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儿童免疫磁卡系统软件在计划免疫管理中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将研制的儿童计划免疫磁卡系统软件,在预防接种点推广使用,取得了良好效果。该系统软件不仅解决了基层防保组织对接种儿童的规范化、科学化管理,而且建立了儿童监护人与计算机的直接联系。还能以疫苗种类、时间变量为基础,按要求快速打印出规范报表。该系统也是金卡工程在卫生防疫领域中的首次应用,为儿童计划免疫的管理提供了一个新方法。  相似文献   

邢休东 《广东卫生防疫》1997,23(4):F003-F003
广东省卫生防疫站自行研制的“儿童计划免疫管理系统”,经过在珠海市站计免门诊的试点完善工作,已经研制成功。系统采用结构化程序设计方法,用FOXPRO、汇编语言混合编程,硬件配置为486以上微机、磁卡读写器、打印机等。  相似文献   

远安县儿童计划免疫是1983年被列入湖北省第一条“冷链”线的,于同年7月开始投入正常运转至今,在9年多的正常运转中,顺利进行了53次“冷链”运转,接种各种生物制品共103.3万人次,自开展“冷链”运转后,我县儿童计划免疫工作逐步走上正轨,目前儿童计划免疫工作已达到制度化、规范化、程  相似文献   

流动人口儿童计划免疫状况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
流动人口儿童计划免疫状况分析詹秀贞,陈庆平,何春荣为了解流动人口中儿童的计划免疫落实情况,以提高计划免疫工作的质量,我们收集了本站计划免疫门诊流动人口儿童四苗接种情况,现将结果分析如下:一、材料与方法1.材料来源:以本站预防接种门诊流动人口儿童为对象...  相似文献   

桐庐县流动儿童计划免疫调查   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
流动儿童是指户口不在暂居地的外来儿童。由于流动性大,不易被发现,是计划免疫工作中的一个难点,也是进一步提高免疫接种率的关键。为给流动儿童的计划免疫工作提供依据,本文对全县流动儿童情况进行分析。材料与方法1.资料来源:桐庐县流动儿童调查资料,第六次脊髓灰质炎强化免疫调查摸底资料,1992年以来疫苗接种情况报表。2.流动儿童的判定标准:户口不在某一接种点辖区,而在这一辖区居住3个月以上,年龄在7  相似文献   

流动儿童计划免疫管理探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
改革开放的不断深入及市场经济的建立与发展,导致商品及人员的大量流动,随之产生了流动儿童这一特殊群体,成为当前儿童计划免疫工作的难点之一。加强流动儿童的计划免疫管理,提高流动儿童的免疫接种率,是当前计划免疫工作的一个新课题。对于这方面的工作,目前尚无统一的管...  相似文献   

外来流动人口儿童计划免疫管理初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
我市地处珠江三角洲腹地,交通十分方便。自实施计划免疫以来,本地常住人口儿童接种率一直保持在较高水平.尤其是从1984年起,对本地常住人口儿童实行计划免疫保偿制,进一步确保了计划免疫的成果,“四苗”接种率全部达98%以上,1996年通过了城市初级卫生保健达标省级评审。但是随着改革开放,流动人口剧增,大批外来流动人口儿童涌入本市,对这些儿童计划免疫工作的管理不容忽视,其工作的好坏,直接影响到我市计划免疫的工作成果,因此,近年来特对外来儿童计划免疫管理工作进行了初步探讨。1措施和效果1.1经常性查访和突击性督查相…  相似文献   

本文报告了广东省鹤山县、三水县和韶关市北江区三地区,计划免疫第二个85%目标,达标相关儿童的免疫监测结果,麻疹酶标抗体(下简称MELISAAb)阳性率分别为90.16%、83.33%和 91.94%,GMT在 1:748~1:790之间;白喉抗毒素(下简称DAT)阳性率分别为95.35%、100%、100%,GMT为0.25~0.399IU/m~1;脊髓灰质炎微量中和抗体(下降称PMNTAb)阳性率Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ型均为100%,GMTI型在1:162.5~412.29之间,Ⅱ型在59.11~400.55之间。Ⅲ型为61.47~218.4之间.疫苗接种率与相应抗体阳性率非常接近.文中就我国现行计划免疫考核指标和考核方法进行了讨论和建议。  相似文献   

广西计划免疫黄牌警告机制效果分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
[目的]评价计划免疫黄牌警告机制实施两年后的效果,总结经验,进一步完善该机制。[方法]对被列入黄牌警告的计免薄弱县进行连续跟踪监测,分析比较计划免疫黄牌县在黄牌机制实施前后工作综合评分及有关指标变化。[结果]95.8%的黄牌县综合评分较黄牌前有提高,各项工作指标达标率均有增长,其中经费投入达标率平均增长了53.4%,人员机构建设达标率平均增长35.3%,宣传指标达标率平均增长62.4%,对计划免疫的督导频率平均增长了73.8%,接种率、计免针对性疾病等各项业务指标也有了明显改善。[结论]计划免疫黄牌警告机制是一种可行的、有效的管理机制,初步遏制广西计划免疫工作滑坡的势头,但该机制仍有待进一步完善。  相似文献   

目的 研制应用于重大活动(大型会议)中卫生保障的从业人员健康证管理系统,以提高卫生保障工作效率和管理水平.方法 利用Microsoft Access 2003作为后台的数据库,WindowsXP中文版作为系统操作平台.结果 (1)该系统实现了从业人员健康证设计、制作的规范化;(2)该系统实现了科学化管理,便于从业人员健...  相似文献   

目的:了解、确定影响计划免疫服务人群满意度的绩效因素,探索顾客满意度调查这一方法在计划免疫服务质量管理中的应用。方法:通过整群抽样,调查芜湖市区1344名儿童,由儿童家长/监护人填写设定的满意度决定因素评分情况的匿名调查表。结果:对医护人员的业务技术、操作规范和接待态度等因素的评分达到比较满意水平的被调查人超过60%;涉及人际交流、健康教育、操作规范等有关的决定因素与总体满意度相关性强。结论:“医护人员对疫苗的介绍、接种前医护人员的问诊”等13个决定因素为影响计划免疫服务满意度的绩效因素。  相似文献   

外来流动人口计划免疫工作难点与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作者对深圳市外来流动人口计划免疫工作难点进行了分析并提出相应对策。深圳市1997年底人口总数379.64万人,其中暂住人口270.18万人,占71.2%。工作难点主要是如何掌握流动儿童的真实数量和分布,如何在有限的人力物业资源条件下,加强宣传力度,增加流动儿童家长的信息来源和提高认知水平。作者提出的对策是加大政府干预力度、动员社会参与、健全预防保健网络、实行目标管理、强化健康教育、建立激励机制共六个方面。其中通过居委会干部协助寻找流动儿童和定期摸底调查,查漏补种是提高儿童接种状况的首选措施。  相似文献   

Immunization of pregnant women against influenza is a promising strategy to protect the mother, fetus, and young infant from influenza-related diseases. The burden of influenza during pregnancy, the vaccine immunogenicity during this period, and the robust influenza vaccine safety database underpin recommendations that all pregnant women receive the vaccine to decrease complications of influenza disease during their pregnancies. Recent data also support maternal immunization for the additional purpose of preventing disease in the infant during the first six months of life.  相似文献   

IntroductionDespite considerable global burden of influenza, few low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) have national influenza vaccination programs. This report provides a systematic assessment of barriers to and activities that support initiating or expanding influenza vaccination programs from the perspective of in-country public health officials.MethodsPublic health officials in LMICs were sent a web-based survey to provide information on barriers and activities to initiating, expanding, or maintaining national influenza vaccination programs. The survey primarily included Likert-scale questions asking respondents to rank barriers and activities in five categories.ResultsOf 109 eligible countries, 62% participated. Barriers to influenza vaccination programs included lack of data on cost-effectiveness of influenza vaccination programs (87%) and on influenza disease burden (84%), competing health priorities (80%), lack of public perceived risk from influenza (79%), need for better risk communication tools (77%), lack of financial support for influenza vaccine programs (75%), a requirement to use only WHO-prequalified vaccines (62%), and young children require two vaccine doses (60%). Activities for advancing influenza vaccination programs included educating healthcare workers (97%) and decision-makers (91%) on the benefits of influenza vaccination, better estimates of influenza disease burden (91%) and cost of influenza vaccination programs (89%), simplifying vaccine introduction by focusing on selected high-risk groups (82%), developing tools to prioritize target populations (80%), improving availability of influenza diagnostic testing (79%), and developing collaborations with neighboring countries for vaccine procurement (74%) and regulatory approval (73%). Responses varied by country region and income status.ConclusionsLocal governments and key international stakeholders can use the results of this survey to improve influenza vaccination programs in LMICs, which is a critical component of global pandemic preparedness for influenza and other pathogens such as coronaviruses. Additionally, strategies to improve global influenza vaccination coverage should be tailored to country income level and geographic location.  相似文献   

BackgroundTo support vaccination programs in developing countries, a 4-dose vial presentation of pneumococcal non-typeable Haemophilus influenzae protein D-conjugate vaccine (PHiD-CV) was developed. This study assessed immunologic non-inferiority and safety of the investigational PHiD-CV 4-dose versus licensed 1-dose vial presentation in infants.MethodsIn this phase III, mono-center, observer-blind study in Bangladesh, 6–10-week-old infants were randomized 1:1 to receive PHiD-CV primary vaccination (at ages 6, 10, 18 weeks) and a booster dose (at age 9 months) with a 4-dose vial (with preservative, 4DV group) or 1-dose vial (preservative-free, 1DV group). DTPw-HBV/Hib was (co)-administered per study protocol and polio, measles and rubella vaccines as part of the national immunization program. Non-inferiority of PHiD-CV 4-dose versus 1-dose vial for each vaccine pneumococcal serotype (VT) and vaccine-related serotype 19A in terms of antibody geometric mean concentration (GMC) was assessed (criterion: upper limit of 2-sided 95% confidence interval of antibody GMC ratios [1DV/4DV] <2-fold). Immune responses were measured. Solicited, unsolicited and serious adverse events (AEs) were evaluated.ResultsOf 320 infants (160 per group) vaccinated during the primary vaccination phase, 297 received a booster. Non-inferiority was demonstrated for each VT and 19A. One month post-primary vaccination, for most VT, ≥97.9% of infants in each group had antibody concentrations ≥0.2 μg/mL; for 19A ≥ 80.1% reached this threshold. Pneumococcal antibody responses and opsonophagocytic activity for each VT and 19A were within similar ranges between groups after primary and booster vaccination, as were anti-protein D responses. Booster immune responses were observed in both groups. Reported AEs were within similar ranges for both presentations.ConclusionImmunologic non-inferiority of PHiD-CV 4-dose vial (with preservative) versus PHiD-CV 1-dose vial (preservative-free) was demonstrated. Immune responses and reactogenicity following primary/booster vaccination were within similar ranges for both presentations. PHiD-CV 4-dose vial would help improve access and coverage in resource-limited countries.Clinical Trial Registry: NCT02447432.  相似文献   

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