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Zusammenfassung Die akute Pankreatitis zeigt mit der jauchigen Nekrose und der Vielfalt der Fettgewebsnekrosen ein eindrucksvolles Bild. Dennoch sind einige Teilaspekte wenig bekannt und für das Verständnis der Krankheit wichtig, z. B. die häufige Aussparung des Kerns der Drüse. Die anatomischen Äquivalente von Schock, Schmerz, Ileus werden erläutert, auf das Krankheitsbild Pankreatitis ohne Pankreatitis wird kurz eingegangen. Als Komplikationen werden die Chronifizierung und die Pseudocysten dargestellt. Die chronische Pankreatitis bis zur ausgebrannten Drüse mit Stein, Diabetes und möglicherweise Carcinom wird in ihrer Entstehung anatomisch gezeigt.
Fundamental morphological aspects of acute and chronic pancreatitis
Summary Acute pancreatitis presents an impressive picture, with autodigestic necrosis and various types of necrosis of fat tissue. Nevertheless, some side aspects are little known, although they are important to the understanding of the disease, e.g. the frequent sparing of the kernel of the gland. The anatomical equivalents of shock, pain, ileus are exvlained, and the syndrome of pancreatitis without pancreatitis will be briefly discussed. The complications of progression to a chronic state and of pseudocysts will be shown. The development of chronic pancreatitis leading to the burnt out gland with stones, diabetes and possibly carcinoma will be shown anatomically.

Zusammenfassung In einer prospektiv kontrollierten Studie wurden konsekutiv die Wundheilungsstörungsraten bei 1099 Patienten eines nicht ausgewählten allgemein- und unfallchirurgischen Krankengutes in einem 4monatigen Zeitraum untersucht. Bei einer Gesamtwundheilungsstörungsrate von 7,6 % ergeben sich aufgeschlüsselt nach Art des Eingriffes folgende Infektionsraten: Gruppe I (sauber): 4,5%, Gruppe II (sauber-kontaminiert): 8,1 %, Gruppe III (kontaminiert): 13,5 %, Gruppe IV (schmutzig): 42,5 %. Die mittlere stationäre Verweildauer verlängerte sich von 9,9 Tage auf 39 Tage bei Vorliegen einer Wundheilungsstörung.  相似文献   

Summary The distribution of extracellular matrix vesicles on the third day of bone healing was studied by morphometric analysis of transmission electron micrographs. Detection and grouping of the vesicles was performed according to type, diameter, and distance from the calcified front. The different types were selected as follows: vesicles with electron-lucent contents (empty), vesicles with amorphous electron-opaque contents (amorphic), vesicles containing crystalline depositions (crystal), and vesicles containing crystalline structures with ruptured membranes (rupture). The majority of vesicles were between 0.07 µm and 0.12 m in diameter and were located at less than 3 m from the calcified front. The distribution of the empty, amorphic, crystal, and rupture vesicles was 23.2%, 74%, 2.5%, and 0.3% respectively. Their sequence of arrangement according to diameter was as follows: empty, amorphic, crystal, and rupture, the empty vesicles constituting the smallest and the rupture the largest type. Distances from the calcified front were similar for the empty, amorphic, and crystal vesicles, while the rupture type was located nearest to the front. The present observations support the widely acknowledged hypothesis on the role of extracellular matrix vesicles in mineralization. It is thought that the secretion of empty vesicles from the cell is followed by intravscular accumulation of amorphous Ca and Pi to form a hydroxyapatite crystal that, in turn, ruptures the vesicle's membrane. The maturation process is accompanied by an increase of the vesicular diameter and its approximation to the calcifying front.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Zur operativen Beinverlängerung wurde ein neues Femur-Distraktionsgerät entwickelt. Das Gerät besteht aus einem elektronisch programmierbaren Distraktionsaggregat einschließlich Kraftquelle und einer zweiteiligen Führungsschiene. Das Gesamtsystem ist voll versenkbar und schafft Übungsstabilität während der Distraktionsphase. Die Funktionen Vorlauf — Stop —Rücklauf können transcutan induktiv gesteuert werden. Ein für das Tierexperiment speziell entwickelter Prototyp des Gerätes wurde an Schafen erfolgreich erprobt.  相似文献   

connecting the dots between diverse clinical and other matters and an updated bone physiology reveals relationships that could modify some ideas about the roles and uses of absorptiometry in osteoporosis work. Herein, absorptiometry means that part of clinical densitometry that depends on X-ray absorption by bone and other tissues, thus excluding ultrasound methods and magnetic resonance imaging. The modifications concern, in part, some limitations of bone mineral density data, the kinds of physiological information that absorptiometry can and cannot provide, the relative importance of bone mass and whole-bone strength, how to define and study bone health and osteoporosis, and two kinds of osteoporotic fractures. As those modifications concern important national health care issues, they deserve answers based on hard evidence. Identifying those modifications might help others to evaluate them.  相似文献   

Considering the fixed points of the face (Fig. 1), and in light of the fact that gravity is one of the main factors involved in aging, a new alternative concept in cosmetic surgery is discussed in this paper. In our approach, rejuvenation of the face and neck involves two completely separate procedures. The whole face must be treated homothetically, with an upward (vertical) and deep (subperiosteal) approach, to preserve facial proportions and distances, thus preserving the original facial identity. The facial portion of our rejuvenation surgery becomes a single en bloc and closed procedure, correcting the sagging tissue in the lateral sector, between the fixed zones which must be preserved. The Malaris portion of the Orbicularis Oculi Muscle, (through its strong connections with the skin and the malar fat) has become the key tool of the rejuvenation of the whole face. Then, neck surgery becomes a completely distinct procedure, and is to be performed in an oblique/horizontal direction. We now seek to preserve the very firmly attached neck zones, which are the attachment of the posterior border of the fibrous platysma onto the S.C.M. (Sterno-Cleido-Mastoidien muscle). This will permit a more conservative and less aggressive neck surgery, without any sub-platysmal disection. Over 200 RARE procedures have been performed during almost four years. Improvement in terms of facial rejuvenation is dramatic and the technique is quite safe and predictable. The only possible difficulty involves the patients temporary initial concern about early postoperative appearance. Presented at ASAPS Boston, 2003; (International Symposium Paper Winner). This article was initially submitted for publication in 3rd quarter, 2003.**Homothetia (adj: homothetic): From homos: same; and thesis: position. A geometric term which means conservation of the relations and distances of different points of a figure, after its displacement (syn: to act in concert or in harmony). Homothetia preserves the identity of components during movement, without deformation or change. (Figs. 2A, B, 3A, B).  相似文献   

Summary Twenty spinal shock patients were investigated with simultaneous urethrovesical, anal and rectal pressure recordings and EMG of the external urethral and anal sphincters. Dynamic and static urethral pressure profiles (UPP) were carried out with empty and full bladder. Baldder filling was accompanied by an increased resistance in the internal sphincter zone, which in turn was paralleled in the majority of cases by an elevation of pressure in the membranous urethra without concomitant increase of its EMG activity. This is suggestive of an increased sympathetic activity in the bladder neck area and in the smooth muscle component of the external urethral sphincter. Dynamic pullthrough UPP's displayed higher resistances in the membranous urethra than static interrupted UPP's pointing to the role played by the urethral muscosal receptors in eliciting artefactual results. Higher pressures were recorded in the juxtabulbar portion of the membranous urethra than in its mid portion pointing to a gradient of pressure within the external urethral sphincter itself. The amount of EMG activity recorded in the anal and urethral sphincters at rest was somewhat decreased; high pressures and distinct reflex activity were recorded in both sphincters showing that they escape spinal shock characterized primarily by areflexia. After defining spinal shock a rational explanation based upon neuroanatomical and neurophysiological findings is offered as to why somatic activity of the sacral segments escapes it as evidenced by clincial, urodynamic, and electromyographic recordings.  相似文献   

Success after endovascular abdominal aortic aneurysm repair (EVAR) is dependent on device positional stability. The quest for such stability has motivated different endograft designs, and the risk factors entailed remain the subject of debate. This study aims at defining the incidence, risk factors, and clinical implications of device migration after EVAR with the AneuRx® endograft. In this study we included all consecutive 109 patients submitted to primary AneuRx placement for infrarenal aortic or aortoiliac aneurysms. Preoperative computed tomography (CT) scans were reviewed for the following anatomic characteristics: neck length, diameter, angulation, calcification, and thrombus load; and sac diameter and thrombus load. Percentage of device oversizing relative to the proximal neck diameter was determined. All postoperative CT scans were reviewed, and the distance between the lowest renal artery and the craniad end of the device was measured. A 5-mm increase in such distance was considered indicative of device migration. Migration cumulative incidence was estimated by the Kaplan-Meier method, and its association with any of the preoperative anatomical characteristics was tested using Cox proportional hazards models. Median follow-up time was 9 (range, 1-31) months. Migration occurred in nine patients, corresponding to a 15.6% estimated probability of migration at 30 months (SE=5.1%). Migration was associated with the risk of proximal type I endoleak (hazard ratio=3.39, 95% confidence interval=1.46-7.87; p=0.007). This type of endoleak occurred in three of the migration-affected patients (33.3%); all of them were resolved by additional cuff placement at the proximal landing zone. No other migration-related reinterventions were performed. The only significant associations between anatomic factors and device migration probability were the protective effects of longer necks (odds ratio [OR]=0.71 for each additional 5 mm, p=0.045) and longer overlapped portions of neck and device (OR=0.56 for each additional 5 mm, p=0.003). There was a trend toward higher probability of migration among reverse-tapered necks (OR=1.75, p=0.109). Percentage of device oversizing correlated with early neck dilation (between preoperative and first postoperative diameters, correlation coefficient=0.4, p < 0.0001), but not with late neck dilatation (between first postoperative and 1.5-year scan diameters, correlation coefficient=0.29, p=0.112). There was a trend toward higher mean percentage of late dilation among migrators (11.4%, standard error of the mean [SEM] 2.6) than nonmigrators (5.7%, SEM=1) (p=0.08), but both groups had similar mean percentages of early dilation (3%, SEM=1.6%, vs. 5.5%, SEM=0.6%; p=0.365). This result indicates that device migration is not a rare event after AneuRx implantation. This phenomenon is associated with proximal type I endoleaks. Deployment of the endograft immediately below the renal arteries might help to prevent migration, since use of greater lengths of overlapped device relative to the proximal neck has a protective effect. Migration seems to be independent of the degree of device oversizing.Presented at the 29th Annual Meeting of the Peripheral Vascular Surgery Society, Anaheim, CA, June 4-5, Sergio M. Sampaio is a recipient of the Edward S. Rogers Clinical Research Fellowship in Vascular Surgery.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Als Ursache der symmetrischen Unterschenkelfrakturengibt es direkte Trauma durch Kantensturz, Fahrzeugkollision oder Stoßstangenanprall. Gehäuft treten die zweizeitigen Kombinationsverletzungen Beine, Kopf, Becken auf. Lokal überwiegen die offenen Trümmerbrüche verschiedener Höhe. Gefäß-Nerven-Verletzung ist relativ selten. Therapeutisch erfordert die Mehrfachverletzung individuelle Indikationsstellung nach vitaler Dringlichkeit. Daher Osteosynthese praktisch nur verzögert primär möglich, und dann eventuell mit zwei Operationsgruppen. Vorbeugend sind verbesserte Sicherheitssysteme zur Unfallverhütung zu fordern.  相似文献   

Steatopygia, from the Greek steato meaning fat and pygia meaning buttocks, is defined as excessive fat of the buttocks, usually seen in women and sometimes called Hottentot Bustle because it was commonly seen in the Hottentot people of southern Africa. This affliction is characterized by protrusion and excessive fatness of just the buttocks region. Our patient was not particularly overweight (166 lb) and had a reasonably thin waist and legs. However, her buttocks were so protruding as to appear to have been from a completely different person. She wore only full skirts and could never wear jeans or pants of any kind. By using both superficial and deep serial suction techniques we were able to remove 12.5 L of subcutaneous fat over a two-year period without hospitalization or exogenous transfusion. The superficial technique improved skin retraction.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Weiterbildung — die Einführung eines approbierten Arztes in ein anerkanntes Fachgebiet — ist im Begriff und System von Ausbildung (des Studenten) und lebenslanger Fortbildung (des fertigen Arztes) zu unterscheiden. Sie schafft das Fundament, auf dem sich Wissen und Können der Angehörigen einer Disziplin aufbauen, und setzt damit Wertmaßstäbe im eigenen Land und über die Grenzen hinaus. Weiterbildungsordnung (WO) und als Richtlinien bezeichnete Ausführungsbestimmungen regeln den Ablauf der Weiterbildung (W). Neu ist im wesentlichen die Verlängerung der Weiterbildungszeit von 5 auf 6 Jahre, die Einführung von Teilgebieten (in der Chirurgie Teilgebiet Kinder-Chirurgie und Teilgebiet Unfall-Chirurgie) mit dem Ziel, abgerundeten Subspezialitäten im Rahmen des Gesamt-Fachgebiets eine Autonomie zu geben, sowie ein umfangreicher Operations-Katalog. Die WO ist damit richtungweisend für die weitere Entwicklung des Fachgebietes und begründet erhebliche Anforderungen sowohl an den Facharzt-Aspiranten als auch an den Erfahrenen, der die W leitet. Die Einführung eines Befähigungsnachweises als einer in der ausschließlichen Kompetenz der ärztlichen Selbstverwaltung gelegenen Abschlußkontrolle wird befürwortet.
Summary Postgraduate medical education in an approved specialty by definition and set-up differs from both undergraduate medical education and the life-long continuing medical education after completion of training. Postgraduate education in medicine is the basis for the knowledge and proficiency of a specialist and sets standards at home and abroad. Postgraduate education is laid down in principle in the Weiterbildungsordnung and regulated by the Richtlinien. Major innovations are a prolongation of training from 5 to 6 years, the introduction of subspecialties (pediatric surgery, traumatology), in order to give these established groups autonomy within the field of surgery and finally a sizable list of operations to be performed. The new Weiterbildungsordnung will guide the future development of surgery and imposes demands both on those in training and those responsible for it. An examination as "proof of competence"' is recommended, but should remain within the competence of the medical profession.

Suction abdominoplasties are associated with a number of surgical complications, mainly in obese people and diabetic patients. The aesthetic result is often spoiled by poor balance caused by improper distance between the guide points of an harmonious abdomen (e.g., minimum of 10 cm between the pubic scar and the umbilicus). Almost all surgical complications are caused by extensive undermining and can be avoided by an en bloc resection without any undermining (the suction lipectomy of the upper flat creates a mesh undermining which is almost as efficient). A new neo-umbilicoplasty, described here, can be situated in the right position with good aesthetic results.  相似文献   

Association of meningiomas with dural “tails”; Surgical significance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary Intracranial meningiomas are characteristically benign tumours with a tendency to recur following surgical resection. Our group is investigating the pathogenesis of meningioma recurrence. In our initial studies we identified two cases of dural tails associated with intracranial meningiomas. Gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance images were utilized to identify the dural tails preoperatively. These images aided us in performing a more complete surgical resection of the meningiomas. Histopathological confirmation of meningotheliomatous cell infiltration into the dural tails demonstrates their surgical significance.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Anhand von Verlaufsdaten 66 chirurgischer Patienten mit einer bakteriologisch gesicherten Peritonitis sollten harte und weiche Kriterien zur Beurteilung des Schweregrades differenziert werden. Untersuchungskriterien: 1) regionale Ausbreitung, 2) Entwicklung eines Organod. Systemversagens, 3) Leukocytose/Thrombopenie, Körpertemperatur, 4) die Plasmamediatoren Endotoxin/Prostaglandin F2 (PGF2), 5) Anamnesedauer (Erstsymptom bis OP), 6) Anzahl erforderlicher Reoperationen und 7) Lebensalter. Zuzuordnende Schweregrade: Grad 1: überlebt, Grad 2: mit Komplikationen überlebt, Grad 3: nicht überlebt. Danach erweisen sich als harte Kriterien: 1) Lokalisation, 2) Anamnesedauer, 3) Leukocytose, 4) Endotoxin > 100 Eu/ml, PGF2 > 500 pg/ml, 5) Körpertemperatur 38,5°C.  相似文献   

Summary A retrospective analysis of a consecutive series of 52 cases with premature craniosynostosis is presented.Excellent functional, cosmetic, and social results could be achieved by resection of prematurely fused sutures and the creation of artificial growth sutures. Pronounced skull deformities have been corrected using the basket handle, the visor plasty, and the T-bone techniques or a combination of several of these skull form correction techniques. The surgical correction of the skull base by the frontal advancement technique in combination with orbitotomy was only necessary in 2 of our cases and could have been considered in 2 additional cases viewed retrospectively.Our results support the hypothesis that the primary cause of skull deformity is the premature closure of vault sutures and not a primary deformity of the skull base.  相似文献   

Beneficial Effects of Apolipoprotein A-I on Endotoxemia   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Imai T  Fujita T  Yamazaki Y 《Surgery today》2003,33(9):684-687
Purpose. Although many studies have shown the beneficial effects of lipoproteins on animals with endotoxemia, little is known about the impact of apolipoprotein A-I (apoA-I) on tumor necrosis factor (TNF-) release in response to lipopolysaccharide (LPS). The present study was conducted to determine whether the administration of apoA-I inhibits the release of TNF- and influences the survival rate of rats with endotoxemia.Methods. Forty male Wistar rats were divided randomly into four groups. Rats in the first and second groups were given 1mg/kg LPS intraperitoneally (i.p.) and blood was collected 1h later to measure the serum levels of TNF-. Either 10mg/kg apoA-I or Tris-buffered saline was injected i.p. and the serum TNF- levels were measured again 2h later. Rats in the third and fourth groups were given 5mg/kg LPS. Following the administration of 10mg/kg apoA-I or Tris-buffered saline, animals were observed for 5 days and survival rates were determined.Results. ApoA-I inhibited the release of serum TNF- and improved the survival rates of rats with endotoxemia.Conclusion. The administration of apoA-I suppressed the TNF- release in endotoxemia and decreased the mortality rates of rats.  相似文献   

Background: The anticancer role of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-) has been limited by toxicity. These experiments evaluate blocking endogenous interferon-gamma (IFN-) activity to abrogate TNF- toxicity. Methods: C57Bl/6 mice bearing MCA 105 tumor were treated with TNF- and anti-IFN- antibody (Ab) to evaluate the effect on the acute lethality of TNF- and their efficacy as evaluated by tumor growth rate, tumor histology, and survival. Results: Anti-IFN- Ab decreased TNF- lethality. Anti-IFN- Ab alone increased tumor growth significantly more than did nonimmune IgG (p2<0.0001). Tumor-bearing mice that received nonimmune IgG and TNF- had slower tumor growth (p2<0.02) and a trend toward improved survival (p=0.07) compared with saline-treated controls. Anti-IFN- Ab abrogated the antitumor effect of TNF-, prevented acute tumor necrosis histologically, and resulted in tumor growth rate and host survival similar to that of controls. The findings in mice that received anti-IFN- Ab and high-dose TNF- were comparable with those in mice that received a lower, equitoxic dose of TNF- alone. Conclusions: Blocking endogenous IFN- accelerates tumor growth in this model and partially abrogates the toxic and antitumor activity of exogenous TNF- equally. This suggests that blocking endogenous IFN- activity is not a useful strategy for limiting TNF- treatment toxicity.Presented in part at the 45th Annual Cancer Symposium of The Society of Surgical Oncology, New York, New York, March 15–18, 1992.  相似文献   

ZusammenfaBung Aufgrund mehr als 10jähriger Studien werden Wege für eine freiwillige QualitätBicherung chirurgischer Arbeit aufgezeigt. Neben kurzfristigen MaBnahmen (z. B. Strategie der Therapie) ist langfristig 1. eine Pilotstudie mit dem Ziel vorgesehen, über die ErfaBung vergleichbarer Werte AufschluB über Mängel und Fehler in der chirurgischen Versorgung zu gewinnen und 2. eine Organisation (nach dem Vorbild des holländischen Concilium chirurgicum), um kollegiale Visitationen chirurgischer ArbeitBtätten durchführen zu können. Beide - streng freiwillige - Einrichtungen sollen Grundlage für eine die Selbstachtung der Chirurgen fördernde, staatliches Eingreifen verhindernde QualitätBicherung werden.  相似文献   

Summary The current excellent short-term results of renal transplantation are achieved at the expense of complications of chronic immunosuppression. These include increased risk for infection, malignancy, and long-term deterioration of function (chronic allograft nephropathy). The induction of transplantation tolerance, the long-term acceptance of an allograft without continuous immunosuppression, has been a goal of transplant immunologists for the last 40 years. Unfortunately, this has been easier to achieve in rodents than in humans. Nevertheless, this body of research has significantly increased our knowledge of the workings of the immune system and, specifically, how the body differentiates between self and nonself. Using these insights, several promising approaches to the clinical induction of transplant tolerance have emerged and are undergoing clinical evaluation.  相似文献   

Summary This is a retrospective study of 134 patients operated on for solitary brain metastasis at the University Hospital in Uppsala, Sweden between 1963 and 1982. All the patients underwent postoperative radiation therapy. A statistical evaluation of different prognostic factors was made in order to create a prognostic model, a so-called risk profile, to be used for future patients. The most important factors for the making of risk profiles were found to be the histological diagnosis followed by the location in the brain, then the state on admission and the age at admission in that declining order. All these variables separately and together,i.e., as risk profiles, were matched against the outcome during survival as Karnofsky's scores and against the length of survival time. The results are shown in a diagram giving the surgeon grounds for his decision-making for or against operation and also for pre-operative information.  相似文献   

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