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We have previously reported that a subset of T cells in T cell receptor (TCR)-transgenic mice may express two different α chains on their surface. The expression of two functional α chains has also been demonstrated for human peripheral blood T cells. In this report, we show that a proportion of normal murine lymph node T cells express two functional α chains on their surface. The extrapolated frequency of these cells present in the normal repertoire ranges from 7–21%, with an average of 15%. Our analysis of a small number of antigen-specific T cell clones suggests that the frequency of antigen-responsive cells expressing two surface α chains is relatively low. This raises the possibility that dual α chain T cells may have a selective disadvantage in responding to specific antigen.  相似文献   

Targeted disruption of the CD8 gene results in a profound block in cytotoxic T cell (CTL) development. Since CTL are major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I restricted, we addressed the question of whether CD8–/– mice can reject MHC class I-disparate allografts. Studies have previously shown that skin allografts are rejected exclusively by T cells. We therefore used the skin allograft model to answer our question and grafted CD8–/– mice with skins from allogeneic mice deficient in MHC class II or in MHC class I (MHC-I or MHC-II-disparate, respectively). CD8–/– mice rejected MHC-I-disparate skin rapidly even if they were depleted of CD4+ cells in vivo (and were thus deficient in CD4+ and CD8+ T cells). By contrast, CD8+/+ controls depleted of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in vivo accepted the MHC-I-disparate skin. Following MHC-I, but not MHC-II stimulation, allograft-specific cytotoxic activity was detected in CD8–/– mice even after CD4 depletion. A population expanded in both the lymph nodes and the thymus of grafted CD8–/– animals which displayed a CD4?8?3intermediateTCRα/βintermediate phenotype. Indeed its T cell receptor (TCR) density was lower than that of CD4+ cells in CD8–/– mice or of CD8+ cells in CD8+/+ mice. Our data suggest that this CD4?8?T cell population is responsible for the CTL function we have observed. Therefore, MHC class I-restricted CTL can be generated in CD8–/– mice following priming with MHC class I antigens in vivo. The data also suggest that CD8 is needed to up-regulate TCR density during thymic maturation. Thus, although CD8 plays a major role in the generation of CTL, it is not absolutely required.  相似文献   

Immunopathology in schistosomiasis consists of a granulomatous response around parasite eggs. It has been established that granuloma formation is mediated by CD4+ T helper cells. However, the role of T cells bearing the γδ T cell receptor (TCR) has not been determined. In this study we utilized mutant mice that lack either αβ or γδ T cells as a result of gene targeting to investigate the relative roles of αβ and γδ T cells in the induction of immunopathology related to schistosomiasis. Mutant and control mice were infected with Schistosoma mansoni and granuloma formation as well as lymph node cell proliferative responses to egg antigens were analyzed after 8 weeks. TCR δ mutant mice (lacking γδ T cells) displayed vigorous formation of egg granulomas that were not significantly different from those observed in normal controls, both in terms of granuloma size and cellular composition. In contrast, TCR α and TCR β mutant mice (lacking αβ T cells) were unable to form granulomas. Moreover, mesenteric lymph node cells from TCR δ mutant and control mice responded strongly to egg antigens in vitro, while TCR α and β mutant mice did not. Our studies show that in schistosomiasis granuloma formation and proliferative responses to egg antigens are strictly dependent on αβ T cells. They also suggest that γδ T cells by themselves can neither mediate a granulomatous inflammation, nor significantly modify one mediated by αβ T cells.  相似文献   

We have characterized the function, phenotype, ontogenic development, and T cell receptor (TCR) repertoire of a subpopulation of γδ thymocytes, initially defined by expressing low levels of Thy-1, that represents around 5 % and 30 % of total γδ thymocytes in adult C57BL/6 and DBA/2 mice, respectively. Activation of FACS-sorted Thy-1dull γδ thymocytes from DBA/2 mice with anti-γδ monoclonal antibodies in the presence of interleukin-2 (IL-2) results in the secretion of high levels of several cytokines, including interferon-γ (IFN-γ), IL-4, IL-10, and IL-3. In contrast, only IFN-γ was detected in parallel cultures of Thy-1bright γδ thymocytes. Virtually all Thy-1dull γδ thymocytes express high levels of CD44 and low levels of the heat-stable antigen and CD62 ligand, while around half of them express the NK1.1 marker. Thy-1dull γδ thymocytes are barely detectable in newborn animals, and their representation increases considerably during the first 2 weeks of postnatal life. The majority of Thy-1dull γδ thymocytes from DBA/2 mice express TCR encoded by the Vγ1 gene and a novel Vδ6 gene named Vδ6.4. Sequence analysis of these functionally rearranged γ and δ genes revealed highly restricted Vδ-Dδ-Jδ junctions, and somewhat more diverse Vγ-Jγ junctions. We conclude that Thy-1dull γδ thymocytes exhibit properties that are equivalent to those of natural killer TCRαβ T cells. Both cell populations produce the same distinct pattern of cytokines upon activation, share a number of phenotypic markers originally defined for activated or memory T cells, display similar postnatal kinetics of appearance in the thymus and express a very restricted TCR repertoire.  相似文献   

Commitment of the αβ and γδ T cell lineages within the thymus has been studied in T cell receptor (TCR)-transgenic and TCR mutant murine strains. TCRγδ-transgenic or TCRβ knockout mice, both of which are unable to generate TCRαβ-positive T cells, develop phenotypically αβ-like thymocytes in significant proportions. We provide evidence that in the absence of functional TCRβ protein, the γδTCR can promote the development of αβ-like thymocytes, which, however, do not expand significantly and do not mature into γδ T cells. These results show that commitment to the αβ lineage can be determined independently of the isotype of the TCR, and suggest that αβ versus γδ T cell lineage commitment is principally regulated by mechanisms distinct from TCR-mediated selection. To accommodate our data and those reported previously on the effect of TCRγ and δ gene rearrangements on αβ T cell development, we propose a model in which lineage commitment occurs independently of TCR gene rearrangement.  相似文献   

To study the relevance of γδ T cells in multiple sclerosis (MS) we analyzed the T cell receptor (TCR) γδ repertoire and the antigen reactivity of γδ clones isolated from cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). In T cell cultures derived from CSF we found an increased percentage of Vδ1+ cells as compared to peripheral blood of the same donors. Phenotypic analysis of cells from MS CSF with Vγ- and Vγ-specific monoclonal antibodies (mAb) showed that the Vγ1 chain is most frequently associated with γ chains belonging to the VγI family. Sequence analysis of TCR genes revealed heterogeneity of junctional regions in both δ and γ genes indicating polyclonal expansion. γδ clones were established and some recognized glioblastoma, astrocytoma or monocytic cell lines. Stimulation with these targets induced serine esterase release and lymphokine expression characteristic of the TH0-like phenotype. Remarkably, these tumor-reactive γδ cells were not detected in the peripheral blood using PCR oligotyping, but were found in other CSF lines independently established from the same MS patient. Altogether, these results demonstrate that in the CSF there is a skewed TCR γδ repertoire and suggest that γδ cells reacting against brain-derived antigens might have been locally expanded.  相似文献   

An interleukin (IL)-4 dependant mouse T cell clone 8.2 derived from an IL-2-dependent T cell line was characterized. As measured by flow cytometric analysis and Northern blotting, it expresses IL-2 receptor β (IL-2Rβ) and γ (IL-2Rγ) chains, but has lost expression of IL-2 receptor α chain (IL-2Rα). To investigate the properties of the mouse IL-2Rβγ complex and the role of IL-2Rα gene expression, this clone was further studied. T cell clone 8.2 has lost the capacity to bind 125I-labeled human IL-2 under experimental conditions able to detect intermediate-affinity IL-2R in human cells. Mouse IL-2 is unable to block the binding of mAb TMβ1 to 8.2 cells. Under the same experimental conditions, mouse IL-2 blocks the binding of TMβ1 to C30-1 cells expressing the IL-2αβγ complex. Since TMβ1 recognizes an epitope related to the IL-2 binding site of IL-2Rβ, these results can be taken as a demonstration that mouse IL-2Rβγ does not bind mouse IL-2. Furthermore, T cell clone 8.2 does not proliferate in response to recombinant mouse or human IL-2. On the other hand, T cell transfectant lines expressing heterospecific receptors made of the human IL-2Rβ and mouse IL-2Rγ chains bind 125I-labeled human IL-2 and proliferate in response to IL-2. This establishes the difference between mouse and human IL-2Rβ chains. Transfection of T cell clone 8.2 with human IL-2Rα genes restores their capacity to proliferate in response to IL-2. In addition, all transfectants grown in IL-2 express the endogeneous mouse IL-2Rα chain. When grown in IL-4, the endogeneous mouse IL-2Rα gene remains silent in all these transfectants. These results show that, contrary to the human, the mouse does not express an intermediate-affinity IL-2R. Expression of the IL-2Rα gene is therefore required for the formation of the functional IL-2R in mice.  相似文献   

In conventional mice, the T cell receptor (TCR)αβ+ CD8αα+ and CD8αβ+ subsets of the intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes (IEL) constitute two subpopulations. Each comprise a few hundred clones expressing apparently random receptor repertoires which are different in individual genetically identical mice (Regnault, A., Cumano, A., Vassalli, P., Guy-Grand, D. and Kourilsky, P., J. Exp. Med. 1994. 180: 1345). We analyzed the repertoire diversity of sorted CD8αα and CD8αβ+ IEL populations from the small intestine of individual germ-free mice that contain ten times less TCRαβ+ T cells than conventional mice. The TCRβ repertoire of the CD8αα and the CD8αβ IEL populations of germ-free adult mice shows the same degree of oligoclonality as that of conventional mice. These results show that the intestinal microflora is not responsible for the repertoire oligoclonality of TCRαβ+ IEL. The presence of the microflora leads to an expansion of clones which arise independently of bacteria. To evaluate the degree of expansion of IEL clones in conventional mice, we went on to measure their clone sizes in vivo by quantitative PCR in the total and in adjacent sections of the small intestine of adult animals. We found that both the CD8αα and the CD8αβ TCRαβ IEL clones have a heterogeneous size pattern, with clones containing from 3 × 103 cells up to 1.2 × 106 cells, the clones being qualitatively and quantitatively different in individual mice. Cells from a given IEL clone are not evenly distributed throughout the length of the small intestine. The observation that the TCRαβ IEL populations comprise a few hundred clones of very heterogeneous size and distribution suggests that they arise from a limited number of precursors, which may be slowly but continuously renewed, and undergo extensive clonal expansion in the epithelium.  相似文献   

T cells belong to two separate lineages based on surface expression of αβ or γδ T cell receptors (TCR). Since during thymus development TCR β, γ, and δ genes rearrange before α genes, and γδ cells appear earlier than αβ cells, it has been assumed that αδ cells are devoid of TCR α rearrangements. We show here that this is not the case, since mature adult, but not fetal, thymic γδ cells undergo VJα rearrangements more frequently than immature αβ lineage thymic precursors. Sequence analysis shows VJα rearrangements in γδ cells to be mostly (70 %) nonproductive. Furthermore, VJα rearrangements in γδ cells are transcribed normally and, as shown by analysis of TCR β-/- mice, occur independently of productive VDJβ rearrangements. These data are interpreted in the context of a model in which precursors of αβ and γδ cells differ in their ability to express a functional pre-TCR complex.  相似文献   

The aim of our study was to compare CD3 expression on γδ T cells and αβ T cells in human patients. The antigen density of TCR and CD3 on both subsets was assessed by a quantitative method in eight patients. In parallel, we developed and validated a reliable direct tricolor staining protocol that we tested on samples from hospitalized and healthy individuals (n = 60). Our results demonstrate that human γδ T cells constitutively express approximately twofold more of the TCR/CD3 complex than αβ T cells. We suggest that this enhanced expression of the TCR/CD3 complex could contribute to the higher reactivity of γδ T cells compared to αβ T cells. These clinical laboratory results confirm the fundamental data described elsewhere. γδ T cells deserve further clinical investigations to understand their precise role in human immunity.  相似文献   

Two subpopulations of human T lymphocytes expressing different antigen receptors, α / β and γ / δ, emigrate into inflamed tissues in distinctive patterns. We compared the transmigration of α / β and γ / δ T cells to C-C and C-X-C chemokines using an in vitro transendothelial chemotaxis assay. The C-C chemokines monocyte chemoattractant protein (MCP)-1, RANTES, macrophage inflammatory protein (MIP)-1α and MIP-1β stimulated similar, dose-dependent chemotaxis of purified γ / δ T cells, whereas MCP-1, RANTES, and MIP-1α pro duced greater chemotaxis of purified α / β T cells than MIP-1β. In contrast, the C-X-C chemokines interleukin (IL)-8 and interferon-γ inducible protein-10 (IP-10) did not promote chemotaxis of either α / β or γ / δ T cells. Three γ / δ T cell clones with differing CD4 and CD8 phenotypes also migrated exclusively to C-C chemokines. Phenotypic analysis of mononuclear cells that transmigrated from an input population of unfractionated peripheral blood mono nuclear cells confirmed the results with purified γ / δ T cells. Our data demonstrate that human peripheral blood α / β and γ / δ T cells can transmigrate to MCP-1, RANTES, MIP-1α, and MIP-1β, and suggest that both T lymphocyte subpopulations share the capacity to emigrate in response to C-C chemokines during inflammation.  相似文献   

Thy-1dull γ δ T cells are an unusual subset of mature TCRγ δ T cells characterized by their highly restricted TCR repertoire. In DBA/2 mice, they predominantly express the product of the Vγ1 gene together with that of a member of the Vδ6 subfamily (the Vδ6.4 gene) and their junctional sequences show very little diversity. To address the mechanisms underlying the expression of the restricted TCRγ δ repertoire, we have cloned all Vδ6 subfamily members present in DBA/2 mice and studied their frequency of expression in Thy-1dull and Thy-1bright γ δ thymocyte populations. Furthermore, we have also cloned non-functional Vδ6DδJδ1 rearrangements present in the Thy-1dull γ δ T cell population and compared their Vδ6 gene utilization and their junctional sequences with those expressed by this population. Our results indicate that the restricted TCRδ repertoire expressed by the Thy-1dull γ δ thymocytes results from cellular selection, rather than molecular constraints suggesting the existence of a limited set of self-ligands. Finally, phenotypic, functional and TCRγ δ repertoire analysis of Thy-1dull γ δ T cells in β2 -microglobulin (β2m)-deficient mice indicated that these putative ligands are not β2m-dependent major histocompatibility complex class I or class I-like molecules.  相似文献   

Three monoclonal antibodies (mAb; SC-6, SC-12, and SC-29) reactive with the γδ T cell-restricted antigen WC1 were obtained immunizing mice with an ovine interleukin (IL)-2-dependent γδ T cell line. These mAb strongly inhibited DNA synthesis in IL-2-dependent γδ T cell lines with cell cycle arrest in G0/G1 phase, but did not induce apoptosis. The mAb-induced growth arrest was reversible, either by removing the mAb or by co-culture with mitogen or anti-CD3 in the presence of IL-2. In contrast, addition of phorbol ester, ionomycin and IL-2 had no effect on the mAb-induced growth arrest. The observations define a biologically important role for the cell surface molecule WC1 in the regulation of γδ T cell proliferation and also provide a suitable system to study the relevant signal transduction events.  相似文献   

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