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The purpose of the present article was to present the series operated by a Liver Transplant Group of the interior of the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil. Sixty patients were transplanted from May 2001 to May 2007. Thirty percent of the patients had alcoholic cirrhosis. 18.3% had C virus-induced cirrhosis, 10% had C virus- and alcohol-induced cirrhosis, 6% had B virus-induced cirrhosis, 13.3% had cryptogenic cirrhosis, 8.3% autoimmune cirrhosis, 13.3% had familial amyloidotic polyneuropathy (FAP), and 13.3% had hepatocellular carcinomas. The series was divided by a chronological criterion into two periods: A (n = 42) and B (n = 18) with the latter group operated based upon the Model for End-stage Liver Disease (MELD) criterion. Sixty-nine percent were men. Age ranged from 14 to 66 years. Period A included 12% Child A: 59.2%, Child B; 24%, Child C; and 4.8%, FAP. Period B comprises 22.2% Child A: 11.1%, Child B: 33.3%, Child C: and 33.3%, FAP. MELD scores ranged from 8 to 35 for period A and from 14 to 31 for period B. Intraoperative mortality was 2/42 patients for period A and 0/18 for period B, overall postoperative mortality was 40% including for period A, 35% among Child B and C patients, and 5% among FAP and Child A patients (P < .05) and 16.6% for period B among 11.1% Child B patients and 5.5% FAP patients; 3.3% of patients required retransplantation due to hepatic artery thrombosis. Real postoperative survival was 60% during period A and 83.3% during period B, with an overall survival rate of 67% for the two periods. The present results show levels of postoperative mortality, (especially during period B), and survival rates similar to those reported by several other centers in Brazil.  相似文献   

We studied the herpetofaunal community from the Atlantic forest of Morro S?o Jo?o, in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil, and present data on species composition, richness, relative abundance and densities. We combined three sampling methods: plot sampling, visual encounter surveys and pit-fall traps. We recorded sixteen species of amphibians and nine of reptiles. The estimated densities (based on results of plot sampling) were 4.5 ind/100 m2 for amphibians and 0.8 ind/100 m2 for lizards, and the overall density (amphibians and lizards) was 5.3 ind/100 m2. For amphibians, Eleutherodactylus and Scinax were the most speciose genera with three species each, and Eleutherodactylus binotatus was the most abundant species (mean density of 3.0 frogs/100 m2). The reptile community of Morro S?o Jo?o was dominated by species of the families Gekkonidae and Gymnophtalmidae (Lacertilia) and Colubridae (Serpentes). The gymnophtalmid lizard Leposoma scincoides was the most abundant reptile species (mean density of 0.3 ind/100 m2). We compare densities obtained in our study data with those of other studied rainforest sites in various tropical regions of the world.  相似文献   

This study reports the 14-year experience of a single center on 206 liver transplantations from living and cadaveric donors performed in 179 pediatric patients. Biliary atresia (57.2%) and fulminant hepatitis (9.8%) were the most frequent indications. The mean age of the recipients was 3 years, 7 months (9 months to 18 years) and mean weight was 14 kg (7 to 57 kg). The allografts were distributed as 82 (39.8%) whole cadaveric, 76 (36.9%) reduced-size cadaveric, 46 (22.3%) living donor liver transplants, and 2 (0.9%) ex situ split livers. The waiting periods were 25 days for living donors and 2.5 years for cadaveric donors (P <.001). Twenty-seven children were retransplanted with hepatic artery thrombosis the most frequent indication. The postoperative complications were: primary nonfunction (12.2%), biliary stenosis (28.8%), hepatic artery thrombosis (12.2%), portal vein stenosis (4.9%), hepatic vein stenosis (6.9%), and lymphoproliferative disorder (5.9%). The diagnosis of biliary stenosis was obtained by liver biopsy and transhepatic cholangiography and treated by balloon dilatation, although four children (3.9%) required a redo hepaticojejunostomy. The venous stenoses were percutaneously dilated with five-children (4.9%) requiring venous stents. The incidence of hepatic vein stenosis was 15.6% among living donor and 2.5% in cadaveric liver transplantation (P <.05). The overall 5-year patient and graft survivals were 70.2% and 65.1%. Liver transplantation provides excellent long-term survival. The use of grafts from living donors decreases the waiting periods but increases the incidence of hepatic vein stenosis.  相似文献   

In the Heart Institute of University of S?o Paulo Medical School, between 1980 and 2000, were performed 712 mitral valve repair procedures, 39 aortic valve repairs and 469 tricuspid valve repairs. In our experience with mitral valve repair, the most performed techniques were quadrangular resection of the posterior leaflet, posterior annuloplasty with bovine pericardial sling and Carpentier ring annuloplasty. Quadrangular resection of the posterior leaflet is the technique of choice in mitral regurgitation due to degenerative disease, and repair is possible in 90% of the cases. Since 1994, we perform the quadrangular resection without ring annuloplasty, a modification in the technique called "Double Teflon" technique, with good results. Aortic valve repair is performed in specific situations. In congenital aortic insufficiency, we perform the suspention of the prolapsed leaflets in the comissures. In rheumatic aortic insufficiency, when we found leaflet retraction, we elongate the leaflets with bovine pericardial patchs. Our experience of aortic valve repair, between 1980 and 2000, consists of a small group of 39 patients. The results are satisfactory, but these techniques are feasible only in selected cases. Tricuspid insufficiency is generally a consequence of annular enlargement in patients with mitral valve disease and we prefer the De Vega annuloplasty in these cases. In cases with large annulus dilatation, we prefer to use the "Revuelta" or the "bicuspidization" techniques. In patients with previous tricuspid repair and annulus distortion, we prefer to use bovine pericardial sling or Carpentier ring annuloplasty.  相似文献   

S?o Paulo is the first Brazilian state to perform liver transplantation in 1968. Since then the recipient waiting list has increased; now approximately 150 new cases per month are referred to the single list at the central organ procurement organization. Official data have shown 37.3 monthly deaths on the waiting list in the state of S?o Paulo. The number of liver transplants has increased after the creation of S?o Paulo transplant notification centers but are insufficient to deal with the increasing waiting list. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the performance of our state liver transplantation program and analyze when the number of liver transplantations will meet our waiting list demand.  相似文献   

Recent advances in optical techniques have created a great range of possibilities for diagnosis and therapeutics in liver related diseases. With the uses of efficient light sources like lasers and LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes) it is possible to employ the light-tissue interaction to promote hepatic tissue regeneration after partial hepatectomy, to detect hepatocarcinoma and steatosis by utilizing optical fluorescence, to evaluate the metabolism of the liver during hepatic transplantation as well as to treat liver tumors. We present here an overview of the technique presently in development at the Ribeirao Preto Faculty of Medicine-USP in cooperation with the Physics Institute of S?o Carlos-USP. The results obtained so far have been the subject of a list of publications and are here presented as an overview. A new perspective for modern application of optical techniques in different medical practices related to the liver is presented.  相似文献   

The treatment of end-stage liver disease includes transplantation as a life-saving procedure although it has serious complications of hepatic artery thrombosis, liver dysfunction, or primary nonfunction, which frequently lead to the need for retransplantation. According to various reports, the incidence of retransplantation is around 10%. Given the critical organ shortage, the chance for a second transplant remains a controversial discussion in medical, ethical, and economic grounds because patient and graft survival rates after retransplantation are lower than those for primary transplantations. We retrospectively reviewed all of the urgent liver retransplants from October 2001 to February 2005 (52 months) by analyzing the number of retransplants, blood group, time between first and second liver transplantation, age, sex, and mortality. Data were obtained from the Transplantation System, State of Sao Paulo Health Secretariat. Among 1252 liver transplants performed during this period, 98 (7.82%) were urgent retransplantations. The primary procedure employed 955 (76.28%) deceased donors and 297 (23.72%) living donors. All 98 retransplants were performed using an organ from the pool of deceased donors. The retransplant rate was acceptable according to the literature, although we observed high rates of early mortality (<60 days), leading to a discussion of which patients had a better chance of survival and the best time to perform the second transplantation to use this scarce and precious resource in the best possible way.  相似文献   

This article describes the achievements of the Structural Molecular Biology Network (SMolBNet), a collaborative program of structural molecular biology, centered in the State of S?o Paulo, Brazil, and supported by S?o Paulo State Funding Agency (FAPESP). It gathers twenty scientific groups and is coordinated by the scientific staff of the Center of Structural Molecular Biology, at the National Laboratory of Synchrotron Light (LNLS), in Campinas. The SMolBNet program has been aimed at 1) solving the structure of proteins of interest related to the research projects of the groups. In some cases, the choice has been to select proteins of unknown function or of possible novel structure obtained from the sequenced genomes of the FAPESP genomic program; 2) providing the groups with training in all the steps of the protein structure determination: gene cloning, protein expression, protein purification, protein crystallization and structure determination. Having begun in 2001, the program has been successful in both aims. Here, four groups reveal their participation in the program and describe the structural aspects of the proteins they have selected to study.  相似文献   

Indicators, for groundwater resources, have mostly been employed to define the present status and the degradation tendency, regarding both quantity (under- or overexploitation) and quality (natural and anthropic contamination). This work presents the application of indicators in order to draw a picture of the groundwater resources situation in the 22 Water Resource Management Units (WRMU) of the State of S?o Paulo. The seven Indicators (I1 to I7) applied provide a general overview of groundwater dependence (I1, I2), availability (I3, I4), and quality (I5, I6, I7). Considering public supply (Indicator 1), one observes that 9 WRMUs show high (>50% of the population supplied by groundwater), 6, intermediate (49-25%), and 7, low (<24%) dependence on groundwater. Indicators 3 and 4 show that the resource still presents a great potential for further abstractions in most of the WRMUs, although there is evidence of overexploitation in the Upper Tietê, Turvo/Grande, and Pardo basins, and low availability in the Upper Tietê, Piracicaba/Capivari/Jundiai, and Turvo/Grande. Indicator 5 (aquifer natural vulnerability) denotes that the WRMUs 2, 4, 8, 13, 14 and 18-22 (part of the recharge area of Guarani Aquifer System) need more attention mainly where large contaminant loads are present. Indicator 6 shows the general excellent natural quality of groundwater, although it also denotes that 3 WRMUs need special consideration due to chromium and fluoride contamination. Indicator 7 demonstrates a close relationship between groundwater contamination occurrence and density/type of land occupation.  相似文献   

Introductionthe present study aims to evaluate the association between nocturia and falls in a group of community-living elderly men in the city of São Paulo (Brazil).Material and methodsunder the coordination of the Pan American Health Organization and World Health Organization, a multicenter study named Health, Welfare and Aging (SABE Study) is being conducted to evaluate the living and health conditions of older people in Latin America and Caribbean. In Brazil, this study is evaluating the elderly population (60 years or more) in São Paulo since 2000. The presence of nocturia was taken as the response “yes” to the question “Do you need to void three times or more at night?” .The presence of falls was also taken as the response “yes” to the question “Did you have any fall during the last 12 months?” The intergroup analysis used was the logistic regression.Resultstotal of 865 men was interviewed, mean age 68 years. It was observed high prevalence of nocturia and falls in all groups, with higher prevalence of both in the eldest group (p < 0.001), however, the association of nocturia and falls was not statistically significant in any of the groups (p = 0.45).Conclusionthis is one of the pioneering studies that assess only the male population, showing that nocturia was not significantly associated with falls. Nocturia and falls are highly prevalent conditions in the elderly, but no association was found between both, so that these variables may be correlated to age and other clinical conditions.  相似文献   

《Transplantation proceedings》2022,54(5):1221-1223
The COVID-19 pandemic has affected donation and transplantation activities in São Paulo, Brazil, as well as the patients receiving these organs. In this study, information from the database of the São Paulo Organ Allocation System was analyzed and compared 2 periods—before the pandemic and during the pandemic—to identify this effect. The COVID-19 pandemic interfered in the mortality rate and the time on the waiting list for heart, liver, pancreas, lung, and kidney transplants; the number of effective donors; and the use or disposal of available organs from deceased donors. It also reduced the transplant activity with living donors. Regarding the activity of eye tissue transplantation, the time on the waiting list increased and the number of transplant procedures decreased. The kidney transplant program was the most affected in our study. There was an increase in waiting time and mortality in the waiting list for this organ and also a decrease in kidney utilization rates.  相似文献   

The regional dialects or regiolects of the Rufous-collared Sparrow Zonotrichia capensis were compared between Campinas (47 degrees 06'W-22 degrees 90'S) and Botucatu (48 degrees 44'W-22 degrees 88'S), S?o Paulo State, Southeastern Brazil. Songs of 88 individuals from thirteen localities were recorded. Sonograms showed that two areas presented more homogeneous songs, forming two regiolects. In 11 localities most individuals shared the same song type. At the other two localities, they sang up to 5 different song types. This occurs at the boundaries of the regiolects, and was also where individuals singing more than one song type were found. Similarities between song types were not related to geographic distance between the respective singers. A comparative analysis showed similarities in these regiolects with song of populations from Northeastern Brazil.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Phenotypic and functional reconstitution of T cells after peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (PBSCT) and its influence on posttransplant immune status is important in terms of immune surveillance and relapse of original cancer. We investigated the relationship between the dominant immune reconstitution pathway and the immune surveillance. We also tested the cytokine bias acquired by T cells after transplantation and its possible influence on relapse of original malignancy. METHODS: Immunophenotyping of na?ve and memory T cells was performed by flow cytometry on patients who underwent PBSCT for various cancers. Cytokine production by peripheral memory helper (CD4) and cytotoxic (CD8) T cells was investigated at various pretransplant and posttransplant time points with fluorescein isothiocyanate-based intracellular cytokine assay after short-term in vitro mitogenic stimulation (phorbol myristate acetate + ionomycin). Data on T-cell subsets and polarized cytokines gamma-interferon (Ifn) and interleukin 4 produced by memory T cells were compared with that of healthy controls. RESULTS: The reconstitution of na?ve T cells and gamma-Ifn-producing memory cells was significantly lower in patients who experienced relapse of original cancer within 1 year of PBSCT compared to those who showed no signs of relapse even after 2 years and compared to normal subjects. The results indicate that efficient reconstitution of na?ve T cells and type 1 function of memory T cells are important in maintaining T-cell repertoire diversity after PBSCT. It also confers appropriate levels of immune surveillance against diverse neoantigens that evolve from residual tumor burden. The data reveal that chemotherapy-induced thymic injuries may impair regeneration of na?ve cells that result in a naivopenic state in a susceptible host. CONCLUSIONS: The study highlights the importance of na?ve T-cell reconstitution and points towards cell replacement strategies for improving immune surveillance after PBSCT.  相似文献   

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