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A university hospital's formulary policy for therapeutic interchange is described in which pharmacists can routinely interchange some drugs but must contact the prescribers before interchanging other drugs. For drugs that are not automatically interchanged by the pharmacy, the formulary contains a "class representative," which pharmacy may change as relative prices of drug products change. When a non-formulary drug for which there is a designated class representative is prescribed, pharmacy contacts the prescriber. When a class representative for injectable histamine H2-receptor antagonists was being selected, previous positive and negative experiences with establishing therapeutic equivalence for antimicrobial agents were considered. The implementation of H2 antagonist therapeutic equivalence included the following steps: determining potential cost savings, reviewing the literature, consulting with specialty practitioners, presenting the information to the pharmacy and therapeutics committee, distributing formal bids, and educating hospital staff. Before cimetidine was designated the class representative, 84% of orders for injectable H2 antagonists were for ranitidine; one year later, 90% were for cimetidine. Orders for oral H2 antagonists also changed from predominantly ranitidine to predominantly cimetidine. The hospital's total costs for H2 antagonists decreased 8.4% in one year. The two-tiered approach to therapeutic interchange can reduce drug costs and increase the scope of agents deemed therapeutic equivalents in a manner that is acceptable to physicians and pharmacists.  相似文献   

Nonformulary-drug requests were used to evaluate a restrictive formulary system in a large university hospital, and a telephone survey of eight similar hospitals was conducted to assess the restrictiveness of their formulary systems. Nonformulary-drug requests were evaluated by two drug information pharmacists over a 12-month period (January-December 1984) to assess the frequency with which nonformulary items were ordered, the costs associated with the procurement of nonformulary drug products, and the rationales given by physicians when ordering nonformulary products. Of all nonformulary requests, 65% were for drugs previously evaluated by the pharmacy and therapeutics committee and denied admission to the formulary. A cost savings of $1887 would have resulted if formulary alternates had been used instead of nonformulary products. Excluding 22% of nonformulary items that were requested for the continuation of preadmission drug therapy, only 13% of the rationales for the remaining requests were appropriate. Although the eight other hospitals surveyed said they had restrictive formularies, all had frequent requests and procedures for procuring nonformulary items and some formularies included most available drugs. The formulary system at the study hospital was considered restrictive, but procedures for nonformulary-drug requests limited the effectiveness of the system. If any benefit is to result from formulary systems, hospitals must strengthen their enforcement of formulary restrictions.  相似文献   

A therapeutic interchange program based on microbial patterns within an institution is described. A change in anaerobic susceptibility patterns, increased prevalence of enterococcal infections, and cost factors provided the rationale for the therapeutic interchange of ampicillin-sulbactam for cefoxitin. Ampicillin-sulbactam was recommended for prophylaxis in intraabdominal or gynecological surgery as well as for treatment for gynecological infections. Cefoxitin was restricted to penicillin-allergic patients and women who were pregnant or breast-feeding. The transition from cefoxitin to ampicillin-sulbactam proceeded smoothly as a result of preliminary education of pharmacists and physicians. Pharmacists participated in continuing-education programs and received concise guidelines for the interchange and follow-up instructions; physicians learned of the program from the drug newsletter published by the pharmacy department. Three months after the program began, only one physician was resistant to the interchange. After the program began, 11 antimicrobials, including cefoxitin, were used less frequently and ampicillin-sulbactam use increased. No adverse clinical consequences from the interchange were detected. A therapeutic interchange program based on institution-specific microbial patterns and educational efforts by the pharmacy department produced a change in physician prescribing.  相似文献   

The effect on drug costs of pharmacists' interventions in reducing the use of nonformulary medications was studied in a private teaching hospital. During a four-month period, nonformulary medication request forms and pharmacist consultation logs were reviewed to determine physicians' actions taken on requests for nonformulary medications. Cost avoidance of interventions (nonformulary medication cost) and the cost of pharmacist cost) and the cost of pharmacist time for the interventions were determined. The pharmacist was able to contact The pharmacist was able to contact the physician in 388 of 394 instances in which the use of a nonformulary medication was considered. Of 230 recommendations by pharmacists to change a nonformulary drug order to one for a formulary alternative, 64.8% (149) were accepted by physicians. Of pharmacists' recommendations that were accepted, 75.8% (113/149) were from decentralized areas, which was a significantly higher acceptance rate than that for the centralized areas (24.7% or 36/149). Cost avoidance resulting from acceptance of pharmacists' recommendations during the four-month study was $2,645, or $13,573 per year; this was more than the cost of pharmacist time required to perform interventions. Pharmacist interventions to decrease use of nonformulary drugs can be cost-effective and appear to be more successful in decentralized pharmacy service areas than in areas served by a central pharmacy.  相似文献   

Techniques of formulary management, pharmacy and therapeutics committee intervention, and the use of clinical pharmacy services to change prescribing patterns and contain costs in hospital pharmacy departments are reviewed. Methods of using the formulary to contain costs include deletion of generic and therapeutic equivalents, inclusion of therapeutic categories and cost codes, and regular reviews and updates of its contents. Drug monographs for formulary evaluation prepared for the P & T committee should include a comparative review of other drugs in the therapeutic category and a cost impact statement. The P & T committee can help contain costs by developing policies for automatic stop orders and restricted drug use. Clinical pharmacy activities that can result in cost savings include physician education (focused on prescribing), target drug programs, target disease programs, pharmacist participation on TPN and i.v. therapy teams, and patient training programs for home care. A matrix for evaluating cost-containment activities is presented. By tailoring the described methods to departmental personnel resources and hospital needs, the pharmacy can be effective in controlling costs.  相似文献   

The beliefs of representatives of organized pharmacy and medicine and the pharmaceutical industry about the effect of hypothetical therapeutic-interchange legislation on various health-care issues were studied. Questionnaires designed to gauge respondents' beliefs about the impact of two hypothetical bills (A and B) concerning selection of therapeutic alternates by pharmacists were mailed to the directors of 307 organizations in April 1986. Bill A would permit pharmacists in any setting to select therapeutic alternates. Bill B would permit therapeutic interchange by pharmacists within organized health-care settings in accordance with guidelines approved by physicians. Issues addressed included the efficient delivery of health care, professional liability, interprofessional and pharmacist-patient relationships, and competition and profitability in the pharmaceutical industry. The response rate was 63% (194 usable responses). Bill A received some support from representatives of state pharmaceutical associations only. However, bill B was supported by respondents from state pharmaceutical associations, state hospital pharmacy societies, boards of pharmacy, and generic manufacturers. Respondents from medical associations and member companies of the Pharmaceutical Manufacturers Association (PMA) were concerned about the impact of the hypothetical bills on the quality of drug therapy and the efficiency of health-care delivery. Respondents from medical associations also were concerned about the impact of the bills on physician liability. The responses from the medical associations and the PMA-member companies suggest that a program should be developed to educate physicians about the process used by pharmacists and physicians to develop guidelines for therapeutic interchange in various practice settings.  相似文献   

The clinical and financial effects of replacing tobramycin with gentamicin on the formulary of a 550-bed teaching hospital were studied. On the recommendation of the pharmacy and therapeutics committee, the formulary aminoglycoside was changed from tobramycin to gentamicin in June 1985; the nonformulary status of amikacin was unchanged. Five weeks later, physician compliance was assessed and the reasons for prescribing nonformulary aminoglycosides were determined. Two four-month-long evaluations were done at 6 and 18 months after implementation to assess patterns of use of nonformulary aminoglycosides. The impact on costs was determined after one and two years by considering use patterns of formulary and nonformulary aminoglycosides, as well as those of third-generation cephalosporins and mezlocillin. Resistance patterns of two gram-negative organisms, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Serratia marcescens, were assessed for 1982-1987. Finally, the rate of nephrotoxicity in gentamicin-treated patients was determined. During the first five weeks after the formulary conversion, 80.3% (106 of 132) of the aminoglycoside orders received were for gentamicin. After telephone follow-up by the pharmacy department, that figure rose to 93.9%. During the four-month reviews beginning at 6 and 18 months, nonformulary orders accounted for 10.9% and 7.4%, respectively, of the total number of courses of aminoglycosides prescribed. In the majority of these cases, tobramycin and amikacin were used to treat infections caused by organisms with documented resistance to gentamicin or to gentamicin and tobramycin, respectively. No clear-cut changes in resistance patterns for Ps. aeruginosa or S. marcescens could be associated with the formulary conversion.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

This article summarizes the results of a study designed to evaluate clinical pharmacy services as a means of reducing drug usage in a 170-bed community hospital. A total of 591 medication orders for 93 hospitalized patients were evaluated. A pharmacy resident made recommendations regarding the appropriateness of the medication order to the attending physicians. A team of reviewing physicians later evaluated these recommendations. The resident's suggestions were also monitored by a university-affiliated and experienced clinical pharmacist. The number of medications ordered which the pharmacy resident would have prescribed during consultation with physicians was 312 (53 percent), while the overseeing clinical pharmacist would have prescribed 352 (60 percent). Two hundred and fifteen therapeutic recommendations were provided by the pharmacy resident, of which 38 (17.6 percent) were carried out by the attending physician. The reviewing physicians did not agree with 37 of these recommendations. Twenty-two drug interactions were detected, of which eleven were thought to be of definite clinical significance by the pharmacy resident. The study demonstrated that a 40 percent reduction in medication utilization could result in a community hospital, while the same level of therapeutic effectiveness was maintained, by using the services of a properly trained clinical pharmacist. The patient care appraisal committee which was appointed to evaluate the study reviewed the results and agreed that, based on the cost factor and improvement of patient care, clinical pharmacy services would be beneficial.  相似文献   

A simple and effective manual drug usage review program in a community hospital is described. Fifteen randomly selected charts are screened each month by a drug information pharmacist. Charts demonstrating questionable drug therapy are forwarded to a physician member of the pharmacy and therapeutics committee; those showing questionable drug administration practices are referred to the nurse member of the committee. These committee members screen the questionable charts and refer to the entire committee those cases which require further follow-up. The committee categorizes the problems and communicates its recommendations to the individual practitioners involved. Recommendations focus on the legal ramifications of FDA-unapproved drug usage. During the first two years of the program, 341 charts were screened for drug usage; 62 of these were referred to the pharmacy and therapeutics committee for further review. In 20 cases, the committee sent a letter to the prescribing physician or his department chairman; in 16 cases, letters were sent to nursing administration.  相似文献   

A program is described in which informational text was inserted into a computerized drug order-entry pathway to alter prescribing patterns and contain costs. In April 1986 the pharmacy and therapeutics committee at a 700-bed teaching hospital recommended that cefonicid be used instead of cefuroxime to treat adult patients with community-acquired pneumonia in which infection with Haemophilus influenzae or gram-negative enteric rods was suspected; substantial cost savings were projected. A paragraph recommending cefonicid was inserted into the cefuroxime order-entry screen in November 1986. In February 1987 the screen was further modified to allow the physician to select the cefonicid alternative without returning to the drug index. A final change was made in November 1987 to allow the physician to select ampicillin or erythromycin directly from the cefuroxime screen as well. The cost and relative use of cefonicid and cefuroxime were examined in specific patients with pneumonia--those assigned to diagnosis-related group 89--for whom either drug was prescribed. From January 1986 to December 1987, the percentage of these patients who were prescribed cefuroxime decreased from 100% to 22%, while the percentage of patients receiving cefonicid increased from 0% to 78%. The average acquisition cost of the two antibiotics per patient decreased from $123 to $48. Although other variables may have affected prescribing patterns and this method of drug therapy intervention has some disadvantages, such as the need for physician cooperation, the concept warrants further attention. Adaptation of computerized order-entry pathways may increase the ability of pharmacy to influence prescribing behavior and control costs.  相似文献   

Pharmacy costs associated with handling nonformulary drug requests were studied. Data for all nonformulary drug orders received at a university hospital between August 1 and October 31, 1999, were evaluated to determine their outcome and the cost differential between the nonformulary drug and formulary alternative. Two sets of data were used to analyze medication costs: data from nonformulary medication request forms, which allowed the cost of nonformulary drugs and their formulary alternatives to be calculated, and data from the pharmacy computer system, which enabled actual nonformulary drug use to be captured. Labor costs associated with processing these requests were determined through time analysis, which included the potential for orders to be received at different times of the day and with different levels of technician and pharmacist support. Economic analysis revealed that the greatest cost saving occurred when converting nonformulary injectable products to formulary alternatives. Interventions were least costly during normal business hours, when all the satellite pharmacies were open and fully staffed. Pharmacists' interventions in oral product orders resulted in a net increase in expenditures. Incremental pharmacy costs associated with processing nonformulary medication requests in an inpatient setting are greater than the drug acquisition cost saving for most agents, particularly oral medications.  相似文献   

The development and use of a hospital-pharmacy-based, computer-assisted antimicrobial monitoring program are described. In the pharmacy department of a teaching hospital in Spain, a manual system for collecting data on use of antimicrobial agents was replaced with a computer-assisted program that compiles data on culture and sensitivity results, the number of patients receiving antimicrobial or bacteriostatic agents (including combination therapy), and the specific agents used by hospital ward, clinical department, and physician. The antimicrobial report is reviewed daily by a pharmacist, and identified problems are discussed with the prescribing physician; about two hours per day is spent in this activity. Data for 1984 compiled by the computer program regarding the use of antimicrobial agents by group and by hospital ward and the relationship between cost and use of antimicrobial agents were evaluated. Based on the computer-generated data, guidelines for antibiotic use in surgical prophylaxis were proposed, and the pharmacy and therapeutics committee approved a new antibiotic policy that led to a reduction in the use of cephalosporins and to subsequent cost savings. Antimicrobial use at this hospital is similar to that reported at other institutions. In 1984 penicillins were the most commonly used agents, followed by aminoglycosides and cephalosporins. Antimicrobial agents accounted for 24.4% of all drug costs. This computer-assisted system of antimicrobial monitoring was used effectively to assess both individual patient therapy and overall antimicrobial use in a teaching hospital.  相似文献   

The steps taken to implement a therapeutic interchange program for i.v. histamine H2-receptor antagonists and to determine the potential cost savings are described. A literature review conducted by pharmacists at a 273-bed nonteaching community hospital showed that i.v. famotidine was as safe and effective as i.v. cimetidine or ranitidine and that it was feasible to add famotidine to total parenteral nutrition (TPN) solutions. Because of famotidine's cost advantage, it was proposed that i.v. famotidine be used in place of specific dosage regimens of i.v. ranitidine or cimetidine and in TPN solutions ordered for patients receiving concurrent H2-antagonist therapy. The approval of the hospital attorney and hospital gastroenterologists was secured, and a formal proposal was submitted. The pharmacy department distributed a memorandum describing the advantages of famotidine, conducted inservice education sessions, and sought the compliance of physicians by placing reminders on order forms and patient charts and by contacting physicians directly. The program was implemented in May 1989. During the first three months, only one physician insisted that patients receive i.v. ranitidine rather than famotidine. It was projected that the interchange of i.v. famotidine for cimetidine or ranitidine would result in a total savings of $37,565 during the first year due to reductions in the cost of drugs, supplies, and nursing labor. The acceptance of a therapeutic interchange program for H2 antagonists was excellent, and the projected savings are substantial.  相似文献   

A pharmacy-coordinated process is described in which the frequency and types of inappropriate drug prescribing are evaluated as part of the medical staff quality assurance and physician credentialing program. A pharmacist intervention program was implemented at an 838-bed private hospital to review all medication orders for appropriateness and to intervene with physicians and nurses when problems in drug prescribing or administration were identified. During a five-year period there were more than 6500 drug therapy interventions. Because of the recurrent problems identified, the medical staff asked the pharmacy department to develop a process for objectively evaluating the quality of prescribing practices that could be used in the medical staff quality assurance program and in physician credentialing. The drug-prescribing activities of physicians applying for clinical privileges are subjected to a "macro" review by using a computerized clinical financial information system to extract drug-use information from patients' bills. In a "micro" review, patient records are retrospectively analyzed by Pharm.D. clinical specialists; all medications prescribed by the physician for those patients being evaluated are scrutinized. Appropriate response scores are calculated by dividing the number of appropriate responses by the total responses. The pharmacy department in this hospital has assumed a more active role in patient care through its participation in a process for objectively evaluating the quality of prescribing practices.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The results of the first five years of an ongoing antimicrobial control program are reported. METHODS: In 1998, a multidisciplinary antimicrobial subcommittee of the pharmacy and therapeutics committee of a university hospital was formed and charged with making formulary interventions in an effort to reduce rising antimicrobial resistance rates and drug expenditures. In 1999, a number of measures were implemented for controlling antimicrobial use. Selected antimicrobials with the potential for inappropriate use or whose inappropriate use had been documented were placed in the control of physicians in the infectious diseases (ID) division. Prior approval by an ID physician was required before the pharmacy could dispense these agents. Other key interventions included removal of ceftazidime and cefotaxime from the formulary, restriction of vancomycin and carbapenem use, and replacement of ciprofloxacin with levofloxacin as the sole fluoroquinolone on the formulary. Data regarding antimicrobial use and expenditures between 1998 and 2002 were compared and analyzed. RESULTS: Antimicrobial use was reduced by 80% for third-generation cephalosporins and 15% for vancomycin following the implementation of the new antimicrobial policies. Antimicrobial-resistance patterns for many important gram-negative pathogens, including Pseudomonas aeruginosa, demonstrated a reversal of previous increases. In addition, the rate of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus decreased by an average of 3% each year from 1999 to 2002. Pharmacy expenditures for all antimicrobials, including antiviral, antifungal, and antibacterial agents, decreased 24.7%, with a cumulative cost saving of 1,401,126 US dollars, without inflation assumptions. CONCLUSION: The implementation of an antimicrobial control program decreased the use of selected antimicrobial agents and resulted in substantial reduction of expenditures for antimicrobials.  相似文献   

The prevalence and cost savings of therapeutic interchange (TI) among teaching, nonteaching, and investor-owned hospitals in the United States was studied. A survey was sent to all directors of pharmacy at hospitals listed in the 1999 American Hospital Association directory as having more than 100 beds; 463 (29.8%) hospitals responded. The survey elicited data about hospital demographics, the policies and personnel involved in TI, and the estimated cost savings incurred by the use of TI. Eighty-eight percent of teaching, 89% of nonteaching, and 100% of investor-owned hospitals reported having established TI policies and procedures; 88% of responding hospitals reported the use of TI as a means of formulary management. Individuals involved in the decision-making process for TI policies included physicians, pharmacists, and pharmacy and therapeutics committee members. Most responding hospitals reported having an automatic interchange procedure, and few required physician consent before the substitution was made. The most commonly substituted medication classes were histamine H2-receptor antagonists, proton-pump inhibitors, antacids, and quinolones. Differences in TI procedures and the medication classes commonly substituted were not significant between teaching and nonteaching hospitals. The annual dollar savings was estimated by 36% of teaching, 38% of nonteaching, and 50% of investor-owned hospitals and determined by record keeping in 18% of teaching, 20% of nonteaching, and 40% of investor-owned hospitals. Eighty-eight percent of teaching, 89% of nonteaching, and 100% of investor-owned hospitals have established TI policies. Significant variation in cost savings occurred when hospitals attempted to estimate the annual dollar savings, as no adequate commercially available software exists to perform this task.  相似文献   

A method of concurrent antibiotic-use review in a 60-bed pediatric hospital is described. The pharmacy department monitors appropriateness of antibiotic prescribing using criteria specified by the pharmacy and therapeutics committee. Antibiotic orders are reviewed by the pharmacist for compliance with the criteria at the time that the orders are written. At three-month intervals, information about the infections treated and the percentage compliance for all physicians, as well as for each individual physician, is compiled and reported to the pharmacy and therapeutics committee. Written and oral feedback are provided to each physician to further improve compliance. This comprehensive monitoring system has resulted in substantial improvement in antibiotic prescribing by physicians at this hospital.  相似文献   

A program using satellite pharmacists to improve adverse drug reaction (ADR) reporting in an 1100-bed teaching hospital is described. Because relying on physicians to report ADRs had met with little success (only six reports in seven years), the pharmacy department proposed that pharmacists in satellite pharmacies on patient-care units be called upon to identify and report ADRs. To begin this program, an ADR team composed of a physician, pharmacist, and nurse made weekly rounds of the satellite pharmacies to assist pharmacists in identifying potential ADRs. The FDA definition of an ADR was adopted. Also, inservice education programs about ADR reporting were conducted for pharmacists and nurses. Currently, suspected ADRs are reported to the satellite pharmacist, who forwards a completed drug reaction report form to the assistant director for clinical pharmacy services. Reports are discussed quarterly by the ADR subcommittee of the pharmacy and therapeutics committee; the sub-committee members determine whether any follow-up action is needed. In the first three years after implementation of this program, 306 ADRs were reported; 90% of the reports were filed by pharmacists. An ADR reporting system based on reporting by staff pharmacists has been effective in increasing the number of reported reactions and pharmacist involvement in monitoring patients for ADRs.  相似文献   

Objective: To determine the influence of general practitioners' outpatient medication on nonformulary drug requests in university hospitals. Methods: During a period of 1 year every nonformulary drug request at the Göttingen University Hospital was analysed (reason for request, drug class). A second analysis examined whether the introduction of a new order form that allowed the prescribing physician to mark a box to declare that this request is due to general practitioner's outpatient therapy influenced the rate of requests. Results: During 12 months a total of 6,281 nonformulary drugs were ordered from the pharmacy, 1,077 (17.1%) of them because of outpatient medication. The percentage of requests according to general practitioners' outpatient medication was about 11% in both the medical and the surgical departments. The rate was rather high in the departments of psychiatry and orthopaedic surgery (39% and 60%, respectively). With the introduction of the new order form, there was a significant increase in the general practice based rate of nonformulary requests on the general surgical wards (from 10.8% to 19.9%). Only a minority of requests (14%) represented drugs of unproven efficacy. Conclusion: Since nonformulary requests attributable to previous outpatient medication accounts for less than 20% and since only a minor portion of them lack scientific proof of efficacy we suggest that hospital doctors and clinical pharmacologists should avoid a drug policy, which is too restrictive, and support maintenance of chronic medication initiated by general practitioners. Especially in the department of psychiatry, nonformulary requests seem to be justified by patient needs.  相似文献   

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