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A left inferior vena cava was found in the cadaver of an 88-year-old Japanese man during a student dissection course at Kumamoto University School of Medicine. The right common iliac vein ascended obliquely toward the left behind the right common iliac artery and united with the left common iliac vein to form the inferior vena cava in front of the fifth lumbar vertebral body behind the left common iliac artery. The inferior vena cava ascended on the left side to the aorta, and after the left renal vein joined to it at the level of the third lumbar vertebral body, it turned obliquely to the right and crossed superficially to the aorta. At the right side of the aorta, the common stem of the third lumbar vein and the posterior renal vein was joined to the oblique part. The inferior vena cava then ascended, receiving the right renal vein as it would normally. The inferior vena cava is thought to develop symmetrically but this left inferior vena cava shows a persistence of the left channel of the infrarenal part, which normally disappears. Although the common stem of the veins that joined to the oblique part on the right side did not continue to the right common iliac vein, gross anatomical findings suggested it to be the remnant of the right inferior vena cava.  相似文献   

 A 61-year-old woman developed pain in the right thigh, paraplagia of the lower extremities and lumbago in November 1996. A lumbar spine roentgenogram showed lytic change in L2, and magnetic resonance imaging showed a patchy destructive lesion and compression of the dural sac from the right by a tumour. Computed tomography (CT) myelography showed a motheaten destructive lesion in L2 and projection of the tumour into the spinal canal. Abdominal ultrasound, CT and cavography showed dilatation of the inferior vena cava (IVC) and an intraluminal tumour about 2×2.8×4 cm in size in the IVC. The tumour arose from the IVC just beneath the renal vein and extended to just short of the right atrium. Both vertebral and intraluminal biopsy materials showed the same morphology, in which atypical spindle cells admixed with multinucleated giant cells proliferated in a fascicular growth pattern. Neoplastic cells were strongly positive for alpha-smooth muscle actin. We diagnosed vascular leiomyosarcoma arising from the IVC with metastasis to the lumbar vertebrae. Cases of vascular leiomyosarcoma diagnosed by intraluminal biopsy are rare. Received: 25 November 1997 / Accepted: 5 February 1998  相似文献   



Correcting hypovolemia is extremely important. Central venous pressure measurement is often done to assess volume status. Measurement of inferior vena cava (IVC) is conventionally done in the subcostal view using ultrasonography. It may not be possible to obtain this view in all patients.


We therefore evaluated the limits of agreement between the IVC diameter measurement and variation in subcostal and that by the lateral transhepatic view.

Settings and Design:

Prospective study in a tertiary care referral hospital intensive care unit.

Subjects and Methods:

After Institutional Ethics Committee approval and informed consent, we obtained 175 paired measurements of the IVC diameter and variation in both the views in adult mechanically ventilated patients. The measurements were carried out by experienced researchers. We then obtained the limits of agreement for minimum, maximum diameter, percentage variation of IVC in relation to respiration.

Statistical Analysis Used:

Bland–Altman''s limits of agreement to get precision and bias.


The limits of agreement were wide for minimum and maximum IVC diameter with variation of as much as 4 mm in both directions. However, the limits of agreement were much narrower when the percentage variation in relation to respiration was plotted on the Bland–Altman plot.


We conclude that when it is not possible to obtain the subcostal view, it is possible to use the lateral transhepatic view. However, using the percentage variation in IVC size is likely to be more reliable than the absolute diameter alone. It is possible to use both views interchangeably.  相似文献   

We report two transitional cell carcinomas of the urinary bladder containing numerous osteoclast-type giant cells that stained for vimentin and acid phosphatase (with and without tartrate) and were negative for cytokeratin and lysozyme. One tumour, in a 65-year-old man, was composed of papillary transitional cell carcinoma, invasive poorly differentiated carcinoma with a prominent spindle cell component and numerous osteoclast-type giant cells; repeat curettage 2 months later showed no residual tumour. The second tumour occurred in a 75-year-old woman who underwent a radical cystectomy for a deeply invasive transitional cell carcinoma with a spindle and anaplastic giant cell component and areas containing numerous osteoclast-type giant cells. Osteoclast-type giant cells, which appear to be reactive, should be distinguished from the neoplastic giant cells of giant cell carcinoma.  相似文献   

We report a case of an 82-year-old female with an anomalous left inferior vena cava. The left inferior vena cava ascends parallel and to the left of the descending abdominal aorta. At the level of the celiac trunk, the inferior vena cava courses anteriorly and to the right to reach the posterior surface of the liver. The patient also suffers from chronic mild postprandial abdominal pain. It is possible that position of inferior vena cava anterior to the aorta, at the level of the celiac trunk, may lead to intermittent celiac artery compression syndrome (Dunbar syndrome).  相似文献   

下腔静脉肝后段的观测及其临床意义   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 :研究下腔静脉肝后段口径变化规律以及与肝静脉开口的关系。方法 :选用福尔马林固定的离体无病变肝脏 3 4例 ,直角规测量内径 ,剖开管腔观察管壁形态及肝静脉开口情况。结果 :下腔静脉肝后段近心端内径为 ( 2 3 .8± 1.1)mm ,狭部内径为 ( 18.0± 1.4)mm ,远心端内径为 ( 2 0 .2± 1.5 )mm ;狭部管腔内多形成纵行皱襞 ;肝左、中、右静脉开口于下腔静脉肝后段上 1/4段 ,口径较大的肝小静脉开口于肝后段下 2 /4段。并使该段中上部形成一向左开放的夹角 ,其平均角度为 ( 15 9.7± 2 .8)°。结论 :下腔静脉肝后段狭部和腔内纵襞的存在 ,为该段狭窄性疾病和血栓形成的解剖学基础  相似文献   

An autopsy case of primary leiomyosarcoma arising in the superior vena cava is presented. A 44 year old Japanese man presented with superior vena cava syndrome and eventually died due to heart tamponade and acute renal failure. Autopsy revealed that the superior vena cava was occluded with a tumor that had invaded the pericardium and right thoracic cavity. Primary caval venous leiomyosarcoma is a rare but lethal disease and most cases arise from the inferior vena cava. This case represents a very rare case of leiomyosarcoma with the rare clinical findings of superior vena cava syndrome and heart tamponade.  相似文献   

Duplication of the inferior vena cava associated with other variations   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Multiple vascular variations, including duplication of the inferior vena cava, double renal arteries and anomalies of the testicular blood vessels, were observed during dissection of the retroperitoneal region of a cadaver of an 87-year-old Japanese man. The right inferior vena cava arose from the union of right common iliac veins and a thinner interiliac vein. This interiliac vein ascended obliquely from right to left and joined the left common iliac veins to form the left inferior vena cava. The right and left inferior venae cavae were of approximately equal width. The right testicular vein consisted of medial and lateral venous trunks. The two venous trunks coalesced to form a single vein, which drained into the confluence of the right inferior vena cava and right renal vein. The left testicular vein was composed of the medial and lateral testicular veins, which drained into the left renal vein. Double renal arteries were seen bilaterally, which originated from the lateral aspects of the abdominal aorta. The right testicular artery arose from the right inferior renal artery and accompanied the lateral trunk of the right testicular vein running downwards. The left testicular artery arose from the ipsilateral inferior renal artery and ran downwards accompanied by the left lateral testicular vein. In addition, the bilateral kidneys showed multicystic changes.  相似文献   

The inferior vena cava (IVC) is a retroperitoneal key structure whose location and integrity must be checked in every scan. A number of studies are reported in the literature concerning congenital variations of the inferior vena cava. Anatomical variations of this main venous trunk are relatively infrequent clinical findings during surgery or diagnostic procedures in patients without symptoms such as an aberrant venous drainage or abdominal pain. Among the other imaging techniques, computerized tomography is a non-invasive, effective technique for diagnosing diseases of the retroperitoneal space and, particularly, for detecting anomalies of the main vessels, such as the aorta or IVC, in asymptomatic patients. We present two cases of IVC variation as an incidental finding in patients studied by means of CT scan for the gradation of kidney carcinoma and pancreatic cancer respectively. Two different configurations of the system of the IVC (agenesis of the IVC with hypertrophy of the azygos vein and a double IVC respectively) were found in our cases. The embryological development of the IVC system is discussed, bearing in mind that knowledge of the different variations is important in order to avoid major surgical complications.  相似文献   

The course of the hepatic inferior vena cava (HIVC) has a wide range of variations which are relevant in hepato‐vascular surgery and liver transplantation. Eighty livers were studied for hepatic course and axial orientation of the HIVC. The HIVC was found to run in an incomplete tunnel in 43.8% of the cases (n = 35), complete tunnel in 32.5% of the cases (n = 26) while in the rest, it was contained in a shallow groove on the retrohepatic surface. It assumed an oblique course in relation to the longitudinal axis of the liver in 60% of the cases (n = 48). The findings of this study vary to a wide range from those reported previously, and call for extra caution during surgical operations involving the HIVC region. Clin. Anat. 22:610–613, 2009. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to review venous collateralization resulting from inferior vena cava obstruction. The elements responsible for the extent and distribution of venous collaterals in inferior vena cava obstruction and whether or not the obstructive lesion involves tributaries of the inferior vena cava. Common etiologies of inferior vena cava obstruction include extensions of iliofemoral vein thrombi, thrombosis from intraluminal tumors or following trauma, and external compression. The anatomy of the venous collateral systems may be divided into deep and superficial networks, each of which is composed of systems of primary or secondary clinical significance, as defined by the degree of restoration of adequate venous return and the extent of visceral venous decompression. The most common obstructions of the inferior vena cava involve the lower third of the vessel. The azygos-hemiazygos and vertebral venous plexus systems play the most significant roles, while the superficial systems are less prominently involved. In upper level inferior vena cava obstruction, reestablishment of venous circulation is less developed, which usually leads to a poorer clinical outcome. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Summary Placement of a transvenous vena cava filter has became a common way to control recurrent pulmonary embolism. However few studies have been reported on the diameter of the infrarenal inferior vena cava (IIVC) where the device is usually placed. This study based upon 100 cavographies has showed the calculated average diameter of IIVC was 20.9 mm (range 12–27 mm) in its middle part and 21.3 mm (range 10–31 mm) in its terminal end. The calculated average IIVC length was 96 mm (range 80.3–142 mm). There was no statistical correlation between caval size and age, sex, height, weight and corporeal area. There was a statistical difference of left renal vein location between patients presenting with lumbar arthrosis and those without. We discuss different methods to measure IIVC in particular tomodensitometry. CT scans reviewed in our department show that the largest diameter of IIVC is not in a frontal plane and that the width seen on cavography is the projection of the largest diameter on the film. Therefore, the range of the real caval diameters is greater than indicated above.
Biométrie de la v. cave inférieure sous-rénale: mesure par cavographieApplication clinique
Résumé L'utilisation de filtre cave endoveineux pour prévenir une récidive d'embolie pulmonaire est devenue d'un usage courant. Cependant peu de travaux ont été faits sur le diamètre de la veine cave inférieure infrarénale (IIVC) où l'appareil est généralement situé. Cette étude a pour but d'étudier le diamètre transversal de la VCI sousrénale (VCISR) à partir de 100 cavographies réalisées dans des conditions techniques identiques. Le diamètre moyen de la VCISR est de 20.9 mm (extrême 12–27 mm) dans sa partie moyenne et de 21.3 mm (extrême 10–31 mm) au niveau de sa terminaison. La longueur moyenne de la VCISR est de 96 mm (extrême 80,3–142 mm). L'âge, le sexe, la taille, le poids, la surface corporelle n'influencent pas les dimensions de la VCISR. Il existe une différence statistiquement significative de l'abouchement de la v. rénale gauche entre les sujets ayant une arthrose lombaire et ceux qui en sont dépourvus.La cavographie reste un examen de base en matière d'exploration de la VCI. La connaissance des variations des dimensions de la VCISR qu'elle apporte est donc indispensable. L'intérêt de cette étude est cependant limité par le fait que l'image radiologique correspond en réalité à la projection du diamètre transversal réel. Des études complémentaires utilisant en particulier la tomodensitométrie sont donc nécessaire pour préciser une éventuelle relation entre le diamètre réel et le diamètre mesuré par cavographie.

下腔静脉肝后段的应用解剖学   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:对下腔静脉肝后段进行应用解剖学研究,为腹腔镜肝尾状叶切除等手术提供形态学基础资料.方法:选32具尸体标本,行下腔静脉肝后段(HIVC)的应用解剖学研究.结果:HIVC长(61.2±10.9)mm,下口内径(19.3土1.8)mm,上口内径(22.1±3.5)mm,在HIVC上1/3与中1/3之间有一个无肝短静脉区,长度为(19.1±7.4)mm.肝左静脉与肝中静脉的开口都位于左上区,其间距为0~5 mm;肝右静脉开口位于前上区.肝右下静脉口径为(5.7±2.4)mm,大于5 mm有16例.尾状叶静脉开口大部分位于HIVC的中、下1/3段,且内径大于5 mm的尾状叶静脉位于HIVC中1/3段的左中区,其他肝短静脉汇入HIVC的位置集中在中、下1/3段,大部分位于左下区和前下区.结论:在HIVC上中1/3交界处的无肝短静脉区,可放置球囊;在肝尾状叶切除手术时,从右侧依次切断尾状叶静脉较为安全.  相似文献   

下腔静脉口和肝静脉入口的间距及其临床意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:为在心脏外科手术体外循环中插入下腔静脉导管的最佳长度提供解剖学基础。方法:用游标卡尺测量101例成人尸体的下腔静脉口和肝静脉入口之间的距离。结果:下腔静脉口和最高一条肝静脉入口上缘的间距为20.3±5.2mm;下腔静脉口和最低一条肝静脉入口下缘的间距为40.7±7.2mm。这两个间距的测量值相比,有显著性差异(t检验P<0.001)。最高一条肝静脉入口上缘和最低一条肝静脉入口下缘的间距为20.3±7.1mm。结论:心脏外科手术体外循环时,插入下腔静脉内的导管20mm长,能使肝静脉血引流畅通。  相似文献   

A right single preureteric inferior vena cava (IVC) was found in the cadaver of a 77-year-old Japanese male during a student dissection course at Kumamoto University School of Medicine in 2003. The ureter emerged from the lower end of the hilum of the right kidney at the second lumbar vertebral level. It ran inferomedially to pass behind the IVC, and turned inferolaterally to cross the vein superficially at the level of the third to the fourth lumbar vertebrae. Then, the ureter was situated to the right of the IVC, and descended ordinarily. The second lumbar vein of each side united bilaterally, as did the third lumbar veins. The common stem of the second lumbar veins drained into the left side of the IVC posterolaterally at the level of the second intervertebral disc, and the third common stem opened into the left border of the IVC at the fourth lumbar vertebral level. The ureter hooked around the IVC between the openings of those common stems. There was a small continuation (0.2 mm in diameter) between the left second lumbar and the right third lumbar veins along the vertebral column slightly right of the midline. It passed superficial to the right third lumbar artery, as did the IVC. The right testicular vein opened into the IVC at the level of the lower end of the third lumbar vertebral body. Generally, the level of the opening of the gonadal vein corresponds to the level of the caudal end of the remaining subcardinal vein, but it is lower than usual in this case. Furthermore, the segment from the confluence of the common iliac veins to the common trunk of the third lumbar veins, and to the small continuation can be regarded as the proper IVC, and the part where the ureter hooks around it may have derived from the anastomosis between the common trunk of the third lumbar veins and the subcardinal vein.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to determine the relationship of the variations of the lumbar lordosis angle (LLA) to the aortic bifurcation level and inferior vena cava (IVC) confluence level using CT angiography. A retrospective study was conducted using the data available on abdominopelvic CT angiography scans. The LLA, the level and angle of bifurcation of the aorta, the level and angle of confluence of the IVC were identified using multiplanar and 3D reconstruction. Linear regression models were fitted to the data. We interpreted 181 scans for 181 individuals having a mean age of 55 years (18-89). The most common site of aortic bifurcation was at L4-L5 disc space (34.8%) and that of vena confluence was at the upper of L5 (29.3%). The mean LLA was 34.65° (13°-77°). The mean aortic bifurcation angle was 47.43° (17°-100°) and the mean IVC confluence angle was 71.86° (30°-120°). The positions of the aortic bifurcation and venous confluence levels showed a proximal shift with an increasing LLA P < 0.001. This study showed that the level of bifurcation of the aorta and the level of confluence of the IVC may vary with the variations of the LLA.  相似文献   

Anomalous inferior vena cava with azygos continuation in a japanese man   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During an ordinary dissection by medical students at Nara Medical University in 1998, a case of anomalous inferior vena cava with azygos continuation was found in a cadaver of a 91-year-old Japanese man. The left and right inferior venae cavae were present and were joined at the height of the first lumbar vertebra. The joined inferior vena cava continued the azygos vein and the azygos vein entered the superior vena cava at the height of the fifth thoracic vertebra. Furthermore, the heart was normal.  相似文献   

目的探讨恶性肿瘤引起下腔静脉梗阻血管内支架治疗的临床效果。方法16例下腔静脉梗阻患者中.原发性肝癌7例,肝转移癌6例,胃癌2例,胰腺癌腹膜后淋巴结转移1例(其中男性9例,女性7例,年龄40~70岁)。均造成下腔静脉的完全或部分梗阻,采用经皮股静脉穿刺行血管内支架治疗。结果16例患者均一次成功植入血管支架。下腔静脉梗阻症状明显改善。全部病例均无严重并发症。结论血管支架植入术可迅速缓解下腔静脉恶性梗阻的临床症状.是治疗恶性下腔静脉梗阻有效的姑息性治疗方法。  相似文献   

目的在动物体内评价一种新的下腔静脉滤器(X滤器)和Cordis下腔静脉滤器(C滤器)的血液相容性。方法实验动物为8头猪,雄性,体质量(30±5)kg。将X和C两种滤器置入动物的下腔静脉(肾静脉开口下缘),在不给动物服用抗凝药物的情况下观察14d,然后取出滤器观察血栓形成情况,对其输送系统进行电镜观察,并在置入滤器前和取出滤器前分别对动物进行造影观察和白细胞、血小板的检测。结果两种滤器对白细胞和血小板都没有明显影响,X滤器和C滤器置入前和取出前白细胞平均值的变化分别是(0.575±4.333)×10^9/L、(3.375±9.411)×10^9/L,P〉0.05;血小板平均值变化分别是(-0.500±57.190)×10^9/L、(-33.000±57.860)×10^9/L。电镜观察显示两种滤器的输送系统都无血栓形成,但是造影显示X滤器血流有不同程度受阻,而C滤器血流受阻不明显;X滤器内有大量血栓形成,而C滤器内没有。结论C滤器的血液相容性好于X滤器。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to describe the distribution and structure of ventral tributaries leading into the inferior vena cava where right-sided paraaortic lymphadenectomy is performed. The study examined 21 retroperitoneal specimens by graphic reconstruction, statistical evaluation, and histological examination of ventral tributaries (VTs). Seventy VTs were identified. The average number per specimen was 3.33. There were 20, 40, and 40% of VTs found in Levels I, II, and III, respectively. During the preparation, we observed an unusual arrangement of the IVC wall, into which VTs were led through a preformed sleeve-like channel and anchored near the lumen. This finding is a key mechanism that explains the ease with which VTs are extracted during surgery. Knowledge of the distribution and histological structure of VTs allows proper orientation of the retroperitoneal area of the front wall of inferior vena cava, which is essential for uncomplicated right-sided paraaortic lymphadenectomy. The histological structure of the VT ostium within the wall of the inferior vena cava explains why injury is easy during the procedure.  相似文献   

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