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Death doulas (DD) are working with people at the end of life in varied roles with more clarity needed around their role and place within the health and social care systems. The aim of this work is to explore the DD role in end-of-life care from the perspective of DDs. A sub-group of 20 DDs from a larger quantitative survey participated in semi-structured telephone Skype or Zoom interviews. Interview data were analysed using thematic analysis. Seven themes emerged from the qualitative analysis: what a DD offers, what a DD does, challenges and barriers, occupational preferences, family support, contract of service/fee and regulation. There is a general perception that healthcare professionals (HCP) do not understand what it is that DDs do; thus, the current study has helped to demystify the DD role and potentially reduce suspicion. The lack of a DD business model sees inconsistencies in what services each DD offers and what patients and families can expect. End of life is complex and confusing for patients and families and there is a need to further explore the DD role and how it can work when there are many inconsistencies in working practice. More research is required to look at the interplay among DDs, HCPs and palliative care volunteers in addressing the gaps in care provision and how these relationships might be more seamlessly managed.  相似文献   

In Canada, health system restructuring has led to a greater focus on home‐based palliative care as an alternative to institutionalised palliative care. However, little is known about the effect of this change on end‐of‐life care costs and the extent to which the financial burden of care has shifted from the acute care public sector to families. The purpose of this study was to assess the societal costs of end‐of‐life care associated with two places of death (hospital and home) using a prospective cohort design in a home‐based palliative care programme. Societal cost includes all costs incurred during the course of palliative care irrespective of payer (e.g. health system, out‐of‐pocket, informal care‐giving costs, etc.). Primary caregivers of terminal cancer patients were recruited from the Temmy Latner Centre for Palliative Care in Toronto, Canada. Demographic, service utilisation, care‐giving time, health and functional status, and death data were collected by telephone interviews with primary caregivers over the course of patients' palliative trajectory. Logistic regression was conducted to model an individual's propensity for home death. Total societal costs of end‐of‐life care and component costs were compared between home and hospital death using propensity score stratification. Costs were presented in 2012 Canadian dollars ($1.00CDN = $1.00USD). The estimated total societal cost of end‐of‐life care was $34,197.73 per patient over the entire palliative trajectory (4 months on average). Results showed no significant difference (P > 0.05) in total societal costs between home and hospital death patients. Higher hospitalisation costs for hospital death patients were replaced by higher unpaid caregiver time and outpatient service costs for home death patients. Thus, from a societal cost perspective, alternative sites of death, while not associated with a significant change in total societal cost of end‐of‐life care, resulted in changes in the distribution of costs borne by different stakeholders.  相似文献   

Understanding the temporal trends in the place of death among patients in receipt of home‐based palliative care can help direct health policies and planning of health resources. This paper aims to assess the temporal trends in place of death and its determinants over the past decade for patients receiving home‐based palliative care. This paper also examines the impact of early referral to home‐based palliative care services on patient's place of death. Survey data collected in a home‐based end‐of‐life care program in Toronto, Canada from 2005 to 2015 were analysed using a multivariate logistic model. The results suggest that the place of death for patients in receipt of home‐based palliative care has changed over time, with more patients dying at home over 2006–2015 when compared to 2005. Also, early referral to home‐based palliative care services may not increase a patient's likelihood of home death. Understanding the temporal shifts of place of death and the associated factors is essential for effective improvements in home‐based palliative care programs and the development of end‐of‐life care policies.  相似文献   

Despite the widespread use of Health Care Support Workers (HCSWs) in providing palliative and end‐of‐life care, there is little information available about their contributions towards supporting patients who want to be cared for at home or to die at home. Between January and April 2011, a systematic review was conducted to address two questions: (i) What particular tasks/roles do HCSWs perform when caring for people at the end of life and their families to comply with their desire to remain at home?; (ii) What are the challenges and supporting factors that influence HCSWs’ ability to provide palliative and end‐of‐life care in the community? Databases searched for relevant articles published between 1990 until April 2011 included CINAHL, EMBASE, PsychINFO, British Nursing Index, Web of Science, Medline and ASSIA. In total, 1695 papers were identified and their titles and abstracts were read. Ten papers met the eligibility criteria of the study. After the methodological quality of the studies was appraised, nine papers were included in the review. Judgements regarding eligibility and quality were undertaken independently by the authors. The findings indicate that HCSWs invest a great deal of their time on emotional and social support as well as on assisting in the provision of personal care. They are also involved in providing care for the dying, respite care for family members and offer domestic support. Although it is important to acknowledge the many positive aspects that HCSWs provide, the findings suggest three challenges in the HCSWs role: emotional attachment, role ambiguity and inadequate training. Support factors such as informal peer grief‐support groups, sense of cohesiveness among HCSWs and task orientation enabled HCSWs to overcome these challenges. To conclude, induction and training programmes, a defined period of preceptorship, appropriate support, supervision and clearly defined role boundaries may be helpful in reducing the challenges identified in HCSWs’ roles.  相似文献   

This is the second in a series of papers that deal with care‐giving in Canada, as based on data available from the Canadian General Social Survey (2007). Building on the first paper, which reviewed the differences between short‐term, long‐term and end‐of‐life (EOL) caregivers, this paper uniquely examines the caregiver supports employed by EOL caregivers when compared to non‐EOL caregivers (short‐term and long‐term caregivers combined). Both papers employ data from Statistics Canada's General Social Survey (GSS Cycle 21: 2007). The GSS includes three modules, where respondents were asked questions about the unpaid home care assistance that they had provided in the last 12 months to someone at EOL or with either a long‐term health condition or a physical limitation. The objective of this research paper was to investigate the link between the impact of the care‐giving experience and the caregiver supports received, while also examining the differences in these across EOL and non‐EOL caregivers. By way of factor analysis and regression modelling, we examine differences between two types of caregivers: (i) EOL and (ii) non‐EOL caregivers. The study revealed that with respect to socio‐demographic characteristics, health outcomes and caregiver supports, EOL caregivers were consistently worse off. This suggests that although all non‐EOL caregivers are experiencing negative impacts from their care‐giving role, comparatively greater supports are needed for EOL caregivers.  相似文献   

Supportive and palliative care at the end of life (EOL) is a core component of health systems. Providing care at the EOL may require the interaction of several care providers working in different settings including nursing homes, home care, hospices, and hospitals. This work aims to (a) provide evidence on the performance of EOL care for cancer patients across healthcare organizations, with a focus on the place of care, aggressive treatments, opioids, and the place of death and (b) analyze factors associated with dying in hospital. A population‐based retrospective study was performed using administrative data from Tuscany region (Italy). Thirteen thousand sixty‐six cancer patients who died in 2016 were considered. There is a marked variability in EOL care within regional areas, with the multilevel logistic regression highlighting a greater likelihood of dying in hospital for patients who were admitted to intensive care units or previously hospitalized. There is a lower probability of dying in acute care setting for patients assisted in hospices and in both hospital and hospices/home care and for patients treated with opioids. This intraregional variation highlights the need to improve EOL planning and rethink the delivery of supportive/palliative care. Further investigations on the preferences of patients may lead to more understanding.  相似文献   

Using data from Statistic Canada's General Social Survey Cycle 21 (GSS 2007), this study explores whether differences exist in the impacts of care‐giving among three groups of caregivers providing informal care either in the caregiver's or recipient's home, or in other locations within the community: (i) those providing end‐of‐life (EOL) care (n = 471); (ii) those providing long‐term care (more than 2 years) for someone with a chronic condition or long‐term illness (n = 2722); and (iii) those providing short‐term care (less than 2 years) for someone with a chronic condition or long‐term illness (n = 2381). This study lays out the variation in sociodemographic characteristics across the three caregiver groups while also building on our understanding of the differential impacts of care‐giving through an analysis of determinants. All three groups of caregivers shared a number of sociodemographic characteristics, including being female, married, employed and living in a Census Metropolitan Area (CMA). With respect to health, EOL caregivers were found to have significantly higher levels of ‘fair or poor’ self‐assessed health than the other two groups. Overall, the findings suggest that EOL caregivers are negatively impacted by the often additional role of care‐giving, more so than both short‐term and long‐term caregivers. EOL caregivers experienced a higher proportion of negative impacts on their social and activity patterns. Furthermore, EOL caregivers incurred greater financial costs than the other two types of informal caregivers. The impacts of EOL care‐giving also negatively influence employment for caregivers when compared with the other caregiver groups. Consequently, EOL caregivers, overall, experienced greater negative impacts, including negative health outcomes, than did long‐term or short‐term caregivers. This provides the evidence for the assertion that EOL care‐giving is the most intense type of care‐giving, potentially causing the greatest caregiver burden; this is shown through the greater negative impacts experienced by the EOL caregivers when compared with the short‐term and long‐term caregivers.  相似文献   

Despite the devastating impact of HIV/AIDS, end‐of‐life care planning among lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) communities is relatively under‐researched, especially in Australia. This paper reports findings of a survey of 305 LGBT people living in New South Wales, which examined their knowledge of and attitudes towards end‐of‐life care. The focus of this paper is their preparedness to discuss with healthcare providers any end‐of‐life care plans. The results highlight that while the majority of respondents were aware of three of the four key end‐of‐life care planning options available in New South Wales – enduring powers of attorney, enduring guardians and person responsible (only a minority had heard of advance healthcare directives) – a much smaller number of people had actually taken up these options. Only a minority of respondents were able to identify correctly who had the legal right to make treatment decisions for a person who is unconscious following a car accident. A small proportion of people had discussed end‐of‐life care options with general practitioners or another main healthcare provider, and only in very few cases were these issues raised by the practitioners themselves. Those most likely to not feel comfortable discussing these issues with practitioners included younger people, those not fully open about their sexuality to family members, and transgender people and others who do not define their gender as male or female. The paper highlights the importance of education strategies to raise awareness of the end‐of‐life care planning options among LGBT people, as well as strategies for increasing health providers' preparedness to discuss these issues with LGBT patients.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to describe the expectations and experiences of end‐of‐life care of older people resident in care homes, and how care home staff and the healthcare practitioners who visited the care home interpreted their role. A mixed‐method design was used. The everyday experience of 121 residents from six care homes in the East of England were tracked; 63 residents, 30 care home staff with assorted roles and 19 National Health Service staff from different disciplines were interviewed. The review of care home notes demonstrated that residents had a wide range of healthcare problems. Length of time in the care homes, functional ability or episodes of ill‐health were not necessarily meaningful indicators to staff that a resident was about to die. General Practitioner and district nursing services provided a frequent but episodic service to individual residents. There were two recurring themes that affected how staff engaged with the process of advance care planning with residents; ‘talking about dying’ and ‘integrating living and dying’. All participants stated that they were committed to providing end‐of‐life care and supporting residents to die in the care home, if wanted. However, the process was complicated by an ongoing lack of clarity about roles and responsibilities in providing end‐of‐life care, doubts from care home and primary healthcare staff about their capacity to work together when residents’ trajectories to death were unclear. The findings suggest that to support this population, there is a need for a pattern of working between health and care staff that can encourage review and discussion between multiple participants over sustained periods of time.  相似文献   

Planners, actuaries, and others involved in forecasting capacity and costs must manipulate historical data. Data from calendar/financial year totals have been assumed to be adequate and reliable. This relies on the assumption that year‐to‐year differences do not arise from patterns concealed in the data. While the seasonal cycle is widely recognized, longer term patterns such as disease outbreaks will act to modify annual demand and costs. Monthly data relating to deaths in local government areas in England and Wales are used to demonstrate curious semipermanent bursts of high behavior. There is no seasonal pattern for the start of these events, and the sudden switch to high deaths can occur at any time, even in immediately adjacent areas. Higher deaths and related demand and costs endure for around 12 months before they suddenly revert to the former level where they stay until the next of these curious high events. In England and Wales (and many other countries), a period of unexplained higher deaths, reduced life expectancy, and health care and life insurance costs since 2011 appears to be coming to an end and looks to have arisen from a coincidence of these events at sub‐national level.  相似文献   

Current health and social care systems do not always meet the needs of the dying in our communities. As a result, patients and families are choosing to place their trust in those who can advocate for them or fill the gaps in care. Birth Doulas have been working with women during pregnancy and after birth for many years, and we are now seeing a new role, that of a Death Doula emerging in the end‐of‐life care space. How Death Doulas work within health and social care systems is not understood and we conducted a systematic review to explore the published literature to explore the role and potential implications for models of care delivery. Following the PRISMA recommendations, we searched the literature in January 2018 via bibliographic databases and the grey literature without search date parameters to capture all published literature. We looked for articles that describe the role/work of a death doula or a death midwife in the context of end‐of‐life care, or death and dying. Our search retrieved 162 unique records of which five papers were included. We analysed the papers in relation to relationship to health service, funding source, number and demand for services, training, licensing and ongoing support, and tasks undertaken. Death Doulas are working with people at the end of life in varied roles that are still little understood, and can be described as similar to that of “an eldest daughter” or to a role that has similarities to specialist palliative care nurses. Death doulas may represent a new direction for personalised care directly controlled by the dying person, an adjunct to existing services, or an unregulated form of care provision without governing oversight.  相似文献   

Objectives: To determine age group‐ and cause‐of‐death‐specific contributions to area socioeconomic status (SES), sex and remoteness life expectancy inequalities. Methods: Mortality and estimated residential population data from New South Wales, Australia, over 2010–2012 was used to calculate life expectancy. Inequalities by sociodemographic groups were partitioned into age group‐ and cause‐of‐death‐specific contributions. Results: The largest contributions to SES differentials in life expectancy were observed at 60–84 years of age; for cancer, cardiovascular, endocrine and respiratory causes of death; and additionally external causes of death for males. Sex inequalities ranged from 3.6 to 5.2 years, with common causes of death such as cardiovascular disease and cancer in late adulthood (60+ years) accounting for the bulk of the differences. Smaller differences in life expectancy were observed by remoteness, with the largest contributions observed in ages 85 years and above, and for cardiovascular, mental, cancer and external causes of death. Conclusions: Common causes of death in late adulthood accounted for the bulk of life expectancy inequalities. Implications for public health: Development of policy and interventions aimed at addressing social determinants, such as proposed by the WHO's Global Plan of Action, are needed to help reduce sociodemographic inequalities in lifespan.  相似文献   

In developed countries, residential aged care facilities (RACFs) are increasingly becoming the place of care and site of death for older people with complex chronic illnesses. Consequently, it is becoming ever more relevant for these facilities to provide appropriate complex, as well as end‐of‐life care for this growing group of people. Evidence‐based guidelines for providing a ‘palliative approach’ were developed and introduced in Australia in 2004, with the emphasis on improving symptom control earlier in the disease trajectory. The aim of the study reported here was to explore the extent to which a palliative approach was being used in the organisation and provision of care for older people with complex needs living in mixed‐level (a combination of low‐ and high‐level care) RACFs. This paper primarily reports on the qualitative findings. Two residential aged care organisations, one in rural New South Wales and the other in Sydney, Australia, participated. Data were collected over a 9‐month period from May until December 2008. Residents, family members and aged care staff were interviewed. Thematic analysis of participant interviews shows that while the various elements of a palliative approach are incorporated into the care of high‐level care residents, the discourse itself is not used. In this paper, we argue for a new conceptualisation of care for people in mixed‐level care facilities: a community‐of‐care, in which a palliative approach is one of several components of the care provided. The findings illuminate aged care staff experiences of providing care to high‐level care residents. They also provide valuable insights into high‐level care residents’ perceptions of their health, care provided and the way in which they foresee their care being provided in future. These findings will be important for informing clinical practice, research and policy in these settings.  相似文献   

Palliative care patients who live alone report greater psychological distress, and are less likely to die at home than those living with a family carer. However, there is a lack of research on the value of models of care that specifically address this disadvantage. This article describes the experiences of terminally ill ‘home alone’ people using one of two models of care aimed at maintaining participants’ need for independent living, focusing on the effect of these two models of care on their physical, social and emotional needs. Twenty six palliative care patients of Silver Chain Hospice Care, in Western Australia, were randomly assigned to either having a personal alarm or additional care‐aide hours in their home. An in‐depth qualitative study was conducted in two phases in 2010 using face‐to‐face interviews. The care‐aide model of care resulted in benefits such as easing the burden of everyday living; supporting well‐being; enhancing quality of life and preserving a sense of dignity; and reducing loneliness and isolation. The personal alarm model of care imparted a sense of security; provided peace of mind; and helped to deal with feelings of isolation. Participants in both groups felt that they could remain at home longer. By providing a safer, more secure environment through the use of a personal alarm or additional care‐aide hours, patients were able to continue their activities of daily living, could build a sense of ‘normality’ into their lives, and they could live independently through support and dignity.  相似文献   

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