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The aim of this study was to increase the solubility of ampelopsin (AMP) in water by two systems: solid dispersions with polyethylene glycol 6000 (PEG 6000) or polyvinylpyrrolidone K-30 (PVP K30) and inclusion complexes with beta-cyclodextrin (BCD) and hydroxypropyl-beta-cyclodextrin (HPBCD). The interaction of AMP with the hydrophilic polymers was evaluated by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), Fourier transformation-infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The results from DSC, FTIR and SEC analyses of solid dispersions and inclusion complexes showed that AMP might exist as an amorphous state or as a solid solution. On the other hand, the SEM images of the physical mixtures revealed that to some extent the drug was present in a crystalline form. The influence of various factors (pH, temperature, type of polymer, ration of the drug to polymer) on the solubility and dissolution rate of the drug were also evaluated. The solubility and dissolution rates of AMP were significantly increased by solid dispersions and cyclodextrin complexes as well as their physical mixtures. The improvement of solubility using polymers was in the following order: HPBCD approximately BCD>PVP K30>PEG 6000.  相似文献   

Flibanserin (FLB), an antiserotonin drug, is used to treat women with hypoactive sexual appetite disorder. FLB shows low bioavailability (~33%) probably due to its low water solubility. The current study investigated the impact of hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HP-β-CD) and sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) on the dissolution and permeation of FLB. HP-β-CD–FLB inclusion complexes were prepared using physical mixing and kneading at 1:1 and 1:2 M ratios and characterized using differential scanning calorimetry, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and powder X-ray diffractometry. The dissolution and permeation of the complexes through a cellophane membrane were performed in, 0.1, 0.3 and 0.5% SLS in phosphate buffer (pH 6.8).Derived from the slope of the linear phase solubility diagram, the apparent stability constant (K1:1) was 372.54 M−1. Kneading changed the crystalline form of FLB to an amorphous appearance characterized by minimal crystalline peaks, indicating successful inclusion complex formation. In addition, the HP-β-CD–FLB inclusion complexes showed twofold increased dissolution efficiency at 6 h. The cumulative FLB amount permeated at 6 h increased from 14.1% to 21.88% and 34.56% in the presence of 0.1% and 0.3% of SLS, respectively. However, increasing SLS to 0.5% did not show an increase in FLB permeation. Therefore, the HP-β-CD–FLB inclusion complex has an improved dissolution rate compared to FLB alone. The presence of SLS in the dissolution medium increases the dissolution rate of pure FLB and its complex with HP-β-CD. kneaded 1:1 complex was formulated bioadhesive buccal tablets and showed enhanced drug release.  相似文献   

Dihydroartemisinin (DHA) is a poorly water-soluble drug that displays low bioavailability after oral administration. Attempts have been made to improve the solubility of DHA. Yet, no information is available concerning improved bioavailability. This study aimed to improve the water solubility of DHA by two systems: solid dispersions with polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVPK30, PVPK25, PVPK15) and inclusion complexes with hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin (HPβCD), as well as improving the bioavailability of both systems. The phase transition of DHA with hydrophilic polymers was evaluated by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and differential scanning calorimetery (DSC). DHA became amorphous in DHA-HPβCD complexes and showed more amorphous behavior in XRD analyses with rise in molecular weight of PVP. Melting onset temperature of DHA decreased, while DSC thermograms revealed the peak area and enhanced enthalpy change (DH) in solid dispersions as well as inclusion complexes. DHA solubility was enhanced 84-fold in DHA-HPβCD complexes and 50-times in DHA-PVPK30. The improved solubility using the four polymers was in the following order: HPβCD > PVPK30 > PVPK25 > PVPK15. Values of area under curve (AUC) and half life (t1/2) of DHA-PVPK30 were highest followed by DHA-HPβCD, DHA-PVPK15 and DHA-PVPK25. Vd/f of DHA-PVPK30 was 7-fold. DHA-HPβCD, DHA-PVPK15 and DHA-PVPK25 showed significantly different pharmacokinetic parameters compared with DHA solutions. The 95% confidence interval was meaningful in AUC and t1/2. Pharmacokinetic parameters revealed that all four-test preparations were significantly more bioavailable than DHA alone.  相似文献   

Rofecoxib, a practically insoluble cox-2 selective nonsteroidal antiinflammatory agent was subjected to improvement in solubility by preparing its binary mixtures with β cyclodextrin using various methods such as physical mixing, co-grinding, kneading with aqueous methanol and co-evaporation from methanol-water mixture. Characterization of the resulting binary mixtures by differential scanning calorimetry and X-ray diffraction studies indicated partial amorphization of the drug in its binary mixtures. In vitro dissolution studies exhibited remarkable increase in rate and extent of dissolution of the drug from its complexes with β -cyclodextrin. Pure rofecoxib as well as its co-ground binary mixture were formulated as aqueous gels for topical application. In vitro skin permeation of rofecoxib from formulation containing rofecoxib-cyclodextrin complex was significantly higher (p<0.05) at 1, 2, 12, 18 and 24 hr as compared to formulation containing pure rofecoxib. This could be attributed to better solubility of binary mixture in the aqueous gel vehicle leading to greater concentration gradient between the vehicle and skin and hence higher flux of the drug.  相似文献   

目的提高难溶性药物酮洛芬体外溶出速度。方法以聚乙烯吡咯烷酮(PVPK30)为载体,制备药物与载体不同比例的固体分散物及物理混合物,采用X射线衍射和红外吸收方法,比较二者及药物的结晶形态,并进行体外药物溶出度的测定。结果固体分散物体外溶出速率明显高于物理混合物及酮洛芬原料的体外溶出速度,且随载体比例增加而增大。固体分散物的X射线衍射及红外吸收图谱确定了酮洛芬以无定形态分散在载体中,放置6个月后,固体分散物X射线衍射图谱没有明显变化。结论药物与载体以合适比例制备的固体分散物可以明显提高药物体外溶出速度。  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to investigate changes in the water solubility of artemether; a poorly soluble drug used for the treatment of malaria. Different solid dispersions (SDs) of artemether were prepared using artemether and polyethylene glycol 6000 at ratio 12:88 (Group 1), self-emulsified solid dispersions (SESDs) containing artemether, polyethylene glycol 6000, cremophor-A-25, olive oil, hydroxypropylmethylcellulose and transcutol in the ratio 12:75:5:4:2:2, respectively (Group 2). SESDs were also prepared by substituting cremophor-A-25 in Group 2 with poloxamer 188 (noted as Group 3). Each of these preparations was formulated using physical mixing and the solvent evaporation method. Aqueous solubility of artemether improved 11-, 95- and 102-fold, while dissolution (in simulated gastric fluid) increased 3-, 13- and 14-fold, for formulation groups 1, 2 and 3, respectively. X-ray diffraction patterns of SDs indicated a decrease in peak intensities at 10° implying reduced artemether crystallinity. Scanning electron micrographs invariably revealed embedment of artemether by various excipients and a glassy appearance for solvent evaporated mixtures for all three formulation Groups. Our findings indicate improved hydrophilic interactions for drug particles yield greater solubility and dissolution in the following order for artemether formulating methods: solvent evaporation mixtures?>?physical mixtures?>?pure artemether.  相似文献   

Smoke bombs are often used in military/fire training, which can produce a large amount of zinc chloride (ZnCl2) smoke. Inhalation of ZnCl2 smoke usually causes acute lung injury (ALI) that would likely develop to acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). However, there is no effective prevention or treatment strategy for the smoke-induced ALI. Resveratrol (RES) is a natural polyphenol with good anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptotic activities, but its low solubility, stability, and bioavailability restrict its clinical application. In this study, an inhalable RES formulation composed of RES-β-cyclodextrin inclusion complexes (RES-β-CD) was prepared for the prevention of ZnCl2 smoke-induced ALI. RES-β-CD powders had a small mass median aerodynamic diameter of 3.61 μm and a high fine particle fraction of 38.84%, suitable for pulmonary inhalation. RES-β-CD exhibited low BEAS-2B cytotoxicity. Pulmonary delivery of RES-β-CD to mice remarkably prevented the smoke-induced ALI with downregulation of TNF-α, IL-1β, STAT3, and GATA3, and upregulation of T-bet and Foxp3. RES-β-CD protected the respiratory function, percutaneous oxygen saturation, physical activity, lung capillary integrity, and lung liquid balance, alleviating inflammation and apoptosis. Pulmonary delivery of the positive drug, budesonide (BUD), also alleviated the smoke-induced ALI by reduction of inflammation and cell apoptosis. RES-β-CD exhibited the regulation of the Th1/Th2 and Treg/Th17 balances, while BUD did not show any effect on immune balances. In conclusion, pulmonary delivery of RES-β-CD is a promising anti-inflammatory and anti-apoptosis strategy for the prevention of ZnCl2 smoke-induced ALI by direct lung drug distribution and regulation of immune balance.  相似文献   

The aim of the present work was to improve the dissolution characteristics of the poorly water soluble antiepileptic drug lamotrigine (LMN) by inclusion complexation using hydroxy propyl beta-cyclodextrin (HP beta-CD) by co-evaporation technique and by, solid dispersion, prepared by the melt method using poloxamer 407 (L 127). Phase solubility studies showed AL type curves with both the carriers. Dissolution of LMN was significantly improved (p < 0.05) by inclusion complexation and solid dispersion preparation. Results of solid state characterization performed by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy, Differential Scanning Calorimetry and Powder X-ray Diffractrometry techniques revealed a decrease in the crystallinity of LMN that might be accounting for improvement in the dissolution properties as seen from dissolution studies.  相似文献   

The aim of present investigation was 1) to evaluate the in vivo bioavailability of an Etodolac (ETD)-β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) inclusion complex system prepared by kneading and spray drying techniques in rats, 2) to study the pharmacodynamic parameters in various animal models for analyzing the therapeutic response and, 3) to evaluate the pharmacokinetic profile of the drug administered. Inclusion complexation with β-CD enhanced the solubility of the drug, improved bioavailability and reduced ulcerogenicity of ETD in rats. Pharmacodynamic studies were carried out in normal LACA mice and pharmacokinetic evaluation was done in male Wistar rats. Pharmacokinetic parameters evaluated for the inclusion complexes revealed good correlation. The minimum dose necessary to produce analgesic or anti-arthritic activity was also decreased, indicating that the host-guest strategy that uses β-CD and ETD was very effective and could be successfully employed in the preparation of pharmaceutical formulations of anti-arthritics and analgesics.  相似文献   

The preparation of a cationic β-cyclodextrin polymer (CPβCD) and its complexes with butylparaben and triclosan were reported in this paper. FT-IR and 2D 1H–1H gCOSY NMR spectra confirmed that the antibiotics could be included inside of the lipophilic cavities of CPβCD. The formation of complexation of CPβCD with the antibiotics significantly improved the water solubility. The solubility of the antibiotics linearly increased with the concentration of CPβCD, and the values of the association constant K1:1 of the butylparapben/CPβCD and triclosan/CPβCD complexes were 3800 and 3082 M−1, respectively. The results also suggested that it was easier for butylparaben, which had relative smaller molecular size, to form the complexes with CPβCD than triclosan. Due to the targeting effect after the complexation with CPβCD, the antimicrobial activity of butylparaben can be significantly improved. Meanwhile, this improvement effect was not obvious for triclosan.  相似文献   

The stability constants between β-cyclodextrin (β-CD) and the two antimycotic imidazole derivatives, miconazole and econazole were measured. Increased ionization of the imidazole derivatives decreased the size of the stability constants. The same phenomenon was observed for miconazole and hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin. In addition, the type of solubility diagram obtained was dependent on the degree of ionization of the imidazole derivatives. A type Bs solubility diagram was obtained for econazole and β-CD in buffer solution, pH 7.1. An econazole β-CD complex with a molar ratio of 1:1 was isolated. In a fluid medium the antimycotic effect of the econazole β-CD complex against a strain of Candida albicans was superior to the effect of a physical mixture of the two compounds. A small inhibitory effect of β-CD on the growth of the test organism was observed.  相似文献   

Fexofenadine is a selective histamine H(1) receptor antagonist, used for relief of the symptoms of allergy. However its aqueous solubility is very poor. Solid inclusion complexes of fexofenadine and β-cyclodextrin were prepared at the molar ratios of 1:1 and 1:2 by kneading, and coprecipitation methods to improve its solubility. Characterization of the complexes was performed using infrared spectroscopy, X-ray diffractometry, and in vitro dissolution studies. Fexofenadine was found to exhibit interaction with β-cyclodextrin both in solid and liquid state. Phase solubility studies indicated that fexofenadine forms a stable complex with β-cyclodextrin. Both IR spectroscopy and X-ray diffractometry studies indicated interaction of fexofenadine with β-cyclodextrin. Kneading method at 1:1 and co-precipitation method at 1:1 and 1:2 molar ratios showed significant interaction. In vitro dissolution studies confirmed the same results.  相似文献   

Clotrimazole, a poorly water-soluble antimycotic agent, is a promising agent for various diseases including cancer and sickle cell anemia. To improve the oral bioavailability of clotrimazole, the inclusion compound of clotrimazole with beta-cyclodextrin was prepared by spray-drying method and characterized by phase solubility, differential scanning calorimetry and dissolution. Furthermore, the pharmacokinetics after oral administration in rats was then performed compared with clotrimazole powder. The solubility of clotrimazole increased linearly as a function of beta-cyclodextrin concentration, resulting in A(L) type phase solubility diagram which revealed a formation of inclusion compound in a molar ratio of 1:2, with the apparent association constant of 230.2 M(-1). The dissolution rate of clotrimazole in the inclusion compound increased greatly compared to clotrimazole powder in pH 7.4 phosphate buffer solution. The inclusion compound gave significantly higher initial plasma concentrations, Cmax and AUC of clotrimazole than did clotrimazole powder when they were administered as suspension form, indicating that the drug from inclusion compound could be more orally absorbed in rats. Thus, the oral bioavailability of clotrimazole could be improved markedly by inclusion complexation, possibly due to an increased dissolution rate.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to prepare and characterize solid dispersions of water insoluble non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug, indomethacin (IND), with polyethylene glycol 4000 (PEG4000) and Gelucire 50/13 (Gelu.) for enhancing the dissolution rate of the drug. The solid dispersions (SDs) were prepared by hot melting method at 1:1, 1:2 and 1:4 drug to polymer ratios. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM), X-ray powder diffractometry (XRD) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) were used to examine the physical state of the drug. Furthermore, the solubility and the dissolution rate of the drug in its different systems were explored. The data from the XRD showed that the drug was still detectable in its solid state in all SDs of IND–Gelu. and disappeared in case of higher ratio of IND–PEG4000. DSC thermograms showed the significant change in melting peak of the IND when prepared as SDs suggesting the change in crystallinity of IND. The highest ratio of the polymer (1:4) enhanced the drug solubility about 4-folds or 3.5-folds in case of SDs of IND–PEG or IND–Gelu., respectively. An increased dissolution rate of IND at pH 1.2 and 7.4 was observed when the drug was dispersed in these carriers in form of physical mixtures (PMs) or SDs. IND released faster from the SDs than from the pure crystalline drug or the PMs. The dissolution rate of IND from its PMs or SDs increased with an increasing amount of polymer.  相似文献   

本文旨在探讨克霉唑栓与乳酸杆菌活菌胶囊联合治疗复杂性外阴阴道假丝酵母病(VVC)的临床疗效。将84例就诊于江苏省中西医结合医院妇产科的复杂性VVC患者随机平均分为两组:治疗组给予阴道内放置克霉唑栓与乳酸杆菌活菌胶囊联合治疗;对照组单用阴道内放置克霉唑栓。结果显示,治疗组复杂性VVC 42例(失访2例),29例治愈,8例显效,总有效率为88.10%;对照组复杂性VVC42例(失访3例),20例治愈,9例显效,总有效率为69.05%。两组总有效率差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。两组治愈及显效者均在治疗停药后12周复查。治疗组失访2例,复发3例,复发率为7.65%;对照组失访3例,复发9例,复发率为23.08%。结果提示,克霉唑栓与乳酸杆菌活菌胶囊联合治疗复杂性VVC安全、有效,可在临床推广。  相似文献   

The ability of β-cyclodextrin, hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin, polyvinyl pyrrolidone and urea to influence the percutaneous absorption of meloxicam through isolated rat skin was evaluated. Carrier complex were prepared by kneading method in 1:1 and 1:2 in molar ratios for β-cyclodextrin and hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin and in 1:1, 1:3 and 1:5 in weight ratios for polyvinyl pyrrolidone and urea. The complexes were characterized by IR, DSC and evaluated for solubility, dissolution and skin permeability. The solubility, dissolution and permeability of meloxicam were enhanced by using the carriers. The influence of cyclodextrins, polyvinyl pyrrolidone and urea on in vitro permeation of meloxicam through rat skin was investigated by incorporation of prepared carrier complex in 1% carbopol gel. The prepared gel was evaluated for drug content, pH and viscosity and in vitro permeation. All the percutaneous parameters like flux (Jss), amount permeated (Q(6)), diffusivity (D), permeability coefficient (K(p)), partition coefficient (K) and release rate constant (k) were calculated statistically. In vitro permeation study showed the trend that the penetration flux and enhancement factor increases with increasing concentration of β-cyclodextrin and hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin and then decrease dramatically in case of hydroxypropyl-β-cyclodextrin gel formulation with the increase to 1:2 ratio. Similar changes in pattern of permeation were also observed with polyvinyl pyrrolidone and urea carrier complex. These findings concluded that the carriers cyclodextrins, polyvinyl pyrrolidone and urea could be used as transdermal permeation enhancer in topical preparation of meloxicam.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Testosterone alleviates symptoms in patients with ischaemic heart disease. Androgen receptors are present in the heart, and testosterone upregulates gene expression of cardiac beta(1)-adrenoceptors. We hypothesize that testosterone may confer cardioprotection by interacting with adrenoceptors.EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: In isolated perfused hearts and ventricular myocytes from orchidectomized rats without or with testosterone (200 microg/100 g) replacement, we first determined the effect of ischaemia/reperfusion in the presence of noradrenaline (10(-7) M). Then we determined the contribution of interactions between testosterone and alpha(1)- or beta(1)-adrenoceptors in cardiac injury/protection (infarct size, release of lactate dehydrogenase, viability of myocytes, recovery of contractile function and incidence of arrhythmias) upon ischaemia/reperfusion by pharmacological manipulation using selective adrenoceptor agonists (alpha(1)-adrenoceptor agonist: phenylephrine 10(-6) M; non-selective beta-adrenoceptor agonist: isoprenaline 10(-7) M) and antagonists (alpha(1): prazosin or benoxathian 10(-6) M; beta(1): CGP 20712A 5 x 10(-7) M). We also determined the expression of alpha(1) and beta(1)-adrenoceptor in the hearts from rats with and without testosterone.KEY RESULTS: Testosterone reduced injury induced by ischaemia/reperfusion and noradrenaline. This was achieved by enhancing the beneficial effect of alpha(1)-adrenoceptor stimulation, which was greater than the deleterious effect of beta(1)-adrenoceptor stimulation (also enhanced by testosterone). The effects of testosterone were abolished or attenuated by blockade of androgen receptors. Testosterone also enhanced the expression of alpha(1A) and beta(1)-adrenoceptor.CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: Testosterone conferred cardioprotection by upregulating the cardiac alpha(1)-adrenoceptor and enhancing the effects of stimulation of this adrenoceptor. The effect of testosterone was at least partly mediated by androgen receptors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: We have previously shown that noradrenaline microinjected into the bed nucleus of stria terminalis (BST) elicited pressor and bradycardiac responses in unanaesthetized rats. In the present study, we investigated the subtype of adrenoceptors that mediates the cardiovascular response to noradrenaline microinjection into the BST. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: Cardiovascular responses following noradrenaline microinjection into the BST of male Wistar rats were studied before and after BST pretreatment with different doses of the selective alpha(1)-adrenoceptor antagonist WB4101, the alpha(2)-adrenoceptor antagonist RX821002, the combination of WB4101 and RX821002, the non-selective beta-adrenoceptor antagonist propranolol, the selective beta(1)-adrenoceptor antagonist CGP20712 or the selective beta(2)-adrenoceptor antagonist ICI118,551. KEY RESULTS: Noradrenaline microinjected into the BST of unanaesthetized rats caused pressor and bradycardiac responses. Pretreatment of the BST with different doses of either WB4101 or RX821002 only partially reduced the response to noradrenaline. However, the response to noradrenaline was blocked when WB4101 and RX821002 were combined. Pretreatment with this combination also shifted the resulting dose-effect curve to the left, clearly showing a potentiating effect of this antagonist combination. Pretreatment with different doses of either propranolol or CGP20712 increased the cardiovascular responses to noradrenaline microinjected into the BST. Pretreatment with ICI118,551 did not affect cardiovascular responses to noradrenaline. CONCLUSION AND IMPLICATIONS: The present results indicate that alpha(1) and alpha(2)-adrenoceptors mediate the cardiovascular responses to noradrenaline microinjected into the BST. In addition, they point to an inhibitory role played by the activation of local beta(1)-adrenoceptors in the cardiovascular response to noradrenaline microinjected into the BST.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Injury to the alveolar epithelium is a critical feature of acute lung injury (ALI). Using a cytokine model of ALI we demonstrated previously that newly recruited mononuclear phagocytes (MNP) contributed to lung inflammation and injury. We hypothesized that cytokines delivered into the alveolar airspace would have multiple effects on the lung that may contribute to lung injury. EXPERIMENTAL APPROACH: Intratracheal cytokine insufflation and leukocyte adoptive transfer in vivo were combined with in vitro analyses of lung epithelial cell-MNP adhesion and injury. Lung inflammatory injury was assessed by histology, leukocyte infiltration, and release of LDH and RAGE. KEY RESULTS: Cytokine insufflation was associated with apparent MNP-epithelial adhesion, up-regulation of alveolar ICAM-1 and VCAM-1, and the release of LDH and RAGE into the bronchoalveolar lavage. Insufflation of small molecule integrin antagonists suppressed adhesion of MNP and modulated release of LDH and RAGE. Adoptive transfer of MNP purified from cytokine insufflated lungs into leukopenic rats demonstrated the requirement of MNP for release of LDH that was not induced by cytokine alone. Corroboration that disrupting the ICAM/LFA1 interaction or the VCAM/VLA4 interaction blocked MNP-epithelial cell interaction and injury was obtained in vitro using both blocking monoclonal antibodies and the small molecule integrin antagonists, BIO5192 and XVA143. CONCLUSIONS AND IMPLICATIONS: MNP recruited following cytokine insufflation contributed to lung injury. Further, integrin antagonists reduced alveolar epithelial cell injury induced during lung inflammation. Intratracheal delivery of small molecule antagonsists of leukocyte-epithelial adhesion that prevent lung injury may have significant clinical utility.  相似文献   


Background and purpose:

There are two important properties of receptor–ligand interactions: affinity (the ability of the ligand to bind to the receptor) and efficacy (the ability of the receptor–ligand complex to induce a response). Ligands are classified as agonists or antagonists depending on whether or not they have efficacy. In theory, it is possible to develop selective agonists based on selective affinity, selective intrinsic efficacy or both. This study examined the affinity and intrinsic efficacy of 31 β-adrenoceptor agonists at the three human β-adrenoceptors to determine whether the current agonists are subtype selective because of affinity or intrinsic efficacy.

Experimental approach:

Stable clonal CHO-K1 cell lines, transfected with either the human β1, β2 or β3-adrenoceptor, were used, and whole-cell [3H]-CGP 12177 radioligand binding and [3H]-cAMP accumulation were measured.

Key results:

Several agonists were found to be highly subtype selective because of selective affinity (e.g. salmeterol and formoterol, for the β2-adrenoceptor over the β1 or β3), while others (e.g. isoprenaline) had little affinity–selectivity. However, the intrinsic efficacy of salmeterol, formoterol and isoprenaline was similar across all three receptor subtypes. Other ligands (e.g. denopamine for β1; clenbuterol, AZ 40140d, salbutamol for β2) were found to have subtype-selective intrinsic efficacy. Several ligands appeared to activate two agonist conformations of the β1- and β3-adrenoceptors.

Conclusions and implications:

There are agonists with subtype selectivity based upon both selective affinity and selective intrinsic efficacy. Therefore, there is scope to develop better selective agonists based upon both selective affinity and selective intrinsic efficacy.This article is commented on by Kenakin, pp. 1045–1047 of this issue. To view this commentary visit http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1476-5381.2010.00764.x  相似文献   

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