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病人,33岁,因“孕38周,规律腹阵痛2h”于2004年2月11日入院。病人平常月经规律,每30d来月经5d,末次月经(LMP)2003年5月17日,预产期(EDC)2004年2月24日,孕3产1,1993年足月顺产1女活婴,无产后出血及胎盘残留;2000年人工流产1次。既往体健,此次妊娠孕期正常,孕中、晚期行数次B超检查,胎儿发育良好,孕30周行B超检查怀疑子宫纵隔,以后B超未提示异常。 相似文献
患者 ,2 6岁 ,孕 5产 1,妊娠 2 1周 ,自愿要求住院引产。 1999年 5月 19日入院 ,作常规检查无异常后 ,于当天下午 3时 3 0分 ,常规将 5mL 2 %利凡诺注射液注入羊膜腔。于 2 0日晚 9时开始有宫缩。 2 1日上午 9时 3 0分破膜后娩出 1个约 4个月大小的死胎 ,脐带细小 ,肌注宫缩素 2mL ,至 10时 5 0分胎盘仍无剥离阴道无活动性出血 ,但子宫收缩良好 ,牵拉脐带断裂 ;于 11时 2 0分常规消毒下行清宫术 ,术中发现胎盘与子宫壁无明显界线 ,钳刮不成功 ,疑为植入胎盘 ,即停止手术。作B超检查 ,报告胎盘滞留无剥离 ,宫腔内无积血。给予缩宫、抗炎 ,… 相似文献
1 病例 杨某,26岁。孕5产1,妊娠21周,自愿要求住院引产。1999年5月19日入院,作常规检查无异常后,于当天下午3时30分,常规将5m12%利凡诺注射液,注入羊膜腔。于加日晚9时开始有宫缩。21日上午9时30分破膜后娩出一个约4个月大小的死胎,脐带细小,肌注宫缩素2ml,至10时50分胎盘仍无剥离,阴道无活动性出血,但子宫收缩良好,牵拉脐带断裂;于11 相似文献
患者女 ,2 9岁。因妊娠 42周 ,下腹痛 6小时于入院平产一女婴 ,重量约 2 90 0g ,apgar评分 10′。检查胎盘发现胎儿面有一肿物 ,送病理检查。病理检查 胎盘组织一个 ,大小约 15cm× 14cm× 4cm ,重量约 5 0 0g ,脐带长约 16cm ,母体面暗红色 ,分叶状。胎儿面灰白色 ,羊膜完整 ,近脐带根部见一椭圆形肿物隆起 ,大小约8cm× 5 5cm× 5 5cm ,表面光滑 ,灰白色 ,质韧 ,局部上缘可见脐血管分支附着并伸入其中 ,切面灰红色 ,近中央部位见两小片灰黄色区域 ,其下缘与胎盘组织之间无包膜 ,但界限尚清。镜下见瘤体主要由毛细… 相似文献
1病历摘要患女,26岁。因40 1周妊娠,双胎、臀位,于1999年3月9日入院。末次月经1998年6月1日,预产期1999年3月8日。孕1产0。既往月经规律,孕期未患任何疾病,未服任何药物。无多胎家族史。查体:腹围95cm,宫高35cm,臀位,胎心为140次/min,宫口未开,胎膜未破。B超检查:上腹部探及两个园形胎头,双顶径均为8.7cm,脊柱规则,胎心分别位于脐左、右侧,羊水量正常,胎盘位于宫后壁。提示晚期妊娠双胎,臀位。次日在硬膜外麻醉下行剖宫产术。术中娩出一联体双胎女婴,自颈部以下至耻骨联合上胸、腹部联体,… 相似文献
1病例患者:王某,女,31岁。因红斑狼疮(以下简称SLE),病史20年,孕38^-W,阴道流水2小时于2007年10月22日入院。 相似文献
1 病例 患者:王某,女,31岁。因红斑狼疮(以下简称SLE),病史20年,孕38-W,阴道流水2小时于2007年10月22日入院。 相似文献
患者,女性,24岁,2003年12月13日因在院外私人接生后胎盘滞留入院。体检:T:37.1℃,P:88次/分,BP:90/60mmHg,R:22次/分,脐带露于阴道口。即刻作B超检查,声像图表现:子宫明显增大,内见胎盘回声,胎盘与子宫前壁肌层局部分界线不清,回声偏高,范围约50mm×45mm,宫腔内未见明显液性区,考虑胎盘粘连。外阴消毒后即行徒手胎盘剥离,发现胎盘附着于前壁,剥离顺利,剥出胎盘母体面约有40mm×40mm的缺损,随后刮出胎盘组织约40mm×35mm。患者入院后恢复良好,康复出院。 相似文献
孕妇,25岁,足月妊娠,入院分娩。胎儿娩出后2小时,胎盘仍未娩出,阴道无出血症状。因产妇婚前曾做过多次人工流产,临床考虑完全性胎盘粘连而行B超检查。声像图表现:胎儿已娩出,胎盘近宫底附着,胎盘与子宫壁紧密相连,其间无任何剥离出血暗区。胎盘实质呈环状增... 相似文献
BACKGROUNDNeonatal hepatic portal venous gas (HPVG) is associated with a high risk of necrotizing enterocolitis (NEC) and was previously believed to be associated with an increased risk of surgery.CASE SUMMARYA 3-day-old full-term male infant was admitted to the pediatrics department after presenting with “low blood glucose for 10 min”. Hypoglycemia was corrected by intravenous glucose administration and oral breast milk. On the 3rd d after admission, an ultrasound examination showed gas accumulation in the hepatic portal vein; this increased on the next day. Abdominal vertical radiograph showed intestinal pneumatosis. Routine blood examination showed that the total number of white blood cells was normal, but neutrophilia was related to age. There was a significant increase in C-reactive protein (CRP). The child was diagnosed with neonatal NEC (early-stage). With nil per os, rehydration, parenteral nutritional support, and anti-infection treatment with no sodium, his hepatic portal vein pneumatosis resolved. In addition, routine blood examination and CRP examination showed significant improvement and his symptoms resolved. The patient was given timely refeeding and gradually transitioned to full milk feeding and was subsequently discharged. Follow-up examination after discharge showed that the general condition of the patient was stable.CONCLUSIONThe presence of HPVG in neonates indicates early NEC. Early active anti-infective treatment is effective in treating NEC, minimizes the risk of severe NEC, and reduces the need for surgery. The findings of this study imply that early examination of the liver by ultrasound in a sick neonate can help with the early diagnosis of conditions such as NEC. 相似文献
Patricia R Henry DNS RN CPN Kate Haubold BSN Student Teresa M Dobrzykowski DNS RN CS ANP 《Newborn and Infant Nursing Reviews》2004,4(2):106
Healthy neonates are exposed to the noxious stimulus of pain during routine care. Venipuncture and heel sticks are a regular part of a newborn’s life. Circumcision is another common procedure for male infants, at least in the United States. The exposure to noxious stimuli enacts the stress response and has specific negative physiological effects. Research suggests that multiple painful experiences have a negative impact on future pain responses. Several interventions for the amelioration of pain during these procedures have been suggested. They include use of anesthetics, oral sweet solutions, pharmacological agents, nonnutritive sucking, breastfeeding, music, and other mechanical comfort measures. This article discusses the efficacy and safety of these interventions in the neonatal period. 相似文献
BACKGROUNDBlue rubber bleb naevus syndrome (BRBNS) is a rare disease that usually presents with multiple venous malformations in the skin and gastrointestinal tract. Lesions located in the gastrointestinal tract always result in chronic gastrointestinal bleeding and severe anemia. The successful management of BRBNS with sirolimus had been reported in many institutions, due to its impact on signaling pathways of angiogenesis. However, the experience in treatment of neonates with BRBNS was limited.CASE SUMMARYA 38-day-old premature female infant born with multiple skin lesions, presented to our center complaining of severe anemia and hematochezia. Laboratory examination demonstrated that hemoglobin was 5.3 g/dL and contrast-enhanced abdominal computed tomography showed multiple low-density space-occupying lesions in the right lobe of the liver. She was diagnosed as having BRBNS based on typical clinical and examination findings. The patient was treated by transfusions twice and hemostatic drugs but symptoms of anemia were difficult to alleviate. A review of BRBNS case reports found that patients had been successfully treated with sirolimus. Then the patient was treated with sirolimus at an average dose of 0.95 mg/m2/d with a target drug level of 10-15 ng/mL. During 28 mo of treatment, the lesion was reduced, hemoglobin returned to normal, and there were no adverse drug reactions.CONCLUSIONThis case highlights the dosing regimen and plasma concentration in neonates, for the current common empiric dose is high. 相似文献
硬膜外加腰麻联合阻滞麻醉 (CSEA)是产科剖宫产术常用的麻醉方法[1] 。麻醉后短时间内仰卧位低血压综合征致胎盘剥离虽然是很少发生的严重并发症 ,一旦发生将对母婴构成生命危险。我科成功地抢救了 1例剖宫产术麻醉后短时间内仰卧位低血压综合征致胎盘剥离的产妇。现报告如下。1 病例介绍 产妇 ,女 ,2 9岁 ,教师 ,以“G2 P0 ,孕 3 8 5周 ,羊水偏少”于2 0 0 4年 6月 17日入院。入院身体评估 :产科检查无异常发现 ,宫高 3 2cm ,腹围 94cm。B超检查 :晚孕宫内活胎 ,前壁胎盘 ,羊水指数 6.4cm。实验室检查 :血常规、出凝血时间及肝肾功… 相似文献
Jose Ricardo RuizCabrera Daniela MelndrezVsquez Diana
Melissa Moreno Reinaldo PrietoJure 《Clinical Case Reports》2022,10(5)
Congenital cutaneous candidiasis (CCC) is a rare and usually benign disorder that develops within the first week of life. It predominantly presents with diffuse maculopapular and papulopustular erythematous desquamating patches. We report a preterm neonate with respiratory distress syndrome and skin diffuse maculopapular lesions at birth. Candida albicans was isolated from skin and gastrointestinal fluid culture; she underwent medical treatment with topical and systemic antifungal with clinical improvement and skin lesions resolution. 相似文献
Emmanuel Kobina Mesi Edzie Klenam DzefiTettey Philip Narteh Gorleku Kwasi AgyenMensah Henry Kusodzi Frank Quarshie Abdul Raman Asemah 《Clinical Case Reports》2021,9(7)
Neural tube defects can be accurately diagnosed prenatally. Every effort must be made to get this and its associations with Craniolacunia right, especially in low‐resource settings. This case highlights the importance of three‐dimensional CT in diagnosing neonatal skull abnormalities. 相似文献