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 目的: 探讨B淋巴细胞在抗CD45RB抗体诱导的移植免疫耐受中的作用。方法: 抗CD45RB抗体对BALB/c裸鼠进行预处理后制备脾脏单细胞悬液,与BALB/c小鼠T淋巴细胞和C57BL/6小鼠脾细胞混合培养,流式细胞术分析Th1、Th2、Treg和Tm淋巴细胞。以B6.μMT-/-小鼠为受体、BALB/c小鼠为供体建立皮肤移植模型,移植后向受体鼠腹腔注射抗CD45RB单抗,监测脾淋巴细胞CD3+CD45RBhi细胞比例。在混合淋巴培养过程中加入抗CD45RB单抗,分离B细胞,建立以BALB/c小鼠为供体、B6.μMT-/-小鼠为受体的心脏移植模型,通过尾静脉注射B细胞给B6.μMT-/-小鼠,观察受体鼠生存期和B细胞分布。结果: 在裸鼠体内用抗CD45RB抗体处理过的B淋巴细胞,与T淋巴细胞混合培养时,可使Treg和Th2淋巴细胞比例明显升高,Th1淋巴细胞的比例明显下降,Tm细胞无明显变化。在体内B淋巴细胞缺失的情况下,抗CD45RB抗体依然能够降低T细胞表面CD45RB的表达,与对照组B淋巴细胞存在组相比,抗CD45RB抗体对T淋巴细胞表面CD45RB下调更为快速,但最终CD3+CD45RBhi T细胞比例无明显变化。体外抗CD45RB抗体处理过的B淋巴细胞可以延长受体鼠的生存时间。B6.μMT-/-鼠在接受抗CD45RB抗体处理的B细胞并进行同种异体心脏移植后,B细胞可向胸腺迁移。结论: 在抗CD45RB抗体诱导的免疫耐受中,B淋巴细胞可能通过介导各T淋巴细胞亚群比例发挥着重要作用,且在中枢耐受中也起到一定作用,但是仅靠B淋巴细胞无法形成完全耐受。  相似文献   

CBA/Ca mice may be made tolerant to minor histoincompatible B10.BR skin grafts by treatment with a short course of non-depleting anti-mouse CD4 and CD8 monoclonal antibodies (mAb), during the transplantation period. We wished to determine when, in relation to antibody therapy, the T cells became tolerant. This was investigated by a series of adoptive transfer experiments in which mAb-treated cells were removed from therapeutic antibody at defined times after skin grafting, and exposed to fresh antigen in the absence of further mAb treatment. We show here that T cells do not become fully tolerant until 5 weeks after skin grafting. If antibody therapy is continued for the full 5 weeks, T cell tolerance can still be established, suggesting that antibody therapy does not prevent lymphocytes from registering the presence of antigen. Once the tolerant state is established, it is difficult to break that tolerance by lymphocyte infusions from normal donors. This “resistance” is mediated by T cells of the tolerant host. We show that the maintenance of both tolerance and “resistance” requires a continuous supply of antigen. When tolerant cells were “parked” in T celldepleted mice, tolerance and “resistance” were eventually lost by 6 months. In contrast, “parked” cells exposed to fresh antigen at any time up to 4 months remained tolerant and “resistant” indefinitely. Finally, we wished to establish whether “resistance” was peculiar to this form of peripheral tolerance, or whether it might also be present in tolerance considered to be classically central. We observed resistance to be greater in the mAb-treated peripherally tolerant group, but noted that some of the centrally tolerant animals also exhibited a level of resistance above that of T cell-ablated controls. This suggests that a tolerance mechanism whose role is only minor in central tolerance may have a major role in antibody-mediated peripheral tolerance.  相似文献   

章波  粟永萍 《免疫学杂志》2001,17(Z1):75-78
免疫耐受是机体对抗原的无反应状态,它是现代免疫学的重要分支.免疫耐受的各种理论随着研究的发展而得到丰富,各种相关分子更多地被发现.FasL在免疫耐受建立中的作用得到重视;HLA-G与妊娠耐受的关系被证实;在细胞水平上,TH2与TH1的转换对于免疫耐受的诱导有重要作用.免疫耐受研究的进展也给临床带来新的治疗方法,对免疫学的发展起着推动作用.  相似文献   

In this study we show the inheritance of a CD4+CD8+ peripheral T cell population in the H.B15 chicken strain. A large proportion of αβ T cells in peripheral blood (20–40%), spleen (10–20%) and intestinal epithelium (5–10%) co-express CD4 and CD8α, but not CD8β. CD4+ CD8αα cells are functionally normal T cells, since they proliferate in response to mitogens and signals delivered via the αβT cell receptor as well as via the CD28 co-receptor. These cells induce in vivo a graft versus host-reaction, providing further evidence for their function as CD4+ T cells. The CD4+CD8αα T cell population was found in 75% of the first progeny and in 100% of further progenies, demonstrating that co-expression of CD4 and CD8 on peripheral T cells is an inherited phenomenon. In addition, cross-breeding data suggest a dominant Mendelian form of inheritance. The hereditary expression of CD8α on peripheral CD4+ T cells in chicken provides a unique model in which to study the regulation of CD4 and CD8 expression.  相似文献   

目的 探讨CTLA4 Ig重组腺病毒 (AdCTLA4 Ig)促进“脾细胞 (spleencells ,SP) 环磷酰胺 (cyclophosphamide ,CP)”系统诱导移植耐受的作用及其机制。方法 BALB c(H 2 d)小鼠经尾静脉注射C57BL 6(H 2 b,B6)小鼠脾细胞和AdCTLA4 Ig颗粒 ,48h后腹腔注射环磷酰胺 ,并同天进行皮肤移植 ,于耐受 2 5d时对受体小鼠进行混合淋巴细胞反应 (mixedlymphocytereaction ,MLR)、迟发型超敏反应 (delayedtypehypersensitivity ,DTH)等耐受状态的检查。结果 B6小鼠的皮肤移植物在耐受的BALB c小鼠中存活期特异延长。MLR和DTH检验证明BALB c小鼠对B6小鼠的脾细胞产生特异性耐受 ,对无关第三者ICR小鼠的脾细胞仍表现出强烈免疫应答。结论 AdCTLA4 Ig颗粒可以明显促进“细胞 环磷酰胺”诱导的异基因皮肤移植耐受 ;克隆排除和克隆无能是耐受诱导的主要因素  相似文献   

目的:探讨腺病毒介导CTLA4 -FasL基因转移联合应用供者脾细胞输注延长小鼠皮肤移植物存活的作用及其机制。方法:在移植的第0天,C5 7BL 6 (H 2 b,B6 )小鼠经尾静脉注射BALB c(H 2 d)小鼠脾细胞和5×10 9空斑形成单位 毫升(pfu ml)CTLA4 - FasL重组腺病毒(AdCTLA4 - FasL) ,同一天进行皮肤移植,每天观察移植物存活情况。耐受小鼠尾静脉取血,用酶联免疫吸附法(ELISA)测定CTLA4 FasL融合蛋白的体内表达;于第2 0天对受体小鼠进行迟发型超敏反应、单向混和淋巴细胞反应(MLR)、IL- 2逆转试验、过继转移实验和嵌合体检测等耐受状态的检测,以探讨耐受机制。结果:经尾静脉输注供体脾细胞及AdCTLA4 - FasL的B6小鼠,皮肤移植物的平均存活时间达(42 8±2 6 )天(n =6 ) ,而对照的未处理组,绿色荧光蛋白(EGFP)腺病毒处理组,重组腺病毒AdCTLA4Ig组和AdCTLA4 FasL处理组的平均存活时间为(10 .1±0 . 4 1)天(n =6 )、(10-.5±1.4 )天(n =6 )、(12 . 8±1. 1)天(n =6 )、(2 0 .0±2 .5 )天(n =6 ) ,差异具有显著意义(P <0 .-0 1) ;皮肤移植物长期存活的受体小鼠对供体抗原的低应答可以通过脾细胞被过继转移;DTH反应受到抑制、MLR活性特异性降低,且可以被外源性IL 2部分逆转。结论:供体脾细胞输注和腺病毒介导CTLA4 - F  相似文献   

In cell lines the endocytic properties of CD4 are regulated through its association with the src -family tyrosine kinase p56 lck . In lymphoid cell lines expressing p56 lck , CD4 is restricted to the cell surface and undergoes only limited internalization. Phosphorylation of the cytoplasmic domain of CD4 causes p56 lck to dissociate and activates an endocytosis signal leading to the internalization of CD4 through clathrin-coated pits. In p56 lck -negative transfected cell lines CD4 is constitutively internalized, but internalization is inhibited when p56 lck is expressed in these cells. We now demonstrate that these endocytic properties of CD4 determined in transfected cell lines hold true for CD4 naturally expressed on myeloid cell lines (HL-60 and U937), as well as on primary lymphocytes, monocytes and macrophages isolated from human blood. CD4 showed limited internalization on p56 lck -positive lymphocytes, but was rapidly internalized in p56 lck -negative monocytes and macrophages. Surprisingly, rapid internalization of CD4 was seen with the lymphocytes from one unidentified donor. In these cells we failed to detect p56 lck expression by Western blotting.  相似文献   

GVHD is a major complication in allogeneic bone marrow transplantation (BMT). MHC class I mismatching increases GVHD, but in MHC-matched BMT minor histocompatibility antigens (mH) presented by MHC class I result in significant GVHD. To examine the modification of GVHD in the absence of cell surface MHC class I molecules, β2-microglobulin-deficient mice (β2m-/-) were used as allogeneic BMT recipients in MHC- and mH-mismatched transplants. β2m-/- mice accepted MHC class I-expressing BM grafts and developed significant GVHD. MHC (H-2)-mismatched recipients developed acute lethal GVHD. In contrast, animals transplanted across mH barriers developed indolent chronic disease that was eventually fatal. Engrafted splenic T cells in all β2m-/- recipients were predominantly CD3+ αβ TCR+ CD4+ cells (15–20% of all splenocytes). In contrast, CD8+ cells engrafted in very small numbers (1–5%) irrespective of the degree of MHC mismatching. T cells proliferated against recipient strain antigens and recognized recipient strain targets in cytolytic assays. Cytolysis was blocked by anti-MHC class II but not anti-CD8 or anti-MHC class I monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs). Cytolytic CD4+ T cells induced and maintained GVHD in mH-mismatched β2m-/- mice, supporting endogenous mH presentation solely by MHC class II. Conversely, haematopoietic β2m-/- cells were unable to engraft in normal MHC-matched recipients, presumably due to natural killer (NK)-mediated rejection of class I-negative cells. Donor-derived lymphokine-activated killer cells (LAK) were unable to overcome graft rejection (GR) and support engraftment.  相似文献   

CD8 deficiency is a rare primary immunodeficiency caused by the defect of a tyrosine kinase, ZAP-70, which transduces signals from the T cell receptor. We report here a case of CD8 deficiency, having CD4+ T cells with a unique phenotype. The patient's T cells did not respond to anti-CD3 stimulation in vitro, suggesting that they were naive. However, many CD4+ T cells with activated and memory phenotypes, which expressed CD45RO+, HLA-DR+ and CD25+, were present in the peripheral blood, and these cells accumulated in the perivascular area of his infiltrative erythematous skin lesions. The patient's T cells could be activated by a high concentration of phytohaemagglutinin (PHA), indicating the presence of an alternate signalling pathway which bypasses ZAP-70 and activates CD4+ T cells in vivo. The origin and role of activated CD4+ T cells in the pathogenesis involved in the skin lesions are discussed.  相似文献   

目的 以原发性胆汁性肝硬化(primary biliary cirrhosis,PBC)自身抗原诱导PBC小鼠重建外周免疫耐受,探索PBC免疫治疗的新途径.方法 将M2蛋白与新生小鼠的脾淋巴细胞及交联剂1-乙基-3(3-二甲基氨阿基)碳化二亚胺(ECDI)共培养,形成抗原负载的淋巴细胞,随后通过尾静脉注入小鼠体内诱导免疫系统对PBC自身抗原的免疫耐受,同时注射聚肌苷酸胞苷酸(polyI:C)诱导PBC病变,对照组注射与牛血清白蛋白(BSA)共培养的脾细胞,16周后观察小鼠的各项实验室指标,分析重建PBC小鼠外周免疫耐受是否能够有效地阻止病变产生或缓解病程.结果 抗线粒体抗体(AMA):免疫耐受组与BSA对照组、模型对照组相比阳性率显著降低,差异有统计学意义(P=0.007,P=0.003);BSA对照组和模型对照组间无明显差异(P=0.74);免疫耐受组、BSA对照组、模型对照组的碱性磷酸酶(AKP)水平分别为(80.5±9.8)U/L、(93.8±15.7)U/L、(92.5±17.7)U/L;其中BSA组和模型组差异无统计学意义(P=0.83),而免疫耐受组低于BSA组(P=0.0095)和模型对照组(P=0.029);免疫耐受组、BSA对照组、模型对照组的胆管阳性浸润率分别为42.67%±12.30%、57.07%±11.35%、51.53%±9.96%;其中免疫耐受组阳性浸润率低于模型对照组,差异有统计学意义(P=0.039),同时显著低于BSA对照组(P=0.0024),而且BSA对照组和模型对照组比较差异无统计学意义(P=0.167).结论 本实验通过重建外周免疫耐受,在一定程度上抑制了PBC小鼠的病变程度,为今后进一步研究PBC的免疫治疗提供思路.
Objective To investigate a new therapeutic pathway for primary biliary cirrhosis (PBC) by immune tolerance reestablishment in a PBC mouse model. Methods Spleenic cells from naive mice were incubated with M2 in the presence of ECDI and the ceils were injected into caudal vein of the mice which would be used for development of PBC model. Spleenic cells incubated with bovine serum albumin (BSA) were injected as controls. 16 weeks later, anti-mitoehondrial antibody (AMA) , alkaline phosphatase(AKP) and portal inflammation were assayed for evaluating the prevention effect. Results AMA positive rate in tolerance group was lower than that in BSA and PBC groups ( P = 0. 007, P = 0. 003 ). The difference between BSA and PBC was not significantly. Serum AKP levels in tolerance, BSA and PBC group were (80.5 ±9.8) U/L, (93.8 ±15.7) U/L and (92.5 ±17.7) U/L, separately. The level in tolerance group was lower than that in BSA and PBC groups (P =0.0095, P =0.029). The rates of portal areas with cell infiltration were 42. 67% ± 12. 30% , 57. 07% ± 11. 35% and 51. 53% ± 9. 96% , separately. The number of infiltrated portal tracts in tolerance group was less than that in PBC group (P = 0.039) and BSA group (P = 0. 0024). Conclusion PBC was prevented to some extent by reestablishing immune tolerance to M2 autoantigen. This provides clues for finding a better treatment proposal.  相似文献   

To facilitate the establishment of mixed chimerism with limited dose of bone marrow (BM) cells, and to achieve tolerance in skin graft model, combined blocking of costimulatory pathway and IL-2 pathway was used in minimally myeloablative model using busulfan. BM cells (2.5x10(7)) of BALB/c were injected into C57BL/6 mice at day 0 with full thickness skin graft after single dose injection of busulfan (25 mg/kg) on day-1. Recipients were grouped and injected the anti-CD154, CTLA4-Ig, anti-IL-2R at days 0, 2, 4, and 6 according to protocol. Mixed macrochimerism were induced in groups treated with anti-CD154+anti-CTLA4-Ig, anti-CD154+anti-IL-2R, and anti-CD154+anti-CTLA4 Ig+anti-IL-2R. Three groups having chimerism enjoyed prolonged graft survival more than 6 months. Superantigen deletion study revealed deletion of alloreactive T cells in combined blockade treated groups. In graft versus host disease model using CFSE staining, CD4+ T cell and CD8+ T cell proliferation were reduced in groups treated with CTLA4-Ig or anti-IL-2R or both in combination with anti-CD154. However, anti-IL-2R was not so strong as CTLA4-Ig in terms of inhibition of T cell proliferation. In conclusion, IL-2 pathway blocking combined with anti-CD154 can establish macrochimerism with limited dose of BM transplantation and induce specific tolerance to allograft.  相似文献   

Immune dysfunction is well documented during tumor progression and likely contributes to tumor immune evasion. CD8+ cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) are involved in antigen-specific tumor destruction and CD4+ T cells are essential for helping this CD8+ T cell-dependent tumor eradication. Tumors often target and inhibit T-cell function to escape from immune surveillance. This dysfunction includes loss of effector and memory T cells, bias towards type 2 cytokines and expansion of T regulatory (Treg) cells. Curcumin has previously been shown to have antitumor activity and some research has addressed the immunoprotective potential of this plant-derived polyphenol in tumor-bearing hosts. Here we examined the role of curcumin in the prevention of tumor-induced dysfunction of T cell-based immune responses. We observed severe loss of both effector and memory T-cell populations, downregulation of type 1 and upregulation of type 2 immune responses and decreased proliferation of effector T cells in the presence of tumors. Curcumin, in turn, prevented this loss of T cells, expanded central memory T cell (TCM)/effector memory T cell (TEM) populations, reversed the type 2 immune bias and attenuated the tumor-induced inhibition of T-cell proliferation in tumor-bearing hosts. Further investigation revealed that tumor burden upregulated Treg cell populations and stimulated the production of the immunosuppressive cytokines transforming growth factor (TGF)-β and IL-10 in these cells. Curcumin, however, inhibited the suppressive activity of Treg cells by downregulating the production of TGF-β and IL-10 in these cells. More importantly, curcumin treatment enhanced the ability of effector T cells to kill cancer cells. Overall, our observations suggest that the unique properties of curcumin may be exploited for successful attenuation of tumor-induced suppression of cell-mediated immune responses.  相似文献   

Regulatory T (Treg) cells may participate in mediating a suppressive microenvironment that blunts successful anti-tumor immunotherapy. Recent studies show that CD8+ Treg cells might impede effective immune responses to established tumors. However, there is limited research regarding CD8+ Treg cells in ovarian cancer (OC) patients. Here, we investigated CD8+ Treg cells in OC patients and their in vitro induction. The immunohistochemistry of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes revealed a significant correlation between the intratumoral CD8+ T cells and the forkhead box p3 (Foxp3)+ cells in the intraepithelial and stromal areas of advanced OC tissues. We examined the expression of Treg markers in CD8+ T cells from the peripheral blood and fresh tumor tissues of OC patients using flow cytometry. Our results indicated an increase in the CD8+ Treg cell subsets of OC patients compared with those in patients with benign ovarian tumors and healthy controls, including an increased expression of CD25, cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 (CTLA-4), and Foxp3 and decreased CD28 expression. To demonstrate whether the tumor microenvironment could convert CD8+ effector T cells into suppressor cells, we used an in vitro transwell culturing system. Compared with the CD8+ T cells cultured alone, the CD8+ Treg cells induced in vitro by coculture with SK-OV-3/A2780 showed increased CTLA-4 and Foxp3 expression and decreased CD28 expression. In addition, the in vitro-induced CD8+ Treg cells inhibited naïve CD4+ T-cell proliferation, which was partially mediated through TGF-β1 and IFN-γ. Our study suggests that CD8+ Treg cells were increased in OC patients and could be induced in vitro, which may be the way that tumors limit antitumor immunity and evade immune surveillance.  相似文献   

We examined the kinetics of intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) and the incidence of apoptosis at villus or crypt sites during the development of non-irradiated acute graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). The first IEL to increase were host-origin on day 3 and the donor-derived IEL appeared first on day 12 after GVHD induction. Unique CD3+CD4+CD8α/α+ IEL were significantly increased on day 6 and an appreciable number of IEL bearing T cell receptor Vβ capable of recognizing self-superantigen were detected on day 9. The sudden appearance of apoptosis and reduction of mitotic activity occurred on day 12, accompanied by a dramatic decrease of CD3+CD4?CD8α/α+ IEL of host origin. CD8α/α+ IEL of host origin, which expand and then decrease by apoptosis at the early stage of acute GVHD, may be associated with pathogenesis of the enteropathy occurring during acute GVHD.  相似文献   

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients with early elevations of antibodies against collagen type II (CII) have a distinct acute onset phenotype, associated with cytokine induction by surface‐bound anti‐CII‐containing immune complexes (ICs) and high C‐reactive protein (CRP) and erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR). Polymorphonuclear granulocytes (PMNs) and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) are abundant in the vicinity of CII in RA joints, and both PMN and PBMC reactivity against anti‐CII IC individually relate to early joint destruction and early elevation of CRP and ESR in RA. We searched for CII‐dependent mechanisms that might attract PMNs and PBMCs to RA joints. Human PBMCs and PMNs were stimulated with anti‐CII ICs and control ICs, either individually or in cocultures. Cocultured PMNs and PBMCs stimulated with anti‐CII ICs synergistically augmented production of the chemokines CXCL8, RANTES and MCP‐1, whereas downregulation was seen with control IC. This upregulation was unique to chemokines, as TNF‐α, IL‐1β, and GM‐CSF were downregulated in anti‐CII IC‐stimulated cocultures. The coculture‐associated chemokine upregulation depended on endogenous TLR4 ligand(s) and functionally active PMN enzymes, and was partially mediated by GM‐CSF. As anti‐CII levels peak around the time of RA diagnosis, this mechanism can attract inflammatory cells to joints in early RA and intensify the anti‐CII‐associated acute onset RA phenotype.  相似文献   

目的 分析不同临床乙型肝炎病毒(HBV)慢性感染者外周血中CD4+CD25high调节性T细胞(Treg)的水平及其与各种临床指标的关系.方法 采集35例不同临床表现成年慢性HBV感染者(HBsAb+组5例、非活动肝炎组8例、活动肝炎组12例、免疫耐受期组10例)及12例健康成人外周血标本,流式细胞仪分析外周血中CD4+CD25high Treg含量,ELISA法检测HBsAg、HBsAb、HBeAg、HBeAb、HBcAb,RT-PCR法检测HBV DNA载量,同时进行肝脏生化功能检测,并进行统计学分析.结果 HBV慢性感染者[(12.35±6.48)个/μl;(1.82 4-0.87)%)]及健康成人外周血标本[(8.91±3.11)个/μl,(1.35±0.39)%]中CD4+CD25highTreg绝对计数和其占CD4+T细胞百分含量差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05);分组分析发现,免疫耐受期组CD4+CD25highTreg占CD4T细胞百分含量高于HBsAb+组、活动肝炎组及健康对照组(P<0.05);免疫耐受期组CD4+CD25highTreg绝对计数高于健康对照组(P<0.05);余各组间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).分析CD4+CD25highTreg含量与临床指标间相关性发现,CD4+CD25highTreg占CD4+T细胞百分含量与丙氨酸氨基转移酶(ALT)水平呈负相关(r=-0.418,P=0.038),与CD4/CD8比值呈正相关(r=0.344,P=0.021),与HBV DNA水平无相关性(r=0.118,P>0.05);CD4+CD25highTreg绝对计数与CD4/CD8比值呈正相关(r=0.360,P=0.015),与ALT水平及HBV DNA水平无相关性(r=-0.211,r=-0.060,P>0.05).结论 CD4+CD25highTreg在HBV慢性感染的免疫发病机制中可能发挥一定作用.  相似文献   

In addition to thymic T cell selection, post-thymic mechanisms of tolerance induction are required to eliminate autoreactive T cells with specificities for peripheral self antigens. While CD8+ T cells can recognize their target antigen on a wide variety of cell types, CD4+ T cells generally depend on the presence of specialized antigen-presenting cells. Because of this fundamental difference in antigen recognition peripheral tolerance of CD4+ T cells appears more difficult to achieve than of CD8+ T cells. Utilizing T cell receptor (TCR)-transgenic mice in which CD4+ T cells specific for a pancreatic β cell neoantigen (the simian virus 40 T antigen) are constantly generated at low frequency, we have now established a mouse model of peripheral, tissue-specific CD4+ T cell tolerance. In these animals, tolerance is preceded by a phase of activation of the autoreactive T cells as characterized by up-regulation of CD69 and CD44, and down-regulation of the L-selectin lymph node homing receptor. T antigen-specific T cells bearing this phenotype can be detected in the local lymphoid environment of the pancreas but not in more remote locations like axillary or inguinal lymph nodes. The proportion of activated, autoreactive T cells is maximal at 2–3 weeks of age, after which these cells are gradually deleted from the peripheral lymphocyte pool. We further demonstrate that deletion of the autoreactive T cells does not occur in TCR-tansgenic mice bred to the RAG-1-deficient background in which the transgenic T cells represent the only functional lymphocyte population.  相似文献   

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