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The age-dependent polydipsia and polyuria observed in SWR/J mice was found to be caused by relative inability of the kidneys to respond to antidiuretic hormone (ADH), resulting in a concentrating defect, which persisted even following Pitressin injection or water deprivation. Posterior pituitaries contained large amounts of ADH, which was also found in the urine and increased in output following water deprivation, indicating normal, or above normal synthesis and release of ADH. Kidneys of polydipsic SWR/J mice weighed more than those of normal strains and sometimes contained a lesion in the medullary area. No clear relationship was found between the size of the lesion and water intake.  相似文献   

Normal rats were given 1000 training trials in a discriminated lever-press avoidance task. Those animals which exhibited consistent escape behavior but minimal avoidance responding were subjected to either septal lesions or control operations. One week later they were retested in the avoidance apparatus for an additional 1000 trials. Rats with large septal lesions exhibited an immediate increase in avoidance performance relative to the control rats. This increase occurred without a concomitant increase in number of lever-press responses. The performance of 3 out of 4 rats with smaller more dorsal septal lesions was unaffected by the surgery.  相似文献   

Captopril, an inhibitor of angiotensin converting enzyme which prevents conversion of angiotensin I (AI) to angiotensin II (AII), reduces the polydipsia of Brattleboro rats with hereditary hypothalamic diabetes insipidus (DI). In the present study, captopril (480 mg/kg-day) reduced DI polydipsia by 18% with no change in plasma osmolality; an equivalent (17%) reduction caused by quinine (0.02%) adulteration of drinking water increased plasma osmolality significantly. If captopril reduces water intake of DI rats because it removes a dipsogenic signal to the CNS, plasma osmolality should have increased during captopril treatment. Captopril probably reduces DI polydipsia because it reduces renal water loss by lowering blood pressure. Both furosemide and spironolactone, which reduce renal water loss and increase AII levels, also reduced DI polydipsia with no change in plasma osmolality. Thus, only a small fraction of DI polydipsia seems to be controlled by a dipsogenic effect of AII.  相似文献   

Rats pretrained in a conditioned avoidance (CAR) paradigm were put on eight potentially addictive drugs in drinking water at two dose levels each. Fluid intake and body weight, monitored during the drugged (addiction) and nondrugged (withdrawal) states, showed drug/dose-dependent fluctuations in most groups. Extinction and relearning trials were spread over both drug and nondrug phases. CAR-performance generally deteriorated in the early drug phase but improved to near normalcy during the late drug and withdrawal phases in all groups except for alcohol and barbiturate-treated one. Excluding amphetamine, low-dose morphine and phenobarbital groups, substantial extinction of CAR occurred during the drug phase only; these three groups, as well as the high-dose alcohol, barbiturates and medazepam ones, showed extinction during the nondrug phase also. The rate and extent of a second-order relearning neither differed significantly between the groups nor was truly contingent upon prior extinction. These results are discussed in the light of state-dependent learning, comparing them with those from another series of rats primarily trained under the influence of these addictive drugs.  相似文献   

The two-way conditioned avoidance response, serum estradiol, food daily consumption, water intake and urine output were simultaneously studied in rats during the various stages of the estrous cycle. Rats in proestrus exhibited: (a) a significant facilitation of conditioned avoidance response in relation to the intervening stages of the cycle (diestrus and estrus), (b) a highly significant rise in serum estradiol concentration, and (c) a significant depression in food intake and urine output. An impairment of conditioned avoidance response occurred at diestrus when compared with metestrous rats and castrated rats. Rats in metestrus exhibited a significant decrease of serum estradiol concentrations. The rise in serum estradiol at proestrus suggests a negative control upon food intake, a decrease in urine output and involvement in the facilitation of conditioned avoidance response.  相似文献   

Behavioral and endocrine profiles were established of homozygous (HO-DI) and heterozygous (HE-DI) rats with hereditary hypothalamic diabetes insipidus in comparison to Wistar strain rats. HO-DI rats were inferior in acquiring and maintaining active and passive avoidance behavior. Behavioral deficits were most obvious in a step-through one-trial learning passive avoidance test and least in multiple trial one way active avoidance test. Plasma corticosterone levels determined after the retention test appeared to be closely related to the passive avoidance behavior of the HO-DI rats. Passive avoidance immediately after the single learning trial was associated with elevated plasma corticosterone level; absence of avoidance and absence in plasma corticosterone elevation was observed 24 hr after learning. These observations are compatible with the hypothesis that vasopressin is involved in the consolidation and/or retrieval of learned responses. Differences between HO-DI and Wistar rats in open field behavior, in response threshold to electric footshock, and in a number of somatic endocrine parameters are reported and discussed.  相似文献   

To account for individual differences in vulnerability for stress-related disorders, studies have examined the relationship between hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis functioning and personality. The present study examined the relationship between the free fraction of cortisol in saliva after awakening and personality as measured with Cloninger's Temperament and Character Inventory [Cloninger, C.R., Przybeck, T.R., Svrakic, D.M., Wetzel, R.D., 1994. The Temperament and Character Inventory (TCI): A Guide to its Development and Use. Washington University, Center for Psychobiology of Personality, St. Louis, MO] in 107 healthy male soldiers. Harm avoidance explained 9% of variance in cortisol levels after awakening (AUCG), and harm avoidance and self-directedness predicted 10% of variance in mean cortisol increase. The cortisol awakening response (CAR) was lower in participants with low scores on harm avoidance, and mean cortisol increase after awakening was higher in soldiers high on self-directedness and harm avoidance. These results show that the CAR is related to personality and that it can be used to examine individual differences in HPA (re)activity.  相似文献   

There are two forms of diabetes insipidus, central (neurohypophyseal), and nephrogenic, caused by pathogenic variants in the AVP gene and the AVPR2 or AQP2 genes, respectively. We report on a four‐generation family, seven individuals had central diabetes insipidus (CDI) and the female index patient seen from age 16 to 26 years had (mild) nephrogenic diabetes insipidus. In her father with CDI, a known pathogenic heterozygous AVP variant c.232_234del p.(Glu78del) was identified, confirming the diagnosis of CDI in him and the other affected family members. In the proband, molecular analysis disclosed a novel heterozygous AVPR2 gene variant, c.962A > T p.(Asn321Ile) and an extremely skewed X‐inactivation, confirming X‐linked nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (XL‐NDI). Whole exome sequencing showed no further causative mutation. This is the first report on the co‐existence of CDI and NDI in one family. Our review of symptomatic female AVPR2 heterozygotes includes 23 families with at least one affected female (including this study). There were 21 different causative mutations. Mutation types in females did not differ from those in males. Both severe XL‐NDI and mild forms were reported in females. All six females with severe XL‐NDI had complete loss‐of‐function (null) mutations. The remaining 17 female probands had milder XL‐NDI caused by 14 missense variants and three null variants of the AVPR2 gene. X‐inactivation was studied in nine of these females; all showed extreme or slight skewing. The review underlines that XL‐NDI in female AVPR2 heterozygotes is always accompanied by skewed X‐inactivation, emphasizing a need for X‐inactivation studies in these females.  相似文献   

A patient-education program was designed by members of the Neurology Nursing Service. The program was designed to provide patients with diabetes insipidus with the information needed to help them manage their condition in the hospital and at home upon discharge. The program was approved by the Nursing Department's Patient Education Committee. The nurses worked closely with the hospital's patient-education coordinator and television-production staff to produce a videotape for educating patients about managing diabetes insipidus. A literature review of patient-education resources on diabetes insipidus revealed that no materials were available in either audiovisual or print media. The program utilized the multi-media approach of a videotape that was shown over closed-circuit television and a booklet outlining the salient points of the television program. All patients utilizing the program have been pre-tested and post-tested to assess their achievement of behavioral objectives.  相似文献   

Congenital nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (NDI) is, in most instances, a rare X-linked recessive renal disorder (MIM 304800) characterized by the clinical symptoms of polyuria, polydipsia, and dehydration. The X-linked NDI is associated with mutations of the arginine vasopressin receptor type 2 (AVPR2) gene, which results in resistance to the antidiuretic action of arginine vasopressin (AVP) in the renal tubules and collecting ducts. Identification of mutations in the AVPR2 gene can facilitate early diagnosis of NDI, which can prevent serious complications such as growth retardation and mental retardation. We analyzed three unrelated Chinese NDI families and identified three mutations: R106C, F287L, and R337X. In addition, an A/G polymorphism at cDNA nucleotide position 927 (codon 309L) was identified. A functional expression assay of the R106C and F287L mutants in COS-7 cells revealed that both mutants show significant dysfunction and accumulate intracellular cyclic adenosine monophosphate in response to AVP hormone stimulation. These results facilitate the diagnosis of NDI at the molecular level in the Chinese population, and provide insight into the molecular pathology of NDI. Received: July 4, 2001 / Accepted: December 4, 2001  相似文献   

Summary Micropuncture studies were carried out on rats with hereditary hypothalamic diabetes insipidus, in order to measure net sodium and water reabsorption in proximal convolutions and short loops of Henle during water diuresis and ADH-induced antidiuresis. Intravenous infusion of 0.15 mU ADH per minute reduced urine flow from 74.5 l per kidney per minute to 10.8 l, and increased urine osmolality from 117 to 605 mOsm/kg. These changes could be reversed by stopping ADH.ADH did not alter the fractional reabsorption of fluid or the reabsorptive capacity for sodium in the proximal tubules. Nor did it change glomerular filtration rates of single superficial nephrons or of the entire kidney.Fractional reabsorption of the glomerular filtrate up to the early distal convolution was significantly higher (82.0%) in water diuresis than in antidiuresis (74.4%). Since this reabsorption remained unchanged in the proximal convolutions, the decreased reabsorption during antidiuresis must have occurred in the short loops. Fractional reabsorption of sodium up to the early distal tubule was essentially identical during water diuresis and antidiuresis, indicating that ADH does not enhance urinary concentration by increasing the reabsorption of sodium from short loops.On leave of absence from the Department of Physiology, Dartmouth Medical School, Hannover, N. H., from January to June, 1967. Recipient of USPHS Research Career Program Award 5-K3-GM-21, 786.  相似文献   

The double, fear-driven “passive avoidance/active avoidance” conflict appearing during acquisition of two-way active avoidance, involves high levels of anxiety and a dominant tendency for freezing responses, which in turn run against the appearance of active escape/avoidance behavior. In the present study, by using a large sample genetically heterogeneous (N/Nih-HS) rats, we have tested the hypothesis that rats showing relatively higher levels of context-conditioned freezing (during the initial trials of that task) should show lower efficiency to acquire two-way avoidance behavior, i.e. the prediction that the initial context-conditioned freezing in the shuttle box would be negatively related to avoidance acquisition efficiency. In agreement with such a hypothesis, the results from the three rat subsamples used show that context-conditioned freezing (during the first 5 inter-trial intervals of the 40-trial two-way avoidance session) is negatively correlated (r = − 0.34 to r = − 0.64, p < 0.001) with two-way avoidance acquisition, in a way that subgroups of rats with extremely high or low levels of freezing markedly differ in their avoidance performance: “high freezer” rats show much worse avoidance acquisition than “low freezers”. Moreover, the relationships of conditioned freezing and avoidance acquisition with baseline and fear-potentiated startle, as well as with unconditioned anxiety (in the elevated zero-maze test), have also been studied. Taken collectively, the results indicate that: (i) context conditioned freezing is a reliable (and negative) predictor of two-way avoidance acquisition; (ii) baseline and fear-potentiated startle responses show positive associations with avoidance responding, and (iii) unconditioned anxiety in the elevated zero-maze is also negatively associated with two-way avoidance acquisition. Such patterns of associations are considered to be very informative in regard to the search for (common or differential) neural and genetic mechanisms of different forms of (unlearned or learned) anxious or fear responses.  相似文献   

Eight pairs of spinal rats were exposed to an instrumental conditioning paradigm in which one animal served as the experimental and the other as a yoked control animal. An electrode, inserted into the experimental animal's foot, contacted an aqueous solution delivering shock to both animals. Leg flexion terminated the shock. Following two consecutive min without shock, the experimental animal's solution was raised an additional millimeter and training was re-instated. This procedure was repeated 4 times, or until the experimental animal failed to reach the 2 min criterion. In Run 1, one leg was trained; during Run 2, the contralateral leg was used. In addition, the animal which served as the experimental in Run 1 served as the yoked control in Run 2 and vice versa. The results indicate that the spinal rat is capable of acquiring successively higher criteria in an instrumental conditioning routine. In conjunction with previous results, these findings suggest that instrumental avoidance learning can occur in the spinal cord.  相似文献   

Intrauterine infections with the pathogens, including toxoplasmosis, other (syphilis, varicella, mumps, parvovirus, and HIV), rubella, cytomegalovirus, and herpes simplex (TORCH) in susceptible individuals during pregnancy, result in microcephaly, white matter disease, cerebral atrophy, and calcifications in the fetus. Pseudo-TORCH syndrome is an umbrella term, consisting of several syndromes, resultant from different genetic alterations and pathogenetic mechanisms. Band-like calcification with simplified gyration and polymicrogyria (BLC-PMG) is one of these conditions, resultant from biallelic mutations in the OCLN gene, located in the chromosome 5q13.2. OCLN gene encodes occludin, a tight junction protein, which is expressed in the endothelia. The absence of occludin in the developing brain subsequently results in abnormal blood-brain barrier, thus immune-cell mediated tissue damage and cortical malformation.Herein, we present a pediatric patient who had progressive microcephaly, spasticity, multi-drug resistant epilepsy, PMG and intracranial band-type calcifications, accompanied by central diabetes insipidus and renal dysfunction. Whole exome sequencing revealed a homozygote W58Ffs*10 (c.173_194del) frameshift mutation in the OCLN gene. Of 34 BLC-PMG cases with demonstrable OCLN mutations, only three had renal manifestations, which is responsible for the majority of the demises. This is the first case diagnosed as having central diabetes insipidus and responded to desmopressin treatment to the best of our knowledge, however, this clinical improvement could not prevent the patient from renal dysfunction. The patient deceased at four years of age from sepsis, therefore early diagnosis, optimal follow-up for renal involvement and infection prevention measures are necessary for the patients with BLC-PMG.  相似文献   

Nucleus accumbens (N.Acc) contains a subclass of nitric oxide (NO)-generating interneurons that are presumably regulated by the dopamine input. Receptor mechanisms underlying dopamine-NO interaction in the N.Acc are poorly understood. In the current study, we used in vivo microdialysis combined with high-performance liquid chromatography to examine participation of dopamine D1 receptors in regulation of extracellular levels of citrulline (an NO co-product) in the medial N.Acc of Sprague-Dawley rats during both pharmacological challenge and a conditioned fear response. The intraaccumbal infusion of the D1 receptor agonist SKF-38393 (100-500 microM) increased dose-dependently the local dialysate citrulline levels. The SKF-38393-induced increase in extracellular citrulline was prevented by intraaccumbal infusions of 500 microM 7-nitroindazole, a neuronal NO synthase inhibitor. In behavioral microdialysis experiment, the accumbal levels of extracellular citrulline markedly increased in rats given a mild footshock paired with tone. The presentation of the tone previously paired with footshock (the conditioned fear response) produced a "conditioned" rise of extracellular citrulline levels in the N.Acc which was attenuated by intraaccumbal infusion of 100 microM SCH-23390, a dopamine D1 receptor antagonist, and prevented by intraaccumbal infusion of 500 microM 7-nitroindazole. The results suggest that in the N.Acc, the dopamine D1 receptors might regulate the neuronal NO synthase activity; this dopamine-dependent mechanism seems to participate in activation of the neuronal NO synthase and probably NO formation in this brain area during the conditioned fear response.  相似文献   

The relationship between the extinction of a conditioned passive avoidance reflex and the initial anxiety level was studied in mice. The time spent in the open arms of an elevated cross maze was used to classify the mice into high-, intermediate-and low-anxiety individuals. Each level of anxiety was found to correspond to a defined extinction dynamic. Highly anxious mice were characterized by the absence of extinction of the conditioned passive avoidance reflex and stability of good reproduction of the memory trace on testing to as long as 15 days. In intermediately anxious individuals, a deficit in performance of the avoidance reflex appeared from day 7 of extinction. In low-anxiety mice, memory trace reproduction deteriorated from test day 11.  相似文献   

Following complete bulbectomies, male hooded rats showed an increase in irritability and difficulty of handling, but a decrease in timidity or fear responses. After rats had learned to drink in an open field, a cat was confined in the center, and fear was defined by the behavior of controls, viz., almost total suppression of drinking and long periods of freezing, broken by brief bursts of high-speed activity. Bulb animals could not have differed more radically. Bulbs showed neither freezing nor suppression of drinking. The present results could not be attributed to differences in shock reactivity; nor could they be attributed to differences in learning or retention. Bulb animals also showed an impairment on the acquisition of step-down passive avoidance but no difference in step-downs after acquisition. These results argue against an impairment of response inhibition. The present study suggests that bulbectomy increases irritability and decreases timidity.  相似文献   

The effects of an agonist (D-cycloserine) and an antagonist (dizocilpine) of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptors on the learning and extinction of a conditioned passive avoidance response were studied in mice with low, intermediate, and high levels of anxiety. In intermediate-anxiety mice, D-cycloserine (30 mg/kg) had no effect on learning but accelerated extinction, while dizocilpine (0.15 mg/kg) degraded acquisition of the reflex but delayed extinction. In high-anxiety mice, with good learning and no extinction, D-cycloserine had no effect, while dizocilpine decreased learning and facilitated retention of performance of the memory trace at the ongoing level in conditions promoting extinction. In low-anxiety mice, D-cycloserine degraded learning and accelerated extinction, while dizocilpine completely blocked learning and the retention of the passive avoidance response. __________ Translated from Rossiiskii Fiziologicheskii Zhurnal imeni I. M. Sechenova, Vol. 92, No. 3, pp. 342–350, March, 2006.  相似文献   

Water deprived SWR/J mice, with nephrogenic diabetes insipidus, lost more weitht and, subsequently, drank more water in a 60 min test period than did two normal strains, C3H/HeJ and C57BL/6J. An injection of 2 percent NaCl produced significant drinking in SWR/J mice, but not in the normal strains. In spite of the high water needs of the SWR/J strain, extreme finickiness was observed in a single-tube solution acceptance test when different solutions were offered, even though large weight losses and hyperosmolality of plasma accompanied abstinence from drinking. For the two normal strais, 3 different patterns of solution acceptance were seen for the 7 solution test which included sodium chloride, sodium acetate, potassium chloride, ethanol, hydrochloric acid, calcium chloride, and quinine hydrochloride.  相似文献   

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