for unmatched B strains not contained in IIV3 comparators. Safety/tolerability profiles were similar across vaccine groups.Funding: Seqirus; Clinicaltrials.gov: NCT02214225.  相似文献   

ObjectiveTo assess the safety and immunogenicity of the MF59®-adjuvanted trivalent influenza vaccine (aTIV; Fluad®) compared with modified aTIV formulations.MethodsA total of 196 subjects ≥ 65 years were randomized to receive 7 different formulations of vaccine containing a range of adjuvant and antigen doses by single injection, or divided into two injections at a single time point. The primary study objective was to compare the serologic response of different formulations of aTIV containing increased amounts of adjuvant and antigen 21 days after vaccination. Subjects were followed for immunogenicity and safety for one year.ResultsThe highest immune response, as measured by hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay, 3 weeks after vaccination was observed in subjects in Group 6 with GMT 382.2 (95% confidence interval [CI] 237.5 to 615.0), 552.3 (364.8 to 836.1), and 54.1 (36.9 to 79.4) against A/H1N1, A/H3N2, and B respectively. Rates of seroconversion were also generally highest in this treatment group: 75% (95% CI 55.1 to 89.3), 75% (55.1 to 89.3), and 42.9% (24.5 to 62.8), respectively, against A/H1N1, A/H3N2, and B strains. The highest incidence of solicited adverse events (AEs) was reported by subjects who received both the highest dosage of antigen in combination with the highest dosage of adjuvant at the same site: 67.9% and 57.1% in Groups 4 and 6, respectively. The majority of solicited AEs were mild to moderate in severity. The number of unsolicited AEs was similar across the different dosages.ConclusionIn this phase I trial of adults ≥ 65 years of age who received increased adjuvant and antigen dosages relative to the licensed aTIV, increased dosage of MF59 resulted in increased immunogenicity against all 3 components of seasonal influenza vaccine. The increase in immunogenicity was accompanied by an increase in the incidence of local reactogenicity.  相似文献   

BackgroundAS03-adjuvanted H5N1 pandemic influenza vaccines have been assessed in an extensive clinical development program conducted in North America, Europe, and Asia including children from 6 months of age, adults, and elderly adults. We evaluated AS03-H5N1 in Korean adults 18 through 60 years of age.MethodsThis Phase IV, randomized, study was conducted to assess the immunogenicity, reactogenicity, and safety of two doses (3.75 μg of hemagglutinin antigen) of A/Indonesia/5/2005 (H5N1) adjuvanted with AS03 given 21 days apart in Korean adults. Antibody responses were assessed using hemagglutination-inhibition (HI) assays against the vaccine strain and a vaccine-heterologous strain (A/Vietnam/1194/2004) 21 days after the second dose. A control group (safety) received a licensed seasonal inactivated trivalent influenza vaccine (TIV). Reactogenicity was assessed for 7 days after each vaccination, and unsolicited adverse events were assessed for 182 days following vaccination in both study groups (NCT01730378).ResultsAS03-H5N1 was immunogenic and elicited robust HI antibody responses with seroconversion rates of 100% for the vaccine strain and 69.1% for the heterologous strain (N = 81). HI antibody responses fulfilled the European licensure criteria for immunogenicity (primary endpoint). The incidence of local and systemic solicited adverse events (reactogenicity) was higher with AS03-H5N1 than TIV. There was no apparent difference in the rate of unsolicited adverse events in the AS03-H5N1 and TIV groups.ConclusionThe results indicate that AS03-H5N1 vaccine is immunogenic with reactogenicity and safety findings that are consistent with the established profile of AS03-H5N1 vaccine.  相似文献   

BackgroundThis study evaluated the immunogenicity and safety of quadrivalent meningococcal conjugate vaccine using tetanus (T) toxoid as carrier protein (MenACWY-TT) co-administered with combined diphtheria-tetanus-acellular pertussis vaccine (Tdap) versus their separate administration in adolescents and young adults.MethodsIn this phase III, randomized, partially-blind study (NCT01767376), healthy 11–25-year-olds (N = 660) were randomized (1:1:1) to receive MenACWY-TT and Tdap at Month 0 (Co-ad group), MenACWY-TT at Month 0 and Tdap at Month 1 (ACWY_Tdap group) or Tdap at Month 0 and MenACWY-TT at Month 1 (Tdap_ACWY group). Immune responses to MenACWY-TT were measured by serum bactericidal assay using rabbit complement (rSBA). Anti-diphtheria (D), anti-tetanus (T), anti-pertussis toxin (PT), anti-filamentous hemagglutinin (FHA) and anti-pertactin (PRN) antibody concentrations were assessed using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays. Non-inferiority of immunogenicity was assessed using pre-defined clinical criteria. Safety was also evaluated.ResultsNon-inferiority of immunogenicity of MenACWY-TT and Tdap when co-administered versus their separate administration was demonstrated in terms of rSBA geometric mean titers (GMTs) for 4 meningococcal serogroups and of the percentage of participants with antibody concentrations >1 IU/ml for D and T. Among the pertussis antigens, non-inferiority criteria for geometric mean concentrations (GMCs) were reached for PT, but not met for FHA and PRN. Across all groups, ≥93.2% of participants had vaccine responses to each meningococcal serogroup, ≥99.1% were seroprotected against T and D, and ≥85.5% had booster responses to each pertussis antigen. Robust increases in antibody GMTs/GMCs were observed for all antigens between pre-and post-vaccination. Both vaccines had clinically acceptable safety profiles.ConclusionImmune responses to MenACWY-TT and to the T and D antigens from Tdap were not impacted by their co-administration. The lower antibody concentrations observed against the pertussis components may be of limited clinical relevance since robust anti-pertussis booster responses were observed. This study supports concurrent administration of the 2 vaccines in adolescents.  相似文献   

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