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测量了50名健康飞行员和13名康复疗养飞行员,在模拟飞行条件下双重任务时的心理生理反应。结果发现,模拟飞行各阶段心率变化趋势与实际飞行基本一致,但变化幅度较低。双重任务时,反映情绪性变化的心率、呼吸率及肺通气量明显增加,与思维活动有关的泛眼率增加。心理运动反应速度与飞行操纵质量相互影响,其程度有个体差异。同时在该负荷环境下,发现5例心律失常的无症状飞行员。结果提示:模拟飞行双重任务条件可以造成飞行  相似文献   

目的了解晕厥后飞行员心理生理储备能力的变化特点。方法用飞行员心理生理储备能力评定系统,测量了15名晕厥飞行员和22名健康飞行员在模拟飞行条件下完成双重任务时的心理生理反应。结果晕厥飞行员在单纯和双重任务飞行中的正确保持率分别为35.0%和9.3%,心率分别为76.7次/min和80.0次/min,飞行中信息处理速度为0.44 bit/s,此三项与健康组相比均有显著性差异。飞行中心率与安静时比较无显著差异。结论晕厥飞行员心理生理储备能力和操纵行为质量低于健康飞行员,机体应激反应能力明显降低。  相似文献   

目的探讨立位耐力不良飞行员模拟空中环境下心脏自主神经功能调节状态和心理生理反应特点,为空中晕厥的诊断提供客观的评价方法。方法对22名立位耐力不良(不良组)飞行员进行了连续动态心电记录和模拟飞行条件下的心理生理参数测定与心率变异性(HRV)分析,并与15名立位耐力正常的健康飞行员(健康组)做了对比。结果不良组飞行员在模拟仪表飞行中心理生理储备能力明显降低,表现为完成两项任务的质量和处理信息速度的能力较健康组低(P<0.01);心血管自主神经功能严重失调;心理生理储备值与HRV多数指标之间存在明显的相关性。结论结合模拟仪表飞行条件下的心理生理负荷评定和HRV分析能较客观地反映立位耐力不良飞行员心血管自主神经功能障碍的发生机制和调节规律,为空中晕厥的诊断提供量化的指标。  相似文献   

前言 随着飞行环境复杂情况的增加,对认知工作负荷的联机评价的需要也在增加,过去的研究显示,一些神经心理学方面的检测,包括脑电活动(EEG)在认知需求方面的变化是敏感的,从而可以在飞行期间对操作者的状态进行无障碍的监测。本研究的目的是检测脑电地形图对飞行员的心理要求与特定飞行阶段有关的变化是否敏感。方法 7名国家航空警卫队的C-130飞行员参加测试。当飞行员完成模拟飞行任务时,用29通路的脑电图持续地记录。校正了EEG的  相似文献   

目的 探讨立位耐力不良飞行员模拟空中环境下心脏自主神经功能调节状态和心理生理反应特点,为空中晕厥的诊断提供客观的评价方法。方法 对22名立位耐力不良(不良组)飞行员进行了连续动态心电记录和模拟飞行条件下的心理生理参数测定与心率变异性(HRV)分析,并与15名立位耐力正常的健康飞行员(健康组)做了对比。结果 不良组飞行员在模拟仪表飞行中心理生理储备能力明显降低,表现为完成两项任务的质量和处理信息速度  相似文献   

双重任务脑力负荷的心理生理学评定   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的探讨心理生理学方法在双重任务脑力负荷评定中的意义。方法采用事件相关电位P3波潜时(LAT)和波幅(AMP)、逐次心跳间期(IBI)及心率变异性(HRV)、逐次呼吸间期(IRI)及呼吸变异性(RRV)、眨眼率(BR)等心理生理学指标,评定了16名男性青年受试者完成三种不同难度双重任务时的脑力负荷。双重任务由视觉追踪主任务和Sternberg副任务组成,其难度由主任务目标运动的速度和维度控制。结果①随任务难度增加,P3波LAT延长(P<0.01),AMP无显著性变化(P>0.05);②IBI及HRV在中等难度任务时最小,其中IBI在任务间有显著性差异(P<0.01);③IRI随任务难度增加而减小(P<0.05),RRV任务间无显著性差异(P>0.05);④BR在三种任务条件与对照条件时相比显著降低(P<0.01)。结论各指标与脑力负荷均有一定关系,但单一指标评定脑力负荷有局限性,多种心理生理学指标综合评定是双重任务条件下脑力负荷评定更为适宜的方法。  相似文献   

王红 《民航医学》2008,18(1):46
在飞行模拟器上实施飞行课目时飞行员心理负荷表现为心率增加。心率变化和飞行成绩的关系尚未明确。15名飞行员在F-18大黄蜂战术训练模拟器上进行空战课目训练,记录了心电图,计算了每个飞行阶段的心率变化△HR(△HR=每个飞行阶段的心率-安静时的心率)并进行了统计分析。空战过程被分成13个阶段,由飞行教官按照分为1~5个等级的量表进行评估。拦截阶段心率增加(在某个拦截阶段,心率由安静时的平均79次/分增加到平均96.7次/分),返回基地后减小,在仪表降落和着陆阶段心率轻微增加。经验丰富和经验不足飞行员的AHR无差异。飞行阶段的AHR与模拟器的飞行成绩不相关。总的模拟器飞行成绩与F-18大黄蜂飞行经验有统计学意义。心率反应了模拟飞行期间认知负荷的大小,因此心率分析可用于评估军事飞行模拟各阶段的心理负荷,但需要更具体的飞行成绩评价方法来替代传统粗略的区间尺度法去评估这种复杂的飞行模拟,我们建议飞行教官用视觉模拟量表来评估模拟器飞行成绩。  相似文献   

前言 一般认为,在执行评估飞行任务时一个飞行学员的心理工作负荷是高的。应激耐受性在现代飞行中起重要作用,并需要良好的信息处理及决策能力。因此,作者研究了基本军事飞行任务的心理工作负荷与神经内分泌反应的关系,以了解与军事飞行有关的应激反应。作者认为,对心理工作负荷影响的了解可能有助于改进军队飞行员的选拔及随访方案。方法35名飞行学员在志愿的基础上参加这项研究。试验组进行了一项Wiener试验,而总的心理学评估定在飞行  相似文献   

应用笔者研制开发的双重任务系列检验装置,对飞行所需能力进行了心理模拟。对119名结束理论学习阶段的飞行学员施测,学员起落航线单飞后,与心理测试结果进行统计对照分析。结果表明,两者的复相关系数r=0.58,总符合率为84%,选对率为85.7%,筛除率为61.5%,损失率为5%。当心理测验淘汰率在17%时,筛除率可达50%以上。  相似文献   

按心理学的原则和方法,制定了一套飞行人员心理训练方案:双重任务训练作为心理模拟训练;生物反馈放松训练作为情绪一行为控制训练;表象训练作为飞行程序和知觉一运动的认知训练。以声像教材和仪器训练形式在军事飞行员中试用。83名飞行员分为三个实验组和一个对照组。实验组每天接受30min训练,共15次。心理训练结束半年以后,四个组的飞行成绩有显著性差异(P<0.01),其中生物反馈放松训练+表象训练组的成绩与其它二组(生物反馈放松圳练组、双重任务训练组)及对照组相比有显著性差异;放松训练达标人数与飞行成绩的点双列相关系数为0.6;放格趋势一周后逐渐平稳。此结果为军事飞行员的心理训练提供了有益的启示。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: The psychological workload of flying has been shown to increase heart rate (HR) during flight simulator operation. The association between HR changes and flight performance remains unclear. METHODS: There were 15 pilots who performed a combat flight mission in a Weapons Tactics Trainer simulator of an F-18 Hornet. An electrocardiogram (ECG) was recorded, and individual incremental heart rates (deltaHR) from the HR during rest were calculated for each flight phase and used in statistical analyses. The combat flight period was divided into 13 phases, which were evaluated on a scale of 1 to 5 by the flight instructor. RESULTS: HR increased during interceptions (from a mean resting level of 79.0 to mean value of 96.7 bpm in one of the interception flight phases) and decreased during the return to base and slightly increased during the ILS approach and landing. DeltaHR appeared to be similar among experienced and less experienced pilots. DeltaHR responses during the flight phases did not correlate with simulator flight performance scores. Overall simulator flight performance correlated statistically significantly (r = 0.50) with the F-18 Hornet flight experience. CONCLUSIONS: HR reflected the amount of cognitive load during the simulated flight. Hence, HR analysis can be used in the evaluation of the psychological workload of military simulator flight phases. However, more detailed flight performance evaluation methods are needed for this kind of complex flight simulation to replace the traditional but rough interval scales. Use of a visual analog scale by the flight instructors is suggested for simulator flight performance evaluation.  相似文献   

The effects of a simulator flight task on the heart rate variation (HRV) and hemodynamic variables were studied in nine pilots with instrument flight ratings. An electrocardiogram (ECG), phonocardiogram (PCG), and impedance cardiogram (ICG) were recorded continuously during three successive flights. Indices of HRV, power spectra, and autocorrelograms were computed from the R-R interval signal. Stroke volume (SV), cardiac output (CO), and systolic time intervals (STI) were determined by means of the ECG, PCG, and ICG. A scaling method for a subjective evaluation of tiredness, effort, and success during the flight was used. The repeats of the flight task decreased the heart rate (HR), CO, and cardiac index (CI). The different phases of the flight altered the HR (mean 97 min-1, S.E.M. 4 min-1), total HRV (RMSM) (mean 33 ms, S.E.M. 5 ms), and the periodic HRV. Subjectively, the pilots felt only moderate stress. The subjectively evaluated tiredness was significantly associated with the STI. Moderate informative stress in the flight simulator affected the chronotropic parameters of the heart. The inotropic state of the heart was not affected by the different phases of the flight but possibly by the diminishing sympathetic drive with accommodation during the repeats.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Visual neglect is the unconscious inability to recognize or acknowledge some visual information in the presence of a structurally intact visual system, and was hypothesized to occur with less than 24 h of continuous wakefulness. Visual perception was evaluated in military pilots during a simulated overnight flight to explore for the possible occurrence of visual neglect. METHODS: There were eight military pilots (male, 31-52 yr of age, mean 37 yr) on flight status who were recruited to perform the primary task of flying a simulated 12.5 h overnight mission after a day of continuous wakefulness and the secondary task of responding to repeated 20 min presentations of single- and double-light stimuli displayed in random sequence at 15 degrees intervals across the cockpit instrument panel. In addition to the visual performance task, simulator shutdowns occurring when the tolerances of the simulator were exceeded were measured and simple reaction time on the psychomotor vigilance task was assessed. Total continuous wakefulness was 26.5 h. RESULTS: Combined performance on the visual perception task showed response omissions increasing at 19 h of continuous wakefulness. Patterns included omissions at all stimulus locations, of primarily peripherally located stimuli, and of one of two simultaneously presented stimuli. Simulator shutdowns began at 21.5 h of continuous wakefulness. Correlation of visual task response omissions with simulator shutdowns was r = 0.95, p < 0.0001. CONCLUSIONS: Significant neglect of visual stimuli occurred in pilots beginning at 19 h of continuous wakefulness in a simulated overnight fixed wing aircraft flight, preceded simulator shutdowns, and correlated at 0.95 with simulator shutdowns.  相似文献   

歼击机飞行员脑力负荷评价模型的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 评定飞机飞行品质,建立“歼击机飞行员脑力负荷评价模型”。方法 在歼-A和歼-1两种不同飞机的地面飞行模拟器上,由飞过该两种飞机的飞行员进行测试,对评价脑力负荷的主观评价法,主任务评价法,次任务评价法,生理评价法和综合评价法共7个指标用显著性测验进行选择。结果 5个评价指标当选,根据该5个指标的权重建立了“歼击机飞行员脑力负荷评价模型”,并在歼-C飞机地面模拟器上进行了验证。结论 结果与试飞员  相似文献   

目的观察高性能战斗机大强度飞行对飞行员的生理指标及飞行劳动负荷主观评价的影响。方法5名健康男性高性能战斗机飞行员在1个飞行日内共进行22架次的大强度飞行。记录飞行过程中的心电信号,分析心率及心率变异性(heart rate variability,HRV);飞行后进行飞行劳动负荷和疲劳程度主观评价。结果飞行员大强度飞行时,随着飞行负荷的降低,心率和HRV频域及时域指标呈现一定的规律性变化。心率在夜问较日问低;夜间校正高频功率(high frequency normalized unit,HFnu)高于日间,校正低频功率(low frequency normalized unit,LFnu)及低频高频比值(LF/HF)则低于日问。飞行员飞行劳动负荷及疲劳程度主观评价分值均较低,没有明显的主观疲劳感。结论高性能战斗机大强度飞行对飞行员生理指标有一定影响,但尚未引起飞行疲劳。合理的飞行安排及有力的航卫保障有利于飞行员身体机能的恢复,预防飞行疲劳,保障飞行安全。  相似文献   

Two different combinations of antiemetic drugs were evaluated using a digital flight simulator. Drug treatments consisted of a lactose placebo, a combination of thiethylperazine (10 mg) and cimetidine (300 mg), and a combination which added promethazine (25 mg) to the two-drug combination. The performance effects of these combinations were evaluated on both a dual task (instrument flight task with the Sternberg Memory Scanning task) and a single task condition (Sternberg task only) for 3 h post drug ingestion. Analysis indicated a significant treatment effect on three of the six flight performance variables and that the three-drug combination, containing promethazine, was primarily responsible for the decrease in performance. Implications for operation in a radiation environment are that thiethylperazine and cimetidine will not cause significant performance decrements, but the addition of promethazine to those two drugs will significantly impair performance. The Sternberg task was sensitive to changes in workload.  相似文献   

吸烟对歼击机飞行员认知能力的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 探讨吸烟对飞行员认知能力的影响,为提高飞行员飞行能力提供依据。方法 采用纸笔测验及人机对话的方式检测92名歼击机飞行员的比较刻度值(CSS)、判别方向(DD)、找特殊图形(DSG)、记忆计算数字广度(NSMA)、四数连加(FADA)、双重任务(DT)6项认知作业成绩,采用调查表的形式收集信息。结果 烟龄对双重任务有显著影响,测前吸烟对四数连加有显著影响。飞行员双重作业能力在烟龄达20年后明显下降,飞行员速算能力随测前吸烟时间缩短而降低。结论 本研究结果提示有关戒姻的健康教育与宣传将有助于增进歼击机飞行员的健康和技能,即将飞行前吸烟应被控制。  相似文献   

年龄因素对飞行员短时记忆、速算和双重作业能力的影响   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
目的探讨现役战斗机飞行员短时记忆力、速算能力和双重作业能力与年龄的关系。方法用自行研制的双重任务实验装置,对120名不同年龄组现役战斗机飞行员进行7项测试。结果可记住并进行正确加法运算的最多数字个数(MDMA)、单项任务时四数连加答对的题数(NAAST)和正确率(CRAST)、双重任务时四数连加正确题数(NAADT)和正确率(CRADT)以及双重任务时四数连加正确题数与单独完成四数连加正确题数的比率(RODVS),这6项指标与年龄呈负相关(P<0.01)。经单因素方差分析发现年龄因素对MDMA、NAAST和NAADT有显著的主因素作用(P<0.001)。经Duncan's检验发现34岁以下各组与35岁以上各组MDMA均值有显著差异(P<0.05),28岁以下各组与29岁以上各组NAAST、NAADT均值有显著差异(P<0.05)。结论现役战斗机飞行员短时记忆数字广度能力35岁后明显下降,加法速算和双重作业能力29岁后明显下降。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Spatial disorientation mishaps are greater at night and with greater time on task, and sleep deprivation is known to decrease cognitive and overall flight performance. However, the ability to perceive and to be influenced by physiologically appropriate simulated SD conflicts has not previously been studied in an automated simulator flight profile. METHODS: A set of 10 flight profiles were flown by 10 U.S. Air Force (USAF) pilots over a period of 28 h in a specially designed flight simulator for spatial disorientation research and training. Of the 10 flights, 4 had a total of 7 spatial disorientation (SD) conflicts inserted into each of them, 5 simulating motion illusions and 2 involving visual illusions. The percentage of conflict reports was measured along with the effects of four conflicts on flight performance. RESULTS: The results showed that, with one exception, all motion conflicts were reported over 60% of the time, whereas the two visual illusions were reported on average only 25% of the time, although they both significantly affected flight performance. Pilots older than 35 yr of age were more likely to report conflicts than were those under 30 yr of age (63% vs. 38%), whereas fatigue had little effect overall on either recognized or unrecognized SD. DISCUSSION: The overall effects of these conflicts on perception and performance were generally not altered by sleep deprivation, despite clear indications of fatigue in our pilots.  相似文献   

Simulator induced syndrome in Coast Guard aviators   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The incidence of adverse symptoms in Coast Guard aviators undergoing flight simulator training was determined. A voluntary, multi-part questionnaire was completed by 238 pilots. During the first simulator flight 64.3% of pilots reported at least one adverse symptom, 39.4% during the last flight. Simulator induced syndrome (SIS) was present in 47.1% of subjects during the first simulator flight, 23.5% during their last flight. Most subjects reported their symptoms as mild, with some symptoms rated as moderate or severe in nature. There was no statistically significant association (p greater than 0.05) between the development of SIS and flight experience, simulator experience, length of simulator session, or self-determined motion sickness susceptibility. There was a significant association (p less than 0.05) between SIS development and the use of simulators with computer-generated imagery (CGI). Nine pilots experienced adverse symptoms at least 2 d after their last simulator flight. In conclusion, this study revealed that SIS occurs frequently, is more common when CGI is present, may recur, suggests an adaptative process, and may not be associated with some factors previously claimed.  相似文献   

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