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胆道支架覆膜研究现状   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目前,胆道支架覆膜在保持胆道管腔通畅、提高引流效果和改善生存质量方面具有重要意义。本文就支架覆膜材料的发展,覆膜与抗癌、抑癌,覆膜与胆泥形成及支架覆膜后的利弊进行了综述。  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to analyze the evolution of biliary complications over 20 years among adult patients undergoing liver transplantation (OLT) at our institution.

Patients and methods

Between 1985 and 2007, we performed 1000 OLT in 789 adults and 211 children. To ascertain the evolution of biliary complications among adult OLT from October 1988 to September 2007, we compared the first 100 to with the last 200 adult OLT.


Duct-to-duct was the most common biliary anastomosis performed in both periods (1st; 89% and 2nd; 94%; P = NS). However, a T-tube was used more frequently in the first period (1st; 46% vs 2nd; 6.6%; P < .001). The remaining cases underwent a hepaticojejunostomy (1st; 11% vs 2nd; 7.6%). Biliary complications were more frequent in the first period (1st; 20% vs 2nd; 9%; P < .01). In the first period, the use of a T-tube caused 32% of complications, all of them being bile leaks; but there were none in the second period. Arterial thrombosis or strictures were related to biliary complications in 10% and 33.3% among the first and second periods, respectively. The severity of complications according to the Clavien classification was similar in both periods: IIIa, 15% versus 33.3%; IIIb, 55% versus 55.5%; and IV, 15% versus 11.1%, respectively (P = NS).


The biliary complication rate among adult patients post-OLT decreased over 20 years at our institution, probably owing to the abandonment of the routine use of a T-tube as well as to advances in immunosuppressive protocols, organ preservation, and preoperative patient management.  相似文献   

肝移植术后胆道并发症的预防   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:8  
目的 探讨如何预防肝移植术后胆道并发症的发生。方法 对 1993年 4月至 2 0 0 1年10月我科实施的 12 0例肝移植病人临床资料进行回顾性分析。结果 共有 10例病人通过胆道造影确诊为肝移植术后胆道并发症 ,8例治愈 ,1例好转 ,1例死亡。胆道并发症发生率为 8 3 % (10 / 12 0 ) ,与胆道并发症相关的死亡率为 0 8% ,与T管相关的胆道并发症发生率为 4 3 % (5 / 116) ,与肝动脉供血相关的胆道并发症发生率为 1 7% (2 / 12 0 )。热缺血时间 >3min、冷缺血时间 >8h组胆道并发症发生率明显升高 (P <0 0 5 )。结论 胆道保存性损伤是引起肝移植术后胆道并发症的重要原因。缩短供肝的热、冷缺血时间和确保供肝胆管系统的血供可减少胆道并发症的发生。改进T管置管方法可显著降低与T管相关的胆道并发症发生率  相似文献   

目的 探讨处理原位肝移植术后胆道并发症的有效方法.方法 叫顺性分析2001年1 1月至2012年3月南京军区福州总医院收治的316例原位肝移植(其中1例施行二次肝移植)患者的临床资料.供肝获取时采用HTK+ UW液冷灌注,UW液保存,切取供肝后UW液灌洗胆道.尸体肝移植中采用经典原位肝移植或背驮式肝移植,活体肝移植采用左半肝移植或右半肝移植.胆道重建方式采用胆管空肠Roux-en-Y吻合或胆管胆管对端吻合.2006年前选用普通T管引流,2006年后选用6F小儿吸痰管或硬膜外导管进行T管引流,术后3~6个月予以拔除.术中常规放置经胃空肠造瘘管,术后早期开始肠内营养.术后常规采用他克莫司+麦考酚吗乙酯+肾上腺皮质激素3联免疫抑制治疗方案或他克莫司+麦考酚吗乙酯+西罗莫司+激素4联免疫抑制治疗方案.通过移植随访中心随访2年,了解患者胆道并发症情况、预后和进行用药指导.2006年前50例患者与2006年及之后267例患者胆汁漏发生率的比较采用x2检验.结果 患者供肝热缺血时间为2 ~6 min,冷缺血时间为3~10 h.尸体肝移植患者中,经典肝移植291例次,背驮式肝移植24例次;胆管空肠Roux-en-Y吻合5例次,胆管胆管端端吻合310例次.活体肝移植患者中,左半肝移植和右半肝移植各1例,均采用胆管胆管端端吻合.术后采用3联免疫抑制治疗方案311例,4联免疫抑制治疗方案5例.316例原位肝移植患者中,38例发生胆道并发症.胆道并发症分类:胆汁漏18例,缺血性胆道损伤引起的肝内外胆管狭窄6例,单纯吻合口狭窄6例,保存性损伤所致汇管区小胆管炎症、胆汁淤积4例,胆管结石合并胆管炎2例,单纯胆道感染2例.2006年以前患者胆汁漏发生率为14.00% (7/50),高于2006年及以后患者的4.12% (11/267),两者比较,差异有统计学意义(x2=7.676,P<0.05).38例胆道并发症患者中,治愈及好转35例,死亡3例.18例胆汁漏患者中,15例采用保守治疗后痊愈;3例采用手术治疗(其中1例经通畅引流,加强抗感染、营养支持等处理后好转,但于术后1个月突发腹腔大出血,手术探查发现肝动脉破裂出血,最终死于失血性休克所致MODS;2例行腹腔引流术,1例治愈,1例合并腹腔感染,最终死亡).6例缺血性胆管损伤引起的肝内外胆管狭窄患者中,1例行二次肝移植后取得良好效果,5例经保守或行ERCP或经PTCD导管球囊扩张术治疗后好转.6例单纯吻合口狭窄患者中,3例经保守或行ERCP或经内镜下柱状气囊扩张、取石、支架置入治疗后好转;1例因肝癌复发放弃治疗后死亡;1例予手术探查,行吻合口成形+T管引流术效果良好;1例手术探查切除复发肿瘤,行胆肠吻合后痊愈.4例保存性损伤所致汇管区小胆管炎症、胆汁淤积患者采取保肝、减轻黄疸等保守治疗后痊愈.2例胆管结石合并胆管炎患者,1例行ERCP支架置入痊愈;1例经保守治疗后TBil有所下降,未予进一步处理.2例单纯胆道感染患者均经抗感染等保守治疗痊愈.结论 多数患者胆道并发症可经非手术治疗取得满意疗效;而对非手术治疗效果不佳的患者,再次行胆道探查术是较为确实可靠的治疗手段;对于部分严重缺血性胆道损伤导致移植肝失功能的患者,二次肝移植是唯一的选择.  相似文献   

目的 分析肝移植术后胆道并发症(biliary complication,BC)的危险因素,为临床有效降低术后并发症提供理论依据.方法 计算机检索MEDLINE、EMBASE、CENTRAL、CBM、CNKI、VIP、万方等数据库,截止日期至2012年2月.收集公开发表的关于肝移植术后BC危险因素的研究文献,采用Revman 5.1软件进行统计分析.结果 共纳入18篇文献,累计病例524例,对照3967例.Meta分析提示:供者年龄以及受者年龄、原发病、热缺血时间、温缺血时间、无肝期时间、有无巨细胞病毒感染等对术后BC的发生无明显影响(P>0.05);男性患者术后BC发生率高于女性患者(OR:1.40;95% CI:1.09~1.79;P=0.008);术前肝功能C级患者术后BC发生率显著增高(OR:1.95;95% CI:1.02~3.76;P=0.04);留置T管较不留置T管患者术后BC发生率要高(OR:2.00;95% CI:1.30~3.08;P=0.002);发生排斥反应显著增加术后BC发生率(OR:1.80;95%CI:1.11~2.93;P=0.02);合并肝动脉并发症患者术后BC发生率显著高于无肝动脉并发症患者(OR:3.15;95% CI:1.37~7.23;P=0.007);冷缺血时间及手术时间BC组均明显长于对照组(P<0.01).结论 受者为男性、肝功能C级、留置T管、发生排斥反应、合并肝动脉并发症、冷缺血时间、手术时间等7项是肝移植术后BC的危险因素.肝移植术后BC的发生与供者年龄以及受者年龄、原发病、热缺血时间、温缺血时间、无肝期时间、有无巨细胞病毒感染等因素无关.  相似文献   

Management of biliary complications after liver transplantation.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Biliary tract complications after liver transplantation are common, and the evaluation of newer treatment options compared with standard surgical treatment is important. In 62 liver transplants performed in 55 adult patients, the biliary tract was reconstructed with choledochocholedochostomy (CC) in 52 (84%) and Roux-en-Y choledochojejunostomy (RYCJ) in 10 (16%). Seventeen biliary tract complications occurred in 16 patients (29%). The incidence of complications was the same after CC and RYCJ. Eight complications (47%) occurred within the first month and nine (53%) thereafter. Only 6 of 17 (35%) biliary tract complications required operation. One patient died of a biliary tract complication. No other allografts were lost due to biliary tract complications. Four patients transplanted at other centers were also treated, for a total of 21 biliary tract complications. Overall, there were nine bile leaks, eight bile duct strictures, two Roux loop hemorrhages, one choledocholithiasis, and one ampullary dyskinesia. Temporary or permanent stents were used successfully in seven of eight strictures. Five bile leaks were managed without operation. Nonsurgical management is appropriate for a selected majority of patients with late bile leaks, biliary tract strictures, or choledocholithiasis after liver transplantation.  相似文献   

肝移植术后胆道并发症病因分析   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
目的探讨原位肝移植术后胆道并发症的病因.方法回顾性分析235例尸体供肝和36例活体供肝原位肝移植的临床资料,总结术后胆道并发症的病因.结果36例活体肝移植受体术后胆道并发症的发生率为5.6%,235例尸体供肝肝移植受体术后胆道并发症的发生率为19.1%;肝内胆道狭窄和胆道铸型结石形成等严重胆道并发症在活体肝移植中未发生.讨论缺血时间尤其热缺血时间是导致严重胆道并发症的最主要的原因,所留取的受体胆道长度也是影响胆道并发症的一个主要因素.  相似文献   

原位肝移植术后胆管并发症的预防与处理   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
目的 探讨原位肝移植术后胆管并发症的原因及防治。方法 2000年5月至2002年1月38例原位肝移植的临床资料进行回顾性研究。结果 本组38例病人术后共发生胆管并发症9例(9/38,24%)。其中单纯胆瘘4例,胆管空肠吻合口狭窄,肝内胆管结石,胆管狭窄合并胆泥形成,胆瘘继发胆管狭窄,胆管狭窄合并肝内胆汁瘤各1例。此9例中2例死于严重感染,7例痊愈。结论 原位肝移植术后胆管并发症病因复杂,后果严重。首先应该注重预防,并做到早期诊断。逆行性胰胆管造影术(endoscopic retrograde cholangiopanreatography,ERCP)和经皮经肝胆管造影术(percutaneous tran-shepatic cholangiography,PTC)等辅助性介入治疗手段应受到重视。  相似文献   

Risk factors for biliary complications after liver transplantation   总被引:22,自引:0,他引:22  
HYPOTHESIS: Biliary complications after liver transplantation can be predicted from perioperative factors. DESIGN: Retrospective analysis of data collected prospectively. SETTING: Tertiary referral center. PATIENTS: From October 5, 1991, through June 22, 2002, 230 patients received 241 consecutive orthotopic liver transplants. Patients were divided into those with (group 1) and those without (group 2) biliary complications. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Postoperative outcomes, biliary leakage, and anastomotic stricture. RESULTS: The overall biliary complication rate was 20.7%, including bile leakage rate of 7.1% and anastomotic stricture rate of 16.2%. By means of univariate analysis, risk factors associated with biliary complications were preoperative serum bilirubin level (P = .003), international normalized ratio (P = .04), the use of stent or T-tube splinting of the anastomosis (P = .02), and the use of live-donor liver graft (P = .03). Stepwise logistic regression analysis demonstrated that the preoperative serum bilirubin level (relative risk [RR], 1.00), use of stent or T-tube splinting of the anastomosis (RR, 2.10), and use of live-donor liver graft (RR, 2.01) were independent risk factors predicting biliary complications after liver transplantation. Graft survival rates at 1, 3, and 5 years were 89.5%, 84.7%, and 79.7%, respectively, in group 1 and 84.7%, 78.4%, and 75.1%, respectively, in group 2 (P>.05). Patient survival rates at 1, 3, and 5 years were 89.1%, 86.5%, and 86.5%, respectively, in group 1, and 86.1%, 82.8%, and 81.0%, respectively, in group 2 (P>.05). CONCLUSIONS: Preoperative serum bilirubin level and the use of stent or T-tube splinting of the anastomosis and live-donor liver grafts were independent risk factors for biliary complications after liver transplantation. We postulated that high preoperative serum bilirubin level reflected severe liver disease and difficult hemostasis, leading to inadvertent injury to the anastomosis during graft rotation or manipulation for hemostasis. The use of a stent or a T tube predisposes to more complications. Further technical refinement is necessary for biliary reconstruction in live-donor liver transplantation.  相似文献   

随着微创技术的发展,内镜胆管支架置入术已成为良恶性胆管或胰管狭窄、胆管或胰管结石、梗阻性黄疸等胆胰疾病的一线治疗手段。与塑料支架相比,全覆膜金属支架(FCMS)可以获得更大的扩张直径、更长的通畅时间及更少的干预次数,对大部分疾病的治疗效果令人满意,但是也存在术后胰腺炎、胆系感染、支架移位等并发症。我们结合十余年应用FCMS治疗胆胰疾病的经验,对应用FCMS的适应证、并发症及操作技巧等进行论述,为FCMS规范化治疗胆胰疾病提供参考。  相似文献   

Chronic biliary obstruction with repeated bouts of cholangitis adversely affects quality of life and may lead to secondary biliary cirrhosis with liver failure. We reviewed our experience with chronic biliary complications after surgical treatment of various diseases that at the end needed a liver transplantation. Twelve patients with previous biliary surgery developed secondary biliary cholangitis, secondary biliary cirrhosis, or both. Seven had surgery for liver hydatid disease by Echinococcus granulosus, another four had complicated biliary surgery unrelated to hydatid disease, and one had a history of a traffic accident with liver trauma and hepatectomy with chronic biliary fistula. The repeated cholangitis attacks and in two cases of hydatid disease the development of biliary-bronchial fistulas made these patients' lives miserable. All had had previous surgical procedures that made the transplantation procedure more difficult. Nevertheless, patient survival and graft actuarial survival after liver replacement were 75.0% and 69.2%, respectively, at 5 years.  相似文献   

改进供肝处理方法减少肝移植术后早期胆道并发症   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的改进供肝处理方法,以减少肝移植术后的胆道并发症。方法供肝处理进行如下改进:(1)肝门游离仅达胃十二指肠动脉下缘,不游离其上方的肝蒂结构;(2)修整供肝时暂不结扎胃十二指肠动脉本身的断端;(3)修整供肝时暂不切除胆囊,待供肝植入、肝动脉重建后切除。共行99例肝移植,患者的原发病,58%为良性肝病,42%为肝癌。供肝热缺血和冷缺血时间分别控制在5min和16h以内。胆道重建方式均为胆总管-胆总管端端吻合,其中5例放置T管。观察术后早期胆道并发症的发生情况。结果4例(4%,4/99)肝移植术后发生胆道并发症,其中1例术后10d发现胆道吻合口漏;1例术后5个月胆道内有胆树形成;1例为胆道吻合口狭窄;1例为左肝管狭窄。改进前的肝移植术后早期胆道并发症发生率为11.6%(5/43)。结论通过改进供肝的处理方法,可最大限度地保留供肝胆道血液供应,显著减少术后胆道并发症。  相似文献   

An intrahepatic artery pseudoaneurysm (IHAA) is a very rare but potentially lethal complication occurring after liver transplantation. This report presents a case of an IHAA associated with a metallic biliary stent after liver transplantation. A 40-year-old male underwent living donor liver transplantation (LDLT) using a left lobe graft. The bile duct reconstruction was performed with Roux-en-Y hepaticojejunostomy. He developed obstructive jaundice 5 years after LDLT, and had biliary stricture of the anastomosis area, therefore, the two metallic biliary stents were finally positioned at the stricture of the biliary tract. He suddenly developed hematemesis 8 years after LDLT, and computerized tomography scan showed an IHAA. Although seven interlocking detachable coils were placed at the neck of the aneurysm, hematemesis recurred 3 days after the initial embolization. Therefore, retransplantation was successfully performed 25 days after the embolization of IHAA using a right lobe graft from his son. In conclusion, metal stent insertion can lead to the fatal complication of HAA. The placement of a metallic stent could have been avoided in this case. Percutaneous metallic stent insertion for biliary stenosis after liver transplantation should therefore only be performed in carefully selected patients.  相似文献   

The experience of biliary tract complications after liver transplantation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
AIM: To report the morbidity and mortality of patients who undergo liver transplantation with or without T-tube implantation after choledochocholedochostomy as well as to discuss management of biliary complications. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We performed a retrospective review of 104 liver transplantations from August 2001 to February 2006, including 51 patients who underwent choledochocholedochostomy with a T-tube (group A) and 53, without a T-tube (group B). We compared the clinical characteristics, operative methods, biliary complications, morbidity, mortality, and management of complications. RESULTS: Between the two groups, there were no significant differences in clinical characteristics, including sex, age, and indication for liver transplantation (hepatitis B virus, hepatitis C virus, alcoholic liver cirrhosis, or hepatocellular carcinoma), Child-Pugh classification, Model for End-stage Liver Disease score, and operative macroscopic/microscopic findings. Additionally, there was no significant difference in biliary complications. Among these 104 patients, 14 (13.5%) developed biliary complications: seven anastomotic strictures, two intrahepatic duct strictures, two anastomotic stricture combined intrahepatic duct stricture, one bile leakage, one bile leakage combined with anastomotic stricture, and one external biliary compression. Nine patients with anastomotic stricture underwent endoscopy with a stent, which was successful only in two patients. The other six patients underwent choledochojejunostomy with excellent results. CONCLUSIONS: This study showed choledochocholedochostomy with or without a T-tube after liver transplantation did not influence the biliary complications. The biliary complications of anastomotic stricture after liver transplantation can be managed by endoscopy with a stent. If endoscopy fails, surgical intervention should be considered immediately.  相似文献   



Biliary strictures are the most common biliary tract complication after liver transplantation. There are scarce data on the results of hepaticojejunostomy (HJ) in the management of biliary complications after orthotopic liver transplantation (OLT). Thus, the role of surgery in this setting remains to be established. The aim of this study was to evaluate the results of surgical treatment of patients with biliary complications at our institution.

Patients and Methods

We reviewed 1000 consecutive liver transplantations performed at our institution from 1984 to 2007. We used a prospectively recorded database to identify patients who underwent HJ to treat any biliary tract complication.


Overall, 62 patients (6.2%) underwent HJ, 40 for an anastomotic and 7 for a non-anastomotic stricture as well as 15 for biliary leaks. Postoperative morbidity was 16%, and postoperative mortality 1.6%. There were 7 cases of anastomotic stenosis (11.3%). Four patients (5%) required retransplantation.


HJ is a safe procedure to manage biliary complications after OLT. It may be the first treatment choice especially for cases with anastomotic strictures.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Despite improved survival, biliary complications remain a significant cause of morbidity following orthotopic liver transplantation. The aim of this study was to review the incidence, treatment and optimum management pathway of biliary complications at the Scottish Liver Transplant Unit. MATERIALS AND METHODS: All patient data were collected prospectively onto a database at the Scottish Liver Transplant Unit with review of hospital records for validation. RESULTS: A total of 379 consecutive orthotopic liver transplants were performed in 333 adult patients between November 1992 and September 2001. Biliary complications occurred in 55 grafts (51 patients) (14.6%) and their incidence decreased with time. Biliary complications occurred in 29 (10.9%) of the 265 choledocho-choledochostomies compared with 14 (25%) of the 56 with T-tubes. Twenty-eight biliary leaks occurred, 22 of which were anastomotic. Seventeen anastomotic leaks were successfully treated non-operatively. Eight patients with biliary leaks subsequently developed an anastomotic stricture. Of the 30 anastomotic strictures, stent insertion was successful in resolving six of 14 (42%) early anastomotic strictures compared with one of 12 (8%) late anastomotic strictures (p = 0.0479). Six (38%) of the 16 early anastomotic strictures required surgery for complete resolution, compared with 12 (86%) of the 14 late anastomotic strictures (p = 0.0106). CONCLUSION: The incidence of biliary complications has decreased with time. The abandonment of choledocho-choledochostomy over a T-tube has been justified. A combination of conservative, endoscopic, and radiological management has been effective in treating biliary leaks and early anastomotic stricture. However endoscopic or radiological stenting was ineffective in the management of late anastomotic strictures, which were best treated by surgical intervention.  相似文献   

This article discusses a new simple, fast, and easily performed technique that allows reduction of morbidity and hospital stay after T-tube removal. A retrospective analysis was conducted of 145 recipients who underwent T-tube removal 3 months after orthotopic liver transplantation. Patients were divided in two groups: group 1 (n=93) underwent T-tube removal and contemporary placement under fluoroscopic guidance of a counter-drain. Group 2 (n=52) T-tubes were removed from the bile duct under fluoroscopy but were left in place as a counter-drain. Overall, there were 33 (22.7%) complications related to T-tube removal. Treatment was always conservative and no deaths were related to T-tube. In group 1, 29 (31.2%) complications occurred; and the mean hospital stay was 9.4+/-9.3 days. In group 2, four complications (7.7%) occurred (P=0.002); and the mean hospital stay was 5.8+/-5.5 days (P=0.012). The adoption of this new technique-under fluoroscopic guidance, using the T-tube itself as a counter-drain-for T-tube removal allowed us to significantly reduce biliary complications and hospital stay.  相似文献   

目的探讨介入治疗在肝移植术后胆道并发症治疗方面的作用。方法回顾性分析本中心2004年4月至2006年10月采用介入方法治疗的37例肝移植术后胆道并发症患者的I临床资料。结果本中心肝移植术后胆道并发症的发生率为7.2%(30/417)。介入治疗的近期治愈率为54.1%(20/37),近期治愈患者中需反复治疗的比率是40%(8/20),围手术期病死率为5.4%(2/37),总病死率为16.2%(6/37)。吻合口漏、胆道坏死导致的胆漏、吻合口狭窄、非吻合口狭窄、胆泥和胆石形成的介入治疗治愈率分别为57.1%(4/7)、0(0/4)、100%(8/8)、16.7%(2/12)、100%(6/6)。结论介入治疗是肝移植术后胆道并发症的重要治疗方法。疗效与胆道并发症的类型相关,吻合口狭窄、胆泥和胆石形成以及吻合口漏的介入治疗效果良好;胆道坏死导致的胆漏及非吻合口狭窄的介入治疗效果较差,应把握好时机进行再次肝移植。  相似文献   

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