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Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials in delayed endolymphatic hydrops   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
Young YH  Huang TW  Cheng PW 《The Laryngoscope》2002,112(9):1623-1626
OBJECTIVE/HYPOTHESIS: Vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP) has become an established test to explore the sacculo-collic reflex. The study aims to investigate the VEMPs in cases of delayed endolymphatic hydrops because greatly dilated saccule was observed in histopathological specimens of delayed endolymphatic hydrops. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective study. METHODS: Twenty patients with delayed endolymphatic hydrops were subjected to pure-tone audiometry, caloric testing, and VEMP test. Delayed VEMP was defined as the latency of peak I exceeding 22.6 milliseconds or of peak II exceeding 33.1 milliseconds. Interaural amplitude difference over the sum of amplitudes of both ears was measured, and when the ratio exceeded 0.36, it was identified as augmented VEMP or depressed VEMP depending on whether the amplitude of the lesioned side was greater or less than the opposite side. RESULTS: The VEMP test revealed that 9 patients (45%) were normal, 6 (30%) exhibited absent VEMPs, and 5 (25%) displayed abnormal VEMPs, including delayed VEMPs in 2, depressed VEMPs in 2, and augmented VEMPs in 1. The caloric test indicated that 9 (47%) of the 19 ears exhibited normal caloric response, whereas 10 ears displayed abnormal caloric responses including canal paresis in 8 and absent caloric response in 2. Six ears had preserved both the caloric response and the VEMPs, whereas no ear demonstrated both absent caloric response and absent VEMPs. CONCLUSIONS: The residual caloric as well as saccular functions after ear insult may determine whether delayed endolymphatic hydrops will occur. These findings suggest that patients with sudden deafness or juvenile unilateral total deafness should undergo caloric testing and VEMP test to predict the occurrence of delayed endolymphatic hydrops in the future.  相似文献   

Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials are vestibulocervical reflexes resulting from sacculus stimulation with strong intensity sounds. Normality parameters are necessary for young normal individuals, using low frequency stimuli, which configure the most sensitive region of this sensory organ.AimTo establish vestibular evoked myogenic potential standards for low frequency stimulation.Material and MethodVestibular evoked myogenic potential was captured from 160 ears, in the ipsilateral sternocleidomastoid muscle, using 200 averaged tone-burst stimuli, at 250 Hz, with an intensity of 95 dB NAn.Case StudyClinical observational cross-sectional.ResultsNeither the student's t-test nor the Mann-Whitney test showed a significant difference in latency or vestibular evoked myogenic potential amplitudes, for p ≤ 0.05. Irrespective of gender, we found latencies of p13-n23 and p13-n23 interpeaks of 13.84 ms (± 1.41), 23.81 ms (±1.99) and 10.62 ms (± 6.56), respectively. Observed values for amplitude asymmetry between the ears were equal to 13.48% for females and 3.81% for males.ConclusionLow frequency stimuli generate vestibular evoked myogenic potentials, with adequate morphology and amplitude, thereby enabling the establishment of standard values for normal individuals at this frequency.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to report the effect of unilateral cochlear implantation to vestibular system using vestibular evoked myogenic potentials (VEMPs) by air-conduction in a sample of children aged less than 5 years.


This study consisted of 10 children (6 boys and 4 girls), who underwent cochlear implantation surgery at our clinic, and 8 normal hearing children (5 boys and 3 girls) matched for age. The VEMPs were performed before, 10 days, and 6 months after surgery. Both the implanted and unimplanted ears of each child were evaluated, with the cochlear implant both off and on.


Preoperatively, six (60%) children had abnormal VEMPs responses on both ears. In the postoperative sessions, no child showed any VEMPs response on the implanted side. The VEMPs were not recorded on the unimplanted side either, except for one case. At 6 months, the VEMPs response on the unimplanted side of three children became normal when the cochlear implant was on, and in two children with the device off.


In the postoperative 6-month-period, the disappearance of VEMPs suggests that the saccule of children can be extensively damaged following cochlear implantation. A recovery of VEMPs can take place on the unimplanted side, with the cochlear implant both on and off. Despite this saccular injury, the absence of clinical signs in children could be explained by their ability to effectively compensate for such vestibular deficits.  相似文献   

目的应用前庭诱发的肌源性电位(vestibular evoked myogenic potentials,VEMPs),观察Tullio现象与Ramsay Hunt综合征的电位特点,为诊断提供客观依据.方法Tullio现象与Ramsay Hunt综合征各1例,通过已经建立的VEMPs检查方法观察两者的电位引出情况.结果正常人VEMP刺激声在阈上85dB nHL可引出VEMPs.本文Tullio现象患者在刺激强度降至39dB nHL时仍可引出.而健侧在69dB nHL时就已不能引出.Ramsay Hunt综合征在阈上105dBHL右侧不能引出VEMP;而左侧可以引出.结论VEMPs可用来了解前庭下神经的功能状态.由于VEMPs的检查特点,可用于动态观察前庭神经病变后的恢复情况.  相似文献   

Accurate information about type, degree, and configuration of hearing loss are necessary for successful audiological early interventions. Auditory brainstem response with tone burst stimuli (TB ABR) and auditory steady-state response (ASSR) exams provide this information.AimTo analyze the clinical applicability of TB ABR and ASSR at 2 kHz in infants, comparing responses in full-term and premature neonates.Material and MethodThe study was cross-sectional, clinical and experimental. Subjects consisted of 17 premature infants and 19 full-term infants. TB ABR and ASSR exams at 2000 Hz were done during natural sleep.ResultsThe electrophysiological minimum response obtained with TB ABR was 32.4 dBnHL (52.4 dBSPL); the ASSR minimum was 13.8 dBHL (26.4 dBSPL). The exams required 21.1 min and 22 min, respectively. Premature and full-term infant responses showed no statistically significant differences, except for auditory steady-state response duration.ConclusionsBoth exams have clinical applicability at 2 kHz in infants, with 20 min of duration, on average. In general, there are no differences between premature and full-term individuals.  相似文献   

Conclusions: Delay in ABR and CAEPs wave latencies in children with type 1DM indicates that there is abnormality in the neural conduction in DM patients. The duration of DM has greater effect on auditory function than the control of DM.

Background: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a common endocrine and metabolic disorder. Evoked potentials offer the possibility to perform a functional evaluation of neural pathways in the central nervous system.

Objectives: To investigate the effect of type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM) on auditory brain stem response (ABR) and cortical evoked potentials (CAEPs).

Method: This study included two groups: a control group (GI), which consisted of 20 healthy children with normal peripheral hearing, and a study group (GII), which consisted of 30 children with type I DM. Basic audiological evaluation, ABR, and CAEPs were done in both groups.

Results: Delayed absolute latencies of ABR and CAEPs waves were found. Amplitudes showed no significant difference between both groups. Positive correlation was found between ABR wave latencies and duration of DM. No correlation was found between ABR, CAEPs, and glycated hemoglobin.  相似文献   

Previous reports have suggested that IDPN may be ototoxic (Wolff et al., 1977; Crofton and Knight, 1991). The purpose of this research was to investigate the ototoxicity of IDPN using behavioral, physiological and morphological approaches. Three groups of adult rats were exposed to IDPN (0–400 mg/kg/day) for three consecutive days. In the first group, at 9–10 weeks post-exposure, thresholds for hearing of 5.3- and 38-kHz filtered clicks were measured electrophysiologically and brainstem auditory evoked responses (BAERs) were also recorded to a suprathreshold broadband click stimulus. A second set of animals was tested at 9 weeks for behavioral hearing thresholds (0.5- to 40-kHz tones) and at 11–12 weeks post-exposure for BAER thresholds (5- to 80-kHz filtered clicks). A third group of animals was exposed (as above), and killed at 12–14 weeks post-exposure for histological assessment. Kanamycin sulfate was used as a positive control for high-frequency selective hearing loss. Surface preparations of the organ of Corti were prepared in order to assess hair cells, and mid-modiolar sections of the cochlea were used to examine Rosenthal's canal and the stria vascularis. Functional data demonstrate a broad-spectrum hearing loss ranging from 0.5 kHz (30 dB deficit) to 80 kHz (40 dB deficit), as compared to a hearing deficit in kanamycin-exposed animals that was only apparent at frequencies greater than 5 kHz. Surface preparations revealed IDPN-induced hair cell loss in all turns of the organ of Corti, with a basal-to-apical gradient (more damage in the basal turns) at the lower dosages. At higher dosages there was complete destruction of the organ of Corti. There was also a dosage-related loss of spiral ganglion cells in all turns of the cochlea, again with a basal-to-apical gradient at the lower dosages. These data demonstrate that IDPN exposure in the rat results in extensive hearing loss and loss of neural structures in the cochlea.  相似文献   

目的 :探讨电诱发听神经复合动作电位 (ECAP)的特点及在人工耳蜗临床中的应用价值和意义。方法 :应用NRT(neuralresponsetelemetry)软件 ,通过体外言语处理器和耳蜗内的植入电极系统 ,采用单极模式电极刺激和近场记录方法 ,对 37例NucleusCI2 4M装置使用者进行ECAP的记录。对其中 12例使用者做了行为测试。结果 :87.6 %的使用者记录到ECAP波形。分析了有行为阈值的 12例测试者的ECAP阈值和行为阈值的关系 ,二者之间存在显著的相关性。结论 :ECAP的检出率高且波形稳定可靠 ,在临床人工耳蜗装置的调试中可作为对行为测试的补充 ;对于年幼儿童和首次开机的患者的调试尤其重要  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to explore the useful of vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP) testing for detecting endolymphatic hydrops, especially in the second ear of patients with unilateral Ménière disease (MD). METHODS: This study was performed at a tertiary care academic medical center. Part I consisted of postmortem temporal bone specimens from the temporal bone collection of the Massachusetts Eye & Ear Infirmary; part II consisted of consecutive consenting adult patients (n = 82) with unilateral MD by American Academy of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery criteria case histories. Outcome measures consisted of VEMP thresholds in patients and histologic saccular endolymphatic hydrops in postmortem temporal bones. RESULTS: Saccular hydrops was observed in the asymptomatic ear in six of 17 (35%) of temporal bones from donors with unilateral MD. Clinic patients with unilateral MD showed elevated mean VEMP thresholds and altered VEMP tuning in their symptomatic ears and, to a lesser degree, in their asymptomatic ears. Specific VEMP frequency and tuning criteria were used to define a "Ménière-like" response. This "Ménière-like" response was seen in 27% of asymptomatic ears of our patients with unilateral MD. CONCLUSIONS: Bilateral involvement is seen in approximately one third of MD cases. Saccular hydrops appears to precede symptoms in bilateral MD. Changes in VEMP threshold and tuning appear to be sensitive to these structural changes in the saccule. If so, then VEMP may be useful as a detector of asymptomatic saccular hydrops and as a predictor of evolving bilateral MD.  相似文献   

Vestibular evoked myogenic potentials and glycerol testing   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: The objective was to evaluate dizziness as the first symptom of endolymphatic hydrops, which could provide valuable information on the initial stages of endolymphatic hydrops development. STUDY DESIGN: The present investigation was specifically designed to establish whether a combination of the traditional glycerol test and the vestibular evoked myogenic potential (VEMP) glycerol test is capable of diagnosing endolymphatic hydrops early and to identify potential Meniere's disease. The study was limited to patients who complained of dizziness as their only vestibular symptom. METHODS: Thirty-eight consecutive patients with dizziness who had received no treatment were investigated. Each patient underwent glycerol testing measured with both conventional pure-tone audiometry and vestibular evoked myogenic potential testing. For the vestibular evoked myogenic potential glycerol test, an increase of more than 20% in both latency and amplitude after glycerol intake was considered an improvement.RESULTS In one patient, the reappearance of the vestibular evoked myogenic potentials was observed. In another six patients, there was an increase in the vestibular evoked myogenic potential amplitudes, unilaterally in four cases and bilaterally in two. One patient showed a bilateral improvement in amplitude and an unilateral amelioration in latency. CONCLUSION: The assumption of saccular dilation as a sign of early Meniere's disease was not supported by the literature, which considered saccular hydrops as the final progression of the dilation of the endolymphatic compartments into the cochlea. These data seem to indicate that in our patients a saccular dysfunction rather than an early saccular hydrops has been documented, confirming vestibular evoked myogenic potential testing as an intriguing diagnostic option for a lesion of this structure. The vestibular evoked myogenic potential glycerol test proved capable of identifying dysfunctions of the saccule that were not otherwise detectable by the routine methods. Therefore, the vestibular evoked myogenic potential glycerol test should be considered as an additional method of diagnosis in patients with vertigo or dizziness.  相似文献   

目的:观察我国正常青年人群中前庭诱发肌源性电位(VEMP)出现的阳性率及各项参数指标。方法:选取52例(男31例,女21例)21~22岁正常健康人群,以短声为刺激声,单耳给声,同侧胸锁乳突肌(SCM)记录。结果:47例2耳均可引出VEMP,5例2耳均不能引出。总104耳中,94耳阳性,10耳阴性,阳性率90%。统计阳性耳各参数:p1潜伏期(15.97±3.22)ms、n2潜伏期(24.41±2.46)ms、p1n2间期(8.41±2.06)ms,幅值(33.27±14.37)μV,阈值(93.67±5.20)dB nHL。统计47例正常人同一个体耳内差异的各参数为p1潜伏期(0.97±1.31)ms,n2潜伏期(1.23±1.30)ms,p1n2间期(0.95±1.21)ms,幅值(10.04±11.88)μV,阈值(2.29±2.56)dB nHL。男女各参数比较差异无统计学意义。结论:绝大部分正常人可引出VEMP。VEMP的引出体现该侧耳球囊→前庭下神经→脑干前庭神经核→前庭脊髓通路→颈肌运动神经元这条反射途径的完整性。VEMP可能成为一种检测前庭终器及其传导通路完整性的方法。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: The objective was to assess the effect of hydrogen peroxide applied to the middle ear on cochlear and vestibular function. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective animal study. METHODS: Sand rats underwent a right-side total labyrinthectomy, and a polyethylene tube was inserted into the left-side middle ear. Following baseline recordings of vestibular evoked potentials in response to linear acceleration stimuli and auditory brainstem response, each experimental animal received five daily applications of hydrogen peroxide into the left-side middle ear. Two control groups received saline and gentamicin, respectively. Subsequently, recordings were repeated and compared with baseline measurements. RESULTS: Saline administration affected neither vestibular evoked potentials nor auditory brainstem response. In contrast, both responses could not be recorded following gentamicin application. After hydrogen peroxide administration, auditory brainstem response could not be recorded in 25% (3 of 12) of the animals, whereas in the remaining nine animals the average auditory brainstem response threshold was significantly elevated by 55 dB (P =.000002). Linear vestibular evoked potentials could not be recorded in 42% (5 of 12) of the animals. CONCLUSION: It appears that topical hydrogen peroxide adversely affects both cochlear and vestibular function of the sand rat. The study demonstrated the effect of a reactive oxygen species on inner ear function and may be useful in the study of mechanisms responsible for this damage and its protection. Clinically, although an animal model was used in the present study, caution should be exercised when large amounts of hydrogen peroxide are applied to a dry, perforated ear.  相似文献   

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