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大鼠大脑内血管的氮能神经支配   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
薛爽  陈子馨 《解剖学杂志》2000,23(5):443-446
目的:观察大鼠大脑内氮能神经元及血管的氮能神经支配。阐述一氧化氮在脑内血管中的作用。方法:大鼠经灌流固定后用恒冷切片机漂浮切片。还原型尼克酰胺腺嘌呤二核苷酸脱氢酶(NADPH-d)染色。结果:氮能神经元依形态分为双极和多极。见纤细的树突与血管紧密相连及串珠样血管周围神经丛。结论:大脑NADPH-d阳性神经元纤细的树突与脑内血管密切相关。提示一氧化氮 控脑血管张力和血液循环方面有重要作用。  相似文献   

用乙醛酸荧光法研究狗的股静脉及其辩膜的神经支配结果显示静脉壁内和静脉瓣膜的基部存在去甲肾上腺素能的神经纤维。神经纤维和平滑肌组织合成为“神经肌肉系统”。此系统的存在,首先提示了瓣膜活动有主动作用,临床学家实施静脉瓣膜移植或研制人造瓣膜时,必须关注这个基础理论。其次,提示了静脉血液■流诸因素中也应考虑到静脉自身的舒缩作用。  相似文献   

成年大鼠纹状体区神经干细胞的分离培养   总被引:29,自引:2,他引:27  
刘仕勇  张可成  杨辉  蔡文琴  何家全 《解剖学报》2000,31(1):17-20,I003
目的 从成年大鼠纹状体区分离并鉴定神经干细胞。方法 利用无血清增减和单细胞克隆技术在成年大鼠纹状体区分离具有单细胞克隆能力的细胞群,选取单个克隆进行连续伟代培养获得大量亚克隆,采用兔疫荧光细胞化学技术检测神经上皮干细胞蛋白(Nestin)和分化后牧民性成熟神经细胞抗原的表达。结果 从纹状体区分离的细胞群具有连续克隆能力,表达神经上皮干细胞蛋白,分化后的细胞表达神经元、星形胶质细胞和少突胶质细胞的牧  相似文献   

目的:探讨非多巴胺能组织移植治疗帕金森病(PD)的作用机理。方法:通过6-羟基多巴胺(6-OHDA)立体定向流向破坏-侧黑质,制成PD大鼠模型,然后将鼠的成活羊膜细胞悬液植入受损侧纹状体,与鼠的死羊膜细胞移植及生理盐水假移植对照。结果:发现活羊膜细胞移植可减少大鼠的异常旋转行为,酪氨酸羟化酶(TH)免疫组化结果显示在活羊膜细胞移植靶点周围出现了(TH)疫阳性物质。结论:说明活羊膜细胞诱导了宿主纹状体残存多巴胺(DA)神经元的再生,提示羊膜细胞能够分泌对在体DA神经元具营养作用的物质。  相似文献   

电镜观察松果体实质,证明充满联合神经分支的薄层有神经纤维,这些纤维与明、暗细胞及神经胶质细胞的胞体和突起紧密相贴。接触点,胞膜增厚,髓鞘内主致密线消失,周期间线空隙加宽,出现施兰氏切迹样结构。无髓交感神经纤维终末膨大,含致密中心小泡,多分布于松果体细胞旁及血管周。本文阐明松果体系由联合神经及交感神经双重支配。  相似文献   

桂勤  郭畹华 《解剖学报》1994,25(1):59-64,T012
为了探讨神经元与其靶组织之间的相互作用及作用因素,建立了不同时期的纹状体外植场与14d大鼠胚胎中脑黑质神经元联合培养;14d大鼠胚胎中缝核外植块与黑质神经元联合培养。结果表明,生后2周、新生及14d大鼠胚胎纹状体外植块和14d大鼠胚胎中缝核外植块,对中脑黑质多巴胺神经元的形态发育有明显促进作用,其中包括长突起神经元数目和神经元突起长度的增加。上述3个时期的纹状体外植块,对中脑黑质多巴胺神经元的作用  相似文献   

骶神经对盆底器官的选择性支配   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:8  
盆底器官包括下泌尿系统、下消化系统及性生殖系统,多为管(囊)腔器官。盆底器官的功能活动可分为2种形式:贮存与排泄,并进行着周期性的转换。为了在贮存时空(囊)腔能保持适当的顺应性且获得出口的完全禁闭,排泄时逼出力量的增加与禁闭力量(括约肌)的减弱以至消失相互协调一致并转换迅速,以维持正常的贮存—排泄功能,有众多的神经反射(兴奋性和抑制性)参与其中,包括各自器官的内在反射、脊髓反射、脊髓桥脑反射和大脑的意识控制等[1]。圆锥上的完全性脊髓损伤使盆底器官丧失了高级中枢的抑制性调节和大脑的意识控制,常造…  相似文献   

胃的神经支配-HRP法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
将20%HRP 100μl分别注入22只SD大鼠胃的前、后壁,结果发现标记细胞在:1.双侧C_4~L_3背根神经节(DRG),主要分布于T_(5-10);2.双侧迷走神经结状神经节(NGV),其出现率和密度均高于DRG;3.迷走神经背核(DMV)全长和疑核(NA)嘴侧,DMV中的标记细胞主要分布在閂平面附近,其细胞构筑不同于其尾侧和嘴侧的标记细胞.上述标记细胞的最大纵径和最大横径之间均无明显相关.  相似文献   

神经营养因子是对中枢或外周神经系的特定神经组织有选择地维持和促进其存活生长、分化成熟等生物效应的多肽或蛋白质。目前巳发现了几十种,其中对黑质纹状体系统多巴胺能神经元有营养作用的有十多种,如脑源性神经营养因子,成纤维细胞生长因子,纹状体源性的神经营养因子,胶质细胞系源性的神经营养因子等。本文就这些营养因子在体内及体外对多巴胺能神经元的作用特点及可能的作用机理等进行了综述  相似文献   

Dopaminergic receptors of the D1 type are highly expressed in the dorsal striatum and nucleus accumbens. In the dorsal striatum, they are rarely observed on presynaptic terminals. However, their subcellular localization in the nucleus accumbens core and shell had not been compared to that of dorsal striatum. Here we investigated the subcellular localization of D1 receptors in these three brain regions using immunogold labeling and electron microscopy. We showed that, among all presynaptic terminals forming asymmetric contact with dendritic processes, the percentage of D1R immunoreactive terminals was low in the dorsal striatum (8.2%), but reached in the nucleus accumbens core and shell 25.5 and 29%, respectively. These observations are consistent with electrophysiological studies, which showed that D1 stimulation inhibits the response of target neurons to glutamatergic input via presynaptic mechanisms in the nucleus accumbens but not in the dorsal striatum.  相似文献   

This study examines the ultrastructural relationships established by the nigrostriatal dopaminergic and the corticostriatal afferent fibers with neuropeptide Y (NPY)-containing neurons in the rat striatum. By means of dual immunolabeling procedures using peroxidase conjugated F(ab) fragments and 125I-labeled protein A, direct appositions and morphologically defined synaptic contacts of the symmetrical type were visualized between tyrosine hydroxylase-labeled nerve terminals and NPY-labeled neurons. After deafferentation of the striatum from its cortical input direct appositions and asymmetrical synaptic contacts were evidenced between characteristic degenerative boutons and NPY-positive neurons in the striatum. These results suggest that striatal NPY interneurons undergo direct influence from both nigrostriatal dopaminergic and corticostriatal neuronal systems.  相似文献   

Summary In vivo differential pulse voltammetry was used to determine the effect of thyrotropin-releasing hormone (TRH) on dopaminergic and serotoninergic synaptic activity in the striatum and nucleus accumbens of the rat. Thyrotropin releasing hormone (TRH) produces marked stimulatory effects on behaviour, which have been attributed to the release of dopamine in the nucleus accumbens. Other studies indicate a close relationship between the peptide and serotonin in the brain. We have thus used an improved differential pulse voltammetry technique to evaluate the effects of TRH on the extracellular content of the dopamine and serotonin metabolites. Dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) and 5-Hydroxy-indolacetic acid (5HIAA) in the nucleus accumbens and striatum of the rat in vivo. TRH rapidly increased extracellular DOPAC, reaching a maximum after 60 min in the nucleus accumbens, and after 40 min in the striatum. There was also a slower increase in extracellular 5-HIAA content in both areas, reaching a plateau after 100 min. The delayed time course of the increase in 5-HIAA suggested that the increase in 5-HIAA content might be secondary to the increase in dopamine turnover produced by TRH. These results suggest that doses of TRH which produce behavioural stimulation increase the release of both dopamine and serotonin in the nucleus accumbens and striatum.  相似文献   

目的 探讨成年大鼠纹状体内生长抑素(SOM)阳性神经元的形态分布。方法 选取6只SD大鼠,应用免疫细胞化学染色ABC法观察脑纹状体SOM神经元的分布特征。 结果 在大鼠纹状体内SOM免疫反应阳性神经元呈棕黄色,为强阳性或中等阳性染色,免疫反应阳性物质主要存在于胞质和突起。SOM阳性神经元在纹状体呈散在分布,胞体中等大小[(111.81±21.42)μm2],多为卵圆形、椭圆型或多边形。背侧[(113.52±22.36)μm2]SOM阳性神经元胞体面积大于腹侧[(110.14±20.59)μm2],外侧[(126.23±23.45)μm2]大于内侧[(97.26±23.63)μm2]。腹内侧区SOM阳性细胞数量百分比最多[(28.34±3.20)%],其次是背内侧区[(27.64±3.52)%]和腹外侧区[(2498±317)%],背外侧区最少[(1904±312)%]。 结论 SOM神经元在纹状体结构各区分布的大小及数量不完全相同。  相似文献   

Summary Kainic acid (KA 1.2–1.5 g) was injected unilaterally into the rat striatum (ST). Fifteen to 30 days later neurons of the substantia nigra (SN) were identified by antidromic stimulation from the ST or medial forebrain bundle (MFB). The projecting axons had conduction velocity similar to that recorded in unlesioned animals.Responses to iontophoretically applied dopamine (DA), glutamate (GLU), and GABA (5–100 nA) were recorded from neurons of the dopaminergic pars compacta-striatal projection. Control experiments were performed in intact rats. GABA and DA inhibited neurons tested in controls while GLU had an excitatory effect. Changes in firing rate induced by GABA and GLU developed 1–5 s after the beginning of their ejection while the action of DA appeared after a delay of 20–40 s.Neurons in lesioned animals showed a net decrease in sensitivity to all three neurotransmitters. The highest current tested gave responses 50–70% lower than in controls.The data suggest that destruction of striatal efferents with KA does not induce hypersensitivity in the pars compacta of the SN.  相似文献   

Summary This report concerns the postnatal expression of calcineurin (CaN) in rat striatum. For this purpose an immunohistochemical procedure was used. In neonatal striatum CaN immunoreactivity was found in discrete patches composed of many immature cells. With development there was an increase in staining intensity and in the proportion of positively reacting cells. CaN expression and localization in the striatum of 22–25 day old rats were similar to those of adult animals.  相似文献   

Striatal glutamatergic inputs are known to participate in the modulation of dopaminergic transmission. Accordingly, the non-competitive N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor antagonists memantine and amantadine increase striatal dopamine levels, the latter being widely used in Parkinson's disease therapy. Based on our previous work revealing increased function of dopamine receptors and dopamine transporter after amantadine treatment, we studied the effects of repeated memantine administration on dopaminergic neurotransmission. On rat striatal membranes, dopamine-stimulated [(35)S]GTPgammaS binding was significantly reduced (20%) after 2 days injection with memantine (20 mg/kg per day, i.p.) but not after longer treatments (4 or 7 days). Evaluation of [(3)H]SCH 23390 and [(3)H]spiperone specific bindings only revealed a significant increase in D1 receptor density after 4 or 7 days treatment. Finally, none of these treatments were found to change the activity of the neuronal dopamine transporter in striatal synaptosomes. This shows that amantadine and memantine differentially affect striatal dopaminergic transmission, which could indicate that these two related aminoadamantanes display distinct pharmacodynamic properties.  相似文献   

Summary Rat neostriatal slices exhibited a Ca2+-dependent release of endogenous glutamate when depolarized by elevated K+. This evoked release was reduced by 30% in tissue from animals subjected to fronto-parietal lesions 3 weeks previously. These results support the proposal that glutamate is the transmitter of the cortico-striatal pathway.Supported by a SRC project grant to P.J.R.  相似文献   

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