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循证卫生保健(Evidence-based Health Care,EBHC)来源于英国临床流行病学家Archie Co-chrane关于医疗卫生保健的疗效和效益问题的阐述,他认为卫生资源是极为有限的,因此这些资源就应该被有效地利用;应通过评价,证明利用这些资源达到了理想的效果. 相似文献
<正>以往循证实践模式少有考虑临床实践的复杂性[1-2],针对护士的护理实践亦缺乏。在此背景下,Johns Hopkins大学护理学院和附属医院护理部共同开发了Johns Hopkins循证护理实践(Johns Hopkins nursing evidence-based practice, JHNEBP)模式[3-4],目的是协助护理人员将临床证据转化为具体的实践策略,将最佳实践应用到患者[5],已经出版了第一版和第二版。2017年,第三版《JHNEBP:模式与指南》问世,更新的内容是基于十多年的模型及在真实临床环境中的完善和应用。随着 相似文献
循证护理实践 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
循证护理作为一种全新的、科学的工作方法,近年来在国内迅速发展,受到护理界的广泛关注.为推进循证护理在我国护理实践中的应用,对循证护理的定义、内涵,循证护理教育、循证护理信息资源、循证护理基本实践步骤以及循证护理实践中应注意的问题进行综述,以便为护理工作者奠定循证护理的理论和实践基础,将循证护理科学的运用于临床,为患者提供安全、优质、高效的护理服务.Abstract: As a newly and scientific method, evidence - based nursing had be rapidly developped. In this article, the definition, meaning, education, information resource, the step of basic practice and so on were summarized for advancing evidence - based nursing to be applied, so as to establish theory and practice foundation and provide safety, high quality and effective nursing to the patients 相似文献
本文介绍了以循证为基础的实践(Evidence Based Practice,EBP)的起源、发展、概念、方法和过程,以及循证实践与肿瘤护理的密切联系,目的在于让肿瘤护士了解EBP的历史背景、发展过程、护士在EBP中发挥的作用以及肿瘤护士在推广和应用EBP的实践过程中遇到的挑战,以期切实将EBP融入临床护理中,从而为患者提供安全、有效和经济的高质量护理。 相似文献
目的探讨循证护理在早产儿护理中的运用。方法对35例住院早产儿干预组应用循证护理的方法进行系统干预,对37例住院早产儿对照组进行回顾性统计结果干预组早产儿的体重增长快,并发症发生率降低,患儿家属满意度明显提高,差异有显著性意义(p〈0.05)结论实施循证护理,能有效提高早产儿的护理质量,减少并发症的发生,促进早产儿的发育支持,增强护患关系。 相似文献
循证护理:理论与实践 总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7
长期以来 ,护理实践的特点就是按照工作程序提供护理服务 ,在用科学证据指导临床护理决策和行动方面存在局限性。在讲求证据的年代 ,护士应积极寻求现时的证据来更新知识结构 ,增强解决问题的能力 ,为病人提供高效优质的护理 ,以满足 2 1世纪循证的要求 ,迎接所面临的挑战。循证护理实践就是实现此目标的一个很好的方法。文章从认识循证医学的内涵及以科学证据为基础的实践对临床护理服务影响的角度出发 ,主要讨论证据的质量分级、循证护理实践的主要步骤及其与临床路径的相互关系、我国循证护理实践现状、护理人员实施循证护理面临的挑战。 相似文献
郑慧贞 《中华现代护理学杂志》2007,4(17):1547-1550
循证护理就是慎重、准确和明智地应用当前所能获得的最好的研究证据,同时结合护理专业技能和多年临床经验,考虑患者的价值和愿望,将三者完美地结合,制定护理措施。循证护理实践是依据科学证据基础的临床实践,是指整合患者主客观资料与科学证据为最佳状态,它既是服务对象的需求,又是护理学发展的必然,它证明了护士自身价值,使护理活动更加科学化、专业化、为护理学科提高权威性、独立性,促进学科的发展提供了机遇。本文对循证护理的概念与产生背景,循证护理促进独立学科体系的形成,循证护理方法的认识及应用方面存在的一些误区进行分析,认为循证护理是一种模式或工作形式,同时循证护理在护理实践运用中护理问题期待研究证据,整个过程进行系统评价,以及护理实践所面临的新使命及合理运用,着重阐述了循证护理必须从问题出发,重视证据、重视整体观,注重个体化差异,只有这样,才能切实推进循证护理在我国护理实践中的运用。 相似文献
肠造口狭窄预防及治疗中循证护理的应用 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的为肠造口患行制订合理的造口狭窄预防及治疗方案。方法根据本组患者造㈦情况,提出临床问题并转换成检索式,计算机检索PubMed、CNK]。结果检索出有关造门狭窄相关因素、预防和治疗的相关文献近40篇。参考检索结果,根据患者病情.为62例肠造口患者制订合理的狭窄预防及治疗措施:出院6个月之内共有3例发生了轻度造口狭窄,均于狭窄发生2周内好转。结论采用循证护婵的方法可有效预防及治疗造口狭窄。 相似文献
At present Chinese nurses could not get the up‐to‐date and high‐quality evidences efficiently and conveniently due to language barrier and other practical difficulties. This program built a Chinese website of integrated evidence‐based network information resources for EBN studies. Researchers hope to provide practical guidance and advice for nurses in non‐English‐speaking countries.. 相似文献
通过阐述研究与实践合作促进模式、健康服务领域研究成果应用的行动促进框架和医疗机构与高等院校合作的促进方式,分析国外成功的循证实践组织管理促进模式,探讨如何在我国医院护理管理中多方面、多角度促进循证护理实践发展. 相似文献
Geanellos R 《Journal of evaluation in clinical practice》2004,10(2):177-186
Various authors suggest mental health nursing is dominated by knowledge borrowed from psychiatry, pharmacology and the behavioural sciences. These disciplines favour knowledge developed using quantitative methodologies so they and evidence-based practice (EBP) and evidence-based nursing (EBN), increasingly called for in mental health nursing, fit seamlessly together. Nevertheless, as these movements dismiss qualitative approaches to knowledge (evidence) development, I argue against the move toward EBP/EBN in mental health nursing. This is because the specialty's primary interests - human experiences of illness/health care and human relationships, often do not lend themselves to being quantitatively researched. Using nursing examples, I demonstrate how qualitative research, wholly unacceptable in relation to EBP/EBN quality of evidence scales, is indispensable to mental health nursing. The need for evidence arising from qualitative research in no way precludes the need for quantitatively derived evidence. Indeed, the specialty's twofold interest - the work of nurses with clients and the explication of phenomena which inform practice, require diverse knowledge and thus, diverse research approaches. This twofold interest defines the area of mental health nursing practice, and knowledge informing it is referred to as nursing based evidence (NBE). Because it values multiple approaches to knowledge development, NBE provides a way to articulate the specialty's distinct contribution to the health care of people experiencing mental illness and advances mental health nursing. 相似文献
Aim. To provide a critical analysis of key concepts associated with evidence‐based nursing (EBN) to substantiate an operational definition for nurses to use in practice. Background. Despite the plethora of literature surrounding what evidence‐based nursing is and is not and how it differs from its cousins, evidence‐based medicine and evidence‐based practice, nurses still struggle to get evidence into practice. Several reasons for this have been reported, for example, a lack of understanding about what evidence‐based nursing means or time to engage with and apply the evidence into practice. Design. An in‐depth critical review and synthesis of literature was undertaken. Method. Using the key words; evidence‐based nursing, evidence‐based medicine and evidence‐based practice 496 articles were yielded. These articles were limited to 83. Using Burns and Grove’s (2001) phased approach to reviewing the literature the articles were critically reviewed and categorised into key concepts and themes. Results. The in‐depth critical review and synthesis of the literature demonstrated that evidence‐based nursing could be defined as a distinct concept. The review clearly shows that for evidence‐based nursing to occur, nurses need to be aware of what evidence‐based nursing means, what constitutes evidence, how evidence‐based nursing differs from evidence‐based medicine and evidence‐based practice and what the process is to engage with and apply the evidence. Conclusion. The in‐depth critical review and synthesis of the evidence‐based nursing literature reinforces the need to consolidate a position for nursing in the evidence‐based field. The review confirms that evidence‐based nursing can be defined and conceptualised; however, for nurses to engage and apply with the evidence‐based processes they need to be informed of what these are and how to engage with them in practice. Relevance to clinical practice. This paper examines the concept of evidence‐based nursing and its application to clinical practice. 相似文献
中医学有着悠久的历史,在长期的医疗实践中积累了丰富的临床经验,形成了独特的理论和实践体系。借鉴循证护理。可提高中医护理的科研水平,深化中医护理中的指导思想——整体观,使中医护理中的辩证施护更为完善。 相似文献