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The clinical features of 42 patients with the only recently recognized and generally fatal neurological syndrome of progressive dialysis encephalopathy are reviewed and the electroencephalographic and neuropathological findings are summarized. Despite apparently successful hemodialysis, these patients develop a wide spectrum of neurological abnormalities. Of these, sudden onset of hesitant, nonfluent speech is the most characteristic and usually the earliest sign. Both dysphasic and dysarthric elements are found, though the former predominate. Myoclonus, dementia, seizures, and gait difficulty are also seen in the majority of these patients. EEGs are more abnormal than would be expected for the clinical severity, with some type of high-voltage spike-wave pattern intermixed with abundant slow activity. The combination of clinical and EEG features in the appropriate setting is virtually diagnostic. Transient episodes with variable periods of complete or partial remission have been recognized. Neuropathological changes are surprisingly mild and nonspecific. The cause is uncertain; current speculation focuses on aluminum as the offending neurotoxin. Treatment remains unsatisfactory.  相似文献   



It was observed that a good number of patients presenting with psychiatric manifestations when investigated later because of unresponsiveness to treatment or late development of organic features turned out to be treatable limbic syndromes.


The aim of this study is to assess the patients presenting with new onset neuropsychiatric symptoms satisfying the criteria for probable limbic encephalitis.

Patients and Methods:

Patients referred to neurology department following a period of treatment for neuropsychiatric symptoms, which did not respond to conventional treatment were analyzed using Electroencephalography (EEG), magnetic resonance imaging, cerebrospinal fluid, screening for malignancy Vasculitic work-up, histopathology and autoantibody done when feasible.


There were 22 patients satisfying criteria for probable limbic encephalitis. Their mean age was 34.5 years. Symptoms varied from unexplained anxiety, panic and depression, lack of inhibition, wandering, incontinence, myoclonus, seizures and stroke like episodes. Three had systemic malignancy, 10 had chronic infection, one each with vasculitis, acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, Hashimoto encephalitis and two each with non-convulsive status, cryptogenic and Idiopathic inflammation.


All patients who present with new onset neuropsychiatric symptoms need to be evaluated for sub-acute infections, inflammation, autoimmune limbic encephalitis and paraneoplastic syndrome. A repeated 20 minute EEG is a very effective screening tool to detect organicity.  相似文献   

Summary Sixty cases of distinctive progressive and fatal encephalopathy have been reported in patients undergoing long-term hemodialysis. An analysis of their records reveals that mean duration of hemodialysis prior to onset is 2.5 years, while mean duration of clinical course until death is 6.3 months. The most frequent clinical manifestations include disturbances in communication (87%), cognition (66%) and movement (93%). Nonspecific electroencephalographic abnormalities are present in all cases. The condition is possibly related to some yet unidentified metabolic disorder. There is no effective therapy.
Zusammenfassung Bei Patienten, die über lange Zeiträume hämodialysiert wurden, wurde bisher in insgesamt 60 Fällen eine progrediente und letal endende Enzephalopathie beschrieben. Eine Analyse dieser Falldarstellungen zeigt, daß die mittlere Dauer der Dialyse vor Beginn der Symptome 2,5 Jahre betrug und die mittlere Dauer des Verlaufes bis zum Tode 6,3 Monate. Die häufigsten klinischen Symptome sind Kommunikationsstörungen (87%), Störungen der Wahrnehmungen (66%) und der Bewegungen (93%). In allen Fällen sind nichtspezifische elektroenzephalographische Anomalies vorhanden. Möglicherweise steht die Störung in Zusammenhang mit noch nicht geklärten Stoffwechselanomalien. Es ist keine wirksame Therapie bekannt.

Previously described neurologic damage induced by immunosuppressive treatments includes transient or reversible central nervous system involvement. We describe a 57-year-old man who underwent liver transplantation and was started on immunosuppressive therapy with tacrolimus (FK506). Six months later, he started complaining of a progressive motor and sensory impairment of the left side, together with cognitive impairment. Brain MRI showed an enlarging lesion of the white matter with peripheral contrast enhancement. PET study indicated severe hypometabolism in the right hemisphere and spectroscopic MRI showed a peak of choline and relative reduction of other metabolites. Findings of CSF examinations and cultures, serology, and molecular techniques were normal. Tacrolimus treatment was stopped. A cerebral biopsy of the lesion showed a sub acute necrotizing process. In the following months, cognitive status of the patient tended to improve although he remained hemiplegic, while serial MRI confirmed the tendency to the recovery of the lesion that was still present 1 year after. The present observation describes a progressive encephalopathy associated with immune suppression with an unusual feature and permanent brain damage.  相似文献   

We are reporting the cases of four children with a diagnosis of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) who demonstrated a progressive encephalopathy manifested by loss of motor milestones or intellectual abilities, and weakness with pyramidal tract signs. Two patients were ataxic. One child was cortically blind and suffered myoclonic jerks before his death. Two of the patients had isolated seizures at some time during the disease course. Two patients developed secondary microcephaly and all four patients showed cortical atrophy on computed tomographic scanning. Three of the patients died. Postmortem neuropathological findings included gross cortical atrophy, microglial nodules, and intranuclear inclusions, as are described in the subacute encephalitis reported in adult AIDS patients. We propose that the possible pathogenetic mechanisms of this encephalopathy include opportunistic or persistent viral infection of the brain.  相似文献   

Cerebral folate deficiency syndrome, a recently recognized cause of developmental delay, regression, and seizures, is associated with autoantibodies against folate receptors. A female child with developmental delay and a history of seizures who presented with seizures and unexplained coma is reported. Extensive testing to evaluate the patient's coma and subsequent developmental regression were unrevealing until the results of her cerebrospinal fluid neurotransmitter analysis returned. These showed low levels of methyltetrahydrofolate, the active metabolite of folate in the cerebrospinal fluid; subsequently, elevated titers of autoantibodies against folate receptors were found. Despite treatment with folinic acid, she developed intractable epilepsy and severe developmental delay.  相似文献   

Dementia induced by Hashimoto's encephalopathy (HE) seems to be a rare condition. We report on two patients, who revealed a syndrome consisting of a rapid progressive dementia with myocloni. In both patients, the detection of antithyroid antibodies enabled the diagnosis of HE. The symptoms receded completely during a high-dose glucocorticoid therapy. In patients with rapidly progressive dementia or with dementia of unknown origin, HE should be considered.  相似文献   

Complex I of the oxidative phosphorylation system is composed of at least 45 subunits, seven of which are encoded by mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA). In this study we have investigated two children with complex I deficiency in muscle mitochondria. Patient 1 had cerebellar ataxia from early infancy and an abnormal MRI of the brain compatible with Leigh syndrome (LS). The course was rapidly progressive with frequent exacerbations and death at 2 years and 10 months of age. Patient 2 had a lactic acidosis in the newborn period and had a severe psychomotor developmental retardation. In her teens she developed hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and died at 26 years of age because of cardiac insufficiency. Sequencing analysis of mitochondrial encoded ND genes (MTND) showed two DE NOVO mutations in MTND1 in both patients. Patient 1 had a novel heteroplasmic G3890A mutation, R195Q. Patient 2 had a heteroplasmic G3481A mutation, E59K. The G3890A mutation in patient 1 is the first identified mutation in MTND1 in association with LS and complex I deficiency. The findings in this patient as well as in patient 2 demonstrate new clinical expressions of mutations in MTND1. The findings in patient 2 also illustrates that MTND mutations may be pathogenic even at a low percentage.  相似文献   

Congenital central nervous system infection with cytomegalovirus (CMV) usually results in a nonprogressive encephalopathy. Ninety percent of patients with clinically apparent infections at birth have a permanent neurological disability. It has been suggested that some infants may have persistent infection manifested by progressive encephalopathy during infancy. In the present case, clinical and pathological findings suggest the reactivation of a prior intrauterine CMV infection in a child with human T-lymphotrophic virus type III (HTLV-III) infection. The presence of HTLV-III may have reduced the immune surveillance of this infant, allowing the CMV to reactivate.  相似文献   

Valproic Acid (VPA) in overdose is known to cause encephalopathy with or without cerebral odema, hyperammonaemia, hepatotoxicity, bone marrow suppression and non gap acidosis. Most of these conditions are reversible. We report a 45-year-old man who suffered permanent disability from the non reversible effects of cerebral odema and infarctions associated with Valproate overdose which would have been aggravated by Diazepam. This patient’s presentation emphasizes the role of early detection and therapy of cerebral odema in Valproate and Diazepam overdose.  相似文献   

Progressive encephalopathy with edema, hypsarrhythmia, and optic atrophy syndrome is a recently described rare disorder of infantile regression, intractable seizures, and cerebellar atrophy that occurs almost exclusively in the Finnish population. We report the first North American child with this condition.  相似文献   

We report the clinical and neuropathological findings in an autopsy case of progressive dementia, Parkinsonism, pseudobulbar palsy and supranuclear ophthalmoplegia. Since 70 years old, this hypertensive patient developed forgetfulness, unsteady gait and festination. These symptoms rapidly worsened and he was admitted in October 1983, at age 71. He had severe dementia and showed stiff face. Voluntary vertical movement of the eyes was severely disturbed, but reflex vertical movement by the doll's head eye maneuver was not affected. Muscle tone in the limbs increased slightly, and deep tendon reflexes were hyperactive in jaw and the upper extremities. Babinski sign was negative bilaterally. Sensation and coordination remained normal. Although he was not paretic or ataxic, his movements were very slow. He could not stand by himself and easily fell backward. These clinical features resembled those of progressive supranuclear palsy except for severe dementia and rapid progression. Brain CT scan revealed marked dilatation of the lateral ventricles, prominent periventicular lucency and atrophy of brainstem and cerebral cortex. Treatment with levodopa slightly improved his movement, but difficulty in swallowing worsened increasingly. He died of hypoglycemic coma and aspiration pneumonia in September 1984, about two years after the initial symptoms. General autopsy showed severe pneumonia and atrophy of the liver. The brain weighed 1,210g. Atherosclerotic change in the cerebral arteries were mild. Coronal sections of the cerebral hemispheres revealed diffuse ischemic change and multiple small infarctions in the bilateral cerebral white matter. Cortical atrophy was observed in the cerebral hemispheres. The basal ganglia, thalamus, and pons showed status lacunaris. Atrophy of midbrain and depigmentation of the substantia nigra were observed macroscopically.  相似文献   

Clinical and Neuropathological data on sixteen cases of progressive myoclonic encephalopathy are reported. This neurological syndrome appears after an average duration of thirty two months of haemodialysis and leads to death in four and a half months, and is characterized by myoclonus, speech disorder, epileptic seizures, and mental-status changes. At first, clinical signs and symptoms are related to haemodialysis, later they become permanent. An early diagnosis is based on EEG which is the only useful laboratory test, demonstrating bisynchronous slow-wave bursts. The caracteristic histopathologic findings are neuronal depopulation, lipofuscin accumulation, and appearance of Neurofibrillary degeneration, especially in Motor cortex, red nucleus and dentato-olivary systems. It seems to be justified to attribute P.M.D.E. to aluminium chronic poisonning; the source of the aluminium intoxication is not aluminium containing phosphate-binding gels but intravenously administreted tape-water. The intracellular binding of aluminium is shown from a histochemical study employing fluorescent stain Morin.  相似文献   

A 7-year-old boy suffering from X-linked hypogammaglobulinemia and progressive myoclonic encephalopathy is reported. The onset of neurological disturbances is at four years of age with ataxic gait and myoclonic jerks. The EEG shows a progressive slowing of background activity, bilateral diffuse and repetitive, pseudoperiodic, high amplitude slow waves, myoclonic jerks polygraphically documented. The CT-scan shows generalized cerebral atrophy, white matter hypodensity--principally in the frontal regions -, multiple nodular calcifications, also in the basal ganglia. Two years after the onset of neurological signs, the boy is completely bedridden, spastic, dement and blind; the myoclonic jerks persist. Finally the relationship is discussed with both the previously reported patients with the same affection, and with similar progressive encephalopathy in children suffering from A.I.D.S.  相似文献   

Clinical Epileptology - Progressive Myoklonusepilepsien (PME) sind eine heterogene Gruppe von Krankheiten, die bei zunächst normal entwickelten Kindern und Jugendlichen sowie ausnahmsweise...  相似文献   

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