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肝脏原发性淋巴瘤(primary hepatic lymphoma,PHL)临床上卜分罕见,现同顺性分析我院收治的4例PHL患者的临床特点及CT表现,以提高对该病的认识。  相似文献   

目的探讨肾上腺淋巴瘤的影像学特点。方法回顾性分析12例初诊未治、有完整影像学资料及病理结果的肾上腺淋巴瘤患者的临床表现、病理类型及影像学表现。结果 12例均为非霍奇金淋巴瘤(2例原发性,10例继发性)。10例继发性病例中8例为双侧肾上腺受侵,2例为单侧受侵;8例表现为肾上腺肿物,2例为肾上腺增厚。8例边界清楚。4例伴有坏死或囊变。无伴有出血、钙化、脂肪者。增强扫描强化程度低于静脉期肝实质。8例伴多脏器受侵。9例伴淋巴结肿大,受侵淋巴结主要分布于腹腔及腹膜后。其中3例行PET-CT检查,肾上腺病变均伴有明显摄取增高,中位SUVmax为24.5。2例原发病例均为双侧肾上腺受侵,肿物密度混杂,内见囊变、坏死,增强扫描静脉期强化程度均低于肝实质。结论肾上腺淋巴瘤CT表现具有一定特征,以双侧受侵、边界清楚的低血供肿物为多见。继发病例常伴有多脏器、多组淋巴结受累。PET-CT有助于肿瘤定性诊断和观察有无淋巴结及其他脏器受累。  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the imaging features of primary hepatic leiomyoma. Methods: 3 patients of primary hepatic leiomyoma confirmed by pathology without immunodeficiency were retrospectively analyzed about CT and MRI findings, clinical and pathological correlation. 2 cases had routine CT scan, 2 cases had routine MRI. Results: 2 case CT scans showed low-density lesions, 2 cases MRI showed lesions with long T1 and long T2 signal. One case of uniform density and signal showed homogeneous enhancement; two cases showed uneven density and signal, of which one case was inhomogeneous enhancement. 3 cases presented pseudocapsule without hepatic cirrhosis and venous tumor thrombus. Pathology showed spindle tumor cell proliferation and capillary hyperplasia; one case showed central hyalinization and one case central liquefaction necrosis. Conclusion: Primary hepatic leiomyoma is a hypervascular tumor, and CT and MRI help in the diagnosis.  相似文献   

肝脏非霍奇金淋巴瘤的临床分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
郑文  勇威本  朱军  张运涛  王小沛  谢彦 《癌症》2004,23(Z1):1451-1454
背景与目的:非霍奇金淋巴瘤(non-Hodgkin's lymphoma,NHL)累及肝脏在临床越来越多见,而对肝脏NHL的认识还不多.本研究分析肝脏NHL的发病特点、临床表现、诊断、治疗和预后.方法:1998年1月~2002年12月收治446例NHL,肝脏NHL 45例,占9.6%.男性32例,女性13例,中位年龄50岁.对患者的临床资料、治疗方法和疗效进行分析.采用SPSS10.0软件分析生存情况.结果:免疫组化示T细胞来源24例,B细胞来源19例,2例来源不明.依国际工作分类(IWF),中度恶性占92%.临床表现主要是发热、黄疸、肝脾肿大、肝功能损害.治疗采用以化疗为主的综合治疗.全组患者中位生存期(MST)4个月,1年、2年生存率分别为22%和18%.结论:肝脏NHL早期诊断不易,治疗效果不佳,预后差.  相似文献   

原发性肝脏淋巴瘤(PHL)是一种极其罕见的结外淋巴瘤,目前尚无统一的诊治标准.其临床表现无特异性,容易与肝炎、肝脏原发和继发性肿瘤混淆,病理为诊断的金标准.通常认为该病的治疗与其他部位的结外淋巴瘤相似,应作为全身疾病来考虑,宜采用包括手术、化疗、放疗等在内的综合治疗模式.2014年2月山西医科大学附属肿瘤医院血液病诊疗中心收治1例33岁男性原发性肝脏弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤患者,经8个周期化疗达完全缓解,至截稿时仍无病生存.  相似文献   

吴宁宁  葛荣 《中国肿瘤临床》2012,39(24):2127-2127
淋巴瘤是原发于淋巴结或淋巴组织的恶性肿瘤,可发生在身体的任何部位。宁波市第二医院最近收治1例原发性肝脏非霍奇金淋巴瘤患者,结合文献报道如下。1病例患者女,64岁,因盗汗3个月,发热伴咳嗽咳痰1周人院。人院查体:全身浅表淋巴结未及明显肿大,全腹平软,右上腹轻压痛,无明显反跳痛。人院后查血常规、血生化、肿瘤  相似文献   

雷峥  赵文灿 《肿瘤学杂志》2009,15(5):479-480
颅内原发性淋巴瘤为颅内少见的原发肿瘤,约占颅内肿瘤的0.8%~1.5%.多发病灶者约占11%~45%,其中以AIDS病人中多发者更为多见,占41%-81%。由于其临床症状和体征不典型、发病率低等因素,容易误诊。现对我院3例经病理证实的颅内多发淋巴瘤影像学表现进行回顾性分析.并结合文献复习,以提高对该病的诊断与鉴别诊断水平.  相似文献   

Zhang YJ  Chen MS  Liang HH  Xu L  Zhang YQ 《癌症》2005,24(3):365-367
背景与目的:肝脏原发淋巴瘤(primaryhepaticlymphoma,PHL)是临床上极为罕见的恶性肿瘤,国内外相关文献报道不多。本文旨在初步探讨PHL的临床病理特点和治疗。方法:对近十年来中山大学肿瘤防治中心收治的4例PHL患者的临床资料进行总结分析。结果:本组病例中,男性3例,女性1例,患者中位年龄53岁;单发病灶3例,多发病灶1例;4例均有HBV指标阳性;3例术前误诊,1例术前未能确诊;3例为非霍奇金淋巴瘤,且均为B细胞性,1例为霍奇金淋巴瘤;2例行手术切除,另2例仅行活检;术后均行全身辅助化疗。结论:PHL可能与HBV病毒感染有关;对于伴有B症状的肝内占位性病变要怀疑PHL的可能性;手术切除辅助CHOP方案化疗是目前较为理想的治疗方法。  相似文献   

目的:探讨MRI与CT对原发性脑淋巴瘤的诊断价值。方法选取50例原发性的脑淋巴瘤患者作为观察组,选50例颅内发生转移的瘤患者作为对照组,行MRI和CT检查,比较患者的病灶分布、肿瘤囊变及坏死和水肿情况、信号特点及尖突症情况。结果患者病灶多分在深部的脑组织,呈区域性分布,瘤周围以中度水肿为主,较少出现囊变及坏死,T2W1主要为等或者低信号,尖突多呈阳性。结论 MRI和CT检查能够提高原发性淋巴瘤患者诊断率,有助于其早期诊断。  相似文献   

目的探讨头颈部淋巴瘤临床表现、影像学表现及病理特征。方法选取2015年6月至2019年5月间在陕西省森林工业职工医院行头颅CT和增强MRI扫描的62例头颈部淋巴瘤患者为研究对象,分析其影像表现及临床病理特点。结果 62例患者中,有56例为非霍奇金淋巴瘤(NHL),均为结外型淋巴瘤; 6例为霍奇金淋巴瘤(HL),均为结内型淋巴瘤,其累及部位包括颈部、鼻腔、扁桃体、舌根、甲状腺及喉部等。其中NHL型主要以弥漫性B细胞淋巴瘤和滤过性淋巴瘤为主,HL型以经典型HL为主,并且累及部位以颈部为主。所有患者病理组织活检发现,选取的62例患者中,诊颈部淋巴瘤误诊为淋巴结核4例(13. 8%),鼻咽淋巴瘤误诊为鼻咽癌2例(15. 4%)。淋巴瘤患者临床症状主要表现为发热、呼吸困难、鼻塞、咽痛和局部肿痛等。CT表现为软组织肿块,CT平扫时为均匀等密度,经增强后逐渐强化。累及部位多表现为淋巴结肿大,且密度均匀,但有部分表现为融合状。且CT表现中,病灶不发生钙化,坏死及囊变现象较少见。NHL型和HL型在T1WI上等信号影有46例(74. 2%)、稍高信号影有16例(25. 8%); T2WI上稍高信号影2例(3. 2%),高信号影60例(96. 8%),且可见部分淋巴结融合状;矢状面T2WI(抑脂)均为高信号影,均匀强化。根据影像扫描结果显示,62例患者中增生肿块型有35例(56. 5%),软组织肿块、弥漫肿胀有23例(37. 1%),颈部软组织弥漫性肿胀、溃疡坏死有2例(3. 2%),表现为局部坏死溃烂。结论头颈部淋巴瘤主要以NHL型为主,颈部淋巴瘤的发病率较高,且临床表现较复杂,无明显特征,影像学表现具有一定特征性,但误诊率较高,需结合病理活检确诊。  相似文献   

Lymphangiomas are congenital malformations of the lymphatics that are curable by extirpation. Accurate delineation of lesion extension is important for pre-operative diagnosis, surgical planning, and assessing recurrence. The radiologic findings were retrospectively evaluated to determine the imaging appearance of these benign tumours. The plain radiographs, barium meal, ultrasound, CT, and MR images of 18 patients with one or more pathologically proved lymphangiomas were reviewed. Plain radiography and barium study showed masses displacing adjacent organs. Ultrasound examination showed uni- or multilocular cystic masses with smooth, thin or irregular, thick walls. Enhancement of the cyst wall was variable on CT and MR studies. The CT density of the fluid ranged from ?4 to 34 HU depending on the lipid content and the presence of haemorrhage. The cysts were isointense to muscle on T1 -weighted and hyperintense to fat on T2-weighted MR images. The MR imaging delineated the tumour lesion extension more clearly than ultrasound and CT scans. Ultrasound, CT, and MR imaging are valuable for evaluating lymphangiomas. Magnetic resonance imaging allows accurate determination of lesion extension.  相似文献   

Primary liposarcoma of the lung is extremely rare. We report a 28‐year‐old pregnant woman who complained of dyspnoea during the third trimester. Chest radiography, thoracic ultrasound, CT and MRI showed a huge heterogeneous tumour involving all the left lung and the mediastinum. The tumour was composed of soft tissue, and fatty and cystic components with calcifications. Diagnosis was made on core biopsy under CT guidance. Surgical excision was performed but unfortunately the patient died during the operation.  相似文献   

目的:探讨原发性结外淋巴瘤(primary extranodal lymphoma,PENL)的共性影像学特征,提高其诊断水平.方法:回顾性分析经病理证实的38例PENL患者的CT及MRI影像资料.结果:38例PENL病例中,发生于头颈部13例,胃肠道10例,骨骼7例,胸部5例,泌尿系3例.20例行CT检查,11例行M...  相似文献   

Methanol poisoning in Australia is now very rare as methanol has been removed from methylated spirits. In acute intoxication methanol may result in a wide range of damage to the central nervous system. Few cases have been imaged with MRI. We present two cases and their striking neuroimaging findings with a discussion of the published work on methanol poisoning.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE To investigate the images characteristics of primary malignant intracranial lymphoma. METHODS Retrospective study was conducted on CT/MRI imaging characteristics of 9 cases with primary malignant intracranial lymphoma. RESULTS The patients had lesions mostly in the supratentorial region, including the parts of deep white matter, para-ependymal regions, and corpus callosum. The shapes of the lesions were round or irregular. CT scan showed equal or slightly high density of the tumor images, compared with the normal tissue in the brain. The TIWI of MRI scan on the tumor showed low signal and the T2WI showed equal or slightly high signal. The MRI signals were homogenous. Cystic lesion, calcification, and hemorrhage were rarely seen in MRI. Edema around tumor and its occupational effect was lessened. Edema around tumor shown in MRI was not in accordance with the true volume of the tumor mass. Enhanced scan on the lesions showed homogenous enhancement, and the pia mater invaded and/or the spread along ependyma. CONCLUSION Images of primary malignant intracranial lymphoma have specific characteristics that are useful in its diagnosis and differential diagnosis.  相似文献   

Leiomyosarcoma of the inferior vena cava (IVC) is an uncommon neoplasm, most frequently seen in the sixth decade with a female predominance. Imaging modalities allow an early and accurate preoperative diagnosis resulting in a higher rate of surgical resection and improved survival. Imaging findings in a 65‐year‐old woman with leiomyosarcoma of IVC are described. Computed tomography and MRI typically showed a non‐fatty, necrotic intraluminal IVC mass with extension to retroperitoneal compartments. Cavography was useful to evaluate the collateral circulation associated with the extensive intraluminal mass. The lesion was biopsied under ultrasound guidance.  相似文献   

Ascaris lumbricoides is one of the most common parasitic infestations of the gastrointestinal tract worldwide. During the intestinal phase of the disease, the adult worms usually remain clinically silent, sometimes causing a variety of non‐specific abdominal symptoms. When present in large numbers, the worms may get intertwined into a bolus, causing intestinal obstruction, volvulus or even perforation. Occasionally, the adult Ascaris worm may migrate into the Vater’s ampulla and enter the bile duct, gall bladder or pancreatic duct, leading to a variety of complications such as biliary colic, gallstone formation, cholecystitis, pyogenic cholangitis, liver abscess and pancreatitis. Imaging plays a significant role in showing the presence of worms and possible complications in intestinal as well as hepatobiliary ascariasis. This pictorial essay aims to illustrate various imaging features of ascariasis and its associated complications.  相似文献   

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