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Galanin-like immunoreactivity (GAL-ir) was examined within the basal forebrain and adjacent regions of eight young adult New World monkeys (Cebus apella), one aged Old World monkey (Macaca mulatta), and eight humans without clinical or pathological evidence of neurological disease. All monkeys demonstrated similar patterns of immunoreactive profiles characterized by a continuum of GAL-ir magnocellular neurons located within the medial septum, diagonal band nuclei, and nucleus basalis. Colocalization experiments revealed that most (greater than 90%) of GAL-ir basal forebrain neurons also expressed the receptor for nerve growth factor (NGFR), an excellent marker for primate cholinergic basal forebrain neurons. A few smaller parvicellular GAL-ir neurons were also observed within the monkey basal forebrain. In contrast, identical cytochemical experiments revealed that virtually none of the magnocellular neurons within the basal forebrain of humans were GAL-ir. Rather, a network of GAL-containing fibers and terminal-like profiles were observed encompassing the magnocellular cholinergic neurons in humans. This immunohistochemical species difference does not appear to be mediated by procedural or technical factors since human brains contained numerous GAL-ir perikarya and fibers within adjacent regions including the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and medial hypothalamus. These data demonstrate that there is a prominent phylogenetic transformation in primates with respect to the processing of GAL-mediated information. This species difference potentially relates to the severe basal forebrain degeneration reported in human dementias and illustrates the possible need for a reevaluation of the use of monkeys as an animal model of human basal forebrain-related cognitive dysfunction.  相似文献   

A monoclonal antibody raised against the receptor for nerve growth factor (NGF) was used to examine the distribution and morphology of NGF receptor-containing neurons within the central nervous system of Cebus apella monkeys. Most somata demonstrating positive immunoreactivity were localized within the Ch1-4 regions of the basal forebrain. Neurons in the Ch1 region displayed morphological features typical of cholinergic medial septal neurons. These perikarya were primarily vertically oriented (40-50 micron along the vertical axis) with both apical and basal neuritic processes. Magnocellular (40-50 micron) neurons within the Ch2 (vertical limb of the diagonal band), Ch3 (horizontal limb of the diagonal band) and Ch4 (nucleus basalis of Meynert) regions were multipolar and had rounded perikarya that often displayed an eccentric nucleus. Fibers presumably originating from the Ch1-2 regions were observed throughout the fimbria-fornix system and were found to terminate preferentially within the CA1 and CA3 regions of the hippocampal formation and within the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. An intense fiber network was also observed in the olfactory tubercle and other rhinencephalic structures, presumably originating from the Ch3 region of the basal forebrain. Beaded processes emanating from the Ch4 region primarily coursed within the external capsule and terminated preferentially within layers I, II, and IV of the cerebral cortex. In a pattern similar to that of cortical acetylcholinesterase (AChE) staining, NGF receptor immunopositive fibers were oriented in a tangential plane within the molecular layer of the cortex and in both a radial and tangential fashion within the cortical granular cell layers. In addition to neural innervation, there was an extensive vascular apposition by NGF receptor-containing neurites on both large caliber vessels and microcapillaries. NGF receptor immunoreactivity was extensively, but not exclusively, colocalized with choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and AChE in the basal forebrain. A small population of cholinergic neurons were observed that were not NGF receptor-immunoreactive. Conversely, a few NGF receptor-containing neurons that were noncholinergic were also observed in this brain region. NGF receptor-containing somata were also identified in the putamen. The number of immunoreactive neurons observed in this structure, however, would not appear to be sufficient to account for the homologous NGF receptor binding densities described in rodents.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The cholinergic projections to the limbic telecephalon in the rat were investigated by use of fluorescent tracer histology in combination with choline-O-acetyltransferase (ChAT) immunohistochemistry and acetylcholinesterase (AChE) histochemistry (pharmacohistochemical regimen). Propidium iodide or Evans Blue was infused into the olfactory bulb, hippocampus, dorsal retrohippocampal region, amygdala, and the entorhinal, perirhinal, pyriform, insular, and cingular cortices. Retrogradely transported fluorescent labels and ChAT and/or AChE were microscopically analyzed on the same brain section. Virtually all of the cholinergic projections to the limbic telencephalon derived from the basal forebrain cholinergic system composed of neurons associated with the medial septal nucleus, nuclei of the vertical and horizontal limbs of the diagonal band, the magnocellular preoptic area, the subpallidal substantia innominata and its rostral extension into the regions of the ventral pallidum laterally and the lateral preoptic area medially, and the nucleus basalis. The cingulate cortex received a small cholinergic projection from the dorsolateral tegmental nucleus in the brainstem. All of the presumed cholinergic innervation of the olfactory bulb, hippocampus, and dorsal retrohippocampal area and the majority of cholinergic afferents to posterior cingulate and entorhinal cortices derived from the medial septal nucleus, vertical and horizontal limbs of the diagonal band, magnocellular preoptic area, and rostral substantia innominata. Putative cholinergic afferents to the amygdala and to pyriform, insular, perirhinal, and anterior cingulate cortices orginated from ChAT-positive cells concentrated more caudally in the basal forebrain cholinergic system. Within the basal forebrain, no simple topographic pattern emerged to explain the cholinergic innervation of the limbic telencephalon, although an essentially reverse rostrocaudal organization was observed for afferents to the cingular region. It was noted, however, that most regions of the limbic telencephalon received cholinergic input from rostral portions of the basal forebrain cholinergic system, an observation inviting speculation that anterior aspects of the basal forebrain provide cholinergic afferents primarily to limbic structures in the telencephalon whereas more caudal portions are the source of cholinergic fibers preferentially innervating non-limbic regions. Of the total number of projection neurons innervating a given region of the limbic telencephalon, a greater proportion was ChAT-positive if phylogenetically newer target structures were innervated.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

Magnocellular neurons comprising the Ch1-Ch4 regions of the basal forebrain provide topographic cholinergic innervation to the cerebral cortex, thalamus, and basolateral nucleus of the amygdala. Most quantitative studies analyzing the status of these neurons in Alzheimer's disease (AD) have employed Nissl-stained preparations. These studies principally analyzed large neurons of a prespecified cell diameter. Since basal forebrain neurons atrophy in Alzheimer's disease, an immunocytochemical marker for these neurons would appear to be a better alternative for determining whether there is regionally specific degeneration of cholinergic neurons across subregions of the basal forebrain. Brain sections from seven AD and five aged-matched control patients were immunocytochemically stained with a monoclonal antibody raised against the receptor for nerve growth factor (NGF), a probe which has previously been demonstrated to extensively and exclusively colocalize with cholinergic basal forebrain neurons in humans (17, 25, 35). NGF receptor-immunoreactive neurons within the hippocampal projecting nuclei of the medial septum (Ch1) and vertical limb of the diagonal band (Ch2) were minimally affected in AD as compared to control cases. In contrast, the Ch4 region demonstrated a significant loss of NGF receptor-immunoreactive neurons in AD that inversely correlated (-0.786) with the duration of the disease process. All four subregions of Ch4 were affected in the AD cases with the anterolateral (76.4%), intermediate (62.1%) and posterior divisions (76.5%) demonstrating the greatest reduction in NGF receptor-immunoreactive neurons. Nissl-counterstained sections failed to reveal magnocellular neurons which were not immunoreactive for the NGF receptor, suggesting that reductions in immunocytochemically stained neurons reflects neuron loss and not the failure of viable neurons to synthesize NGF receptors. These data indicate that cholinergic basal forebrain neurons which project to the amygdala, as well as to the temporal, frontobasal, and frontodorsal cortices, are most affected in AD.  相似文献   

The organization of projections from the cholinergic neurons of the basal forebrain to neocortex and associated structures was investigated in the rhesus monkey with the help of horseradish peroxidase transport, acetyl-cholinesterase histochemistry, and choline acetyltransferase immunohis-tochemistry. Four groups of neurons contained cholinergic perikarya and were designated as Chl-Ch4. The Ch1 group corresponds to the medial septal nucleus; about 10% of its neurons are cholinergic, and it provides a substantial projection to the hippocampus. The Ch2 group corresponds to the vertical nucleus of the diagonal band; at least 70% of its neurons are cholinergic, and it is the major source of innervation that the hippocampus and hypothalamus receive from the Chl-Ch4 complex. The Ch3 group most closely corresponds to the horizontal nucleus of the diagonal band; only 1% of its neurons can definitely be shown to be cholinergic, and it is the major source of Chl-Ch4 projections to the olfactory bulb. The Ch4 group most closely corresponds to the nucleus basalis of Meynert; at least 90% of its neurons are cholinergic, and it has projections to widespread areas of cortex and to the amygdala. In fact, the Ch4 group provides the single major source of cholinergic innervation for the entire cortical surface. In this respect, it is analogous to the raphe nuclei and to the nucleus locus coeruleus, which constitute the major sources of widespread cortical serotonergic and nor-adrenergic innervation, respectively. The extensive Ch4 group can be divided into several subdivisions. Each subdivision has a preferential set of targets for its projections even though the connection patterns contain considerable overlap. The anteromedial subdivision of Ch4 is the major source of cholinergic projections to areas on the medial aspect of the cerebral hemispheres; the anterolateral Ch4 sub-division is the major source of cholinergic projections to frontoparietal op-ercular areas and to the amygdala; the intermediate Ch4 subdivision pro-vides the major cholinergic input for a variety of dorsal prefrontal, insular, posterior parietal, inferotemporal, and peristriate areas; and the posterior subdivision of Ch4 provides the major cholinergic innervation of superior temporal and immediately adjacent areas. The basal forebrain in the human contains a cytoarchitechture analogous to that of the monkey. The Ch4 group (nucleus basalis) of the human is very extensive and can be subdivided into the same components that were identfied in the monkey brain. Pathological changes in Ch4 neurons have been described in a variety of human disease. In Alzheimer's disease, the relatively selective depression of neocortical cholinergic innervation may be closely associated with the neuronal loss in Ch4, which has also been described inthis condition. In the rhesus monkey, all types of cortical areas receive substantial projections from the hippocampus. Virtually all of this hypothalamic input into neocortex arises from acetylcholinesterase-rich neurons which lack choline acetyltransferase. The hypothalamocortical pathway is therefore acetylcholinesterase-rich but not cholinergic.  相似文献   

We investigated the distribution pattern of SMI-32-immunopositive cells in the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and in the primary (V1) and middle temporal (MT) cortical visual areas of the adult New World monkey Cebus apella. In the LGN, the reaction for SMI-32 labeled cells in both the magnocellular (M) and parvocellular (P) layers. However, the cellular label was heavier in M layers, which also showed a more intense labeling in the neuropil. In V1, the reaction showed a lamination pattern, with the heaviest labeling occurring in layer 4B and upper layer 6 (layers that project to area MT). Area MT shows a dense band of labeled neuropil and large pyramidal neurons in layer 3, large darkly labeled but less densely packed neurons in layer 5, and a population of small, lightly labeled cells in layer 6. These results resemble those found in other New and Old World monkeys, which suggest that the preferential labeling of projection neurons associated with fast-conducting pathways to the extrastriate dorsal stream is a common characteristic of simian primates. In the superficial layers of V1 in Cebus monkeys, however, SMI-32-labeled neurons are found in both cytochrome oxidase blobs and interblob regions. In this aspect, our results in Cebus are similar to those found in the Old World monkey Macaca and different from those described for squirrel monkey, a smaller New World Monkey. In Cebus, as well as in Macaca, there is no correlation between SMI-32 distribution and the blob pattern.  相似文献   

The projections of basal forebrain neurons to the thalamus and the brainstem were investigated in cats and primates by using retrograde transport techniques and choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) immunohistochemistry. In a first series of experiments, the lectin wheat germ-agglutinin conjugated with horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) was injected into all major sensory, motor, intralaminar, and reticular (RE) thalamic nuclei of cats and into the mediodorsal (MD) and pulvinar-lateroposterior thalamic nuclei of macaque monkeys. In cats numerous neurons of the vertical and horizontal limbs of the diagonal band nucleus and the substantia innominata (SI), including its rostromedial portion termed the ventral pallidum (VP), were retrogradely labeled after WGA-HRP injections in the rostral pole of the RE complex, the MD, and anteroventral/anteromedial (AV/AM) thalamic nuclei. Fewer retrogradely labeled cells were observed in the same areas after injections in the ventromedial (VM) thalamic nucleus, and none or very few after other thalamic injections. After RE, MD, and AV/AM injections, 7-20% of all retrogradely labeled cells in the basal forebrain were also ChAT positive, while none of the retrogradely labeled neurons following VM injections displayed ChAT immunoreactivity. The basal forebrain projection to the MD nucleus was shown to arise principally from VP in both cats and macaque monkeys. In a second series of experiments performed in cats, injections of WGA-HRP in the brainstem peribrachial (PB) area comprising the pedunculopontine nucleus led to retrograde labeling of a moderate number of neurons in the lateral part of the VP, SI, and preoptic area (POA), only a few of which displayed ChAT immunoreactivity. In addition, a large number of retrogradely labeled cells were observed in the bed nuclei of the anterior commissure and stria terminalis after PB injections. In a third series of experiments, the use of the retrograde double-labeling method with fluorescent tracers in squirrel monkeys allowed us to identify a significant number of basal forebrain neurons sending axon collaterals to both the RE thalamic nucleus and PB brainstem area, while no double-labeled neurons were disclosed after injections confined to the ventral anterior/ventral lateral (VA/VL) thalamic nuclei and PB area or following injections in the cerebral cortex and PB area. Our findings reveal the existence of cholinergic and noncholinergic basal forebrain projections to the thalamus and the brainstem in both cats and macaque monkeys. We suggest that these projections may play a crucial role in the control of thalamic functions in mammals.  相似文献   

NGF, a trophic polypeptide, is necessary for the normal development and survival of certain populations of neurons in the CNS and PNS. In the CNS, cholinergic neurons of the basal forebrain magnocellular complex (BFMC) are prominent targets of NGF. During rat development, NGF increases the activity of ChAT in these neurons. In adult rats with experimental injury of axons in the fimbria-fornix, NGF prevents degenerative changes in axotomized cholinergic BFMC neurons in the medial septal nucleus (MSN). Because the amino acid sequences of NGF and its receptor (NGF-R) are highly conserved across species, we hypothesized that mouse NGF would also prevent degeneration of cholinergic BFMC neurons in nonhuman primates. Therefore, the present study was designed to test whether fimbria-fornix lesions result in retrograde degenerative changes in basal forebrain cholinergic neurons in macaques, whether these changes are prevented by mouse NGF, and whether the protective effect of NGF is selective for cholinergic neurons of the basal forebrain. Following unilateral complete transection of the fornix, animals were allowed to survive for 2 weeks, during which time half of the subjects received intraventricular NGF in vehicle and the other half received vehicle alone. In animals receiving vehicle alone, there was a 55% reduction in the number of ChAT-immunoreactive cell bodies within the MSN ipsilateral to the lesion; loss of immunoreactive somata was more severe in caudal planes of the MSN. Remaining immunoreactive neurons appeared smaller than those in control, unoperated animals. In Nissl stains, there was no apparent loss of basophilic profiles in the MSN, but cells showed reduced size and intensity of basophilia. Treatment with NGF almost completely prevented reductions in the number and size of cholinergic neurons and had a significant general effect in preventing atrophy in basophilic magnocellular neurons of the MSN, though some basophilic neurons in the MSN did not appear to respond to NGF. Adjacent 7-microns-thick sections stained with ChAT and NGF-R immunocytochemistry revealed that these markers are strictly colocalized in individual neurons in the MSN in controls and in both groups of experimental animals. Thus, mouse NGF profoundly influences the process of axotomy-induced retrograde degeneration in cholinergic BFMC neurons in primates. The in vivo effectiveness of mouse NGF on primate BFMC neurons suggests that mouse or human recombinant NGF may be useful in ameliorating the ACh-dependent, age-associated memory impairments that occur in nonhuman primates.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The cyto- and chemoarchitecture of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons (BFCN) was investigated in the lower primate, the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). A large population of magnocellular, hyperchromic, and choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)-positive neurons was detected in the marmoset basal forebrain. The distribution of these neurons was similar to those in higher primates. Thus, ChAT-positive neurons were observed in the medial septum (Ch2), the vertical (Ch2) and horizontal (Ch3) limbs of the diagonal band of Broca, and the nucleus basalis of Meynert (Ch4). The Ch4 complex was relatively well differentiated and displayed distinct sectors. We detected anterior (Ch4a, with a medial and a lateral subdivision), intermediate (Ch4i, with a dorsal and a ventral subdivision), and posterior (Ch4p) sectors in the marmoset Ch4. The Ch4i was relatively small while the Ch4p was large. Similar to the rodent, the marmoset Ch1 extended quite a distance posteriorly, and the Ch4p displayed a major interstitial component distributed within the globus pallidus, its medullary laminae, and the internal capsule. Virtually all of the marmoset BFCN displayed acetylcholinesterase activity, and low affinity (p75(NTR)) and high affinity (Trk) neurotrophin receptor immunoreactivity. A majority contained immunoreactivity for calbindin-D(28K) and calretinin. Many of the Ch4 neurons also displayed tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity. The BFCN lacked galanin immunoreactivity, but were innervated by galanin-positive fibers. None of the marmoset BFCN were NADPH-d-positive. Thus, the BFCN display major anatomical and biochemical differences in the marmoset when compared with higher primates. The marmoset BFCN also display many characteristics common to other primates. This fact, combined with the relatively short life span of the marmoset, indicates that this species may be ideal for studies of age-related changes in the BFCN.  相似文献   

Transection of the fimbria-fornix pathway is a paradigm that has been richly exploited in rats to assess the structural and functional correlates of cognitive behavior, neural grafting, and growth factor administration. Principally, the degeneration of cholinergic neurons within the septal/diagonal band region has received detailed attention following this manipulation. In contrast, no studies have examined the response of the cholinergic septal/diagonal neurons following axotomy in nonhuman primates. This study examined the neuronal and glial responses within the septal region to selective fornix transection (without cingulate gyrus ablation) in four Cebus apella monkeys. One month following unilateral transection of the fornix by means of an open microsurgical approach, a comprehensive loss of acetylcholinesterase [AChE]-containing fibers was observed throughout the hippocampal formation and dentate gyrus ipsilateral to the lesion. Decreases in AChE fiber densities were also observed within the entorhinal cortex ipsilateral to the lesion. No such changes in AChE-fiber density were consistently observed within the subicular region. The decrease in hippocampal AChE-positive fibers was paralleled by a 49.5% reduction in cholinergic medial septal neurons as revealed by Nissl stains and immunohistochemical staining for the receptor for nerve growth factor, a marker of cholinergic basal forebrain neurons in primates. In contrast, no significant changes in the number of neurons within the vertical limb of the diagonal band were noted. Following the transection, a relatively intense reactive gliosis was observed within the dorsal half of the septal region ipsilateral to the transection and within the overlying transected corpus callosum. These data provide the foundation in nonhuman primates on which novel therapeutic factors can be evaluated in paradigms relevant to the study of Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

A reduction in the number of acetylcholinesterase (AChE)-positive neurons in the basal nucleus of Meynert complex (NbM, Ch 1 to Ch4) to 83% of control values was observed in rat after ethanol intake (20% v/v) for 12 weeks. Activity of choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) and AChE in the basal forebrain was simultaneously reduced to 74% and 81% and content of acetylcholine (ACh) to 56% of control values respectively. Neuronal loss showed a gradient over the rostro-caudal extension of the cholinergic projection system being most pronounced in the septal-diagonal band area and reaching 27% in the medial septum (Ch1). Number of AChE-positive neurons was insignificantly reduced in the pedunculopontine nucleus (Ch5) and unchanged in the laterodorsal tegmental gray of the periventricular area (Ch6). ACh content and activity of AChE was significantly reduced in target areas of the NbM such as cortex, hippocampus and amygdala, but changes were less pronounced than in the basal nucleus. The results indicate a neurotoxic effect of prolonged intake of ethanol on cholinergic neurons in the NbM leading to a partial cholinergic denervation of cortex, hippocampus and amygdala. Chronic intake of ethanol in rat is suggested to represent an animal model suitable to test the cholinergic hypothesis of geriatric memory dysfunction and to develop strategies for an amelioration of the impairment in memory and cognitive function in dementing disorders associated with a degeneration in the NbM such as postalcoholic dementia and Alzheimer's disease.  相似文献   

Although it is well known that magnocellular cholinergic basal forebrain neurons are trophically responsive to nerve growth factor (NGF) and contain NGF receptors (NGFr), the exact distribution of forebrain NGFr-immunoreactive neurons and the degree to which cholinergic neurons are colocalized with them have remained in question. In this study we employed a very sensitive double-labelling method and examined in the same tissue section the distribution and cellular features of NGFr-positive and choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)-immunolabelled neurons within the rat basal forebrain. Throughout this region the majority of magnocellular basal forebrain neurons were immunoreactive for both NGFr and ChAT. However, a small percentage of neurons in the ventral portion of the vertical limb of the diagonal band of Broca were immunoreactive only for NGFr, whereas a larger population of magnocellular neurons in the substantia innominata exhibited only ChAT immunoreactivity. No NGFr-immunoreactive cells were found associated with ChAT-positive neurons in the striatum, neocortex, or hippocampus, and no single-labelled NGFr-immunoreactive neurons were found outside the basal forebrain area, except for a large number of positive-labelled cells along the ventricular walls of the third ventricle. In addition to its function in maintaining the normal integrity of the basal forebrain and cholinergic, peripheral sympathetic, and neural-crest-derived sensory neurons, NGF may also have a role in the growth of these neurons after damage to the nervous system. To examine this postulate the hippocampus was denervated of its septal input and examined 8 weeks later. Two populations of neurons were found to have undergone collateral sprouting--namely, the midline magnocellular cholinergic neurons of the dorsal hippocampus and the sympathetic noradrenergic neurons of the superior cervical ganglion. Both of these neuronal populations also stained strongly for NGFr. In contrast, the small intrinsic cholinergic neurons of the hippocampus exhibited neither sprouting response nor staining for NGFr. In view of these results, we suggest that the differing sprouting responses demonstrated by these three neuronal populations may be due to their responsiveness to NGF, as indicated by the presence or absence of NGF receptors.  相似文献   

Estrogen modulates the function of cholinergic basal forebrain neurons in aged female rats. The present study tested the hypothesis that estrogen enhances the phenotype of cholinergic basal forebrain neurons and their cortical cholinergic innervation in young adult and aged ovariectomized rhesus monkeys. Sixteen monkeys (9 young and 7 aged) received two injections of estradiol cypionate or vehicle separated by 3 weeks. All monkeys were killed 1 day after the last injection. Quantitative immunofluorescence in the vertical limb of the diagonal band (VLDB) revealed enhanced optical density for choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) in both young and aged monkeys treated with estrogen. In contrast, optical density for low-affinity p75 neurotrophin receptor immunoreactivity in the VLDB did not change after estrogen treatment in either aged or young animals. Quantitative immunofluorescence for either ChAT or the low-affinity p75 neurotrophin receptor in the nucleus basalis Meynert failed to reveal differences between vehicle and estrogen treatment in either age group. Quantitative estimates of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) fiber density revealed that estrogen-treated aged monkeys but not their younger counterparts had decreased numbers of AChE-positive fibers in layer II of frontal, insular, and cingulate cortices. These data indicate that estrogen administered in a manner simulating natural hormonal cyclicity produces modest age-specific chemical phenotypic and regional changes in select neuronal subfields of the cholinergic basal forebrain and their cortical projection sites in nonhuman primates.  相似文献   

Although the rabbit brain, in particular the basal forebrain cholinergic system, has become a common model for neuropathological changes associated with Alzheimer's disease, detailed neuroanatomical studies on the morphological organization of basal forebrain cholinergic nuclei and on their output pathways are still awaited. Therefore, we performed quantitative choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) immunocytochemistry to localize major cholinergic nuclei and to determine the number of respective cholinergic neurons in the rabbit forebrain. The density of ChAT-immunoreactive terminals in layer V of distinct neocortical territories and in hippocampal subfields was also measured. Another cholinergic marker, the low-affinity neurotrophin receptor (p75(NTR)), was also employed to identify subsets of cholinergic neurons. Double-immunofluorescence labeling of ChAT and p75(NTR), calbindin D-28k (CB), parvalbumin, calretinin, neuronal nitric oxide synthase (nNOS), tyrosine hydroxylase, or substance P was used to elucidate the neuroanatomical borders of cholinergic nuclei and to analyze the neurochemical complexity of cholinergic cell populations. Cholinergic projection neurons with heterogeneous densities were found in the medial septum, vertical and horizontal diagonal bands of Broca, ventral pallidum, and magnocellular nucleus basalis (MBN)/substantia innominata (SI) complex; cholinergic interneurons were observed in the caudate nucleus, putamen, accumbens nucleus, and olfactory tubercule, whereas the globus pallidus was devoid of cholinergic nerve cells. Cholinergic interneurons were frequently present in the hippocampus and to a lesser extent in cerebral cortex. Cholinergic projection neurons, except those localized in SI, abundantly expressed p75(NTR), and a subset of cholinergic neurons in posterior MBN was immunoreactive for CB and nNOS. A strict laminar distribution pattern of cholinergic terminals was recorded both in the cerebral cortex and in CA1-CA3 and dentate gyrus of the hippocampus. In summary, the structural organization and chemoarchitecture of rabbit basal forebrain may be considered as a transition between that of rodents and that of primates.  相似文献   

The cyto- and chemoarchitecture of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons (BFCN) was investigated in the lower primate, the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus). A large population of magnocellular, hyperchromic, and choline acetyltransferase (ChAT)-positive neurons was detected in the marmoset basal forebrain. The distribution of these neurons was similar to those in higher primates. Thus, ChAT-positive neurons were observed in the medial septum (Ch2), the vertical (Ch2) and horizontal (Ch3) limbs of the diagonal band of Broca, and the nucleus basalis of Meynert (Ch4). The Ch4 complex was relatively well differentiated and displayed distinct sectors. We detected anterior (Ch4a, with a medial and a lateral subdivision), intermediate (Ch4i, with a dorsal and a ventral subdivision), and posterior (Ch4p) sectors in the marmoset Ch4. The Ch4i was relatively small while the Ch4p was large. Similar to the rodent, the marmoset Ch1 extended quite a distance posteriorly, and the Ch4p displayed a major interstitial component distributed within the globus pallidus, its medullary laminae, and the internal capsule. Virtually all of the marmoset BFCN displayed acetylcholinesterase activity, and low affinity (p75NTR) and high affinity (Trk) neurotrophin receptor immunoreactivity. A majority contained immunoreactivity for calbindin-D28K and calretinin. Many of the Ch4 neurons also displayed tyrosine hydroxylase immunoreactivity. The BFCN lacked galanin immunoreactivity, but were innervated by galanin-positive fibers. None of the marmoset BFCN were NADPH-d-positive. Thus, the BFCN display major anatomical and biochemical differences in the marmoset when compared with higher primates. The marmoset BFCN also display many characteristics common to other primates. This fact, combined with the relatively short life span of the marmoset, indicates that this species may be ideal for studies of age-related changes in the BFCN.  相似文献   

Cholinergic neurons were studied by immunohistochemistry, with an antiserum against choline acetyltransferase (ChAT), in the basal forebrain (Ch1 to Ch4) of four patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD) and four control subjects. ChAT-positive cell bodies were mapped and counted in Ch1 (medial septal nucleus), Ch2 (vertical nucleus of the diagonal band), Ch3 (horizontal nucleus of the diagonal band) and Ch4 (nucleus basalis of Meynert). Compared to controls, the number of cholinergic neurons in AD patients was reduced by 50% on average. The interindividual variations in cholinergic cell loss were high, neuronal loss ranging from moderate (27%) to severe (63%). Despite the small number of brains studied, a significant correlation was found between the cholinergic cell loss and the degree of intellectual impairment. To determine the selectivity of cholinergic neuronal loss in the basal forebrain of AD patients, NPY-immunoreactive neurons were also investigated. The number of NPY-positive cell bodies was the same in controls and AD patients. The results (1) confirm cholinergic neuron degeneration in the basal forebrain in AD and the relative sparing of these neurons in some patients, (2) indicate that degneration of cholinergic neurons in the basal forebrain contributes to intellectual decline, and (3) show that, in AD, such cholinergic cell loss is selective, since NPY-positive neurons are preserved in the basal forebrain.  相似文献   

In recent years, GABAergic neurons have been identified in the basal forebrain where cholinergic cortically projecting neurons are located and known to be important in mechanisms of cortical activation. In the present study in the rat, the relationship of the GABA-synthesizing neurons to the acetylcholine-synthesizing neurons was examined by application of a sequential double staining immunohistochemical procedure involving the peroxidase-antiperoxidase technique for glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) and choline acetyltransferase (ChAT). In these double and adjacent single immunostained series of sections, the GAD+ and ChAT+ cells were mapped, counted and measured with the aid of a computerized image analysis system. Through the entire basal forebrain, there was no evidence for colocalization of GAD and ChAT in the same neurons. Instead, a large population of GAD-immunoreactive neurons is codistributed with ChAT-immunoreactive neurons and outnumbers them by a factor of two: approximately 39,000 GAD+ cells to 18,000 ChAT+ cells. Although the GAD+ and ChAT+ neurons lie intermingled within fascicles of the major longitudinal and transverse forebrain fiber systems in subregions of the basal forebrain, the GAD+ cells are more highly concentrated within different sectors of the pathways and regions than the ChAT+ cells. Although GAD+ neurons resemble ChAT+ neurons in certain regions, both being bi- or multipolar and, on average, medium-sized cells, the GAD+ neurons are, in the majority (51%), small-sized cells ( < 15 μm in length) and as a population significantly smaller than the ChAT+ neurons. These results suggest that many GABAergic neurons may represent interneurons in the basal forebrain and potentially exert an inhibitory influence on adjacent cortically projecting cholinergic neurons. Medium- to large GAD+ cells, which resemble similar ChAT+ cells, are also present and represent the majority of the GAD+ cells in the nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca, magnocellular preoptic nucleus, and olfactory tubercle, but represent the minority in the anterior and posterior substantia innominata and globus pallidus. Given their prominent size, such GABAergic cells may also exert an inhibitory influence outside the basal forebrain as projection neurons and potentially in parallel with cholinergic neurons, to certain regions of the cerebral cortex. Accordingly, GABAergic cells may be considered as constituents of the magnocellular basal nucleus and potentially important elements within the ventral extrathalamic relay from the brainstem reticular formation to the cerebral cortex. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We have examined the location of cholinergic and non-cholinergic neurons that project to the rat basolateral amygdaloid nucleus by using choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) immunohistochemistry in combination with retrograde fluorescent tracing on the same tissue section. Since many tracer-and ChAT-positive neurons were identified in basal forebrain areas, including the ventral pallidum, we also stained many of the sections for glutamate decarboxylase, a suitable marker for the delineation of pallidal areas. Cholinergic neurons projecting to the basolateral amygdaloid nucleus were observed in a continuous territory stretching from the dorsal part of ventral pallidum, through sublenticular substantia innominata to ventral parts of globus pallidus and peripallidal areas. Non-cholinergic neurons projecting to the basolateral amygdaloid nucleus were found intermixed within the same structures and constitute approximately 25% of the amygdalopetal projection neurons in these ventral forebrain structures. Since amygdalopetal cholinergic neurons were demonstrated in areas generally recognized as giving rise to cholinergic projections to cerebral cortex, several retrograde double-labeling experiments with two different fluorescent tracers were performed for the purpose of detecting the possible existence of collateral projections. The results obtained showed that the cholinergic basal forebrain neurons in general project to only one forebrain region, and, furthermore, that the cholinergic system consists of partially overlapping subsets of neurons that project to various neocortical and allocortical areas and to the amygdaloid body.  相似文献   

Galanin immunoreactivity (GAL-ir) is differentially expressed within the basal forebrain of monkeys and humans. Most monkey magnocellular basal forebrain neurons colocalize GAL-ir. In contrast, virtually no human magnocellular basal forebrain neurons express GAL-ir. Rather, an extrinsic galaninergic fiber plexus innervates these neurons in humans. The present study examined the expression of GAL-ir within the basal forebrain of apes to establish the phylogenetic level at which this transformation occurs. The staining patterns of GAL-ir within the basal forebrain of both lesser (gibbons) and great (chimpanzee and gorilla) apes were compared to that previously observed within monkeys and humans. All apes displayed a pattern of basal forebrain GAL-ir indistinguishable from humans. GAL-ir was not expressed within ape basal forebrain magnocellular neurons as seen in monkeys. Rather like humans, a dense collection of GAL-ir fibers was seen in close apposition to magnocellular perikarya. In addition, a few GAL-ir parvicellular neurons were scattered within the ape basal forebrain. These data indicate that the evolutionary change in the expression of GAL-ir within the primate basal forebrain occurs at the branch point of monkeys and apes. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The basal forebrain magnocellular complex of primates is defined by the presence of large, hyperchromic, usually cholinergic neurons in the nucleus basalis of Meynert and nucleus of the diagonal band of Broca. Because there is growing evidence for noncholinergic neuronal elements in the basal forebrain complex, five neuropeptides and the enzyme choline acetyltransferase were studied immunocytochemically in this region of rhesus monkeys. Galaninlike immunoreactivity coexists with choline-acetyl-transferase-like immunoreactivity in most large neurons and in some smaller neurons of the primate nucleus basalis and nucleus of the diagnonal band. Four other peptides show immunoreactivity in more limited regions of the basal forebrain complex, usually in separate smaller, noncholinergic neurons. Numerous small, somatostatinlike-immunoreactive neurons occupy primarily anterior and intermediate segments of the nucleus basalis, especially laterally and ventrally. Somewhat fewer, small neuropeptide Y-like-immunoreactive somata are found in the same regions. Neurons that show neurotensinlike immunoreactivity are slightly larger than cells that contain immunoreactivity for somatostatin or neuropeptide Y, but these neurons also occur mainly in anterior and intermediate parts of the nucleus basalis. Overall, the usually small, leucine-enkephalin-like-immunoreactive neurons are infrequent in the basal forebrain complex and are most abundant in the rostral intermediate nucleus basalis. Thus, neurons that appear to contain somatostatin, neuropeptide Y, neurotensin, or enkephalin mingle with cholinergic/galaninergic neurons only in some subdivisions of the nucleus basalis/nucleus of the diagonal band, and their distributions suggest that some of these small neurons could be associated with structures that overlap with cholinergic neurons of the labyrinthine basal forebrain magnocellular complex. We also have found light microscopic evidence for innervation of basal forebrain cholinergic neurons by boutons that contain galanin-, somatostatin-, neuropeptide Y-, neurotensin-, or enkephalinlike immunoreactivity. The origins and functions of these putative synapses remain to be determined.  相似文献   

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