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目的:调查活动义齿患者的口腔黏膜情况,分析佩戴活动义齿患者诱发口腔黏膜病损的原因。方法:选择326例使用活动义齿的患者为研究对象,对患者的个人基本信息、系统疾病、活动义齿的类型、义齿使用时间、义齿使用习惯、义齿清洁度、有无口腔黏膜病损及种类进行详细记录和分析。结果:使用活动义齿的326例患者,患义齿性口炎者比例为16.9%,其次为黏膜增生(8%)和阿弗他溃疡(6.7%)。结论:活动义齿使用的不良习惯有待于改善,义齿性口炎等的发病率较高。  相似文献   

Plaque from the fitting surface of upper full dentures in 8 patients with denture-induced stomatitis was sampled with curettes for study. To characterize the predominant cultivable flora, 1249 isolates (138–196 from each sample) were sub-cultured from anaerobic roll tubes. Streptococci constituted 17–76% of the isolates in each sample (median 29%) and were identified as S. mitior, S. milleri, S. mutans, S. salivarius , and S. sanguis. Staphylococci (mainly S. aureus ) made up 2–15%, median 6%. Gram-positive rods constituted 5–72% (median 45%), mainly Lactobacillus spp. (0–72%, median 19%) and Actinomyces spp. (0–43%, median 9%). Gram-negative cocci made up 0–28% (median 15%) and Gram-negative rods only 0–1.8% (median 0%). Yeast viable counts on Sabouraud agar corresponded to 0–1.7% (median 0.27%) of the total viable counts. Stomatitis-inducing denture plaque has a similar complex and variable, mainly Gram-positive, bacterial flora as that of denture plaque in subjects with healthy oral mucosa. Yeasts and lactobacilli are, however, in greater evidence in stomatitis.  相似文献   

The frequency of removable dentures and their suppliers were surveyed in March 1983 by interviewing a sample comprising 957 persons drawn to cover the total Finnish population aged 15 yr and over. The interviews revealed that there were 328 denture wearers in this sample (34.3%). The age-standardized rates were 39.7% for denture wearers and 20.4% for those wearing full dentures in both jaws. The rates for complete edentulousness, removable partial dentures of some kind and only partial denture wearing were 21.3%, 10.3% and 6.9%, respectively. Almost all of the removable denture wearers had a denture in the maxilla (97%); 62% had one in the mandible. Dental technicians with a special degree have the right to supply full dentures direct to clients in Finland. Dentists supplied 45% and dental technicians 53% of the full dentures surveyed. The study revealed a contradiction between the legal rights of dental technicians to supply dentures direct to clients and the current practice. The choice of the supplier of a removable denture showed no significant correlation with the education and income of denture wearers. The high frequency of dentures and the misconceptions regarding the supplying of them call for improvement in oral health education.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to survey the frequency of denture-related lesions of the oral mucosa in patients treated at a Brazilian dental school and to determine if the oral lesions were related to age, sex, denture type, length of denture use and denture cleaning methods. The denture-related lesions observed in this study were chronic atrophic candidiasis, chronic hyperplastic candidiasis, denture-induced fibrous inflammatory hyperplasia (FIH), traumatic ulcer, angular cheilitis and flabby ridge. The most frequent lesion, chronic atrophic candidiasis, occurred more frequently in females, in complete maxillary denture wearers, with denture use for 16-20 years. The most common method of cleaning dentures was a toothbrush and toothpaste. These results suggest that dentures can cause a wide range of lesions of the oral mucosa, that could be prevented with follow-up to evaluate dentures and provide instructions on how to maintain oral tissues healthy.  相似文献   

Oral mucosal lesions associated with the wearing of removable dentures   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Abstract Lesions of the oral mucosa associated with wearing of removable dentures may represent acute or chronic reactions to microbial denture plaque, a reaction to constituents of the denture base material, or a mechanical denture injury. The lesions constitute a heterogeneous group with regard to pathogenensis. They include denture stomatitis, angular cheilitis, traumatic ulcers, denture irritation hyperplasia, flabby ridges, and oral carcinomas. Denture stomatitis is the most common condition which affects the palatal mucosa in about 50% of wearers of complete or partial removable dentures. Most of the lesions are caused by chronic infection (Candida albicans) or mechanical injury whereas allergic reactions to the denture base materials are uncommon. Angular cheilitis (lesions of the angles of the mouth) is characterized by maceration, erythema and crust formation. The prevalence is about 15% among wearers of complete dentures. The lesions have an infectious origin but several local, including prosthetic, or systemic predisposing conditions are usually present. Traumatic ulcers caused by dentures with overextended or unbalanced occlusion are seen in about 5% of denture wearers. Denture irritation hyperplasia, which is caused by chronic injury of the tissue in contact with the denture border, is present in about 12% of denture wearers. Flabby ridge, which is replacement of alveolar bone by fibrous tissue, is present in 10–20%. Finally, there is evidence that chronic injury of the oral mucosa by dentures in rare instances may predispose to development of carcinomas. Most types of lesions are benign and quite symptomless. However, diagnosis may be difficult and the more severe and dramatic tissue reactions to dentures may indicate underlying systemic diseases. In order to prevent or minimize the extent of the lesions, denture wearers should be recalled regularly for an examination of the oral cavity and the dentures. It is important that the examination is carried out by a person who has adequate medical knowledge.  相似文献   

Summary  The objective of the present study was to evaluate the prevalence of oral mucosal lesions associated with the use of full dentures (FD) among non-institutionalized individuals of 60 or more years of age in a rural Brazilian population. The sample consisted of 344 individuals aged 60 or more from two rural communities of Brazil. Of this total, 146 were FD users and 198 FD, non-users. Angular cheilitis, denture stomatitis and inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia were statistically associated with prosthesis use. Hygiene and integrity of the prosthesis were related to the presence of oral lesions. While inflammatory fibrous hyperplasia was positively related to FD integrity, denture stomatitis was associated with time of use, hygiene status and integrity of FD. The results indicate the need for oral health care programmes for the elderly and show a relationship between time of use, quality and hygiene of oral prostheses with the presence of mucosal lesions.  相似文献   

Oral mucosal lesions among institutionalized elderly in Denmark   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The purpose of the study was to determine the prevalence of oral mucosal lesions among institutionalized elderly. The study population comprised 486 elderly from eight nursing homes, and 199 elderly from five hospital long-term care facilities in the eastern part of Denmark. Approximately half of the subjects exhibited one or more pathologic conditions of the oral mucosa. Denture related traumatic ulcerations were found in 3.9% of the nursing home residents, compared to 8.3% among the elderly in hospital long-term care. The most prevalent finding was denture stomatitis, which was manifest in about one third of the elderly. The prevalence was strongly influenced by the denture hygiene; 54% of the elderly with poor denture hygiene suffered from denture stomatitis, as compared to only 7% of those with clean dentures. The prevalence of denture stomatitis was also related to the usage of dentures at night and to the age of the dentures. The prevalence decreased significantly with increasing age, although the oldest age group did not have better denture hygiene, or more favorable wearing habits. It did not appear that sex, type of residency, degree of urbanization, denture conditions, or the use of anticholinergic drugs influenced the prevalence of denture stomatitis. The prevalence and severity of the disease can probably be reduced if the denture hygiene is improved and if the elderly only use their dentures during the daytime.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the oral health of elderly Finnish men wearing removable dentures supplied either by dentists, denturists or laboratory technicians. From a sample of 550 men, 362 subjects were both interviewed and clinically examined. The subjects were asked a range of questions related to their oral health and dentures. Clinical examinations were carried out by one dentist using well-defined criteria and without knowing the information the respective subjects had given in the interview. The 242 denture wearers had a higher frequency (P < 0.001) of mucous membrane lesions (78.7%) than the 120 non-wearers (27.5%). Differences between the denture providers were small, although subjects with dentures provided by dentists had less often most of the recorded mucous membrane lesions than other denture wearers. Coating of tongue and cheilitis angularis were the most commonly encountered lesions. High levels of yeast growth were observed more frequently (P < 0.02) among subjects who had obtained their dentures from dentists (41.3%) than from either denturists (17.1%) or laboratory technicians (18.2%). Among dentate subjects, the average number of remaining teeth was higher (P < 0.05) among those who had obtained their dentures from dentists (8.7) than among subjects wearing dentures from denturists (5.9) or laboratory technicians (6.2). Subjects wearing dentures supplied by dentists had slightly better oral health than other denture wearers. The observed differences can be at least partly explained by dentists' patients having higher number of remaining teeth and also more frequent check-up visits.  相似文献   

Oral Diseases (2011) 17 , 171–179 Objective: The objective of the study was to assess the prevalence of oral mucosal lesions (OML) and to perform a multivariable risk assessment of demographic, socioeconomic, behavioral, and oral risk indicators for its occurrence in an urban population in South Brazil. Methods: This cross‐sectional study selected 1586 subjects (719M/867F, age: 14–104 years) using a multistage probability sampling strategy (65.1% response rate). Prevalence, odds ratios (OR), and confidence intervals (95% CI) were calculated accounting for the survey design. Results: Leukoplakia and lichen planus were observed in 1.01% and 1.02% of subjects, respectively. In the multivariable analysis, these lesions were significantly associated with moderate/heavy smoking (OR = 9.0, 95% CI = 2.1–39.1) and heavy drinking (OR = 2.0, 95% CI = 1.1–3.7). Candidiasis and proliferative lesions were observed in 14.09% and 3.80% of the subjects, respectively. These lesions were significantly associated with female gender (OR = 2.2, 95% CI = 1.5–3.2 and OR = 1.7, 95% CI = 1.0–2.8), older age (OR = 22, 95% CI = 8.0–60.8 and OR = 8.9, 95% CI = 3.4–23.7), and low socioeconomic status (OR = 1.9, 95% CI = 1.0–3.5 and OR = 3.0, 95% CI = 1.2–7.2). Conclusions: This population is in need of OML prevention and treatment. Future studies should validate the findings that premalignant lesions are causally related to smoking and alcohol consumption, and that other OML are associated with socioeconomic‐demographic disparities in this and similar populations.  相似文献   

可摘局部义齿修复1126例临床分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:对1126例可摘局部义齿进行分析,为临床关于可摘局部义齿修复牙列缺损积累经验。方法:随机选取1126件义齿修复病例,分析牙齿缺损位置、数量与性别和年龄的关系及修复体的类型,并对采用新技术进行的特殊设计进行分析。结果:上颌牙缺失多于下颌,不同年龄组缺牙好发部位不同,青年组以前牙缺失为多,其他年龄组以后牙缺失为多。男女两组中平均失牙数随年龄增加而增加,但与性别无关,在各类可摘局部义齿设计中,第5类最多。结论:可摘局部义齿制作简便,适应症广,目前仍然在修复治疗中发挥着重要的作用。  相似文献   


Background. Despite being functional and having aesthetic benefits, the acceptance of patients regarding the use of removable partial dentures (RPDs) has been low. In part, this is due to the deleterious effects that causes discomfort to the patient. Success depends not only on the care expended by the patient, including daily care and oral hygiene, but also on common goals set by their professional and clinical staff, aiming beyond aesthetics, to incorporate issues of functionality and the well-being of patients. Methods and results. For rehabilitation treatment with RPDs to reach the desired level of success without damaging the support structure, all the steps (diagnose, cavity preparation, adaptation of the metal structures, functional of distal extension and posterior follow-up) in the rehabilitative treatment should be carefully developed. A literature review was carried out, searching through MEDLINE (PubMed) articles published between 1965 and December 2012 including clinical trials and reviews about the use of RPDs. Conclusions. This study describes factors that lead to failures and complications in oral rehabilitation through the use of RPDs and suggests possible solutions.  相似文献   

The patient's satisfaction with removable partial denture (RPD) therapy has become an increasingly important factor in prosthetic treatment. This study examined patients' satisfaction with RPDs in relation to some socio-economic variables, patients' habits of wearing and cleaning RPDs, comfort of wearing RPDs and different RPDs characteristics. A questionnaire was devised for the purpose. Two hundred and five patients were required to assess satisfaction with RPDs. They graded RPDs, depending on the level of satisfaction, on scale ranging from 1 to 5. A dentist determined Kennedy classification, material and denture support, denture base shape, number of missing teeth and evaluated denture construction. Majority of the patients were satisfied with the prosthesis. The patients of a higher education level gave lower grades (P < 0.05) to aesthetics of maxillary RPDs. Almost half of the patients were wearing RPDs during the day. Most of the patients cleaned RPDs three times a day. A significant difference was found between the patients' grades for comfort of wearing mandibular RPDs and number of missing teeth and between hygiene of mandibular RPDs and habits of cleaning them. Majority of the patients treated with RPDs were satisfied with the prosthesis. Dissatisfaction was related to mastication, esthetics, number of missing teeth and maintenance of oral hygiene.  相似文献   

可摘局部义齿对口腔微生态系的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
口腔微生态系可分为牙面微生态系、黏膜微生态系和唾液微生态系等。作为治疗牙列缺损的有效手段之一,可摘局部义齿适用范围广,但它可能对口腔微生态系产生一定影响,从而导致龋病和牙周病的发生。本文就可摘局部义齿影响口腔微生态系的研究作一综述。  相似文献   

Abstract A representative sample of Finnish denture wearers (n= 3875) aged 30 or over were examined clinically and interviewed about their oral hygiene habits, use of dental services and possible prosthetic treatment during last visit to a dentist. Of these denture wearers, over 80% brushed their dentures at least once a day, and 16% visited a dentist at least once in 2 yr. For denture stomatitis the age-standardized risk ratio decreased with brushing frequency in women and increased in men. For frequency of dental visits the prevalence of denture stomatitis increased in both men and women when visits were made over 2-yr intervals. The prevalence of denture stomatitis was higher in the group with dentures over 1 yr old. It seems that the oral hygiene measures as they are generally carried out and regular dental visits are not effective enough methods in preventing denture stomatitis.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: An International Workshop addressed the prevalence and classification of HIV/AIDS associated oral lesions.
DESIGN: Five questions provided the framework for discussion and literature review. What is the prevalence of oral lesions in children and adults? Should the accepted classification of HIV-related oral lesions be modified in the light of recent findings? Why is there a gender difference in the prevalence of oral lesions in developed and developing countries? Are there unusual lesions present in developing countries? Is there any association between modes of transmission and the prevalence of oral lesions?
RESULTS: Workshop discussion emphasized the urgent need for assistance in the development of expertise to obtain accurate global prevalence data for HIV-associated oral lesions. Oral candidiasis has been consistently reported as the most prevalent HIV-associated oral lesion in all ages. Penicilliosis marneffei, a newly described fungal infection, has emerged in South-east Asia. Oral hairy leukoplakia and Kaposi's sarcoma appear to be associated with male gender and male-to-male HIV transmission risk behaviours. These lesions occur only rarely in children.
CONCLUSIONS: Additional prevalence data are needed from developing countries prior to substantially altering the 1993 ECC/WHO Classification of oral lesions associated with adult HIV infection. The workshop confirmed current oral disease diagnostic criteria.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Oral prevalence studies are important to know the state of health and the needs of treatment. Our aim was to determine the prevalence of oral mucosal lesions and associated factors among aging Chileans. METHODS: A random sample by age, gender, and socioeconomic status was obtained, comprising 889 individuals older than 65 years. Individuals were interviewed and examined in Santiago, the capital of Chile, according to the World Health Organization guidelines. RESULTS: The prevalence of one or more oral mucosal lesions in the sample was 53%. Logistic regression model revealed that denture use increased the probability of one or more oral mucosal lesions by threefold, while age, gender, smoking, medication use, xerostomia, and social or cultural factors had no effect. The most common lesion was denture stomatitis (22.3%), followed by irritative hyperplasia (9.4%), oral mucosal varicosities (9%), solitary pigmented lesions (4%), traumatic ulcer (3.5%), angular cheilitis (2.9%), multiple pigmented lesions (2.8%), hemangioma (2.3%), lichen planus (2.1%), leukoplakia (1.7%), recurrent aphthous stomatitis (1.4%), nicotine stomatitis (1.3%), median rhomboid glossitis (0.9%), actinic cheilitis (0.9%), pyogenic granuloma (0.7%), oral squamous papiloma (0.6%), and mucocele (0.2%). One case of oral cancer was observed. Different factors increased the probability of specific oral mucosal pathologies. CONCLUSIONS: We can conclude that oral mucosal lesions are common in elderly people in Santiago, suggesting the necessity for improved standards of prevention, and diagnostic and opportune treatment of these lesions.  相似文献   

Objective. To verify the hypotheses that treatment with double-crown-retained removable partial dentures (RPDs) improves oral health-related quality-of life (OHRQoL) over a 36-month period and that the performance of RPDs retained by use of electroplated double crowns (EP-RPDs) was different to that of RPDs retained by use of cast double crowns (C-RPDs). Materials and methods. Fifty-four patients (mean age = 64 years, 63% men) were recruited and randomly assigned to C-RPD or EP-RPD. OHRQoL was assessed pre-treatment, post-treatment and 6, 12, 24 and 36 months after insertion, by use of the oral health impact profile (OHIP). An unweighted total score was calculated (OHIP-SUM). A two-level hierarchical model was used for statistical analysis. First-level units were the measurements on the six occasions; second-level units were the patients. Results. Improvement of OHRQoL was observed in both groups after treatment (t = 7.27, p < 0.001). Whereas a treatment–material interaction indicated that treatment with EP-RPDs resulted in greater immediate improvement of OHRQoL, a time–material interaction indicated that long-term improvement was greater for C-RPDs. Conclusions. Treatment with EP-RPDs and C-RPDs improved OHRQoL initially. Over a period of 36 months the effect was significant. The treatment is, therefore, a promising therapeutic option. The cast conical design seems to have advantages with regard to long-term OHRQoL.  相似文献   

Aim: To investigate the prevalence and severity of oral health-related quality of life in patients treated with removable partial dentures at a publicly-funded dental hospital. The association between patients' demographic profiles, denture-related, variables and oral health-related quality of life was also investigated. Methods: A questionnaire was designed to investigate the use and satisfaction of removable partial dentures, and oral health-related quality of life of removable partial denture wearers using the Oral Health Impact Profile-14. The questionnaire was administered to 740 randomly-selected patients who received removable partial dentures during 2005-2008. The response rate was 31.35%. Non-parametric tests and a logistic regression model were used to analyze the association between denture-related variables and oral health-related quality of life. A question on symptoms unrelated to dentures was also analyzed. Results: The Oral Health Impact Profile-14 prevalence calculated was 43.1%. The removable partial denture experience and frequency of use was inversely associated with Oral Health Impact Profile-14 scores. Metal-based removable partial dentures were associated with lower Oral Health Impact Profile prevalence and severity scores. No significant association was found between demographic profile, circumstance for provision of removable partial dentures and Oral Health Impact Profile-14 score. Conclusion: The participants of this study indicated that perceived denture performance, removable partial dentures material, experience, and frequency of use are associated with oral health-related quality of life.  相似文献   

Objectives: This study investigated the association between denture status [implant‐supported fixed dentures (IDs) and removable partial dentures (RPDs)] and oral health‐related quality of life (OHRQoL). Materials and methods: Consecutive patients with IDs and RPDs were recruited from the Prosthodontics Departments at Showa University and Tokyo Medical and Dental University. The Japanese version of the Oral Health Impact Profile (OHIP‐J‐49) was administered to each subject. For each OHIP‐J‐49 question, the subjects were asked to indicate the frequency with which they had experienced a dental problem during the last month. Responses were recorded on a 5 point Likert rating scale, with 0 being never and 4, very often. Summary scores were calculated and regression analyses conducted to investigate the association between denture status and OHIP‐J‐49 summary score. Results: In total 79 ID subjects (mean age±SD of 51.7±12.4 years, 44.3% men) and 109 RPD subjects (mean age of 66.5±8.6 years, 30% men) participated after giving informed consent. The regression analysis between the type of treatment and the OHIP‐J‐49 summary score revealed a significant association with a coefficient of 17.0 (Confidence interval, CI: 10.9–23.1). When age and duration of denture usage, which had significant associations with OHIP‐J‐49, were included in this model, the regression coefficient remained virtually unchanged at 17.4 (CI: 9.75–25.0), thus indicating little potential confounding by them. Conclusions: OHRQoL in patients with implant‐supported fixed dentures is generally less impaired than it is in those patients with RPDs. To cite this article :
Furuyama C, Takaba M, Inukai M, Mulligan R, Igarashi Y, Baba K. Oral health‐related quality of life in patients treated by implant‐supported fixed dentures and removable partial dentures.
Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 23 , 2012; 958–962
doi: 10.1111/j.1600‐0501.2011.02247.x  相似文献   

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