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目的 了解北京市就餐者对餐馆不同禁烟规定的态度.方法 于2007年以方便抽样的方式对北京市朝阳区两家餐馆(一家为完全禁烟规定,另一家为部分禁烟规定)的就餐者在进餐前进行问卷调查.结果 共有效调查就餐者213人,其中男性93人,女性118人.非吸烟者对"烟草危害健康"正确回答率高于吸烟者(P<0.05).73.7%的就餐者认为"寻找有禁烟规定的餐馆就餐有困难",非吸烟者在寻找有禁烟规定的餐馆就餐时所遇到的困难大于吸烟者(P<0.05).餐馆禁烟会影响吸烟者与非吸烟者对餐馆的选择,差别有统计学意义(X2=22.12,P<0.05),实施餐馆禁烟规定会使非吸烟者增加去禁烟餐馆就餐的次数.完全禁烟餐馆的就餐者认为该餐馆实施"非常好"的比例高于部分禁烟餐馆(X2=20.03,P<0.05).结论 就餐者普遍支持餐馆禁烟规定.卫生部门应该进一步加强烟草危害健康相关知识的宣传力度.  相似文献   

北京市公共场所成人被动吸烟及其危害认知情况   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
目的 了解北京市公共场所成人被动吸烟情况及其对烟草危害的认知和态度.方法 采用面对面问卷调查形式,拦截调查4类29个公共场所18岁及以上成人被动吸烟及相关情况.结果 被访者现在吸烟率29.2%,男性(53.0%)高于女性(6.0%),差别有统计学意义(P<0.05),60岁~组(32.9%)低于其他年龄组人群(P<0.05),大专及以上学历者(30.0%)低于其他学历人群(P<0.05).被动吸烟率39.0%,40岁~组(46.8%)高于其他年龄组人群(P<0.05),不同性别和学历人群的被动吸烟率差别无统计学意义(P>0.05).被动吸烟危害健康、被动吸烟的人更易得心脏病、吸烟者的妻子更易得肺癌、子女更易得哮喘或呼吸道疾病的知晓率分别为92.7%,71.9%,74.9~6和84.4%,各知晓率在不同性别、学历人群间的差别均有统计学意义(P<0.05),女性好于男性,高学历人群好于低学历人群.学校、医院、公共交通工具、办公室、餐厅和酒吧全面禁烟的支持率分别为90.7%,87.0%,86.9%,71.8%,47.2%和35.5%,吸烟者对各类公共场所全面禁烟的支持程度均低于非吸烟者(P<0.05).室内娱乐场所全面禁烟只占19.9%.结论 北京市公共场所禁烟现状不容乐观,被动吸烟现象严重,需加强法律建设,加大被动吸烟危害的宣传力度,减少公共场所被动吸烟现象.  相似文献   

目的了解吉林省长春市城区居民对烟草危害的认知及对公共场所禁烟态度,为开展针对性控烟工作提供依据。方法采用多阶段整群抽样法,抽取长春市城区2 233户家庭,从每户家庭中随机抽取1名成员进行个人问卷调查,共访谈2 213人。结果长春市居民对吸烟导致肺癌、心肌梗塞、中风、阴茎勃起障碍及所有4种疾病的知晓率分别为91.4%、62.9%、48.8%、22.6%、17.1%,高学历者吸烟导致疾病知晓率高于低学历者,除中风外,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.001);二手烟暴露导致成人心脏病、成人肺部疾病、儿童肺部疾病的知晓率分别为61.0%、83.8%、75.4%,不同教育程度知晓率差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);34.7%的居民认为淡味、温和及低焦油卷烟的危害同普通卷烟差不多;居民对餐馆、酒吧禁烟的支持率分别为76.2%、57.5%,对工作场所、餐馆、酒吧、出租车禁烟的支持率非吸烟者高于吸烟者,女性高于男性,差异均有统计学意义。结论长春市居民对烟草危害的认知及控烟支持率均高于2010年全国水平,但对吸烟及二手烟危害的认识仍不全面,需加强宣传,对餐馆及酒吧禁烟支持率有待提高。  相似文献   

目的了解上海市顾客在餐厅吸烟与被动吸烟情况,调查顾客对餐厅禁烟立法的态度,分析实施餐厅禁烟政策对顾客就餐行为的可能影响。方法采取分层随机抽样方法,对上海市黄浦区5类餐厅(大型中餐厅、中小型中餐厅、休闲西餐厅、快餐厅和咖啡厅/酒吧),每类餐厅随机抽取20家餐厅进行调查,共计100家餐厅的961名顾客参加问卷调查(包括30.5%的吸烟者)。结果 72.7%的吸烟者曾在餐厅吸烟;90.7%的非吸烟顾客在餐厅就餐时遭受过被动吸烟。在遭受被动吸烟时,41.0%的顾客选择默认接受;55.8%的非吸烟者会有意识选择无烟座位;仅有11.4%的顾客对《上海市公共场所控制吸烟条例(草案)》非常了解;66.0%的顾客赞同上海市所有餐厅禁止吸烟,39.4%的调查对象表示餐厅禁烟立法实施后会提高外出就餐意愿。结论上海市餐厅顾客的吸烟与被动吸烟情况比较严重,吸烟行为很少受到劝阻,大部分顾客对《上海市公共场所控制吸烟条例(草案)》了解不够,但普遍支持餐厅禁烟立法。立法后顾客外出就餐意愿总体上增加。  相似文献   

目的了解武汉市餐馆/酒吧顾客吸烟现状以及对吸烟的危害和控烟政策的态度。方法在武汉市城区选取2个餐馆/酒吧较为集中的区,每个区随机抽取40家餐馆/酒吧进行调查。采取拦截问卷调查的方式,对每个餐馆/酒吧的顾客进行调查,最终参加问卷调查的共计65个餐馆和15个酒吧的496名顾客。结果居民现在吸烟率为39.3%,男性吸烟率为61.1%,显著高于女性吸烟率为7.0%。支持在公共场所全部禁烟的比例由高到低分别为:学校(85.5%),医院(85.3%),公共交通工具(82.9%),办公室(55.6%),餐馆(28.6%),酒吧(21%)。结论武汉市公共场所禁烟现状不容乐观,加大吸烟和被动吸烟危害的宣传教育,营造全面无烟环境的氛围。  相似文献   

目的了解浙江省杭州城市居民对杭州市室内公共场所禁烟的态度及知晓率,为更好地宣传和执行控烟条例、开展控烟工作提供参考和依据。方法 2014年3—6月采用多阶段分层整群随机抽样,对杭州市5个主城区的2 029名≥15岁成人进行入户面对面调查,调查内容为中国城市成人烟草调查(TQS)问卷。采用杭州市2010年全国第6次人口普查资料对数据进行加权分析。结果 98.3%的人认为应在中小学室内禁止吸烟,其后依次为医院98.2%,大学95.6%,工作场所92.4%,餐馆85.3%;室内禁烟支持率最低的场所是酒吧/夜总会,为47.4%。公众对当前各类场所禁烟规定知晓率不高。72.2%的人报告了解出租车内禁烟规定,其次是中小学校41.1%,医院40.9%,大学28.6%,工作场所21.5%,餐馆16.1%;酒吧/夜总会禁烟规定知晓率最低,仅7.3%。吸烟者对各类场所的禁烟规定知晓率高于非吸烟者。结论尽管大多数杭州城市成人支持各类公共场所室内禁烟,但对公共场所禁烟规定的知晓率较低,相关部门需采取更多针对性的宣传教育措施以提高控烟条例的知晓率、保证条例的执行效果。  相似文献   

目的了解北京市中式餐馆室内控烟管理规定遵守情况,为评估《北京市控制吸烟条例》实施后餐馆控烟效果提供基线数据。方法 2014年11—12月该研究采用分层多阶段抽样的方法抽取320家中式餐馆,调查员以顾客身份对其中314家餐馆的控烟环境、吸烟现象、服务员烟草相关知识态度行为进行暗访观察和询问。使用SPSS 12.0软件进行构成比、χ2检验等统计分析。结果 314家餐馆中,83家(26.4%)餐馆执行控烟管理规定在室内划定了吸烟区或者规定室内全面禁烟;占观察总数的26.4%;全面禁烟餐馆69家(22.0%);部分禁烟餐馆14家(4.4%);未禁烟餐馆231家(73.6%)。35家(11.1%)在入口处设置了禁烟标识/提示,128家(40.8%)在餐厅大堂设置了禁烟标识/提示。152家餐馆大堂或卫生间出现吸烟现象,占观察总数的48.4%。全面禁烟餐馆在禁烟标识张贴、大堂吸烟现象发生率、服务员烟草相关知识知晓率等方面均好于未禁烟餐馆,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论调查期间北京市中式餐馆执行控烟管理规定的比例较低,禁烟标识张贴不充足,禁烟环境营造不够。餐馆室内吸烟现象比例较高,实行全面禁烟餐馆的控烟效果好于无禁烟规定的餐馆。  相似文献   

北京市居民对公共场所实施禁烟规定的态度研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的了解北京市居民对公共场所实施禁烟规定的态度。方法以方便抽样的方法对北京市朝阳区两个社区的居民进行问卷调查。结果本次共调查居民536人,其中男性254人,女性271人。居民对不同公共场所的禁烟态度不同,“全部禁烟”支持率在医院为86.6%、学校为87.7%、酒吧为31.9%、餐馆为44.0%、商场为78.5%、影剧院为82.5%、体育馆为78.0%、候车室为67.7%、公共交通工具为83.0%。对“禁止烟草广告”持赞成态度的人占61.7%,不赞成的人占19.8%。支持“就餐场所禁烟”的人占68.1%,不赞成的人占20.9%。餐馆禁烟会影响吸烟者与非吸烟者对餐馆的选择(X^2=9.99,P〈0.05)。“知道北京奥运期间公共场所禁烟规定”的人占53.7%。结论北京市居民对不同公共场所的禁烟态度不同,可以看出公共场所实施禁烟规定有一定的难度,尤其在酒吧、餐馆等场所实施禁烟规定更加困难,同时应该进一步加强奥运期间公共场所禁止吸烟的宣传力度。  相似文献   

目的了解上海市餐厅服务人员的被动吸烟现状、对餐厅禁烟立法的态度和对餐厅实施禁烟政策后经营状况的预测,为本市餐厅禁烟立法提供参考依据。方法采用分层随机抽样方法,在上海市黄浦区抽样5类〔大型中餐厅、中小型中餐厅、休闲西餐厅、快餐厅及咖啡厅(酒吧)〕共100家餐厅的981名服务人员进行一对一问卷调查。结果67.1%的餐厅服务人员在工作场所有被动吸烟情况,平均每天被动吸烟时间为3.4±2.6小时,其中酒吧最为严重,普遍实施禁烟规定的快餐厅相对较好,31.7%的人员会在顾客吸烟时主动予以劝阻;74.1%的被调查者支持通过立法在上海所有餐厅完全禁烟;61.6%的被调查者认为餐厅实施禁烟不会对经营情况产生负面影响。结论上海市中餐厅、咖啡厅(酒吧)服务人员的被动吸烟情况比较严重,餐厅禁烟立法普遍获得员工的认同。今后需要对餐饮业员工加强吸烟危害的认知并提高法律意识。  相似文献   

目的了解北京市中式餐馆控烟措施及烟草烟雾暴露情况,为评估《北京市控制吸烟条例》实施后餐馆控烟效果提供基线数据。方法采用分层多阶段抽样的方法,以顾客身份用自行设计的调查表对75家餐馆的控烟环境、吸烟现象进行暗访观察;使用国际上通用的Side Pak AM510个人型气溶胶监测仪对各监测点的细颗粒物(PM2.5)浓度进行监测。使用SPSS 12.0软件进行构成比、χ2检验等统计分析。结果 75家餐馆中,全面禁烟餐馆15家(20.0%);部分禁烟餐馆2家(2.7%);未禁烟餐馆58家(77.3%)。12家(16.0%)在入口处设置了禁烟标识/提示,43家(57.3%)在餐厅大堂设置了禁烟标识/提示。45家餐馆大堂或卫生间出现吸烟现象,占观察总数的60.0%。全面禁烟餐馆的禁烟标识张贴情况好于未禁烟餐馆,差异具有统计学意义(P0.01)。35家餐馆PM2.5值异常,占46.7%;全面禁烟餐馆室内PM2.5值异常的比例低于未禁烟餐馆,差异具有统计学意义(P0.05)。结论目前北京市中式餐馆中已经有一定比例的餐馆主动实行禁烟措施,但禁烟标识张贴不充足,禁烟环境营造不够。餐馆室内吸烟现象比例仍较高,但实行全面禁烟餐馆的控烟效果好于无禁烟规定的餐馆。  相似文献   

Despite the great progress made towards smoke-free environments, only 9% of countries worldwide mandate smoke-free restaurants and bars. Smoking was generally not regulated in restaurants and bars in China before 2008. This study was designed to examine the public attitudes towards banning smoking in these places in China. A convenience sample of 814 restaurants and bars was selected in five Chinese cities and all owners of these venues were interviewed in person by questionnaire in 2007. Eighty six percent of current nonsmoking subjects had at least one-day exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS) at work in the past week. Only 51% of subjects knew SHS could cause heart disease. Only 17% and 11% of subjects supported prohibiting smoking completely in restaurants and in bars, respectively, while their support for restricting smoking to designated areas was much higher. Fifty three percent of subjects were willing to prohibit or restrict smoking in their own venues. Of those unwilling to do so, 82% thought smoking bans would reduce revenue, and 63% thought indoor air quality depended on ventilation rather than smoking bans. These results showed that there was support for smoking bans among restaurant or bar owners in China despite some knowledge gaps. To facilitate smoking bans in restaurants and bars, it is important to promote health education on specific hazards of SHS, provide country-specific evidence on smoking bans and hospitality revenues, and disseminate information that restricting smoking and ventilation alone cannot eliminate SHS hazards.  相似文献   



In 2006, the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control became effective in mainland China. In 2007, advocacy on voluntary smoking bans in restaurants was initiated in Beijing, and in 2008 the Beijing government implemented a smoking regulation, requiring big restaurants to prohibit or restrict smoking.


To evaluate the efficacy of different smoking policies adopted by Beijing restaurants and bars from 2006 to 2010.


The study conducted field observations of patron smoking behavior and monitored fine particulate matter from secondhand smoke (SHS PM) from 91, 85, 94 and 79 Beijing restaurants and bars in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2010, respectively, during peak-patronage times, with overlaps of venues during each two years. Area nicotine sampling during peak patronage times and servers’ personal nicotine sampling during their working shifts were also conducted in 2010.


Smoking was nominally prohibited or restricted in 18% of restaurants and bars monitored in 2006, in 11% of venues in 2007, in 83% of venues in 2008, and in 69% of venues in 2010. However, smoking was observed in more than 40% of the nominal nonsmoking venues/sections in 2008 and 2010. The median of observed patron active smoker density (ASD) was 0.24, 0.27, 0.00 and 0.10 active smokers per 100 m3 in 2006, 2007, 2008 and 2010, respectively. The median of SHS PM concentrations was 53, 83, 18 and 27 μg/m3, respectively. In 2010, both the median SHS PM and air nicotine concentrations in designated nonsmoking sections were about 40% of those in designated smoking sections, according to simultaneous sampling in both sections. Servers’ personal exposure to air nicotine was quite similar in venues with different nominal smoking policies. In the 15 venues followed from 2006 to 2010, SHS PM concentrations changed randomly from 2006 to 2007, decreased in most venues in 2008, and then increased to some extent in 2010.


Voluntary smoking policy is rarely adopted and cannot protect people from SHS exposure in restaurants and bars. The 2008 Beijing governmental smoking regulation failed to significantly reduce SHS exposure shortly or two years after its implementation. Restricting smoking to designated sections cannot eliminate SHS exposure.  相似文献   

Secondhand smoke (SHS) contains more than 50 carcinogens. SHS exposure is responsible for an estimated 3,000 lung cancer deaths and more than 35,000 coronary heart disease deaths among never smokers in the United States each year, and for lower respiratory infections, asthma, sudden infant death syndrome, and chronic ear infections among children. Even short-term exposures to SHS, such as those that might be experienced by a patron in a restaurant or bar that allows smoking, can increase the risk of experiencing an acute cardiovascular event. Although population-based data indicate declining SHS exposure in the United States over time, SHS exposure remains a common but preventable public health hazard. Policies requiring smoke-free environments are the most effective method of reducing SHS exposure. Effective July 24, 2003, New York implemented a comprehensive state law requiring almost all indoor workplaces and public places (e.g., restaurants, bars, and other hospitality venues) to be smoke-free. This report describes an assessment of changes in indoor air quality that occurred in 20 hospitality venues in western New York where smoking or indirect SHS exposure from an adjoining room was observed at baseline. The findings indicate that, on average, levels of respirable suspended particles (RSPs), an accepted marker for SHS levels, decreased 84% in these venues after the law took effect. Comprehensive clean indoor air policies can rapidly and effectively reduce SHS exposure in hospitality venues.  相似文献   

dSecondhand smoke (SHS) causes premature disease and death in nonsmokers, including heart disease and lung cancer. The Surgeon General has concluded that no risk-free level of SHS exposure exists; the only way to fully protect nonsmokers is to completely eliminate smoking in indoor spaces. Studies have determined that levels of airborne particulate matter in restaurants, bars, and other hospitality venues and levels of SHS exposure among nonsmoking hospitality employees decrease substantially and rapidly after implementation of laws that prohibit smoking in indoor workplaces and public places. To assess changes in indoor SHS exposure in a general population, the New York State Department of Health analyzed data on observations of indoor smoking by respondents to the New York Adult Tobacco Survey (NYATS) and measured levels of cotinine in saliva among nonsmoking NYATS respondents before and after implementation of the 2003 New York state ban on smoking in indoor workplaces and public places. This report describes the results of that analysis, which determined that reports of indoor smoking among restaurant and bar patrons decreased significantly after the law took effect; moreover, saliva cotinine levels in nonsmoking NYATS participants decreased by 47.4% over the same period. These findings suggest that comprehensive smoking bans can reduce SHS exposure among nonsmokers.  相似文献   

ObjectiveWhile there is increasing support for restricting smoking in restaurant and bar patios, there is limited evidence on the effectiveness of this policy. This study examined the effect of smoke-free patio policy of restaurants and bars on adult second-hand smoke (SHS) exposure.MethodsData were drawn from the 2005–2012 Canadian Tobacco Use Monitoring Survey (n = 89,743), a repeated cross-sectional survey of youth and adult. Regression analysis, a quasi-experimental design was used to examine the effect of provincial smoke-free patio policy on self-reported exposure to SHS.ResultsAnalyses suggest that exposure to SHS on patios of bars and restaurants declined following the adoption of provincial smoke-free patio policy. Relative to pre-policy SHS exposure, regression results showed a reduction in the probability of SHS exposure of up to 25% in Alberta. Similarly, in Nova Scotia, the probability of SHS exposure declined by up to 21%. Analyses stratified by smoking status found similar significant effect on both smokers and non-smokers.ConclusionsFindings suggest that provincial patio smoking ban on bars and restaurants had the intended effect of protecting non-smokers from SHS exposure. This study is consistent with a large body of evidence showing that a strong smoke-free legislation is an effective public health measure.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate possible effects of a total smoke-ban in Norwegian bars and restaurants (introduced on June 1st 2004) on employees' job satisfaction. A national representative sample was randomly selected from the public registry of all companies in the hospitality business. A baseline survey was conducted in May 2004, follow-up measurements were performed in September/October 2004 and May 2005. Altogether, 1525 employees agreed to participate in the baseline survey. Among respondents at baseline, 894 (59.4%) remained in the sample at the first follow-up and 758 (49.7%) at the second follow-up. Analysis of variance for repeated measures revealed a significant three-way interaction between personal smoking behaviour, attitudes towards the ban before it was enacted and time from baseline to the second follow-up. A small decline in job satisfaction was found between baseline and the first follow-up among employees who were daily smokers and had a negative attitude towards the ban. There was, however, an increase in job satisfaction between the first and second follow-up among the others (non-smokers and smokers with a positive attitude towards the ban). While job satisfaction was higher among smokers with negative attitudes towards the ban than among other employees before the ban entered into force, the opposite was the case one year later. The work environments in bars and restaurants seem to have changed towards being more satisfactory for non-smokers and smokers with positive attitudes towards the ban before it was enacted. In contrast, a small but persisting worsening of job satisfaction was found among employees that were daily smokers and had a negative attitude towards the ban.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: "Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS) exposure in a sample of European cities" is the first European multicentre project intended to measure ETS exposure in public places in a number of European cities. OBJECTIVES: To present results of measurements of nicotine concentration in a number of bars, restaurants and discotheques in Florence, Italy. METHODS: The ETS marker was vapour-phase nicotine sampled by passive monitors. At least two monitors were placed in each of seven bars (five in hospitals; one at an airport; one at a railway station), and seven restaurants (three with smoking and non-smoking sections), and left in place for several days. In each of four discotheques two nicotine passive monitors were used as personal samplers. RESULTS: The average nicotine concentration in discotheques, restaurants and bars was respectively 26.78 micro/m3, 2.32 microg/m3 and 0.83 microg/m3. In the smoking section of restaurants with separated areas for smokers and non-smokers the average nicotine concentration was 2.54 microg/m3, which was similar to that measured in non-smoking sections (2.14 microg/m3).  相似文献   



Air nicotine monitoring is an established method of measuring exposure to second hand smoke (SHS). Not much research has been done in India to measure air nicotine for the purpose of studying exposure to SHS. It is a risk factor and many diseases are known to occur among non smokers if they are exposed to second hand smoke.


To conduct monitoring of air nicotine for second hand smoke exposure in public places across major cities in India.

Materials and Methods:

A cross sectional survey was conducted across four cities across the country, using passive air monitoring. The buildings included hospitals, secondary schools, Governmental offices, bars and restaurants. The buildings were selected through convenience sampling method keeping in view specific sentinel locations of interest.


The presence of air nicotine was recorded in most of the buildings under the study, which included government buildings, hospitals, schools, restaurants and entertainment venues (bars) in all four cities under the study. The highest median levels of air nicotine were found in entertainment venues and restaurants in cities.


The presence of air nicotine in indoor public places indicates weak implementation of existing smoke free law in India. The findings of this study provide a baseline characterization of exposure to SHS in public places in India, which could be used to promote clean indoor air policies and programs and monitor and evaluate the progress and future smoke-free initiatives in India.  相似文献   



To investigate public compliance with legislation to prohibit smoking within public buildings and the extent of tobacco smoking in outdoor areas in Turkey.


Using a standardized observation protocol, we determined whether smoking occurred and whether ashtrays, cigarette butts and/or no-smoking signs were present in a random selection of 884 public venues in 12 cities in Turkey. We visited indoor and outdoor locations in bars/nightclubs, cafes, government buildings, hospitals, restaurants, schools, shopping malls, traditional coffee houses and universities. We used logistic regression models to determine the association between the presence of ashtrays or the absence of no-smoking signs and the presence of individuals smoking or cigarette butts.


Most venues had no-smoking signs (629/884). We observed at least one person smoking in 145 venues, most frequently observed in bars/nightclubs (63/79), hospital dining areas (18/79), traditional coffee houses (27/120) and government-building dining areas (5/23). For 538 venues, we observed outdoor smoking close to public buildings. The presence of ashtrays was positively associated with indoor smoking and cigarette butts, adjusted odds ratio, aOR: 315.9; 95% confidence interval, CI: 174.9–570.8 and aOR: 165.4; 95% CI: 98.0–279.1, respectively. No-smoking signs were negatively associated with the presence of cigarette butts, aOR: 0.5; 95% CI: 0.3–0.8.


Additional efforts are needed to improve the implementation of legislation prohibiting smoking in indoor public areas in Turkey, especially in areas in which we frequently observed people smoking. Possible interventions include removing all ashtrays from public places and increasing the number of no-smoking signs.  相似文献   

Exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS) is a major threat to public health. Asian countries having the highest smoking prevalence are seriously affected by SHS. The objective of the study was to measure SHS levels in hospitality venues in seven Asian countries and to compare the SHS exposure to the levels in Western countries. The study was carried out in four types of related hospitality venues (restaurant, café, bar/club and entertainment) in China, India, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, Pakistan and Sri Lanka. Real-time measurement of particulate matter of <2.5 μm aerodynamic diameter (PM2.5) was made during business hour using a handheld laser operated monitor. A total of 168 venues were measured in seven countries. The average indoor PM2.5 level was 137 μg/m3, ranging from 46 μg/m3 in Malaysia to 207 μg/m3 in India. Bar/club had the highest PM2.5 level of 191 μg/m3 and restaurants had the lowest PM2.5 level of 92 μg/m3. The average indoor PM2.5 level in smoking venues was 156 μg/m3, which was 3.6 times higher than non-smoking venues (43 μg/m3). Indoor PM2.5 levels were significantly associated with country, type of venue, smoking density and air exchange rate (p < 0.05). In the seven Asian countries, PM2.5 levels were high due to SHS in public places. The current levels are comparable to the levels in Western countries before the adoption of smoke-free policy. Since Asian country has high prevalence of SHS in public places, there is an urgent need for comprehensive smoke-free regulation in Asian countries.  相似文献   

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