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1994年随机抽取广东省20个市31.5家街头食品经营户,按《广东省街头食品卫生检查评分标准》进行审评,结果,一类户占8.6%,二类户占43.8%,三类占47.6%。存在主要问题是饮食经营场所不卫生和设施简陋,食具消毒卫生质量不能有效得到保证,食品变叉污染因素较多,存在引发食物中毒潜在危险,食品从业人员个人卫生意识差,食品卫生监督力量薄弱,管不胜管。  相似文献   

为全面了解全省街头食品的卫生现状,1994年对全省20个市共315户街头食品进行检查评分。检查结果表明,一类户占8.6%.三类户占47.6%.存在主要问题是饮食经营场所不卫生和设施简陋。食具消毒卫生质量不能有效得到保证.食品交叉污染因素较多,存在引发食物中毒潜在危险。、食品从业人员个人卫生意识差。食品卫生监督力量薄弱,管理难度较大。  相似文献   

目的了解掌握沂水县街头食品摊点从业人员的食品卫生知识及食品卫生法律知识水平。方法2004年6月对沂水县的中心医院、联华超市、服务楼、体育广场、电影院附近的300名街头食品从业人员的食品卫生知识及食品卫生法律知识水平进行了调查。结果街头食品从业人员的文化程度以初中、小学程度为主;街头食品从业人员从事街头食品经营工作的时间大部分在5年以下;未经食品卫生培训的从业人员占51.18%,而无食品卫生培训合格证者占59.84%;知道办齐卫生许可证、健康证、并培训合格取得培训证才属合法经营的只有24.41%。结论街头食品生产经营者的知识水平总体较低。但从业时间长者,文化程度高者。有食品卫生培训合格证者卫生知识水平明显高于从事街头食品生产经营时间短者,文化程度低者和无食品卫生培训合格证者.  相似文献   

程瑞琴 《职业与健康》2000,16(12):49-50
近年来,随着市场经济的不断发展,街头食品也日益兴旺起来。据1998年底统计,我市城区从事街头食品生产经营活动的共有226户,比1995年底增加了32%。街头食品的迅猛发展,大大丰富和方便了城市居民生活,也为再就业起到了积极的作用。但是,街头食品的卫生状况已成为群众普遍关心的问题,成为食品卫生监督管理中的一个难点。1 街头食品卫生存在的主要问题1.1 无证经营现象普遍。卫生许可证、健康证、营业执照不全,有的一证多人使用和无证经营。226户中无卫生许可证的98户,占43.2%,从业人员318人,无健康证的162人,占50.9%。  相似文献   

1994年8月初省、市、区卫生行政部门及卫生防疫站组成联合检查组,通过对西宁市16个市场,1721户摊点的调查,经营者无三证的占28.3%,餐具不消毒的高达77.37%,不穿戴工作衣帽、个人卫生差的占65%,同时西宁市卫生防疫站对25家街头冷饮塑料软包装袋外表面微生物污染情况进行了抽样调查,带菌率高达88.24%,并检出金黄色葡萄球菌,污染严重。因与直接入口有关,威胁着广大消费者的食用安全,针对街头食品存在的问题,省、市委、政府、人大及有关部门连续组织了多次大规模的食品卫生执法检查和视察活动,使街头食品卫生状况有了较大的改观。街头食品卫生必须作为政府和有关部门一项重要工作常抓不懈,采取强有力地干预、控制措施,并注意保护和协调食品卫生监督机构和执法管理人员的积极性,支持他们的工作,解决面临的实际困难和问题,使街头食品卫生监督管理工作健康地发展。  相似文献   

街头食品方便而价廉,为群众所接受,但同时也给食品卫生监督工作增加了相当的难度。如何管理好街头食品,控制或杜绝食源性疾患的发生,保障人民群众的身体健康,这是食品卫生工作的难点。为此,我们对宜兴市市区街头食品进行了调查,并提出相应对策。1资料来源1999年2~3月由食品卫生监督员对市区街头食品摊点逐个调查。2结果与分析2.1一般情况这次共调查街头食品摊点101户,食品从业人员117人。卫生许可证持证率为8.91%,健康证持证率为34.91%。有工商部门颁发设摊证的占72.28%,有城管部门颁发占道证…  相似文献   

2001年山东省食品卫生监督监测工作分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据《食品卫生法》及卫生部、省卫生厅有关要求 ,2 0 0 1年对山东省各类食品生产经营企业及流通领域食品市场进行了食品卫生执法活动 ,现将监督监测工作情况分析报告如下。1 食品卫生监督情况1.1 经常性食品卫生监督1.1.1 全省共有食品生产企业 34792 1户 ,占全国食品企业的 7.6 1%。其中食品生产加工业有 4 796 8户 ,占全省食品企业总户数的 13.79%;食品批发业有 12 384 1户 ,占 35 .5 9%;饮食服务业有 91932户 ,占 2 6 .4 2 %;集体食堂有 10 5 2 3户 ,占 3.0 2 %;街头食品摊贩有 736 5 7户 ,占 2 1.17%。1.1.2 全省各级卫生行政部门…  相似文献   

农村街头食品现况分析姜堰市卫生防疫站王芹我们于1997年5月对全市38个乡镇采用随机抽样法对286户农村街头食品摊位进行了卫生监督检查,现将此项检查情况报告如下。共查286户1021人。其中达优的20户,占7.0%,达良的178户,占62.2%,达差...  相似文献   

1995年4~6月,成都市卫生防疫站学校卫生科在成都市食品卫生监督检验所的指导帮助下,对本地区23所大专院校内的食品卫生现况进行了调查。结果表明:校园内食品生产经营单位以饮食制售为主,占80.3 %;83个集体食堂中,“三防”设施不完善占80.7%;冷藏设施不足占15%;111个校内食品摊点中,无上、下水的占57.7%;受调查的309户食品生产经营单位共有从业人员1532人,初中以下文化程度占73.3%,来自贫困农村的临时工占63.8%;食品卫生许可证申办率,集体食堂56.6%,综合性食品门市部59.1%、食品摊点占36%。  相似文献   

近年来,随着市场经济的不断发展,街头食品也日益兴旺起来,尤其是从事个体经营的食品摊点迅猛增加。据1994年底统计,江都城区个体经营的饮食摊点就有匕2户,占饮食行业的5()%.比1992年增加了65%。街头食品的迅速发展,大大丰富和方便了城市居民生活,但如何搞好街头食品卫生,是食品卫生监督管理工作中的一个难点。为此,我们于1995年8月进行了大量的调查研究并通过实践,形成了我市街头食品卫生管理的基本模式,为保护广大消费者的健康,保障食品卫生创造了条件。一、街头食品现状据初步统计,城区从事街头食品生产经营活动的共有3…  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Unsanitary food handling is a major public health hazard. There are over 4,100 mobile food vendors operating in New York City, and of these, approximately forty percent are processing vendors--mobile food units on which potentially hazardous food products are handled, prepared, or processed. This pilot study assesses the food handling practices of 10 processing mobile food vendors operating in a 38-block area of midtown Manhattan (New York City) from 43rd Street to 62nd Street between Madison and Sixth Avenues, and compares them to regulations stipulated in the New York City Health Code. METHODS: Ten processing mobile food vendors located in midtown Manhattan were observed for a period of 20 minutes each. Unsanitary food handling practices, food storage at potentially unsafe temperatures, and food contamination with uncooked meat or poultry were recorded. RESULTS: Over half of all vendors (67%) were found to contact served foods with bare hands. Four vendors were observed vending with visibly dirty hands or gloves and no vendor once washed his or her hands or changed gloves in the 20-minute observation period. Seven vendors had previously cooked meat products stored at unsafe temperatures on non-heating or non-cooking portions of the vendor cart for the duration of the observation. Four vendors were observed to contaminate served foods with uncooked meat or poultry. CONCLUSIONS: Each of these actions violates the New York City Code of Health and potentially jeopardizes the safety of these vendor-prepared foods. More stringent adherence to food safety regulations should be promoted by the New York City Department of Health.  相似文献   

The National Food and Nutrient Analysis Program (NFNAP) was implemented in 1997 to update and improve the quality of food composition data maintained by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA). NFNAP was designed to sample and analyze frequently consumed foods in the U.S. food supply using statistically rigorous sampling plans, established sample handling procedures, and qualified analytical laboratories. Methods for careful handling of food samples from acquisition to analysis were developed to ensure the integrity of the samples and subsequent generation of accurate nutrient values. The infrastructure of NFNAP, under which over 1500 foods have been sampled, mandates tested sample handling protocols for a wide variety of foods. The majority of these foods were categorized into several major areas: (1) frozen foods; (2) fresh produce and/or highly perishable foods requiring refrigeration; (3) fast foods and prepared foods; (4) shelf-stable foods; (5) specialized study and non-retail (point of production) foods; and (6) foods from remote areas (e.g. American Indian reservations). This paper describes the sample handling approaches, from the collection and receipt of the food items to the preparation of the analytical samples, with emphasis on the strategies developed for those foods. It provides a foundation for developing sample handling protocols of foods to be analyzed under NFNAP and for other researchers working on similar projects.  相似文献   

目的 了解湖南省居民动物性食物储存、加工习惯现状,比较处理习惯对不同食物中微生物卫生状况影响的差异,探究微生物风险有关行为环节。 方法 根据人口及地区生产总值分层随机抽取长沙市、益阳市、衡阳市,随机抽取城市、乡镇各12个居民区共648户居民家庭,2017年8-9月使用自编问卷开展入户调查,了解家庭及主要烹饪人员人口学信息及5种动物性食物(鲜畜肉、鲜禽肉、鲜动物性水产、熟肉制品、鲜蛋)储存、加工及剩菜处理习惯。 结果 储存习惯:24.1%(95%CI:22.7%~25.5%)家庭无将食物单独包装存放习惯,15.8%(95%CI:13.0%~18.6%)家庭鲜蛋常温存放常超过1周,鲜蛋经过家庭储存过程后其中细菌含量可能增长约1 000倍,显著高于其他食品的增长倍数(P<0.05)。加工习惯:73.0%(95%CI:69.6%~76.4%)家庭无生熟食物砧板分开习惯,52.9%(95%CI:49.0%~56.8%)家庭烹饪前无清洗鲜蛋蛋壳习惯,18.7%(95%CI:15.6%~21.8%)家庭熟肉制品、7.0%(95%CI:5.0%~9.0%)家庭鲜蛋无彻底加热习惯。剩菜处理习惯:24.8%(95%CI:24.0%~25.6%)有食用剩菜习惯的家庭重新食用前加热不彻底,且习惯常温保存、再食用超过1餐的,再食用前不彻底加热比例更高(P<0.05)。 结论 湖南省居民动物性食品储存、加工方式存在食品安全隐患,食品风险管理及宣教中应注意以下环节有关的风险:鲜蛋存放过久,熟肉制品食用前再加热程度不足,剩余菜肴常温存放、再食用前加热不彻底等。  相似文献   

We describe foods on the National Cancer Institute (NCI) semiquantitative food frequency questionnaire with respect to their botanical taxonomic classification and the likely presence of flavonoids. Foods listed in the NCI questionnaire were classified for potential flavonoid content using information from Linnaean taxonomic classification and processing techniques known to modify flavonoid content. The outcome measure was flavonoid presence in foods as evidenced in the food composition analytical literature. We then verified the presence of 6 classes of flavonoids in these foods by searching the chemical analytical literature (represented by Food Science and Technology Abstracts Service from January 1969 to June 1996). One hundred ninety foods were mentioned on the NCI questionnaire; after duplications were removed, 153 foods remained. Data obtained from literature searches indicated that 54 foods (35%) contained flavonoids. An additional 19 recipe foods (12%) had flavonoid-containing components or ingredients. Thirty-nine foods (25%) had flavonoids that had been reduced or removed during milling and other processing. Seven foods (5%) were stripped and judged to have no flavonoids. Thirty-four foods (22%), for example, dairy, meat, and sugar, were completely devoid of flavonoids. When food composition data are unavailable, botanical taxonomic classifications may be helpful in ascertaining the likely presence of flavonoids in foods. However, quantitative estimates are likely to be imprecise. J Am Diet Assoc. 1998;98:677-682, 685.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND & AIMS: Data on vitamin E content of foods are essential for nutrition research and its application. The aim of this study was to investigate the precision of calculated vitamin E content of prepared meals. METHODS: The vitamin E content of 69 dishes of a menu cycle sampled at two occasions were calculated using 4 different food composition tables (FCT) and measured by HPLC. RESULTS: Data were complete for 50-69 dishes. The proportion of dishes with differences between FCTs < or = 20% were 17-100%. Differences between HPLC and the Souci-Fachmann-Kraut table were < or = 20% in 8/46 dishes for alpha- and in 14/46 dishes for gamma-tocopherol. Differences fell in the order of baked > raw > fried/roasted > boiled > mixed prepared foods. The 2 samplings taken 6 months apart showed considerable differences. CONCLUSIONS: There are substantial differences in calculated/measured vitamin E content of prepared foods: (i) between different FCTs; (ii) between FCTs and HPLC, and (iii) between different seasons. This can be explained by intrinsic variability (breeding, season, country of origin, ripeness, freshness) and food processing, as well as selection of FCTs and should be taken into account when interpreting data of dietary intervention studies.  相似文献   

BackgroundIncreasing consumption of highly processed foods has been associated with adverse health outcomes among children. In the US, children consume up to half of their daily energy intake at school.ObjectivesWe sought to characterize foods that children bring from home to school according to processing level and to evaluate the effectiveness of a school-based intervention, Great Taste Less Waste (GTLW), in reducing the proportion of energy brought from highly processed foods from home compared with control.DesignSecondary data analysis of a 7-month school-based, cluster-randomized trial.Participants/settingThird- and fourth-grade students (n = 502, mean age: 9.0 ± 0.62 years) at 10 public elementary schools in Eastern Massachusetts (school year 2012-2013).InterventionGTLW included a 22-lesson classroom curriculum, homework activities, monthly parent newsletters, a food shopping and packing guide for parents, food demonstrations, school-wide announcements, and a poster contest.Main outcome measuresThe energy content of foods brought to school was estimated from digital photographs, and foods were assigned to 1 of 3 processing levels (less processed or unprocessed, moderately processed, or highly processed) based on an established classification system.Statistical analyses performedThe percentage of energy brought from foods categorized into each processing level was calculated and compared pre- and postintervention using hierarchical linear models.ResultsMost of the food brought from home to school was highly processed (70% of food energy brought). Foods categorized as snack foods and desserts contributed the greatest percentage of total energy to the highly processed category at baseline and follow-up (72% and 69%, respectively). Energy from foods brought for snack tended to be more highly processed than those brought for lunch. No significant differences were observed from pre- to postintervention in the GTLW group compared with control for the percentage of energy brought from highly processed foods in adjusted models (β: −1.1, standard error: 2.2, P = .6) or any other processing level.ConclusionsHighly processed foods were prevalent in home-packed lunches and snacks, and these patterns persisted after a targeted intervention. Further research is needed to identify strategies to improve the healthfulness of foods brought from home to school.  相似文献   

Street foods in Accra,Ghana: how safe are they?   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
OBJECTIVE: To investigate the microbial quality of foods sold on streets of Accra and factors predisposing to their contamination. METHODS: Structured questionnaires were used to collect data from 117 street vendors on their vital statistics, personal hygiene, food hygiene and knowledge of foodborne illness. Standard methods were used for the enumeration, isolation, and identification of bacteria. FINDINGS: Most vendors were educated and exhibited good hygiene behaviour. Diarrhoea was defined as the passage of > or =3 stools per day) by 110 vendors (94.0%), but none associated diarrhoea with bloody stools; only 21 (17.9%) associated diarrhoea with germs. The surroundings of the vending sites were clean, but four sites (3.4%) were classified as very dirty. The cooking of food well in advance of consumption, exposure of food to flies, and working with food at ground level and by hand were likely risk factors for contamination. Examinations were made of 511 menu items, classified as breakfast/snack foods, main dishes, soups and sauces, and cold dishes. Mesophilic bacteria were detected in 356 foods (69.7%): 28 contained Bacillus cereus (5.5%), 163 contained Staphylococcus aureus (31.9%) and 172 contained Enterobacteriaceae (33.7%). The microbial quality of most of the foods was within the acceptable limits but samples of salads, macaroni, fufu, omo tuo and red pepper had unacceptable levels of contamination. Shigella sonnei and enteroaggregative Escherichia coli were isolated from macaroni, rice, and tomato stew, and Salmonella arizonae from light soup. CONCLUSION: Street foods can be sources of enteropathogens. Vendors should therefore receive education in food hygiene. Special attention should be given to the causes of diarrhoea, the transmission of diarrhoeal pathogens, the handling of equipment and cooked food, hand-washing practices and environmental hygiene.  相似文献   

BackgroundCost is one of the main drivers of food selection; thus it is important to monitor food prices. Evidence from low- and middle-income countries such as Mexico is limited.ObjectiveThe aim of this study was to evaluate the prices and price trends of healthy and less healthy food/beverage groups in Mexico from 2011 to 2018.DesignThis study used a time series of the prices of foods and beverages classified by 1) healthiness, 2) processing level, and 3) pairs of healthy/less healthy substitutes.SettingFood and beverage prices used to estimate the Consumer Price Index were obtained. Prices were collected weekly from 46 cities (>20,000 habitants) distributed across the country.Main outcome measuresPrice trend (% change/year) from 2011 to 2018 for all food/beverage groups and price/100 g in 2018 for pairs of healthy/less healthy substitutes were obtained.Statistical analysesLinear regression models were used for each food/beverage group, with the logarithm of deflated price as the dependent variable and time (years) as the independent variable.ResultsOn average, prices for less healthy foods and beverages increased more than prices of healthy foods and beverages (foods: 1.72% vs 0.70% change/year; beverages: 1.61% vs ?0.19% change/year). The price change was similar for unprocessed/minimally processed foods and ultraprocessed foods (1.95% vs 1.85% change/year); however, within each processing category, the price of less healthy foods increased more. By pairs of substitutes (within food/beverage groups), the healthier option for bread, sodas, and poultry was more expensive (price/100 g) in 2018, whereas for red meat, cheese, mayonnaise, and milk, the healthier option was cheaper.ConclusionsOverall, the food prices of less healthy foods and beverages increased more than the food prices of healthy foods and beverages. However, by processing level there was no difference, and for pairs of healthy/less healthy substitutes results were mixed. Continued monitoring of food prices is warranted, and future research is needed to understand how these price changes affect dietary quality.  相似文献   

目的 了解长治市城区4~6年级小学生营养与食品相关知识知晓情况和饮食习惯,为下一步健康教育提供依据。方法 采用随机整群抽样的方法于2013年9-12月抽取长治市城区8所小学4~6年级的1 265名小学生进行《小学生营养与食品安全知识行为问卷》的自填式问卷调查。结果 调查对象营养与食品安全知识得分偏低,其中营养知识调整得分低于食品知识得分,差异有统计学意义(t=29.37,P<0.001)。营养知识得分六年级学生高于四五年级的学生(F=15.600,P<0.001),独生子女得分高于非独生子女(t=19.280,P<0.001)。食品知识得分女生高于男生(t=2.840,P=0.005)。有70.7%的小学生每天吃早餐;21.7%和36.0%的小学生可以保证每天吃鸡蛋和奶类;53.9%的小学生每天可以吃水果,而39.6%和24.1%小学生会吃油炸食物和腌制食物超过一周一次; 29.0%和29.9%的小学生会吃烧烤食品和膨化食物超过一周一次。小学生实际获得知识途径前两位为电视网络(49.2%)、父母(25.4%)。而小学生更愿意通过讲座(43.5%)、网络途径(40.0%)获得相关知识。结论 调查对象营养与食品安全知识掌握程度偏低,存在一些不良的饮食习惯,亟需通过健康教育来进行干预,提高调查对象的健康水平。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To better understand pregnant women's food safety attitudes and beliefs that affect food selection, preparation and handling behaviors, sources of food safety information, motivators and barriers to adopting current recommendations, and preferences for receiving food safety materials. METHODS: Eleven focus groups were conducted with 69 women (57 pregnant and 12 less than 6 months postpartum). The Health Belief Model guided development of the moderator's guide. In the presence of each focus group, participants completed a food safety attitude/behavior questionnaire. Sessions were audiotaped, transcribed, and analyzed for common themes across and within groups. RESULTS: Most participants indicated moderate concern about food safety and had made some food handling or consumption changes since becoming pregnant; however, many were not following 7 of the 12 specific recommendations discussed. Further, there was resistance to change habits, especially for less well-known recommendations. The women assumed their food is safe, and wanted strong evidence regarding why they should change current practices. Common barriers included lack of prior awareness of most recommendations, no prior illness from implicated foods and the convenience, perceived health benefits of, and personal preference for many risky foods discussed. Participants wanted food safety information that was quick and easy to read, sufficiently thorough, and specifically targeted to pregnant women. CONCLUSIONS: The women studied had not internalized the connection between risky food consumption during pregnancy and risk to the unborn child, but expressed interest in valid information that might cause them to change their behaviors. The information gained will be useful in developing food safety educational materials for pregnant women.  相似文献   

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