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The aim of this paper was to analyze the experiences of students to whom a telepresence robot was made available in periods during which they were prevented from attending university courses.


This research uses a psychopathological approach to everyday virtual life. At the end of the period of use of the robot, non-directive research interviews were conducted with the students.


The analysis shows that the device can be experienced by these students as a potential space of subjectivation because it appears to help avoid a possible collapse and thus facilitates the mobilization of psychic elements that were not previously elaborated.


The robot is experienced as the possibility of an augmented body, and, beyond, of an augmented subject into which the students project a part of themselves, enabling a subjective appropriation of the self via a mirror effect. Finally, it is important to recall that this device is used within an educational program. Any educational or learning process upsets references, as for an adolescent experiencing the changes that affect him. The role of peers is important in sustaining a sense of permanence of identity.


There is thus the possibility of a space of intersubjectivation enabling the construction of the link on three levels: the subjectivation of the absent subject represented by the avatar-robot; the subjectivation of the subject's peers; the internal links of the group.  相似文献   

ObjectivesThe development of telemedicine for children and adolescents is a real need because of difficult accessibility of mental health and the paucity of childhood psychiatrists. Thus the American Academy for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) published in 2008 good practice recommendations for telepsychiatry in children and adolescents based on clinical consensus and scientific evidence. In France the legal framework defines four practical modalities according to the presence or not of a health professional or a psychologist with the practitioner accomplishing the teleconsultation act. Data exist about the outcome of children and adolescents who benefited from therapeutic interventions with technological media. Effect size is modest but it doesn’t justify ruling out these techniques. Children who present with a developmental disorder or who cannot cooperate are evaluated with a certain degree of uncertainty. By contrast, some children with severe Attention Deficit with or without Hyperactivity (ADHD), social anxiety or Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) can be more easily engaged within a teleconsultation model. Teleconsultations in autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are feasible because of the nature of diagnosis and the type of care recommended in this disorder. The behavioral nature of the disorder and the behavioral therapeutic approaches recommended in North America culture highlight the potential interest of telemedicine because these disorders are easily observable. Literature suggests new opportunities in order to facilitate the care process for the ASD person and his family: the first one is diagnosis with use of validated instruments such as the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule (ADOS) and the Autism Diagnostic Interview (ADI). Parental accompaniment is the second opportunity. Development of telemedicine for ASD could be a complementary approach for diagnosis and medical care.MethodSince 2015, a program called PROMETTED (PROgramme MEdical de Télépsychiatrie pour enfants et adolescents présentant un Trouble Envahissant du Développement) was supported by Regional Health Agency of Île-de-France. It was developed and managed by the team of a Diagnosis Center Evaluation for Autism (DCEA) of Paris area in collaboration with a DCEA of Île-de-France region. Five medico-social structures for children and adolescents with autistic disorders and the two diagnosis centers of evaluation for autism co-elaborated a scheme of intervention with telemedicine. The remote evaluation is a 4-step process: a first teleconsultation structured around the medical history of the subject in order to complete his medical file and the observation of the young subject; a second teleconsultation structured around the ADI-R interview with parents; the third teleconsultation is a mixed teleconsultation associating the medical expert of the DCEA and a psychologist trained in the use of the Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) and the Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales (VABS). The fourth teleconsultation consists of the psychiatrist giving feed-back to parents about the results of the observations of the DCEA team.ResultsThe four-step program is well-accepted and the use of validated instruments for diagnosis or functional evaluation appears feasible. Medical data were completed for 44% of cases; complementary genetic or medical investigations were prescribed for 50% of cases; medical advice about psychotropic or vitaminic medication was given for 31% of cases. Mean duration of evaluation was 11.1 weeks ± 9.4.ConclusionsThe PROMETTED program empirically validates the concept of remote evaluation for children and adolescents with ASD. The need to extend the use of telemedicine to tele-expertise for medicine monitoring or behavioral disorder management has been noted.  相似文献   

Ketamine's history begins in the fifties in Detroit, at Parke-Davis laboratories. In 1956, Maddox synthetized phencyclidine or PCP. Domino studied PCP effects in animals and in 1958, Greifenstein made the first trials of PCP in humans under the name of Sernyl. Sernyl elicited severe excitation with a prolonged postoperative recovery. Because of its psychedelic effects, it became a street-drug under the name of “angel dust”. Calvin Stevens synthesized ketamine in 1962. The drug was studied in humans in 1964, by Domino and Corssen who described the so-called “dissociative anesthesia”. Ketamine was patented in 1966 under the name of Ketalar for human use and was administered to soldiers during the Vietnam war. The psychedelic effects and the arrival of propofol prompted the shelving of ketamine. However, the discovery of the NMDA-receptor and its non-competitive inhibition by ketamine revolutionized the pathophysiology of hyperalgesia and mental functioning. In early 1990s, the discovery of opioid-induced hyperalgesia elicited a paradigm shift in the management of pain, and a comeback of ketamine, as an anti-hyperalgesic drug. Ketamine is nowadays under the spotlight in the field of treatment-resistant depression and has been proposed as a potential fast antidepressant in patients with high suicidal risk.  相似文献   



This literature review set out to describe the history and the evolutions in German-, English- and French-speaking countries of a psychiatric notion, “litigious delusion”. The author focuses on a subgroup taking the form of querulent delusion or querulousness (a pathological tendency towards litigious behaviors).


The author studies writings by legal and psychiatric specialists in French, English and German from the middle of the 19th century (first mention of the diagnostic entity Querulantenwahn by the German psychiatrist Johann Ludwig Casper) to the present day. He closely follows the evolution of the notion of Querulantenwahn in Germany and describes the contributions by experts such as Richard von Krafft-Ebing, Emil Kraepelin and Kurt Schneider. In France, he shows how Taguet and Pottier's délire des persécutés–persécuteurs became a subgroup of Cullerre and De Clérambault's délire de revendication (litigious delusion). Finally, he explains why these categories have not been studied more in depth in English-speaking countries with reference to work by experts in psychiatry and by legal specialists.


The concepts of querulousness and litigious delusion have had different outcomes according to the country. In Germany, the Querulantenwahn is a clinical entity still mentioned in psychiatric manuals, although it now refers to a personality disorder. In France, psychiatrists prefer to use the term querulousness (quérulence), a notion that is incorporated into the category of paranoid delusions. In English-speaking countries, querulous individuals are liable not to be addressed to psychiatric care, and tend to be known as vexatious litigants, a judicial term that prevents them from accessing the courts.


The author sheds light on the reasons why the definition of querulousness seems so divergent from one country to another; he proposes a reflection on the disappearance of litigious delusion as a clinical concept.


Further reflection on the nosographic status of the concepts of querulousness and litigious delusion is required to determine their correct positioning in psychiatric classifications. Meanwhile, new institutional responses adapted to the psychiatric and legal situation of so-called “querulous” persons need to be elaborated.  相似文献   

Résumé La fonction essentielle du système nerveux sympathique réside dans son action trophique, c'est-à-dire dans la régulation de croissance des organes et le maintien d'un équilibre harmonieux entre les divers tissus qui les composent.Ce rôle trophique est évident dans le cas de l'action des hormones morphogènes, où le facteur neuro-sympathique, support de la sensibilité à l'hormone est aussi nécessaire que l'hormone elle-même.Mais l'action trophique est absolument générale et un déséquilibre du système sympathique, périphérique ou central, peut engendrer des lésions proches ou lointaines de divers appareils.On peut expérimentalement provoquer l'apparition d'hémorragies, d'infarctus et la formation d'ulcères, de tumeurs bénignes, de tumeurs malignes complexes métastasiantes.Il est possible que l'étude des perturbations tissulaires consécutives aux lésions du sympathique apporte une contribution importante à la pathogénie du cancer.
Summary The essential function of the sympathetic nervous system consists in its trophic reaction i. e. in the regulation of the growth of the organs and in the maintenance of the harmonic equilibrium between the different organic tissues.This trophic function is especially striking in the action of hormones in which the neurosympathetic factor for the regulation of the hormone's reaction is as necessary as the hormone itself.The trophic function is a general reaction so that a central or peripheric disturbance of the sympathetic system may damage organic tissues in the neighbourhood or far away.One is able to produce experimentally hemorrhages, infarcts and ulcers, benign and malign or metastatic tumors.It is possible that the study of tissue-damages which occur after lesion of the sympathetic nerve may bring some help in explorances of cancer-pathogenesis.

Zusammenfassung Die essentielle Funktion des sympathischen Nervensystems besteht in seiner trophischen Wirkung, d. h. in der Regulation des Wachstums der Organe und in der Aufrechterhaltung eines harmonischen Gleichgewichtes zwischen den verschiedenen, die Organe aufbauenden Geweben.Diese trophische Funktion ist besonders augenfällig bei der Wirkungsweise der Hormone, bei der der neuro-sympathische Faktor für die Regulierung der Ansprechbarkeit auf das Hormon ebenso wichtig ist wie das Hormon selbst.Die trophische Funktion ist jedoch eine Gesamtreaktion, so daß eine Störung des sympathischen Systems, sei sie zentral oder peripher, örtlich nahe oder entfernte Organsysteme schädigen kann.Man kann experimentell das Auftreten von Hämorrhagien, Infarkten, die Bildung von Ulcera, benignen und malignen, metastasierenden Tumoren provozieren.Es ist möglich, daß die Erforschung der Gewebsstörungen, die auf eine Sympathikusläsion folgen, einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Pathogenese des Krebses bringen.

Avec 6 Figures  相似文献   

Résumé Les variations réflexes du tonus vasculaire, provoquées par la stimulation directe des vaisseaux, peuvent s'étendre à tous les vaisseaux d'un territoire vasculaire, ou bien se produise seulement dans les limites du système vasculaire stimulé; autrement dit il existe un réflexe vasculaire de territoire et un réflexe vasculaire de système. Il semble que les réflexes de territoire puissent être provoqués par la stimulation de l'adventice des artères et des veines, tandis que les réflexes de système semblent répondre à des stimulations de l'intime.
Summary The reflex variations of the vascular tonus which may be caused by direct stimulation of the vessels may affect all the vascular sections or be limited to the regional vessels. We have namely a regional reflex and a systemic reflex. The regional reflex seems to be caused by stimulation of the arteries or veins adventitia, while the system reflexes seems to be caused by stimulation of the intima.

Zusammenfassung Die reflektorischen Veränderungen des Gefäßtonus, die durch direkte Reizung der Gefäße hervorgerufen werden, können entweder alle entsprechenden Gefäße des Kreislaufsystems betreffen oder nur auf die des gereizten Bezirkes beschränkt bleiben.Man kann also einen regionalen und einen Systemreflex unterscheiden. Die regionalen Reflexe scheinen durch Reizungen der Adventitia ausgelöst zu werden, während die Systemreflexe mehr durch eine Reizung der Intima verursacht scheinen.

Riassunto Le variazioni riflesse del tono vasale, provocabili con stimolazioni dirette dei vasi, possono estendersi a tutti i vasi di un territorio vasale, come possono verificarsi nei limiti del sistema vasale stimolato; si ha cioè un riflesso di territorio vasale e un riflesso di sistema vasale. I riflessi di territorio sembrano provocabili con stimolazioni dell'avventizia delle arterie e delle vene, mentre i riflessi di sistema sembrano provocabili con stimolazioni dell'intima.

Avec 8 figures  相似文献   

During around five millions years our ancestors, who were arboreal primates, became progressively occasional, frequent and permanent terrestrial bipeds. Thus, they restricted their locomotor repertoire from polyvalence to specialization. We show that the adaptation to bipedalism is the result of two different processes, the result of natural selection and the result of learning to walk. The characters of our skeleton, heritage of natural selection, affected first pelvis and vertebral column and then cranial base, body proportions and feet. Since reaching bipedal balance is a very demanding constraint in the face of gravity, we describe the “epigenetic” characters which develop in association with learning to walk. Important femoral angular modifications result in the adduction of lower limbs. The angle of pelvic incidence, which defines the sagittal pelvic morphology, increases with gait acquisition in tight association with the formation of lumbar curvature. A link can be established between these genetic modifications and these epigenetic acquisitions. As an illustration we show how the pelvis and spine became a functional unit during the transition from facultative to permanent bipedalism, probably during the evolution of the large group of Homo erectus.  相似文献   

The actual but inconstant and partial efficiency of psychoactive drugs long exposed the care model to the issue of rehabilitation and treatment of patient's residual symptoms. However, for the last thirty years, improvement of our theoretical knowledge on psychiatric diseases, as in psychopathology and in pure research, has enabled to think about new therapeutics. Moreover, the Wood's model in physical medicine and rehabilitation gives psychiatry a new model for rehabilitation programs, in which patients’ needs are highly regarded in order for him to get back to an optimum global functioning, and to recover from illness’ trauma. This psychiatric cognitive and rehabilitation model, necessarily multidisciplinary, leads to deep change in psychiatrist's job in treating patients with serious or chronic mental illnesses.  相似文献   

What is mood? Despite its crucial place in psychiatric nosography and cognitive science, it is still difficult to delimit its conceptual ground. The distinction between emotion and mood is ambiguous: mood is often presented as an affective state that is more prolonged and less intense than emotion, or as an affective polarity distinguishing high and low mood swinging around a baseline. However, these definitions do not match the clinical reality of mood disorders such as unipolar depression and bipolar disorder, and do not allow us to understand the effect of mood on behaviour, perception and cognition. In this paper, we propose a multidimensional and computational theory of mood inspired by contemporary hypotheses in theoretical neuroscience and philosophy of emotion. After suggesting an operational distinction between emotion and mood, we show how a succession of emotions can cumulatively generate congruent mood over time, making mood an emerging state from emotion. We then present how mood determines mental and behavioral states when interacting with the environment, constituting a dispositional state of emotion, perception, belief, and action. Using this theoretical framework, we propose a computational representation of the emerging and dispositional dimensions of mood by formalizing mood as a layer of third-order Bayesian beliefs encoding the precision of emotion, and regulated by prediction errors associated with interoceptive predictions. Finally, we show how this theoretical framework sheds light on the processes involved in mood disorders, the emergence of mood congruent beliefs, or the mechanisms of antidepressant treatments in clinical psychiatry.  相似文献   

Cognitive remediation (CR) aims to decrease cognitive deficits and provide palliative strategies for reintegration of patients with psychic disability. It is part of a personalized care program and requires multidisciplinary assessment and management, including eventually other psychosocial therapies. This study, carried out in 2016, aims to establish an inventory of accessibility and practice of the CR in Île-de-France, to promote broad access and systematize the integration of CR in a global and coherent course. The CR is proposed by nearly 58 % of the structures that answered the survey, but its implementation could be improved: it stands for 58 % in a specific project and the multidisciplinary evaluation before/after is carried out at 51 % in Adult Psychiatry and 20 % in Child and Teen Psychiatry (CTP), perhaps due to a lack of qualified staff (neuropsychologists). The programs used in CTP are nonspecific. The accommodation capacity should be increased by group programs. Despite a lack of knowledge to fill, there is an important interest for the CR with a will expressed by 12 structures to be trained. Other psychosocial therapies, although better known, would benefit from being more often proposed and labeled by the Regional Health Agency. Our results confirm a scarcity of psychiatric care's supply in 77, 91 and 93. Four rehabilitation units in the 77 and 3 in the 91 are being trained. Three structures in the 77 and 2 in the 91 are willing to get trained. Supporting them is all the more important as the good practice of CR has a direct effect on social costs’ benefits. Since then, in the entire region, 8 structures have proposed for a CR and rehabilitation platform.  相似文献   

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