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While numerous studies have analyzed the shaping of T cell repertoires by self or foreign peptides, little is known on the influence of commensal self peptides derived from the intestinal flora (IF). Here, we have analyzed naive and immune repertoires in mice devoid of IF [germ-free (GF) mice]. First, by means of an extensive CDR3beta sequencing strategy, we show that the naive peripheral CD8 T cell repertoire does not exhibit a major imprint of IF antigens. Second, using MHC-peptide tetramers, CDR3beta length distribution analyses and TCR sequencing, we show that cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) responses specific for two distinct epitopes are quasi-identical in normal and GF mice. Our findings indicate that, in general, peptides derived from the intestinal microflora have little if any influence on CTL responses in the mouse.  相似文献   

The cellular basis of graft rejection and the development of strategies for specific suppression of T cell responses against allogeneic and xenogeneic transplants represents an area of active investigation. Recently, a population of MHC-class I restricted CD8+CD28- T suppressor cells (Ts) which are able to inhibit specifically the proliferative response of allospecific, xenospecific and nominal-antigen specific CD4+ T helper cells (Th) has been identified. We have studied the TCR V beta gene repertoire expressed by CD8+CD28- Ts isolated from allospecific, xenospecific, and nominal antigen-specific T cell lines (TCL). A limited V beta repertoire has been found in all TCLs studied. The most restricted TCR V beta usage was observed within the population of Ts from xenospecific TCLs. The TCR V beta usage within the Ts subset of TCL differs from the TCR repertoire expressed by the CD4+ Th subset of the same TCL. This is consistent with the fact that Ts and Th cells recognize distinct MHC/ antigen complexes. The finding that the TCR repertoire used by Ts is limited opens new avenues for studying the mechanisms of transplant rejection.  相似文献   

Diversity in the peripheral T cell receptor repertoire of rhesus (Macaca mulatta) and pig-tailed macaques (Macaca nemestrina) has been studied by examining the profile of CDR3 lengths in TCR beta chains. Expressed CDR3 length distribution profiles for individual TCRBV families were obtained from total peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) and T cell subsets isolated from PBMC. These studies reveal that the T cell receptor repertoire of PBMC from healthy macaques often exhibits skewing in TCRBV family CDR3 profiles. The skewing of TCRBV family CDR3 profiles was evident as discrete expanded length(s) and was detected in up to 50% of the PBMC profiles. Analyses of separated T cell populations demonstrated that the CD8+ T cell subset was responsible for the majority of observed skewing in CDR3 length profiles. However, CD4+ T cells were also shown to contribute to the skewed peripheral PBMC repertoire in these animals. While certain TCRBV families frequently displayed skewed profiles, there was no concordance in the particular CDR3 lengths expanded among the different animals. Furthermore, an additional feature of the peripheral blood of the animals studied was the presence of an unusual population of extrathymic CD4 and CD8+ (double-positive) T cells (up to 9.6% in the PBMC of rhesus macaques). The double-positive T cells could be differentiated from CD4 single-positive and CD8 single-positive T cells by their increased surface expression of LFA-1 and decreased CD62L expression. The percentage of the double-positive T cells was higher in rhesus than pig-tailed macaques and contributed substantially to the peripheral T cell repertoire.  相似文献   

Antigen-specific memory T cells are a critical component of protective immunity because of their increased frequency and enhanced reactivity after restimulation. However, it is unclear whether 'memory-like' T cells generated during lymphopenia-induced homeostatic proliferation can also offer protection against pathogens. Here we show that homeostatic proliferation-induced memory (HP-memory) CD8(+) T cells controlled bacterial infection as effectively as 'true' memory CD8(+) T cells, but their protective capacity required the presence of CD4(+) T cells during homeostatic proliferation. The necessity for CD4 help was overcome, however, if the HP-memory CD8(+) T cells lacked expression of TRAIL (tumor necrosis factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand; also called Apo-2L). Thus, like conventional CD8(+) memory T cells, the protective function of HP-memory CD8(+) T cells shows dependence on CD4(+) T cell help.  相似文献   

The ability of memory CD8 T cells to patrol non-lymphoid tissues represents an effective method whereby proficient immunosurveillance is achieved. From the analysis of memory CD8 T cell migration in vivo, it is clear that tissue-specific factors control trafficking and residence time within tissues. We propose that at least three pools of memory CD8 T cells exist based on migratory capabilities as dictated by their location in the body. Moreover, we hypothesize that the process of acquisition of homeostatic signals in specific tissues, such as the cytokines IL-7 and IL-15, regulates the mobility of memory T cells.  相似文献   

Immune function declines progressively with age, resulting in increased susceptibility of the elderly to infection and impaired responses to vaccines. A diverse repertoire of T cells is essential for a vigorous immune response, and an important manifestation of immune aging is the progressive loss of repertoire diversity, predominantly among CD8 T cells in both mice and humans. Importantly, perturbations in the peripheral T cell repertoire, including reduction of the CD4:CD8 ratio and cytomegalovirus-driven T cell clonal expansions, make a major contribution to the 'immune risk phenotype' defined for humans, which predicts two-year mortality in very old individuals.  相似文献   

In this study we show the inheritance of a CD4+CD8+ peripheral T cell population in the H.B15 chicken strain. A large proportion of αβ T cells in peripheral blood (20–40%), spleen (10–20%) and intestinal epithelium (5–10%) co-express CD4 and CD8α, but not CD8β. CD4+ CD8αα cells are functionally normal T cells, since they proliferate in response to mitogens and signals delivered via the αβT cell receptor as well as via the CD28 co-receptor. These cells induce in vivo a graft versus host-reaction, providing further evidence for their function as CD4+ T cells. The CD4+CD8αα T cell population was found in 75% of the first progeny and in 100% of further progenies, demonstrating that co-expression of CD4 and CD8 on peripheral T cells is an inherited phenomenon. In addition, cross-breeding data suggest a dominant Mendelian form of inheritance. The hereditary expression of CD8α on peripheral CD4+ T cells in chicken provides a unique model in which to study the regulation of CD4 and CD8 expression.  相似文献   

《Immunology today》1994,15(3):107-110
During an immune response, peripheral T cells develop into functionally distinct subpopulations that effect cell-mediated immunity and regulate humoral immune responses through the secretion of specific cytokines. Recent data suggest that CD8 T cells, which have long been regarded simply as cytotoxic cells, play a more active role in the regulation of the immune response. In this article, Mike Kemeny and colleagues suggest that there are functionally distinct subsets of CD8 T cells that produce different combinations of cytokines and appear to play an important part in determining the pattern of cytokines produced by CD4 T cells and the isotype of immunoglobulins expressed by B cells.  相似文献   

Aside from an intermediate stage in thymic T-cell development, the expression of CD4 and CD8 is generally thought to be mutually exclusive, associated with helper or cytotoxic T-cell functions, respectively. Stimulation of CD8+ T cells, however, induces the de novo expression of CD4. We demonstrate that while superantigen (staphylococcal enterotoxin B, SEB) and anti-CD3/CD28 costimulation of purified CD8+ T cells induced the expression of CD4 on CD8+ T cells by 30 and 17%, respectively, phytohaemagglutinin (PHA) stimulation did not induce CD4 expression on purified CD8+ T cells but significantly induced the expression of both CD4 on CD8 (CD4dimCD8bright) and CD8 on CD4 (CD4brightCD8dim) T cells in unfractionated peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). The level of the PHA-mediated induction of CD4dimCD8bright and CD4brightCD8dim was at 27 and 17%, respectively. Depletion of CD4+ T cells from PBMC abrogated this PHA-mediated effect. Autologous CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell co-cultures in the presence of PHA induced this CD4dimCD8bright T-cell expression by 33%, demonstrating a role for CD4 cells in the PHA-mediated induction of the double positive cells. The induction of CD4dimCD8bright was independent of a soluble factor(s). Phenotypic analysis of CD4dimCD8bright T cells indicated significantly higher levels of CD95, CD25, CD38, CD69, CD28, and CD45RO expression than their CD8+CD4- counterparts. CD4dimCD8bright T cells were also negative for CD1a expression and were predominantly T-cell receptor (TCR) alphabeta cells. Our data demonstrate that CD4dimCD8bright T cells are an activated phenotype of CD8+ T cells and suggest that CD4 upregulation on CD8+ T cells may function as an additional marker to identify activated CD8+ T cells.  相似文献   

CD3+CD8+ cells, purified from peripheral blood T cells by depletion of CD4+ lymphocytes, were tested for their cytotoxic activity against K-562 or HL-60 cells. Freshly prepared cells had no cytotoxic function, but upon exposure to recombinant interleukin 2 (rIL2) in vitro they acquired a lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) activity. Fractionation of CD3+CD8+ cells into CD11b+ and CD11b- cells demonstrated that all the cells with the potential of developing LAK cell functions were within the CD8+CD11b+ subset. These cells lacked natural killer cell markers such as CD16 or NKH1, but a proportion of them stained for Leu-7. Furthermore, they expressed the alpha/beta chains, but not the gamma/delta chains, of the T cell receptor, as could be determined by staining with the appropriate monoclonal antibodies. CD8+CD11b+ cells had a large granular lymphocyte morphology, as shown by both cytochemical and electron microscopy analyses. They proliferated in response to IL2 in vitro and developed cytotoxic functions against a number of natural killer resistant targets. Their response to phytohemagglutinin or pokeweed mitogen was very weak or absent. By contrast, CD8+CD11b- cells failed to generate LAK cells in response to rIL2, did not show a large granular lymphocyte morphology, but responded vigorously to phytohemagglutinin or pokeweed mitogen. Purified CD8+CD11b+ cells were cloned by limiting dilution in the presence of rIL2. The observed cloning efficiency of 19 +/- 0.3% indicates that a fraction of the cells only could respond to IL2. Furthermore, only 50% of the clones obtained had a LAK cell function. These data show that CD8+CD11b+ cells represent a heterogeneous cell population. Nevertheless this cell subset probably represents the major source of LAK cell progenitors within the circulating T cells.  相似文献   

Naive T lymphocytes move efficiently in lymphoid tissues while scanning dendritic cells in search of cognate complexes of peptide in major histocompatibility molecules. However, T cell migration ceases after recognition of cognate antigen. We show here that during the initiation of antigen-specific CD8(+) T cell responses, naive CD8(+) polyclonal T cells 'preferentially' interacted in an antigen-independent way with mature dendritic cells competent to present antigen to antigen-specific CD8(+) T cells. These antigen-independent interactions required expression of the chemokine receptor CCR5 on polyclonal T cells and increased the efficiency of the induction of naive, low-precursor-frequency CD8(+) T cell responses. Thus, antigen-specific CD8(+) T cells favor the priming of naive CD8(+) T cells by promoting the CCR5-dependent recruitment of polyclonal CD8(+) T cells to mature dendritic cells.  相似文献   

We studied the impact of the duration of donor cell persistence on CD8+ T cell responsiveness after adoptive transfer of antigen-expressing lymphoid cells. Naive or immunized female mice were treated by adoptive transfer of spleen cells from mice ubiquitously expressing a lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus-derived cytotoxic T lymphocyte (CTL) epitope (gp33-41) either alone or in combination with the male H-Y antigen providing additional antigenic CTL and T helper cell determinants. Low doses of male spleen cells (or sorted B cells) primed CTL, while high doses of the same cells rendered them unresponsive. CTL unresponsiveness induced by high numbers of male spleen cells was dependent upon prolonged persistence of antigen-expressing donor cells. Unresponsive CTL reverted to a state of activation when the duration of donor cell chimerism was limited. Memory CTL could be rendered unresponsive if antigen-expressing donor cells were allowed to persist. These results suggest that, irrespective of the type of antigen-presenting cell and the functional state of the responding T cell, activation and unresponsiveness can represent two different outcomes critically determined by quantitative and kinetic differences of antigen persistence.  相似文献   

Memory T cells can now be defined with various monoclonal antibodies but little is known about the functional properties of these cells as compared to virgin T cells. We have studied Ca2+ mobilization and proliferation of memory and virgin cells in both the CD4 and CD8 subsets in response to phytohemagglutin-in. Using two-color fluorescence (yellow, red) for cell surface staining combined with two-color fluorescence for the Ca2+ chelator indo-1 (violet, blue) we can demonstrate that CD8+UCHL1+ memory cells exhibit a 1,5-fold higher influx than the CD8+UCHL1- virgin cells. The same pattern was obtained when CD8 memory and virgin cells were defined by a reciprocal marker (Leu-18) indicating that the higher response of memory CD8 cells is independent of the monoclonal antibody used to identify the cells. For the respective CD4 subsets no such clear-cut pattern of Ca2+ influx was evident. Analysis of proliferation in both subsets indicates that CD8+UCHL1- cells strongly proliferate in response to PHA, while CD8+UCHL1+ memory cells show only a minimal response with the average cpm values being 6-fold lower. In some instances no proliferation at all was detectable in the CD8+UCHL1+ cells. Identification of the subsets by reciprocal markers confirmed the lower proliferative response in the CD8 memory cells. Hence, within the CD8 compartment the memory cells, after phytohemagglutinin stimulation, exhibit a high Ca2+ mobilization but a low to absent proliferation, while the converse is true for the naive cells. These data show that (a) Ca2+ mobilization and proliferation are inversely correlated and (b) an initially vigorous response of memory cells may be subject to negative control mechanisms.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic CD8+ T cell population expands considerably during acute immune infection with virus. Most of these cells are removed by apoptosis at the end of the immune response. However, a balance has to be attained between clearance and retention of a memory population of cells, which respond more rapidly and efficiently to secondary encounter with the antigen. In this article, the role of apoptosis and in particular the development of replicative senescence as mechanisms which control this homeostatic balance are discussed. Although similar mechanisms regulate apoptosis in both humans and rodents, the available data suggests that replicative senescence may be controlled differently in these species, suggesting the there may be different constraints in the regulation of CD8+ T cell memory between different species.  相似文献   

The cytotoxic CD8+ T cell population expands considerably during acute immune infection with virus. Most of these cells are removed by apoptosis at the end of the immune response. However, a balance has to be attained between clearance and retention of a memory population of cells, which respond more rapidly and efficiently to secondary encounter with the antigen. In this article, the role of apoptosis and in particular the development of replicative senescence as mechanisms which control this homeostatic balance are discussed. Although similar mechanisms regulate apoptosis in both humans and rodents, the available data suggests that replicative senescence may be controlled differently in these species, suggesting the there may be different constraints in the regulation of CD8+ T cell memory between different species.  相似文献   

The TCR repertoire of human CD8+ peripheral blood lymphocytes has been determined using MoAbs to the V beta 2, 3, 5.1, 5.2/5.3, 6.7, 8, 12 and 19(17)V beta gene families. The CD8T cell repertoire for V beta 2 and V beta 3 is shown to be skewed, with an excess of individuals having higher values than are consistent with a normal distribution. A significant majority of these individuals are over the age of 40. High values of V beta CD8+ cells were found for each V beta family studied except for 6.7a. Individual high values are stable for at least 12 months. In addition, the total percentage of CD4 and CD8 cells reacting with this panel of reagents was determined. There is a significant excess of V beta + CD4+ cells (33%) over CD8+V beta + cells (21.9%). Thus the human CD8 V beta repertoire differs from the human CD4 repertoire in a number of important ways.  相似文献   

Susceptibility to apoptosis changes with age and most of the available data on lymphocytes refer to mitogen stimulated cells. We studied this susceptibility in quiescent, purified CD4+ or CD8+ T cells from a group of Italian old people compared with a group of young people. We found that an apoptotic agent such as 2-deoxy-D-ribose (dRib), which acts via glutathione depletion and oxidative stress, was more effective in CD4+ T cells from young donors, while no difference was found in CD8+ T cells. On the contrary, another agent such as TNF-alpha, which acts via receptor engagement, was more effective in CD8+ T cells from old subjects, and no difference was found in CD4+ T cells. When marker of activation-memory were investigated, no difference between young and old subjects was found when dRib was used. Differently, when TNF-alpha was used, memory and activated CD4+ T cells from old donors were less sensitive than younger counterparts, while memory CD8+ T cells from old donors were more sensitive than younger counterparts. This suggests that age-related changes in susceptibility to apoptosis of resting T cells largely depend on the type of the apoptotic stimulus which is used as well as on the memory phenotype of the cells. These results may also account, at least in part, for the deep remodelling of T cell repertoire that occurs during ageing.  相似文献   

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