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Objective: To increase Aboriginal participation with mainstream health professionals in an Aboriginal health and well‐being centre. Design: Participatory Action Research using Aboriginal traditional symbolism to depict aspects of the research process, interview surveys and a document review. Setting: A regional town with 629 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander residents and a newly established Aboriginal health and well‐being centre (Nunyara). Participants: Thirty Aboriginal community members were interviewed about their involvement with Nunyara and their health issues. Participants were selected through purposive ‘pass‐me‐around’ sampling to ensure that all family groups were included. Results: The results are presented in two areas: the structure of the Aboriginal community that affects participation and community views about health issues. Aboriginal people living in the town come from 10 or more different language groups and relate almost exclusively within their own groups. Activities at Nunyara were seen as individual family group events and not for everyone. Aboriginal community participants had a broad view of health as they reported problems that included smoking and alcohol use. Almost all would like more involvement in health issues through Nunyara. Conclusion: Aboriginal community members are willing to get involved in health issues in collaboration with Nunyara. However, fundamental to increasing participation is to bring people together from different family groups and increase social cohesion. This can be done through developing relationships with groups enabling different points of view to be heard and valued.  相似文献   

Working in remote Aboriginal communities in the Darwin Rural District of the Northern Territory is a challenging field of occupational therapy. This paper describes some of the models adopted to address the needs of Aborigines in these communities and some cross-cultural considerations required to provide a relevant rehabilitation programme.  相似文献   

Objective: To describe the experience of the paramedics doing the population health component of the Graduate Certificate in Rural and Remote Paramedic Practice. Design: Analysis of paramedics' reported opinions about the course and its impact. Setting: Primary care. Participants: Data were obtained from de‐identified surveys submitted by the paramedics at the beginning and the end of the population health component of the course. Results: All paramedics felt that after the course they were more committed to undertaking population health activities in their work and were better prepared to do so. As a result of undertaking the course, 73% of students have already changed their practice. Seventy‐five per cent agreed that doing the course would increase the likelihood of staying in rural and remote areas and all agreed that doing the course resulted in increased job satisfaction. The majority (87%) of the students rated the course as excellent or very good and all of them said that they would recommend the course to others. Conclusions: These results suggest that rural and remote paramedics have the opportunity and desire to incorporate more health promotion and prevention into their practice and that this course has provided them with the skills and knowledge to do so. The curriculum is based on National Health Priority Areas focusing in particular on lifestyle change to prevent and manage chronic disease. This means that in rural and remote areas, all health professionals can use a common framework to work together to enhance primary health care and chronic disease management as a multidisciplinary team.  相似文献   

Objective: To highlight how evidence from studies of innovative rural and remote models of service provision can inform global health system reform in order to develop appropriate, accessible and sustainable primary health care (PHC) services to ‘difficult‐to‐service’ communities. Methods: The paper synthesises evidence from remote and rural PHC health service innovations in Australia. Results: There is a strong history of PHC innovation in Australia. Successful health service models are ‘contextualised’ to address diverse conditions. They also require systemic solutions, which address a range of interlinked factors such as governance, leadership and management, adequate funding, infrastructure, service linkages and workforce. An effective systemic approach relies on alignment of changes at the health service level with those in the external policy environment. Ideally, every level of government or health authority needs to agree on policy and funding arrangements for optimal service development. A systematic approach in addressing these health system requirements is also important. Service providers, funders and consumers need to know what type and level of services they can reasonably expect in different community contexts, but there are gaps in agreed indicators and benchmarks for PHC services. In order to be able to comprehensively monitor and evaluate services, as well as benchmarks, we need adequate national information systems. Conclusions: Despite the gaps in our knowledge, we do have a significant amount of information about what works, where and why. At a time of global PHC reform, applying this knowledge will contribute significantly to the development of appropriate, sustainable PHC services and improving access.  相似文献   

Objective: The Rural Physician Action Plan of Alberta introduced an enrichment program in 2001 to improve physician access to skills training. The objective of this study was to evaluate this program and measure retention compared with matched controls over 5 years. Design: Longitudinal, matched, case control study and program evaluation. Setting: Rural communities in Alberta, Canada. Participants: Rural physicians. Interventions: Thirty‐one rural physicians self‐selected their personal skills training program and listed three goals they wished to attain. They were matched by age, specialty, years in practice and size of community with rural physicians who did not participate in a skills training or upgrading program. Main outcome measures: Goal attainment for subject physicians, use of skills at 5 years and comparison of rural retention of physicians at 5 years. Results: Thirty‐two of thirty‐five physicians classified their goal attainment to be as expected or greater, and all were using their new skills at 5 years. Of the matched physicians, 29 training participants remained in rural practice at 5 years compared with only 22 of 29 matched control: relative risk 1.31, confidence interval 1.06–1.62 P < 0.05. Conclusions: The enrichment program provides focused, valued skills training for rural physicians and long‐term benefits to rural communities.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Earlier diagnosis of disordered eating is linked to improved prognosis, but detection in primary care is poor. OBJECTIVES: To assess the feasibility of screening for disordered eating within primary care, in terms of the proportion of patients accepting screening, yield of cases, action taken by staff and staff views on screening. METHODS: Data were collected in open GP surgeries, midwife (MW) antenatal clinics and health visitor (HV) child health surveillance clinics in two GP practices, using face-to-face surveys and semi-structured interviews. Female patients aged 16-35 were asked to complete the SCOFF questionnaire, which was scored by researchers and taken by the patient into their consultation. If the result indicated possible disturbed eating, the health professional (HP) running the surgery/clinic was asked to complete a questionnaire and interview. One hundred and eleven women were screened and 11 HPs (GPs, MWs, HVs) were interviewed. RESULTS: Forty-six percent of patients agreed to be screened. Of these, 16% produced a positive result. The staff survey suggested that HPs found screening acceptable. However, concerns arose in the interviews, principally over what action to take in response to positive results. Positive results were rarely recorded in medical notes, and treatment was rarely offered. CONCLUSION: In order for a screening programme for eating disorders to be implemented in primary care, HP concerns about options for dealing with positive results would need to be addressed. Feasibility of screening would be enhanced by production of a protocol to be followed in the case of positive results.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the extent and nature of demonstrated professional partnerships between occupational therapists and Aboriginal health workers in rural and remote communities of North Queensland. The study identifies ways in which professional partnerships improve client services and enhance occupational therapy outcomes through exploring the aspects of communication, collaboration and bridging cultural boundaries. DESIGN: Data collected via in-depth, semistructured telephone interviews. SETTING: Aboriginal and mainstream health and human service organisations in rural and remote North Queensland. Rural and remote areas were identified using the Accessibility and Remoteness Index of Australia codes. PARTICIPANTS: Seven participants working in rural and remote areas of North Queensland, comprising four occupational therapists and three Aboriginal health workers. All participants were female. RESULTS: Participants identified five core themes when describing the extent and nature of professional partnerships between occupational therapists and Aboriginal health workers. Themes include: professional interaction; perception of professional roles; benefits to the client; professional interdependence; and significance of Aboriginal culture. According to participants, when partnerships between occupational therapists and Aboriginal health workers were formed, clients received a more culturally appropriate service, were more comfortable in the presence of the occupational therapist, obtained a greater understanding of occupational therapy assessment and intervention, and felt valued in the health care process. CONCLUSIONS: This study substantiates the necessity for the formation of professional partnerships between occupational therapists and Aboriginal health workers. The findings suggest that participation in professional partnerships has positive implications for occupational therapists working with Aboriginal clients and Aboriginal health workers in rural and remote regions of North Queensland.  相似文献   

The South African Ministry of Health has proposed screening all clinic attendees for tuberculosis (TB). Amongst other factors, male sex and bar attendance are associated with higher TB risk. We show that 45% of adults surveyed in Western Cape attended a clinic within 6 months, and therefore potentially a relatively high proportion of the population could be reached through clinic-based screening. However, fewer than 20% of all men aged 18–25 years, or men aged 26–45 who attend bars, attended a clinic. The population-level impact of clinic-based screening may be reduced by low coverage among key risk groups.  相似文献   

Objective: To examine agreement between patients’ self‐report and general practitioners’ perception of their patients’ health risk status and screening history. Methods: Patients attending an Aboriginal Community Controlled Health Service self‐reported via survey their health risk status and screening history, while waiting to see their general practitioner (GP). Following the consultation the GP completed a corresponding survey. Prevalence rates and rates of agreement using the kappa statistic were calculated for both self‐reported and GP‐reported risk status for smoking, at‐risk alcohol consumption and physical inactivity; and screening history for blood pressure, cholesterol, diabetes and cervical cancer. Results: Prevalence rates of health risks were similar from self‐report versus GP‐reported, yet differed on screening history. Patients who identified themselves as being at risk were often not the same as those identified by GPs. Agreement between patient and doctor was substantial for smoking, yet poor for at‐risk alcohol consumption and physical inactivity. Agreement was fair for cholesterol and cervical cancer screening, and slight for blood pressure and diabetes screening. Conclusions and implications: This study suggests that for effective preventive care, using self‐report for some health risks may be reliable, but less so for screening history. Greater assistance is needed in primary health care settings to identify patients who are at risk.  相似文献   

建立国家基本卫生制度、实现人人享有基本卫生保健是国际社会"全民健康覆盖"目标的具体体现。过去几十年,江苏省农村卫生服务体系得到了较好发展,基本建立具有较高可及性的农村服务组织网络,为实现农村居民人人享有基本卫生保健打下了良好的基础,同时还存在诸多亟待解决的问题。为此提出建议:明确政府健康责任,改革卫生投入机制;优化卫生服务体系布局,提高高质量卫生服务的可及性;加强基层卫生人才队伍建设,提高基本卫生服务质量;完善薪酬分配制度,调动卫生人员积极性。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Rural Australians face particular difficulties in accessing mental health care. This paper explores whether 51 rural Access to Allied Psychological Services projects, funded under the Better Outcomes in Mental Health Care program, are improving such access, and, if so, whether this is translating to positive consumer outcomes. DESIGN AND METHOD: The paper draws on three data sources (a survey of models of service delivery, a minimum dataset and three case studies) to examine the operation and achievements of these projects, and makes comparisons with their 57 urban equivalents as relevant. RESULTS: Proportionally, uptake of the projects in rural areas has been higher than in urban areas: more GPs and allied health professionals are involved, and more consumers have received care. There is also evidence that the models of service delivery used in these projects have specifically been designed to resolve issues particular to rural areas, such as difficulties recruiting and retaining providers. The projects are being delivered at no or low cost to consumers, and are achieving positive outcomes as assessed by standardised measures. CONCLUSION: The findings suggest that the rural projects have the potential to improve access to mental health care for rural residents with depression and anxiety, by enabling GPs to refer them to allied health professionals. The findings are discussed with reference to recent reforms to mental health care delivery in Australia.  相似文献   

Aboriginal Canadians experience a disproportionate burden of ill‐health and have endured a history of racism in accessing and using health care. Meanwhile, this population is rapidly growing, resulting in an urgent need to facilitate better quality of living and dying in many ways, including through enhancing (cultural) access to palliative care. In this article, we report the findings from a qualitative case study undertaken in rural British Columbia, Canada through exploring the perceptions of Aboriginal palliative care in a region identified as lacking in formal palliative care services and having only a limited Aboriginal population. Using interview data collected from 31 formal and informal palliative care providers (May–September 2008), we thematically explore not only the existing challenges and contradictions associated with the prioritisation and provision of Aboriginal palliative care in the region in terms of (in)visibility but also identify the elements necessary to enhance such care in the future. The implications for service providers in rural regions are such that consideration of the presence of small, and not always ‘visible’, populations is necessary; while rural care providers are known for their resilience and resourcefulness, increased opportunities for meaningful two‐way knowledge exchange with peers and consultation with experts cannot be overlooked. Doing so will serve to enhance culturally accessible palliative care in the region in general and for Aboriginal peoples specifically. This analysis thus contributes to a substantial gap in the palliative care literature concerning service providers’ perceptions surrounding Aboriginal palliative care as well as Aboriginal peoples’ experiences with receiving such care. Given the growing Aboriginal population and continued health inequities, this study serves to not only increase awareness but also create better living and dying conditions in small but incremental ways.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The annual stroke rate in atrial fibrillation is around 5 per cent with increased risk in those with hypertension, diabetes, left ventricular dysfunction and other cardiovascular risk factors. This study set out to identify the patients with atrial fibrillation and modifiable risk factors for stroke. METHOD: Analysis of practice computer data taken from eight general practices (81 811 patients) in the south of England. 944 patients with a diagnosis of atrial fibrillation, of whom 782 (82.8 percent) were aged 65 years and over. RESULTS: The age standardised prevalence of diagnosed atrial fibrillation was 1.23 per cent (1.28 percent for men and 1.18 percent for women). It was much more prevalent in the older population, 8.28 percent and 6.66 percent for males and females over 65, respectively. Cardiovascular co-morbidities were more frequent with increasing age. Blood pressure (BP) was recorded in over 95 per cent of patients with atrial fibrillation though there was scope for improving control; 25 per cent of men and 31 per cent women had a BP over 150/90. Inconsistent recording of ECG and echocardiography made it hard to identify patients with left ventricular dysfunction. Forty six percent of men and 37 percent of women were either being prescribed Warfarin, or had contraindications to its use; of those on Warfarin 75.9 percent have an international normalized ratio in range. Forty four per cent were treated with aspirin. People at high risk of stroke were no more likely to be treated with Warfarin or aspirin than those at moderate risk. CONCLUSIONS: The rate of use of Warfarin remains low, and there is scope for better recording and management of risk factors particularly BP.  相似文献   

This paper provides a comprehensive review of the key dimensions of access and their significance for the provision of primary health care and a framework that assists policy‐makers to evaluate how well policy targets the dimensions of access. Access to health care can be conceptualised as the potential ease with which consumers can obtain health care at times of need. Disaggregation of the concept of access into the dimensions of availability, geography, affordability, accommodation, timeliness, acceptability and awareness allows policy‐makers to identify key questions which must be addressed to ensure reasonable primary health care access for rural and remote Australians. Evaluating how well national primary health care policies target these dimensions of access helps identify policy gaps and potential inequities in ensuring access to primary health care. Effective policies must incorporate the multiple dimensions of access if they are to comprehensively and effectively address unacceptable inequities in health status and access to basic health services experienced by rural and remote Australians.  相似文献   

Objective: We aimed to determine the impact of clinic based retinal photography on access to appropriate screening for diabetic retinopathy (DR). Design, setting and participants: We opportunistically recruited patients undergoing their annual diabetic cycle of care over a two year period in the urban Indigenous primary health care clinic. Data were collected on retinal outcomes, health variables and referral patterns. Main outcome measures: Access to appropriate screening and ophthalmic follow up, prevalence of DR, acceptability and feasibility of clinic‐based retinal photography were the main outcome measures of this study. Results: One hundred and thirty‐two of a possible 147 patients consented to participate. 30% of participants had DR. Appropriate screening and ophthalmic follow up increased six fold, from 20 to 124 participants, following the introduction of the retinal camera. Most participants felt very positive about DR screening. Conclusions: Primary care DR screening using retinal photography can improve access to DR screening for indigenous patients, reduce the burden on busy outpatient departments and should reduce visual loss. Policy‐makers could contribute to screening sustainability by funding a medicare item‐number for primary care based DR screening associated with the annual diabetic cycle of care. An upfront Practice Incentive Program (PIP) payment could offset set up costs.  相似文献   

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