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Repetitive sequences in the human genome called short tandem repeats (STRs) are used in human identification for forensic purposes. Interpretation of DNA profiles generated using STRs is often problematic because of uncertainty in the number of contributors to the sample. Existing methods to identify the number of contributors work on the number of peaks observed and/or allele frequencies. We have developed a computational method called NOCIt that calculates the a posteriori probability (APP) on the number of contributors. NOCIt works on single source calibration data consisting of known genotypes to compute the APP for an unknown sample. The method takes into account signal peak heights, population allele frequencies, allele dropout and stutter—a commonly occurring PCR artifact. We tested the performance of NOCIt using 278 experimental and 40 simulated DNA mixtures consisting of one to five contributors with total DNA mass from 0.016 to 0.25 ng. NOCIt correctly identified the number of contributors in 83% of the experimental samples and in 85% of the simulated mixtures, while the accuracy of the best pre-existing method to determine the number of contributors was 72% for the experimental samples and 73% for the simulated mixtures. Moreover, NOCIt calculated the APP for the true number of contributors to be at least 1% in 95% of the experimental samples and in all the simulated mixtures.  相似文献   

Marijuana (Cannabis sativa L.) is a plant cultivated and trafficked worldwide as a source of fiber (hemp), medicine, and intoxicant. The development of a validated method using molecular techniques such as short tandem repeats (STRs) could serve as an intelligence tool to link multiple cases by means of genetic individualization or association of cannabis samples. For this purpose, a 13 loci STR multiplex method was developed, optimized, and validated according to relevant ISFG and SWGDAM guidelines. The STR multiplex consists of 13 previously described C. sativa STR loci: ANUCS501, 9269, 4910, 5159, ANUCS305, 9043, B05, 1528, 3735, CS1, D02, C11, and H06. A sequenced allelic ladder consisting of 56 alleles was designed to accurately genotype 101 C. sativa samples from three seizures provided by a U.S. Customs and Border Protection crime lab. Using an optimal range of DNA (0.5–1.0 ng), validation studies revealed well-balanced electropherograms (inter-locus balance range: 0.500–1.296), relatively balanced heterozygous peaks (mean peak height ratio of 0.83 across all loci) with minimal artifacts and stutter ratio (mean stutter of 0.021 across all loci). This multi-locus system is relatively sensitive (0.13 ng of template DNA) with a combined power of discrimination of 1 in 55 million. The 13 STR panel was found to be species specific for C. sativa; however, non-specific peaks were produced with Humulus lupulus. The results of this research demonstrate the robustness and applicability of this 13 loci STR system for forensic DNA profiling of marijuana samples.  相似文献   

A quadruplex reaction has been developed which amplifies the short tandem repeat (STR) loci HUMVWA31/A, HUMTHO1, HUMF13A1 and HUMFES/FPS. Detection of the PCR products employs denaturing poly-acrylamide gels coupled with fluorescent-based technology. This system has been evaluated for use in routine forensic casework and has been shown to be both robust and reproducible. The quadruplex reaction is as sensitive as the commercially available HLA DQ Amplitype typing system and can be used on both degraded and aged material. The problems of environmental contamination have been shown to be limited provided strict procedural practices are followed — i.e. physical separation of sample extraction and amplified products; the use of dedicated equipment such as pipettes; the separation of amplification preparation area. The ability of the system to detect mixtures and the successful analysis of case stains has shown that this system is well suited as a tool for forensic investigation.  相似文献   

Allele frequencies of 15 STR loci (D8S1179, D21S11, D7S820, CSF1PO, D3S1358, TH01, D13S317, D16S539, D2S1338, D19S433, vWA, TPOX, D18S51, D5S818, and FGA) were determined in a sample of 163 unrelated individuals from the Republic of Macedonia. AmpFISTR Identifiler Kit (Applied Biosystems) was used for PCR amplification. For all 15 loci, the combined matching chance is 6.6×1018 and the power of exclusion is 99.999954%.  相似文献   

This study investigated 22 autosomal short tandem repeat (STR) loci in 156 unrelated individuals from the Mong ethnic minority in Ha Giang Province, Vietnam. Allele frequencies and forensic parameters were calculated, showing the combined Powers of Discrimination reaching 1.000000000000000000000000000000 and the combined Power of Exclusion greater than 0.999999986623. Phylogenetic analysis indicated that the Vietnamese Mong population has close genetic relationships with other Hmong-Mien populations.  相似文献   

Frequency data for nine short tandem repeat (STR) loci were collected from 130 unrelated Caucasians from North Bavaria using the AmpFlSTR Profiler multiplex system. The loci D3S1358, vWA, FGA, TH01, TPOX, CSF1PO, D5S818, D13S317, D7S820 and the sex test amelogenin were investigated. Allele frequencies, rates of heterozygosity and the discrimination power of the combined systems were calculated by statistical analysis. Except for D5S818 all loci met Hardy-Weinberg expectations. Received: 27 August 1998 / Received in revised form: 28 December 1998  相似文献   

Two multiplex polymerase chain reaction systems for the automated profiling of 12 X-chromosomal short tandem repeat (STR) markers were developed. Multiplex A consisted of DXS6789, DXS6809, GATA172D05, DXS101, DXS8378, and DXS8377. Multiplex B consisted of DXS7132, DXS6800, DXS6801, DXS7424, HPRTB, and DXS10011. The set of amplified X-STRs was designed to include groups of closely linked markers (DXS101–DXS7424 and DXS6789–DXS6801–DXS6809) to generate highly informative haplotypes for kinship testing. A population genetics study of the 12 X-STRs was conducted in a northwestern Italian population sample (n=160, 80 women and 80 men). A diallelic pattern at locus DXS6789 was observed in one man.Electronic supplementary material Supplementary material is available for this article at and is accessible for authorized users.  相似文献   

For two short tandem repeats at the D22S683 and D6S477 loci, 30 and 22 selected alleles, respectively were sequenced. A total of 20 different alleles were found for the D22S683 locus and 12 alleles for the D6S477 locus. In both systems the alleles were designated according to the total number of repeats. D22S683 is a hypervariable STR consisting of blocks of (TATC) repeats with a basic sequence structure (TATATC)n (TATC)n (ATC)0–1 (TATC)n. The D6S477 locus consists of blocks of (TCTA) repeats with a basic sequence structure (TCTA)n (TA)1 (TCTA)0–2 (TA)0–1 (TCTA)n. Population data showed a heterozygosity of 0.89 for D22S683 and 0.75 for D6S477. These STRs are promising markers for forensic genetics as they are robust and can be easily included in multiplexes. Received: 17 March 1999 / Received in revised form: 19 May 1999  相似文献   

The EuroForMix model has been extended to create a new open-source software called EFMrep which enables the combination of STR DNA mixture samples from different multiplexes. In addition to calculating combined likelihood ratios and carrying out deconvolution, the software also includes the capability to specify related unknown individuals. A graphical user interface has been implemented to ease the analysis for practitioners in real case work. The effect of combining multiple samples based on the PROVEDIt dataset was investigated, either from the same or different multiplexes. The information gain increases when more samples are combined. A head-to-head comparison against EuroForMix shows the benefit of a more general model. Guidelines are provided. A real case example was used to demonstrate how EFMrep could be used to combine multiple samples when a proposition includes kinship.  相似文献   

This study reports Short Tandem Repeat (STR) sequence-based allele data from 496 Spanish individuals across 31 autosomal STR (auSTR) loci included in the Precision ID GlobalFiler™ NGS STR Panel v2: D12S391, D13S317, D8S1179, D21S11, D3S1358, D5S818, D1S1656, D2S1338, vWA, D2S441, D5S2800, D7S820, D16S539, D6S474, D12ATA63, D4S2408, D6S1043, D19S433, D14S1434, CSF1PO, D10S1248, D18S51, D1S1677, D22S1045, D2S1776, D3S4529, FGA, Penta D, Penta E, TH01 and TPOX. The sequence of each allele was aligned to the reference sequence GRCh37 (hg19) and formatted according to the guidance of the International Society for Forensic Genetics. A subset of 221 samples was evaluated for testing concordance with allele calls derived from CE-based analysis using PowerPlex Fusion 6C, and there was 99.95% allele concordance. Twenty-five out of 31 auSTR loci showed an increased number of alleles due to repeat region sequence variation and/or single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) residing in the flanking regions. A total of 18 loci showed increased observed heterozygosity due to sequence variation; the loci exhibiting the greatest increase were: D13S317 (12% points), D5S818 (10% points), D8S1179 (7% points), D3S1358 (7% points), and D21S11 (6% points). The combined match probability decreased from 2.022E-24 (length-based data) to 1.042E-27 (sequence-based data) for the 20 CODIS core STR loci. The combined match probability (sequence-based data) for the 31 STR loci studied was 4.777E-40. The combined typical paternity index increased from 1.118E + 12 to 8.179E + 13 using length and sequence-based data, respectively. This Spanish population study performed in the framework of the EU-funded DNASEQEX project is expected to provide STR sequence-based allele frequencies for forensic casework and support implementation of massively parallel sequencing (MPS) technology in forensic laboratories.  相似文献   

Population studies were carried out on German and Turkish individuals from South-West Germany using the short tandem repeat (STR) systems HumFibra (n = 138 Turkish and 1161 German individuals) and HumACTBP2 (n = 202 Turkish and 1338 German individuals). After electrophoresis 19 alleles could be identified for HumFibra and 55 for HumACTBP2. No significant deviations from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium were observed. Received: 11 February 1998 / Received in revised form: 4 May 1998  相似文献   

In order to create an autosomal STR loci population database for Himachal Pradesh, 259 blood samples were taken from people residing in various regions of the state and AmpFlSTR® Identifiler® Plus PCR amplification kit was used for evaluation of 15 autosomal STR markers. A total of 149 alleles were investigated in this study with a mean allele number of 9.933 per locus. The locus D2S1338 was most informative in our data, as it had the highest discrimination power (PD-0.967) and the highest polymorphic information content (PIC-0.86). The matching probability and typical paternity index for all the studied loci were observed as 2.9x10-18 and 4.7x105, respectively. Discrimination power (CPD) and exclusion power (CPE) for all the studied loci were observed as 1 and 0.999998.  相似文献   

Probabilistic genotyping software based on continuous models is effective for interpreting DNA profiles derived from DNA mixtures and small DNA samples. In this study, we updated our previously developed Kongoh software (to ver. 3.0.1) to interpret DNA profiles typed using the GlobalFiler™ PCR Amplification Kit. Recently, highly sensitive typing systems such as the GlobalFiler system have facilitated the detection of forward, double-back, and minus 2-nt stutters; therefore, we implemented statistical models for these stutters in Kongoh. In addition, we validated the new version of Kongoh using 2–4-person mixtures and DNA profiles with degradation in the GlobalFiler system. The likelihood ratios (LRs) for true contributors and non-contributors were well separated as the information increased (i.e., larger peak height and fewer contributors), and these LRs tended to neutrality as the information decreased. These trends were observed even in profiles with DNA degradation. The LR values were highly reproducible, and the accuracy of the calculation was also confirmed. Therefore, Kongoh ver. 3.0.1 is useful for interpreting DNA mixtures and degraded DNA samples in the GlobalFiler system.  相似文献   

Often fingernails from a victim or suspect involved in a physical assault, such as murder or sexual assault, are submitted to crime laboratories for DNA testing of foreign/exogenous biological material; however, very few studies have been conducted comparing the effectiveness of different sampling methods on the removal of foreign/exogenous DNA while minimizing the fingernail endogenous DNA. In this study three different sampling methods (swabbing, PBS soak, and PrepFiler® lysis buffer soak) were compared in order to identify one that minimizes the amount of endogenous DNA removed and maximizes the amount of foreign/exogenous male DNA removed. The samples were processed using the Tecan HIDEVO150 robot in order to reduce analyst time and the DNA mixtures were interpreted using the probabilistic genotyping software STRmix™. For each sampling method the quantity of male DNA, the mixture proportions, the number of foreign/exogenous male alleles detected, the amount of DNA degradation, and the discrimination power via the likelihood ratio obtained for the foreign/exogenous male DNA donor were determined and compared. The PrepFiler® lysis buffer soak and swabbing sampling methods appear to be equally effective at removing foreign/exogenous DNA from fingernails; however, the lysis buffer soak sampling method extracts more female endogenous DNA from the fingernail and the female DNA is degraded. Marginally higher likelihood ratios were obtained for the swab samples versus the PrepFiler® lysis buffer soak samples; therefore, it was determined that the swabbing sampling method was the best sampling method for the recovery of foreign exogenous DNA from fingernails while minimizing the amount of endogenous DNA removed.  相似文献   

This study describes the development of a SNP typing system for human identification in the Thai population, in particular for extremely degraded DNA samples. A highly informative SNP marker set for forensic identification was identified, and a multiplex PCR-based Invader assay was developed. Fifty-one highly informative autosomal SNP markers and three sex determination SNP markers were amplified in two multiplex PCR reactions and then detected using Invader assay reactions. The average PCR product size was 71 base pairs. The match probability of the 54-SNP marker set in 124 Thai individuals was 1.48 × 10−21, higher than that of STR typing, suggesting that this 54-SNP marker set is beneficial for forensic identification in the Thai population. The selected SNP marker set was also evaluated in 90 artificially degraded samples, and in 128 naturally degraded DNA samples from real forensic casework which had shown no profiles or incomplete profiles when examined using a commercial STR typing system. A total of 56 degraded samples (44%) achieved the matching probability (PM) equivalent to STR gold standard analysis (successful genotyping of 44 SNP markers) for human identification. These data indicated that our novel 54-SNP marker set provides a very useful and valuable approach for forensic identification in the Thai population, especially in the case of highly to extremely degraded DNA.In summary, we have developed a set of 54 Thai-specific SNPs for human identification which have higher discrimination power than STR genotyping. The PCRs for these 54 SNP markers were successfully combined into two multiplex reactions and detected with an Invader assay. This novel SNP genotyping system also yields high levels of genetic information from naturally degraded samples, even though there are much more difficult to recover than artificially degraded samples.  相似文献   

Massively parallel sequencing (MPS) is on the advent of a broad scale application in forensic research and casework. The improved capabilities to analyse evidentiary traces representing unbalanced mixtures is often mentioned as one of the major advantages of this technique. However, most of the available software packages that analyse forensic short tandem repeat (STR) sequencing data are not well suited for high throughput analysis of such mixed traces. The largest challenge is the presence of stutter artefacts in STR amplifications, which are not readily discerned from minor contributions. FDSTools is an open-source software solution developed for this purpose. The level of stutter formation is influenced by various aspects of the sequence, such as the length of the longest uninterrupted stretch occurring in an STR. When MPS is used, STRs are evaluated as sequence variants that each have particular stutter characteristics which can be precisely determined. FDSTools uses a database of reference samples to determine stutter and other systemic PCR or sequencing artefacts for each individual allele. In addition, stutter models are created for each repeating element in order to predict stutter artefacts for alleles that are not included in the reference set. This information is subsequently used to recognise and compensate for the noise in a sequence profile. The result is a better representation of the true composition of a sample. Using Promega Powerseq™ Auto System data from 450 reference samples and 31 two-person mixtures, we show that the FDSTools correction module decreases stutter ratios above 20% to below 3%. Consequently, much lower levels of contributions in the mixed traces are detected. FDSTools contains modules to visualise the data in an interactive format allowing users to filter data with their own preferred thresholds.  相似文献   

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