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为探讨艾滋病流行病学个案调查的不同方法,以便更有针对性地开展干预工作。通过辖区内33例艾滋病病毒(HIV)抗体阳性者个案调查实践,提示对不同途径感染的HIV感染者,可有针对性地选择艾滋病自愿咨询检测(VCT)室、疾控人员入户或请进疾控机构进行流行病学个案调查,对公安羁押、强制戒毒所戒毒这类特殊场所人员,进行流行病学个案调查应注意保密,避免引起场所动乱。艾滋病流行病学个案调查的成功,有利于实施干预措施,控制HIV传播。  相似文献   

贵港市吸毒人群HIV感染情况及相关知识和行为调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解贵港市吸毒人群艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染及相关知识、高危行为的状况,以便更好地开展艾滋病防控工作,贵港市疾病预防控制中心(CDC)于2006年1月对该市戒毒所、收教所242名吸毒人员进行了HIV抗体检测,并对其艾滋病相关知识和高危行为做了调查。现将结果报告如下。1对象与方法调  相似文献   

流动人口管理者对艾滋病和VCT知识和态度的定性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 为了解流动人口相关管理人员对艾滋病和自愿咨询检测(VCT)的知识和态度,为开展VCT工作提供依据. 方法 在上海某区采用多阶段抽样,选取流动人口相关管理人员28人,采用个人深入访谈法,了解他们对艾滋病和VCT的相关知识和态度. 结果 该人群对艾滋病防治的知晓率低,但是愿意支持艾滋病宣传干预工作;对艾滋病存有恐惧心理,同时对艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者有着较为严重的歧视情节;对VCT的知晓率较低,多数人认为周围的流动人口不会感染HIV,没有必要做HIV检测,也存在对检测者的歧视心理. 结论 应进一步加强针对该类人群的艾滋病宣传教育,消除该人群对HIV感染者和检测者的歧视,为流动人口创造好的艾滋病防治环境.  相似文献   

绍兴县自1999年发现首例艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者以来,近几年HIV感染者增长幅度惊人,HIV感染者主要集中在吸毒人群。为进一步了解绍兴县吸毒人群的HIV、乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)、丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)和梅毒的感染状况,吸毒方式和高危因素,于2005年对绍兴县戒毒所收容的吸毒人员开展调查,报告如下。  相似文献   

绍兴县吸毒人群HIV HBV HCV和梅毒感染状况的调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
绍兴县自1999年发现首例艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者以来,近几年HIV感染者增长幅度惊人,HIV感染者主要集中在吸毒人群。为进一步了解绍兴县吸毒人群的HIV、乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)、丙型肝炎病毒(HCV)和梅毒的感染状况,吸毒方式和高危因素,于2005年对绍兴县戒毒所收容的吸毒人员开展调查,报告如下。  相似文献   

目的了解开远市娱乐场所暗娼人群参加艾滋病病毒(HIV)检测后咨询的情况及影响因素,为艾滋病预防控制工作提供参考依据。方法采用外展招募方式,对符合纳入标准的暗娼,进行一对一的检测前咨询和问卷调查,并预约HIV检测后4周接受HIV检测后咨询服务。结果 57.4%(412/718)的暗娼通过参加HIV检测后咨询获取了HIV检测结果。多因素Logistic回归模型分析显示,来源于中低档服务场所(OR=0.57)、HIV抗体检测阴性(OR=0.51)、年龄〈25岁(OR=0.61)和艾滋病知识得分较低(〈14分)(OR=0.66),是暗娼人群参加HIV检测后咨询的重要妨碍因素(P〈0.05)。结论暗娼人群参加HIV检测后咨询的比例较低,卫生部门在扩大HIV检测数量和范围的同时,需加强对暗娼开展有针对性的健康宣传教育,提高其参加HIV检测后咨询的比例,切实降低暗娼人群HIV相关高危行为。  相似文献   

艾滋病自愿咨询检测的影响因素   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
目的了解高危(重点)人群中艾滋病自愿咨询检测(VCT)状况及影响因素,并为今后政府制定高危行为人群的VCT干预对策提供科学依据。方法采用匿名自填问卷的方式,对深圳市特种服务行业女性从业人员进行了有关VCT的认知、态度、行为现状及影响因素的问卷调查。结果61.3%的人不知道VCT免费;95.4%的人没有做过艾滋病病毒(HIV)抗体检测,其中有65.9%的人认为自己不会得艾滋病,没有必要检测;54.6%的人不知道在哪里检测HIV抗体。当怀疑自己感染了HIV时有16.5%的人表示不会去检测,其中有84.4%的人担心被别人知道曾经做过HIV检测而被瞧不起,53.1%的人害怕检测结果阳性,本人和家人遭受歧视。结论社会宣传和干预力度不够,求询者的畏惧心理和侥幸心理、社会歧视是影响高危(重点)人群自愿接受HIV检测的主要原因,应进一步加强对艾滋病知识和"四免一关怀"政策的宣传,把VCT作为在高危(重点)人群中开展行为干预的重点。  相似文献   

目的了解戒毒所内吸毒人群对美沙酮维持治疗(MMT)的认识及参与意愿。方法对戒毒所内吸毒人群进行问卷调查,收集吸毒人群的人口学特征、行为学特征、艾滋病(AIDS)知识、对MMT的认识及参与意愿等信息,并抽取3-5mL静脉血检测HIV抗体。结果共调查436名戒毒所内吸毒人员,HIV阳性者62人(14.2%);AIDS知识得分(7.47±1.129)分。236名(54.1%)调查对象表示出戒毒所后若复吸,愿意参与MMT。200名不愿意参加MMT的原因主要有:已经戒除毒瘾无需服用美沙酮(33.5%),美沙酮与海洛因一样有毒(17.5%),美沙酮不能替代海洛因无欣快感(8.5%),美沙酮不良反应多(6%)及不了解MMT(7%)等。单因素分析显示,入所前知道所在地MMT服药点、知道针具交换、文化程度、有自愿戒毒史和强制戒毒三次及以上、AIDS知识得分高、HIV感染等因素与MMT参与意愿相关;多因素Logistic回归分析显示,有自愿戒毒史、HIV感染及AIDS知识得分较高,是吸毒人群参与MMT的有利因素。结论被调查的吸毒人员中,愿意参与MMT的占半数以上,不愿意的原因多是对戒毒与MMT的认识不足,建议加大针对此类人群的MMT及AIDS相关知识宣传。  相似文献   

目的了解社区卫生服务机构艾滋病防治对象对艾滋病病毒(HIV)检测的接受意愿及影响因素。方法采用自行设计的调查问卷,在北京、上海等8个城市的社区卫生服务机构,对重点科室(妇产科、皮肤科等)的就诊人员、男男性行为人群(MSM)和娱乐场所女性工作人员进行调查。调查内容包括一般社会人口学信息、艾滋病相关知识、HIV防治服务接受意愿及利用情况等。结果共调查了755人,其中29人HIV阳性。在726名HIV阴性人员中,555人(76.4%)表示愿意接受社区卫生服务机构免费提供的HIV检测服务。多因素Logistic回归分析显示,平均月收入较高(1000~1999元、2000-2999元)、知晓艾滋病知识和以前接受过HIV检测的服务对象,更愿意接受HIV检测,其比值比(OR)和95%可信区间(CD分别为2.51(1.18~5.37)、2.35(1.28~4.32)、2.07(1.14~3.77)、1.85(1.25~2.75)。结论调查对象对社区卫生服务机构开展的HIV检测服务有较高的接受意愿,但也存在诸如担心歧视、个人隐私暴露和业务能力不高以及自身艾滋病知识欠缺等因素的影响,因此在社区卫生服务机构开展HIV检测需要加强受检者隐私保护,同时要扩大HIV防治宣传和提高社区医生的HIV咨询检测知识和技能水平。  相似文献   

目的为了解高危人群对艾滋病的基本知识情况.方法对HIV检测前咨询的199名进行了艾滋病知识问卷调查(自愿回答,不记姓名,不记地址). 结果 100 %的求询者要求了解艾滋病的症状与体症,97.89 %要求了解传播途径,要求了解检测HIV知识的为66.83 %.求询者89 %为男性,已婚者占82 %,并有较高的文化程度.77 %求询者在性行为时未使用安全套,部分人员认为一般接触能够感染HIV.74 %求询者存在心理障碍,表现为恐惧,忧郁,失眠,害怕,内疚感特.求询者中进行过多次咨询的占86 %,有婚外性行为者占91.95 %.讨论经过咨询后75 %能够正确回答艾滋病相关知识.求询人员中,无一例因吸毒而要求咨询的.提示今后加大健康教育力度,加强对吸毒人群进行艾滋病的健康教育是刻不容缓的.加强对高危人群宣传正确使用安全套防病作用,目前也是预防艾滋病最重要的任务.  相似文献   

目的了解社区卫生服务机构艾滋病防治工作人员,对艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染者/艾滋病(AIDS)病人(简称HIV/AIDS病人)的歧视情况及影响因素。方法采用自填式调查问卷,对8个城市40家社区卫生服务机构361名工作人员进行调查。调查内容包括工作人员的一般情况、对HIV/AIDS病人的态度和开展艾防工作意愿等。结果 292人(80.9%)表示能像对待其他患者一样对待HIV/AIDS病人,或者可以为他们提供医疗卫生服务,没有歧视。多因素Logistic回归分析显示,近一年接受培训的天数(3-6天、7-14天和15天以上)、支持社区开展艾滋病防治工作的工作人员对HIV/AIDS病人歧视有显著性差异,比值比(OR)[95%可信区间(CI)]分别为3.96(1.10,14.25)、4.93(1.27,19.19)、10.33(1.86,57.42)、0.25(0.12,0.52)。结论社区卫生服务机构工作人员对HIV/AIDS病人依然存在歧视,当地卫生行政部门和疾控机构需要加强对社区医生的艾滋病防治知识、技能和职业暴露预防的培训,同时要提高其工作待遇,稳定基层防艾队伍。  相似文献   

目的对艾滋病(AIDS)高发地区的强制戒毒所内,吸毒者在所内的高危行为及艾滋病病毒(HIV)感染情况进行评估。方法采用回顾性队列研究设计,招募在戒毒所内戒毒超过1年者为研究对象,收集其在入所时HIV检测结果,并在其出所前进行第二次HIV检测。采用面对面问卷调查的方法,收集研究对象的一般人口学特征、艾滋病相关知识、入所前性行为和吸毒行为,以及入所后的HIV危险行为,包括所内偷吸、共用吸毒用具和同性性行为。HIV检测采用酶联免疫吸附试验(ELISA)初筛和蛋白印迹试验(WB)确证。结果共招募研究对象499人,8人报告在所内吸食过海洛因。所内没有人自我报告男男同性性行为。在214名入所时检测HIV阴性的吸毒者中,出所时检测未发现HIV阳性者。在198名入所时未检测者中,出所时检测发现1名无所内HIV危险行为的吸毒者HIV阳性。结论该次研究未发现所内HIV危险行为和所内HIV感染,但有所内偷吸毒品的现象,因此要严格防止毒品和注射用具进入强制戒毒所或羁押场所。  相似文献   

Because individuals at risk for HIV and STDs are concentrated in prisons and jails, incarceration is an opportunity to provide HIV and STD testing. We interviewed 72 service providers working in U.S. prisons in four states about their experiences with and perceptions regarding HIV and STD testing in prison. Providers' job duties represented administration, education, security, counseling, and medical care. Providers' knowledge of prison procedures and programs related to HIV and STD testing was narrowly limited to their specific job duties, resulting in many missed opportunities for prevention counseling and referral. Suggestions include increasing health care and counseling staff so posttest counseling can be provided for those with negative as well as positive test results, providing additional prevention programs for incarcerated persons, improving staff training about HIV and STD testing, and improving communication among in-prison providers as well as between corrections and public health staff.  相似文献   

目的了解德宏州2005-2012年间看守所羁押人员的HIV感染况及影响因素。方法对当地看守所羁押人员进行问卷调查,并采集血样检测艾滋病病毒(HIV)抗体。结果 19 859名调查对象中,83.3%为男性,其中汉族、农民占60%以上;女性中汉族、农民占50%以上。调查对象HIV抗体阳性检出率为3.7%(736人),64.3%(473/736)为入所后新报告者。Logistic多因素分析显示,男性中,≥20岁、少数民族、文盲及外籍者HIV抗体阳性检出率较高,注射吸毒者[比值比(OR)=11.25,95%可信区间(CI):9.36-13.53]及与非固定性伴发生性行为者(OR=2.46,95%CI:2.03-2.97)HIV感染风险高;女性中,≥20岁、除景颇族外的少数民族、外籍者HIV抗体阳性检出率较高,注射吸毒者(OR=11.17,95%CI:6.73-18.54)和与非固定性伴发生性行为者(OR=2.54,95%CI:1.40-3.97)感染HIV风险高。结论德宏州看守所羁押人员HIV感染率较高,且多数为新检测发现者,提示有必要继续加强对监管场所人员开展HIV监测及干预工作,减少艾滋病蔓延。  相似文献   

For correctional HIV testing programs, delivery of HIV test results can be difficult because of short incarceration times for many inmates. Rapid HIV testing enables immediate delivery of test results and can be performed in conjunction with risk reduction counseling. The objective of this study was to determine the feasibility and acceptability of rapid HIV testing within the Rhode Island Department of Corrections jail. Jail detainees were randomly asked to participate in the study. The study included: (1) completing a questionnaire that investigated HIV risk behavior, incarceration history, HIV testing history, and attitudes toward routine HIV testing in jail and toward partner notification services; (2) individualized HIV risk reduction counseling; and (3) the option of rapid HIV testing with delivery of test results. One hundred thirteen inmates were asked to participate and 100 (88%) participated. Among the subjects, there was a high frequency of incarceration and subjects were at significant risk of HIV infection, yet there was low perceived risk. Ninety-five percent of participants underwent rapid HIV testing. Of those, 99% had negative test results and one subject had a preliminary positive result. All subjects received rapid test results and individualized risk reduction counseling. The majority of subjects supported routine HIV testing in jail and the concept of partner notification services. In this population of jail detainees, rapid HIV testing was feasible and highly acceptable. Further studies are needed to successfully incorporate rapid HIV testing into jail HIV screening programs.  相似文献   

Despite the magnitude of the HIV epidemic in India, few centers exist that provide anonymous HIV testing that is also accompanied by adequate counseling and referral. This study describes the trends in demographic profiles, HIV serostatus, and risk factors among 1,745 male and female clients who accessed an anonymous counseling and testing center in Chennai, India from 1994 to 1998. The prevalence of HIV in this sample was 51%, indicating that the clinic is successful in its outreach to at-risk individuals. The increasing number of clients over time suggests that this clinic has been well-received by the community. Correlates of being HIV-positive included occasional condom use, being married, being referred by an HIV-positive sex partner, working as a truck driver or migrant, or having a spouse in these professions. The success of this clinic serves as a model for similar centers in India, and points to the widespread need for anonymous testing and counseling.  相似文献   

Despite ongoing evidence that one quarter of HIV-infected people in the United States are unaware of their infection, widespread implementation of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention's 1993 recommendations regarding routine inpatient HIV testing has not occurred. This study compares two HIV testing strategies: the initial phase of inpatient HIV testing (1999-2001) utilized a physician-referral-based system. The second phase (2001-2003) included the first 2 years' experience with having trained HIV counselors directly approach inpatients regarding their willingness to undergo voluntary HIV counseling and testing (VCT) without physician referral. This latter phase was prompted by a patient attitude survey demonstrating favorable responses to unsolicited approaches by staff regarding HIV testing. Barriers to implementing the latter strategy are discussed and initial experience with rapid HIV testing on this service is also presented. Referral-based testing yielded 2.3 patient referrals (6.4% of total admissions) resulting in 1.2 HIV tests and 0.7 counseling only sessions per day. Nonreferral based testing resulted 6.2 HIV tests and another 3.0 counseling-only sessions per day. HIV VCT on an inpatient service is feasible but challenging. Most patients respond favorably to being approached for VCT. Routinely offering HIV tests to inpatients yields higher testing rates than physician referral-based systems and increases the number of patients who know their HIV status. Recommendations for implementing routing HIV testing on an inpatient service are made.  相似文献   

Our survey of kidney and liver transplant centers in New York State found a wide variation among transplant centers in evaluation and screening for HIV risk and infection among prospective living donors. Survey results underscore the need to standardize practices. A recent transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) from a living donor to a kidney recipient revealed a possible limitation in existing screening protocols for HIV infection in living donors. We surveyed kidney and liver transplant centers (N?=?18) in New York State to assess HIV screening protocols for living donors. Although most transplant centers evaluated HIV risk behaviors in living donors, evaluation practices varied widely, as did the extent of HIV testing and prevention counseling. All centers screened living donors for serologic evidence of HIV infection, either during initial evaluation or ≥1 month before surgery; however, only 50% of transplant centers repeated HIV testing within 14 days before surgery for all donors or donors with specific risk behaviors. Forty-four percent of transplant centers used HIV nucleic acid testing (NAT) to screen either all donors or donors with recognized risk behaviors, and 55% never performed HIV NAT. Results suggest the need to standardize evaluation of HIV risk behaviors and prevention counseling in New York State to prevent acquisition of HIV by prospective living organ donors, and to conduct HIV antibody testing and NAT as close to the time of donation as possible to prevent HIV transmission to recipients.  相似文献   

Health-care providers in China are facing an exponential increase in HIV testing and HIV-positive patients. A total of 1101 service providers were recruited to examine attitudes toward people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) in China. Logistic regression models were used to assess factors associated with providers' attitudes toward mandatory HIV testing. Providers were most likely to endorse mandatory HIV testing for patients with high-risk behaviour and for all patients before surgery. Over 43% of providers endorsed mandatory testing for anyone admitted to hospital. Controlling for demographics, multivariate analyses indicated that providers with higher perceived risk of HIV infection at work, higher general prejudicial attitudes toward PLWHA, and previous contact with HIV patients were more likely to endorse mandatory HIV testing for anyone admitted to hospital. Results underscore the importance of implementing universal precautions in health-care settings and call attention to social and ethical issues associated with HIV/AIDS control and treatment in China.  相似文献   

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