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: Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC), being a small cell carcinoma, would be expected to be sensitive to radiation. Clinical analysis of patients at our center, especially those with macroscopic disease, would suggest the response is quite variable. We have recently established a number of MCC cell lines from patients prior to radiotherapy, and for the first time are in a position to determine their sensitivity under controlled conditions.  相似文献   

Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is one of the most aggressive cancers of the skin. It has recently been reported that integration of a Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV) in receptor tyrosine phosphates type G (PTPRG) gene occurs in MCC, and that viral infections are associated with epigenetic silencing of tumor suppressor genes (TSG) in cancer. To examine whether a correlation between TSG inactivation and viral infection can be found in MCC, we investigated the promoter hypermethylation of RASSF1A, TP73, PTPRG, FHIT, and CDKN2A and the presence of MCPyV and SV40 in 98 MCC by PCR. Hypermethylation of RASSF1A was frequently found in 42 of 83 (51%) of MCC. Methylation of CDKN2A was present in 9 of 41 (22%) of MCC. Hypermethylation of TP73 (0%), PTPRG (4%), and FHIT (0%) was infrequent in MCC. Interestingly, MCPyV was found in 90 of 98 (92%) MCC, however, no SV40 signal was detected. No correlation between TSG hypermethylation and viral infection was found. Our results show frequent hypermethylation of RASSF1A and the presence of MCPyV in primary MCC, and that these events may contribute to the pathogenesis of MCC. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCPyV) is a common infectious agent that is likely involved in the etiology of most Merkel cell carcinomas (MCC). Serum antibodies recognizing the MCPyV capsid protein VP1 are detectable at high titer in nearly all MCC patients and remain stable over time. Although antibodies to the viral capsid indicate prior MCPyV infection, they provide limited clinical insight into MCC because they are also detected in more than half of the general population. We investigated whether antibodies recognizing MCPyV large and small tumor-associated antigens (T-Ag) would be more specifically associated with MCC. Among 530 population control subjects, these antibodies were present in only 0.9% and were of low titer. In contrast, among 205 MCC cases, 40.5% had serum IgG antibodies that recognize a portion of T-Ag shared between small and large T-Ags. Among cases, titers of T-Ag antibodies fell rapidly (~8-fold per year) in patients whose cancer did not recur, whereas they rose rapidly in those with progressive disease. Importantly, in several patients who developed metastases, the rise in T-Ag titer preceded clinical detection of disease spread. These results suggest that antibodies recognizing T-Ag are relatively specifically associated with MCC, do not effectively protect against disease progression, and may serve as a clinically useful indicator of disease status.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Merkel cell carcinoma (MCC), a rare tumor of the skin with aggressive behavior, is usually fatal when advanced disease is present. The role of chemotherapy (CT) in the treatment of patients with MCC is unclear. METHODS: Over 15 years, 9 patients with locally advanced or metastatic disease were treated with carboplatin (CBDCA) (300 mg/m(2) of AUC 5 on Day 1) and etoposide (VP-16) (100 mg/m(2) on Days 1-3) every 3 weeks. As second-line CT, cisplatin (CDDP) (60-100 mg/m(2)), ifosfamide (IFO) (3-5 g/m(2)) and epirubicin (EPI) (30-50 mg/m(2)) were utilized. RESULTS: Of the 3 patients who received adjuvant therapy, one achieved complete response after 108+ months with second-line chemotherapy and radiotherapy, despite a brief relapse; 2 patients remain disease-free after 84+ and 108+ months. Of the 6 patients with locally advanced or metastatic disease who were treated with first-line chemotherapy, one (16.6 percent) achieved a complete response and 3 (50 percent) achieved partial response, for an overall response rate of 66.6 percent. Two patients (one with complete and one with partial response) received subsequent radiotherapy, following which complete response was achieved. Of the 2 complete responders, one patient remains disease-free after 56+ months. The median overall survival from the time of initial diagnosis for the whole group was 56 months (range 15-114 months); the median overall survival from the initiation of chemotherapy was 18 months (range 6-108+). Local recurrences and soft tissue metastases responded better than visceral metastases. Patients with partial response and no response had rapid disease progression and fatality, despite second-line chemotherapy and/or radiotherapy. CONCLUSION: MCC appears to be chemosensitive but can progress rapidly with fatal outcomes. Although the rarity of these tumors precludes randomized trials, a common treatment plan should be utilized by those treating MCC. This may allow some conclusions regarding the optimum treatment of patients with MCC to be drawn in the future.  相似文献   

Merkel cell carcinoma is an aggressive neuroendocrine skin tumour. Treatment is still debatable. Merkel cell carcinoma resembles malignant melanoma in its cutaneous presentation and its embryonic origin; both have unpredictable biological behaviour, early regional lymph node involvement, early distant metastases and a high recurrence rate. In light of these common features, we used pre-operative lymphoscintigraphy, intraoperative lymph-node mapping and sentinel-node biopsy-a well-described technique for the treatment of melanoma-in a 60-year-old man with Merkel cell carcinoma in the right buttock. Following frozen section identification of a metastatic first-order sentinel node, radical right groin dissection was performed. All the other lymph nodes in this basin proved to be disease-free, including the second-order sentinel node and Cloquet node. The patient is now being treated with adjuvant chemotherapy and radiotherapy. This case shows that sentinel-node guided dissection is applicable to Merkel cell carcinoma.  相似文献   

Four human small-cell gastrointestinal carcinoma cell lines were established from tumor tissues of patients with esopha-geal, gastric or rectal cancer, and were studied morphologically and biochemically in comparison with small-cell lung carcinoma (SCLC) cell lines and common gastric cancer cell lines. Cells from all the small-cell gastrointestinal carcinoma lines were as small as classic SCLC cells and had characteristic neurosecre-tory granules. Cells from only one line grew as tightly packed spherical aggregates of floating cells, and those of the other 3 grew attached to substrate. Although high levels of creatine kinase brain isoenzyme (CK-BB) were detected in all 4 cell lines, 2 of them showed low levels of aromatic L-amino-acid decarbox-ylase and 3 had low levels of neuron-specific enolase (NSE). None of the lines showed simultaneous elevation of enzymes. C-myc, N-myc, and L-myc were not amplified in any of the cell lines, but c-myc mRNA was expressed in 2 lines. Our findings indicate that all small-cell gastrointestinal carcinoma cells examined belong to the variant type which is used in the classification of SCLC. Furthermore, the ECC18 line, derived from esopha-geal cancer, seemed to be of true endocrine cell origin, while the 3 other small-cell gastrointestinal carcinoma lines seemed to arise via neoplastic neometaplasia from adenocarcinoma cells to endocrine cells.  相似文献   

AimsMerkel cell carcinoma (MCC) is a radiosensitive tumour. Radiotherapy has an important role in its treatment, including definitive management. This study aimed to determine the in-field control achieved with definitive radiotherapy or chemoradiotherapy (CRT) and to examine patterns of relapse.Materials and methodsPatients treated with definitive radiotherapy or CRT for biopsy-confirmed MCC were identified from records of the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and Melanoma Institute Australia. Definitive treatment was defined as treatment delivered to macroscopic or residual microscopic disease at the primary site or in regional nodes. Patients with distant metastatic disease at presentation and those treated electively or adjuvantly (i.e. after microscopically clear excision) were excluded.ResultsOf 26 patients treated with definitive radiotherapy (n = 18) or CRT (n = 8), 20 were disease free at last follow-up (median follow-up 23.5 months). Five of the six patients who recurred did so at distant sites, with two experiencing simultaneous in-field failure at treated nodal sites where there had been macroscopic disease at presentation. Eighty-nine per cent of all patients and 85% of those with macroscopic disease were free of in-field recurrence at 2 years.ConclusionDefinitive radiotherapy or CRT produces excellent in-field disease control in the treatment of primary and regionally metastatic MCC.  相似文献   



Uterine cervix carcinoma is the second most common female malignancy worldwide and a major health problem in Mexico, representing the primary cause of death among the Mexican female population. High risk human papillomavirus (HPV) infection is considered to be the most important risk factor for the development of this tumor and cervical carcinoma derived cell lines are very useful models for the study of viral carcinogenesis. Comparative Genomic Hybridization (CGH) experiments have detected a specific pattern of chromosomal imbalances during cervical cancer progression, indicating chromosomal regions that might contain genes that are important for cervical transformation.  相似文献   

PRIMARYNEUROENDOCRINECARCINOMAOFTHESKIN(MERKELCELLTUMOR)LuNing;吕宁;LiJingxian;李竞贤(DepartmentofPathology,CancerInstitute,Chines...  相似文献   

Chromophilic renal cell carcinoma is a distinct type of human renal cancer, only recently recognised and defined by its characteristic histomorphological aspect and cytogenetic aberrations. We are the first to report on the establishment and cytogenetic characterisation of a panel of four permanent cell lines, i.e. chromphi-1, -2, -3 and -4, derived from strictly defined renal cell carcinomas (RCCs) of the chromophilic type and kept in continuous culture for up to 5 years. Immunohistochemistry revealed coexpression of vimentin and cytokeratins in all cell lines the cytokeratin polypeptide patterns, however, varying between the different cell lines. By light and transmission electron microscopy, various amounts of cytoplasmatic glycogen deposition were observed, being most pronounced in chromphi-3 and -4. The mean population doubling time ranged from 24 h (chromphi-1) to 51 h (chromphi-4). Chromphi-1 tumour cells produced slowly growing tumours in nude mice using the subrenal capsule assay. In all cell lines, cytogenetic analysis revealed numerical chromosomal aberrations known to be characteristic for chromophilic RCCs, i.e. loss of the Y chromosome, tri- or tetrasomy of chromosomes 7 and 17 as well as various combinations of additional structural and numerical chromosomal aberrations. Karyological aberrations were least pronounced in chromphi-2 and most complex in chromphi-1. Chromosomal aberrations typically affecting the short arm of chromosome 3 in clear cell RCCs were not observed in any of our cell lines.  相似文献   

Merkel cell carcinoma is a tumor with aggressive biological behavior and limited response to chemotherapy. The present study investigated the effect of interferon (IFN)-alpha on growth and apoptosis of Merkel carcinoma cells in vitro. Proliferation of MCC-1 cell line was reduced dose-dependently by IFN-alpha and diminished when higher IFN-alpha concentrations were used. Additionally, IFN-alpha potently decreased DNA-synthesis and Ki67/MIB-1 proliferation index of MCC-1 cultures. Furthermore, IFN-alpha induced dose-dependently apoptosis of MCC-1 cells as shown by caspase-3 activation, and detection of apoptotic DNA strand breaks and fragmented nuclei. These findings suggest that IFN-alpha may have antitumor activity against Merkel cell carcinoma.  相似文献   

The role of radiotherapy in treating local and regional disease in patients with clinically localized Merkel cell carcinoma remains controversial. Given the lack of randomized evidence and patient and treatment heterogeneity in published retrospective series, sound clinical judgment is required to assess individual patient risk factors. Although many single-institution series have shown that adjuvant radiation to the primary tumor site decreases the risk for local and regional failure, evidence is emerging that there is a cohort of patients at relatively low risk for local recurrence after wide local excision alone. Node dissection, radiotherapy, and combined modality treatment may all play a role in managing occult or clinically evident nodal disease, depending on the anatomic location of draining lymphatics and the extent of microscopic or macroscopic disease. For select patients, primary radiotherapy is a reasonable option with a low risk for local or regional recurrence.  相似文献   

The staurosporine analogues CGP 41251, UCN-01 and Ro 31-8220 are specific inhibitors of protein kinase C (PKC). CGP 41251 and UCN-01 exert anti-neoplastic activity against human tumours grown in rodents, and CGP 41251 reverses multidrug resistance. The hypothesis was tested that these agents can induce drug resistance and alter cellular levels of target kinases. Human-derived A549 lung carcinoma cells were exposed for 6 months to CGP 41251, UCN-01 or Ro 31-8220 at gradually increasing concentrations. Cells acquired resistance against these agents, 4.3-fold against CGP 41251 (A549/CGP cells), 4.0-fold against UCN-01 (A549/UCN cells) and 14-fold against Ro 31-8220 (A549/Ro cells). Cells were neither collaterally cross-resistant towards the PKC inhibitors nor resistant against the growth-inhibitory properties of 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate. However, cross-resistance was observed in A549/CGP cells against staurosporine (13-fold) and in A549/Ro cells against doxorubicin (26-fold). All 3 cell types expressed multidrug resistance–associated protein, and A549/Ro cells expressed P-glycoprotein, as adjudged by Western blot analysis. Phorbol ester–stimulated PKC activity in these cells was decreased by between 57% and 96% compared to wild-type A549 cells. Levels of the PKC isoenzymes α and θ in all 3 resistant cell types and of PKC-ϵ in A549/UCN cells were concomitantly reduced. Cells regained drug sensitivity after culture in the absence of drug for 6 (A549/Ro cells), 5 (A549/CGP cells) and 1 (A549/UCN cells) months. Our results suggest the following features of this type of anti-signalling drug: (i) they can induce drug resistance, (ii) they may be potentially useful in combination because of the lack of cross-resistance between them and (iii) they can down-regulate PKC, which may have pharmacological or toxicological consequences. Int. J. Cancer 73:763–768, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Characteristics of a panel of seven human ovarian tumour cell lines are presented. Positive staining with HMFG2 and ultrastructural identification of desmosomes confirmed the epithelial nature of the cell lines. The lines showed wide variations in ploidy, doubling times and clonogenicity in soft agar. Both vimentin and keratin were equally expressed in five lines, one line showed strong preferential expression of keratin and one line showed preferential expression of vimentin. Karyotypic changes associated with ovarian cancer were identified in all the lines. Four of the seven cell lines showed loss of chromosome material distal to 11p13-15. These cell lines offer considerable potential for research into the biology and genetics of ovarian cancer.  相似文献   

Cell lines resistant to adriamycin and amsacrine were derived from cloned sublines of the human T cell line Jurkat. Most of the lines resemble atypical MDR cells (Danks et al., 1987; Beck et al., 1987). Thus, resistant Jurkat sublines were cross resistant to several topoisomerase II inhibiting drugs but had low or no resistance to other classes of drugs, resistance was not reversed by verapamil, Pgp was not overexpressed, and drug accumulation was unaltered in resistant compared to parental (control) sublines. Other findings were that anthracycline metabolism differed between resistant and parental sublines, and that resistant sublines displayed altered expression of small polypeptides (less than 20K MW) and an 85K MW protein. Drug resistant cells showed resistance to the production of drug induced cytogenetic aberrations, DNA breaks, and protein-DNA complexes. Resistance was not mediated by altered binding of drugs to DNA or by increased repair of DNA damage. Indirect evidence suggests that the resistant cells had an altered drug-DNA-topoisomerase II association. The study highlights the complex relationships between DNA breaks, cytogenetic aberrations, protein-DNA complexes and drug cytotoxicity, and shows that the relationships differ for adriamycin and amsacrine, suggesting some differences in the modes of action and/or resistance for the drugs and cell lines.  相似文献   

We describe the establishment and studies of four myeloma cell lines that were derived from 2 young individuals with plasma cell leukaemia (Karpas 25 and 1272) and from 2 older persons with multiple myeloma (Karpas 417 and 929). The cultured cells have the ultrastructural appearance of plasma cells with abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum (RER). Their phenotypic profile conform with that of malignant plasma cells. Karyotype analysis revealed that each cell line is unique and all are hyperdipoide with complex aberrant chromosomes. FISH analysis revealed cryptic translocations affecting the IGH locus in 14q32 of 2 of these cell lines. Using R- and G-banding numerous other chromosomal abnormalities were recorded and illustrated in each of the 4 cell lines.  相似文献   

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