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儿童烧伤原因分析及预防   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:分析儿童烧伤的原因,根据各年龄段儿童烧伤进行有效预防。方法:选择2005年1月至2006年1月住院的431例儿童病人按各年龄组,男、女比例,烧伤类型,发病季节进行分类分析。结果:各年龄组中0~5岁年龄段儿童烧伤人数为352例,占总人数的81.7%,其中烫伤345例,构成比为98.1%;7例为其它烧伤。5~13岁年龄组中烫伤、火焰、电、化学等烧伤人数为79例,占总人数的18.3%。结论:通过对儿童烧伤原因分析,发现年龄越小烧伤发生率越高,主要是以烫伤为主。  相似文献   

目的分析196例小儿烧伤的原因,并提出相应的预防对策。方法收集2006年1月至2007年12月196例14岁以下烧伤患儿的临床资料,按患儿的年龄构成、烧伤类型、易发环境、重点人群等进行分类登记和统计。结果烧伤患儿中以2~5岁年龄组儿童最多,外来民工子女烧伤占47.96%;致伤原因以热液烧伤最多;家庭是儿童烧伤的主要场所。结论儿童烧伤具有可预防性,普及烧伤知识,提高监护人的安全意识并加强对儿童的管教,能有效预防儿童烧伤的发生。  相似文献   

226例儿童烧伤原因分析与防护措施   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的 分析226儿童烧伤的流行病学特征,提出了热液烫伤、火焰烧伤、电烧伤和化学烧伤的防护措施,为小儿烧伤发生和预防提供一定的依据.方法 对226例烧伤患儿从年龄、性别、时间、致伤原因等进行调查分析.结果 热液烫伤是各年龄段儿童主要致伤原因,多发生在1~3岁男性患儿,夏季烧伤发生率较高.结论 小儿烧伤,重在预防.热液烫伤对儿童生活构成的威胁较其他类型烧伤大,应成为防治重点.  相似文献   

儿童烧伤烫伤86例原因分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2004-09~2005-04我院共收治14岁以下烧伤儿童86例,占全部烧伤患者的34%,其中包括热液烫伤、火焰烧伤和电烧伤。现将原因分析如下。1临床资料本组男53例,女33例,年龄1~14岁。<1岁8例,1~3岁60例,4~7岁10例,8~14岁8例。烧伤面积<15P例,16%~20 例,≥21例。2结果2.1本组年龄与致伤原因分类见表1。表186例儿童年龄与致伤原因分类(例)年龄(岁)热液烫伤火焰烧伤电烧伤<18001~357305~76318~14422合计75832.2本组年龄与热液烫伤原因见表2。表281例儿童年龄与热液烫伤原因年龄(岁)儿童误撞热源家长放置物不当<1051~38465~71048~1453合计23583讨…  相似文献   

张寅  汪新  张勤 《上海护理》2008,8(1):23-26
目的通过分析23年来住院患儿烧伤发病特点,为儿童烧伤预防宣教和救治提供参考。方法分析1980--2002年住院患儿烧伤资料,从一般资料特点、烧伤原因以及相关因素和烧伤创面特点、院前急救和住院情况角度,研究小儿烧伤发病趋势。结果外来人口子女从1980--1989年的36.6%上升到1998--2002年的75.6%,且儿童烧伤年龄在降低。近5年热液灼伤占87.0%,由小儿父母导致小儿烧伤由20.7%上升到40.2%。居家发生小儿烧伤占90.0%左右,已经显著增高。头面颈部和躯干前侧是主要受伤部位。平均烧伤面积和3度烧伤面积随年代越近平均烧伤面积趋小。患儿手术数量减少但手术均次增加:院前当地医院先行处理的患儿低于10.0%,且随烧伤严重程度越重当地医院救治率越低。结论儿童的意外损伤中,烧伤的发病趋势不容忽视,应加强家长的预防宣教,加强院前急救的治疗措施,减少儿童意外伤害的发生与发展。  相似文献   

赵蕾  张安琴 《护理研究》2006,20(1):128-129
[目的]总结烧伤流行病学的基本特征,分析常见的原因,并指出相应的防范措施.以控制、减少烧伤的发生。[方法]统计3225例烧伤病例致伤原因、年龄、性别、烧伤部位、烧伤季节。[结果]3225例病人中热液烫伤为主要致伤原因,中青年是受伤率最高的人群,其次为学龄前儿童,男性多于女性。烧伤部位以躯干、四肢最多见,头面部次之;烧伤季节以秋季最多,夏季次之。[结论]应针对烧伤流行病学的基本特征,采取相应的防范措施.以降低烧伤的发生率.  相似文献   

小儿烧伤2539例分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何梅  陈军 《护理学报》2002,9(2):11-13
目的:分析小儿烧伤的特点,探讨小儿烧伤的防护。方法:对12周岁以下的小儿烧伤2539例进行季节,年龄,受伤原因,受伤面积,休克发生率,死亡率与死亡原因等特点分析。结果:小儿烧伤的发生无明显季节性,5岁以下儿童发病率最高,占71.96%,受伤原因以烫伤为最多,占总数的79.99%,其中家庭烫伤1854例,占91.29%,其次是火攻伤和电烧伤,化学烧伤最为少见;烧伤面积在20%以下的病人在半数以上;小儿烧伤后休克的发生率与烧伤面积有明显的相关性,烧伤面积达40%时,休克发生率超过50%,随着面积的增加呈上升趋势;小儿烧伤死亡率与面积呈正相关,主要死亡原因是:休克,败血症,呼吸衰竭。结论:小儿烧伤应主要做好家长及幼儿园教师的教育,降低家庭烧伤的发生率;根据小儿的生理特点,防止小儿烧伤后脑水肿及其它并发症的发生,降低死亡率。  相似文献   

目的探讨531例老年烧伤患者的流行病学特点并提出防治经验。方法选取2002—2010年收治于某两家医院烧伤科的531例年龄在60岁以上老年烧伤患者为对象,对其一般资料、致伤原因、占同期入院人数比例和疾病转归等进行回顾性分析,总结流行病学特点并提出防治措施。结果在531例患者中,患者的平均年龄为72.86岁;家庭烧伤患者占72.50%,意外事故伤占16.70%;老年烧伤的临床治愈率为82.11%,死亡率为2.33%;老年烧伤入院患者占同期总住院人数比例从2002年的5.13%上升至2010年的5.64%;患者的平均年龄从2002年的72.53岁上升到2010年的73.58岁。结论2002--2010年老年烧伤住院患者人数占同期总住院人数比例和平均住院年龄整体呈上升趋势,家庭生活烧伤是老年患者烧伤的主要原因,需要加强对家庭生活烧伤的预防和宣传教育。  相似文献   

1701例烧伤患者的流行病学现况分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]分析一组烧伤患者的发生特点,为制定烧伤干预策略提供科学依据.[方法]统计在湘雅医院烧伤重建外科住院的烧伤患者1 701例,对其年龄、性别、地域来源、烧伤原因、发生季节、烧伤部位、烧伤面积、严重程度、住院天数及治愈情况等进行分析.[结果]①患者年龄:儿童784例(46.1%),其中0~3岁婴幼儿411例(52.4%);25~60岁的患者688例(40.4%),0~7岁儿童患者比例显著高于其他年龄组( P <0.01);②性别:男性1175人(69.1%),女性:526人(30.9%);儿童中男∶女=2.4∶1,男性明显多于女性( P <0.01);③烧伤原因:热力烧伤1444例(84.9%),不同年龄段烧伤原因不同( P <0.01);农村与城市的烧伤原因构成比尚无明显差别;④发生季节:春夏秋冬无明显差别,春季最高,秋季最低;⑤地域来源:来自农村者930例(54.7%),城市771例(45.3%);⑥烧伤部位:全身多部位烧伤(3处以上)者1010例(59.5%),头面颈烧伤215例(12.6%),下肢烧伤182例(10.7%)和手烧伤118例(6.9%);⑦烧伤面积:烧伤面积>30%TBSA者448例(26.3%),不同烧伤原因所致烧伤面积不全相同( P <0.05);⑧严重程度:严重烧伤患者653例(38.4%),其中特重烧伤395例(23.2%),以热液烫伤和火焰烧伤患者重度烧伤居多( P <0.01);⑨病死率1.5%;⑩住院时间:>14 d者921例(54.1%),其中≥1个月者360例(15%),≥2个月者105例(6.2%).[结论]儿童烧伤的发生率高,以热力烧伤为主,男性患者明显多于女性,可预防性强,应在不同季节和地域加强烧伤的三级预防工作;本院烧伤患者危重症比例大,应进一步提高护士和其他医务人员对危急重症烧伤患者的救治和烧伤康复的能力.  相似文献   

江翠芬 《现代护理》1998,4(10):69-70
在日常生活中,儿童的烧伤和烫伤是很常见的,而一些深度烧伤的创面往往很难自愈,植皮手术是促使创面愈合的主要措施。护士在术中的配合如何,对手术成功有着重要意义。现将手术配合体会介绍如下:1临床资料本组85例患儿中,其中男59例,女26例。1岁以下婴儿3例,1~3岁幼儿27例,4~6岁学龄前儿童34例,6~12岁儿童21例。静脉复合全麻者74例,全麻+气管插管11例。植皮方法:全部选用自体皮移植。2术中配合2.1与麻醉医生的配合2.1.1首先与麻醉医生一起查对患儿的姓名、科别、床号、年龄、手术名称及部位,向护送患儿的病房护士询问禁食…  相似文献   

257例小儿烧伤特点分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:了解小儿烧伤特征及发病规律,以寻求相应的预防措施。方法:对我院6年收治小儿烧伤住院病例257例,按年龄、致伤原因、发病季节、烧伤面积和部位及地域进行回顾分析。结果:小儿烧伤有一定规律性,婴幼儿期163例(63·4%),高于其他年龄期(P<0·01)。家庭是发病的主要场所,热液烫174例(67·7%)多于其他致伤原因(P<0·01)。发病季节在夏天及冬天多见,分别占32·68%、及33·46%。城乡分布有别,农村较城市多,农村小儿151例(58·74%)。面积以轻中度(烧伤面积小于30%)为主,占73·64%。烧伤深度以单纯浅Ⅱ°43例(16·73%),深Ⅱ°为主的175例(68·09%),有Ⅲ°烧伤的39例(15·17%)。烧伤部位无显著差异,一般是多部位。结论:小儿烧伤多数是可预防,加强安全防护意识,对降低小儿烧伤发生率有重要意义。  相似文献   

Background: Burns are a common cause of injury presenting to the Emergency Department (ED). Several reports state that admission for and mortality from burn injury are declining. Total visits to the ED, however, have increased. Objectives: The objective of this study was to determine the number and trends over time of patients presenting to the ED for burn injury. Methods: The study was a retrospective analysis of National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey databases for 1996–2005 available from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Subjects were patients with a first diagnosis of a burn. Patient weights in the database were used to obtain estimated national values. Measures used were estimated total numbers and percentages of patients by year. Trends from 1996 through 2005 were examined overall and by demographic factors and injury characteristics. Linear regression was used to evaluate trends. Results: There was a significantly decreasing trend in ED burn visits from 1996 to 2000 (614,745 to 433,681 visits), but no apparent trend for the years 2000 to 2005. Annually, about 60% of ED burn patients were male, and about half were between the ages of 19 and 44 years. Less than 5% of burns were third degree or full thickness injuries. Admissions per year were stable at 5%. The most common causes of burn injury were contact with a hot liquid and contact with a hot object, and the most common body region affected was the upper extremities (40% each year), followed by burns to the head/face/neck. Use of medications showed no trends over time. Conclusions: ED visits for burn injuries have been decreasing; however, patterns of cause, admission, and treatment show no consistent temporal change.  相似文献   

We carried out a study of 1025 children. The most frequent cause of burns was hot liquids (77.7%). About 95.13% of the cases happened in the patients' homes. The cases of death and the most severe burns were due to accidents that happened in the kitchen and in the bathroom. About 74.8% of the patients were less than 5 years old; the riskiest factor was age: the younger the child, the greater the risk. The average burns extension was 11.9% with a minimum of 1% and maximum of 90%. Mortality was 0.87%; the patients who died were less than 3 years old. DL-50 was of 75.6%. Complications were presented in 10% and the most frequent was local infection in 71 cases. The most severe injuries were those that had taken place by immersion in hot liquids and fire.  相似文献   

This outcome study of children and adolescents with severe burns (ages 7 to 19 years) reports that unrecognized depression is common during their lifetimes. Thirty children who had severe burns (range, 5% to 95% body surface area) were assessed for depression at a mean of 9 years after burn injury. This article presents an analysis of depression items from the Diagnostic Interview for Children and Adolescents, which was used in face-to-face interviews to assess child psychiatric disorders with diagnostic criteria from the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual--Third Edition. At the time that the interviews took place, only one child had symptoms of major depression and only three children had symptoms of dysthymic disorder. However, eight children had a lifetime history of major depression; two of them had been abused by burning and two had been physically or sexually abused. Four had made suicide attempts: one suicide attempt was the cause of the burn injury and three attempts were made after burn injury. Thirteen children had had suicidal thoughts, and their parents were often unaware of this. Other types of affective disorders were prevalent. There was no statistically significant association between depression and burn size or disfigurement. Although burn-related factors were associated with some depressive episodes, other biologic and social risk factors were also very important. The authors conclude that referral for diagnostic services and psychotherapy, and for some, treatment with antidepressant medication, is often a necessary part of medical services for children with burns.  相似文献   

Aims and objectives. The aim of this study was to describe characteristics in burn injuries in children (zero to six years old), consulting primary care and hospital‐based care in Malmö, Sweden. Burn‐injured children consulting the University Hospital or the 21 Health Centres, during year 1998 and year 2002, were included. Background. Epidemiological studies of burns in children have mostly been hospital‐based and the cases that never reached the hospital have been excluded. Design. The study had a retroperspective design with data collected from medical records. Methods. Chi‐squared test was used to analyse differences in nominal data and cross tables were used to analyse the proportions between the characteristics of the injuries and sex, age and nationality. Results. The burn‐injured children were 148 and 80% of those were scalds, caused by hot liquid (71%) or hot food (29%). The greatest number was boys between one and two years old. Children to foreign born parents were more frequently affected and the extent of the injuries often larger. Almost all the accidents (96%) occurred in home environment, while a family member was next to the child. The Health Centres received more often children affected on hand/arm and by causes like hot food than the University Hospital. Conclusions. Our data demonstrate the importance of developing a programme for the prevention of paediatric scalds with education of family members to be aware of the danger. With present study the knowledge about the occurrence of injuries in scald accidents in children has become deeper. This knowledge may contribute to more individual adept child accident prevention programme, to use in the child health care.  相似文献   

程亚艳 《全科护理》2012,(18):1644-1645
[目的]探讨护理干预对烧伤患儿并发惊厥的预防效果。[方法]将2009年7月—2011年6月收治的70例烧伤患儿随机分为实验组和对照组各35例,对照组患儿给予常规护理,实验组患儿给予规范系统的护理干预,比较两组患儿惊厥发生情况。[结果]实验组患儿惊厥发生率低于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。[结论]采用规范系统的护理干预,有助于预防烧伤患儿并发惊厥,减少后遗症的发生。  相似文献   

A retrospective multifactorial epidemiological study of 742 patients admitted to Erciyes University Medical Faculty Burn Unit during a 7-year period between 1996 and 2002 is presented. The overall male-to-female ratio was 1.88:1. The highest-risk age group of burn injuries was 0 to 6 years (48.6%), with the greatest number of injuries occurring to children who were 2 to 3 years of age. Seasonal variations had no influence on the increased number of admissions to the burn unit. Scalding was the major cause of pediatric burns. Flame burns were the most frequent cause of burns in adults and the second-leading cause in children. Seventy-eight of the 742 patients died, with a mortality rate of 7.8 % in children and 12.6% and 19.23% in adult males and females, respectively. The overall mortality rate was 10.5%.  相似文献   

Objectives: The objective was to develop a novel animal model of burns in rats and pigs. Methods: The model uses heat that is delivered via a radiant heater with an opening of 5 cm by 5 cm, set at 400°C, for 20 seconds. An advantage of this model is that the heating source does not come into direct contact with the animal, and the heat dispersion surrounding its center is very constant. The device was evaluated in 40 rats and seven pigs. With rats, three to four burns were created on each rat, resulting in a burn covering a total body surface area of 30% to 50%. In pigs, 16 burns were created on each animal. Results: In rats, infliction of burns resulted in mortality rates of 0%–50% depending on the size of the burns and the rats. In pigs, the burns reepithelialized within approximately 3 weeks and resulted in hourglass contracted scars in two of three burns within 1 month. Conclusions: The authors describe a novel animal burn model that utilizes radiant heat to create consistent burns that maximizes safety to the investigators and animals. ACADEMIC EMERGENCY MEDICINE 2010; 17:514–520 © 2010 by the Society for Academic Emergency Medicine  相似文献   

目的 通过分析儿童各年龄段喘息性支气管炎中腺病毒感染所致的比例特点,指导临床诊治。 方法 收集1132例于2014年1月~2016年7月在清远市人民医院儿科门急诊就诊或住院部治疗,临床并结合胸片结果诊断为喘息性支气管炎的儿童,依据年龄分为5组:<6个月组、≥6个月且<1岁组、≥1岁且<3岁组、≥3岁且<6岁组、≥6岁且<14岁组,分别根据呼吸道病毒检测结果,记录各组腺病毒阳性例数,计算腺病毒感染率并予统计分析。 结果 各组腺病毒感染率差异有统计学意义,以≥6岁且<14岁组腺病毒感染率最高(38.2%,χ2=35.216,P=0.000)。 结论 腺病毒感染所致儿童喘息性支气管炎在≥6岁且<14岁年龄段所占喘息性支气管炎比例最高,临床中应引起重视。    相似文献   

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