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The duck pineal gland rhythmically produces two 5-methoxyindole compounds, i.e. 5-methoxytryptophol and melatonin. 5-Methoxytryptophol levels are low at night and high during the day, while melatonin concentrations are high at night and low during the day. The melatonin rhythm reflects oscillations in the activity of serotonin N-acetyltransferase (AA-NAT; a penultimate and key regulatory enzyme in the melatonin biosynthetic pathway). The activity of hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase (HIOMT; an enzyme involved in the synthesis of both 5-methoxytryptophol and melatonin) does not exhibit any significant rhythmic changes throughout the 24-hr period. Plasma levels of melatonin exhibited daily changes that were parallel to fluctuations in pineal melatonin content. Although plasma concentrations of 5-methoxytryptophol were low in ducks, they showed daily variations. The mean 5-methoxytryptophol concentration between zeitgeber time 9 (ZT9) and ZT15 was 2.4-times higher than the mean value for samples collected between ZT18 and ZT3. These findings indicate that in the duck the pineal production of 5-methoxytryptophol and melatonin may be inversely correlated.  相似文献   

The human pineal gland and melatonin in aging and Alzheimer's disease   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
The pineal gland is a central structure in the circadian system which produces melatonin under the control of the central clock, the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN). The SCN and the output of the pineal gland, i.e. melatonin, are synchronized to the 24-hr day by environmental light, received by the retina and transmitted to the SCN via the retinohypothalamic tract. Melatonin not only plays an important role in the regulation of circadian rhythms, but also acts as antioxidant and neuroprotector that may be of importance in aging and Alzheimer's disease (AD). Circadian disorders, such as sleep-wake cycle disturbances, are associated with aging, and even more pronounced in AD. Many studies have reported disrupted melatonin production and rhythms in aging and in AD that, as we showed, are taking place as early as in the very first preclinical AD stages (neuropathological Braak stage I-II). Degeneration of the retina-SCN-pineal axis may underlie these changes. Our recent studies indicate that a dysfunction of the sympathetic regulation of pineal melatonin synthesis by the SCN is responsible for melatonin changes during the early AD stages. Reactivation of the circadian system (retina-SCN-pineal pathway) by means of light therapy and melatonin supplementation, to restore the circadian rhythm and to relieve the clinical circadian disturbances, has shown promising positive results.  相似文献   

Effects of near-ultraviolet light (UV-A; 325-390 nm, peak at 365 nm) on the activity of the pineal serotonin N-acetyltransferase (NAT; a key regulatory enzyme in melatonin biosynthesis) were examined in chicks. Acute exposure of dark-adapted animals to UV-A radiation produced a marked decline in NAT activity of the pineal gland. The magnitude of this suppression was dependent upon duration of the light pulse and the age of the animals. The decrease in the nighttime NAT activity evoked by a 5 min pulse of UV-A light applied during the fourth hour of the dark phase of the 12 hr light:12 hr dark cycle (LD) gradually deepened during the first 40 min after the return of animals to constant darkness, then the enzyme activity began to rise, reaching control values by 2 hr. Exposure of chicks to a 5 min pulse of UV-A light during the ninth hour of the dark phase produced a marked decline in pineal NAT activity, which was reversible after 15 min of darkness. Pretreatment of animals with an inhibitor of catecholamine synthesis, alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine (300 mg/kg, i.p.), or with a blocker of alpha2-adrenergic receptors, yohimbine (2 mg/kg, i.p.), antagonized the suppressive effect of UV-A light on nighttime NAT activity of the chick pineal gland. It is concluded that UV-A irradiation, similar to visible light, potently suppresses melatonin biosynthesis in the chick pineal gland, with an alpha2-noradrenergic signal playing the role of an intermediate in this action.  相似文献   

Seasonal variations in daytime pineal 5-methoxytryptophol (5-ML) and in the daily pattern of both pineal 5-ML and melatonin concentrations were measured by radioimmunoassay in male and female jerboas, Jaculus orientalis. Pineal 5-ML content was found to be low in winter and spring and showed a short but marked increase in summer. A clear daily rhythm was present in pineal 5-ML in September, with high concentrations during daytime and low concentrations during nighttime. In May there was a considerable drop in the daytime values and a marked decrease in the amplitude of the rhythm, while in December the daily rhythm completely disappeared. On the contrary, a clear daily rhythm was observed for pineal melatonin in September, December, and May with high values during nighttime and low values during daytime; no differences in the amplitude of the rhythm could be observed. Illumination during early night prevented both the nocturnal decrease of 5-ML and the increase of melatonin in September; in May illumination had no clear effect on 5-ML, while it prevented the normal increase of melatonin. These results suggest a possible desynchronization between the regulation of 5-ML and melatonin synthesis and release, and stress the complexity of the mechanisms involved in the environmental synchronization of seasonal functions.  相似文献   

Thyroxin (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3) were measured by radioimmunoassay in serum of hamsters sacrificed at 4-hr intervals throughout the daily light-dark cycle (14L/10D). Both T4 and T3 concentrations increased significantly during the L period of the daily cycle and decreased during the D period of the cycle; A.M. versus P.M. differences in free thyroxin indices (FTI) were also studied using the T4 and T3 uptake assays of Nuclear Medical Laboratories (Dallas, Texas). The free thyroxin index was significantly greater in serum samples of hamsters sacrificed at 7 P.M. than at 7 A.M. (lights on at 6:30 A.M.). Serum taken at 7 P.M. had less unsaturated binding sites than serum taken at 7 A.M. No significant A.M. versus P.M. differences in free thyroxin index were found in blind hamsters, although blind hamsters had significantly lower T4 and FTI than controls. Placing melatonin in the drinking water at a dose of 80 μg/ml did not significantly influence hormone levels. The greatest difference in hormone concentrations between control and blinded hamsters was found in P.M. samples. Blind hamsters had FTIs that were 48% of P.M. controls. Pinealectomy prevented the effects of blinding on T4 levels and FTIs.  相似文献   

Noradrenaline (NA) levels in pineal gland of chickens at various posthatching stages (P2, P4, P8, P15, P30 and P57) were determined by high-performance liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. Pineal NA content markedly increased between P2 and P30. P30 and P57 chickens, kept from the day of hatching under a 12:12 hr light-dark (LD) illumination cycle, exhibited rhythmic changes in pineal NA, with levels in the dark period being markedly higher than in the light period. In younger birds pineal NA concentrations did not show pronounced daily variations. In 4-wk-old chickens (P28-30) kept under constant darkness (DD), the rhythmic pattern of pineal NA persisted for 1 day (with higher values during the subjective dark phase than during the subjective light phase), but this disappeared 24 hr after the introduction of DD. In contrast, NA content in pineal glands isolated from birds maintained for 2 days under continuous light was similar to that found during the light phase of the LD cycle, and did not exhibit significant rhythmicity. In P30 chickens, pretreated with alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine (AMPT, an inhibitor of tyrosine hydroxylase, the key regulatory enzyme in the biosynthesis of catecholamines), pineal NA content declined slowly and monophasically during the light phase. During the dark phase the AMPT-induced decay of NA was biphasic--namely an initial rapid decline over the first 15 min which was followed by a slow-rate decline--an observation indicating that NA turnover was higher in the dark. Acute exposure of the dark-adapted P30 and P57 chickens to light significantly decreased pineal NA content, but did not affect pineal NA concentrations in younger birds. Our results suggest that the NA rhythm in the chicken pineal gland and its sensitivity to light regulation progressively develop during the first month of life.  相似文献   

The roles of melatonin and the pineal gland in the circadian variation of water-immersion restraint stress-induced gastric mucosal lesions in rats were investigated. Fasted rats were subjected to water-immersion restraint stress during both the diurnal and nocturnal phases of a light:dark cycle. Pinealectomized and sham-operated rats were also subjected to water-immersion restraint stress at night. The lesion area after 4 hr of stress during the dark phase was significantly lower than in light-phase controls. Pinealectomy increased the lesion area in the dark phase, compared to the sham operation, but this effect was counteracted by intracisternal melatonin preadministration at a dose of 100 ng/rat. Melatonin concentrations in control rats during the light phase were significantly increased 4 hr after water-immersion restraint stress. In contrast, melatonin concentrations 4 hr after water-immersion restraint stress in the dark phase were significantly depressed compared with the control levels at the corresponding time. Melatonin levels after stress exposure were markedly decreased in pinealectomized rats as compared with sham-operated rats. These results suggest that circadian rhythm has an important role in the formation of stress-induced gastric mucosal lesions in rats and that melatonin responses to water-immersion restraint stress differ between day and night. The pineal gland modulates the stress response and melatonin contributes to gastric protection via a mechanism involving the central nervous system.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to determine whether the genetic differences previously reported in ewe plasma melatonin concentrations were correlated with differences in the synthesis and release of other 5-methoxyindoles. To determine if 5-methoxytryptophol (5-ML), which is known to be present in large amounts in the sheep pineal gland, is released, as is melatonin, into the general circulation, and if some temporal relationships between 5-ML and melatonin release could be observed, two groups of ewes were selected with respect to their endogenous melatonin secretion: in the first experiment, ten ewes from the low melatonin group (low group) and ten ewes from the high melatonin group (high group). 5-ML was measured every hour during a 24-hr period by radioimmunoassay. In all ewes, 5-ML was released during day-time, the rhythm of 5-ML concentrations being inversely related with the melatonin rhythm. Both day-time and night-time 5-ML concentrations were higher in the ewes from the high group than in the ewes from the low group (14.7 +/- 1.0 pg/mL plasma versus 6.4 +/- 0.3 pg/mL plasma during the day, 3.1 +/- 0.2 pg/mL plasma versus 1.9 +/- 0.2 pg/mL plasma during the night). The 5-ML/melatonin ratio appeared much higher during the day than during the night but was very similar in both groups (day-time: 1.03 in the high group versus 1.16 in the low group, night-time: 0.01 in both groups). In a second experiment, six low group and seven high group ewes were submitted to 1 hr of extra light at night. 5-ML increased and melatonin decreased during extra light. Our results clearly show for the first time a daily variation in circulating 5-ML, and that the strong genetic contribution in the variability in melatonin concentrations in sheep are clearly correlated with a similar variability in 5-ML concentrations. Whether 5-ML, like melatonin, plays a physiological role in the different adaptation processes to the environment remains to be determined.  相似文献   

Abstract: Production of melatonin in the pineal gland of inbred mice such as C57B1/6J, B ALB/c and AKR strains is still a matter of debate. In previous studies, we and other authors showed that these strains of inbred mice have a clear-cut circadian rhythm of serum melatonin and urinary 6-hydroxy-melatonin-sulphate. In contrast, other groups claimed these mice are unable to synthesize melatonin. These studies were based on RIA measurements and/or estimates of N-acetyltransferase (NAT) and hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase (HIOMT) activities. In the present study we validate the presence of melatonin in the pineal gland of C57B1/6, BALB/c, and AKR mice by HPLC determinations. We found a short-term melatonin peak in the middle of the dark period with a pattern which mirrors that found previously in the serum. The possibility remains, although it seems unlikely, that the pineal melatonin rhythm measured here represents melatonin produced elsewhere which then was subsequently taken up by the pineal gland.  相似文献   

In contrast to the situation in mammals, in which circadian melatonin production by the pineal gland does not begin until some time after birth, the development of pineal gland rhythmicity is an embryonic event in the precocial domestic fowl. A distinct melatonin rhythm was found in 19-d-old chick embryos maintained under light:dark (LD) 16:8. No significant variation in melatonin levels was detected in embryos exposed to LD 8:16. The melatonin rhythm in the pineal gland and plasma of chick embryos incubated for 18 d in LD 12:12 persisted for 2 d in constant darkness indicating that melatonin production is under circadian control at least from the end of embryonic life. A 1-d exposure to a LD cycle during the first postembryonic day was sufficient to entrain the melatonin rhythm, and previous embryonic exposure to either LD or constant darkness (DD) neither modified this rapid synchronization nor did it affect the melatonin pattern during the two subsequent days in DD. It is suggested that, in contrast to the situation in mammals, the avian embryo has evolved its own early circadian melatonin-producing system because, as a consequence of its extrauterine development, it cannot use the system of its mother.  相似文献   

Acute exposure of dark-adapted, cultured chick pineal glands to UV-A light significantly decreased the tissue cAMP concentration and the activity of arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (AANAT), the penultimate and key regulatory enzyme in the melatonin biosynthetic pathway. The magnitude of these changes was dependent on the duration of UV-A exposure. The UV-A light-evoked decline in pineal AANAT activity was blocked by cAMP protagonists (forskolin and dibutyryl-cAMP) and by inhibitors of the proteasomal degradation pathway (MG-132, proteasome inhibitor I, and lactacystin). These results indicate that the chick pineal gland is directly sensitive to UV-A light. By analogy to white light, the suppressive action of UV-A radiation on AANAT activity in the chick pineal gland involves changes in the tissue cAMP level and enhanced proteasomal proteolysis.  相似文献   

Shorter wavelength light has been shown to be more effective than longer wavelengths in suppressing nocturnal melatonin and phase delaying the melatonin rhythm. In the present study, different wavelengths of light were evaluated for their capacity to phase advance the saliva melatonin rhythm. Two long wavelengths, 595 nm (amber) and 660 nm (red) and three shorter wavelengths, 470 nm (blue), 497 nm (blue/green), and 525 nm (green) were compared with a no-light control condition. Light was administered via a portable light source comprising two light-emitting diodes per eye, with the irradiance of each diode set at 65 microW/cm(2). Forty-two volunteers participated in up to six conditions resulting in 15 per condition. For the active light conditions, a 2-hr light pulse was administered from 06:00 hr on two consecutive mornings. Half-hourly saliva samples were collected on the evening prior to the first light pulse and the evening following the second light pulse. The time of melatonin onset was calculated for each night and the difference was calculated as a measure of phase advance. The shorter wavelengths of 470, 495 and 525 nm showed the greatest melatonin onset advances ranging from approximately 40-65 min while the longer wavelengths produced no significant phase advance. These results strengthen earlier findings that the human circadian system is more sensitive to the short wavelengths of light than the longer wavelengths.  相似文献   

Abstract: The purpose of this study was to examine the day/night levels of pineal melatonin and its rate limiting enzyme N-acetyltransferase (NAT) in relationship to the ratio of 11-cis-to all-trans-retinal. Three-week-old chicks were placed in 12:12 light: dark (LD 12:12) cycle for one week, pineals were collected during the light phase at 1500 (i.e., after 10 hr light), during the dark phase at 1900 (i.e., 2 hr after dark), at 2100 (i.e., 4 hr after dark), and at 2300 (i.e., 6 hr after dark) and after light extension to 1900. The results show that light-sensitive 11-cis-retinal in the chick pineal has the same diurnal rhythm as NAT and melatonin; all constituents increased within 2 hr of darkness onset (at 1900) and reached their peak after 4 hr of dark. All values were lowest during the light phase at 1500. Low values for 11-cis-retinal, NAT, and melatonin were also seen in the group of chicks which experienced light extension to 1900. The data indicate that in vivo light plays a major role in triggering rhodopsin-bound 11-cis-retinal production within 2–4 hr after darkness onset; this change likely serves as the signal for the subsequent formation of the hormonal product of the pineal gland, melatonin.  相似文献   

The pineal gland and retina of the turkey rhythmically produce melatonin. In birds kept under a daily light-dark (LD) illumination cycle melatonin concentrations in the pineal gland and retina were low during the light phase and high during the dark phase. A similar melatonin rhythm with high night-time values was also observed in the plasma. The pineal and retinal melatonin rhythms mirror oscillations in the activity of serotonin N-acetyltransferase (AANAT; the penultimate enzyme in the melatonin biosynthetic pathway). In contrast, in both the pineal gland and retina the activity of the enzyme hydroxyindole-O-methyltransferase (HIOMT) did not exhibit significant changes throughout the 24-h period. Acute exposure of turkeys to light at night dramatically decreased melatonin levels in the pineal gland, retina and plasma. The rhythms in AANAT activity and melatonin concentrations in the turkey pineal gland and retina were circadian in nature as they persisted under conditions of constant darkness (DD). Under DD, however, the amplitudes of AANAT and melatonin rhythms were significantly lower (by 50-80%) than those found under the LD cycle. The findings indicate that melatonin rhythmicity in the turkey pineal gland and retina is regulated both by light and the endogenous circadian clock. The rapid dampening of the rhythms under DD suggests that of these two regulatory factors, environmental light may be the primary stimulus in the maintenance of the high amplitude melatonin rhythms in the turkey.  相似文献   

Abstract: Effects of white and monochromatic (blue—434 nm, green—548 nm, and red—614 nm) lights on the nighttime retinal and pineal NAT activity were examined in chicks. The potency of the tested lights to suppress NAT activity was similar for the retina and pineal gland, with a following rank order: white > green > blue > red. The studied tissues of chick were far less sensitive to pulses of monochromatic light than the rat pineal gland. The potency of light to decrease pineal NAT activity of rat was: white > green >> blue > red. In chicks, the suppression of the nocturnal NAT activity produced by a short 5-min pulse of monochromatic light was completely reversible in the pineal gland, and partially reversible in the retina. Our data suggest the existence of some differences between birds and mammals in terms of sensitivity and mechanisms involved in the light-induced suppression of melatonin biosynthesis.  相似文献   

The pineal gland is a site of melatonin production, of which intracellular calcium ions (Ca2+) are likely involved in various aspects. To investigate the identity of molecules responsible for the Ca2+-dependent processes in the pineal cells, we prepared a cellular extract from 2000 chick pineal glands and isolated a series of Ca2+-binding proteins by taking advantage of their Ca2+-dependent hydrophobic interaction with phenyl-Sepharose beads. The proteins identified by micro-sequencing analysis included calmodulin, neurocalcin, sorcin, annexin II and annexin V. Immunohistochemical analysis of the chick pineal sections revealed that both calmodulin and sorcin are expressed in the follicular and parafollicular pinealocytes. On the other hand, neurocalcin was expressed in a few neuron-like cells located predominantly in the parafollicular layer of the pineal follicle. These results suggest that calmodulin and sorcin may contribute to cellular functions in the chick pinealocytes.  相似文献   

A physiologically based model of arousal dynamics is improved to incorporate the effects of the light spectrum on circadian phase resetting, melatonin suppression, and subjective sleepiness. To account for these nonvisual effects of light, melanopic irradiance replaces photopic illuminance that was used previously in the model. The dynamic circadian oscillator is revised according to the melanopic irradiance definition and tested against experimental circadian phase resetting dose-response and phase response data. Melatonin suppression function is recalibrated against melatonin dose-response data for monochromatic and polychromatic light sources. A new light-dependent term is introduced into the homeostatic weight component of subjective sleepiness to represent the direct alerting effect of light; the new term responds to light change in a time-dependent manner and is calibrated against experimental data. The model predictions are compared to a total of 14 experimental studies containing 26 data sets for 14 different spectral light profiles. The revised melanopic model shows on average 1.4 times lower prediction error for circadian phase resetting compared to the photopic-based model, 3.2 times lower error for melatonin suppression, and 2.1 times lower error for subjective sleepiness. Overall, incorporating melanopic irradiance allowed simulation of wavelength-dependent responses to light and could explain the majority of the observations. Moving forward, models of circadian phase resetting and the direct effects of light on alertness and sleep need to use nonvisual photoreception-based measures of light, for example, melanopic irradiance, instead of the traditionally used illuminance based on the visual system.  相似文献   

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