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L Karlstrom  K A Kelly 《Surgery》1989,106(5):867-871
The aims of this study were to determine whether ectopic pacemakers are present after meals in the Roux limbs of dogs after vagotomy and Roux gastrectomy, whether these pacemakers slow gastric emptying of liquids or solids, and whether abolishing the pacemakers with electric pacing might speed any slow emptying that occurs. In six dogs that underwent vagotomy and Roux gastrectomy and in four dogs that underwent vagotomy and Billroth gastrectomy (controls), myoelectric activity of the Roux limb or duodenum was measured during gastric emptying of a 500 kcal mixed meal of 99mTc-labeled cooked egg and 111In-labeled milk. Roux dogs were tested with and without pacing of the Roux limb. Roux dogs showed ectopic pacemaker in the Roux limb that drove the pacesetter potentials of the limb in a reverse, or orad, direction during 57% of the postprandial recordings. Billroth dogs had no ectopic pacemakers (p less than 0.05). Liquids emptied more slowly in Roux dogs (half-life (t1/2) = 121 +/- 15 minutes) than in Billroth dogs (t1/2 = 43 +/- 9 minutes; p less than 0.05), but solids emptied similarly in both groups of dogs (t1/2 approximately 8 hours). Pacing the Roux limb abolished the ectopic pacemakers, restored the slow emptying of liquids to the more rapid rate found in the Billroth dogs (t1/2: paced Roux, 72 +/- 15 minutes; Billroth, 43 +/- 9 minutes; p greater than 0.05) and did not change emptying of solids. The conclusion was that ectopic pacemakers present in the Roux limb after vagotomy and Roux gastrectomy drove the limb in a reverse direction and slowed emptying of liquids after the operation. The defect was corrected by pacing the Roux limb in a forward direction.  相似文献   

The relationship of gastric secretion in response to a single injection of insulin and in response to a histamine infusion, before and after partial gastrectomy, was analysed in 58 patients. The aspirated gastric juice was corrected for gastric outlet loss and enterogastric reflux. Gastrectomy drastically reduced the stimulated gastric secretion by a similar proportion for the two secretagogues, thereby implying that antral gastrin plays no greater part in one than in the other. Gastric outlet losses were also reduced after gastrectomy, but as a fraction of gastric contents, both gastric outlet loss and enterogastric reflux more than doubled; the possible relationship of these findings to the aetiology of gastric ulcer is discussed.  相似文献   

We wondered whether Roux gastrojejunostomy alone or with intestinal pacing would slow gastric emptying and ameliorate the dumping syndrome after truncal vagotomy and subtotal distal gastrectomy. In five conscious dogs with vagotomy and distal gastrectomy, the Roux loop alone slowed gastric emptying of 100 ml 5% glucose instillates, but not of 100 ml 25% glucose instillates, while pacing the loop backwards slowed emptying of both. Pacing also decreased the postcibal hemoconcentration and hyperglycemia found after the 25% instillates. However, pacing did not alter the postprandial hyper-GIP-emia (gastric inhibitory peptide) and hyperinsulinemia found in Roux gastrectomy dogs, suggesting that pacing worked by slowing emptying of glucose rather than by releasing enteric hormones. Although pacing did not stimulate jejunal action potentials (contractions), the greater the number of action potentials occurring during pacing, the more the slowing (r = .738, p less than .001). We concluded that the combination of Roux gastrojejunostomy and pacing ameliorated postgastrectomy dumping in dogs. The tests provide a basis for treating humans with postgastrectomy dumping.  相似文献   

Changes of intestinal myoelectric activities after total gastrectomy with jejunal interposition were studied in three conscious dogs. Under general anesthesia a total gastrectomy was performed and intestinal continuity was reestablished by a 15 cm jejunal segment interposed between the esophagus and the duodenum. Two electrodes were sown each to the serosal surface of the interposed segment of the jejunum, duodenum, and distal potion of the jejunum, respectively. After recovery from the surgery, the myoelectric activities were recorded for 8 to 12 hours during fasting and after feeding a 200 ml liquid meal. In each segment, total gastrectomy did not alter the initiation of the migrating myoelectric complex (MMC) during fasting. Total gastrectomy also changed neither the postprandial inhibition of the enteric MMC nor the induction of the fed myoelectric pattern after feeding. The way of MMC propagation along the small intestine, however, showed various patterns. Each of three segments generated its own MMCs. Some complexes migrated to the next segment or had an effect on initiating new MMCs of the next segment. Although MMCs occurring in the segment of the interposed jejunum hardly migrated to the adjacent duodenum, some jumped to the distal jejunum. These results suggest that there are no coordinated activities between the interposed jejunum and the duodenum after total gastrectomy with jejunal interposition.  相似文献   

The amount of enterogastric biliary reflux was assessed in patients who previously underwent Henley operation (n = 8) or Roux-en-Y biliary diversion (n = 7) using the radiopharmaceutical 99mTechnetium-DISIDA. Two other groups were investigated: a control group consisting of patients with unoperated duodenal ulcer (n = 10) and a group of patients who underwent Billroth II gastrectomy (n = 7). The length of the interposed segment of jejunum ranged from 20 to 30 cm (median of 22.5 cm) in the Henley patients, and from 30 to 60 cm (median of 40 cm) in the Roux-en-Y group. In Henley patients, the percentage of administered 99mTechnetium-DISIDA that was recovered from the stomach (median of 0.92%) was lower (p less than 0.01) than that obtained for Billroth II patients (median of 32.28%) and did not differ (p greater than 0.10) from that of the Roux-en-Y (median of 0.36%) and duodenal ulcer groups (median of 2.53%). These results indicate that Henley operation is as effective as Roux-en-Y diversion in promoting the reduction of the amount of enterogastric biliary reflux that follows Billroth II distal gastrectomy.  相似文献   

The experience gained in animal experiments and on human material with the surgical modification used to ensure the prevention of reflux oesophagitis and improved functioning of the residual stomach, is presented. In animal experiments it was possible to prevent reflux oesophagitis and the weight gain was also more favorable than after oesophago-duodenostomy and Longmire's operation after which reflux-oesophagitis developed without exception. Seven such operations have been performed on man; one of the patients operated upon more than 7 years ago is still free from complaints. In order to assess the true value of the operation, conditions of absorption, conditions of absorption have to be studied in animal experiments and more experience has to be gathered on human material.  相似文献   

全胃切除术是常见的胃癌根治术之一。尽管消化道重建的方式繁多,但何种最好尚无定论。经检索近年来有关全胃切除后的消化道重建临床研究报道,主要介绍不同空肠肠袋、Roux-en-Y重建术式的优劣。结果表明,空肠肠袋、Roux—en—Y重建术式并不显著增加手术病死率和并发症发生率,能够改善术后早期食物摄入和体重增加。多数报道认为有利于提高术后生活质量。肠袋重建并未增加手术的风险,而且在早期能改善食物摄入,增加体重,有利于患者术后恢复,一定程度上提高患者生活质量。而患者术后长期效果,由于其影响因素涉及范围广,如地区差异和经济条件等,故要得出一精确结论还有待于进一步的探索。现就非十二指肠径路的主要方式及效果作一简述。  相似文献   

连续性空肠间置在胃次全切除术消化道重建中的应用研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的 探讨胃次全切除术时采用连续性空肠间置完成消化道重建的临床效果。方法 远端胃癌患者34例,随机分成两组,A组16例,B组18例。胃次全切除后,A组行残胃与空肠、十二指肠与空肠的端侧吻合,再行空肠侧侧吻合,将胃空肠吻合的输入袢空肠和十二指肠空肠吻合口的输出袢空肠分别结扎阻断,形成完整的连续性间置空肠代胃。B组行Billroth Ⅱ式消化道重建。比较两组患者术后并发症发生率和死亡率;术后1年比较两组患者的Visiek分级指数、血浆白蛋白水平、每餐进食量和体重,并用胃镜检查残胃和吻合口情况。结果 两组患者术后均未出现并发症。术后1年观察,Visiek分级指数两组比较,u=2.1,P〈0.05;差异有统计学意义。A组所有患者平均每日进食量均在术前水平的85%以上,B组只有14人达到该水平。两组手术前后体重减少值比较,t=-2.181,P〈0.05;差异有统计学意义。两组手术前后血浆白蛋白变化值对比,差异有统计学意义(t=2.125,P〈0.05);A组在1年后显著增加,与术前相比(t=-2.175,P〈0.05)差异有统计学意义。手术后1年胃镜复查,A组残胃未发现胆汁反流,吻合口通畅,吻合口黏膜和间置空肠无充血、水肿,而B组发现残胃内胆汁潴留11例(61.1%),吻合口炎症13例(72.2%),吻合口溃疡2例(11.1%)。结论 连续性空肠间置能够恢复消化道生理通道并避免反流性胃炎的发生。  相似文献   

Electrical dysrhythmias in the Roux jejunal limb: cause and treatment   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Electrical dysrhythmias in the Roux limb after Roux gastrojejunostomy are associated with upper gut stasis of food. The aim of this study was to determine the cause of the dysrhythmias and whether they could be eliminated with pacing. A set of four dogs (Group A) underwent three sequential operations: placement of jejunal electrodes at sites corresponding to the Roux limb; construction of a Roux limb without vagotomy, gastrectomy, or gastrojejunostomy; and transthoracic truncal vagotomy. A second set of five dogs (Group B) underwent truncal vagotomy, distal gastrectomy, and Roux gastrojejunostomy with recording electrodes placed on the Roux limb and a pacing electrode situated at the proximal end of the limb. Electrical recordings were obtained on four separate occasions after each operation. In Group A dogs, orad and disordered propagation of jejunal pacesetter potentials occurred in the Roux limb 56 +/- 5% of the time after limb construction but never before construction. The pattern was not changed with vagotomy. In Group B dogs, electrical dysrhythmias in the Roux limb also occurred and were corrected with electrical pacing. We concluded that electrical dysrhythmias in the canine Roux limb are secondary to the jejunal transection done during Roux limb construction, and are not due to gastrectomy, gastroenterostomy, or vagotomy. The dysrhythmias can be corrected with pacing.  相似文献   

腹腔镜全胃切除术后消化道重建是腔镜外科医生面对的难题之一,它关系到手术的成败,因此探索理想的消化道重建方法是临床治疗的重要课题.本文对腹腔镜全胃切除术后消肖化道重建的合理选择和技巧予以评价.  相似文献   

Emptying and peristaltic activity of the esophagus and proximal jejunum were studied using scintigraphy and fluoroscopy documented on videotape in 11 patients after total gastrectomy and Roux-Y loop reconstruction. Impaired esophageal motor function, as judged by both methods, was seen in five patients who were all 50 years of age or older. This was in contrast to the findings in a group of healthy control subjects, all over 50 years of age, in whom esophageal function appeared normal on scintigraphy in five of seven. Disturbed jejunal function, as judged by radiography, was found in eight patients, whereas the emptying rate according to scintigraphy was judged normal in all but two patients. Five of the patients complained of various adverse alimentary tract symptoms, but the scintigraphic and radiographic findings did not correlate with these symptoms.  相似文献   

The author recommends a more effective operative method after Roux-Ridiger with an invagination intestinal anastomosis in the management of severe complications of gastric and duodenal ulcer, particularly in duodenostasis and reconstructive operations for a disease of an operated stomach, and in the postvagotomy syndrome. He carried out 340 economical resections of the stomach after Roux-Ridiger with an invagination intestinal anastomosis in various complications of gastric and duodenal ulcer and the post-gastrectomy and postvagotomy syndromes. The immediate and late-term results of the operation were good. Modified gastric resection after Roux and Ridiger with invagination techniques was performed in 26 experimental dose to study the secretory and motor-emptying function of the gastric stump in the immediate and late-term periods after the operation; the results were good.  相似文献   

498 operations are analyzed. Simplified invagination with shuttle suture is the advantage of proposed method. Postoperative complications were seen in 18.3% patients, lethality was 3.6%. Mild reflux-esophagitis was revealed in 8 (4.9%) of 162 examined patients, cicatricial stricture of I-II degree--in 19 (11.7%) patients. The proposed esophageal-gastric and esophageal-intestinal invagination anastomoses are easy, to make, safe, have high antireflux effect. This modification of invagination anastomoses is recommended in proximal stomach resection and gastrectomy.  相似文献   

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