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Rarely does an organization have the luxury of employing full-time staff whose sole purpose is to seek out, select, pilot, and recommend new technology. If such an effort is not a dedicated activity, an organization will have a hard time keeping abreast of technological development with an eye towards successful deployment to the benefit of the business. This paper summarizes the role and activities of the Office of Advanced Technology (OAT) at the Mayo Clinic in Scottsdale, AZ. The OAT has been in existence since 2001 and is staffed on a part-time basis by three individuals: a member of the physician consulting staff, a nurse informaticist, and a member of the allied health Information Technology staff. The office has successfully conducted pilot projects in several new technology areas, advocating the adoption of some technologies and deferring on others. Moreover, they have been instrumental serving as a spokesperson and single point of contact for all new technology initiatives of this multi-specialty practice.  相似文献   

Health information technology (HIT) can promote higher quality, lower costs, and increased patient and clinician satisfaction. Yet small practice settings (where the vast majority of patient care is provided) have been slow to adopt HIT products and services. Successful adoption requires close attention to office workflow, or how tasks are organized and resources used to achieve outcomes. HIT improvements in the small physician office setting are achieved through strong leadership, strategic planning, process reengineering, change management, and customizing IT systems to match and support desired office workflows and health care outcomes.  相似文献   

Projections of the effect of actual and hypothesized declines in the proportion of foreign medical graduates (FMGs) in residency training on the future distribution of physicians are explored. We find potential proportionate declines in the eventual location of physicians in rural areas and small towns in the North Central regions, and in solo and partnership arrangements in the Northeast, North Central, and Southern regions. Reductions in FMG house officers now could also lead to an increased proportionate presence of physicians in subspecialty practices in the largest U.S. cities. These changes might happen despite the current perception that there is a "surplus" of physicians.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Authors have stressed the importance of the broader contextual influences on practice improvement and learning and have expressed concern about gaps between research and practice. This implies a potential expansion of the knowledge base for continuing education in the health professions (CEHP) and an increased emphasis on research evidence for that knowledge. How has the content of The Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions (JCEHP) reflected those changes? What are the implications for CEHP practitioners? METHODS: Based on all abstracts, tables of contents, and editorials, a thematic analysis was completed for volumes 1 through 24 of JCEHP. All texts were downloaded into qualitative analysis software and coded. Main code categories included demographics of articles, concepts relating to CEHP as a discipline, knowledge translation and outcomes-oriented continuing education, and theories and frameworks. Key themes were identified. RESULTS: Key themes include categories of topics included in JCEHP over the years, the increased prominence of research in JCEHP, a dual research evidence-to-practice gap, the professionalization of continuing education providers, and interdisciplinarity and the links with broader frameworks that have been proposed for CEHP. DISCUSSION: Two sets of research-to-practice gaps are portrayed in the journal: the gap between clinical research and practice and the gap between research and practice in CEHP. To close the first gap, authors have asserted that the second gap must be addressed, ensuring that CEHP practices themselves are evidence based, driven by theory-based research. This is a variation on prior debates regarding the need to define CEHP as a discipline, which uses the language of professionalization. The increased focus of continuing education on the contexts of health care providers' practices has multiplied the topics that are potentially relevant to CEHP practice.  相似文献   

Malignant mesothelioma (MMe) is a seemingly uncommon tumour whose incidence has in fact increased steadily and progressively over the last 30 years. Indeed, an actual "epidemic" is expected in the next 20 years, with over 1300 new cases a year till 2020 at least. Despite unquestionable improvement in the diagnostic methods at our disposal and the availability of new treatment strategies, the prognosis of MMe patients remains dramatically poor. For all the above reasons, translational research is the key to success; indeed, ever increasing knowledge of the molecular mechanisms underlying MMe pathogenesis could lead (and is actually leading) to new, hopefully more active, treatment options. To foster discussion among investigators working in this field, and to exchange different viewpoints concerning the newest advances in MMe pathogenesis and treatment, the VII International Mesothelioma Interest Group (IMIG) meeting was held in Brescia (Italy) between 24 and 26 June 2004 in cooperation with the Italian Group for the Study and Therapy of MMe (GIMe). The aim of this report is to summarize the most significant advances in the different disciplines applied to MMe presented and discussed during the IMIG meeting and how these advances will be changing the perspective of patients with MMe.  相似文献   

A large single blind, multi-centre study involving 1779 children was performed in Italy. Infants, aged between 12 and 27 months were divided between two groups: group A received a single dose of a new MMR vaccine, 'Priorix'(3), while group B received a widely used MMR vaccine, Triviraten(4). Solicited local and general symptoms were recorded using diary cards and antibody levels were measured, prior to and 60 days post-vaccination, using ELISA assays. The incidence of solicited symptoms (evaluated in 1754 subjects) was comparable between groups, with the exception of fever which was significantly lower in group B. Immunogenicity was evaluated in 686 subjects. Of note, was the significantly higher anti-mumps seroconversion rate (p<0.001) observed in group A (97.0%) compared to group B (35.4%). However the anti-measles and anti-rubella seroconversion rates were equivalent between groups. Significantly higher (p<0.001) post-vaccination GMTs were in group A vs group B for anti-measles (2830 vs 784 IU/ml) and anti-mumps (1640 vs 469 U/ml), however the anti-rubella GMTs were significantly higher (p<0.001) in group B (117.6 IU/ml) compared to group A (92.6 IU/ml). The persistence of antibodies in 35 subjects was assessed 1 year after vaccination and the results showed no appreciable decline in titres with either vaccine. The trial demonstrates 'Priorix' is well tolerated and highly immunogenic.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the accuracy and reliability of predictions for recovery from multiple organ system failure (OSF). A previous analysis had provided estimates of the probabilities of recovery from various combinations of OSF for 2,843 intensive care unit (ICU) patients treated in 13 U.S. hospitals. These estimates were applied prospectively to 2,405 ICU admissions in 27 French hospitals. Despite variations in the incidences of underlying disease and the distributions of OSF between the two countries, clinical outcomes were similar for the 5,248 total patients. In both countries, two OSFs persisting for more than one day resulted in a hospital death rate of 60%. Hospital mortality rates for patients with three or more OSFs persisting after one day consistently exceeded 90%. Isolated neurologic failure had the poorest overall prognosis, but various other combinations of OSFs did not result in significantly different outcomes. The stability of the prognostic estimates in the two countries suggests that, despite pathogenetic variations, persistent multiple OSF results in consistent clinical outcomes. These mortality projections provide firm reference data for assessing efficacy of new treatments within institutions with similar standards of care. The narrow confidence intervals associated with these estimates also provide objectively defined opportunities to review future treatment plans for individual patients.  相似文献   

Immunization can and does save lives. However, the presence of vaccines does not easily translate into every child being vaccinated, and this is what the studies in this journal supplement reveal. From South Asia to West Africa,the evidence presented here reveals what we are calling the fallacy of coverage, going beyond uncovering the real vaccination rates to providing evidence on the reasons for the lack of effective coverage.The evidence for the fallacy of coverage is part of an operational research program entitled the Canadian International Immunization Initiative Phase 2 (CIII2). Through a competitive peer review process, six research grants were awarded to increase access to and enhance immunization services. This journal supplement provides a forum for the presentation of the results of five of the six studies.The story of the fallacy of coverage is made up of five theme areas of evidence - timeliness of immunization, social and gender inequities, vaccine efficacy, understanding demand side issues to tailor interventions, and national data sets masking actual district level coverage rates - that reveal the discrepancies in immunization coverage rates and the reasons behind these discrepancies. As part of the story, and to turn around the fallacy of coverage, the studies also provide proof of effective and locally relevant solutions.Policies and funding, while keeping an eye on future diseases, clearly need to maintain and increase support to address existing vaccine-preventable diseases to increase coverage such that by 2015 we can achieve 90% national vaccination coverage and reach the MDG of reducing mortality rates among children under five by two-thirds.The results from the operational research grants of the CIII2 offer some answers on how to reach this goal by demonstrating how locally generated evidence can inform immunization strategies to ensure that children who need to get vaccinated will get vaccinated, and vaccinated on time.  相似文献   

Problems with case ascertainment in epidemiological research on multiple sclerosis (MS) make it necessary to use indirect sources. However, there is a lack of information about the characteristics of cases drawn from different sources and thus little basis on which sampling frames for large scale surveys may be constructed. The characteristics of a population drawn from the membership of Action for Research into Multiple Sclerosis (ARMS) were compared with those of 10 other British MS populations reported between 1980 and 1987. Demographic variables examined were geographical location, nationality, ethnicity, sex ratio and age. Diagnostic status, age at diagnosis and duration since diagnosis were considered together with data on the comparative populations based on date of onset. On all the variables investigated the ARMS population fell close to or within the range shown by the comparative populations. The relative youth of the ARMS population and its bias towards a high proportion of females were differences in keeping with existing knowledge about the membership of mutual support organisations. A population drawn from such an organisation may usefully complement other MS research populations provided that the likely biases in each are understood.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Patient Perspective Survey (PPS) is a new clinical communication tool designed to stimulate patient involvement in the management of complex health problems in general practice and to improve patient and doctor satisfaction with the consultation. The development of this final 38-item version of the PPS has been described elsewhere. OBJECTIVE: The aims of this article are to present recommendations for clinical use and how GPs and patients have evaluated this new tool. METHODS: The study material included 159 patients (78% females) with a mean age of 45 years, mainly presenting with longstanding musculoskeletal and psychosocial disorders, selected by 32 GPs. After the PPS-based consultation, both doctor and patient were asked to fill in evaluation forms. RESULTS: In as many as 55-85% of the consultations' various aspects, it was perceived by the GPs that the use of the survey helped (to some extent, much or very much) in achieving improved clinical communication and a constructive consultation. The most important elements appeared to be stimulation of positive interaction/processes and obtaining new and relevant information. Similar results were found regarding patient evaluation. There was significantly more positive doctor evaluation if the doctor-patient relationship had lasted less than 1 year, and if the patient agreed to prepare a 'plan of action' for a follow-up consultation. Guidelines for clinical use are presented. CONCLUSION: We now regard the PPS to be completed for daily clinical use and believe that it has been shown to be a potent tool to improve consultation outcome in the large and challenging group of patients with complex health problems in general practice.  相似文献   

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