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Early development of fungiform papillae on the fetal rat tongue was examined: (1) to determine whether morphogenesis of the taste bud-bearing fungiform papillae is induced by nerve and (2) to study the growth pattern of the two sensory nerves that innervate the papilla. The papillae first appear on the 15th day of gestation (E15; E1 is the day when the dam is sperm positive) in rows parallel to the midline sulcus. There appears to be a medial-lateral and an anterior-posterior gradient in the sequence of papilla differentiation. The epithelium of the early papilla resembles a multilayered placode topped by a flattened surface periderm. Close examination of the peridermal cells at the apex of the papillae reveals that the cells have fewer surface microvilli and their cytoplasm is more electron opaque than that of similar cells in interpapillary regions. The basal cells in the placode-like epithelium differ from those in interpapillary regions in that they are postmitotic and have more mitochondria. At later stages, the papilla acquires a mesenchymal core and nerves grow into the core. Results from organ culture experiments of tongue fragments taken from E14 fetuses indicate that morphogenesis of fungiform papillae is initiated in the absence of sensory nerve influence, but the nerve exerts a trophic effect on their maintenance. The two sensory nerves of the tongue, the chorda tympani and the lingual branch of the trigeminal nerve, enter the tongue mesenchyme at E14 and grow toward the epithelium. By E15 the chorda tympani branches have reached the developing fungiform papillae, by E16 many have entered the papilla, and by E17 they have penetrated the epithelium at the papilla apex. Their fibers are associated exclusively with the cells at the papilla apex, where the taste bud will develop. The trigeminal nerve ramifies beneath the surface of the entire epithelium by E15. Later, it, too, sends branches into fungiform papillae; these ascend along the trunk of the chorda tympani and at E17 terminate in the connective tissue core around the chorda tympani field. The results are compatible with the notion that the tongue epithelium exerts a general tropic effect on growing axons of both sensory nerves, and the epithelial cells of the fungiform papilla apex exert a similar effect to which only the chorda tympani axons are responsive.  相似文献   

Immunoreactivity to synapsin I, a neuronal phosphoprotein, was localized in free-floating tissue sections prepared from lingual tissue of rats. Many nerve fibers within the tissue exhibited clear immunoreactivity including motor endplates on striated muscle, autonomic fibers innervating blood vessels or glands, and sensory fibers innervating muscles or the lingual epithelium including taste buds. Numerous immunoreactive fibers occurred within each taste bud, with fewer, fine fibers being dispersed in the epithelium between taste buds. The majority of the intragemmal immunoreactive fibers extended throughout the taste buds most of the distance outward from the basal lamina toward the surface of the epithelium. Fine, perigemmal fibers reached nearly to the epithelial surface. Ultrastructural analysis of the immunoreactive sensory fibers revealed that synapsin I-immunoreactivity occurred diffusely throughout the cytoplasm, and heavily in association with microvesicles. The synaptic vesicles at the taste receptor cell-to-afferent fiber synapse were, however, not immunoreactive for synapsin I, although these vesicles fall into the size class shown to be immunoreactive in other systems. This absence of synapsin I may be a common property of vesicles in axonless short receptor cells.  相似文献   

Taste buds on the mammalian tongue are confined to the epithelium of three types of gustatory papillae: the fungiform, circumvallate, and foliate. The gustatory papillae are composed of an epithelium that covers a broad connective tissue core, with extensive innervation to taste bud and nongustatory epithelial locations. Although the temporal sequence of gustatory papilla development is known for several species, factors that regulate initiation, growth, and maintenance of the papillae are not understood. We tested the hypothesis that sensory innervation is required for the initial formation and early morphogenesis of fungiform papillae in a patterned array. An organ culture of the embryonic rat tongue was developed to provide an in vitro system for studying mechanisms involved in fungiform papilla morphogenesis in patterns on the anterior tongue. Tongues were dissected from embryos at 13 days of gestation (E13), a time when the tongue has not yet fully formed and gustatory papillae have not yet appeared, and at 14 days of gestation (E14), when the tongue is well formed and papillae make their initial morphological appearance. Dissected tongues were maintained at the gas/liquid interface in standard organ culture dishes, fed with DMEM/F12 plus 2% B-27 supplement and 1% fetal bovine serum. After 1, 2, 3, or 6 days in culture, tongues were processed for scanning electron or light microscopy, or immunocytochemistry. Tongues cultured from E13 or E14 underwent extensive morphogenesis and growth in vitro. Furthermore, fungiform papillae developed on these tongues on a culture day equivalent to E15 in vivo; that is, after 2 days for cultures begun at E13 and 1 day for those begun at E14. Because E15 is the characteristic time for gustatory papilla formation in the intact embryo, results demonstrate that the cultured tongues retain important temporal information related to papilla development. In addition, fungiform papillae formed in the tongue cultures in the stereotypic pattern of rows. The papillae were large structures with epithelial and mesenchymal cell integrity, and an intact epithelial basement membrane was indicated with laminin immunoreactivity. The cultures demonstrate that gustatory papilla morphogenesis can progress in the absence of an intact sensory innervation. To exclude a potential developmental role for autonomic ganglion cells that are located in the posterior rat tongue, cultures consisting of only the anterior half of E14 tongues were established. Fungiform papilla development progressed in half tongues in a manner directly comparable to whole tongue cultures. Therefore, robust, reproducible development of fungiform papillae in patterns is supported in rat tongue cultures from E13 or E14, without inclusion of intact sensory or major, posterior tongue autonomic ganglia. This is direct evidence that papillae will form and develop further in vitro without sensory ganglion support. The data also provide the first detailed account of in vitro development of the entire embryonic tongue. J. Comp. Neurol. 377:324–340, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Taste buds contain a variety of morphological and histochemical types of elongate cells. Serotonin, neuron-specific enolase (NSE), ubiquitin carboxyl terminal hydrolase (PGP 9.5), and neural cell adhesion molecule (N-CAM) all have been described as being present in the morphologically defined Type III taste cells in rats. In order to determine whether these substances coexist in a single cell, we undertook immunohistochemical and ultrastructural analysis of taste buds in rats. Double-label studies show that PGP 9.5 and NSE always colocalize. In contrast, PGP 9.5 and serotonin seldom colocalize. Further, whereas the serotonin-immunoreactive cells are always slender and elongate, the PGP 9.5/NSE population comprise two morphological types--one slender, the other broader and pyriform. Although gustducin-immunoreactive taste cells appear similar in overall shape to the pyriform PGP 9.5/NSE population, gustducin never colocalizes with PGP 9.5 or NSE. The serotonin-immunoreactive taste cells have an invaginated nucleus, synaptic contacts with nerve fibers, and taper apically to a single, large microvillus. These are all characteristics of Type III taste cells described previously in rabbits (Murray [1973] Ultrastructure of Sensory Organs I. Amsterdam: North Holland. p 1-81). PGP 9.5-immunoreactive taste cells exhibit two morphological varieties. One type is similar to the serotonin-immunoreactive population, containing an invaginated nucleus, synapses with nerve fibers, and a single large microvillus. The other type of PGP 9.5-immunoreactive taste cell has a large round nucleus and the apical end of the cell tapers to a tuft of short microvilli, which are characteristics of Type II taste cells. Thus, in rats, some Type III cells accumulate serotonin but do not express PGP 9.5, whereas others express PGP 9.5 but do not accumulate amines. Similarly, Type II taste cells come in at least two varieties: those immunoreactive for gustducin and those immunoreactive for PGP 9.5.  相似文献   

A modification of Hansson's histochemical technique was used to reveal carbonic anhydrase activity in mounted cryostat sections of the circumvallate papillae from rat tongue. An intensely positive reaction was found at the level of the neck of the papilla, associated with the taste buds. Lingual glands also contained abundant carbonic anhydrrase activity. The presence of carbonic anhydrase in taste buds, as well as our previous observation that it is found in a population of olfactory receptor cells, may indicate a role for the enzyme in gustative and olfactory phenomena.  相似文献   

Taste affects dietary behavior and in turn taste response and food preferences are altered in eating disorders. Fungiform papillae on the tongue are the first line of the gustatory apparatus to provide information about taste. Aim of this study is determination of their number in patients with eating disorders. Twenty-seven female adolescents with eating disorders and 16 age-matched healthy female controls were examined. Tongues were stained with blue food coloring and the number of fungiform papillae was quantified using digital photography and image processing. Patients with restrictive type eating disorders showed a more distinct reduction (p < 0.001) of fungiform papillae than patients with vomiting and/or binge eating (p < 0.05), compared with those of healthy control subjects. Causes may be an initially disturbed development of fungiform papillae or secondary to changes in eating behavior which may be mutually causative.  相似文献   

The expression of neurotrophins and neurotrophin receptors is essential for the proper establishment and function of many sensory systems. To determine which neurotrophins and neurotrophin receptors are expressed in taste buds, and in taste buds of mice following denervation, antibodies directed against the neurotrophins and their receptors were applied to adult mouse gustatory tissue. Immunohistochemistry reveals that nerve growth factor (NGF)-like immunoreactive (LIR), tyrosine kinase (trk) A-LIR, trkB-LIR, and p75-LIR elongated, differentiated taste cells are present within all lingual taste buds, whereas neither neurotrophin (NT)-3- nor trkC-LIR was detected in taste cells. Double-label immunohistochemistry using markers of different taste cell types in brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)LacZ mice reveals that BDNF (beta-gal) and trkB colocalize, mainly in type III taste cells. NGF, pro-NGF, and trkA coexist in type II taste cells, i.e., those expressing phospholipase Cbeta2 (PLCbeta2). p75-LIR also is present in both BDNF and NGF taste cell populations. To determine the neural dependence of neurotrophin expression in adult taste buds, glossopharyngeal nerves were cut unilaterally. During the period of denervation (10 days to 3 weeks), taste buds largely disappear, and few neurotrophin-expressing cells are present. Three weeks after nerve transection, nerve fascicles on the operated side of the tongue exhibit BDNF-LIR, NGF-LIR, and ubiquitin carboxyl terminal hydrolase (PGP 9.5)-LIR. However, BDNF-LIR staining intensity but not NGF-LIR or PGP 9.5-LIR is increased in nerve fascicles on the operated compared with the unoperated side. Five weeks following nerve transection, NT and NT receptor expression resumes and appears normal in taste buds and nerves. These results indicate that neurotrophin expression in taste buds is dependent on gustatory innervation, but expression in nerves is not dependent on contact with taste buds.  相似文献   

Gustatory papillae are complex organs that are composed of 1) an epithelium, 2) specialized sensory cells within the epithelium (the taste buds), 3) a broad connective core, and 4) sensory innervation. During papilla development, cells in the various tissue compartments must divide, aggregate, detach, migrate, and reaggregate in relation to each other, but factors that regulate such steps are poorly understood and have not been extensively studied. All of these processes potentially require participation of the extracellular matrix. Therefore, we have studied temporal and spatial patterns of immunoreactivity for two extracellular matrix molecules, tenascin and laminin, in the developing fungiform and circumvallate papillae of fetal, perinatal, and adult sheep tongue. To determine relations of tenascin and laminin to sensory innervation, we used an antibody to growth-associated protein (GAP-43) to label growing nerves. Immunocytochemical distributions of tenascin and laminin alter during development in a manner that reflects morphogenesis rather than histologic boundaries of the taste papillae. In early fungiform papillae, tenascin immunoreactivity is very weak within the mesenchyme of the papilla core. However, there is a subsequent shift to an intense, restricted localization in the apical papilla core only—directly under taste bud-bearing regions of the papilla epithelium. In early circumvallate papillae, tenascin immunoreactivity is patchy within the papilla core and within the flanking, nongustatory papillae. Later, immunoreactivity is restricted to the perimeter of the central papilla core, under epithelium that contains developing taste buds. In fungiform and circumvallate papillae, the shift in tenascin immunolocalization is associated with periods of taste bud formation and multiplication within the papilla epithelium and with extensive branching of the sensory innervation in the papilla apex. Laminin immunoreactivity, although it is continuous throughout the basement membrane of general lingual epithelium, is interrupted in the epithelial basement membrane of early fungiform and circumvallate papillae in regions where taste buds are forming. The breaks are large in young fetuses, when taste buds first develop, and are evidenced later as punctate disruptions. Heparan sulfate proteoglycan immunoreactivity confirms that these are basement membrane discontinuities. GAP-43 label coincides with innervation of the papilla core and is most extensive in regions where tenascin immunoreactivity is weak or absent. GAP-43 immunoreactivity is also found in early taste buds: Later, it is extensive within more mature multiple taste buds, presumably in relation to synaptogenesis. We propose that tenascin has a role in promoting deadhesion of cells in the papilla epithelium during periods of taste bud formation and multiplication. Discontinuities in the epithelial basement membrane under developing taste buds, indicated with laminin and heparan sulfate proteoglycan immunoreactivity, may interact to facilitate taste bud morphogenesis and multiplication, to permit access of papilla innervation to the forming taste buds, and/or to allow epithelial/mesenchymal interactions during papilla and taste bud development. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Hippocampal levels of mRNA encoding nerve growth factor (NGF) and brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) are rapidly induced by enhanced neuronal activity following seizures and glutamate or muscarinic receptor activation. However, the levels of neurotrophin-3 (NT-3) mRNA acutely decrease after limbic seizures suggesting that a different mode of regulation may exist for these neurotrophins. Here we show that BDNF and neurotrophin-4 (NT-4), but not NT-3 itself, up-regulate NT-3 mRNA in cultured hippocampal neurons. In the rat hippocampus, the muscarinic receptor agonist, pilocarpine increased BDNF mRNA levels rapidly and those of NT-3 with a delay of several hours. Injection of BDNF into neonatal rats elevated NT-3 mRNA in the hippocampus which demonstrates that BDNF is able to enhance NT-3 expression in vivo. The regulation of NT-3 by BDNF and NT-4 enlargens the neurotrophic spectrum of these neurotrophins to include neuron populations responsive primarily to NT-3.  相似文献   

Choline acetyltransferase (ChAT) is a functional and specific marker gene for neurons such as primary motor neurons that synthesize and release acetylcholine as a neurotransmitter. In adult mammals, transection of the peripheral nerve results in a loss of immunoreactivity for ChAT in the injured motor neurons without affecting their cell number. Using a quantitative RNase protection assay, we have investigated dynamic changes in ChAT mRNA levels following axotomy of motor neurons in the brainstem of adult rats. One week after transection of the left hypoglossal nerve, levels of ChAT mRNA in the ipsilateral side of the hypoglossal motor nucleus decreased dramatically to around 10% when compared to the uninjured contralateral side. When cut axons were chronically exposed to brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) for 1 week, ChAT mRNA levels were maintained at 63% of control levels. Thus, BDNF can abrogate the injury-induced loss of ChAT mRNA in mature motor neurons in vivo. In contrast, neither neurotrophin 4/5 nor nerve growth factor could prevent the decrease in message. This effect of BDNF on ChAT mRNA levels following peripheral injury to motor neurons demonstrates the existence of regulatory pathways responsive to neurotrophic factors that can “rescue” or “protect” cholinergic gene expression. J. Neurosci. Res. 47:134–143, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Neurogenesis continues to occur in the adult mammalian hippocampus and is regulated by both genetic and environmental factors. It is known that exposure to an enriched environment enhances the number of newly generated neurons in the dentate gyrus. However, the mechanisms by which enriched housing produces these effects are poorly understood. To test a role for neurotrophins, we used heterozygous knockout mice for brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF+/-) and mice lacking neurotrophin-4 (NT-4-/-) together with their wild-type littermates. Mice were either reared in standard laboratory conditions or placed in an enriched environment for 8 weeks. Animals received injections of the mitotic marker bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU) to label newborn cells. Enriched wild-type and enriched NT-4-/- mice showed a two-fold increase in hippocampal neurogenesis as assessed by stereological counting of BrdU-positive cells in the dentate gyrus and double labelling for BrdU and the neuronal marker NeuN. Remarkably, this enhancement of hippocampal neurogenesis was not seen in enriched BDNF+/- mice. Failure to up-regulate BDNF accompanied the lack of a neurogenic response in enriched BDNF heterozygous mice. We conclude that BDNF but not NT-4 is required for the environmental induction of neurogenesis.  相似文献   

Neurotrophins are a large class of trophic factors located throughout the central nervous system. While the role of neurotrophins in neuronal survival and axon guidance is well known, their secondary role in modulating synaptic transmission and cell firing properties is largely unexplored. In this study we examined the expression of neurotrophins in the mouse medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB) and investigated the effect of exogenous brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) application on the firing properties of MNTB principal cells. The expression levels of nerve growth factor, BDNF, neurotrophin-3, neurotrophin-4/5 and major receptor tyrosine kinase B was found to be moderate to high at postnatal day 12, indicating that the neurotrophins may have a role following synaptogenesis. A 2-h exposure to exogenous BDNF (100 ng/mL) had a significant effect on principal cell firing properties and voltage-gated potassium currents. Importantly, preincubation in BDNF increased the incidence of multifiring and rebounding cells, and significantly increased the number of action potentials fired in response to a single depolarizing step. BDNF exposure also significantly decreased underlying voltage-gated potassium currents, including both the low- and high-voltage-activated components. Our data show that the neurotrophins, specifically BDNF, may have a novel role in modulating cell excitability in the auditory brainstem.  相似文献   

Postnatal development and survival of spiral ganglion (SG) neurons depend on both neural activity and neurotrophic support. Our previous studies showed that electrical stimulation from a cochlear implant only partially prevents SG degeneration after early deafness. Thus, neurotrophic agents that might be combined with an implant to improve neural survival are of interest. Recent studies reporting that brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) promotes SG survival after deafness have been conducted in rodents and limited to relatively short durations. Our study examined longer duration BDNF treatment in deafened cats that may better model the slow progression of SG degeneration in human cochleae, and this is the first study of BDNF in the developing auditory system. Kittens were deafened neonatally, implanted at 4-5 weeks with intracochlear electrodes containing a drug-delivery cannula, and BDNF or artificial perilymph was infused for 10 weeks from a miniosmotic pump. In BDNF-treated cochleae, SG cells grew to normal size and were significantly larger than cells on the contralateral side. However, their morphology was not completely normal, and many neurons lacked or had thinned perikaryl myelin. Unbiased stereology was employed to estimate SG cell density, independent of cell size. BDNF was effective in promoting significantly improved survival of SG neurons in these developing animals. BDNF treatment also resulted in higher density and larger size of myelinated radial nerve fibers, sprouting of fibers into the scala tympani, and improvement of electrically evoked auditory brainstem response thresholds. BDNF may have potential therapeutic value in the developing auditory system, but many serious obstacles currently preclude clinical application.  相似文献   

Lieju Liu  S. A. Simon   《Brain research》2001,923(1-2):58-70
A sour taste sensation may be produced when acidic stimuli interact with taste receptor cells (TRCs) on the dorsal surface of the tongue. We have searched for pathways in TRCs that may be activated by acidic stimuli using RT-PCR and changes in intracellular calcium (Ca(2+)(I)) induced by acidic stimuli in rat fungiform papillae. RT-PCR revealed the presence of proton-gated subunits ASIC-beta and VR1. Ca(2+) imaging measurements of the TRCs revealed two distinct responses to acidic stimuli: Ca(2+)(i) was increased in 9% (28/308; Type I) and was decreased in 39% (121/308; Type II). Neither of these responses was affected by the removal of extracellular Ca(2+), indicating that the changes arise from the release and sequestration of Ca(2+) from intracellular stores. These responses were also not inhibited by the vanilloid receptor antagonist, capsazepine, suggesting they do not arise from the activation of vanilloid receptors. The Type I, but not the Type II response was inhibited by amiloride. Dose-response measurements for Types I and II responses yielded pH(50%) of 4.8 and 4.9, respectively. Type II responses were inhibited by pertussis toxin, suggesting G-protein involvement. TRCs that exhibit Type II responses could also be activated by quinine (which increased Ca(2+)(I)) thus suggesting a mechanism by which the addition of acid may be suppressive to other chemical stimuli.  相似文献   

Neurons of the geniculate ganglion innervate taste buds located in two spatially distinct targets, the tongue and palate. About 50% of these neurons die in Bdnf−/− mice and Ntf4/5−/− mice. Bdnf−/−/Ntf4/5−/− double mutants lose 90–95% of geniculate ganglion neurons. To determine whether different subpopulations are differentially influenced by neurotrophins, we quantified neurons from two ganglion subpopulations separately and remaining taste buds at birth within each target field in wild‐type, Bdnf−/−, Ntf4/5−/−, and Bdnf−/−/Ntf4/5−/− mice. In wild‐type mice the same number of neurons innervated the anterior tongue and soft palate and each target contained the same number of taste buds. Compared to wild‐type mice, Bdnf−/− mice showed a 50% reduction in geniculate neurons innervating the tongue and a 28% loss in neurons innervating the soft palate. Ntf4/5−/− mice lost 58% of the neurons innervating the tongue and 41% of the neurons innervating the soft palate. Taste bud loss was not as profound in the NT‐4 null mice compared to BDNF‐null mice. Tongues of Bdnf−/−/Ntf4/5−/− mice were innervated by 0 to 4 gustatory neurons and contained 3 to 16 taste buds at birth, indicating that some taste buds remain even when all innervation is lost. Thus, gustatory neurons are equally dependent on BDNF and NT‐4 expression for survival, regardless of what peripheral target they innervate. However, taste buds are more sensitive to BDNF than NT‐4 removal. J. Comp. Neurol. 518:3290–3301, 2010. © 2010 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The neurotrophins brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and neurotrophin-3 (NT-3), as well as their respective tyrosine kinase (Trk) receptors, TrkB and TrkC, influence peripheral target cell innervation, survival, and proliferation. In the mature taste system the role of neurotrophins and their receptors is not known. The mature hamster is an intriguing model because anterior lingual fungiform, unlike posterior lingual foliate and circumvallate, taste buds survive denervation. In light of this difference, we examined whether the degree of neurotrophin- or neurotrophin receptor-like immunoreactivity (IR) normally differs among lingual gemmal fields. In single- and double-labeled immunofluorescent experiments, 3,209 taste bud sections (profiles) from 13 hamsters were examined for immunopositive gemmal cells or nerve fibers using antibodies to BDNF and NT-3, their respective receptors TrkB and TrkC, and the neural marker ubiquitin c-terminal hydrolase L-1 [protein gene product (PGP) 9.5]. In each gemmal field, more than 75% of taste bud profiles showed immunopositivity to BDNF, NT-3, and TrkB. Across bud fields, BDNF-, TrkB-, and BDNF/TrkB-like IR, as well as PGP 9.5 and PGP 9.5/BDNF-like IR in centrally located, fungiform bud cells was greater (P < 0.0001 to P < 0.002) than in circumvallate or foliate buds. Within bud fields, the number of BDNF-like, labeled bud cells/bud profile was greater than that for NT-3-like IR in fungiform (P < 0.0002) and foliate (P < 0.0001) buds. TrkC was immunonegative in gemmal cells. The average density of TrkB- and TrkC-like fiber IR was more pronounced in fungiform than posterior gemmal-bearing papillae. Thus, fungiform papillae, whose taste buds are least affected by denervation, exhibit specific neurotrophin and receptor enrichment.  相似文献   

Abstract Theoretical models of topographic map formation have postulated a gradient of attractant in addition to a gradient of repulsion in the target. In species where many axons grow past their correct positions initially, it has also been argued that a parallel gradient of attractant or branching signal is required to ensure collateral formation at the correct position (O'Leary et al., 1999). Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) is a known attractant and promotes branching of retinal axons. We have examined its distribution in the superior colliculus and that of its receptor, trkB, in the retina, using immunohistochemistry and in situ hybridization, respectively, during the development of the topographic retinocollicular projection in the wallaby, a marsupial mammal. The number of glial endfeet expressing BDNF at the surface of the colliculus was found to be in a high caudal-to-low rostral gradient during the time when the retinocollicular projection was developing. When the projection was mature the rostrocaudal gradient had disappeared and the number of detectable endfeet expressing BDNF was very low. Messenger RNA for TrkB was expressed in the retinal ganglion cell layer throughout the time when the retinocollicular projection was developing, with no difference in expression across the nasotemporal axis of the retina. The low rostral to high caudal distribution of BDNF in glial endfeet supports the idea that it is providing a parallel gradient of attractant or branching signal in the colliculus.  相似文献   

The present study tested the hypothesis that lesions of the insular cortex of the rat retard the acquisition of conditioned taste aversions (CTAs) because of an impairment in the detection of the novelty of taste stimuli. Demonstrating the expected latent inhibition effect, nonlesioned control subjects acquired CTAs more rapidly when the conditioned stimulus (0.15% sodium saccharin) was novel rather than familiar (achieved by pre-exposure to the to-be-conditioned taste cue). However, rats with insular cortex lesions acquired taste aversions at the same slow rate regardless of whether the saccharin was novel or familiar. The pattern of behavioural deficits obtained cannot be interpreted as disruptions of taste detection or stimulus intensity, but is consistent with the view that insular cortex lesions disrupt taste neophobia, a dysfunction that consequently retards CTA acquisition because of a latent inhibition-like effect.  相似文献   

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