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Activated ras carry a point mutation either in codon 12, 13 or 61 which is tumor specific. Peptides derived from this oncoprotein are therefore potential tumor antigens. Essential for the feasibility of using ras-derived peptides in therapy of cancer is whether p21 ras-derived peptides can be processed, bind to human histocompatibility leukocyte antigen (HLA) and be recognized by T cells. Here we report the fine specificity and HLA restriction of several T lymphocyte clones (TLC) specific for a peptide which is derived from the second mutational hot spot in ras encoding residue 61. These TLC were generated from memory T cells present in the blood of a cancer patient and recognized a ras-derived peptide carrying Leu instead of Gln at residue 61. By sequencing of the T cell receptor (TcR) genes three sets of “sister” TLC carrying highly different TcR were identified. Two of the TLC recognized a peptide carrying the 61 Leu mutation presented by HLA-DQ8 and one recognized the same peptide presented by HLA-DQ4. By using truncated peptides derived from residues 51 to 69 of p21 ras, partially overlapping minimal epitopes could be defined. All three TLC recognized the corresponding recombinant mutant p21 ras oncoprotein carrying Leu at residue 61 presented by autologous B-lymphoblastoid cell lines (B-LCL). This demonstrates that naturally derived ras peptides from this region of p21 ras encompass the three epitopes recognized by the TLC. These results indicate that immunogenic ras-derived peptides may be used in immunotherapy of cancer where transforming ras oncoproteins are involved.  相似文献   

A sensitive, highly reproducible assay was developed for measuring binding of peptides to various HLA class I and II alleles. The assay is based on competition for binding to HLA between a peptide of interest and a fluorescent labelled standard peptide. This mixture is incubated with HLA to obtain equilibrium binding, and subsequently separated on an HPLC size-exclusion column in (i) a protein fraction containing HLA and bound peptide and (ii) a free peptide fraction. Each assay uses only 100 fmol labelled peptide and approximately 10 pmol of HLA. The analytical system contains an autosampler that samples from 96-well microtiter plates. Injections and data recording/evaluation is fully automated. Typical analysis time is 10–12 min per sample. The fluorescence in the HLA-bound peptide and free peptide containing fractions is measured on-line. The ratios of fluorescence signal in protein and peptide fractions at various concentrations of the peptide of interest are determined. IC50 values are calculated from the binding curve as obtained by curve fitting of the data. Here we show results for peptide binding to HLA-DR1 and -DR17 molecules purified from detergent solubilized cell lysates, and for recombinant HLA-A* 0201 and HLA-A* 0301 expressed in E. coli.

The assay reported is sensitive and reproducible. It is non-radioactive and is non-labor intensive due to the high degree of automation.  相似文献   

Mutations of the p53 gene are the most frequently observed genetic changes in human cancers; often leading to an overexpression of the wild-type (wt) p53 protein. Demonstrable T cell reactivity against tumor cells overexpressing wt or mutant p53-derived peptides could support the application of such epitopes in cancer immunotherapies. As the binding of peptide to MHC class I molecules is a prerequisite for antigen-specific T cell recognition, we evaluated the ability of wt and mutant p53 peptides to bind to HLA-A2.1 using two independent flow cytometry-based assay systems, the T2 major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I peptide stabilization assay (stabilization assay) and the peptide-induced MHC class I reconstitution assay (reconstitution assay). The twenty selected wt sequences each conformed to the previously reported HLA-A2.1 peptide binding motif. Seven of the wt p53 and 2/13 mutant p53 peptides derived from the previously chosen wt peptides bound to HLA-A2.1 in both the stabilization and the reconstitution assays. An additional six wt and six mutant p53 peptides, presumably exhibiting lower affinity for HLA-A2.1, were identified only in the reconstitution assay. Those p53 peptides binding HLA-A2.1 may provide useful immunogens for the generation of HLA-A2.1-restricted cytolytic T lymphocytes in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

By stimulating peripheral blood mononuclear cells of four healthy donors with a mixture of overlapping peptides representing the core domain of p53, we established two CD4+ α β T cell clones and four lines that recognized wild-type and mutant p53 proteins as well as p53 self peptides in an HLA class II-restricted fashion. Two T cell lines established from two unrelated donors reacted to the p53 peptide (p)153 – 166 and p108 – 122, respectively, in the context of DP5 molecules. Two T cell clones established from two other unrelated donors were specific for p193 – 204 in the context of DRB1*1401 and for p153 – 165 in the context of DP5, respectively. These two T cell clones responded almost equally to both wild-type and four mutant recombinant p53 proteins. The proliferative responses of these T cell clones to p53 recombinant proteins were augmented by heat denaturing, thereby suggesting that altered conformation of the protein facilitates proteolytic processing to produce antigenic peptides. The DRB1*1401-restricted T cell clone specific for p193 – 204 killed a B lymphoblastoid cell line homozygous for HLA-DRB1*1401 when the cell line was pre-pulsed with p53 protein as well as peptide. These results indicate that CD4+ T cells reactive to p53 do exist in healthy individuals and the epitopes are probably ignored by the immune system under physiological conditions. It is suggested that such epitopes stimulate T cells to induce anti-p53 antibody production in cancer patients as previously reported by others. The possible involvement of p53-reactive T cells in anti-tumor immunity is discussed.  相似文献   

Unwanted immune responses against protein therapeutics can reduce efficacy or lead to adverse reactions. T‐cell responses are key in the development of such responses, and are directed against immunodominant regions within the protein sequence, often associated with binding to several allelic variants of HLA class II molecules (promiscuous binders). Herein, we report a novel computational strategy to predict ‘de‐immunized’ peptides, based on previous studies of erythropoietin protein immunogenicity. This algorithm (or method) first predicts promiscuous binding regions within the target protein sequence and then identifies residue substitutions predicted to reduce HLA binding. Further, this method anticipates the effect of any given substitution on flanking peptides, thereby circumventing the creation of nascent HLA‐binding regions. As a proof‐of‐principle, the algorithm was applied to Vatreptacog α, an engineered Factor VII molecule associated with unintended immunogenicity. The algorithm correctly predicted the two immunogenic peptides containing the engineered residues. As a further validation, we selected and evaluated the immunogenicity of seven substitutions predicted to simultaneously reduce HLA binding for both peptides, five control substitutions with no predicted reduction in HLA‐binding capacity, and additional flanking region controls. In vitro immunogenicity was detected in 21·4% of the cultures of peptides predicted to have reduced HLA binding and 11·4% of the flanking regions, compared with 46% for the cultures of the peptides predicted to be immunogenic. This method has been implemented as an interactive application, freely available online at http://tools.iedb.org/deimmunization/ .  相似文献   

Glycosylphosphatidylinositol-anchored (GPI)-Db molecules are defective in mediating cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) lysis of transfected lymphoma cells, compared to their transmembrane (TM) counterpart. This defect is manifest when antigenic peptide must be processed and presented through the endogenous pathway. These same transfectants can be lysed by allospecific CTL, or by antigen-specific Db-restricted CTL when pulsed with appropriate exogenous synthetic peptide, demonstrating that they can bind and present peptide for CTL-mediated lympholysis. The defect apparently results from differences between GPI-Db and TM-Db assembly and transport, or from differences in membrane topology that affect CD8+ CTL recognition of major histocompatibility complex/peptide complex.  相似文献   

We describe the effect of the proteasome specific inhibitor lactacystin on the metabolic stability of influenza nucleoprotein (NP) and on the generation of antigens presented by human and murine class I molecules of the major histocompatibility complex to cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL). We show that cells treated with lactacystin fail to present influenza antigens to influenza-specific CTL, but retain the capacity to present defined epitopes expressed as peptides intracellularly by recombinant vaccinia viruses. This block in antigen presentation can be overcome by expressing the viral protein within the lumen of the endoplasmic reticulum, confirming the specificity of lactacystin for cytosolic proteases. We also show that the effect of lactacystin on antigen presentation correlates with the block of breakdown of a rapidly degraded form of the influenza NP linked to ubiquitin. These results demonstrate that proteasome-dependent degradation plays an important role in the cytosolic generation of CTL epitopes.  相似文献   

Tapasin is a 48-kDa endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-resident glycoprotein that binds to the transporter associated with antigen processing (TAP) and mediates an interaction between TAP and newly synthesized MHC class I molecules. It is also essential for the proper antigen presenting function of HLA-A*0101 (HLA-A1), HLA-A*0801 (HLA-B8) and HLA-B*4402 (HLA-B4402). We show here that while tapasin is required for HLA-A*0201 (HLA-A2) molecules to bind to TAP, its absence does not block the presentation of HLA-A2-restricted TAP-dependent epitopes to cytotoxic T lymphocytes indicating that, unlike HLA-A1, HLA-B8 and HLA-B4402, HLA-A2 has access to the TAP-dependent peptide pool even in the absence of tapasin. Nevertheless, the overall efficiency with which HLA-A2 was loaded with optimal, stabilizing peptides was impaired in the cell line .220, resulting in a significant increase in the fraction of HLA-A2 molecules being released from the ER in a “peptide-receptive” state.  相似文献   

Mouse mastocytoma P815 expresses tumor antigens P815A and P815B encoded by a single gene called P1A and carried by a single peptide named P1A 35–43 (NH2-Leu-Pro-Tyr-Leu-Gly-Trp-Leu-Val-Phe-COOH). P1A 35–43 is presented to anti-P815A and anti-P815B cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) by major histo-compatibility complex (MHC) H-2Ld molecules. In order to determine the individual role played by each amino acid residue of P1A 35-43 in binding to H-2Ld and in recognition by anti-A and anti-B T cell receptors (TcR), a series of P1A 35-43 peptides substituted by alanine at single positions was synthesized and tested for binding to H-2Ld and for CTL recognition. Binding to H-2Ld was estimated by measuring the ability of the peptide to up-regulate cell surface expression of H-2Ld. We found that three residues were important for interaction of P1A 35-43 with H-2Ld. Two of them, Pro at position 2 and Phe at position 9 were consistent with the described H-2Ld binding motif. A third residue, Trp at position 6, was also required for effective MHC binding of the tumor antigen. CTL sensitization assays showed that alanine substitution at position 7 (Leu) or at position 8 (Val) dramatically affected peptide recognition by anti-A CTL while positions 3 (Tyr) and 4 (Leu) were critical for recognition by anti-B CTL. We conclude that Pro2, Trp6 and Phe9 constitute the anchor residues of P1A 35-43 to H-2Ld, whereas the dipeptidyl sequences Tyr3-Leu4 and Leu7-Val8 form the core epitopes recognized by the TcR of anti-P815B and anti-P815A CTL, respectively.  相似文献   

Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) nuclear antigen 1 (EBNA1) and latent membrane proteins (LMP) are the only antigens consistently expressed in malignancies such as nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC) and Hodgkin's disease (HD). Since EBNA1 is not recognized by EBV-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), there is increasing interest in the identification of the potential target epitopes within LMP1. Although LMP1-specific CTL have been isolated from seropositive individuals, earlier attempts to identify the peptide epitopes recognized by these T cells have been unsuccessful. In the present report we used a novel protocol to identify CTL epitopes within LMP1 which can be recognized by both polyclonal and clonal CTL. Firstly, a computer-based program was employed to identify the potential HLA-binding peptides within LMP1. Polyclonal CD8+ CTL were then isolated from seropositive donors that recognized the peptide epitopes YLLEMLWRL and YLQQNWWTL from LMP1 in association with HLA A2. Limiting dilution analysis of the memory CTL response revealed that the LMP1-specific CTL response constitutes a minor component of the CTL response in healthy virus carriers. Interestingly, analysis of YLLEMLWRL-specific CTL revealed that these CTL were able to lyse EBV-infected B cells expressing different HLA A2 supertype alleles including A*0201, A*0202, A*0203, A*0204, A*0206, A*6802 and A*6901. These data strongly support the notion that HLA class I supertype-restricted CTL may be of significant use in the development of peptide-based immunotherapeutics against EBV-associated malignancies in different ethnic populations.  相似文献   

Cytotoxic T cells (CTL) recognize short peptides that are derived from the proteolysis of endogenous cellular proteins and presented on the cell surface as a complex with MHC class I molecules. CTL can recognize single amino acid substitutions in proteins, including those involved in malignant transformation. The mutated sequence of an oncogene may be presented on the cell surface as a peptide, and thus represents a potential target antigen for tumour therapy. The p21ras gene is mutated in a wide variety of tumours and since the transforming mutations result in amino acid substitutions at positions 12, 13 and 61 of the protein, a limited number of ras peptides could potentially be used in the treatment of a wide variety of malignancies. A common substitution is Val for Gly at position 12 of p21ras. In this study, we show that the peptide sequence from position 5 to position 14 with Val at position 12-ras p5-14 (Val-12)-has a motif which allows it to bind to HLA-A2.1. HLA-A2.1-restricted ras p5-14 (Val-12)-specific CTL were induced in mice transgenic for both HLA-A2.1 and human beta2-microglobulin after in vivo priming with the peptide. The murine CTL could recognize the ras p5-14 (Val-12) peptide when they were presented on both murine and human target cells bearing HLA-A2.1. No cross-reactivity was observed with the native peptide ras p5-14 (Gly-12), and this peptide was not immunogenic in HLA-A2.1 transgenic mice. This represents an interesting model for the study of an HLA-restricted CD8 cytotoxic T cell response to a defined tumour antigen in vivo.  相似文献   

Carbone M  Rudzinski J  Bocchetta M 《Virology》2003,315(2):409-414
SV40 has been linked to some human malignancies, and the evidence that this virus plays a causative role in mesothelioma and brain tumors is mounting. The major SV40 oncoprotein is the Large tumor antigen (Tag). A key Tag transforming activity is connected to its capability to bind and inactivate cellular p53. In this study we developed an effective, high throughput, ELISA-based method to study Tag-p53 interaction in vitro. This assay allowed us to screen a chemical library and to identify a chemical inhibitor of the Tag binding to p53. We propose that our in vitro assay is a useful method to identify molecules that may be used as therapeutic agents for the treatment of SV40-related human cancers.  相似文献   

The incidence of somatic mutagenesis of p53 oncosuppressor protein in malignant tumors of the stomach and genetic polymorphism of p53 were studied in patients with stomach cancer on DNA samples isolated from tumor tissues obtained during surgery. The incidence of Pro/Pro genotype increased in the patients, while the percentage of Arg/Pro heterozygotes was markedly lower compared to long-living persons without cancer. The incidence of p53 somatic mutations in exons 5, 7, 8 was 70.8%; multiple mutations were detected in half of the examined patients. The relationship between the intensity of p53 mutagenesis and histological structure of the tumor was detected. The contribution of p53 genetic status to the risk of stomach cancer can be more effectively evaluated on DNA samples isolated from not only tumor cells, but also from normal tissues. The effects of epigenetic factors determining the intensity of somatic mutagenesis of p53 in tumors should be taken into account. __________ Translated from Byulleten’ Eksperimental’noi Biologii i Meditsiny, Vol. 141, No. 2, pp. 205–209, February, 2006  相似文献   

北方汉族人群HLA-A2亚型分布及p53的合成肽体外诱导CTL反应   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
目的 研究北方汉族人群中HLA-A2亚型的分布及树突状细胞提呈基于p53基因合成肽体外诱导特异性T杀伤细胞(CTL)反应的影响.方法 利用PCR-SSP技术分析北方汉族人群中HLA-A2基因型及其亚型的分布,并在适当A2亚型背景下,选择与HLA-A201分子具有高亲和性的2个来自p53蛋白及1个来自HBV核心抗原的蛋白合成多肽,将其分别负载到经体外GM-CSF+IL-4刺激增殖的人脐带血树突状细胞(DC)上,诱导自身外周血单个核细胞(PBMC)多肽特异性CTL反应.结果 200例北京正常个体中共有53例HLA-A2型,其中以A201及A207亚型分布最多,亚型分布较分散;在GM-CSF+IL-4刺激下获得的典型DC培养后期加入TNF-α,可增加其HLA-Ⅰ类及Ⅱ类分子的表达;多肽p53149~157,p53264~272,HBVc18~27均可诱导出HLA-A201分子限制的自身PBMC肽特异性的CTL,然而,只有p53264~272经多次刺激才诱导出HLA-A207分子限制的肽特异性CTL.结论 北京人群HLA-A2基因型分布具有独特性;从人脐带血获得的DC肽疫苗可以使自身p53蛋白多肽抗原打破机体的外周耐受状态而诱导出CTL反应;HLA-A2分子个别位置上氨基酸的差异可显著影响其提呈抗原多肽的能力.  相似文献   

Tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins plays a central role in T cell activation. Mitogens or anti-receptor antibodies have been employed to study these signaling events, but the extent to which these mimic receptor interactions with native ligands is unclear. Cytotoxic T lymphocytes can be activated for functional responses using purified, native class I ligands presented on a surface. Previous work showed that stimulation with fluid-phase anti-T cell receptor (TCR) monoclonal antibody (mAb) activates CD8 to mediate adhesion to class I proteins and that activated CD8 generates a co-stimulatory signal upon binding to class I. Changes in tyrosine phosphorylation of substrates and activity of the p56lck kinase have now been examined in this two-step process. The observed changes are small in comparison to those found using more potent nonphysiological stimuli, but may more accurately reflect the events required for activation of functional responses. Fluid-phase anti-TCR mAb caused increased tyrosine phosphorylation of a discrete subset of cellular substrates. Increased phosphorylation of additional substrates occurred upon CD8 binding to class I, resulting in a phosphorylation pattern comparable to that found in cells stimulated with class I alloantigen. Anti-TCR mAb alone caused increased tyrosine phosphorylation of p56lck. When CD8 bound to class I, phosphorylation of p56lck decreased to below the basal level found in unstimulated cells, accompanied by a substantial increase in kinase activity. These results are consistent with the two-step model for TCR activation of CD8/class I interactions and directly demonstrate that CD8 binding to class I leads to up-regulation of p56lck activity.  相似文献   

Mice were immunized i.p. with soluble or heat-denatured protein antigens [ovalbumin, β-galactosidase, or recombinant E7 protein of human papilloma virus type 16 (HBV)]. Heat-denatured (100°C) preparations of these proteins were able to induce cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) that recognize cells expressing the respective genes, whereas native protein was either inefficient or required up to 30-fold higher doses. If the heat-treated proteins were separated into aggregated and soluble fractions by ultracentrifugation, only the aggregated fractions were able to induce specific CTL; this is probably because of the easier access to one of the major histocompatibility complex class I loading pathways for exogenous antigen. Addition of the adjuvant aluminium hydroxide (alum) to aggregated proteins abolished their ability to induce CTL; thus, a condition leading to a strong antibody response appeared to inhibit CTL induction. Interestingly, immunization with heat-denatured ovalbumin plus alum increased the IgM/IgG1 ratio compared to immunization with native ovalbumin and alum. Immunization of B6 mice transgenic for an HLA-A2/H-2Kb hybrid gene with heat-denatured, recombinant HPV 16-E7 protein induced Db-restricted CTL specific for the peptide 49–57 of E7, indicating that this epitope is immunodominant over any A2-restricted E7 epitope in these mice. A whole influenza virus preparation heated to 100°C or even autoclaved was still able to induce virus-specific CTL and BALB/c spleen cells heated to 100°C could still cross-prime minor H-specific CTL in B6 mice, although with lower efficiency than fresh spleen cells. Thus, aggregated proteins can be considered as components for future vaccines.  相似文献   

In an attempt to identify the amino acid position(s) of the HLA-C-specific p58.1/p50.1 natural killer cell receptors that determine the binding affinity for their ligand, we used soluble fusion proteins formed by the ectodomain of either receptor and the Fc portion of human IgG1. We show that the soluble p50.1 (activating) receptor binds weakly to 221-Cw4 transfectants. In contrast, the soluble p58.1 (inhibitory) receptor binds with high affinity. A single amino acid mutation at position 70, obtained by site-directed mutagenesis, was found to affect the binding affinity of both the p50.1 and the p58.1 receptors. Thus, sub-stitution in p50.1 of lysine 70 by threonine (typical of the inhibitory p58.1 molecule) resulted in a dramatic increase in binding affinity, comparable to that of the p58.1 molecule. On the other hand, substitution of threonine 70 by lysine in p58.1 almost abolished binding to 221-Cw4 cells. Our present data indicate that a single amino acid difference greatly influences the p58.1/p50.1 affinity for their HLA-C ligand and suggests a possible role of position 70 as a contact site in the natural killer cell receptor/major histocompatibility complex class I interaction.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The responses of mice to the mite allergen Der p 1 have been used to study the mechanisms of allergic sensitization and the development of new types of immunotherapy. Many of the studies require a knowledge of the T cell epitopes, and because Der p 1 is polymorphic, the effect of natural amino acid substitution in the allergen. The intranasal administration of peptides containing T cell epitopes can induce a mucosal tolerance but it is not known if the major activity is limited to stimulatory peptides and if, as found for autoimmunity, some epitopes are not inhibitory. OBJECTIVE: To determine and compare the sequences of Der p 1 which contain stimulatory epitopes for the high responding H-2(b) and H-2(q) mice and the sequences which induce tolerance by intranasal administration of peptides. METHODS: T cell responses of mice immunized with Der p 1 were measured by in vitro T cell stimulation assays so an extensive study of epitope recognition and intranasal tolerance could be made. Synthetic peptides were used to examine the stimulatory and inhibitory ability of all Der p 1 sequences and to map the major H-2(b) epitope in detail. This included the effect of the common polymorphic amino acid 124 substitution found within this epitope. RESULTS: Three and two regions, respectively, were found to contain stimulatory T cell epitopes for H-2(b) and H-2(q) mice. The peptides in these regions were also the most active at inducing intranasal tolerance for the responding haplotype. The correspondence between inhibitory and stimulatory peptides was maintained for the fine mapping of the major H-2(b) epitope. This was found about a core region of 118-126 which was overlapping but separate to a consensus sequence for the binding of endogeneous peptides. Peptides with alanine at the naturally polymorphic residue 124 stimulated and inhibited responses to Der p 1 more effectively, while peptides with the valine 124 variant were immunogenic but poorly cross-reactive. CONCLUSIONS: The intranasal administration of peptides representing each of five epitopes recognized by two strains of mice were able to induce mucosal tolerance and the major tolerizing activity was limited to these epitopes. The position of the core major epitope for C57 mice, which differs from a previously predicted epitope, and its specificity for the natural alanine 124 variant is described.  相似文献   

Yechiel Becker 《Virus genes》1996,13(3):189-201
The primary amino acid sequences of the proteins coded by Marburg and Ebola-Zaire filoviruses were studied by computer programs to search for putative proteolytic cleavages which yield nonapeptides with motifs of binding to known HLA class I haplotypes. The computer analyses predicted that numerous nonapeptides with motifs to bind HLA class I A68 and A2 haplotypes were detected. A few nonapeptides with motifs HLA class I A24, B8, B27 and B35 were predicted in Marburg virus proteins. A similar finding is reported for Ebola-Zaire viral proteins (the viral polymerase was not studied). The search for antigenic domains that may induce the humoral immune response in the viral glycoproteins was based on computer analyses of the physical properties and antigenicity predictions of amino acids in certain domains of the primary amino acid sequences. Twelve putative antigenic domains were detected in Marburg virus glycoprotein and 11 putative antigenic domains in Ebola-Zaire virus glycoprotein. Despite the marked differences in the primary amino acid sequences in the putative antigenic domains of the two viral glycoproteins, 8 antigenic domains were found to have similar locations in the viral glycoproteins of the two viruses. Each pair of antigenic domains resemble each other in the physical properties of the amino acids that are different. These computer analyses may provide an approach to developing synthetic peptides capable of induction of both the cellular and humoral responses to protect against infection with Marburg or Ebola viruses.  相似文献   

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