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Summary The light- and electron microscopic localization of glutamate and glutamine in the rat organ of Corti was studied by means of antisera raised against the respective amino acids coupled to carrier proteins. The light microscopic analysis was performed in semithin sections treated according to the peroxidase-antiperoxidase procedure. The two amino acids were visualized in the same ultrathin sections by use of postembedding immunocytochemistry with two different gold particle sizes. The distribution of aspartate-like immunoreactivity was also recorded, but only at the light microscopic level. In the hair cells, the level of glutamate-like immunoreactivity was higher than that in supporting cells but lower than that in the presumed glutamatergic terminals of cerebellar parallel and mossy fibres. The latter types of terminal were sampled from ultrathin sections that had been incubated under the same conditions as the cochlear sections. Within the hair cells, gold particles signalling glutamate were enriched on mitochondria but not on clusters of synaptic vesicles. Glutamine-like immunoreactivity was present in hair cells as well as supporting cells. The glutamate/glutamine ratio, expressed as the ratio between the respective gold particle densities, was considerably lower for hair cells compared with the cerebellar excitatory terminals. No consistent difference was found between outer and inner hair cells in relation to the levels and subcellular distribution of glutamate and glutamine immunoreactivities. Aspartate-like immunoreactivity was accumulated in outer hair cells, with some labelling also of border cells and Böttcher cells. While the present study confirmed the presence of glutamate in hair cells and demonstrated that these cells are also endowed with the important glutamate precursor glutamine, it revealed notable differences between hair cells and presumed glutamatergic terminals in the CNS. These could reflect differences in the synthesis and compartmentation of transmitter glutamate. Methodological factors could also contribute. Alternatively, the differences could be interpreted to suggest that the hair cell transmitter is not glutamate, but a similar compound. Aspartate could be a candidate in the case of the outer hair cells.  相似文献   

Summary An antiserum against conjugated glycine was characterized and applied to cerebellar sections of rats and baboons that had been perfusion-fixed with glutaraldehyde. After immunosorbent purification the serum reacted with brain protein-glutaraldehyde-glycine conjugates, but did not stain similar test conjugates prepared from other amino acids, including GABA and -alanine. In the rat cerebellum the glycine antiserum selectively labelled a subpopulation of Golgi neurons. Adjacent Vibratome sections treated with an antiserum against conjugated GABA revealed an about equally large subpopulation of immunopositive Golgi cells. A proportion of the Golgi cells that were cleaved by the plane of section contained both immunoreactivities. Additional evidence for a colocalization of glycine and GABA was obtained by postembedding staining of alternate semithin sections with the GABA antiserum and glycine antiserum, respectively. The ability of the antisera to distinguish between fixed glycine and GABA was corroborated by preincubation of the antisera with glutaraldehyde-amino acid fixation complexes: glycine complexes abolished staining with the glycine antiserum but had no effect on the GABA antiserum. The opposite effects were obtained with the GABA complexes. Matching the distributions of the respective immunoreactivities, [3H]glycine uptake was restricted to glomerulus-like structures in the granule cell layer whereas [3H]GABA uptake also occurred in punctate and fibrous profiles in the molecular layer. The baboon showed a distribution of glycine-like immunoreactivity similar to that in the rat, except that a few immunopositive neurons occurred in the molecular layer. The latter neurons were interpreted as outlying Golgi neurons; however, the possibility that they represent a subpopulation of basket cells could not be excluded. The Purkinje cells were negative in both species. Glial cells were weakly stained with the glycine antiserum but were strongly immunopositive after incubation with an antiserum raised against conjugates of the structurally similar amino acid -alanine. The present data suggest that glycine and GABA occur in about equally large subpopulations of Golgi neurons. A subpopulation of the Golgi neurons appears to contain both glycine and GABA.  相似文献   

Summary The topographical mapping of glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)-immunoreactivity was performed in coronal serial sections of the rat mesencephalon, rhombencephalon and spinal cord. Relative to a background of poor or moderate overall staining of the mesencephalon, the interpeduncular nucleus, substantia nigra and the periaqueductal grey matter were prominent by their intense GFAP-immunoreactivity. The pons and particularly the medulla contained more GFAP-labelled elements compared with the mesencephalon. The spinal trigeminal nucleus and Rolando substance were distinguished by their intense staining. Large fibre tracts were usually poor in immunoreactive GFAP. In a concluding discussion, findings relevant to the GFAP-mapping of the whole rat CNS are evaluated with regard to possible reasons underlying the observed differential distribution of GFAP-immunoreactivity.  相似文献   

Summary Mitotic cells in the ganglionic layer of the infant rat cerebellum were studied between 3 to 12 postnatal days. The connection of these cells with the radial glial fibers of the primitive molecular layer could be established. On this basis it was assumed that the mitotic cells studied were immature Bergmann-glial cells whose proliferative activity seemed to continue even after the formation of their characteristic radial fibers. This phenomenon might offer an explanation for the divergent views on the generation time of Bergmann-glia.Holder of a postgraduate fellowship from the University Medical School of Havana, Cuba.  相似文献   

Dopaminergic innervation and binding in the rat cerebellum   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
In the present study, we used an antiserum against dopamine (DA), and specific [3H]ligands in order to shed more light on the dopaminergic system of the rat cerebellum. The immunocytochemical approach showed that the entire rat cerebellum is innervated by DA fibers. All cerebellar layers were found to receive a considerable amount of DA afferents but the molecular layer was the most heavily innervated. The analysis of [3H]DA and [3H]spiperone binding showed that in the rat cerebellum there exists DAergic binding with kinetic parameters similar to those reported for the mouse cerebellum. The results of the present study support the existence of a DA system in the rat cerebellum.  相似文献   

Summary Early morphogenesis of the brain and its derivatives was studied in sixty-nine baboon and rhesus monkey embryos representing developmental stages 8–16, and compared with the staged human embryo. The baboon and rhesus monkey embryos develop in a similar temporal sequence when compared with human embryos with the following exceptions: 1) The respective developmental events for otic disc, adenohypophyseal pouch, and hippocampal internal sulcus formation in the baboon and rhesus monkey occur at stage 10, stages 11–12, and after stage 16, while the comparable stages in humans are 9, 10, and 16; 2) Alternatively, formation of the trigeminal primordium and the motor root of the trigeminal nerve and evagination of the neurohypophysis occur earlier in the baboon and rhesus monkey (i.e., stages 12–13, stage 14, and stage 15, respectively) than observed in the human embryo (stage 14, stage 15, and stage 16, respectively); and 3) Lens pore closure in baboon and human embryos takes place during stage 14, while in the rhesus monkey closure occurs during stage 15.Supported by NIH Grants HD08658 and RR00169  相似文献   

Summary Time of origin of various neuronal elements in the cerebellum of rat was established with the aid of tritiated-thymidine-autoradiography. The earliest nerve cells to form were the Purkinje cells, and they came into existence on days 15 and 16 of gestation. Interstitial nerve cells had their genesis on days 15, 16, 17 and 18, and the marginal cells on day 16 of the embryonic development. The Golgi cells were found to come into existence on days 17, 18 and 19 of gestation. On day 21 of gestation a number of small-medium-sized nerve cells, which were smaller than the Golgi cells but larger than the granule cells, were seen to come into existence. Finally, the earliest stock of granule, basket and stellate cells, primarily in the nodulus, flocculus and para-flocculus, were observed to have been formed on the day 21 of embryogenesis.This research was supported by NIH Research Grant No. NS-08817-03. Histological work by Sheila Anderson and photographic work by Donna Whitehurst is gratefully acknowledged.  相似文献   

Summary Bergmann glial (Golgi epithelial) cells in the cerebella of rats of various ages were stained by the rapid Golgi technique, and their radial stem processes were measured for length and diameter. Additionally, the average number of such processes per cell was counted, and the development of bushy lateral protrusions was quantified. The length of radial processes—depending on the thickness of the molecular layer—was found to increase up to the end of the 2nd year of life. This elongation was accompanied by a reduction of the mean process diameter which was, however, not sufficient to prevent an increase in the cytoplasmic volume of the elongating cells. A marked outgrowth of lateral protrusions was observed up to at least the 5th month of life. These data are compared with earlier findings on the development of rat brain stem fetal radial glia, and of rabbit retinal Müller cells. Common mechanisms of glial cell development are discussed.  相似文献   

Summary Ultrathin sections of plastic-embedded rat cerebella were incubated with an antiserum against conjugated taurine and subsequently treated with a secondary antibody coupled to colloidal gold. The density of gold particles in various cellular profiles was calculated with the assistance of a computer. In the cerebellar cortex the highest density was found in the somata, dendrites, and dendritic spines of the Purkinje cells, supporting parallel light-microscopical observations in postembedding stained semithin sections from the same tissue blocks. The remaining profiles could be divided into three groups according to their immunolabelling intensity, in descending order: 1) somata and processes of granule and Golgi cells; 2) somata and processes of stellate, basket, and glial cells, and 3) mossy fiber terminals. In a representative experiment, the structures in the first and second groups showed gold particle densities in the range of 19–25%, and 4–11%, respectively, of that in the Purkinje cell somata (values corrected for background) whereas the particle density in the mossy fiber terminals was not significantly above background level. In the cerebellar nuclei, taurine-like immunoreactivity was concentrated in terminals that typically established symmetric or intermediate type contacts with weakly labelled dendrites and cell bodies. These terminals, which shared the ultrastructural features of Purkinje cell terminals, showed an average gold particle density that was about 60% higher than that of the Purkinje somata.For specificity control, ultrathin sections containing a series of different amino acid conjugates were incubated in the same drops of sera as the tissue sections. The highly selective labelling of the taurine conjugate indicated that the distribution of gold particles in the tissue was not confounded by crossreactivity with GABA, glutamate or other common amino acids but adequately reflected the distribution of fixed taurine. For additional control of specificity, the taurine antiserum was applied to the soluble fraction of a rat brain extract separated by thin layer chromatography. In this system the taurine antiserum stained a single spot that comigrated with free taurine.The present results suggest that all cell types and processes in the rat cerebellum (with the exception of the mossy fiber terminals) contain taurine. However, the concentration of taurine appears to vary considerably among the different cell types and may also differ between different parts of the same neuron.  相似文献   

Acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity was topographically investigated in the presumptive cardiac conduction tissue regions visualized by HNK-1 immunoreactivity in rat embryos, and AChE-positive cells were examined with the electron microscope. On embryonic day (ED) 14.5, when HNK-1 was most intensely visualized, AChE activity could not be detected enzyme-histochemically in the conduction tissue regions, except in the ventricular trabeculae and part of the AV node. On ED 16.5, however, the AChE activity was clearly demonstrated in some parts of the developing conduction tissue. One exception was the AV node region, where an AChE-positive area was in close proximity to an area showing HNK-1 immunoreactivity but did not overlap. Furthermore, AChE activity was demonstrated predominantly in the ventricular trabeculae, including cardiac myocytes, but was rather weak in the atrium. With the electron microscope, AChE reaction products were observed predominantly intracellulary in both developing conduction tissue cells and developing ordinary myocytes, and no reactivity was found in neuronal components. From ED 18.5 until birth, both AChE activity and HNK-1 immunoreactivity faded away in the conduction tissue. Thus, transient AChE activity in the embryonic heart seems to be different from the developing adult form and may be related to a morphogenetic function in embryonic tissues, as proposed by other authors.  相似文献   

The excitatory amino acids l-glutamate and l-aspartate are believed to be utilized as neurotransmitters by the pyramidal neurons in the mammalian cerebral cortex. These cells can be recognized early in development, while glutamate might play an important part in the maturation and plasticity of the cortex. Here, we used light and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry to study the time of appearance and maturation of glutamate and aspartate in neurons of the rat visual cortex. Glutamate- and aspartate-immunoreactive cells were first detected in deep cortical layers at postnatal day 3. During the next 3 weeks, labelled neurons were observed progressively in more superficial layers, but did not demonstrate their adult pattern of distribution until postnatal week 4. Electron microscopic analysis showed that glutamate- and aspartate-labelled neurons gradually develop their cytological and synaptic features during the first 4 postnatal weeks, with this process of differentiation originating in the deep cortical layers and progressively extending to the superficial layers. These findings suggest that cortical pyramidal neurons begin to express detectable levels of transmitter glutamate and/or aspartate after they have completed their migration. Their neurochemical differentiation follows an inside-out pattern similar to the pattern described for the genesis and morphological differentiation of this population of cortical neurons.  相似文献   

Summary Using a postembedding immunogold procedure with an antiserum against glutaraldehyde-fixed GABA, we demonstrate GABA-like immunoreactivity in two classes of synaptic profiles in the pontine nuclei of baboon. One is an axon terminal in symmetrical synaptic contact with small or medium-sized GABA-immunonegative dendrites, the other is a pale, vesicle-containing profile resembling a dendrite or dendritic process which participates in serial synaptic arrangements. These synaptic arrangements, or triads, consist of a GABA-like immunoreactive, pale vesicle-containing profile being postsynaptic to a GABA-immunonegative axon terminal, and presynaptic to a small or medium-sized GABA-immunonegative dendrite. In at least some of these triads, the GABA-immunonegative axon terminals also contact the GABA-immunonegative dendrite directly.  相似文献   

Aging can lead to cognitive, affective, learning, memory and motor deficits. Since the cerebellum and glutamatergic neurotransmission are involved in several of those functions, the present work aimed at studying the expression of AMPA and NMDA glutamate receptor subunits in the chick cerebellum during aging. Young (30 days old) and aged (ca. 4 years old) chickens (Gallus gallus) were used in order to evaluate the expression of GluR1, GluR2/3 and NR1 subunits. The cerebella of young and aged chickens were subjected to immunohistochemical and immunoblotting techniques. Numbers of GluR1, GluR2/3 and NR1-positive cells and optical density of the immunoblotting data were analyzed and submitted to statistical analysis using ANOVA and the Bonferroni post hoc test. Mean density of Purkinje cells stained for Giemsa, GluR1, GluR2/3 and NR1 in the cerebellum all showed a statistically significant decrease in aged animals when compared to the young animals (Giemsa, P < 0.01; GluRs and NR1, P < 0.03). However, the ratio of GluR1 and GluR2/3-positive Purkinje cells in relation the total number of Purkinje cells found in each time point decreased with aging (ca. 10%), whereas the ratio of NR1-positive cells increased (ca. 9%). The immunoblotting data showed a significant decrease of GluR1 (ca. 66%) and GluR2/3 (ca. 55%) protein expression with aging, but did not reveal changes for NR1. Our data suggest that aging can lead to differential changes in the pattern of expression of glutamate receptor subunits, which can underlie at least part of the cognitive and motor disorders found in aged animals.  相似文献   

Summary The morphological study of the rat fastigial nucleus with the Golgi-Rio Hortega method showed the presence of glial perineuronal nets surrounding the large neurons, but not the small ones. This perineuronal net appeared as a mesh of tenuous glial processes which covers the neuronal perikarya and proximal dendrites. The small alveolate compartments in this mesh seem to correspond to the holes for the synaptic boutons. Our results also indicate that the perineuronal net is derived from interneuronal protoplasmic and velate astrocytes.Using camera lucida drawings of this perineuronal net we have made a quantitative estimation of the size and density of synaptic boutons on these large neurons. The average numerical density of synaptic boutons was about 19 per 100 m2 of the neuronal surface, the mean area of the synaptic holes being 2.5 m2. Furthermore, the quantitative data evidence that about 52.5% of the neuronal surface is presumably occupied by synaptic boutons whereas the remaining 47.5% is covered by the glial processes of the perineuronal net.Semithin sections prepared from thick Golgi sections were used for the cytological study of the neurons surrounded by this glial pericellular network. The possible functional significance of the perineuronal net in the regulation of synaptic transmission in the fastigial cerebellar nucleus is briefly discussed.  相似文献   

Applying catalytic enzyme histochemistry, glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) and phosphate activated glutaminase (PAG) were demonstrated at the light microscopic level, and aspartate aminotransferase (AAT) was detected at the electron microscopic level. GDH staining appeared preferentially in glial cells (Bergmann glia and astrocytes), whereas AAT was localized only in neuronal structures. Cytoplasmic AAT was demonstrated in the perikarya and terminal plexus of basket cells, in the perikarya of stellate cells, in about 60% of the granule cells, in mossy fiber boutons, in numerous small boutons in the molecular layer, and in the axoplasm of numerous myelinated and unmyelinated fibers. PAG was observed in both neuronal structures (perikarya of granule and Purkinje cells) and in astrocytes and Bergmann glia.  相似文献   

Summary A quantitative electron microscopic immunocytochemical method was used to study the synaptic handling of glutamate and GABA in slice preparations from the rat pontine nuclei. Slices were subjected to a depolarizing stimulus (55 mM K+, 20 min) in the presence of a physiological or low Ca2+concentration. Depolarization at physiological [Ca2+] evoked a depletion of glutamate-like immunoreactivity from nerve terminals that contain round vesicles and establish asymmetric synaptic contacts. When depolarization was induced in the presence of only 0.1 mM Ca2+ (10 mM Mg2+ added), the loss of glutamate was significantly reduced or abolished, indicative of a Ca2+dependent component of glutamate release. By means of a double labeling immunocytochemical method we could identify a population of nerve terminals that displayed strong GABA-like immunoreactivity, and a level of glutamate like immunoreactivity that was low but yet clearly above background level. This type of terminal contains elongated or pleomorphic vesicles and establishes symmetric synaptic contacts. In these terminals, depolarization evoked a Ca2+-dependent depletion of GABA like immunoreactivity, but failed to change the level of glutamate like immunoreactivity. The present study demonstrates that two different types of nerve terminal in the rat pontine nuclei contain releasable pools of glutamate and GABA, respectively, and that the GABA releasing terminals also contain a non releasable pool of glutamate. The glutamate of the latter pool could act as precursor of GABA.  相似文献   

We investigated morphological changes in neurons with c-Fos-like immunoreactivity (c-Fos-LI) after cerebral ischemia by light and electron microscopic immunocytochemistry. Strong c-Fos-LI was observed in layers II–VI of the cerebral cortex with an especially abundant distribution in the nuclei of layers II, IV, and VI ipsilateral to the lesioned side. Reperfusion after ischemia had a greater effect on the expression of c-Fos-LI than did permanent ischemia. Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP)-positive neurons were seen scattered in layers II–V of the cerebral cortex. Some VIP-positive neurons showed c-Fos-LI after ischemia. Electron microscopy revealed c-Fos-LI in euchromatin in the nuclei of c-Fos-positive cells. Dilatation of the cisternae of the rough endoplasmic reticulum and the presence of numerous secondary lysosomes were found in neurons on the lesioned side after 12h of reperfusion. Some VIP-containing neurons revealed c-Fos-LI with reperfusion after ischemia by a double immunostaining method on the same tissue section. These findings suggest that ischemia potentiates c-fos expression in VIP- or other transmitter- or modulator-containing neurons, thereby protecting from neuronal cell death.  相似文献   

The hypocretins are peptides synthesized in neurons of the hypothalamus. Recent studies have suggested a role for these peptides in the regulation of sleep, feeding, and endocrine regulation. The distribution of hypocretin-immunoreactive cell bodies and fibers has been extensively described in rats, but not in other species. This study was designed to examine the distribution of hypocretin immunoreactivity in Syrian hamsters, as important differences in neuropeptide distribution between rats and hamsters have previously been demonstrated. Immunoreactive cell bodies were found primarily in the lateral hypothalamic area and the perifornical area, although a few hypocretin-positive cells were also located in the dorsomedial hypothalamus and the retrochiasmatic area. Fibers were distributed throughout the brain in a pattern similar to that seen in rats. The densest projections were found in the paraventricular nucleus of the thalamus, locus coeruleus, dorsal raphe, and lateroanterior hypothalamus. The innervation of the anterior hypothalamus may be of particular interest as similar cluster of immunoreactivity does not appear to be present in rats. Moderate levels of immunoreactivity could be seen throughout the hypothalamus, the lateral septum, bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, A5 noradrenergic area, and the midline thalamic nuclei. Hypocretin-immunoreactive fibers are present in all lamina of the spinal cord, with the greatest axon densities in lamina 1 and 10. The widespread distribution of hypocretin suggests its involvement in a wide variety of physiological and behavioral processes. Our results in hamsters indicate that the organization of the hypocretin system is strongly conserved across species, suggesting an important role for the peptide and its projections.  相似文献   

 The lateral septum receives a massive innervation by excitatory amino acid-containing limbic cortical and hypothalamic afferents, and previous studies have described a wide distribution of α-amino-3-hydroxy-5-methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid (AMPA) receptor-containing neurons in this area. The aim of this study was to determine whether different subtypes of AMPA receptors are expressed in the same neurons. Furthermore, considering the fact that a population of lateral septal cells, the ”somatospiny neurons,” are GABAergic calbindin-containing cells, the coexistence of each subtype of AMPA receptor with calbindin was also investigated. Colocalization experiments were performed on adjacent vibratome sections of the lateral septal area for GluR1 and GluR2/3 AMPA-receptor subunits, GluR1 and calbindin, GluR2/3 and calbindin, as well as GluR1 plus calbindin and GluR2/3 plus calbindin, using the ”mirror” colocalization technique. The results are summarized as follows: (1) GluR1 is present in the soma and most intensively expressed in dendrites and somatic and dendritic spines; while GluR2/3 is associated with the soma and proximal dendrites of the neurons. (2) Forty-one percent of the AMPA receptor-containing neurons cocontain GluR1 and GluR2/3. (3) Thirty-eight percent of GluR1- and 28% of GluR2/3-labeled cells express calbindin. (4) Sixty-two percent of the calbindin-immunoreactive neurons contain GluR1 and 51% of them express GluR2/3. (5) Half of the neurons expressing both GluR1 and GluR2/3 also contain calbindin. (6) The distribution of GluR1 plus GluR2/3-containing, GluR1 plus calbindin-containing, and GluR2/3 plus calbindin-containing neurons in the lateral septum are homogeneous. This study indicates the existence of multiple populations of AMPA receptor- and calbindin-containing neurons in the lateral septal area. Received: 9 August 1996 / Accepted: 7 November 1996  相似文献   

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