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孟庆跃 《中国卫生政策研究》2017,10(7):1-5
卫生政策与体系研究在过去二十年得到了较快发展,对促进卫生政策科学决策和加强卫生体系建设发挥了重要作用。本文总结了卫生政策与体系研究主要进展,提出了未来发展的趋势,并分析了中国卫生政策与体系研究面临的形势和任务。 相似文献
孟庆跃 《中国卫生政策研究》2020,13(10):14-19
在实施健康中国战略背景下,对卫生政策与体系研究的需求将持续增长。提升卫生政策与体系研究能力是产出高质量研究证据和促进科学决策的关键。国际上对卫生政策与体系研究能力的研究主要聚焦于个人、机构及环境等维度。发展中国家往往通过短期培训和学位教育培养研究力量,并试图通过薪酬待遇、评价机制改革及能力发展计划等吸引和留住高质量人才。加强卫生政策与体系研究网络建设是提高卫生政策与体系研究机构水平的重要举措。此外,包括资金支持、循证决策文化在内的支撑环境为卫生政策与体系研究能力提供了发展基础。我国卫生政策与体系研究能力的发展呈现积极态势,研究人员已具备一定规模,研究经费整体呈上升趋势,已有较为稳定的研究产出,循证决策文化也日益改善。但也应当认识到,我国卫生政策与体系研究能力仍然难以满足政策需求,也与发达国家有明显的差距,不同地区和机构之间研究能力差距明显,现有的评价机制往往忽略研究的政策应用价值,成果转化能力需要提高。 相似文献
目的:描述2008—2017年我国卫生政策与体系研究领域相关中英文文章的发表情况,分析我国卫生政策与体系研究的研究能力变化和挑战,提出我国卫生政策与体系研究的发展建议。方法:以泰国卫生部国际卫生研究所提供的检索词为基础,在Scopus、PubMed、Web of Science三个数据库中检索英文文章;中文文章按照标准从《中国卫生经济》和《中国卫生政策研究》中纳入。结果:经过检索及筛选,本研究最终纳入英文文章1 488篇,中文文章3 227篇。2008—2017年,中国相关的卫生政策与体系研究英文文章数量由2008年的72篇增长到2017年的244篇。中英文文章中,发文量前五位的“985工程”高校的优势明显。中英文文章的研究热点一致性较高,且明显体现出我国卫生体系和政策改革的特点。资助方面,受资助的卫生政策与体系研究文章数量越来越多,中文文章的受资助比例由35.06%增长到68.75%;英文文章的受资助比例由47.22%增长到68.03%。受国内资助的文章占比增长明显。结论:近十年来,我国相关的卫生政策与体系研究文章增长迅速,国内研究者的研究能力明显提高,在文章数量增长的同时,应重视研究质量以及政策可行性,从而进一步提高我国卫生政策与体系研究能力。 相似文献
目的:描述我国卫生政策与体系研究政策转化情况,分析影响卫生政策转化的主要因素。方法:本研究利用问卷调查、关键人物访谈中有关政策转化的指标,从环境、研究者、政策转化过程及政策制定者四个维度,对我国的卫生政策与体系研究政策转化情况进行评估。结果:2015—2017年,65.79%的研究机构认为我国循证决策文化改善,卫生政策与体系研究需求增加,超过半数的研究者认为相关研究资助情况改善。2017年,平均每所研究机构产出10.84篇英文文章、52.79篇中文文章、11.39篇研究报告及14.39篇会议论文,政策简报的数量仅为4.53篇。卫生部门是研究成果的主要传播对象。对阻碍政策转化的因素进行评分,研究机构与政策制定者之间缺乏有效的沟通以及政策建议的可行性方面评分最高。结论:整体来说,我国卫生政策与体系研究的政策转化情况有所改善,但尚待规范的循证决策过程,不够畅通的沟通渠道,不恰当的成果传播形式及有限的卫生政策与体系研究能力仍是政策转化过程中关键的阻碍因素。 相似文献
卫生政策研究特点及信息资源利用 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
代涛 《中国卫生政策研究》2008,1(1):58-62
本文从卫生政策研究的主要特点出发,分析了卫生政策研究信息除具有自然科学与社会科学文献信息的基本特点之外,还具有信息资源丰富、来源渠道广泛、检索方法复杂、获取难度大等特点,对决策者和政策研究者获取卫生政策研究信息造成了一定困难,并在此基础上提出了进行卫生政策研究信息资源整合的重要意义。 相似文献
随着远程医疗的各种优势不断展现,其应用领域逐渐扩展。在目前信息时代的条件下,基层官兵的医疗卫生保障不断步入信息化管理,远程医疗逐渐应用到基层官兵的医疗卫生保障之中,并起到了越来越重要的作用。通过阐述远程医疗发展的概况,对远程医疗在基层官兵医疗卫生保障中的作用进行分析,进而对远程医疗有了更充分的认识,远程医疗在基层官兵医疗卫生保障中具有广阔的应用前景。 相似文献
目的:描述我国卫生政策与体系研究领域科研项目及经费现状,分析存在的问题,为促进研究能力提高提供建议。方法:通过问卷调查和关键人物深度访谈,从科研项目数量及分布、主题情况等方面进行分析。通过公开资料梳理,从项目数量与分布、主题情况等方面对国家自然科学基金的资助情况进行分析。结果:2015—2017年平均每个机构每年开展科研项目26.25项,涉及主题为卫生筹资、服务提供、卫生人力等;平均每个机构每年的科研经费为529.00万元;63.16%的研究机构来自国内的经费资助多于来自国际的经费资助,政府来源经费占全部经费比例为44.23%;财务管理方面,科研经费通常由上一级机构的财务管理部门通过预决算机制进行管理。2008—2017年,共有116家机构获得国家自然科学基金资助,平均每个机构获得项目数为4.81项、所获得资助金额为169.06万元,主要研究为卫生服务提供相关主题。结论:我国卫生政策与体系研究科研项目数量及经费快速增长,但主要集中于发达地区的研究机构,存在地区不平衡现象;国际资助呈现下降趋势,国内来源占比越来越高;经费管理机制在逐步调整,但不同机构落实方面存在差异。 相似文献
BackgroundPre-ACA, less than 6% of children with disabilities were uninsured, compared with more than 42% of young adults with disabilities ages 19–25. Individuals with disabilities face greater barriers to health care access upon transition into adulthood.ObjectivesWe examined whether the ACA dependent coverage provision and Medicaid expansion improved the transition from pediatric to adult healthcare systems by reducing the gap in insurance coverage and access to care between teens and young adults with disabilities.MethodsUsing cross-sectional data from the 2006–2009 and 2011–2015 National Health Interview Survey (n = 10,136), we estimate the change in insurance coverage and access to care from pre-to post-ACA time periods for teens (ages 13–18) and young adults (ages 19–25) with disabilities in a difference-in-differences model. We completed the same analyses for these groups in Medicaid expansion and non-expansion states.ResultsBoth teens and young adults with disabilities made significant gains in insurance coverage (4.55 and 8.96% point gains respectively, p < .001) and access to care (4.01 and 3.14% points decline in delayed care due to cost, p < .05) under the dependent coverage provision and Medicaid expansion.ConclusionsMedicaid expansion had a greater impact on both insurance coverage and on access to care than did the dependent coverage provision. The benefits of these changes flowed primarily to young adults with disabilities, reducing the gaps in insurance coverage between teens and young adults, and expanding access to care for both groups, providing a more seamless transition from pediatric to adult health care systems, post-ACA. 相似文献
Yves Eggli Pierre Stadelmann Romain Piaget-Rossel Joachim Marti 《Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands)》2019,123(12):1275-1281
Switzerland is the world’s second largest spender on health care, both per capita and as a share of the Gross Domestic Product (GDP). The Swiss health care system is a federation of 26 cantonal systems with highly fragmented provision and financing of care, leading to important geographical disparities in expenditures. We propose a simple conceptual framework to guide the decomposition of health care expenditures into five core components (i.e. demography, propensity to use health services, substitution between domains of care, quantity of services delivered, and unit price of these services), with the objective of better understanding the drivers of geographic variation. We illustrate this framework using aggregated insurance data from 85 % of the 2006 insured population and measure cross-cantonal variation disaggregated into these five components. Results obtained indicated a West-East gradient of controllable costs after adjusting for demography and propensity to use health services. Moreover, we found specific explanations for cost overruns: visits to physicians in private practice in some cantons, and, e.g., outpatient hospital care or variations in drug related expenses in others. This shows that the simple proposed approach provides interesting insights into the drivers of cost differences between regions, specifically in terms of substitution among health services, quantity of delivered services, and their prices. 相似文献
Lynden Crowshoe Anika Sehgal Stephanie Montesanti Cheryl Barnabe Andrea Kennedy Adam Murry Pamela Roach Michael Green Cara Bablitz Esther Tailfeathers Rita Henderson 《Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands)》2021,125(6):725-731
In 2015, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada released its Final Report with 94 Calls to Action, several of which called upon the health care sector to reform based on the principles of reconciliation. In the province of Alberta, Canada, numerous initiatives have arisen to address the health legacy Calls to Action, yet there is no formal mechanism to connect them all. As such, these initiatives have resulted in limited improvements overall. Recognizing the need for clear leadership, responsibility, and dedicated funding, stakeholders from across Alberta were convened in the Spring of 2019 for two full-day roundtable meetings to provide direction for a proposed Canadian Institutes of Health Research Network Environment for Indigenous Health Research that focused on primary health care and policy research. The findings from these roundtable meetings were synthesized and integrated into the foundational principles of the Indigenous Primary Health Care and Policy Research (IPHCPR) Network. The IPHCPR Network has envisioned a renewed and transformed primary health care system to achieve Indigenous health equity, aligned with principles and health legacy Calls to Action advocated by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada. 相似文献
Aldona Frączkiewicz-Wronka Iwona Kowalska-Bobko Anna Sagan Martyna Wronka-Pośpiech 《Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands)》2019,123(10):906-911
Seniors Councils are advisory and consultative bodies that support local political decision-making to assure that the views of older people are taken into account in the decision-making process. Senior Councils are particularly relevant with regard to social policies and health policies. Seniors councils have appeared since the 1970s in Europe and since the early 2000s in Poland. The number of Seniors Councils in Poland has grown in recent years thanks to favorable legislative changes in 2013 and 2015. Since 2015, the local executive administration is obliged to establish a Seniors Council if there is local demand for such a council. The influence of senior councils is likely to grow over the coming years, given the ageing of the population and the related increasing importance of older citizens in the electorate, especially for local political leaders. Seniors Councils can support better informed local decision-making by helping to identify local needs and contributing to a better allocation of scarce resources. They may also help to draw more resources to health promotion and primary prevention for older people in an environment of financial constraints and a health care system that traditionally prioritizes curative care. 相似文献
The publication of Best Research for Best Health highlighted the need for the NHS Service and Delivery Organisation (SDO) Programme to develop a programme of research on public health service delivery and organization. This paper reviews the need for this research by reviewing recent policy documents and public health research activity. The paper outlines the role of the SDO Programme in relation to other current developments and discusses how these respond to the need to develop research on public health and what the research priorities are. 相似文献
Kayvan Bozorgmehr Mariya Samuilova Roumyana Petrova-Benedict Enrico Girardi Pierluca Piselli Alexander Kentikelenis 《Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands)》2019,123(9):882-887
BackgroundSystematic information on infectious disease services provided to refugees and asylum seekers in the European Union (EU) is sparse. We conducted a scoping study of experts in six EU countries in order to map health system responses related to infectious disease prevention and control among refugees and asylum seekers.MethodsWe conducted 27 semi-structured in-depth interviews with first-line staff and health officials to collect information about existing guidelines and practices at each stage of reception in first-entry (Greece/Italy), transit (Croatia/Slovenia), and destination countries (Austria/Sweden). Thematic coding was used to perform a content analysis of interview material.ResultsGuidance on infectious disease screening and health assessments lack standardisation across and—partly—within countries. Data collection on notifiable infectious diseases is mainly reported to be performed by national public health institutions, but is not stratified by migrant status. Health-related information is not transferred in a standardized way between facilities within a single country. International exchange of medical information between countries along the migration route is irregular. Services were reported to be fragmented, and respondents mentioned no specific coordination bodies beyond health authorities at different levels.ConclusionInfectious disease health services provided to refugees and asylum seekers lack standardisation in health assessments, data collection, transfer of health-related information and (partly) coordination. This may negatively affect health system performance including public health emergency preparedness. 相似文献
目的:描述我国卫生政策与体系研究领域人力资源现状,分析存在的挑战,为促进研究能力提高提供建议。方法:通过问卷调查和关键人物深度访谈,从研究人员数量、分布、结构,人员可持续性和机构管理机制等方面对我国卫生政策与体系研究领域人力资源现状进行分析。结果:调查的研究机构共有研究人员1 033人,平均每个机构27.18人。正高/副高级、中级和初级职称占比分别为50.72%、36.59%和12.69%;博士、硕士和本科学历占比分别为50.92%、41.13%和7.95%;主要学科背景为公共卫生、管理学、经济学等。研究机构中,97.37%和86.84%分别在招募和留住人员方面存在挑战,超过70%的研究机构认为工资和福利水平缺乏竞争力。评价机制方面,按重要性评分,中英文文章、项目级别得分最高,分别为4.60分和4.47分;能力发展方面,94.74%存在能力发展机制;全部机构曾与国内研究机构开展合作,86.84%曾与国外研究机构开展合作。结论:我国卫生政策与体系研究队伍已经形成一定规模,但学历结构有待优化;大部分研究机构在人员可持续性方面存在挑战,工资和福利水平缺乏竞争力是主要阻碍因素;能力发展和合作交流方面相对完善,但评价机制对于成果政策价值的关注不够。 相似文献
Teresa Burgess Annette Braunack-Mayer Gregory B. Crawford Justin Beilby 《Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands)》2014
End of life care for people with advanced chronic disease is a growing international imperative, with the majority of deaths in the world now related to chronic disease. The provision of care that meets the needs of people with advanced chronic disease must be guided by appropriate policy. The key policy areas impacting directly on end of life care are related to chronic disease, palliative care and, increasingly, aged care. 相似文献
Information and communication technologies are widely used in health and social care settings to replace previous means of record keeping, assessment and communication. Commentary on the strengths and weaknesses of such systems abound, thus it is useful to examine how they are used in practice. This article draws on findings from two separate studies, conducted between 2005 and 2007, which examined how child health and welfare professionals use electronic documents in Finland and England. Known respectively as Miranda and CAF, these systems are different in terms of structure and function but in their everyday use common features are identified, notably the continued use of and reliance on non-electronic means of communication. Based on interviews with professionals, three forms of non-electronic communication are described: alternative records, phone calls and letters, which facilitate the sharing of the electronic record. Finally, the electronic documents are further analysed as potential boundary objects which aim to create common understanding between sites and professionals. 相似文献
Lea L. Skovgaard Sarah Wadmann Klaus Hoeyer 《Health policy (Amsterdam, Netherlands)》2019,123(6):564-571
Health data are used for still more purposes, and policies are enacted to facilitate data reuse within the European Union. This literature synthesis explores attitudes among people living in the European Union towards the use of health data for purposes other than treatment. Our findings indicate that while a majority hold positive attitudes towards the use of health data for multiple purposes, the positive attitudes are typically conditional on the expectation that data will be used to further the common good. Concerns evolve around the commercialisation of data, data security and the use of data against the interests of the people providing the data. Studies of these issues are limited geographically as well as in scope. We therefore identify a need for cross-national exploration of attitudes among people living in the European Union to inform future policies in health data governance. 相似文献
We study the effects of labor intensive health care within a research and development (R&D) driven growth model with overlapping generations. Health care increases longevity, labor participation, and productivity, while it also diverts labor away from production and R&D. We examine under which conditions expanding health care enhances growth and welfare and establish mild conditions under which the provision of health care beyond the growth-maximizing level is Pareto superior. 相似文献