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In the kainic acid (KA) model of temporal lobe epilepsy, mossy fibers (MFs) are thought to establish recurrent excitatory synaptic contacts onto granule cells. This hypothesis was tested by intracellular labeling of granule cells with biocytin and identifying their synaptic contacts in the dentate molecular layer with electron microscopic (EM) techniques. Twenty-three granule cells from KA-treated animals and 14 granule cells from control rats were examined 2 to 4 months following KA at the light microscopic (LM) level; four cells showing MF sprouting were further characterized at the EM level. Timm staining revealed a time-dependent growth of aberrant MFs into the dentate inner molecular layer. The degree of sprouting was generally (but not invariably) correlated with the severity and frequency of seizures. LM examination of individual biocytin-labeled MF axon collaterals revealed enhanced collateralization and significantly increased numbers of synaptic MF boutons in the hilus compared to controls, as well as aberrant MF growth into the granule cell and molecular layers. EM examination of serially reconstructed, biocytin-labeled MF collaterals in the molecular layer revealed MF boutons that form asymmetrical synapses with dendritic shafts and spines of granule cells, including likely autaptic contacts on parent dendrites of the biocytin-labeled granule cell. These results constitute ultrastructural evidence for newly formed excitatory recurrent circuits, which might provide a structural basis for enhanced excitation and epileptogenesis in the hippocampus of KA-treated rats.  相似文献   

Mossy fiber sprouting into the inner molecular layer of the dentate gyrus is an important neuroplastic change found in animal models of temporal lobe epilepsy and in humans with this type of epilepsy. Recently, we reported in the perforant path stimulation model another neuroplastic change for dentate granule cells following seizures: hilar basal dendrites (HBDs). The present study determined whether status epilepticus-induced HBDs on dentate granule cells occur in the pilocarpine model of temporal lobe epilepsy and whether these dendrites are targeted by mossy fibers. Retrograde transport of biocytin following its ejection into stratum lucidum of CA3 was used to label granule cells for both light and electron microscopy. Granule cells with a heterogeneous morphology, including recurrent basal dendrites, and locations outside the granule cell layer were observed in control preparations. Preparations from both pilocarpine and kainate models of temporal lobe epilepsy also showed granule cells with HBDs. These dendrites branched and extended into the hilus of the dentate gyrus and were shown to be present on 5% of the granule cells in pilocarpine-treated rats with status epilepticus, whereas control rats had virtually none. Electron microscopy was used to determine whether HBDs were postsynaptic to axon terminals in the hilus, a site where mossy fiber collaterals are prevalent. Labeled granule cell axon terminals were found to form asymmetric synapses with labeled HBDs. Also, unlabeled, large mossy fiber boutons were presynaptic to HBDs of granule cells. These results indicate that HBDs are present in the pilocarpine model of temporal lobe epilepsy, confirm the presence of HBDs in the kainate model, and show that HBDs are postsynaptic to mossy fibers. These new mossy fiber synapses with HBDs may contribute to additional recurrent excitatory circuitry for granule cells.  相似文献   

目的 探讨神经性钙粘附分子(N-cadherin)在癫痫状态后海马苔藓纤维出芽和突触重组中的作用。方法取锂一匹罗卡品诱导大鼠癫痫持续状态及慢性自发性颞叶癫痫发作期的大鼠脑片,用Timm染色和免疫组化的方法分别检测苔藓纤维出芽和N-cadherin在大鼠海马组织中的表达。结果癫痫状态后第2周和第4周的实验组大鼠可见到苔藓纤维出芽,穿越齿状回颗粒细胞层到达内分子层,并在此形成一条致密的层状带(Timm染色)。免疫组化染色发现实验组大鼠在第2周和第4周,海马齿状回内分子层可以看到强染色,并形成一条致密带,与Timm染色时观察到的条带一致。结论癫痫状态后在海马齿状回内分子层N-cadherin的表达上调.N-cadherin可能参与了癫痫后苔藓纤维出芽和突触重组过程。  相似文献   

Morphological data from humans with temporal lobe epilepsy and from animal models of epilepsy suggest that seizure-induced damage to dentate hilar neurons causes granule cells to sprout new axon collaterals that innervate other granule cells. This aberrant projection has been suggested to be an anatomical substrate for epileptogenesis. This hypothesis was tested in the present study with intra- and extracellular recordings from granule cells in hippocampal slices removed from rats 1-4 months after kainate treatment. In this animal model, hippocampal cell loss leads to sprouting of mossy fiber axons from the granule cells into the inner molecular layer of the dentate gyrus. Unexpectedly, when slices with mossy fiber sprouting were examined in normal medium, extracellular stimulation of the hilus or perforant path evoked relatively normal responses. However, in the presence of the GABAA-receptor antagonist, bicuculline, low-intensity hilar stimulation evoked delayed bursts of action potentials in about one-quarter of the slices. In one-third of the bicuculline-treated slices with mossy fiber sprouting, spontaneous bursts of synchronous spikes were superimposed on slow negative field potentials. Slices from normal rats or kainate-treated rats without mossy fiber sprouting never showed delayed bursts to weak hilar stimulation or spontaneous bursts in bicuculline. These data suggest that new local excitatory circuits may be suppressed normally, and then emerge functionally when synaptic inhibition is blocked. Therefore, after repeated seizures and excitotoxic damage in the hippocampus, synaptic reorganization of the mossy fibers is consistently associated with normal responses; however, in some preparations, the mossy fibers may form functional recurrent excitatory connections, but synaptic inhibition appears to mask these potentially epileptogenic alterations.  相似文献   

Seizures evoked by kainic acid and a variety of experimental methods induce sprouting of the mossy fiber pathway in the dentate gyrus. In this study, the morphological features and spatial distribution of sprouted mossy fiber axons in the dorsal dentate gyrus of kainate-treated rats were directly shown in granule cells filled in vitro with biocytin and in vivo with the anterograde lectin tracer Phaseolus vulgaris leucoagglutinin (PHAL). Sprouted axon collaterals of biocytin-filled granule cells projected from the hilus of the dentate gyrus into the supragranular layer in both transverse and longitudinal directions in kainate-treated rats but were not observed in normal rats. The sprouted axon collaterals projected into the supragranular region for 600–700 μm along the septotemporal axis. Collaterals from granule cells in the infrapyramidal blade crossed the hilus and sprouted into the supragranular layer of the suprapyramidal blade. Sprouted axon segments in the supragranular layer had more terminal boutons per unit length than the axon segments in the hilus of both normal and kainate-treated rats but did not form giant boutons, which are characteristic of mossy fiber axons in the hilus and CA3. Mossy fiber axons in the hilus of kainate-treated rats had more small terminal boutons, fewer giant boutons, and there was a trend toward greater axon length compared with mossy fibers in the hilus of normal rats. With the additional length of supragranular sprouted collaterals, there was an overall increase in the length of mossy fiber axons in kainate-treated rats. The synaptic and axonal remodeling of the mossy fiber pathway could alter the functional properties of hippocampal circuitry by altering synaptic connectivity in local circuits within the hilus of the dentate gyrus and by increasing the divergence of the mossy fiber terminal field along the septotemporal axis. J. Comp. Neurol. 390:578–594, 1998. © 1998 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Kainic acid-induced neuron loss in the hippocampal dentate gyrus may cause epileptogenic hyperexcitability by triggering the formation of recurrent excitatory connections among normally unconnected granule cells. We tested this hypothesis by assessing granule cell excitability repeatedly within the same awake rats at different stages of the synaptic reorganization process initiated by kainate-induced status epilepticus (SE). Granule cells were maximally hyperexcitable to afferent stimulation immediately after SE and became gradually less excitable during the first month post-SE. The chronic epileptic state was characterized by granule cell hyper-inhibition, i.e., abnormally increased paired-pulse suppression and an abnormally high resistance to generating epileptiform discharges in response to afferent stimulation. Focal application of the gamma-aminobutyric acid type A (GABA(A)) receptor antagonist bicuculline methiodide within the dentate gyrus abolished the abnormally increased paired-pulse suppression recorded in chronically hyper-inhibited rats. Combined Timm staining and parvalbumin immunocytochemistry revealed dense innervation of dentate inhibitory interneurons by newly formed, Timm-positive, mossy fiber terminals. Ultrastructural analysis by conventional and postembedding GABA immunocytochemical electron microscopy confirmed that abnormal mossy fiber terminals of the dentate inner molecular layer formed frequent asymmetrical synapses with inhibitory interneurons and with GABA-immunopositive dendrites as well as with GABA-immunonegative dendrites of presumed granule cells. These results in chronically epileptic rats demonstrate that dentate granule cells are maximally hyperexcitable immediately after SE, prior to mossy fiber sprouting, and that synaptic reorganization following kainate-induced injury is temporally associated with GABA(A) receptor-dependent granule cell hyper-inhibition rather than a hypothesized progressive hyperexcitability. The anatomical data provide evidence of a possible anatomical substrate for the chronically hyper-inhibited state.  相似文献   

In the present study, using Golgi and electron microscopy techniques, experimentally induced epilepsy (kindling and kainate treatment) elicited collateral sprouting of mossy fibers in rat hippocampus. Collateral branches invade the hilus, cross the granule cell layer, and distribute throughout the inner third of the molecular layer. These newly developed collaterals may acquire the typical features of mossy fibers including giant fiber varicosities (mousses), although the mean surface of these mousses was thinner in these collaterals than in terminal branches. Granule cell dendrites may develop giant thorny excrescences, suggesting that the targets of these collaterals are granule cells. Giant synaptic boutons appear in the inner third of molecular layer of epileptic rats. These boutons acquire the morphological features of mossy fiber boutons and made multiple synaptic contacts with dendritic spines. The analysis of the profile types suggests that some of the newly developed collateral mossy fibers made hypotrophic synaptic contacts.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated formation of recurrent excitatory circuits between sprouted mossy fibers and granule cell dendrites in the inner molecular layer of the dentate gyrus (9, 28, 30). In addition, there is evidence that inhibitory nonprincipal cells also receive an input from sprouted mossy fibers (39). This study was undertaken to further characterize possible target cells for sprouted mossy fibers, using immunofluorescent staining for different calcium-binding proteins in combination with Timm histochemical staining for mossy fibers. Rats were injected intraperitoneally with kainic acid in order to induce epileptic convulsions and mossy fiber sprouting. After 2 months survival, hippocampal sections were immunostained for parvalbumin, calbindin D28k, or calretinin followed by Timm-staining. Under a fluorescent microscope, zinc-positive mossy fibers in epileptic rats were found to surround parvalbumin-containing neurons in the granule cell layer and to follow their dendrites, which extended toward the molecular layer. In addition, dendrites of calbindin D28k-containing cells were covered by multiple mossy fiber terminals in the inner molecular layer. However, the calretinin-containing cell bodies in the granule cell layer did not receive any contacts from the sprouted fibers. Electron microscopic analysis revealed that typical Timm-positive mossy fiber terminals established several asymmetrical synapses with the soma and dendrites of nonpyramidal cells within the granule cell layer. These results provide direct evidence that, in addition to recurrent excitatory connections, inhibitory circuitries, especially those responsible for the perisomatic feedback inhibition, are formed as a result of mossy fiber sprouting in experimental epilepsy.  相似文献   

The objective of this work is to check whether the input from the mossy cells to the inner molecular layer is necessary for the integration and maturation of the newly generated granule cells of the dentate gyrus (DG) in mice, and if after status epilepticus the sprouting of the mossy fibers can substitute for this projection. Newly generated cells were labeled by administration of 5-bromo-deoxyuridine either before or after pilocarpine administration. The neuronal loss in the hippocampus after administration of pilocarpine combined with scopolamine and diazepam seemed restricted to the hilar mossy cells. The maturation of the granule cells was studied using immunohistochemistry for calretinin and NeuN in combination with detection of 5-bromo-deoxyuridine. The sprouting of the mossy fibers was detected using Timm staining for zinc-rich boutons. In normal conditions, granule cells took about 2 weeks to lose the immature marker calretinin. After the loss of the mossy cells, newly generated granule cells remained expressing calretinin for more than a month, until the sprouting of the mossy fibers substituted for the projection of the mossy cells in the inner molecular layer of the DG. Therefore, a proper pattern of connectivity is necessary for the normal development and integration of newly generated granule cells in the adult brain. In a changed environment they cannot adapt transforming in other cell types; simply they are unable to mature. The sprouting of the mossy fibers, although aberrant and a probable source of epileptic activity, may be important for the correct physiology of the granule cells, restoring a likeness of normality in their connective environment. The survival of granule cells incorporated as mature neurons was increased after pilocarpine when compared with normal conditions. Thus, it is likely that the reorganization of the circuitry after the loss of the mossy cells facilitates the survival and incorporation of the newly generated granule cells.  相似文献   

Detection of vesicular zinc and immunohistochemistry against markers for different interneuron subsets were combined to study the postsynaptic target selection of zinc-containing recurrent mossy fiber collaterals in the dentate gyrus. Mossy fiber collaterals in the granule cell layer selectively innervated parvalbumin-containing cells, with numerous contacts per cell, whereas the granule cells were avoided. Under the electron microscope, those boutons made asymmetrical contacts on dendrites and somata. These findings suggest that, in addition to the hilar perforant path-associated (HIPP) interneurons, the basket and chandelier cells also receive a powerful feed-back drive from the granule cells, and thereby are able to control population synchrony in the dentate gyrus. On the other hand, the amount of monosynaptic excitatory feed-back among granule cells is shown to be negligible.  相似文献   

This study examined the acute actions of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) in the rat dentate gyrus after seizures, because previous studies have shown that BDNF has acute effects on dentate granule cell synaptic transmission, and other studies have demonstrated that BDNF expression increases in granule cells after seizures. Pilocarpine-treated rats were studied because they not only have seizures and increased BDNF expression in granule cells, but they also have reorganization of granule cell "mossy fiber" axons. This reorganization, referred to as "sprouting," involves collaterals that grow into novel areas, i.e., the inner molecular layer, where granule cell and interneuron dendrites are located. Thus, this animal model allowed us to address the effects of BDNF in the dentate gyrus after seizures, as well as the actions of BDNF on mossy fiber transmission after reorganization. In slices with sprouting, BDNF bath application enhanced responses recorded in the inner molecular layer to mossy fiber stimulation. Spontaneous bursts of granule cells occurred, and these were apparently generated at the site of the sprouted axon plexus. These effects were not accompanied by major changes in perforant path-evoked responses or paired-pulse inhibition, occurred only after prolonged (30-60 min) exposure to BDNF, and were blocked by K252a. The results suggest a preferential action of BDNF at mossy fiber synapses, even after substantial changes in the dentate gyrus network. Moreover, the results suggest that activation of trkB receptors could contribute to the hyperexcitability observed in animals with sprouting. Because human granule cells also express increased BDNF mRNA after seizures, and sprouting can occur in temporal lobe epileptics, the results may have implications for understanding temporal lobe epilepsy.  相似文献   

Collateral sprouting of dentate granule cell axons, the mossy fibers, occurs in response to denervation, kindling, or excitotoxic damage to the hippocampus. Organotypic slice culture of rodent hippocampal tissue is a model system for the controlled study of collateral sprouting in vitro. Organotypic roller-tube cultures were prepared from hippocampal slices derived from postnatal day 7 mice. The Timm heavy metal stain and densitometry were used to assay the degree of mossy fiber collateral sprouting in the molecular layer of the hippocampal dentate gyrus. Factors influencing mossy fiber collateral sprouting were time in culture, positional origin of the slice culture along the septotemporal axis of the hippocampus, and presence of attached subicular-entorhinal cortical tissues. Collateral sprouting in the molecular layer was first detected after 6 days in culture and increased steadily thereafter. By 2 weeks considerable sprouting was apparent, and at 3 weeks intense sprouting was observed within the molecular layer. An intrinsic septal-to-temporal gradient of collateral sprouting was apparent at 14 days in culture. To determine whether differential damage to the mossy fibers was the basis for the differences in collateral sprouting along the septotemporal axis, we made complete transections of the mossy fiber projection as it exited the dentate hilus at various levels along the septotemporal axis; no differences were found on subsequent collateral sprouting in the dentate molecular layer. Timm-stained hippocampal cultures with an attached entorhinal cortex, a major source of afferent innervation to the dentate granule cells, displayed significantly less collateral sprouting at 10 days in culture compared to that in cultures from adjacent sections without attached subicular-entorhinal tissues present. Thus, time in culture, position along the septotemporal axis, and presence of afferent cortical tissues influence aberrant neurite collateral sprouting in organotypic slice cultures of neonatal mouse hippocampus. © Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Purpose:   It would be useful to selectively block granule cell axon (mossy fiber) sprouting to test its functional role in temporal lobe epileptogenesis. Targeting axonal growth cones may be an effective strategy to block mossy fiber sprouting. L-type calcium channels and calcineurin, a calcium-activated phosphatase, are critical for normal growth cone function. Previous studies have provided encouraging evidence that blocking L-type calcium channels or inhibiting calcineurin during epileptogenic treatments suppresses mossy fiber sprouting.
Methods:   Rats were treated systemically with pilocarpine to induce status epilepticus, which lasted at least 2 h. Then, osmotic pumps and cannulae were implanted to infuse calcineurin inhibitors (FK506 or cyclosporin A) or an L-type calcium channel blocker (nicardipine) into the dorsal dentate gyrus. After 28 days of continuous infusion, extent of mossy fiber sprouting was evaluated with Timm staining and stereological methods.
Results:   Percentages of volumes of the granule cell layer plus molecular layer that were Timm-positive were similar in infused and noninfused hippocampi.
Conclusions:   These findings suggest inhibiting calcineurin or L-type calcium channels does not block mossy fiber sprouting in the pilocarpine-treated rat model of temporal lobe epilepsy.  相似文献   

Summary: Morphological and electrophysiological techiques were used to examine granule cells and their mossy fiber axons in nine surgically resected hippocampal specimens from temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE) patients. Timm histochemistry showed mossy fiber sprouting into the inner molecular layer (IML) of the dentate in a subset of tissue samples. In slices from five tissue samples, stimulus-induced bursting activity could be induced with a low concentration (2.5 μM) of bicuculline; bursts were sensitive to the N -methyl- d -aspartate (NMDA) blocker, APV. There was a general correlation between such sprouting and experimentally induced yperexcit ability. Fourteen granule cells from five tissue samples were intracellularly stained [with lucifer yellow (LY) or neurobiotin]. Axons from a subset of these neurons showed axon collaterals reaching into the IML, but this axon projection pattern for single cells was not directly correlated with degree of mossy fiber sprouting shown grossly by Timm staining. Electron microscopic examination of intracellularly stained elements showed mossy fiber axon terminals making asymmetric synaptic contacts (including autapses on the granule cell dendrite) with dendritic shafts and spines in both apical and basal domains. These data are consistent with the hypothesis that mossy fiber sprouting provides a structural basis for recurrent excitation of granule cells, but does not provide direct support of the hypothesis that mossy fiber sprouting causes hyperexcitability. The data suggest that granule cell bursting activity is at least in part a function of compromised synaptic inhibition, since levels of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABA) blockade that are generally subthreshold for burst induction were epileptogenic in some tissue samples from human epileptic hippocampus.  相似文献   

We examined the correlation between seizure activity and development of mossy fiber sprouting in the hippocampal formation using Timm staining in a newly developed Ihara epileptic rat (IER). The sprouting of mossy fibers were clearly shown in the inner molecular portion of the dentate gyrus and in the stratum oriens of CA3 pyramidal cell layer with repeated seizures. A positive correlation between the frequency of generalized tonic and clonic convulsions and the Timm staining score in molecular layer of dentate gyrus was revealed. Sprouting of mossy fiber in IER seems to be linked with seizure activities resulting from epileptic bursts, not to the genetic mutation.  相似文献   

Hippocampal mossy fibers, axons of dentate granule cells, converge in the dentate hilus and run through a narrow area called the stratum lucidum to synapse with hilar and CA3 neurons. In the hippocampal formation of temporal lobe epilepsy patients, however, this stereotyped pattern of projection is often collapsed; the mossy fibers branch out of the dentate hilus and abnormally innervate the dentate inner molecular layer, a phenomenon that is termed mossy fiber sprouting. Experimental studies have replicated this sprouting in animal models of temporal lobe epilepsy, including kindling and pharmacological treatment with convulsants. Because these axon collaterals form recurrent excitatory inputs into dendrites of granule cells, the circuit reorganization is assumed to cause epileptiform activity in the hippocampus, whereas some recent studies indicate that the sprouting is not necessarily associated with early-life seizures. Here we review the mechanisms of mossy fiber sprouting and consider its potential contribution to epileptogenesis. Based on recent findings, we propose that the sprouting can be regarded as a result of disruption of the molecular mechanisms underlying the axon guidance. We finally focus on the possibility that prevention of the abnormal sprouting might be a new strategy for medical treatment with temporal lobe epilepsy.  相似文献   

Scharfman HE  Pierce JP 《Epilepsia》2012,53(Z1):109-115
The dentate gyrus is one of two main areas of the mammalian brain where neurons are born throughout adulthood, a phenomenon called postnatal neurogenesis. Most of the neurons that are generated are granule cells (GCs), the major principal cell type in the dentate gyrus. Some adult-born granule cells develop in ectopic locations, such as the dentate hilus. The generation of hilar ectopic granule cells (HEGCs) is greatly increased in several animal models of epilepsy and has also been demonstrated in surgical specimens from patients with intractable temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE). Herein we review the results of our quantitative neuroanatomic analysis of HEGCs that were filled with Neurobiotin following electrophysiologic characterization in hippocampal slices. The data suggest that two types of HEGCs exist, based on a proximal or distal location of the cell body relative to the granule cell layer, and based on the location of most of the dendrites, in the molecular layer or hilus. Three-dimensional reconstruction revealed that the dendrites of distal HEGCs can extend along the transverse and longitudinal axis of the hippocampus. Analysis of axons demonstrated that HEGCs have projections that contribute to the normal mossy fiber innervation of CA3 as well as the abnormal sprouted fibers in the inner molecular layer of epileptic rodents (mossy fiber sprouting). These data support the idea that HEGCs could function as a "hub" cell in the dentate gyrus and play a critical role in network excitability.  相似文献   

Little is known about the morphological characteristics and intracellular electrophysiological properties of neurons in the primate hippocampus and dentate gyrus. We have therefore begun a program of studies using intracellular recording and biocytin labeling in hippocampal slices from macaque monkeys. In the current study, we investigated mossy cells and proximal CA3 pyramidal cells. As in rats, macaque mossy cells display fundamentally different traits than proximal CA3 pyramidal cells. Interestingly, macaque mossy cells and CA3 pyramidal neurons display some morphological differences from those in rats. Macaque monkey mossy cells extend more dendrites into the molecular layer of the dentate gyrus, have more elaborate thorny excrescences on their proximal dendrites, and project more axon collaterals into the CA3 region. In macaques, three types of proximal CA3 pyramidal cells are found: classical pyramidal cells, neurons with their dendrites confined to the CA3 pyramidal cell layer, and a previously undescribed cell type, the "dentate" CA3 pyramidal cell, whose apical dendrites extend into and ramify within the hilus, granule cell layer, and molecular layer of the dentate gyrus. The basic electrophysiological properties of mossy cells and proximal CA3 cells are similar to those reported for the rodent. Mossy cells have a higher frequency of large amplitude spontaneous depolarizing postsynaptic potentials, and proximal CA3 pyramidal cells are more likely to discharge bursts of action potentials. Although mossy cells and CA3 pyramidal cells in macaque monkeys display many morphological and electrophysiological features described in rodents, these findings highlight significant species differences, with more heterogeneity and the potential for richer interconnections in the primate hippocampus.  相似文献   

Repeated electrical stimulation of limbic structures has been reported to produce the kindling effect together with morphological changes in the hippocampus such as mossy fiber sprouting and/or neuronal loss. However, to argue against a causal role of these neuropathological changes in the development of kindling-associated seizures, we examined mossy fiber sprouting in amygdala (AM)-kindled rats using Timm histochemical staining, and evaluated the hippocampal neuronal degeneration in AM-kindled rats by terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated digoxigenin-11-dUTP nick end labelling (TUNEL). Amygdala kindling was established by 10.3 +/- 0.7 electrical stimulations, and no increase in Timm granules (neuronal sprouting) was observed up to the time of acquisition of a fully kindled state. However, the density and distribution of Timm granules increased significantly in the dentate gyrus compared with unkindled rats after 29 after-discharges or more than 10 kindled convulsions. In addition, no significant increase in TUNEL-positive cells was found in the hilar polymorphic neurons or in CA3 pyramidal neurons of the kindled rats that had fewer than 29 after-discharges. However, a significant increase of TUNEL-positive cells was found in the granule cell layer in the dentate gyrus of the stimulated side after 18 after-discharges or 10 kindled convulsions. Our result show that AM kindling develops without evidence of mossy fiber sprouting, and that mossy fiber sprouting may appear after repeated kindled convulsions, following death of the granule cells in the dentate gyrus.  相似文献   

Aberrant mossy fiber sprouting and synaptic reorganization are plastic responses in human temporal lobe epilepsy, and in pilocarpine-induced epilepsy in rodents. Although the morphological features of the hippocampal epileptic reaction have been well documented, the molecular mechanisms underlying these structural changes are not understood. The classic cadherins, calcium-dependent cell adhesion molecules, are known to function in development in neurite outgrowth, synapse formation, and stabilization. In pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus, the expression of N-cadherin mRNA was sharply upregulated and reached a maximum level (1- to 2.5-fold) at 1- to 4 weeks postseizure in the granule cell layer and the pyramidal cell layer of CA3. N-cadherin protein was correspondingly increased and became concentrated in the inner molecular layer of the dentate gyrus, consistent with the position of mossy fiber axonal sprouts. Moreover, N-cadherin labeling was punctate; colocalized with definitive synaptic markers, and partially localized on polysialated forms of neural cell adhesion molecule (PSA-NCAM)-positive dendrites of granule cells in the inner molecular layer. Our findings show that N-cadherin is likely to be a key factor in responsive synaptogenesis following status epilepticus, where it functions as a mediator of de novo synapse formation.  相似文献   

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