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Background Primary clear cell adenocarcinoma of the colon is a rare oncological entity. We report a case of such a tumor in the left colonic flexure of an 89-year-old patient who was treated surgically in our Department. We also review published cases which include primary colonic clear cell formations.Case presentation The patient sustained a segmental resection of the region [pT2 N0 (0/12) M0]. Histochemical examination indicated a primary clear cell colonic adenocarcinoma. The patient was discharged in good health but died from his disease 2 years later.Results Primary clear cell colonic adenocarcinoma is found exclusively in the left colon and generally in elderly men. From the few cases that have been published it is not possible to estimate the oncological impact of this tissue.Conclusion Even in advanced age surgical resection is the mainstay of the recommended treatment.  相似文献   

A primary clear cell adenocarcinoma of the colon is a rare oncologic entity. We herein report a case of such a tumor of the sigmoid colon in a 71-year-old woman who was successfully treated by an endoscopic polypectomy in our hospital. We also reviewed the published reports regarding cases of primary clear cell tumors in the colon.  相似文献   

Colon interposition has become a favored technique for esophageal reconstruction. We report a 79-year-old man with primary adenocarcinoma arising in the interposed colon 30 years after esophageal reconstruction for esophageal cancer. The occurrence of a carcinoma in a colon removed from its natural location and serving a different function suggests this rise in incidence may result from the action of carcinogens on colonic cells over an increasing period.  相似文献   

A 67-year-old man, who had undergone surgery to resect multiple gastric cancers 4 years ago, visited our hospital for surveillance colonoscopy. Colonoscopy revealed a discolored, 7-mm in diameter, flat-elevated lesion with central depression in the transverse colon near the splenic flexure. Although the findings of endoscopy and barium enema were suggestive of submucosal invasion, the patient chose to undergo endoscopic mucosal resection. Pathological examination of the resected specimen revealed signet-ring cell carcinoma and a positive surgical margin. A second operation was performed, and no residual tumor or metastasis to lymph nodes was found in the resected specimens. Primary colorectal cancers composed of signet-ring cell carcinoma detected and treated at an early stage are extremely rare. We present a case and review the literature.  相似文献   

A granular cell tumor (granular cell myoblastoma) of the ascending colon in a 48-year old male is reported. The tumor was detected by barium enema study as a sessile polyp, and colonofiberscopy revealed submucosal tumor. It was removed by endoscopic polypectomy. Macroscopic examination showed the characteristic features of granular cell tumor. The avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex (ABC) method for detection of S-100 protein demonstrated that the cytoplasm of tumor cells and the pleomorphic nuclei were strongly stained with anti-S-100 protein serum, which supports the concept of the Schwann cell origin of granular cell tumor.  相似文献   

异时性多原发结肠癌是在不同时间(相隔≥6 mo)内在不同的部位相继出现结肠恶性肿瘤且病理排除同一种肿瘤复发及转移.本例患者在20年的时间内先后发生横结肠、升结肠、乙状结肠、降结肠及空肠腺癌,均行手术切除及术后全身化疗后疗效好,患者术后长期生存,临床上实属罕见.  相似文献   

Metastatic palatine tonsil cancer is extremely rare, with nearly 100 such tumors reported in the English literature. The prognosis of metastatic palatine tonsil cancer is poor. A 53-year-old man presented with painless left palatine tonsillar swelling and a cervical mass following right hemicolectomy for an ascending colon adenocarcinoma. Physical examination showed an ulcerated mass located on the upper pole of the left palatine tonsil. A punch biopsy was taken for histological examination which showed a moderatelydifferentiated adenocarcinoma. The patient was treated with palliative radiotherapy and chemotherapy. He was still alive when we wrote this paper. Our case shows that immunohistochemical diagnosis of metastatic palatine tonsil cancer is essential.  相似文献   

Clear cell adenocarcinomas of the urinary bladder are rare tumors with an unknown histogenesis. Since these tumors appear histologically similar to clear cell tumors of the female genital tract, a mullerian histogenesis has been proposed. Several publications have examined the immunohistochemical properties of clear cell adenocarcinomas to improve understanding of the cause and pathogenesis of this tumor. While specific criteria for a diagnosis of clear cell adenocarcinoma have not been defined, there are consistent staining patterns suggested for characterization. We present an important case of clear cell adenocarcinoma of the bladder with a unique staining pattern. We review the literature and discuss the differential diagnosis and various theories concerning the origin of this rare tumor.  相似文献   

Rationale:Few cases have been reported of the coexistence of tuberculosis and adenocarcinoma of the large bowel. We report a rare case of concurrent ascending colon adenocarcinoma and ileocecal tuberculosis, which were nearly indistinguishable from one another.Patient concerns:A 59-year-old man visited our clinic with dizziness and anorexia.Diagnosis:Computed tomography revealed a mass in the ascending colon with ill-defined nodules in the liver. A colon biopsy showed adenocarcinoma with multinucleated giant cells. The liver nodules were confirmed to be metastatic adenocarcinomas.Interventions:Ant tuberculosis medications were administered prior to surgery. Two weeks later, a laparoscopic right hemicolectomy and radiofrequency ablation of the liver were performed.Outcomes:The final pathology confirmed adenocarcinoma with chronic granulomatous inflammation and giant cells.Lessons:In this patient, the cancer was in an advanced stage and had no history of tuberculosis infection. Thus, in this case, the malignancy seemed to create the proper environment for either reactivation of a latent tuberculosis infection or, less likely, for the acquisition of a primary mycobacterial infection. In conclusion, clinicians should be aware of the possibility of concurrent colon adenocarcinoma and intestinal tuberculosis.  相似文献   

We describe colonoscopic features in a 77-year-old female with relapse of mantle cell lymphoma, who presented with a history of rectal bleeding of 2 months’ duration. Her initial colonoscopy 3 years prior to the current presentation had revealed no gross lesions of mantle cell lymphoma; however, there was evidence of microscopic disease at that time as well. The patient had now developed classical lesions following relapse of the disease. The present case report gives the natural history of this rare tumour. The comparative colonoscopic features with a brief review of mantle cell lymphoma are presented.  相似文献   

A 38-year-old Chinese man presenting with chronic diarrhea and secondary incomplete intestinal obstruction was hospitalized in April 2010. Electronic colonoscopy and barium enema examination initially showed longitudinal scar-like strictures and cobblestone appearance in the colon that was similar to those in Crohn's disease. After subtotal colectomy and partial intestinal resection, the pathological examination indicated colon adenocarcinoma that diffusely infiltrated along the colon longitudinal axis rather than the initial diagnosis of Crohn's disease. Pathological examination revealed colon adenocarcinoma with excessive desmoplastic reaction and infiltrating cancer cells along the colon longitudinal axis that may have accounted for the morphological similarities to Crohn's disease in this case. The findings in the present case suggest that colon carcinoma should be considered when Crohn's disease-like findings are encountered, not only in individuals with concurrent cancer in other sites, but also in patients with a long history of gastrointestinal symptoms such as chronic diarrhea or abdominal pain.  相似文献   

Gastrointestinal stromal tumors (GIST) are rare mesenchymal neoplasms of the gastrointestinal tract with a malignant potential and unpredictable behavior. In the literature a few cases of synchronous development of a GIST and another neoplasia with different incidence, etiology, evolution and prognostic have been described. We report a case of a 61 year old male with a simultaneous occurrence of a GIST and a colon adenocarcinoma.  相似文献   

Primary clear cell adenocarcinoma of the colorectum is a rare neoplasm, which differs from ordinary carcinomas of the colorectum in morphological features, but shares some traits of clear cell carcinoma of other organs. The tumor is usually composed of polygonal or oval cells with abundant granular and clear cytoplasm. The nuclei are often in hyperchromatic shapes with vesicular nucleoli. We report the first case of clear cell adenocarcinoma of the colorectum in China and review the related published cases. The tumor was located in descending colon of a 37-year-old man, and was rich in glycogen but poor in mucin. By immunoperoxidase and histochemical staining, we clarified the clinicopathological characteristics, diagnosis and differential diagnoses, and pursued its potential pathogenesis. In our case, necrosis, high mitotic activity and lymph node metastasis may suggest a highly malignant tumor and an advanced pathological stage. Nevertheless, the patient has survived for one year with the help of operation and postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy. Regardless of the stage and differentiation, surgical therapy and proper adjuvant chemotherapy are effective means to treat the clear cell adenocarcinoma of the colorectum.  相似文献   

The practice of colonoscopy has changed considerably over the last decade. The growth of image-enhanced endoscopy have altered our concepts of how we perform colonoscopy. This article examines the evidence base behind these techniques and looks at where future research needs to be directed.  相似文献   

以黏膜下肿瘤形态为特征的胃癌不易被胃镜检出。胃黏液腺癌是胃癌中较为少见的组织学分型, 以癌组织中含有大量黏液为特征, 早期胃黏液腺癌更为罕见, 一般认为胃黏液腺癌更易发生腹膜及淋巴结转移。本文报道了1例随访3年无进展的以胃窦黏膜下肿瘤形态为特征的黏液腺癌。  相似文献   

Acrokeratosis paraneoplastica is a rare disease and is uncommon even in patients with upper aerodigestive tract cancer. We report a 63-year-old man with a 1-month history of numerous pruritic lesions and vesicles on both feet. Although he had received local therapy, progressive dense scale formation involving both palms and both soles was found. Colonoscopy was performed because of hematochezia, and it revealed an early colon cancer. After the resection of the cancer, the skin lesions began to fall off dramatically. To the best of our knowledge, there is no report of acrokeratosis paraneoplastica associated with colon cancer in the literature. This is the first case report of acrokeratosis paraneoplastica associated with early colon cancer. Received: March 15, 1999 / Accepted: October 22, 1999  相似文献   

A 55-year-old Japanese female was admitted to our hospital to treat colon cancer. Computed tomography revealed a 2.6 × 2.0 cm liver mass considered to be liver metastasis. She synchronously underwent right colectomy with D3 lymph node dissection and subsegmentectomy 8 under the diagnosis of advanced colon cancer with liver metastasis. The pathology examination revealed the liver nodule was pure squamous cell carcinoma (SCC), whereas histology of colon cancer was a well differentiated tubular adenocarcinoma containing no squamous component. The patient underwent intensive checkup by imaging for a primary site of SCC. However, no lesion considered as possible primary site of SCC was found. Therefore, the liver nodule was finally diagnosed as a primary hepatic SCC. Primary SCC of the liver is a rare and high-grade malignant tumor. Recurrent multiple liver nodule was found at 13 months after surgery and the patient died of cancer 17 months after surgery.  相似文献   

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