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Organ transplant recipients receiving immunosuppression have an increased risk of developing post‐transplant lymphoproliferative diseases (PTLDs). Traditionally, PTLDs refer to Epstein‐Barr virus (EBV)‐induced B‐cell lymphoma. However, post‐transplant T‐cell lymphoma may also occur and tends to have a poorer response to reduced immunosuppressive therapy. As such, additional therapy is often needed for post‐transplant T‐cell lymphoma, including post‐transplant cutaneous T‐cell lymphoma (PT‐CTCL). We present only the third case of PT‐CTCL occurring after liver transplantation. The patient was diagnosed with stage IB mycosis fungoides (MF). His lesions were refractory to multiple skin‐directed therapies, and so he was given oral bexarotene 150 mg daily and his oral tacrolimus dose was decreased to 2 mg daily. Remarkably, his MF patches have demonstrated a complete response to oral bexarotene 75 mg daily without recurrence over 11 years of follow‐up. He developed hypertriglyceridemia with bexarotene 150 mg, so his dose was decreased to 75 mg, without loss of response. Our report is the second to describe PT‐CTCL demonstrating a long‐term complete response to oral bexarotene. Given its anti‐carcinogenic properties and favorable toxicity profile, oral bexarotene represents an appealing treatment option for PT‐CTCL refractory to skin‐directed therapies.  相似文献   

Please cite this paper as: A novel xenograft model of cutaneous T‐cell lymphoma. Experimental Dermatology 2010; 19 : 1096–1102. Abstract: Cutaneous T‐cell lymphomas (CTCLs) are characterized by accumulation of malignant T cells in the skin. Early disease resembles benign skin disorders but during disease progression cutaneous tumors develop, and eventually the malignant T cells can spread to lymph nodes and internal organs. However, because of the lack of suitable animal models, little is known about the mechanisms driving CTCL development and progression in vivo. Here, we describe a novel xenograft model of tumor stage CTCL, where malignant T cells (MyLa2059) are transplanted to NOD/SCID‐B2m?/? (NOD.Cg‐Prkdcscid B2mtm1Unc/J) mice. Subcutaneous transplantation of the malignant T cells led to rapid tumor formation in 43 of 48 transplantations, whereas transplantation of non‐malignant T cells isolated from the same donor did not result in tumor development. Importantly, the tumor growth was significantly suppressed in mice treated with vorinostat when compared to mice treated with vehicle. Furthermore, in most mice the tumors displayed subcutaneous and/or lymphatic dissemination. Histological, immunohistochemical and flow cytometric analyses confirmed that both tumors at the inoculation site, as well as distant subcutaneous and lymphatic tumors, originated from the transplanted malignant T cells. In conclusion, we describe a novel mouse model of tumor stage CTCL for future studies of disease dissemination and preclinical evaluations of new therapeutic strategies.  相似文献   

Anaplastic lymphoma kinase (ALK) expression is uncommon in primary cutaneous T‐cell‐lymphomas (CTCL). We report the case of a patient who was initially diagnosed with small plaque parapsoriasis, and eventually developed an unusual manifestation of CTCL 6 years later. The disease was characterized by aggressively ulcerating plaques and tumors of the entire skin. Histopathology revealed monoclonal proliferation of atypical T‐lymphocytes and CD30‐positive blasts with expression of ALK and identification of an ATIC‐ALK fusion protein. Extensive staging confirmed the primary cutaneous origin of the lymphoma. After failure of several conventional treatments including polychemotherapy, the patient finally achieved remission after receiving brentuximab‐vedotin, alemtuzumab and subsequent allogeneic stem cell transplantation. In the following, the patient developed inflammatory cutaneous lesions that pathologically showed no evidence for lymphoma relapse or classical cutaneous graft‐versus‐host disease. The patient responded to immunosuppression, but finally died from multi‐organ failure due to sepsis 8 months after stem cell transplantation. This is a rare instance of ALK positivity in a CTCL, most likely resembling CD30+ transformed mycosis fungoides, because it was not typical for cutaneous anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL). In contrast to its role in systemic ALCL as favorable prognostic marker, ALK expression here was associated with an aggressive course.  相似文献   

The precise classification and characterization of primary cutaneous gamma‐delta T‐cell lymphoma (PCGD‐TCL) has been hindered by clinical and morphologic features that overlap with other lymphomas, especially subcutaneous panniculitis‐like T cell lymphoma (SPTCL). The recent World Health Organization/European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer (WHO/EORTC) classification distinguishes the more aggressive PCGD‐TCL from the usually indolent SPTCL, however. We report a 30‐year‐old woman with an indurated violaceous plaque on the left cheek that had been present for several years. Biopsies showed a dense lymphocytic infiltrate involving the subcutis and dermis that consisted mostly of small and medium‐sized lymphocytes, some with irregular nuclear contours and dense chromatin. These cells were positive for TIA‐1, TCR‐gamma and CD8, but negative for beta‐F1 and granzyme‐B. Staging with positron emission tomography–computed tomography (PET/CT), CBC and bone marrow with flow cytometry identified lymphadenopathy as well as blood and marrow involvement by an abnormal TCRgd‐positive T‐cell proliferation (Ann Arbor Stage IV). The patient's history of a long‐standing lesion in this case is unusual, in that gamma‐delta T‐cell lymphomas are typically rapidly progressive neoplasms. As such, it raises the possibility of ‘transformation’ of a long‐standing inflammatory process into an overt lymphoma.  相似文献   

Hypopigmentation in cutaneous T‐cell lymphoproliferative disease should not always be equated with hypopigmented mycosis fungoides (MF). A form of hypopigmented pre‐lymphomatous T‐cell dyscrasia falling under the designation of the so‐called hypopigmented interface variant of T‐cell dyscrasia has recently been proposed. The aim of the present study was to establish hypopigmented interface T‐cell dyscrasia as its own entity apart from other T‐cell dyscrasias and MF using a patient case series. Twenty four cases of hypopigmented interface T‐cell dyscrasia were identified in the dermatopathology database of Weill Medical College of Cornell University. There were 17 females and seven males (mean age, 36 years). In children and adolescents, the patients were most commonly of African American extraction. Truncal photo‐protected areas manifesting as large solitary patches or multiple smaller macules were characteristic; disease progression to MF occurred in only one patient. The lesions responded to topical steroids and light therapy. The pathology was defined by a cell poor interface associated with degeneration of keratinocytes and melanocytes, and by lymphocytes whose nuclei showed low‐grade cerebriform atypia, and which expressed a significant reduction in CD7 and CD62L expression. In 50% of the cases, the implicated cell type was of the CD8 subset. Clonality was not identified. Hypopigmented interface T‐cell dyscrasia is a distinct entity separate from and rarely progressive to MF.  相似文献   

The present study (B‐1201 clinical trial) was conducted as a multicenter, open‐label, single‐arm phase II study to evaluate the long‐term safety, tolerability and efficacy of bexarotene. This study enrolled 10 Japanese adults aged more than 20 years with cutaneous T‐cell lymphoma (CTCL) who completed the 24‐week study period of the B‐1101 trial. The objective response rate (ORR) was 53.8% (95% confidence interval, 25.1–80.8). In the early stage (IB), the ORR was 60% (3/5 cases). In the advanced stage (IIB and IIIA), the ORR was 57.1% (4/7 cases). The median time to response was 58 days (range, 27–168). The median treatment duration was 380 days (range, 33–1674). The median duration of response (DOR) could not be reached during the study period. The longest DOR reached 1618 days at the end of the B‐1201 trial. Nine patients (56.3%) in the full analysis set (FAS) population experienced dose reduction of bexarotene. Common drug‐related adverse events in the FAS population included hypothyroidism (93.8%), hypertriglyceridemia (81.3%), hypercholesterolemia (81.3%), leukopenia (68.8%) and neutropenia (56.3%). Dose‐limiting toxicity (DLT) was present in five (38.5%) of the 13 patients in the 300 mg/m2 cohort. Of the five patients, four developed grade 3 neutropenia and one developed grade 4 hypertriglyceridemia. All DLT cases recovered after the discontinuation of bexarotene. None of the five patients discontinued this trial because of DLT. The B‐1201 trial shows the long‐term safety of oral bexarotene for Japanese patients with CTCL, despite frequent dose reduction.  相似文献   

Between 2008 and 2015, 462 newly‐diagnosed adult T‐cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATLL) patients with cutaneous involvement were found from the nationwide registry for Japanese patients with cutaneous lymphoma, of which 391 were selected for the study. They ranged in age from 28 to 93 years (median, 69 years), and included 215 men and 176 women (male : female ratio = 1.2). The 391 patients comprised 193 (50%) with smoldering type, 52 (13%) with chronic type, 44 (11%) with lymphoma type and 102 (26%) with acute type. The total number of patients in Kyushu/Okinawa was 8.8‐times higher than that in Kanto, which was set as the reference value, while the estimated prevalence of human T‐lymphotropic virus 1 (HTLV‐1) carriers in Kyushu/Okinawa has been reported to be only 2.5‐times higher than that in Kanto. In this study, the annual incidence of ATLL per 100 000 residents in Kyushu/Okinawa was 32‐times higher than that in Kanto. Our results indicated the higher incidence rate of ATLL in the endemic area than those in the non‐endemic areas in Japan, compared with the regional differences of HTLV‐1 prevalence determined by serological HTLV‐1 screening for blood donors. In addition, this analysis revealed that regional differences of mycosis fungoides/Sézary syndrome incidence rates were very small compared with those of ATLL.  相似文献   

Background Mycosis fungoides (MF), the most common form of cutaneous T‐cell lymphoma (CTCL), is mainly a disease of the elderly. Objectives To review paediatric CTCL cases reported in the literature, with a focus on the time between onset of symptoms and establishment of a correct diagnosis. Methods A review of the literature was carried out and a case reported. Results A total of 254 cases of CTCL have been reported in children aged < 16 years, 13 cases (< 1% of all reported cases) in children below the age of 2 years, and only seven cases (including ours) during the first year of life. CTCL was most prevalent in children aged 10–12 years. The delay between age of onset and establishment of diagnosis was largest in the youngest age group (0–3 years), and declined steadily thereafter, thus reflecting the increasing likelihood that CTCL is considered in the differential diagnosis of skin disorders with increasing age of the patient. Conclusions The diagnosis of CTCL is frequently delayed in young children. It needs to be considered in chronic ‘eczematous’ skin lesions irrespective of the patient’s age, and including infants.  相似文献   

Angioimmunoblastic T‐cell lymphoma (AITL) is frequently associated with skin lesions, but epidermotropic cutaneous involvement has never been described. A 37‐year‐old man presented with erythematous and pruriginous plaques, clinically suggestive of mycosis fungoides, distributed all over the body, 3 weeks after the last line of a polychemotherapy, given for an AITL diagnosed 1 year earlier on a lymph node biopsy. Skin biopsy showed an epidermotropic CD4+ T‐cell lymphoma, so that a diagnosis of mycosis fungoides was first proposed. Further investigations showed that atypical lymphocytes strongly expressed CD10 and markers of follicular helper T cells (TFH) including PD1, BCL‐6 and CXCL13. The diagnosis of an unusual epidermotropic cutaneous localization of the AITL was finally made, supported by the presence of the same T‐cell clone in the initial lymph node biopsy and the skin. We therefore recommend performing markers of TFH cells in patients with unusual epidermotropic cutaneous T‐cell lymphomas, particularly if they have any clinical features suggestive of AITL.  相似文献   

Safety, tolerability, pharmacokinetics and efficacy of bexarotene, a novel retinoid X receptor (RXR)‐selective retinoid, were evaluated in Japanese patients with stage IIB–IVB and relapsed/refractory stage IB–IIA cutaneous T‐cell lymphomas (CTCL). This study was conducted as a multicenter, open‐label, historically controlled, single‐arm phase I/II study. Bexarotene was p.o. administrated once daily at a dose of 300 mg/m2 for 24 weeks in 13 patients, following an evaluation of safety and tolerability for 4 weeks at a dose of 150 mg/m2 in three patients. Eight of 13 patients (61.5%) with an initial dose of 300 mg/m2 met the response criteria using the modified severity‐weighted assessment tool (mSWAT) at 24 weeks or discontinuation. Dose‐limiting toxic effects (DLT) were present in four of 13 patients (31%) at a dose of 300 mg/m2: two neutropenia, one abnormal hepatic function and one hypertriglyceridemia. No DLT was observed in patients received 150 mg/m2 bexarotene. In the 13 patients at 300 mg/m2, common drug‐related adverse events (AE) included hypothyroidism (92%), hypercholesterolemia (77%), leukopenia or neutropenia (39%), nasopharyngitis or anemia (31%). The treatment‐related grade 3 AE included hypertriglyceridemia (4/16 patients, 25%), increased alanine aminotransferase, increased aspartate aminotransferase, dyslipidaemia, leukopenia and neutropenia (1/16 patients, 6%), and one of 16 patients experienced grade 4 hypertriglyceridemia. No patients discontinued bexarotene due to the AE during the study, but dose reduction or suspension was required. Bexarotene was shown to be well tolerated at 300 mg/m2 once daily and effective in Japanese patients with CTCL.  相似文献   

Merkel cell carcinoma is a rare neuroendocrine carcinoma of the skin that is associated with Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV). The clinical appearance and demographic characteristics of this tumor have been described using the mnemonic AEIOU: asymptomatic, expanding rapidly, immune suppression, older than 50 years, and ultraviolet‐exposed fair skin. In addition, MCC can be categorized based on morphology as pure MCC or combined MCC that exhibits neuroendocrine and other phenotypic elements. There is limited information regarding the clinical characteristics and prognosis of combined MCC. This retrospective study aimed to identify factors, such as ulceration or hyperkeratosis, that could predict MCPyV status and morphological variants. Twenty patients with MCC were divided into groups based on MCPyV status and morphology: MCPyV‐positive or MCPyV‐negative MCC and pure or combined MCC. The patients’ MCPyV status was immunohistochemically determined using the CM2B4 antibody to the MCPyV large T‐antigen. The patients’ clinicopathological characteristics were evaluated to identify predictors of MCPyV‐negative MCC and combined MCC. The presence of ulceration/hyperkeratosis predicted the presence of MCPyV‐negative MCC (80% of cases) and combined MCC (50% of cases). None of the 10 patients with MCPyV‐positive MCC had ulceration/hyperkeratosis. The clinical presence of ulceration/hyperkeratosis may help guide the diagnosis of MCPyV‐negative MCC and combined MCC.  相似文献   

Immunological functions decline with age. Because MS/SzS predominately affects the elderly, it is important to distinguish age‐related from cancer‐specific changes. Also, MF and SzS are malignancies of CD4+ T‐lymphocytes, further compromising an immune state of the patients. The objectives of this study were to distinguish disease‐specific immunological deterioration by performing comparative age ‐ matched Luminex multiplex assessment of 34 serum biomarkers between patients with MF/SzS, HIV‐infected individuals and normal controls. Controlling for age, expression level appears to significantly differ between patients with MF/SzS and controls for the following biomarkers: G‐CSF, IL‐5, MIP‐1β, TNF‐α, VEGF, EOTAXIN, IL‐8, IL‐12, IL‐2R, IP10, MCP‐1, MIG, TNFR1 and TNFR2 (< 0.05), while others showed normal age‐related changes. Interestingly, cluster analysis placed MF/SzS profiles closer to HIV. This further underscores an immunologically compromised state of patients with MF/SzS and suggests its potential self‐perpetuating role in disease progression.  相似文献   

We present the case of an 84‐year‐old patient with a cutaneous CD56 positive cytotoxic T‐cell lymphoma associated with substantial pseudocarcinomatous hyperplasia mimicking squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). The patient presented with a 7‐month history of several progressive, ulcerated plaques on his right forearm. An initial biopsy showed changes consistent with a diagnosis of SCC for which the patient underwent surgical treatment. Several months later, the patient developed recurrent ulcerated plaques on the right forearm of which several biopsies were performed. The biopsies repeatedly showed marked pseudocarcinomatous hyperplasia resembling SCC. Deeper punch biopsies, however, showed a dense superficial and deep infiltrate of markedly atypical lymphocytes. Immunohistochemical analysis revealed strong positive staining for CD3, CD8, CD56 with negative stains for CD30 and Epstein‐Barr virus‐encoded small non‐polyadenylated RNAs (EBER). Staining for beta F1 and gamma‐delta T‐cell receptor (γδ TCR) were both negative. This constellation was most consistent with a diagnosis of cutaneous peripheral T‐cell lymphoma, unspecified in association with marked pseudocarcinomatous hyperplasia. Our case adds cutaneous peripheral T‐cell lymphoma, unspecified to the list of conditions associated with pseudocarcinomatous hyperplasia (PCH) and illustrates once again the potential pitfalls of distinguishing marked pseudocarcinomatous hyperplasia from SCC.  相似文献   

Summary Background A novel polyomavirus, the Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV), has recently been identified in Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC). Objectives To investigate the specificity of this association through the detection, quantification and analysis of MCPyV DNA in lesional and nonlesional skin biopsies from patients with MCC or with other cutaneous diseases, as well as in normal skin from clinically healthy individuals. Methods DNA was extracted from lesional and nonlesional skin samples of patients with MCC or with other cutaneous diseases and from normal‐appearing skin of clinically healthy subjects. MCPyV DNA was detected by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and quantified by real‐time PCR. Additionally, the T antigen coding region was sequenced in eight samples from seven patients. Results MCPyV DNA was detected in 14 of 18 (78%) patients with MCC, five of 18 (28%) patients with other skin diseases (P = 0·007) and one of six (17%) clinically healthy subjects. In patients with MCC, viral DNA was detected in nine of 11 (82%) tumours and in 10 of 14 (71%) nontumoral skin samples (P = 0·66). MCPyV DNA levels were higher in MCC tumours than in nontumoral skin from patients with MCC, and than in lesional or nonlesional skin from patients with other cutaneous disorders. Signature mutations in the T antigen gene were not identified in the two MCC tumour specimens analysed. Conclusions High prevalence and higher levels of MCPyV DNA in MCC supports a role for MCPyV in tumorigenesis. However, the high prevalence of MCPyV in the nontumoral skin and in subjects without MCC suggests that MCPyV is a ubiquitous virus.  相似文献   

Subcutaneous panniculitis‐like T‐cell lymphoma (SPTCL) is an uncommon non‐Hodgkins primary cutaneous lymphoma that typically presents as subcutaneous nodules on the extremities or trunk. Here, we report an unusual case of systemic panniculitic T‐cell lymphoma with predominantly mesenteric extra‐cutaneous involvement and an aggressive clinical course with histopathologic and immunophenotypic features that mimic SPTCL. This case serves to expand the body of literature regarding systemic SPTCL‐like disorders with prominent extra‐cutaneous involvement.  相似文献   

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