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马启杭 《中国校医》2003,17(1):59-60
20 0 2年 1月 19日~ 1月 2 6日 ,淮阴师范学院大学生中发生一起麻疹爆发疫情 ,发病学生 2 1人 ,其中 1例并发肺炎 ,无死亡病例。为总结经验 ,吸取教训 ,更好地开展大学生传染病的防治工作 ,现将此次调查结果报告如下。1 一般资料1.1 基本情况 淮阴师范学院东校区位于淮安市市中心 ,四周有淮阴师院附小、体育学校、居民和工厂。东校区在校大学生 4 6 82人 ,其中少数是本市走读生 ,其余都是住校生。学院近年来未发生过麻疹病例。1.2 流行概况 首例病人翟某某 ,男 ,2 3岁 ,系我院物理系学生 ,1月 19日发病 ,主要临床表现为持续高热 ,头痛…  相似文献   

乌拉特后旗地处内蒙古自治区西北部 ,地广人稀、交通不便 ,是一经济文化较落后的少数民族贫困旗。首例麻疹病例于 2 0 0 0年 5月 7日发生之后 ,在 2 0多天内蒙中、一完小、二完小相继发生麻疹 4 9例。现将调查情况报告如下 :1 流行病学调查传染源 :此次麻疹爆发的传染源为蒙中一名学生“5 .1”放假期间回牧区家中受其弟感染。传播途径 :麻疹的爆发主要发生在人口相对集中的学校 ,为呼吸道传播。易感人群 :易患麻疹的高危人群主要为 6~ 17岁青少年中小学生。流行病学特征 :此次麻疹爆发蒙中以往校生为主 ,班级多发。而一完小和二完小仅集中…  相似文献   

李电华 《中国校医》2001,15(4):272-272
近年来 ,由于控制麻疹措施的落实 ,邳州市麻疹呈散在低发状态 ,然而 2 0 0 0年 11月 2日~ 12月 1日在实验小学发生一起麻疹爆发疫情 ,我们对该起爆发疫情进行流行病学调查 ,现将结果报告如下。1 资料和方法1.1 病例调查 首先对报告病例进行个案核实调查 ,诊断标准依照《中华人民共和国国家标准麻疹诊断标准及处理原则》 ,其次对所有病例作免疫学检测 ,采集末梢血经离心后取血清用酶联免疫吸附法检测IgM抗体。1.2 免疫史调查 根据病例分布特征 ,对该校所有学生的免疫史进行调查分析。2 结果2 .1 基本情况 这起麻疹发生在 1所小学…  相似文献   

随着计划免疫工作的深入开展,我区麻疹年发病率已多年降到5/10万以下,得到了有效控制。鉴于诸多因素的影响,1998年6月我区龙潭镇发生了一起麻疹的局部爆发流行,经采取麻苗应急接种等综合措施,疫情很快得以控制。现将结果报告于后。1 材料和方法11 流行病学资料 对患者逐个进行麻疹流行病学个案调查;查阅当地卫生院患者就诊的病历记录;核实麻疹疫苗免疫接种史;收集当地有关计划免疫的基础资料。12 诊断标准 按照卫生部1990年8月《规定管理的传染病诊断标准》(试行)中麻疹诊断标准中的临床诊断为依据,对患者进行逐个核实。13 血清检查 …  相似文献   

刘军  费怡  张金芳 《上海预防医学》2002,14(11):516-516
20 0 1年 5月底至 6月初 ,浦东新区机场镇一所民工子弟学校 (皖浦希望小学 )发生一起麻疹爆发 ,前后共发生 10例病人。调查结果及处理过程如下 :1 流行病学调查首发病例 ,男 ,1991年 3月 2 7日出生 ,就读于新区机场镇皖浦希望小学 ,病人于 5月 2 7日发热 ,5月 2 8日出疹 ,伴咳  相似文献   

20 0 1年 11月我垦区火炬农场 10队发生一起麻疹爆发 ,接到疫情报告后 ,我们及时到现场进行了调查和处理 ,疫情很快得到控制 ,现将调查结果分析如下 1 流行病学调查1.1 病例分布 本次发病 6例 ,首例于 2 0 0 1年 11月 7日发病 ,末例在 11月 2 2日 ,其中有 5例在 11月 18~ 2 2日发病 ,而且集中在同一生产队 ,散发于 6户人家 ,年龄最小的2岁 ,最大的 12岁 ,以学龄前儿童为主占 5例 ,小学生 1例 ,男性 2例 ,女性 4例。1.2 临床表现  6例患者均以发热及上呼吸道症状起病 ,体温 38℃~ 4 0℃ ,柯氏斑阳性 ,出疹顺序先在发际、耳后 ,逐渐波…  相似文献   

20 0 0年 5月 16日~ 6月 17日 ,我校发生了一起大学生麻疹爆发疫情 ,共发病 2 4例 ,我们对该起爆发进行了流行病学调查 ,现将调查结果报告如下。流行病学资料1 基本情况 麻疹病例主要集中在学生宿舍 9、 10幢 (该二幢楼共住有 18个系各年级男性学生 2 2 5 0人左右 ) ,计 2 3例 ;全校发病共 2 4例 ,其中男性 2 3例 ,女性 1例 ;学生2 2例 ,教职工 2例。学生中 96届 18例 ,97届 1例 ,98届 1例 ,99届 2例。首例为一位家住杭州武林门的杭州籍学生 ,该学生常回家住宿 ,于 2 0 0 0年 5月 16日发病 ,接着 5月下旬发生 10例 (占 4 1 7% ) ,6月上旬…  相似文献   

2004年5月26日~6月25日,宁波市镇海区金属园区发生了一起外来民工聚集地出疹性疾病。6月24日镇海区疾病预防控制中心,对这起麻疹爆发的疫情进行了调查,经血清学确诊为麻疹病毒感染,现报道如下。  相似文献   

20 0 1年 10月 3日~ 11月 10日 ,仙居县某镇中心小学发生了一起麻疹爆发 ,共发病 5 1例 ,罹患率达 8.5 4 %。现将流行病学调查结果报告如下。1 调查内容和方法1.1 流行病学资料 对所有麻疹病例进行流行病学个案调查 ,以核实诊断。并查阅当地卫生院存档的计免接种资料 ,核实麻疹疫苗免疫史。1.2 血清学检测 采取麻疹可疑患者的末梢血 ,采用捕获 -EIA法检测麻疹和风疹 Ig M抗体 ,检测试剂为上海荣盛生物制品有限公司生产。1.3 防疫措施 对急性期患者实行隔离治疗 ,易感者进行麻疹减毒活疫苗接种。2 结果2 .1 流行经过 该镇中心小…  相似文献   

目的 研究缅甸输入新型麻疹病毒(d11基因型)导致暴发疫情的相关因素及阻断传播的有效策略和措施.方法 应用流行病学方法进行现场暴发调查.结果 云南省孟连县4个乡镇(66%)报告麻疹15例,6月龄至5岁儿童7例,2例有麻疹疫苗(MV)免疫史;21~49岁8例,免疫史均不详.缅甸入境人员就诊14例,年龄10月龄至13岁,仅1例接种过MV.除1例缅甸病例未采到标本外,其余28例患者麻疹IgM抗体均为阳性,有6例标本检测到麻疹病毒核酸,扩增后测序为麻疹病毒d11基因型,为缅甸输入的d11基因型野病毒.MV接种率和抗体水平调查184人,接种率61.96%,麻疹IgG抗体阳性率87.50%.及时开展MV应急接种,麻疹疫情得到有效控制.结论 境外输入麻疹病例可以引发境内麻疹流行,预示云南省消除麻疹面临巨大困难和挑战;应急接种MV可以阻断传播,说明目前使用的MV对预防d11基因型麻疹病毒感染同样有效.
Objective To study the relevant factors on an measles outbreak caused by imported new virus (d11 genotype)from Myanmar and to develop effective strategies and measures.Methods On-site investigation on the outbreak was carried out. Results There were four townships (66%) in Menglian county reported 15 cases of measles, with 7 cases aged 6 months to 5 years old, 2 cases with the history of measles vaccination (MV). Another 8 cases were 21 to 49 year-olds but their histories on immunization were unclear. 14 of the measles cases with Myanmar citizenship came to China for treatment. They were aged 10 months to 13 years old, with only one case had ever received MV vaccination. For all the 29 cases, except for one case who did not adopt the sample case of Myanmar, the remaining 28 patients were positive for measles IgM antibodies. 6 cases of measles virus RNA were detected in the amplified sequence which showed genotype d11, and was considered Myanmar imported wild virus. 184 people received the MV inoculation, with a rate of 61.96% and the serum samples showed a measles IgG antibody positive rate of 87.50%. Manner MV emergency vaccination was carried out timely in that county so the measles outbreak was effectively controlled.Conclusion Imported measles cases from foreign countries might lead to epidemic, indicating the difficulty and challenge in the elimination of measles in our province. Emergent vaccination of MV could interrupt the transmission of the disease. Our experience showed that MV was effective in the prevention of d11 genotypes measles infection in the area.  相似文献   

摘要:目的 对江西省浮梁县一起砖厂流动儿童麻疹暴发疫情的感染来源进行调查,控制疫情蔓延。方法 本次调查疑似病例定义为2014年2月7日-4月2日期间,浮梁县湘湖镇出现发热、出疹,并伴有咳嗽、卡他性鼻炎或结膜炎症状之一者。流行病学联系病例定义为疑似病例无标本,但与麻疹确诊病例有流行病学关联者。确诊病例定义为疑似病例的血标本检测麻疹IgM抗体阳性者,或咽拭子麻疹病毒核酸检测阳性者。通过全县医疗单位、该砖厂厂区内入户搜索病例。结果 共搜索到4例麻疹病例,罹患率为11%。病例最小年龄2岁,最大年龄6岁,均居住在砖厂厂区内。厂区内人员为贵州省外来务工人员及其孩子,于2014年2月7日(春节后)分3批入住。首例病例2月18日随父亲来到砖厂,2日后发病;厂区内聚集的流动儿童均无麻疹疫苗接种史。结论 本起疫情为发生在砖厂内的流动儿童麻疹暴发疫情,首例病例感染来源地为贵州省的可能性大;暴发原因为传染源未及时隔离及流动儿童免疫空白。建议应加强流动儿童免疫预防管理工作。  相似文献   

北京市朝阳区一起麻疹暴发疫情调查   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对2007年3月17日至6月21日北京市朝阳区麻疹暴发疫情进行调查分析. 1.资料与方法:病例资料来源于法定传染病网络报告系统,流行病学资料经专业人员个案调查所得,采用描述性流行病学进行分析,应用Excel和SPSS 13.0软件进行数据统计分析.  相似文献   

2002年5月3日至5月31日,呼伦贝尔盟在根河市区、得耳布尔镇、好里堡镇等地相继爆发猩红热221例,笔者进行了流行病学调查,现报告如下.  相似文献   

A small outbreak of measles occurred after a 33-year-old female aircrew (cabin) member presented at an emergency room with fever. Three members of the hospital staff were infected: a 42-year-old man, a 33-year-old woman, and a 26-year-old woman. The first 2 patients had not been immunised, and the third had received 2 immunisations according to the Dutch National Immunisation Programme. Vaccination of the 2 sero-negative patients within 48 h after exposure with the measles-mumps-rubella vaccine (MMR) did not prevent the development of measles. Vaccination was deemed unnecessary in the third patient. No tertiary cases occurred. The same measles virus (genotype D5) was detected by PCR and sequencing in all 4 patients. Measles remains a risk for hospital staff members who have not acquired natural immunity. The current policy of immunising patients within 72 h after exposure to measles may not be sufficient. It also appears that immunisation through the Dutch National Immunisation Programme does not always protect against nosocomial infection. Providing MMR vaccination or boosters to hospital staff in certain departments might be beneficial.  相似文献   

Local transmission of measles is rare in the United States. Since 1997, the majority of measles outbreaks have been caused by imported cases. During October 19-November 15, 2002, an outbreak of 13 confirmed cases of measles occurred, with exposure in Alabama; 11 cases were among day care attendees who had not yet been vaccinated for measles. This was the largest outbreak of measles in the United States since 1999. In response to this outbreak, the Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) and CDC conducted an epidemiologic investigation that determined the outbreak was initiated by an imported case in an infant aged 9 months who had returned recently from the Philippines. Health-care providers should continue to include measles in differential diagnoses for febrile rash illnesses in infants, particularly those with recent travel to areas where measles is endemic.  相似文献   

目的调查疫情发生原因,为防控工作提出针对性建议。方法采用描述流行病学方法调查发病情况,分析传播链。查验接种本、访谈调查疫苗接种率。结果疫情共有三代19例病例,发病高峰在4月4日。68.42%病例在幼儿园和学校内,31.58%病例为社区居民。波及人群含麻疹成分疫苗(Measles Containing Vaccine,MCV)首针接种率为93.98%(78/83),MCV第二针接种率为45.78%(38/83)。接种率低的原因主要是监护人对接种疫苗防病的意识差、该镇免疫规划基础管理存在问题、常规免疫存在漏洞等。结论当地适龄幼儿MCV接种率低、病例未及时隔离治疗是疫情发生的原因,建议当地统筹安排、多部门联合开展免疫规划工作,提高接种率。教育部门加强对学校传染病防控的管理。  相似文献   

Abstract: In this study, we compared the likely cost-effectiveness of alternative strategies for controlling a school-based measles outbreak. The analysis involved assessing the expected costs and number of cases in a school-based outbreak of measles, with no intervention and with each of six control strategies. The marginal cost per case prevented ranged from $32.90 when only previously unvaccinated school children were offered vaccination to $6795 when vaccination was extended to the siblings of school children aged 6 to 12 months. This study provided further evidence of the cost-effectiveness of vaccination in outbreak control, and yielded useful information to inform control strategies in the event of a school-based outbreak. Decisions about which groups of children to aim at and whether to conduct school-based clinics will be influenced by local circumstances, particularly the baseline measles vaccination rate and the measles attack rate among infants. (Aust N Z J Public Health 1998; 22:126-32)  相似文献   

We present the investigation of an outbreak of cercarial dermatitis that occurred in a recreational-tourist lake in the Quebec City region (Canada) in the summer of 1999. A case-reporting form was sent to 450 families likely to have activities that would bring them in contact with the lake's water. The snails were characterized and the prevalence of their infestation by schistosomes was investigated. In total, 63 episodes consistent with cercarial dermatitis were reported. Sixty-nine percent of the cases occurred from swimming at the same beach. This location was the one where the only population of snails in the lake was identified. Shoreline residents were informed that they should not feed waterfowl, and a clean-up of the snail population was done at the start of the following summer. There were no cases of cercarial dermatitis at this site the following summer.  相似文献   

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