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Violence committed by individuals with severe mental illness has become an increasing focus of concern among clinicians, policy makers, and the general public, often as the result of tragic events. Research has shown in the past two decades an increased risk of violence among patients with mental disorder. Nevertheless, of those suffering from mental illness, perpetrators of other directed violence form a minority subgroup. The means by which there is this association between mental illness and violence has remained controversial. Factors such as positive psychotic symptoms, medication non-adherence, alcohol or psychoactive substance abuse and antisocial personality were found to be predictive of violence. Overall, literature provides support to the assertion that violent behavior of mentally ill patients is a heterogeneous phenomenon that is driven by multiple inter-related and independent factors. Furthermore, psychiatrists are often asked to predict an individual's future dangerousness, in a medical or a legal context. In the process of risk assessment of dangerousness, more focus has been placed on dynamic risk factor. In this context, lack of insight has established itself both as a part of violence risk models and as a clinical item in structured approaches to measure dangerousness. However, few studies have tested these associations. The main purpose of this paper is to review the literature concerning the relationship between insight and dangerousness and discuss the contributions of the insight in the assessment of dangerousness in patients with mental illness. We included twenty studies that evaluated the association between insight and variable such as physical or verbal violence, aggressiveness, hostility or sexual aggression.


According to the findings of this review, the strength and specific nature of this relationship remain unclear due to considerable methodological and conceptual shortcomings, including heterogeneity in the definition and assessment of violence, a minority of prospective studies and the lack of systematic consideration of possible confounding variables. However, the ability of the patient to perceive their illness is an important element to be considered in assessing the dangerousness both medically and legally. Higher belief flexibility and lower confidentiality of individual judgment, which reflect greater cognitive insight, may be associated with a lower incidence of violence, in particular in schizophrenia by decreasing the degree of confidence related to psychotic symptoms.


In the growing efforts to reduce stigma associated with mental illness, it is important to identify a subgroup of patients at risk of violence and provide them with targeted treatment. In this sense, it seems important in the future to continue in this field of research to determine if the lack of insight is a covariate of a worsened condition or a specific violence risk factor per se.  相似文献   



This literature review set out to describe the history and the evolutions in German-, English- and French-speaking countries of a psychiatric notion, “litigious delusion”. The author focuses on a subgroup taking the form of querulent delusion or querulousness (a pathological tendency towards litigious behaviors).


The author studies writings by legal and psychiatric specialists in French, English and German from the middle of the 19th century (first mention of the diagnostic entity Querulantenwahn by the German psychiatrist Johann Ludwig Casper) to the present day. He closely follows the evolution of the notion of Querulantenwahn in Germany and describes the contributions by experts such as Richard von Krafft-Ebing, Emil Kraepelin and Kurt Schneider. In France, he shows how Taguet and Pottier's délire des persécutés–persécuteurs became a subgroup of Cullerre and De Clérambault's délire de revendication (litigious delusion). Finally, he explains why these categories have not been studied more in depth in English-speaking countries with reference to work by experts in psychiatry and by legal specialists.


The concepts of querulousness and litigious delusion have had different outcomes according to the country. In Germany, the Querulantenwahn is a clinical entity still mentioned in psychiatric manuals, although it now refers to a personality disorder. In France, psychiatrists prefer to use the term querulousness (quérulence), a notion that is incorporated into the category of paranoid delusions. In English-speaking countries, querulous individuals are liable not to be addressed to psychiatric care, and tend to be known as vexatious litigants, a judicial term that prevents them from accessing the courts.


The author sheds light on the reasons why the definition of querulousness seems so divergent from one country to another; he proposes a reflection on the disappearance of litigious delusion as a clinical concept.


Further reflection on the nosographic status of the concepts of querulousness and litigious delusion is required to determine their correct positioning in psychiatric classifications. Meanwhile, new institutional responses adapted to the psychiatric and legal situation of so-called “querulous” persons need to be elaborated.  相似文献   

ObjectivesInsight in psychiatry has been defined and conceptualized in a number of ways but none of them was found to be self-explanatory. There has been an exponential rise in studies of insight, in part accelerated by the availability of several psychometric scales for measuring insight. Lack of insight has been associated in schizophrenia with low treatment adherence, a high number of relapses, increased number of hospital admissions, and subsequently poorer psychological and cognitive functioning. For this reason, there is considerable interest in understanding the underlying neural mechanisms of insight, which may have important implications for the development of future insight-oriented neuro-psychiatric treatment. Neuroimaging may be considered an important technique to help understand the anatomical, functional and metabolic neurocircuitry underlying poor insight in schizophrenia. Growing neuroimaging research provides evidence for underlying brain impairment in insight deficits in schizophrenia. In order to expose a panoramic view to the readers, this article reviews the neuroimaging studies conducted to date, which have investigated the neural bases of insight in schizophrenia.MethodsElectronic searches were performed in PubMed, PsycINFO, Sciencedirect and Web of Science databases, using the following keywords: Imaging; neuroimaging; Positron Emission Tomography (PET); spectroscopy; functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI); structural Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI); Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography (SPECT); Voxel Based Morphometry (VBM); Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI); Computed Tomography (CT); Insight; schizophrenia; awareness of illness. Searches were also performed from the references of the systematic review articles on neurobiological correlates of insight in schizophrenia. Animal studies and single case reports were excluded. Twenty-five articles were selected for the present review. From these; 12 used structural MRI; 6 used VBM; 3 used fMRI; 2 used CT; 1 used DTI and 1 used VBM combined to DTI.ResultsThe search showed that studies in this area were published recently and that the neuroanatomic substrate of insight in schizophrenia has not yet been consolidated. This inconsistency could arise from the complex nature of insight and the use of a variety of insight assessments. Most of the studies analyzed in this review used structural neuroimaging techniques to assess brain abnormalities associated with poor insight. The functional neuroanatomy of insight has only recently been investigated and to our knowledge, there are only 3 studies that have examined brain activity with fMRI in relation to insight in schizophrenia.ConclusionThis review investigated the neural deficiencies underlying poor insight in schizophrenic patients. In spite of methodological differences among studies, results provide evidence of structural and functional brain abnormalities in frontal, parietal and temporal region related to insight deficits. Some studies have found a hemispheric asymmetry in relationship to poor in insight (the majority of brain abnormalities concern the right hemisphere). In addition, growing research indicated that the prefrontal cortex, particularly the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex, the anterior cingulated cortex, the insula, the precuneus and the cerebellum can also underlying insight in schizophrenia. It is interesting to mention that some authors have suggested that each dimension of insight can be specifically linked to certain brain structures. Taking together, data on the neuropsychological and neuroanatomical correlates of clinical insight suggested that lack of insight in schizophrenia could be conceived as a neurocognitive deficit, analogously to anosognosia in brain injury and dementia. On the contrary, to date, the neuroanatomical correlates of cognitive insight have been scarcely studied. Only two studies reported that Self-reflectiveness was positively related to gray matter volume of the right ventro-lateral prefrontal cortex, the BCIS composite index was positively correlated with total left hippocampal volume, and Self-certainty was inversely correlated with bilateral hippocampal volumes. However, it is important to note that neuroimaging research on cognitive insight in schizophrenia is in a preliminary, and the results on this are inconclusive. Further research is needed to better understand the causal relationships between brain abnormalities and degradation of insight in schizophrenia.  相似文献   

AimsHistorically, there is a strong link between depression and epilepsy. Patients with epilepsy are four to five times more likely to develop a depressive syndrome. It seems that the link between epilepsy and depression is bidirectional. There is little data on mood disorders secondary to epilepsy surgery. The goal of epilepsy surgery is to reduce the number and frequency of attacks, which in turn would allow improvements in mood disorders and cognitive impairment.MethodsA systematic search of the international literature was performed using the bibliographic search engines PubMed and Embase. The following MESH terms were used: epilepsy surgery AND (depression OR depressive disorder OR mood disorder). We also used the “related articles” of PubMed, bibliography surveys, conference abstracts and Google Scholar to identify additional relevant papers.ResultsOf the 130 studies found by the systematic search, 112 are excluded because they did not take into account the mood disorders secondary to epilepsy surgery. Fifteen studies are included in this review of the literature with a case study. Depression is the psychopathological condition that is the most frequently studied. According to several studies, the prevalence of depression is approximately 30% with nearly 70% of cases diagnosed during the first three months following epilepsy surgery. The majority of patients presented depressive symptoms during the first 3 to 12 months after epilepsy surgery. In these studies, the risk of developing depression is correlated with the existence of previous depressive elements relative to the epilepsy surgery. A small number of studies reported cases of de novo depression. Studies have shown a correlation between very good to excellent control of epileptic seizures and a persistent improvement of mood disorders. It would seem that depressive symptoms post-surgery are more common when the surgical intervention concerns the temporal lobe and in particular mesial resections. There are only very few cases of maniac episodes. Hamid et al. showed an increased risk of suicide waning after the epilepsy surgery over a period of 5 years.ConclusionMood disorders are common psychiatric comorbidities in epilepsy surgery. The detection, prevention, and treatment of these symptoms in patients eligible for epilepsy surgery pose major challenges for psychiatrists and neurologists, requiring their close collaboration.  相似文献   

This literature review concerns affective mentalizing in borderline addictive personality. This concept postulates the group between addictions and borderline personalities may correspond to Personality Disorders (PDs). First, we will present conceptualizations and evaluations of affective mentalizing. The latter refers to one dimension of mentalization, a process by which an individual interprets his/her mental states and those of others. Lecours and Bouchard proposed a hierarchic model: the Élaboration verbale de l’affect (EVA). They also developed an empiric methodology: the Grille de l’élaboration verbale de l’affect (GEVA). The methodological approach of Lecours fulfils the requirements made by Cho-Kain, Gunderson and Luyten, involving a narrower operationalization of the mentalization concept through the evaluation of its dimensions. Conceptualizations and evaluations enabled focus on mentalization psychopathology. Fonagy and Bateman studied this latter in the subjects with PDs, particularly in Borderline Personality Disorders (BPD). We describe mentalization failure, its etiology and consequences in the BPD. Several forms of mentalization psychopathology are identified. Its etiology is largely environmental. Fonagy and Bateman developed the optimum developmental model of mentalization and referred to it to explain etiology of mentalization failure in BPD. Consequences of mentalization failure explicate its functioning. Mentalization may be considered as essential in their comprehension and their care. Research about mentalization of PDs does not integrate addiction as one comorbidity factor. However, Allen, Fonagy and Bateman describe a bidirectional interaction between mentalization failure and addiction. We propose to examine the mentalization of Borderline Addictive Personality. This concept groups addictions and borderline personalities in just one clinical entity other than their links of co-morbidities.  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo understand the place of, and the evolutions in, medical and psychological treatment for trans women's sexual health, within the framework of gender transition/affirmation processes.MethodA narrative review of the medical, psychiatric, and psychological literature. After selection, 19 articles were analyzed inductively using grounded theory and classical methods of thematic content analysis.ResultsMost of the articles reviewed establish a relative lack of research on the topic of sexual health and well-being. Sex reassignment surgical treatments significantly increase the quality of sex life for trans women, except when a “neovagina” is constructed. Changes in sexual orientation are not always linked to elements of treatment, but appear to be linked to other psychosocial factors.DiscussionCategories of sexual orientation are as fluid as sexual practices and gender and change over the course of a subject's lifetime. The discursive construction of gender and sexual orientation is located within the singular discourse of a particular individual at a given moment of her evolution.ConclusionsAfter having long been considered a central element in the diagnosis of “transsexualism”, the issues of sexuality and, in particular, of sexual orientation currently appear to be little taken into account by those professionals who accompany trans people on their medical pathway. This absence is strongly criticized by the authors of the main literature reviews that have already been published. They suggest a more serious clinical consideration of trans women's singular sex lives. It is also observed that the practice of genital reassignment surgery no longer occupies the central place it did until recently, and that the question of sexuality is posed independently of anatomical modifications of the genitals.  相似文献   

《Revue neurologique》2014,170(12):843-845
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and ultrasonographic (US) investigations have recently became prominent tools for the investigation of peripheral nerve injuries. MRI is the most valuable for the study of proximal nervous structures, i.e. roots and plexi, whereas US is better suited for the investigation of distal nerves, including entrapment syndromes. However, as nerve conduction studies and electromyographic studies still have a better sensitivity and specificity than MRI and US, they remain the gold standard for the evaluation of the peripheral nervous system.  相似文献   

In the last few years, the flourishing number of surgery for morbid obesity induces a growing interest in the short, medium and long-term consequences of the operative procedures. Both massive overweight and its surgical treatment such as gastric bypass can influence the mental health of patients and have an impact on their risk of suicide and suicide rates. Indeed, the suicide rate after the surgical treatment of obesity is increased; although medical literature is prolific on the subject of quality of life after gastric bypass surgery, less is known about the causes of postoperative suicide. There are few theories that allow discussion or hypothesis making and among these none can explain alone the excess of preventable deaths. This raises many questions about the management of candidates for gastric bypass: Is it possible to improve preoperative screening of patient's compliance? Should psychiatric follow-up become compulsory after surgery? It appears obvious from the current literature that suicide rates are higher among gastric bypass patients than the general population. It is reasonable to assume that this finding is related to the psychological difficulties experienced by patients, the impact on their quality of life and social functioning, on emotional and on a professional level. The intervention and massive weight loss can often destabilize an already precarious balance. It seems necessary to strengthen the psychiatric treatment of candidates for bariatric surgery and discuss the value of mandatory postoperative follow-up, as well as to promote patient compliance. Bariatric surgery patients with a history of psychiatric comorbidities should benefit from strict preoperative consultations and appropriate medication in order to rigorously balance their condition before surgery. Postoperative measures should include monitoring of high-risk populations such as patients with psychiatric comorbidity, as well as considering couple psychotherapy or support groups for patients and their relatives.  相似文献   

ObjectivesDrug-induced hypersalivation is a frequent drug adverse event of psychotropic drugs. This excess salivary pooling in the mouth can cause an impairment of a patient's quality of life leading to low rates of medication adherence. The optimal management of hypersalivation is thus crucial to improve patient care. To date, no recommendations for limiting drug-induced hypersalivation have been published. In this study, we conducted a systematic review to investigate the effectiveness of interventions aimed at reducing drug-induced hypersalivation.MethodsTreatment of drug-induced sialorrhea based on case reports and clinical studies were sought in May 2021 from PubMed, Google Scholar and Science Direct (keywords : « treatment », « hypersalivation », « induced », « drug », « clozapine »). Articles published between 1966 to May 2021 on the treatment of drug-induced hypersalivation were included in this study.ResultsSixty-seven articles were selected in this narrative review. First, patient education associated with non-drug related management are essential to improve the compliance to drugs inducing hypersalivation. The non-drug related management should be initiated with an increase in the frequency of swallowing with chewing gum. In the case of ineffectiveness, the dosage of drug responsive of sialorrhea can be adjusted according to the patient's response and his/her medical history (i.e. reducing the dose or splitting the daily dose). Finally, if the problem persists, a symptomatic treatment can be added according to the type of sialorrhea (diurnal or nocturnal), preferred galenic by patient, tolerance and availability of drugs. Several drugs have been tested to reduce hypersalivation induced by clozapine (61/67), risperidone (3/67), quetiapine (2/67) and aripiprazole (2/67). Among the 63 articles targeting a specific corrective treatment, anticholinergic agents were most described in the literature (41 cases out of 63) with atropine, glycopyrrolate and scopolamine (6/41 each). Other agents were described as clinically effective on hypersalivation: dopamine antagonists (9/63) with amisulpride (5/9), alpha-2-adrenergic agonists (5/63) with clonidine (3/5), botulinic toxin (4/63), and terazosine, moclobemide, bupropion and N-acetylcysteine (for each 1/63).ConclusionsIn the case of drug-induced hypersalivation, after failure of non-drug therapies and dosage optimization of the causative treatment, an anticholinergic drug can be initiated. In case of insufficient response, the different treatments presented can be used depending on the galenic form, tolerance and access to those medications. The assessment of the risk-benefit balance should be systematic. The heterogeneity of the studies, the little knowledge about the pharmacological mechanism of saliva flow modulation and the unavailability of corrective drugs are different factors contributing to the complexity of therapeutic optimization.  相似文献   

ObjectiveProfessionals agree on the need for early joint mother-baby care, but its effectiveness remains poorly studied. The aim of our work is to propose a review of the literature on this subject.MethodsWe included randomized or non-randomized controlled clinical trials of interventions targeting the mother-baby dyad which can begin during pregnancy or during the first three years of life.ResultsForty-one studies met the inclusion criteria and focused on mother-baby psychotherapy, educational or guidance programs, care for premature infants, infant massage, and home visits. The results show an improvement of the quality of the interactions whatever the type of approach, but according to different indications or modalities. The heterogeneity of intervention methods and indications make the comparison of results almost impossible.ConclusionThis work highlights the lack of consensus on mother-child care methods, both for their indications and their effectiveness. The isolated evaluation of interactions is an insufficient criterion for judging the effectiveness of care. Finally, whatever the theoretical models, the interventions must take into account the environment of the child.  相似文献   

The lifelong follow up of the adults with cerebral palsy, especially regarding the aging problematics, is a major challenge. There is indeed in this population, an early mobility decline, of which the mechanisms are complex and multifactorial. Among those mechanisms, because of their prevalence and incidence on the quality of life the falls are a main public health concern for the walking cerebral palsy population. As a matter of fact, the falls are both an accelerator of the mobility decline and an indicator of an already deteriorated scheme. Investigating the risk factors of falls within adults with cerebral palsy would be necessary to point out the most at risk individuals, to develop specific strategies to fight against this phenomenon and by doing that, prevent the loss of mobility. The variation of reeducation propositions is fundamental to stimulate the investment in their care project and aim at improving their quality of life, as these patients often are jaded by the traditional physical therapy.  相似文献   

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