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目的:探讨应用三维能量多普勒超声评价正常中晚孕期胎盘血流灌注的临床价值.方法:观察150例胎盘位于子宫前壁或宫底的正常孕妇,孕周22~40周,取得胎盘三维能量多普勒指数,包括血管化指数(Ⅵ),血流指数(FI),血管化-血流指数(VFI),并与孕龄作相关分析.结果:正常胎盘血流的三维能量图呈现立体血管树的特征,随着孕周的增加,胎盘内血管增多、增粗.胎盘的三维能量多普勒指数与孕龄呈直线相关,以孕龄为自变量,胎盘的三维能量多普勒指数为因变量的直线回归公式为VI =0.905 ×GA-16.15 (r=0.940,n=150,P<O.000 1),FI=0.284×GA+42.961(r=0.341,n=150,P<0.001),VFI=0.502×GA-9.350(r=0.951,n=150,P<0.000 1).结论:三维能量多普勒超声能定量分析正常中晚孕期胎盘血流灌注情况,为产前准确评价胎盘功能提供重要的辅助诊断依据.  相似文献   

目的 探索正常胎儿脐动脉(UA)、大脑中动脉(MCA)和肾动脉(RA)血流参数随孕期变化的规律;建立正常胎儿不同孕期UA、MCA和RA血流参数的参考值范围。方法 应用彩色多普勒血流显像(CDFI)检测220胎21~41孕周正常单胎胎儿UA、MCA和RA血流,测量收缩期峰值流速(PS)、搏动指数(PI)、阻力指数(RI)及收缩期峰值流速与舒张末期流速比值(S/D)。结果 正常胎儿UA、MCA和RA的PS值随着孕周增加而增加;UA和RA的PI、RI和S/D值随着孕周增加而减低;而MCA的PI、RI和S/D值随着孕周增加呈先升高后降低的抛物线状。至足月,PS参考值范围分别为:UA PS(54.96±14.57)cm/s、MCA PS(65.11±11.35)cm/s和RA PS(58.54±10.72)cm/s;UAS/D测值为2.14±0.30;RA RI测值为0.79±0.04;MCA RI测值为0.72±0.05。所有参数的变化在不同孕周组差异均有统计学意义(P均<0.05)。结论 CDFI产前检测胎儿UA、MCA和RA随着孕期变化的血流动力学参数可以同时了解胎儿胎盘循环、颅脑循环及周围循环状态。不同孕期的血流参数的参考值范围可为超声预测胎儿宫内缺氧提供理论依据。  相似文献   

中晚孕期正常胎儿静脉导管血流动力学研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 建立中晚孕期正常胎儿静脉导管多普勒血流参数参考范围。方法 应用彩色多普勒超声检查138例16-41孕周正常单胎胎儿。在静脉导管入口处记录静脉导管血流波形,测定血流参数包括:心室收缩期峰值流速(S)、心室舒张期峰值流速(D)、心房收缩期最大流速(A)、平均流速(Vmean)、S/A值、S/D值、(S-A)/S值、(S-A)/D值和(S-A)/Vmean值。结果 正常胎儿静脉导管的血流参数S、D、A、Vmean随着孕龄的增加而增加(均P〈0.01或P〈0.05);而S/A、(S-A)/S、(S-A)/Vmean和(S-A)/D值随着孕龄增加而减低(均P〈0.01或P〈0.05),S/D与孕龄相关性差(r=0.1,P〉0.05)。结论 正常胎儿静脉导管血流波形呈特殊的三相波形,血流速度随着孕龄增加而增加,而阻力指数随着孕龄增加而减低,S/D值在妊娠中持续不变。  相似文献   

目的 评估超声成像定位胎儿脊髓圆锥的价值。方法 采用二维及三维超声检查438胎正常胎儿腰骶部及脊髓圆锥,中孕组(20+6~26+2周)261胎,晚孕组 (29+2~40+3周)177胎,记录脊髓圆锥位置,分析不同孕期胎儿脊髓位置的差异;跟踪检查其中的61胎作为对照观察组,观察胎儿中孕期及晚孕期脊髓圆锥位置。结果 中孕组胎儿脊髓圆锥下缘止于L2~3.5,晚孕组胎儿脊髓圆锥下缘止于L1~3,较中孕组平均上移0.66个椎体(P<0.001)。对照观察组61胎,晚孕期胎儿圆锥位置较中孕期平均上移0.89个椎体(P<0.001)。结论 胎儿脊髓圆锥随孕周增加而上移;三维超声能准确定位中孕期胎儿脊髓圆锥位置。  相似文献   

中晚孕期染色体异常胎儿产前超声声像特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]探讨中晚孕期染色体异常胎儿产前超声声像表现特点.[方法]回顾性总结分析29例中晚孕期染色体异常胎儿染色体检查结果和产前超声特征.[结果]29例染色体异常胎儿中,产前超声检出单发畸形5例,17例胎儿表现为多发畸形,单纯表现为超声微小异常5例,2例胎儿超声未见任何异常.超声异常声像发生率93.1%(27/29),18例畸形胎儿同时伴随超声微小异常出现,超声微小异常发生率为85.2%(23/27).10例18-三体胎儿,9例产前超声表现为多发畸形,主要为神经系统畸形(7/9)、心脏畸形(7/9)及胎儿手姿势异常(5/9),1例仅表现胎儿水肿;5例21-三体胎儿,3例无结构畸形,仅表现为一个或多个超声微小异常,2例未见任何异常;3例13-三体胎儿,产前超声均表现有严重神经系统畸形,其中全前脑2例,Dandy-Walker综合征1例;4例45X0;7例染色体结构异常胎儿,3例(3/7)可见心脏畸形或伴有其它异常超声表现.[结论]中晚孕期染色体异常胎儿产前超声检查大部分可发现异常声像,以多发畸形常见,大多数伴有超声微小异常.部分染色体异常胎儿有相应的典型异常声像.  相似文献   

目的 研究中晚孕期超声筛查胎儿染色体异常的有效性及应用价值.方法 经超声筛查为结构异常的中晚孕期胎儿和经孕母血清筛查为高风险的中期妊娠胎儿,行羊膜腔或脐静脉穿刺取羊水或脐血,作染色体核型诊断.结果 ①超声筛查接受检查的结构异常胎儿31例,检出异常染色体8例,检出率为25.8%.31例中颈部淋巴囊肿伴水肿3例,全部染色体异常;单纯颈项皮肤增厚3例,其中2例染色体异常;多发畸形、Dandy-Walker畸形及前脑无裂畸形各1例,染色体均异常.②血清筛查接受检查的唐氏综合征和18-三体高风险孕妇516例,检出异常染色体14例,检出率为2.71%.14例中唐氏综合征7例,其他染色体异常7例.③单纯超声筛查和血清筛查共筛查为高危又接受诊断者544(516+28)例,检出异常染色体21(14+7)例,两种方法互补染色体异常检出率为3.86%.互补筛查检出率是血清筛查的1.42倍,比血清筛查提高42.43%.结论 ①中晚孕期超声显示的某些胎儿结构异常是提示胎儿染色体异常的有效指征.②超声和血清两种筛查方法互补,可以提高染色体异常的检出率,对于血清失筛查或筛查低危漏诊孕妇是有效的弥补措施.  相似文献   

目的探讨产前超声检查对胎儿畸形类别的检出效果及胎儿畸形超声检查适宜孕期。方法回顾性分析2006~2008年产前超声诊断为胎儿畸形,经引产或产后证实的病例。按照畸形系统分类,分析各类畸形的超声检出时间;并按照超声检出孕周分组,中孕期分为孕24周内检出组及孕25~28周检出组,晚孕期分为孕29~32周检出组及孕32周以上检出组,分析中孕期及晚孕期超声筛查畸形的价值,探讨超声筛查的适宜时机。结果经证实的胎儿畸形74例,中枢神经系统畸形占首位,其次为颜面部畸形、心血管系统畸形、胎儿肿瘤、脐膨出、腹裂、联体双胎、骨骼及肢体畸形、泌尿系统畸形、呼吸系统畸形、消化系统畸形。孕24周内全部检出的畸形有无脑儿、淋巴水囊瘤、脑膨出、长骨短小、联体双胎等,而脑积水、唇裂、心血管畸形及其他畸形等孕24周内检出率较低。结论产前超声对于诊断胎儿结构异常有着非常重要的临床价值;部分畸形中孕期超声表现不明显,孕晚期超声仍要注意对胎儿颜面部、颅脑、心脏等系统器官的扫查,减少相应畸形的漏诊。  相似文献   

目的 评价中晚孕期胎儿鼻骨异常对21-三体的诊断价值。方法 分析在我院接受胎儿产前超声检查的5460名孕妇的资料,以常规超声检查胎儿及其附属物,如发现胎儿鼻骨异常,行羊膜腔穿刺或抽取脐带血进行染色体核型分析。结果 共发现10胎鼻骨异常。4胎鼻骨缺失,其中1胎骨骼发育障碍,染色体正常;余3 胎均为21-三体合并心脏或其他系统异常。6胎鼻骨发育不良,表现为鼻骨短小、一侧鼻骨缺失或鼻骨骨化不良,其中1胎为21-三体合并其他系统异常;1胎为地中海贫血,染色体正常;余4胎未合并其他系统异常,为孤立性鼻骨发育不良,染色体正常。结论 鼻骨缺失是21-三体的超声常见表现,但孤立性鼻骨发育不良对21-三体的诊断价值需要进一步探讨。  相似文献   

目的 探讨早孕期超声测量胎盘厚度对评价胎儿重型α地中海贫血风险性的价值.方法 对208例具有α地中海贫血风险的早孕期胎儿和对照组52例正常胎儿行二维超声检查,测量胎盘厚度.胎盘厚度用中位数的倍数( MOM)表示.结果 早孕期重型α地中海贫血胎儿胎盘厚度明显高于中间型、轻型α地中海贫血胎儿和正常胎儿,差异有统计学意义(P<0.001);其他各组胎盘厚度两两比较,差异无统计学意义(P=0.100).α地中海贫血高危胎儿胎盘厚度提示重型α地中海贫血风险性高的最佳临界点为 1.18 MOM.胎盘厚度>1.18 MOM提示重型α地中海贫血风险性高的灵敏度、特异度分别为 82.9%,84.7%.结论 胎盘厚度是评价胎儿患重型α地中海贫血风险性的一项安全、有效的指标,可以减少不必要的侵入性操作,提高重型α地中海贫血胎儿检出率.
Objective To investigate the values of ultrasound measuring of the placenta thickness on evaluation of risks for alpha-thalassemia at the early pregnancy.Methods Two-dimensional ultrasound was performed to measure the thickness of placenta on 208 cases of fetuses with alpha-thalassemia and 52 cases of normal fetuses in control group.The placenta thickness was expressed as multiples of the median(MOM).Results At the early pregnancy,the group of fetuses with alpha-thalassemia had significantly higher placenta thickness compared to the fetuses without alpha-thalassemia(P<0.001).However,there were no statistical significant difference in the placenta thickness between the other groups(P=0.100).Placenta thickness 1.18 MOM was the best critical point to predict alpha-thalassemia.The sensitivity and specificity of placenta thickness >1.18 MOM in prediction of alpha-thalassemia was 82.9%,84.7% respectively.Conclusions For those with high risks of alpha-thalassemia placenta thickness measuring is a safe,effective parameter for assessment because it could reduce unnecessary invasive procedures and improve the detecting rate of severe alpha-thalassemia.  相似文献   

目的 利用超声检测中孕期胎儿鼻骨发育,探讨超声测量胎儿鼻骨在检出染色体异常疾病的价值及临床意义.方法 2010-01-2010-12来广西壮族自治区妇幼保健院进行中孕期常规超声检查及胎儿系统超声筛查的孕妇进行鼻骨检测,对超声检查鼻骨异常者行染色体核型分析.结果 71 984例常规产前超声检查及产前超声系统筛查的孕妇,发现鼻骨缺失或发育不良者84例,合并有其他结构畸形22例,其中有染色体异常者32例(21-三体24例,18-三体7例,13-三体1例).结论 中孕期超声检测胎儿鼻骨对发现染色体异常有一定的临床实用价值,不失为一种简便、安全、可重复、非侵入性、孕妇易于接受的产前检查方法.  相似文献   

目的探讨超声在诊断孕中期完全性子宫破裂中的价值。 方法选取2010年至2019年在首都医科大学附属北京妇产医院收治的经手术证实的8例孕中期完全性子宫破裂患者,对8例患者的术前超声声像图特点及临床资料进行回顾性分析。 结果8例病例均存在异常超声表现,且复杂多样。结合高危因素及临床表现,超声明确诊断子宫破裂2例、先兆子宫破裂1例,可疑子宫破裂4例,误诊胎盘早剥1例。 结论超声是诊断孕中期完全性子宫破裂的重要方法,可为临床诊断提供依据和参考。  相似文献   

目的建立中晚孕期正常胎儿静脉导管心动周期不同时相血流速和各计算参数参考范围。方法应用彩色多普勒超声横断面检查138例16~41孕周正常单胎胎儿静脉导管血流波形测定血流参数:①心室收缩期峰值流速(S-peak);②心室舒张期峰值流速(D-peak);③心房收缩期最大流速(A)-wave;④平均流速(Vmean);⑤S/A值,S/D值,(S-A)/S值,(S-A)/D值,(S-A)/Vmean比值。结果正常胎儿静脉导管的血流血流速:S-peak(43~75 cm/s),D-peak(39~69cm/s),A-wave(25~48 cm/s),Vmean(37~63 cm/s)随着孕龄增加而增加均有显著性差异(P<0.01,P<0.05,P<0.01,P<0.01);而S/A比值(1.85~1.57),(S-A)/S比值(0.45~0.35),(S-A)/Vmean值(0.54~0.43),(S-A)/D值(0.51~0.39)随着孕龄增加而减低(P<0.01,P<0.01,P<0.05,P<0.05),S/D与孕龄相关性差(r=0.1,P>0.05)。结论正常胎儿静脉导管血流速随着孕龄增加而增加;而阻力指数随着孕龄增加而减低,S/D值在妊娠中持续不变。  相似文献   

Family dynamics in Danish families during the third trimester of pregnancy were explored in relation to family structure, parity, mother-father differences, and normative versus delayed childbearing. There were differences between married and cohabiting families, first- and second-time expectant parents, mothers and fathers, and between normative and delayed first-time expectant parents. For married couples to have better family dynamics than cohabiting couples is surprising for Denmark where both marriage and cohabitation are examples of a nuclear family lifestyle. A dual-path model is conceptualized as a nursing strategy to support the couples' interrelationship during their role transition.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the association between maternal anxiety and uterine artery resistance index (RI) at 20 weeks of gestation. METHODS: Uterine artery blood flow was assessed using color Doppler ultrasound and maternal anxiety was measured using the Hospital Anxiety and Depression (HAD) scale in 96 healthy primigravid women attending consecutively for their routine 20-week anomaly scan. RESULTS: The mean uterine artery RI was 0.54 (95% confidence interval, 0.52-0.56) and the median HAD anxiety score was 6 (range, 0-20). There was no association between RI and anxiety scores (r = 0.09, P = 0.36). Women scoring as definite cases of anxiety did not have a significantly elevated uterine artery RI or increased frequency of waveform notching compared to women with doubtful or no anxiety. CONCLUSIONS: The data of this study do not suggest a significant association between maternal anxiety and uterine artery RI at 20 weeks of gestation in healthy primigravid women with normally developing pregnancies. A prospective cohort study would be useful to determine the nature of the relationship between maternal anxiety, alteration in uterine artery blood flow and abnormal pregnancy outcome.  相似文献   

The second and third trimester of pregnancy is a period of extensive physical growth and maturation of the fetus. Unfortunately, it is also a period that is marked by complications that can be life threatening for both the mother and fetus. The top three complications that affect pregnancy are hemorrhage, infection, and the hypertensive diseases of pregnancy. This article focuses on preterm labor, premature rupture of membranes, chorioamnionitis, bleeding in later pregnancy, and the hypertensive diseases of pregnancy.  相似文献   

目的:研究孕中晚期正常妊娠胎儿肾上腺下动脉(IAA)血流动力学参数,确定正常参考值范围。方法:从接受常规产前超声检查的18~36周孕妇中选取符合条件的604名进入研究,应用脉冲多普勒在双肾斜冠状切面测量胎儿IAA收缩期峰值流速(PSV)、舒张末期流速(EDV)和搏动指数(PI)、阻力指数(RI),建立其与孕周(GA)相关的正常参考值范围。用Pearson相关分析检验IAA血流动力学参数与孕周间相关性,将各参数与GA分别绘制散点图,拟合多种回归模型,选出最佳拟合曲线。结果:最终纳入594例胎儿。IAA的阻力参数(PI、RI)与孕周呈负相关(P均<0.05,r=-0.73,0.81),且均以Cubic曲线拟合度最佳。IAA的速度参数PSV与孕周无统计学意义(P>0.05),EDV与孕周轻度正相关(P<0.05,r=0.24),二者均以Cubic曲线拟合度最佳。结论:本研究建立了正常胎儿IAA血流参数的正常参考值范围,有助于进一步评估胎儿血流动力学。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Separate reference values were recently established for routine blood samples during last trimester pregnancy. Previously, these were based on blood samples from healthy men or non-pregnant women. Normal changes in variation in the levels of steroid hormones in the last weeks of pregnancy before delivery are also incompletely investigated. This study of the preterm hormone levels was carried out in the search for events leading to increased contractility that might occur in the predelivery weeks and potentially influence the initiation of delivery. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Blood samples during pregnancy weeks 33, 36 and 39 as well as 1-3 h postpartum were collected from pregnant women (19-39 years, mean age 30) with at least one previous pregnancy without hypertension or pre-eclampsia. All women (n = 135) had had a vaginal delivery and spontaneous start of labour. The blood samples were analysed for serum hCG, oestradiol and progesterone. Postpartum, the values were retrospectively rearranged to correspond with the actual week before the day of delivery. RESULTS: During the last trimester of normal pregnancy, a gradual increase was found in oestradiol (median 45980 to 82410 pmol/L), progesterone (median 341 to 675 nmol/L) and a gradual decrease in hCG (median 31833 to 19494 IU/L). Furthermore, a significant (p<0.03) decrease in hCG was found from the third to the second week before delivery, while oestradiol and progesterone continued to increase. CONCLUSIONS: Hormone levels during third-trimester pregnancy have not previously been systematically investigated. Recent data suggest that hCG may have a role as an endogenous tocolytic in normal pregnancy by directly promoting relaxation of uterine contractions. In the present study a significant decrease in serum hCG level was found 2-3 weeks before the spontaneous start of labour. This might contribute to increasing the contractility in the uterine muscle and gradually initiate the onset of labour.  相似文献   

Objective. Separate reference values were recently established for routine blood samples during last trimester pregnancy. Previously, these were based on blood samples from healthy men or non‐pregnant women. Normal changes in variation in the levels of steroid hormones in the last weeks of pregnancy before delivery are also incompletely investigated. This study of the preterm hormone levels was carried out in the search for events leading to increased contractility that might occur in the predelivery weeks and potentially influence the initiation of delivery. Material and methods. Blood samples during pregnancy weeks 33, 36 and 39 as well as 1–3?h postpartum were collected from pregnant women (19–39 years, mean age 30) with at least one previous pregnancy without hypertension or pre‐eclampsia. All women (n = 135) had had a vaginal delivery and spontaneous start of labour. The blood samples were analysed for serum hCG, oestradiol and progesterone. Postpartum, the values were retrospectively rearranged to correspond with the actual week before the day of delivery. Results. During the last trimester of normal pregnancy, a gradual increase was found in oestradiol (median 45980 to 82410?pmol/L), progesterone (median 341 to 675?nmol/L) and a gradual decrease in hCG (median 31833 to 19494?IU/L). Furthermore, a significant (p<0.03) decrease in hCG was found from the third to the second week before delivery, while oestradiol and progesterone continued to increase. Conclusions. Hormone levels during third‐trimester pregnancy have not previously been systematically investigated. Recent data suggest that hCG may have a role as an endogenous tocolytic in normal pregnancy by directly promoting relaxation of uterine contractions. In the present study a significant decrease in serum hCG level was found 2–3 weeks before the spontaneous start of labour. This might contribute to increasing the contractility in the uterine muscle and gradually initiate the onset of labour.  相似文献   

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