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Homeostasis of the hematopoietic system has its roots in the maintenance of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in the bone marrow (BM). HSCs change both phenotypically and functionally with physiological age. The alterations noted in aged HSCs are thought to be a consequence of both cell-intrinsic and extrinsic changes. We review here the age-related changes that the BM microenvironment exerts on HSCs.  相似文献   

Schaniel C  Sirabella D  Qiu J  Niu X  Lemischka IR  Moore KA 《Blood》2011,118(9):2420-2429
The role of Wnt signaling in hematopoietic stem cell fate decisions remains controversial. We elected to dysregulate Wnt signaling from the perspective of the stem cell niche by expressing the pan Wnt inhibitor, Wnt inhibitory factor 1 (Wif1), specifically in osteoblasts. Here we report that osteoblastic Wif1 overexpression disrupts stem cell quiescence, leading to a loss of self-renewal potential. Primitive stem and progenitor populations were more proliferative and elevated in bone marrow and spleen, manifesting an impaired ability to maintain a self-renewing stem cell pool. Exhaustion of the stem cell pool was apparent only in the context of systemic stress by chemotherapy or transplantation of wild-type stem cells into irradiated Wif1 hosts. Paradoxically this is mediated, at least in part, by an autocrine induction of canonical Wnt signaling in stem cells on sequestration of Wnts in the environment. Additional signaling pathways are dysregulated in this model, primarily activated Sonic Hedgehog signaling in stem cells as a result of Wif1-induced osteoblastic expression of Sonic Hedgehog. We find that dysregulation of the stem cell niche by overexpression of an individual component impacts other unanticipated regulatory pathways in a combinatorial manner, ultimately disrupting niche mediated stem cell fate decisions.  相似文献   

Regulation of hematopoietic stem cells by the niche   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
The quiescent state in the cell cycle is thought to be indispensable for the maintenance of hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). Interaction of HSCs with their particular microenvironments, known as niches, is critical for maintaining the stem cell properties of HSCs, including cell adhesion, survival, and cell division. Hematopoietic stem cells balance quiescence and cell division in the stem cell niche and also maintain the potential for long-term hematopoiesis. We have recently reported that HSCs expressing the receptor tyrosine kinase Tie2 are in the G0 phase and anti-apoptotic, and comprise a side-population (SP) of HSCs, which contacts osteoblasts (OBs), the source of the angiopoietin-1 (Ang-1) ligand for Tie2 in the bone marrow (BM) niche. Tie2/Ang-1 signaling occurs in interactions between HSCs and niche cells. The interaction of Tie2 with Ang-1 in vitro induces tight adhesion of HSCs to stromal cells and is sufficient to maintain the long-term blood-repopulating (LTR) activity of HSCs in vivo by preventing cell division. In addition, Ang-1 enhances the ability of HSCs to become quiescent and induces their adhesion to the bone surface in vivo, resulting in protection of the HSC compartment from stresses suppressing hematopoiesis. These data suggest that the Tie2/Ang-1 signaling pathway plays a critical role in the maintenance of HSCs in the adult BM niche. Ang-1 produced by OBs activates Tie2 on HSCs and promotes tight adhesion of HSCs to the niche, resulting in quiescence and enhanced survival of HSCs.  相似文献   

Umbilical cord blood transplantation (UCBT) in adults is limited by the small number of primitive hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) in each graft, resulting in delayed engraftment post transplant, and both short- and long-term infectious complications. Initial efforts to expand UCB progenitors ex vivo have resulted in expansion of mature rather than immature HSC, confounded by the inability to accurately and reliably measure long-term reconstituting cells. Ex vivo expansion of UCB HSC has failed to improve engraftment because of resulting defects that promote apoptosis, disrupt marrow homing and initiate cell cycling. Here we discuss the future of ex vivo expansion, which we suggest will include the isolation of immature hematopoietic progenitors on the basis of function rather than surface phenotype and will employ both cytokines and stroma to maintain and expand the stem cell niche. We suggest that ex vivo expansion could be enhanced by manipulating newly discovered signaling pathways (Notch, Wnt, bone morphogenetic protein 4 and Tie2/angiopoietin-1) and intracellular mediators (phosphatase and tensin homolog and glycogen synthase kinase-3) in a manner that promotes HSC expansion with less differentiation. Improved methods for ex vivo expansion will make UCBT available to more patients, decrease engraftment times and allow more rapid immune reconstitution post transplant.  相似文献   

Mobilization is now used worldwide to collect large numbers of hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HSPCs) for transplantation. Although the first mobilizing agents were discovered largely by accident, discovery of more efficient mobilizing agents will require a better understanding of the molecular mechanisms responsible. During the past 5 years, a number of mechanisms have been identified, shedding new light on the dynamics of the hematopoietic system in vivo and on the intricate relationship between hematopoiesis, innate immunity, and bone. After briefly reviewing the mechanisms by which circulating HSPCs home into the bone marrow and what keeps them there, the current knowledge of mechanisms responsible for HSPC mobilization in response to hematopoietic growth factors such as granulocyte colony-stimulating factor, chemotherapy, chemokines, and polyanions will be discussed together with current strategies developed to further increase HSPC mobilization.  相似文献   

Hematopoiesis is the process leading to the sustained production of blood cells by hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs). Growth, survival, and differentiation of HSCs occur in specialized microenvironments called "hematopoietic niches," through molecular cues that are only partially understood. Here we show that agrin, a proteoglycan involved in the neuromuscular junction, is a critical niche-derived signal that controls survival and proliferation of HSCs. Agrin is expressed by multipotent nonhematopoietic mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) and by differentiated osteoblasts lining the endosteal bone surface, whereas Lin(-)Sca1(+)c-Kit(+) (LSK) cells express the α-dystroglycan receptor for agrin. In vitro, agrin-deficient MSCs were less efficient in supporting proliferation of mouse Lin(-)c-Kit(+) cells, suggesting that agrin plays a role in the hematopoietic cell development. These results were indeed confirmed in vivo through the analysis of agrin knockout mice (Musk-L;Agrn(-/-)). Agrin-deficient mice displayed in vivo apoptosis of CD34(+)CD135(-) LSK cells and impaired hematopoiesis, both of which were reverted by an agrin-sufficient stroma. These data unveil a crucial role of agrin in the hematopoietic niches and in the cross-talk between stromal and hematopoietic stem cells.  相似文献   

Adult stem cells provide the basis for regeneration of aging tissue. Their dual ability for self-renewal and multilineage differentiation is controlled by direct interaction with a specific microenvironment -- the so called "stem cell niche". Hematopoietic stem cells (HSC) reside in the bone marrow. It is still under debate if HSC can rejuvenate infinitively or if they do not possess "true" self-renewal and undergo replicative senescence such as any other somatic cell. Furthermore, the question arises to what extent age-related changes in HSC are due to intrinsic factors or regulated by external stimuli. There is growing evidence, that the stem cell niche is most important for the regulation of cellular aging in adult stem cells. It is the stem cell niche that (i) maintains HSC in a quiescent state that reduces DNA damage as well as replicative senescence, (ii) protects from radicals and toxic compounds, (iii) regulates cell intrinsic signal cascades and (iv) modulates gene expression and epigenetic modifications in HSC. Thus, the interplay with the stem cell niche controls HSC function including the aging process of the hematopoiesis.  相似文献   

Bianco P 《Blood》2011,117(20):5281-5288
The revived interest in (hematopoietic) stem cell (HSC) niches has highlighted the role of multiple cellular players found in the bone environment. Initially focused on the role of osteoblasts and sinusoid endothelial cells, the quest for HSC niche cells has recently focused on a unique role for osteoprogenitor cells (skeletal stem cells, mesenchymal stem cells). Strongly validated by observations of HSC dysregulation dictated by the dysregulation of osteoprogenitors, the role of osteoprogenitors in the HSC niche integrates data from different studies into a unified view. As preosteoblastic, periendothelial cells residing at the sinusoid wall, skeletal progenitors reconcile the notions of "osteoblastic" and "sinusoidal" niches with one another. In addition, they bring into focus the cross-regulation of skeletal and hematopoietic physiology as rooted into the interplay of two stem cells (hematopoietic and skeletal) sharing a single niche. As direct regulators of hematopoietic space formation, sinusoid development, and hematopoietic function(s), as well as direct progenitors of positive and negative regulators of HSCs such as osteoblasts and adipocytes, skeletal progenitors have emerged as pivotal organizers of a complex, highly plastic niche. This development seems to represents an evolutionary advance over the deterministic stem cell niches found in archetypal invertebrate systems.  相似文献   

The interaction between stem cells and their supportive microenvironment is critical for their maintenance, function, and survival. Whereas hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are among the best characterized of tissue stem cells, their precise site of residence (referred to as the niche) in the adult bone marrow has not been precisely defined. In this study, we found that a Gata2 promoter directs activity in all HSCs. We show that HSCs can be isolated efficiently from bone marrow cells by following Gata2-directed GFP fluorescence, and that they can also be monitored in vivo. Each individual GFP-positive cell lay in a G0/G1 cell cycle state, in intimate contact with osteoblasts beside the endosteum, at the edge of the bone marrow. We conclude that the HSC niche is composed of solitary cells and that adult bone marrow HSC are not clustered.  相似文献   

Olsen AL  Stachura DL  Weiss MJ 《Blood》2006,107(4):1265-1275
Embryonic stem (ES) cells exhibit the remarkable capacity to become virtually any differentiated tissue upon appropriate manipulation in culture, a property that has been beneficial for studies of hematopoiesis. Until recently, the majority of this work used murine ES cells for basic research to elucidate fundamental properties of blood-cell development and establish methods to derive specific mature lineages. Now, the advent of human ES cells sets the stage for more applied pursuits to generate transplantable cells for treating blood disorders. Current efforts are directed toward adapting in vitro hematopoietic differentiation methods developed for murine ES cells to human lines, identifying the key interspecies differences in biologic properties of ES cells, and generating ES cell-derived hematopoietic stem cells that are competent to repopulate adult hosts. The ultimate medical goal is to create patient-specific and generic ES cell lines that can be expanded in vitro, genetically altered, and differentiated into cell types that can be used to treat hematopoietic diseases.  相似文献   

Several stem cell mobilization strategies have been employed in the past 2 decades, including chemotherapy, hematopoietic growth factors, and chemotherapy plus growth factors. Granulocyte colony-stimulating factor (G-CSF) and granulocyte-macrophage CSF are standard agents approved for peripheral blood stem cell mobilization since the early 1990s. Between 5% and 20% of patients, however, fail to mobilize a sufficient numbers of peripheral blood stem cells in response to G-CSF with or without chemotherapy. Recent advances in defining the basic mechanisms regulating the interactions between hematopoietic stem cells and their marrow niche had led to the discovery that CXCR4 and stromal-cell-derived factor 1α axis play a significant role. Plerixafor, an antagonist of the CXCR4-stromal-cell-derived factor 1α axis has been shown to result in a significant mobilization of hematopoietic stem cells. Numerous clinical trials have demonstrated that the combination of G-CSF and AMD3100 (G+A) resulted in a significant increase in CD34(+) cell yield as compared to the administration of G-CSF alone. In particular, the progenitors mobilized have been shown to comprise a significantly higher proportion of primitive and possibly more potent CD34(+)/CD38(-) subpopulation. Transplantation of PBSC mobilized by G+A administration have led to a rapid and sustained neutrophil and platelet engraftment. Another prospective role of this new class of agents might lie in the mobilization of dormant leukemia stem cells that are well protected by the niche. The future role of CXCR4 antagonists in treatment of hematologic malignancies includes mobilization of hematopoietic stem cells for transplantation and mobilization of leukemia-initiating cells for long-term cure.  相似文献   

It has been generally held that human hematopoietic stem cells are lineage-negative CD34+ CD38?. However, murine hematopoietic stem cells were reported to be CD34?. We have characterized the surface phenotypes of murine hematopoietic stem cells by using a murine transplantation model. Our studies revealed that the majority of the stem cells in normal adult mice are CD34? while a minority (15%–20%) being CD34+. Our studies also revealed that stem cells that are activated by injection of 5-fluorouracil in vivo, exposure to cytokines in vitro, or mobilization by G-CSF are CD34+ and that CD34 expression is reversible. It has been reported that fetal murine hematopoietic stem cells are CD34+. Our studies revealed that stem cells of juvenile mice are CD34+ and that the developmental change from CD34+ to CD34? state takes place between 7 and 10 weeks of age. In adult mice, expression of CD38 by steady-state and activated stem cells was completely reciprocal of CD34 expression. Activated stem cells and the minority population of the stem cells in the normal mice are CD34+ CD38?. In contrast, the majority of stem cells in normal adult mice are CD34- CD38+. Recently, we studied CD38 expression by stem cells of neonatal and juvenile mice. Stem cells of newborn mice are CD38?. About half of the stem cells of 5-week-old mice are CD38+. Finally, our studies indicated that some of the CD34+ stem cells in the bone marrow of normal adult mice express lineage markers such as Mac-1 and CD4. These studies in a murine model clearly documented that expression of both CD34 and CD38 by stem cells is under developmental control and may be subject to changes induced by activation of the stem cells. In order to test whether or not these principles apply to human stem cells we tested surface phenotypes of human stem cells using two xenotransplantation techniques. Studies based on human/sheep xenograft model indicated that a significant portion of adult human long-term engrafting cells are CD34?. Similar to mouse stem cells expression of CD34 by human stem cells was reversible. Studies based on our newborn NOD/SCID/β-microglobulinnull mice indicated that human cord blood stem cells are CD34+ CD38?. These results appear to support the validity of studies of murine stem cells to provide insight into human stem cells.  相似文献   

During human development, stem cells establish themselves in specific anatomic locations or niches. The niche harbors the stem cells, and regulates how stem cells proliferate. The interaction between stem cells and their niche affects stem cell function, and offers an opportunity to improve the marrow microenvironment. Osteoblasts produce hematopoietic growth factors and are activated by parathyroid hormone (PTH). A calcium sensing receptor, expressed by hematopoietic stem cells, regulates the niche and can be targeted to increase stem cell numbers. Therefore, drugs that affect osteoblast function or target calcium receptors may be useful for stem cell mobilization and engraftment. In this review, the biology of the stem cell niche and the potential therapeutic manipulations of the stem cell niche are reviewed. PTH is in clinical trials for patients who have not mobilized autologous stem cells well. The limiting cell numbers for adult cord blood transplantation increase the risk of infection, and PTH is currently in a clinical trial following cord blood transplantation in an effort to improve engraftment and immune reconstitution.  相似文献   

Rebel  VI; Miller  CL; Eaves  CJ; Lansdorp  PM 《Blood》1996,87(8):3500-3507
Varying, limiting numbers of unseparated or purified cells (Ly-5.1), either from 14.5-day-old fetal liver (FL) or from adult bone marrow (BM) were coinjected with 10(5) unseparated BM cells (Ly-5.2) into lethally irradiated adult C57B1/6 recipients (Ly-5.2). The kinetics of donor cell repopulation of the lymphoid and myeloid compartments by Ly- 5.1+ donor hematopoietic stem cells (ie, competitive repopulation units [CRU]) were monitored at various time points after the transplantation by Ly-5 analysis of the peripheral white blood cells (WBC). Recipients that had received on average less than 2 adult BM or FL CRU did not show a significant difference in the level of donor-reconstitution when analyzed 4 weeks after the transplantation, However, at 8 and 16 weeks, the FL recipients showed a significantly higher percentage of donor- derived nucleated peripheral blood cells than did the recipients of adult BM cells. Analysis of individual mice showed that approximately 80% of the recipients of FL CRU showed an increase in mature WBC output between 4 and 8 weeks after transplantation, whereas this occurred in less than 40% in the recipients of adult BM cells. In addition to this effect on mature cell output, the cellularity of the reconstituted BM was significantly higher in recipients of FL CRU than in recipients of adult BM CRU, even at 7 to 9 months after transplantation, which is consistent with an increased clonal expansion of FL CRU. When marrow cells from primary recipients of FL CRU were injected into secondary recipients, a significantly higher percentage of these mice showed donor-reconstitution of their lymphoid and myeloid compartments (P < .01) and to a greater extent (P < .008) as compared with mice that had received marrow cells from primary recipients of similar numbers of adult BM CRU. Taken together, these results show that individual FL CRU exhibit a greater proliferative activity in vivo than similar cells from adult BM that is accompanied by a greater production of daughter CRU.  相似文献   

Jang YY  Sharkis SJ 《Blood》2007,110(8):3056-3063
A low-oxygenic niche in bone marrow limits reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, thus providing long-term protection for hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) from ROS stress. Although many approaches have been used to enrich HSCs, none has been designed to isolate primitive HSCs located within the low-oxygenic niche due to difficulties of direct physical access. Here we show that an early HSC population that might reside in the niche can be functionally isolated by taking advantage of the relative intracellular ROS activity. Many attributes of primitive HSCs in the low-oxygenic osteoblastic niche, such as quiescence, and calcium receptor, N-cadherin, Notch1, and p21 are higher in the ROS(low) population. Intriguingly, the ROS(low) population has a higher self-renewal potential. In contrast, significant HSC exhaustion in the ROS(high) population was observed following serial transplantation, and expression of activated p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) and mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) was higher in this population. Importantly, treatment with an antioxidant, a p38 inhibitor, or rapamycin was able to restore HSC function in the ROS(high) population. Thus, more potent HSCs associated with the low-oxygenic niche can be isolated by selecting for the low level of ROS expression. The ROS-related signaling pathways together with specific characteristics of niche HSCs may serve as targets for beneficial therapies.  相似文献   

The results of the Y-chromosome in situ hybridization experiments, the MRA assessment, and the long-term production of CFU-GM in vitro indicate that our protocol to sort low density WGA+, 15/1.1-, Rh123 dull cells enriches about 200-fold for PHSC. Assays for spleen colony formation (CFU-S) and radioprotection (30-day survival) were shown to be unspecific for PHSC, and, therefore, we lack a quantitative PHSC assay. The absolute number of PHSC in the bone marrow is not known any more, the purity of our sorted population likewise is unknown. Long-term repopulating cells (PHSC) could be separated from short-term repopulating ones by using Rh123 staining. The short-term repopulating cells (Rh123 bright) provided sufficient offspring to protect lethally irradiated mice until endogenous PHSC could reconstitute hematopoiesis. These cells are therefore of interest for bone marrow transplantation, because they provide radioprotection without long-term repopulation and graft-versus-host disease. For gene therapy these cells are of limited use, and PHSC with extensive replication are needed. The PHSC were not cultured successfully. Less than 15% of the sorted Rh123 dull cells responded in semisolid or liquid cultures in the presence of growth factors. Proliferation without differentiation was not observed. This may indicate that the right growth factor has not been found yet. On the other hand, about 30% of the cells responded in stromal layers of long-term bone marrow cultures and prolonged CFU-GM production and cobblestone area formation were observed there, suggesting that cell-cell contact and adherence molecules play a regulatory role in PHSC replication.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

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