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Objective - We present a review of our experience in the management of thoracic vascular injuries during the past 10 years in one of Sweden's busiest emergency departments, with morbidity and mortality as the main outcome measures. Design - Of eight patients who sustained chest trauma with thoracic vascular injuries, six presented with shock. Angiography was the gold standard in diagnosing aortic and subclavian injuries. Results - Lesions of the inferior vena cava, left internal mammary artery, and intercostal vessels were detected only at surgery. Two patients died of exsanguination. Managing thoracic vascular injuries is still difficult and challenging for thoracic and trauma surgeons. Conclusion - Early thoracotomy is important for salvage of patients with chest-wall vascular injury. Despite our limited experience, which is characteristic for Scandinavian and European countries, our results were satisfactory.  相似文献   

The outcome performance of the adult patients trauma care in Helsinki University Hospital was compared with a sample of English hospitals. This was a first time such an audit on trauma care was conducted in Finland. Helsinki University Hospital submitted the Trauma Audit and Research Network (TARN, UK) data of adult trauma patients during 1 year period (from 1 September 2004 to 31 August 2005). Patients younger than 16 years were excluded. The outcome performance was assessed by TARN prediction model using the TARN database as reference. There were total of 1,717 patients in Helsinki and 16,774 patients in English hospitals fulfilling the study inclusion criteria, and 1,635 (95.2% of total) eligible patients in Helsinki and 15,269 (91.0% of total) in England were used for analysis. The patients were older and the mean ISS was higher in Helsinki (mean ISS in Helsinki 14 vs. 11 in England). The standardized W statistic (a measure of survival variation from the expected mean, per 100 patients) was + 3.0 (confidence intervals + 2.3 to + 3.8) for Helsinki University Hospital and + 0.2 (confidence intervals –0.1 to 0.4) for English hospitals. These results suggest that the organization of trauma care in Helsinki University Hospital area is more effective in preventing death after trauma in adults than that covering the present sample of English hospitals.  相似文献   

Out of the various systems used to assess the outcome of polytrauma patients, trauma and injury severity score (TRISS) is considered as the standard tool for evaluating the performance of trauma centres. The present study was carried out to evaluate the outcome of severely injured patients using the TRISS method in a developing country like India and to compare it with the major trauma outcome study (MTOS). A prospective study of 300 patients of trauma was done. Outcome assessment was done for the severely injured patients using the TRISS method. Road traffic accidents (213 cases) were the most common cause of injury. Fifty-seven (19%) cases were severely injured defined as having an injury severity score ≥16. Outcome assessment was done for these patients using the TRISS method. The predicted mortality was 15.7%, while the observed mortality was 33.3%. The mean revised trauma score was 6.63 ± 1.79 and the mean injury severity score (ISS) was 23.7 ± 8.17. Compared to the MTOS, the patients in the present study had more severe injuries with higher mortality. The present method of comparison of trauma care, i.e. TRISS which uses the MTOS coefficients, does not accurately predict survival of trauma patients in the developing countries as indicated by the present and other studies. There is a need for developing a national trauma registry to derive new coefficients for trauma scoring for the Indian subcontinent so that the quality of trauma care can be compared with that in the developed countries.  相似文献   

A Population-Based Study of Pancreatic Trauma in Scotland   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Introduction The aim of this population-based study was to assess the incidence, mechanisms, management and outcome of patients who sustained pancreatic trauma in Scotland over the period 1992–2002. Methods The Scottish Trauma Audit Group database was searched for details of any patient with pancreatic trauma. Results About 111 of 52,676 patients (0.21%) were identified as having sustained pancreatic trauma. The male-to-female ratio was 3:1, with a median age of 32 years. Blunt trauma accounted for 66% of injuries. Road traffic accidents were the most common mechanism of injury (44%), followed by assaults (35%). Thirty-four patients (31%) were haemodynamically unstable on arrival at hospital. Pancreatic trauma was associated with injuries to the chest (56%), head (30%) and extremities (30%); 73% of patients had other intra-abdominal injuries. Of those who left the emergency department alive, at least 77% required a laparotomy. The mortality rate (46%) was directly proportional to the number of injuries sustained (P < 0.05) and was higher in patients with increasing age (P < 0.05), haemodynamic instability (P < 0.05) and blunt trauma (P < 0.05). Conclusions Pancreatic trauma is rare in Scotland but is associated with significant mortality. Outcome was worse in patients with advanced age, haemodynamic instability, blunt trauma and multiple injuries. All work done in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK.  相似文献   



Blunt trauma is the leading cause of pediatric injury, but pediatric aortic injuries are rare. We undertook this study to investigate the demographics, treatment, and outcomes of children with blunt aortic injuries and report our experience over a 10-year period.


After Institutional Review Board approval, a 10-year retrospective review of all pediatric patients admitted with blunt aortic injury was performed. Patient demographics, injury details and severity score (Injury Severity Score), treatment, and outcomes were recorded.


There were 11 children, with ages ranging from 7 to 19 years. The most common mechanism of injury was motor vehicle crashes (8). Initial computed tomography demonstrated all 11 injuries: 7 thoracic aortic (TA) and 4 abdominal aortic (AA) injuries. Associated injuries were common. The TA injuries included 4 transections, 2 intimal flaps, and 1 pseudoaneurysm. Three of these were managed nonoperatively. The AA injuries included 3 intimal flaps and 1 dissection. Three of these were also managed nonoperatively. There were no complications in the 4 children with AA or in the 3 children with TA managed nonoperatively. Complications in the 4 children undergoing operative repair of the TA included paraplegia, renal failure, recurrent laryngeal nerve injury, and pulmonary embolus. The mean hospital stay was 8 days. All children survived, with all but one discharged directly to home.


Blunt aortic injury in children is uncommon and is primarily associated with motor vehicle crashes. Injuries to the abdominal aorta were seen with restrained children vs those to the thoracic aorta that were seen in children who were unrestrained.  相似文献   

急性主动脉夹层发生时内膜撕裂,如果撕裂形态呈现为周径上的环形破口,破口远端的内膜会脱离主动脉管壁并形成独立的内膜管腔,这个管腔顺着血流方向塌陷之后就会形成顺行脱套病变,即主动脉脱套。主动脉脱套发病率低,其总数的90%发生在主动脉夹层自然病程中,也可以是胸主动脉腔内修复术(TEVAR)的并发症。随着近年TEVAR技术的普及和手术数量的增加,手术相关并发症的数量也逐渐增加,但是TEVAR术中支架源性主动脉脱套(ISAII)的报道极为有限。该病作为一种罕见的夹层或并发症,并不被大多数医生所熟知,因此本文旨在介绍主动脉脱套和ISAII的概念、特点、诊断、分型以及处理原则与方法、注意事项,为临床工作提供理论支持,让更多患者受益。出现在自然病程中的主动脉脱套,有时需要心电门控计算机体层成像血管造影或心脏超声结合使用才能明确诊断,这种病变大部分情况下可以在开放手术中直视下修补;但是在TEVAR手术中,脱套病变往往只能通过数字减影血管造影发现,而且大部分情况下优先推荐血管腔内技术修复。如果没有及时发现脱套病变,将会出现灾难性后果。在TEVAR术中,如果在常规造影后发现ISAII,首先需要保留手术器械和通路。其次需要造影明确脱套分型,根据不同的分型,分清主动脉结构的改变,选择不同的处理方案。ISAII分三型,Ⅰ型ISAII病变局限于胸主动脉支架覆盖部位,无需额外支架植入;Ⅱ型ISAII病变位于支架覆盖远端,但局限于胸主动脉段,治疗上需要在胸主动脉段植入覆膜支架,固定内膜团块,开通真腔;Ⅲ型ISAII病变位于腹主动脉段,最危险,对术者的手术决策和技术要求也最高。除了胸主动脉覆膜支架植入,还需要在腹主动脉段使用裸支架固定内膜团块,开通真腔血供。  相似文献   

Purpose  To assess the current stage of trauma system development and trauma surgery training in Europe. Methods  Email-based survey from 53 physicians representing 25 European countries. Results  On a scale of 0–10, the mean (SD) score for trauma system development was 5.4 (2.4) and for trauma surgery specialization 4.1 (2.9). There was a significant positive correlation between trauma system development and trauma surgery specialization (p = 0.018). Countries with ties to the Austro-German surgical tradition had higher scores both in trauma system development (p = 0.003) and in trauma surgery specialization (p = 0.000), whereas the size, economic performance or geographical location were not associated with either. Conclusions  Despite the great variation from country to country, three trends in developing trauma care and education can be identified: trauma system development based exclusively on major (life-threatening) trauma care (the old United States model), combining trauma and emergency surgery into a single regionalized system (the acute care surgery model), or maintaining the orthopedic surgery-orientated all-inclusive trauma care model as practiced in most central European countries today. Although each country and region might proceed along their own line depending on local circumstances, some kind of general guidelines and recommendations at least at the European Union level would be urgently needed.  相似文献   

胸部创伤损伤严重度评估及死亡原因分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的探讨胸部创伤的死亡原因及损伤严重度评估,以提高胸部创伤的诊断及治疗水平。方法回顾性分析我院687例胸部创伤的临床资料,并根据治疗结果(分为生存组、死亡组)、有无合并伤(分为单纯胸伤组、多发伤组)以及是否有胸膜腔与外界沟通(分为闭合伤组、开放伤组)分组进行修正创伤评分(RTS)、简明损伤定级(AIS)、损伤严重度评分(ISS)和计算生存概率(PS),比较不同组间的损伤严重程度,分析死亡的高危险因素。结果闭合伤组488例,其中死亡21例,死亡原因为原发性颅脑损伤10例,急性呼吸衰竭6例,多器官功能不全综合征(M()DS)4例,低血容量性休克1例;开放伤组199例,其中死亡9例,死亡原因为低血容量性休克9例。创伤评分各指标在生存组、死亡组间差异有统计学意义(GCS:t=4.648,P=0.000,RTS:t=4.382,P=0.000,胸AIS:t=2.296,P=0.027,ISS:t=4.871,P=0.000;Ps:t=4.254,P=0.000);单纯胸伤组与多发伤组胸AIS差异无统计学意义(t=0.723,P=34.567),但RTS(t=2.553,P=0.032),ISS(t=10.776,P=0.000),Ps(t=3.868,P=0.007)差异有统计学意义;在闭合伤生存组、开放伤生存组间,虽然RTS(t=3.161,P=0.007),ISS(t=4.118,P=0.005)差异有统计学意义,但Ps差异无统计学意义(t=0.857,P=97.453),而在闭合伤死亡组、开放伤死亡组间差异均有统计学意义(GCS:t=4.016,P=0.001;RTS:t=3.168,P=0.006;胸AIS:t=2.303,P=0.043;ISS:t=4.218,P=0.002;Ps:t=4.624,P=0.001)。创伤死亡率随创伤评分增高而增高,全组ISS值在20~25时,死亡率为10.7%,在ISS值相同时,开放伤组死亡率较闭合伤组高。结论胸部创伤应用创伤评分有助于判断损伤严重度,指导临床救治;闭合伤死亡原因较开放伤复杂;严重创伤  相似文献   



Esophageal trauma is considered one of the most severe lesions of the digestive tract. There is still much controversy in choosing the best treatment for cases of esophageal perforation since that decision involves many variables. The readiness of medical care, the patient''s clinical status, the local conditions of the perforated segment, and the severity of the associated injuries must be considered for the most adequate therapeutic choice.


To demonstrate and to analyze the results of urgent esophagectomy in a series of patients with esophageal perforation.


A retrospective study of 31 patients with confirmed esophageal perforation. Most injuries were due to endoscopic dilatation of benign esophageal disorders, which had evolved with stenosis. The diagnosis of perforation was based on clinical parameters, laboratory tests, and endoscopic images. ‪The main surgical technique used was transmediastinal esophagectomy followed by reconstruction of the digestive tract in a second surgical procedure. Patients were evaluated for the development of systemic and local complications, especially for the dehiscence or stricture of the anastomosis of the cervical esophagus with either the stomach or the transposed colon.


Early postoperative evaluation showed a survival rate of 77.1% in relation to the proposed surgery, and 45% of these patients presented no further complications. The other patients had one or more complications, being pulmonary infection and anastomotic fistula the most frequent. The seven patients (22.9%) who underwent esophageal resection 48 hours after the diagnosis died of sepsis. At medium and long-term assessments, most patients reported a good quality of life and full satisfaction regarding the surgery outcomes.


Despite the morbidity, emergency esophagectomy has its validity, especially in well indicated cases of esophageal perforation subsequent to endoscopic dilation for benign strictures.  相似文献   

In last 20 years a progressive increase in the cases of road traffic accidents is seen in the institution. In this study efforts have been made to study epidemiology of trauma & how to help the trauma victims in a better way. To study the changing trends in incidence & presentation of trauma victims. To recommend preventive measures based on the analysis. The present study was carried out in MGIMS, Sewagram, Wardha from 2001 to 2003. For this study which is retrospective and prospective, a total of 986 cases of surgical trauma were studied. Present study showed that in this rural area accidents account for maximum trauma admissions & major trauma only in 20 %. Out of 986 patients, 78.8 % required repair of wounds, 3.8 % required exploratory laparotomy and 16.3 % had orthopedic interventions. Overall mortality rate was 2.9 %. It was found that general care in wards was good in terms of trauma results of rural areas. These results may vary when compared with specialized trauma centers in cities; however after a period of few years cost effectiveness of trauma centers in terms of benefits needs an assessment*.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Screening for abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAA) is cost-effective and timely repair improves outcome. Using standard ultrasound (US) an AAA can be accurately diagnosed or ruled-out. However, this requires training and bulk equipment. AIM: To evaluate the diagnostic potential of a new hand-held ultrasound bladder volume indicator (BVI) in the setting of AAA screening. METHODS: In total, 94 patients (66 +/- 14 years, 67 men) referred for atherosclerotic disease were screened for the presence of AAA (diameter > 30 mm using US). All patients underwent both examinations, with US and BVI. Using the BVI, aortic volume was measured at 6 pre-defined points. Maximal diameters (US) and volumes (BVI) were used for analyses. RESULTS: In 54 (57%) patients an AAA was diagnosed using US. The aortic diameter by US correlated closely with aortic volume by BVI (r = 0.87, p < 0.0001). Using a cut-off value of > or = 50 ml for the presence of AAA by BVI, sensitivity, specificity, positive and negative predictive value of BVI in detection of AAA were 94%, 82%, 88% and 92%, respectively. The agreement between the two methods was 89%, kappa 0.78. CONCLUSION: The bladder volume indicator is a promising tool in screening patients for AAA.  相似文献   

Abstract Pericardial tamponade remains a diagnostic challenge to the clinician especially when the patient is well compensated hemodynamically. We report an unusual case who sought medical help 1 month after having been stabbed in his chest. An investigation revealed a perforation of the myocardium and a pericardial tamponade. The patient survived thanks to a large organized clot that plugged the perforation. The patient was exposed to increased risk due to delayed onset, recognition, and therapy of the tamponade. Most reports on this subject deal with acute pericardial tamponade. Only few cases of delayed pericardial tamponade have been reported. A review of the relevant literature and the therapeutic approaches are discussed.  相似文献   

Tanaka T  Kitamura N  Shindo M 《Injury》2003,34(9):699-703
The trauma care system in Japan was set up in the 1960s in response to social problems caused by traffic accidents and has since been altered extensively. First-aid and patient transfer are performed by emergency personnel belonging to a fire station. Instead of 'western-style trauma centres', three types of facilities exist: (1) primary emergency care facilities for treating mild cases not requiring hospitalisation; (2) secondary emergency hospitals directed to treating moderately severe disease or injury; (3) tertiary emergency hospitals corresponding to the emergency departments of university hospitals, or lifesaving emergency centres, able to manage the most severe cases such as myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident and polytrauma. Although the quantity of emergency facilities and hospitals appears sufficient, the quality of emergency care needs to be improved. This could be accomplished by the unification of small hospitals to create larger hospitals, and/or by the establishment of trauma centres, as well as by improvements in relevant education and training.  相似文献   

With the development of modern society, high-energy trauma has become an increasing tendency, which brings a great challenge for trauma care. A well-running trauma care system that is composed by pre-hospital and in-hospital care has been proved to decrease the death and disability rate of trauma patients. However, establishment of trauma care system in China is still at the initial stage. Trauma care systems in China and developed countries represented by the United States and Germany are introduced respectively in this article. Construction of regional and hierarchical trauma center, training of specific trauma care team and performance of integrative trauma rescue model are recommended in China.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To review the results of stent graft treatment for diseases of the thoracic aorta. DESIGN: A retrospective study of the results of thoracic stent graft procedures in a single centre. METHODS: The results of 30 procedures performed in 24 patients were analysed. Eleven patients had aneurysmal dilatation of the descending thoracic aorta (>5.5 cm), nine patients had complicated type B dissection, three had penetrating ulcers and one had a traumatic pseudoaneurysm. Imaging follow-up consisted of CT scans performed at one, three, six and 12 months following the procedure and annually thereafter. RESULTS: One technical failure occurred due to a ruptured external iliac artery. There were no other immediate failures. The primary technical success rate was 83%. The 30-day procedural and patient mortality rates were 7 and 8%, respectively. No neurological complications occurred. Seven patients had the subclavian artery covered without complications. Secondary intervention was required in 21%. During the follow-up period (mean 11 months, range 1-48 months.) there were five deaths, two of which were related to stent graft infection. CONCLUSION: Thoracic stent grafts offer a realistic alternative to surgery.  相似文献   

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