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The ubiquitin-mediated proteolytic pathway is an important mode of protein degradation in various tissues. Since breakdown of proteins may occur in axons after injury we evaluated the presence of ubiquitin-like immunoreactive material in rat spinal cord following compression injury of mild, moderate and severe degrees at T8–9 level, resulting in no neurological deficit, reversible paraparesis and paraplegia of the hind limbs, respectively. Rats with mild to severe compression injury surviving 1–4 days showed numerous, intensely immunoreactive expanded axons at the site of compression. The labelled axons were randomly distributed in the longitudinal tracts but they were never found in the corticospinal tracts. No labelling was detected by 9 days after injury. In addition, the presence of labelled axons was investigated in the T7 and the T10 segments from rats with moderate compression. No labelling was seen in T7, but in T10 segments many immunoreactive axons were present. Control rats did not show immunoreactive axons in the spinal cord. Neurons of dorsal root ganglia, trigeminal ganglia and of the grey matter of the spinal cord were immunoreactive. Cerebral cortical neurons did not show ubiquitin expression. Thus, compression of the rat spinal cord causes a transient accumulation of ubiquitin-like immunoreactive material in axonal swellings. Even though the dynamics of ubiquitin conjugates are not fully understood, the observed axonal accumulation presumably reflects arrested anterograde axonal transport of protein chiefly derived from neurons of dorsal root ganglia and the local neurons of the spinal cord. The presence of ubiquitin in damaged axons is one prerequisite for degradation of abnormal proteins by the ubiquitin-mediated proteolytic pathway, which may be activated in reactive axonal swellings. Received: 21 June 1995 / Revised: 11 August 1995 / Accepted: 25 September 1995  相似文献   

Growth-associated protein 43 (GAP43) is one compound used to indicate growth of axonal endings during development and regeneration, particularly of peripheral neurons. Using immunohistochemistry, we have studied the expression of GAP43 in the spinal cord of rats subjected to mild, moderate or severe compression injury and used neurofilament immunostaining to demonstrate axonal injuries. Samples removed from the compressed T8–9, the cranial T7 and the caudal T10 segments were studied at 4 h, 24 h, 4 days and 9 days after injury. Control rats showed a moderate immunostaining of neurons in dorsal root ganglia, weak staining of ventral motor neurons and, with the exception of the corticospinal tracts, a weak staining in some axons of the longitudinal tracts of the cord. Injury in the compressed region led to increased GAP43 immunoreactivity in axons of normal and expanded size. This occurred particularly 1–4 days after injury and normalized 9 days thereafter. More marked immunostaining was present in the cranial and caudal segments. The corticospinal tracts never showed such staining. The increase of GAP43 immunostaining is presumably caused by disturbed axonal transport from neurons with the capacity to synthesize and transport the GAP43 antigen. Transported material may thus be available for regeneration of axons, but this source of material may vary between different classes of axons within the cord. Received: 11 December 1995 / Revised, accepted: 19 January 1996  相似文献   

Ischemic preconditioning (IPC) has been defined as the endogenous cellular protective mechanism evoked by brief ischemic periods. IPC renders the tissue of the central nervous system more resistant to subsequent lethal ischemic insults, and similar protective effect of IPC has been observed after experimental traumatic brain injury. Spinal cord trauma differs from cerebral trauma in that the secondary processes are damaging mostly the white matter. In the present study, we have tested the hypothesis that a transient non-lethal ischemic insult would improve outcomes after subsequent traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI). In the IPC group, 5-min spinal cord ischemia has been induced by aortic occlusion combined with hypotension. Forty-eight hours after IPC, moderate spinal cord injury has been induced by epidural balloon inflation at T8 level. Control group underwent identical surgical procedures without ischemia followed by SCI after 48 h. During the 4-week survival, locomotor performance of all rats was repeatedly tested and evaluated according to BBB scale. After 4 weeks, the animals were perfusion-fixed for histopathology, and morphometric analyses were performed in order to quantify the extent of the spinal cord lesion. All animals were completely paraplegic after SCI, and showed partial neurological recovery during their survival period. No significant differences were detected either in neurological scores or in morphometric measurements after 4 weeks' survival. These results indicate that in contrary to cerebral trauma, IPC does not improve the outcome after SCI.  相似文献   

The endothelial barrier antigen (EBA) recognised by a monoclonal antibody is expressed in rat cerebral microvessels possessing blood-brain barrier properties but only weakly by fenestrated vessels. We have studied the expression of this marker in the spinal cord of control rats and compared the findings with those seen in rats subjected to compression injury at the T8–9 level with a survival period of 4 h, 24 h, 4 days and 9 days. To that end, formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded material was immunostained by the avidin-biotin-peroxidase complex method. Sections from control rats presented a distinct immunostaining at the site of the endothelial cells of almost all microvessels in the grey and white matter of the cord. The anterior and posterior spinal arteries did not show such staining. Neurons and glial cells were unstained. Rats which had survived 4 h after a moderate or severe compression trauma still showed immunoreactivity in intramedullary microvessels at the site of injury. There was a moderate reduction of vascular immunoreactivity at 24 h and a pronounced loss of such reactivity at 4 days after trauma. At 9 days after compression the expression of the endothelial barrier antigen had almost been normalised in the microvessels of the cord. In conclusion, using immunohistochemistry, EBA can be demonstrated in noninjured rat spinal cord microvessels, while the staining disappears at the site of compression trauma to the cord. The EBA marker can be used to indicate sites of vascular injury in spinal cord compression injury. The factors causing the disappearance and restitution of the antigen are unknown. Received: 1 October 1997 / Revised, accepted: 9 January 1998  相似文献   

We evaluated by in situ nick end labeling the presence of apoptotic glial cells in the spinal cord of rats which have sustained a moderate and severe compression injury at the level of T8–9, resulting in a severe but reversible paraparesis and irreversible paraplegia, respectively. In a previous investigation we found apoptotic glial cells (oligodendrocytes) in the immediate vicinity of the primary lesion (T7 and T10). The present study was designed to evaluate the extent of such cells in the spinal cord even at long distances away from the primary injury. Rats sustaining a moderate and severe compression injury and surviving 4 and 9 days showed a significant increase in the number of apoptotic glial cells at the T1, T5, T7, T12 and L2 levels. At the T10 level the elevation was significant only after day 9. There was no significant increase in the number of these cells at 4 h and 1 day after moderate and severe compression. In general, the apoptotic cells were most often seen in segments adjacent to the compression. They were randomly located in the ventral, lateral and dorsal tracts but were rarely present in the gray matter of the cord. In conclusion, compression trauma to rat spinal cord induces signs of apoptosis in glial cells, presumably oligodendrocytes of the long tracts. This newly discovered type of secondary injury is widely distributed in the damaged spinal cord and occurs even at long distances remote from the initial compression injury. Apoptotic cell death of oligodendrocytes will induce myelin degeneration and cause additional disturbances of axonal function. This cell damage may be a target for future therapy since it occurs after a delay and chemical compounds are now available by which apoptotic cell death can be modified. Received: 26 November 1998 / Revised, accepted: 22 April 1999  相似文献   

Using two immunocytochemical methods, we have shown in light microscopy that the met-enkephalin-like immunoreactivity within striatum and spinal cord of the rat is differentially distributed in either perikarya or nerve terminals according to the technical conditions used [1]. The present electron microscopic study has been undertaken in order to elucidate the subcellular localization of immunoprecipitates according to the same technical conditions. In the neostriatum, numerous met-enkephalin-containing perikarya were stained (principally at the level of rough endoplasmic reticulum) when tissue sections were treated with hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) only, prior to the immunocytochemical procedure. However, injections of colchicine were required to demonstrate perikarya in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord. At variance with previous results, numerous dendritic profiles and nerve terminals were also reactive in this condition. Neurotubules, mitochondria, large granular vesicles (LGVs) and small synaptic vesicles were stained within these structures. The addition of a low concentration of Triton-X-100 (0.02%) in the first incubation medium often resulted in the disappearance of most perikarya and in the staining of only LGVs in nerve terminals. The addition of a higher concentration of Triton-X-100 (0.1%) produced diffusion of immunoprecipitates at the level of nerve terminals, which was probably responsible for the increased intensity of staining and, subsequently, for the better demonstration of fibre varicosities in light microscopy. On the contrary, the disappearance of reactive perikarya seemed to result from the diffusion of the non-protected peptide out of the cytoplasm. The diverse ultrastructural localizations of met-enkephalin-like immunoreactivity in striatum and spinal cord are finally discussed in light of intrinsic connections or afferents described in the literature.  相似文献   

The mechanism of spinal cord injury has been thought to be related with tissue ischemia, and spinal motor neuron cells are suggested to be vulnerable to ischemia. To evaluate the mechanism of such vulnerability of motor neurons, we attempted to make a reproducible model for spinal cord ischemia. Using this model, cell damage was histologically analyzed. Detection of ladders of oligonucleosomal DNA fragment was investigated with gel electrophoresis up to 7 days of the reperfusion. Time course expression of Fas antigen, identified as a apoptosis-regulating molecules, was also assessed in rabbit spinal cord following transient ischemia. Spinal cord sections from animals sacrificed at 8 h, 1 day, 2 days, and 7 days following 15-min ischemia were immunohistochemically evaluated using monoclonal antibodies for Fas antigen. Following 15-min ischemia, the majority of motor neuron showed selective cell death at 7 days of reperfusion. Typical ladders of oligonucleosomal DNA fragments were detected at 2 days of reperfusion. Immunoreactivity of Fas antigen were induced at 8 h to 1 day of reperfusion selectively in motor neuron cells. The expression of Fas antigen may be related to the activation of apoptosis signal in motor neuron cells after spinal cord ischemia in rabbits.  相似文献   

A study of cholecystokinin-like immunoreactivity in the lumbar (L1-L5) spinal cord segments of rats was realised 24-48 hours after complete thoracic transection (T6-T8). A comparison was made with corresponding spinal cord segments from control and sham-operated animals. The immunocytochemical study with light microscopy showed cholecystokinin-like immunoreactive cell bodies in laminae VII and X at L1-L5, caudal to the transection. In addition, the immunoreactivity was greatly enhanced in bundles of the dorsolateral funiculus compared to sham-operated animals. Our results suggest that part of cholecystokinin-like cell bodies of laminae VII and X send projections to supraspinal sites. Some of these supraspinal projections would go through the dorsolateral funiculus. In the lumbar dorsal horn of operated animals, the immunoreactivity was greatly enhanced in lamina I, while it was slightly decreased in lamina II, compared to control animals. Using electron microscopy, in lamina I, the immunoreactivity localized in different neurites was generally very intense. Moreover, axon terminals showed swelling: their mean size was 0.8-1.8 microns (0.5-1.2 in control animals). This result suggests that some cholecystokinin-like neurons also project to lamina I of rostral cervical segments. In lamina II, numerous degenerating axons were observed (24 hours after thoracic spinal transection). This would suggest that part of descending cholecystokinin-like projections terminate in lamina II.  相似文献   

By using substance P receptor (SPR) immunofluorescence histochemistry combined with fluorescent retrograde labeling, SPR-like immunoreactive (SPR-LI) neurons sending their axons to the lateral parabrachial region were observed in the lumbar spinal cord of the rat. After injection of Fluoro-Gold into lateral parabrachial region, retrogradely labeled neurons with SPR-LI were seen frequently in lamina I and the lateral spinal nucleus, and occasionally in laminae IV and V, with a predominantly contralateral distribution. Some of these neurons, especially those in lamina I, may convey nociceptive information to the lateral parabrachial region.  相似文献   

目的研究促甲状腺释放激素(TRH)类似物,YM-14673大鼠脊髓损伤后水肿的影响。方法用改良Allen氏法建立大鼠脊髓损伤模型,分设正常组、对照组和治疗组,治疗组在损伤后15分钟注射YM-14673,用称重法测量脊髓的水含量,公式:(湿重-干重)÷湿重×100%。结果对照组示伤后24小时脊髓水肿,治疗组显示在24小时脊髓水肿减轻。结论早期应用TRH类似物,YM-14673可减轻脊髓损伤后的脊随水肿。  相似文献   

This study was initiated due to an NIH “Facilities of Research — Spinal Cord Injury” contract to support independent replication of published studies that appear promising for eventual clinical testing. We repeated a study reporting the beneficial effects of recombinant human erythropoietin (rhEPO) treatment after spinal cord injury (SCI). Moderate thoracic SCI was produced by two methods: 1) compression due to placement of a modified aneurysm clip (20 g, 10 s) at the T3 spinal segment (n=45) [followed by administration of rhEPO 1000 IU/kg/IP in 1 or 3 doses (treatment groups)] and 2) contusion by means of the MASCIS impactor (n = 42) at spinal T9 (height 12.5 cm, weight 10 g) [followed by the administration of rhEPO 5000 IU/kg/IP for 7d or single dose (treatment groups)]. The use of rhEPO following moderate compressive or contusive injury of the thoracic spinal cord did not improve the locomotor behavior (BBB rating scale). Also, secondary changes (i.e. necrotic changes followed by cavitation) were not significantly improved with rhEPO therapy. With these results, although we cannot conclude that there will be no beneficial effect in different SCI models, we caution researchers that the use of rhEPO requires further investigation before implementing clinical trials.  相似文献   

Afferent fibers mediating pain from myocardial ischemia classically are believed to travel in sympathetic nerves to enter the thoracic spinal cord. After sympathectomies, angina pectoris still may radiate to the neck and inferior jaw. Sensory fibers from those regions are thought to enter the central nervous system through upper spinal cord segments. We postulated that axons from nodose ganglion cells might project to cervical cord segments. The purpose of this study was to determine the density and pathway of vagal afferent innervation to the upper cervical spinal cord. Following an injection of wheat germ agglutinin conjugated to horseradish peroxidase (WGA-HRP) into the upper cervical spinal cord, approximately 5.8% of cells in the nodose ganglion contained reaction product. Cervical vagotomy did not diminish the density of WGA-HRP labeled cells in the nodose ganglion. However, a spinal cord hemisection cranial to the injection site eliminated labeling of nodose cells. These data indicate that a portion of vagal afferent neurons project from the nodose ganglion to the upper cervical spinal cord. In addition, vagal afferent fibers reach the spinal cord via a central route rather than through dorsal root ganglia.  相似文献   

Spinal cord glucose utilization (SCGU) of gray and white matter was studied with the quantitative autoradiography [14C]2-deoxyglucose methodology, below and above a complete low thoracic transection. One day after transection, a generalized decrease in SCGU was observed in gray matter, particularly marked in the dorsal horn of the lumbar cord. A progressive increase in SCGU was observed thereafter. Values reached levels greater than those of non-transected controls by 2 and 4 weeks after the intervention in ventral horn of the lumbar cord, and ventral and dorsal horn of the cervical cord. A similar behavior of SCGU was observed in white matter of transected animals. The development of 17 lumbar reflex modalities was quantified between days 1 and 28 after spinal transection. The delay in emergence of these reflexes was related to their complexity. Correlation of reflex scores with SCGU was significant for all lumbar cord regions but linearity of this relationship was only observed in white matter. These results uncover a close relationship between SCGU and reflex activity of the spinal cord below a complete transection, particularly striking in white matter and suggests a role of the fasciculi proprii of the spinal cord in this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Co-expression of Fas and Fas ligand in human non-astrocytic glial tumors   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The study of Fas (APO-1/CD95) and Fas ligand (FasL) expression in human glial neoplasms has been primarily restricted to astrocytomas. Using immunohistochemistry, we analyzed 35 non-astrocytic glial neoplasms (12 WHO grade II ependymomas, 15 grade II oligodendrogliomas, and 8 grade III oligodendrogliomas) for these factors. A significant correlation was found between Fas and FasL expression within the same tumors (P = 0.001). Western blotting was used to corroborate these findings in 7 of these tumors (3 ependymomas and 4 oligodendrogliomas). Theoretically, the co-expression of Fas and FasL should render gliomas susceptible to suicidal and fratricidal elimination. Their progressive nature, however, suggests that gliomas have acquired mechanisms to prevent Fas-mediated apoptosis. Expression of the anti-apoptotic protooncogene bcl-2 is one potential way in which Fas/FasL-bearing gliomas can escape this fate. Although expression of Bcl-2 protein was found in 6 of 12 (50%) grade II ependymomas, 5 of 15 (33%) grade II oligodendrogliomas, and 6 of 8 (75%) grade III oligodendrogliomas, no correlation between Fas/FasL co-expression and Bcl-2 production could be demonstrated, indicating that protection from Fas-mediated apoptosis probably involves other mechanisms. Received: 10 November 1998 / Revised: 15 March 1999 / Accepted: 24 March 1999  相似文献   

A rare case of vertebral eosinophilic granuloma (C4) causing spinal cord compression is reported. The clinical, histological and radiological features of this pathological entity are discussed. After surgery a complete neurological recovery was observed. The value, in selected cases, of surgical treatment with total removal of the tumour and reconstruction of the spine to ensure spinal stability and to prevent irreversible neurological deficit is emphasized.  相似文献   

Summary The histochemical localization and activity of 5 hydrolytic and 5 oxidative enzymes in the spinal cord, spinal ganglion and muscle of the adult rat were studied at intervals of 1, 2, 3 and 4 weeks after weekly intraperitoneal (i.p.) injections of 5 mg/kg of antimetabolitic 6-aminonicotinamide (6-AN) and also 24 h after an injection of 20 mg/kg 6-AN. The rats were decapitated. One part of the spinal cord was frozen with liquid nitrogen and one part fixed in formalin.Seven days after the injection of 5 mg/kg proliferation of the glia in the center of the anterior grey matter of the spinal cord occurred accompanied by marked ATPase and acid phosphatase activity. A loss of histochemical activity in oxidative enzymes, especially of glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, occurred. After the 3rd and 4th doses of 5 mg/kg i.p. the histochemical activity increased, especially in the capillaries. After a 20 mg/kg dose of 6-AN a marked decrease in activity of the oxidative and hydrolytic enzymes in the grey and white matter of the spinal cord was noted.We observed selective gliosis in the intermediate zone of the anterior horn and in rats receiving several doses of 6-AN, we also observed morphological and histochemical compensation. Striated skeletal muscle remained unchanged.Abbrevietions AChE acetylcholinesterase - ATPase adenosine triphosphatase - Acid phase acid phosphatase - Alk. phase alkaline phosphatase - G6PD glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase - Nonspec. Est.ase unspecific esterase - NaD H2 reduced NAD dehydrogenase - SDH succinate dehydrogenase - LDH lactate dehydrogenase - Ubiq. Ubiquinone  相似文献   


Effects ofa single, huge dose of methylprednisolone on post-traumatic spinal cord blood flow (SCBF), evoked potentials and histological changes were studied in a rat model ofspinal cord injury. The purpose of this study was to assess the optimal dose of methylprednisolone for the treatment of rat spinal cord injury. Twenty-five male Wistar rats were subjected to an acute clip compression injury at 51 g for 1 min at CB-T1, and then received an intravenous bolus injection of one of the following 30 min after injury: vehicle, 30, 60, 120 or 240 mg kg -1 methylprednisolone. SCBF was measured at the injury site and an adjacent area with the' hydrogen clearance technique. Sensory evoked potentials following sciatic stimulation were recorded from the somatosensory and cerebellar cortices. Descending volleys were recorded from T9-10 spinal cord following cerebellar stimulation. SCBF and evoked potential recordings were repeated until perfusion-fixation at 4 h after injury. After injury, SCBF at both levels significantly dropped, and all evoked potentials disappeared in all animals. None of the doses of methylprednisolone improved post-traumatic SCBF, or evoked potentials. Qua;ntitative histological assessment ,of the injured cords revealed no significant differences in hemorrhages or cavitation in the spinal cord among the treatment groups. This study showed that a single huge dose of methylprednisolone from 30 to 240 mg kg- 1 had no beneficial effects on the traumatized rat spinal cord in the acute stage. [Neural Res 1997; 19: 289–299]  相似文献   

目的探讨生物素葡聚糖胺(BDA)神经示踪技术及脊髓半横断损伤模型在大鼠脊髓损伤修复的实验研究中应用。方法采用成年Sprague-Dawley大鼠,分为脊髓致伤组(n=10)和致伤对照组(n=10)。致伤组动物在相当于T7椎板水平横行剪断脊髓的后2/3;对照组动物术中仅切除椎板,不切断脊髓。术后第15d,右侧开颅,用10?A示踪剂注入右侧的感觉运动区皮质内。2周后取出大脑和脊髓组织,采用自由漂乳法行BDA染色显影。术后实验动物功能测评采用BBB运动功能评分,所得数据采用Student'st-test进行统计学原理。结果(1)脊髓损伤组动物双后肢瘫痪,BBB运动功能评分明显低于损伤对照组,统计学比较差异十分显著(P<0.01);(2)BDA顺行示踪显示大脑皮层BDA注射区内见大脑皮层的锥体细胞及其发出的轴突呈阳性染色,BDA阳性染色的皮质脊髓束神经纤维在同侧中脑、桥脑及延髓的腹侧面行走,在锥体交叉后皮质脊髓束主要在对侧脊髓白质的后索中行走。在致伤组动物中,位于脊髓白质后索中的皮质脊髓束纤维在脊髓损伤处终止;对照组皮质脊髓束BDA染色可一直延伸至L1水平。结论大鼠半脊髓切断结合应用BDA顺行示踪技术可以对脊髓损伤后的神经修复状况进行可靠的形态学评判,是研究脊髓损伤后中枢神经纤维再生修复较为理想的动物模型  相似文献   

A subdural inflatable microballoon was used to induce closed traumatic contusion to adult rat spinal cord. This spinal cord injury model was associated with reproducible and graded neurological deficits and histopathological alterations. At various delays after injury, transplantations of syngeneic adult cultured dorsal root ganglion-derived Schwann cells were performed into the spinal cord lesion. The transplants were well integrated and reduced the microcystic posttraumatic cavitation as well as the gliosis. Schwann cells transplants were invaded by numerous regenerating neurites most of which, based upon their neurotransmitter contents, seem to originate from the dorsal root ganglion.  相似文献   

Mechanical spinal cord injury (SCI) initiates a cascade of pathochemical and pathophysiological events, collectively known as the secondary injury. There has been a long-standing interest in understanding the activation and involvement of proteases in this secondary injury process. Several proteases including the calpains, caspases and matrix metalloproteinases are activated by perturbations to the spinal cord and have been linked to cell death following SCI and in other models of CNS disease and insult. Cathepsin B (Cath B), a potent lysosomal protease, has also been implicated in the pathology of CNS diseases including brain tumors, Alzheimer's disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and stroke. Previously, we reported significant increases in Cath B mRNA and protein expression following contusion-SCI. This characterization of Cath B continues with the experiments reported herein, which were designed to examine Cath B enzymatic activity and cellular localization following contusion-SCI in the rat. Cath B enzymatic activity was significantly increased in the injury epicenter at 5 and 7 days post-injury and was highly correlated with increases in the active forms of the Cath B protein reported earlier. Furthermore, the immunohistochemical analyses revealed that the post-injury increases in expression and enzymatic activity at the injury epicenter were due to the presence of a large and diverse population of inflammatory cells. However, in areas adjacent to the injury epicenter, it appears that parenchymal neurons may also contribute to these increases. Our findings coupled with the documented role of Cath B in other CNS pathologies make this potent protease an attractive candidate for involvement in the tissue destruction associated with the secondary injury cascade following SCI.  相似文献   

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