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Emerging next-generation sequencing technologies will enable DNA analyses to add pigmentation predictive and ancestry informative (AIM) SNPs to the range of markers detectable from a single PCR test. This prompted us to re-appraise current forensic and genomics AIM-SNPs and from the best sets, to identify the most divergent markers for a five population group differentiation of Africans, Europeans, East Asians, Native Americans and Oceanians by using our own online genome variation browsers. We prioritized careful balancing of population differentiation across the five group comparisons in order to minimize bias when estimating co-ancestry proportions in individuals with admixed ancestries. The differentiation of European from Middle East or South Asian ancestries was not chosen as a characteristic in order to concentrate on introducing Oceanian differentiation for the first time in a forensic AIM set. We describe a complete set of 128 AIM-SNPs that have near identical population-specific divergence across five continentally defined population groups. The full set can be systematically reduced in size, while preserving the most informative markers and the balance of population-specific divergence in at least four groups. We describe subsets of 88, 55, 28, 20 and 12 AIMs, enabling both new and existing SNP genotyping technologies to exploit the best markers identified for forensic ancestry analysis.  相似文献   

As evidenced by the large number of articles recently published in the literature, forensic scientists are making great efforts to infer externally visible features and biogeographical ancestry (BGA) from DNA analysis. Just as phenotypic, ancestry information obtained from DNA can provide investigative leads to identify the victims (missing/unidentified persons, crime/armed conflict/mass disaster victims) or trace their perpetrators when no matches were found with the reference profile or in the database. Recently, the advent of Massively Parallel Sequencing technologies associated with the possibility of harnessing high-throughput genetic data allowed us to investigate the associations between phenotypic and genomic variations in worldwide human populations and develop new BGA forensic tools capable of simultaneously analyzing up to millions of markers if for example the ancient DNA approach of hybridization capture was adopted to target SNPs of interest. In the present study, a selection of more than 3000 SNPs was performed to create a new BGA panel and the accuracy of the new panel to infer ancestry from unknown samples was evaluated by the PLS-DA method. Subsequently, the panel created was assessed using three variable selection techniques (Backward variable elimination, Genetic Algorithm and Regularized elimination procedure), and the best SNPs in terms of inferring bio-geographical ancestry at inter- and intra-continental level were selected to obtain panels to predict BGA with a reduced number of selected markers to be applied in routine forensic cases where PCR amplification is the best choice to target SNPs.  相似文献   

Forensic DNA Phenotyping (FDP) comprises the prediction of a person’s externally visible characteristics regarding appearance, biogeographic ancestry and age from DNA of crime scene samples, to provide investigative leads to help find unknown perpetrators that cannot be identified with forensic STR-profiling. In recent years, FDP has advanced considerably in all of its three components, which we summarize in this review article. Appearance prediction from DNA has broadened beyond eye, hair and skin color to additionally comprise other traits such as eyebrow color, freckles, hair structure, hair loss in men, and tall stature. Biogeographic ancestry inference from DNA has progressed from continental ancestry to sub-continental ancestry detection and the resolving of co-ancestry patterns in genetically admixed individuals. Age estimation from DNA has widened beyond blood to more somatic tissues such as saliva and bones as well as new markers and tools for semen. Technological progress has allowed forensically suitable DNA technology with largely increased multiplex capacity for the simultaneous analysis of hundreds of DNA predictors with targeted massively parallel sequencing (MPS). Forensically validated MPS-based FDP tools for predicting from crime scene DNA i) several appearance traits, ii) multi-regional ancestry, iii) several appearance traits together with multi-regional ancestry, and iv) age from different tissue types, are already available. Despite recent advances that will likely increase the impact of FDP in criminal casework in the near future, moving reliable appearance, ancestry and age prediction from crime scene DNA to the level of detail and accuracy police investigators may desire, requires further intensified scientific research together with technical developments and forensic validations as well as the necessary funding.  相似文献   

Y-chromosome single nucleotide polymorphism (Y-SNP) shows great variation in geographical distribution and population heterogeneity and can be used to map population genetics around the world. Massive parallel sequencing (MPS) methodology enables high-resolution Y-SNP haplogrouping for a certain male and is widely used in forensic genetics and evolutionary studies. In this present study, we used MPS to develop a customized 381 Y-SNP panel (SifaMPS 381 Y-SNP panel) to investigate the basic structure and subbranches of the haplogroup tree of the Chinese populations. The SifaMPS 381 Y-SNP panel covers all the Y-SNPs from our previously designed 183 Y-SNP panel and additional SNPs under the predominant haplogroups in the Chinese populations based on certain criteria. We also evaluated the sequencing matrix, concordance, sensitivity, repeatability of this panel and the ability to analyze mixed and case-type samples based on the Illumina MiSeq System. The results demonstrated that the novel MPS Y-SNP panel possessed good sequencing performance and generated accurate Y-SNP genotyping results. Although the recommended DNA input was greater than 1.25 ng, we observed that a lower DNA amount could still be used to analyze haplogroups correctly. In addition, this panel could handle mixed samples and common case-type samples and had higher resolution among Chinese Han males than previously reported. In conclusion, the SifaMPS 381 Y-SNP panel showed an overall good performance and offers a better choice for Y-SNP haplogrouping of the Chinese population, thereby facilitating paternal lineage classification, familial searching and other forensic applications.  相似文献   

In kinship tests, the investigating of the forensic STRs usually provides decisive information to resolve relationship cases. We describe a parentage case with 3 genetic incompatibilities (D6S1043, D18S51 and D2S1338) between the child and alleged parent. With 90 STR loci and 100 SNP loci, the massively parallel sequencing (MPS)-based genotyping results support the certainty of parentage, and the mismatched alleles were considered to be mutations. MPS can provide additional allele sequence structures that can be used to infer the origins of the mutations. SNPs as supplementary markers can provide effective information to give an unequivocal statement of the parentage.  相似文献   

New DNA-based predictive tests for physical characteristics and inference of ancestry are highly informative tools that are being increasingly used in forensic genetic analysis. Two eye colour prediction models: a Bayesian classifier – Snipper and a multinomial logistic regression (MLR) system for the Irisplex assay, have been described for the analysis of unadmixed European populations. Since multiple SNPs in combination contribute in varying degrees to eye colour predictability in Europeans, it is likely that these predictive tests will perform in different ways amongst admixed populations that have European co-ancestry, compared to unadmixed Europeans. In this study we examined 99 individuals from two admixed South American populations comparing eye colour versus ancestry in order to reveal a direct correlation of light eye colour phenotypes with European co-ancestry in admixed individuals. Additionally, eye colour prediction following six prediction models, using varying numbers of SNPs and based on Snipper and MLR, were applied to the study populations. Furthermore, patterns of eye colour prediction have been inferred for a set of publicly available admixed and globally distributed populations from the HGDP-CEPH panel and 1000 Genomes databases with a special emphasis on admixed American populations similar to those of the study samples.  相似文献   

The VISAGE Enhanced Tool for Appearance and Ancestry (ET) has been designed to combine markers for the prediction of bio-geographical ancestry plus a range of externally visible characteristics into a single massively parallel sequencing (MPS) assay. We describe the development of the ancestry panel markers used in ET, and the enhanced analyses they provide compared to previous MPS-based forensic ancestry assays. As well as established autosomal single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) that differentiate sub-Saharan African, European, East Asian, South Asian, Native American, and Oceanian populations, ET includes autosomal SNPs able to efficiently differentiate populations from Middle East regions. The ability of the ET autosomal ancestry SNPs to distinguish Middle East populations from other continentally defined population groups is such that characteristic patterns for this region can be discerned in genetic cluster analysis using STRUCTURE. Joint cluster membership estimates showing individual co-ancestry that signals North African or East African origins were detected, or cluster patterns were seen that indicate origins from central and Eastern regions of the Middle East. In addition to an augmented panel of autosomal SNPs, ET includes panels of 85 Y-SNPs, 16 X-SNPs and 21 autosomal Microhaplotypes. The Y- and X-SNPs provide a distinct method for obtaining extra detail about co-ancestry patterns identified in males with admixed backgrounds. This study used the 1000 Genomes admixed African and admixed American sample sets to fully explore these enhancements to the analysis of individual co-ancestry. Samples from urban and rural Brazil with contrasting distributions of African, European, and Native American co-ancestry were also studied to gauge the efficiency of combining Y- and X-SNP data for this purpose. The small panel of Microhaplotypes incorporated in ET were selected because they showed the highest levels of haplotype diversity amongst the seven population groups we sought to differentiate. Microhaplotype data was not formally combined with single-site SNP genotypes to analyse ancestry. However, the haplotype sequence reads obtained with ET from these loci creates an effective system for de-convoluting two-contributor mixed DNA. We made simple mixture experiments to demonstrate that when the contributors have different ancestries and the mixture ratios are imbalanced (i.e., not 1:1 mixtures) the ET Microhaplotype panel is an informative system to infer ancestry when this differs between the contributors.  相似文献   

During every criminal investigation, it is vital to extract as much information as possible from every piece of evidence. When it comes to DNA testing, simple short tandem repeat (STR) typing may soon become a relic because it is now possible to genotype more characteristics. Ancestry informative markers are receiving attention from the forensic community because individuals can be assigned to their population or territory of origin based on their analysis. Many panels of this kind have been proposed so far, yet most of them require typing of a large number of loci. In many cases it is crucial to pick a minimal set of the most informative markers due to the limited amount of material available for analysis. In this study, we demonstrate that 14 carefully picked SNPs combined in two multiplex assays are capable of fast, robust and cost effective three-way differentiation of East Asians, Europeans and Africans.  相似文献   

The Precision ID Ancestry Panel for the Ion Torrent PGM™ platform is able to genotype 165 autosomal SNPs by massively parallel sequencing (MPS). In the present study, we evaluated the depth of coverage, the locus strand balance and the heterozygote balance of the above panel. The SNPs rs1569175, rs2306040, rs9845457, rs1407434, and rs10007810 showed a low performance, due either to a low coverage, locus strand imbalance or heterozygote imbalance. To further to assess this panel, we analyzed 108 Basques. All loci proved to be in Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium and we did not detect any association between them with the exception of the pair rs3916235-rs4891825 in chromosome 18. The forensic parameters combined match probability and combined power of exclusion were estimated to be 3.13 × 10−35 and 99.9972%, respectively. In conclusion, the Precision ID Ancestry panel along with this new MPS technology constitute a very promising tool for human identification and biogeographical ancestry inference in routine casework in the forensic field.  相似文献   

Y-chromosomal haplogroups determined by Y-chromosomal single nucleotide polymorphisms (Y-SNPs) allow paternal lineage identification and paternal biogeographic ancestry inference, which has attracted a lot of interest in the forensic community. Recently, a comprehensive Y-SNP tool with dominant markers targeting haplogroups in R, E and I branches has been reported, which allows the inference of 640 Y haplogroups. It had a very good performance and could provide a high level of Y haplogroup resolution in most populations. However, the predominant haplogroups in the Chinese populations are O, C and N, suggesting that more Y-SNPs under these clades are needed to achieve the population-specific high resolution. Herein, aiming at the Chinese population, we presented a largely improved custom Y-SNP MPS panel that contains 256 carefully ascertained Y-SNPs based on our previous studies, and evaluated this panel via a series of tests, including the tests for concordance, repeatability, sensitivity, specificity, and stability, as well as the mixture, degraded and case-type sample analysis. The preliminary developmental validation demonstrated that this panel was highly reliable, sensitive, specific, and robust. In the sensitivity test, even when the DNA input was reduced to as low as 0.5 ng, the sample could still be assigned to the correct Y haplogroup. For mixture analysis, even the 1:99 (Male: Female) mixtures had no effects on the assignation of the Y haplogroup of the male contributor. In summary, this assay has provided a high-resolution Y-chromosomal haplogrouping workflow to determine a male’s paternal lineage and/or paternal biogeographic ancestry and could be widely used for Chinese Y-chromosomal haplogroups dissection.  相似文献   

SNP analysis is of paramount importance in forensic genetics. The development of new technologies in next-generation sequencing allowed processing a large number of markers in various samples simultaneously. Although SNPs are less informative than STRs, they present lower mutation rates and perform better when using degraded samples. Some SNP systems were developed for forensic usage, such as the SNPforID 52-plex, from the SNPforID Consortium, containing 52 bi-allelic SNPs for human identification. In this paper we evaluated the informativeness of this system in a Brazilian population sample (n = 340). DNA libraries were prepared using a customized HaloPlex Target Enrichment System kit (Agilent Technologies, Inc.) and sequenced in the MiSeq Personal Sequencer platform (Illumina Inc.). The methodology presented here allowed the analysis of 51 out of 52 SNPforID markers. Allele frequencies and forensic parameters were estimated, revealing high informativeness: the combined match probability and power of exclusion were 6.48 × 10−21 and 0.9997, respectively. Population admixture analysis indicates high European contribution (more than 70%) and low Amerindian contribution (less than 10%) in our population, while individual admixture analyses were consistent with the majority of individuals presenting high European contribution. This study demonstrates that the 52-plex kit is suitable for forensic cases in a Brazilian population, presenting results comparable with those obtained using a 16 STR panel.  相似文献   

There is increasing interest in forensic ancestry tests, which are part of a growing number of DNA analyses that can enhance routine profiling by obtaining additional genetic information about unidentified DNA donors. Nearly all ancestry tests use single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), but these currently rely on SNaPshot single base extension chemistry that can fail to detect mixed DNA. Insertion-deletion polymorphism (Indel) tests have been developed using dye-labeled primers that allow direct capillary electrophoresis detection of PCR products (PCR-to-CE). PCR-to-CE maintains the direct relationship between input DNA and signal strength as each marker is detected with a single dye, so mixed DNA is more reliably detected. We report the results of a collaborative inter-laboratory exercise of 19 participants (15 from the EDNAP European DNA Profiling group) that assessed a 34-plex SNP test using SNaPshot and a 46-plex Indel test using PCR-to-CE. Laboratories were asked to type five samples with different ancestries and detect an additional mixed DNA sample. Statistical inference of ancestry was made by participants using the Snipper online Bayes analysis portal plus an optional PCA module that analyzes the genotype data alongside calculation of Bayes likelihood ratios. Exercise results indicated consistent genotyping performance from both tests, reaching a particularly high level of reliability for the Indel test. SNP genotyping gave 93.5% concordance (compared to the organizing laboratory’s data) that rose to 97.3% excluding one laboratory with a large number of miscalled genotypes. Indel genotyping gave a higher concordance rate of 99.8% and a reduced no-call rate compared to SNP analysis. All participants detected the mixture from their Indel peak height data and successfully assigned the correct ancestry to the other samples using Snipper, with the exception of one laboratory with SNP miscalls that incorrectly assigned ancestry of two samples and did not obtain informative likelihood ratios for a third. Therefore, successful ancestry assignments were achieved by participants in 92 of 95 Snipper analyses. This exercise demonstrates that ancestry inference tests based on binary marker sets can be readily adopted by laboratories that already have well-established CE regimes in place. The Indel test proved to be easy to use and allowed all exercise participants to detect the DNA mixture as well as achieving complete and concordant profiles in nearly all cases. Lastly, two participants successfully ran parallel next-generation sequencing analyses (each using different systems) and achieved high levels of genotyping concordance using the exercise PCR primer mixes unmodified.  相似文献   

Massively parallel sequencing (MPS) technology has the capability to genotype hundreds to thousands of SNPs from multiple samples, with high coverage in a single experimental run. MPS, which enables high-resolution Y haplogrouping from limited DNA resources, has attracted much interest in Y-chromosomal applications, particularly human forensics and anthropological studies. Previously, we selected and designed a 72 Y-SNPs MPS panel aiming at the Chinese population for providing the basic structure of the haplogroup tree, and then additional Y-SNPs were screened out for further subdivision into different populations by using pyrosequencing technology. In the present study, we designed a customized MPS panel that includes 165 Y-SNPs based on our previous studies and evaluated the sequencing performance, sensitivity and the ability of the MPS-SNP panel to analyze case-type samples using the Ion S5 XL System. In the concordant study, only four Y-SNPs presented missing genotypes due to low coverage reads, and five SNPs were prone to being designated heterozygotes, whereas the designation of the other SNPs were fully consistent with the results obtained from other Y-SNP typing tools. The analyst-interpreted Y-SNP profiles demonstrated that the targeted Y-SNPs, except for the nine poorly performing Y-SNPs, performed well and could acquire achievable high-resolution. Moreover, this MPS panel could be adapted to case-type samples, and single source complete profiles could be stably obtained using 1 ng of input DNA. In summary, this MPS Y-SNP panel offers a straightforward sample-to-haplogroup workflow that would be beneficial for paternal lineage classification and forensic pedigree searches, and the present results provide support for the application of MPS technology in SNP analysis.  相似文献   

Massively parallel sequencing can provide genetic data for hundreds to thousands of loci in a single assay for various types of forensic testing. However, available commercial kits require an initial PCR amplification of short-to-medium sized targets which limits their application for highly degraded DNA. Development and optimisation of large PCR multiplexes also prevents creation of custom panels that target different suites of markers for identity, biogeographic ancestry, phenotype, and lineage markers (Y-chromosome and mtDNA). Hybridisation enrichment, an alternative approach for target enrichment prior to sequencing, uses biotinylated probes to bind to target DNA and has proven successful on degraded and ancient DNA. We developed a customisable hybridisation capture method, that uses individually mixed baits to allow tailored and targeted enrichment to specific forensic questions of interest. To allow collection of forensic intelligence data, we assembled and tested a custom panel of hybridisation baits to infer biogeographic ancestry, hair and eye colour, and paternal lineage (and sex) on modern male and female samples with a range of self-declared ancestries and hair/eye colour combinations. The panel correctly estimated biogeographic ancestry in 9/12 samples (75%) but detected European admixture in three individuals from regions with admixed demographic history. Hair and eye colour were predicted correctly in 83% and 92% of samples respectively, where intermediate eye colour and blond hair were problematic to predict. Analysis of Y-chromosome SNPs correctly assigned sex and paternal haplogroups, the latter complementing and supporting biogeographic ancestry predictions. Overall, we demonstrate the utility of this hybridisation enrichment approach to forensic intelligence testing using a combined suite of biogeographic ancestry, phenotype, and Y-chromosome SNPs for comprehensive biological profiling.  相似文献   

In addition to commonly used short tandem repeats (STRs) and single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), insertion and deletion polymorphisms (InDels) have considerable potential in the field of forensic genetics because they combine desirable characteristics of both STRs and SNPs. In the present study, the SifaInDel 45plex system was designed to amplify 45 InDel markers, including 27 autosomal InDels (A-InDels), 16 X chromosome InDels (X-InDels) and two Y chromosome InDels (Y-InDels), simultaneously in a single PCR procedure and then detect products by capillary electrophoresis (CE). We also optimized the PCR conditions for the novel panel and performed several validation studies including repeatability/reproducibility, concordance, accuracy, sensitivity, stability, species specificity and population genetics.The results confirmed that full profiles could be obtained from ≥62.5 pg of input DNA and from a series of challenging samples encountered in routine casework. The SifaInDel 45plex panel could tolerate different concentrations of inhibitors, such as ≤50 μM hematin, ≤20 ng/μL nigrosine and ≤8000 ng/μL urea. In a population investigation, for the 27 A-InDels, the combined power of discrimination (CPD) exceeded 0.999999, and the combined power of exclusion in duos (CPED) and trios (CPET) was 0.955118 and 0.997754, respectively. For the 16 X-InDels, the combined PDMale and PDFemale was computed as 0.999845 and 0.999998, respectively, and the combined mean exclusion chance in father/daughter or mother/son duos (MECDuo) and mean exclusion chance in standard trios involving daughters (MECTrio) was 0.976220 and 0.998163, respectively. In addition, the two Y-InDels could play a role in correctly determining gender. Overall, the established SifaInDel 45plex panel is a well-performing, reliable and robust multiplex system that stands out for combining a considerable number of A-indels, X-indels and Y-indels based on a CE platform. The population study results also demonstrated that the SifaInDel 45plex panel could be a valid complementary approach for human identification and complex kinship analysis.  相似文献   

Fan  Haoliang  Wang  Lingxiang  Liu  Changhui  Lu  Xiaoyu  Xu  Xuding  Ru  Kai  Qiu  Pingming  Liu  Chao  Wen  Shao-Qing 《International journal of legal medicine》2022,136(2):447-464
International Journal of Legal Medicine - Short tandem repeats (STRs) are the preferred genetic markers in forensic DNA analysis, routinely measured by capillary electrophoresis (CE) method based...  相似文献   

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