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Dar WA  Knechtle SJ 《Immunology》2007,120(4):467-485
The chemokine receptor CXCR3 is critical for the function of activated T cells. We studied the molecular mechanisms of CXCR3 signalling. The addition of CXCR3 ligands to normal human T cells expressing CXCR3 led to the tyrosine phosphorylation of multiple proteins. Addition of the same ligands to Jurkat T cells engineered to express CXCR3 induced tyrosine phosphorylation of proteins with molecular weights similar to those in normal cells. Immunoblotting with phosphotyrosine-specific antibodies identified Zeta-associated protein of 70,000 molecular weight (ZAP-70), linker for the activation of T cells (LAT), and phospholipase-C-gamma1 (PLCgamma1) to be among the proteins that become phosphorylated upon CXCR3 activation. ZAP-70 was phosphorylated on tyrosine 319, LAT on tyrosines 171 and 191, and PLCgamma1 on tyrosine 783. The ZAP-70 inhibitor piceatannol reduced CXCR3-mediated tyrosine phosphorylation of ZAP-70, LAT, PLCgamma1 and mitogen-activated protein kinase Erk and it reduced CXCL10-mediated chemotaxis of both CXCR3-transfected Jurkat T cells and normal T cells expressing CXCR3. These results are consistent with the involvement of ZAP-70 in CXCR3-mediated protein tyrosine phosphorylation and CXCR3-induced T-cell chemotaxis. Studies with the Lck-deficient Jurkat T-cell line, JCAM1.6, demonstrated that phosphorylation of ZAP-70 after CXCR3 activation is a Lck-dependent process. Finally, stimulating CXCR3-expressing Jurkat T cells and normal T cells expressing CXCR3 through the T-cell receptor attenuated CXCR3-induced tyrosine phosphorylation and CXCR3-mediated T-cell migration, indicating the occurrence of cross-talk between T-cell receptor and CXCR3-signalling pathways. These results shed light on the mechanisms of CXCR3 signalling. Such information could be useful when designing therapeutic strategies to regulate T-cell function.  相似文献   

The actin cytoskeleton plays essential roles in modulating T-cell activation. Most models of T-cell receptor (TCR) triggering signalosome assembly and immune synapse formation invoke actin-dependent mechanisms. As T cells are constitutively motile cells, TCR triggering and signaling occur against a cytoskeletal backdrop that is constantly remodeling. While the interplay between actin dynamics and TCR signaling have been the focus of research for many years, much of the work in T cells has considered actin largely for its ‘scaffolding’ function. We examine the roles of the actin cytoskeleton in TCR signaling and immune synapse formation with an emphasis on how poroelasticity, an ensemble feature of actin dynamics with the cytosol, relates to how T cells respond to stimulation.  相似文献   

T-cell receptor signaling to integrins   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary:  Integrin adhesion receptors are critical for antigen recognition by T cells and for regulated recirculation and trafficking into and through various tissues in the body. T-cell receptor (TCR) signaling induces rapid increases in integrin function that facilitate T-cell activation by promoting stable contact with antigen-presenting cells and extracellular proteins in the environment. In this review, we outline the molecular mechanisms by which the TCR signals to integrins and present a model that highlights four key events: (i) initiation of proximal TCR signals nucleated by the linker for activated T cells (LAT) adapter protein and involving Itk, phospholipase C-γ1, Vav1, and Src homology 2 domain-containing leukocyte-specific phosphoprotein of 76 kDa; (ii) transmission of integrin activation signals from the LAT signalosome to integrins by protein kinase (PK) C and the adapter protein, adhesion and degranulation-promoting adapter protein; (iii) assembly of integrin-associated signaling complexes that include PKD, the guanosine triphosphatase Rap1 and its effectors, and talin; and (iv) reorganization of the actin cytoskeleton by WAVE2 and other actin-remodeling proteins. These events coordinate changes in integrin conformation and clustering that result in enhanced integrin functional activity following TCR stimulation.  相似文献   

Moran AE  Hogquist KA 《Immunology》2012,135(4):261-267
Understanding the thymic processes that support the generation of functionally competent and self-tolerant lymphocytes requires dissection of the T-cell receptor (TCR) response to ligands of different affinities. In spatially segregated regions of the thymus, with unique expression of proteases and cytokines, TCR affinity guides a number of cell fate decisions. Yet affinity alone does not explain the selection paradox. Increasing evidence suggests that the 'altered peptide' model of the 1980s together with the affinity model might best explain how the thymus supports conventional and regulatory T-cell development. Development of new tools to study the strength of TCR signals perceived by T cells, novel regulatory T-cell transgenic mice, and tetramer enrichment strategies have provided an insight into the nature of TCR signals perceived during thymocyte development. These topics are discussed and support for the prevailing hypotheses is presented.  相似文献   

More than half of the known protein tyrosine phosphatases (PTPs) in the human genome are expressed in T cells, and significant progress has been made in elucidating the biology of these enzymes in T-cell development and function. Here we provide a systematic review of the current understanding of the roles of PTPs in T-cell activation, providing insight into their mechanisms of action and regulation in T-cell receptor signalling, the phenotypes of their genetically modified mice, and their possible involvement in T-cell-mediated autoimmune disease. Our projection is that the interest in PTPs as mediators of T-cell homeostasis will continue to rise with further functional analysis of these proteins, and PTPs will be increasingly considered as targets of immunomodulatory therapies.  相似文献   

Membrane microdomains play an important role in the regulation of natural killer (NK) cell activities. These cholesterol‐rich membrane domains are enriched at the activating immunological synapse and several activating NK‐cell receptors are known to localize to membrane microdomains upon receptor engagement. In contrast, inhibitory receptors do not localize in these specialized membrane domains. In addition, the functional competence of educated NK cells correlates with a confinement of activating receptors in membrane microdomains. However, the molecular basis for this confinement is unknown. Here, we investigate the structural requirements for the recruitment of the human‐activating NK‐cell receptors NKG2D and 2B4 to detergent‐resistant membrane fractions in the murine BA/F3 cell line and in the human NK‐cell line NKL. This stimulation‐dependent recruitment occurred independently of the intracellular domains of the receptors. However, either interfering with the association between NKG2D and DAP10, or mutating the transmembrane region of 2B4 impacted the recruitment of the receptors to detergent‐resistant membrane fractions and modulated the function of 2B4 in NK cells. Our data suggest a potential interaction between the transmembrane region of NK‐cell receptors and membrane lipids as a molecular mechanism involved in determining the membrane confinement of activating NK‐cell receptors.  相似文献   

The human T-cell receptor   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Summary Recent studies using cloned antigen-specific T lymphocytes and monoclonal antibodies directed at their various surface glycoprotein components have led to the identification of the human T-cell antigen receptor as a surface complex comprised of a clonotypic 90-kD Ti heterodimer and the invariant 20- and 25-kD T3 molecules. Approximately 30,000–40,000 Ti and T3 molecules exist on the surface of human T lymphocytes. These glycoproteins are acquired and expressed during late thymic ontogeny, thus providing the structural basis for immunologic competence. The and subunits of Ti bear no precursor-product relationship to one another and are encoded by separate genes. Moreover, the presence of unique peptides following proteolysis of different Ti molecules isolated by non-cross-reactive anticlonotypic monoclonal antibodies supports the notion that variable regions exist within both the and the subunits. N-Terminal amino acid sequencing and molecular cloning of the Ti subunit further show that it bears an homology to the first V-region framework of immunoglobulin light chains and represents the product of a gene that rearranges specifically in T lymphocytes. Triggering of the T3-Ti receptor complex gives rise to specific antigen-induced proliferation through an autocrine pathway involving endogenous IL-2 production, release, and subsequent binding to IL-2 receptors. The implications of these findings for understanding human T-cell growth and its regulation in disease states are discussed.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that a synthetic peptide (core peptide, CP) corresponding to a 9-amino-acid region in the transmembrane domain of the alpha subunit of the T-cell antigen receptor (TCR) can suppress T-cell function in vitro and in vivo. The aim of these experiments was to determine the cellular site and molecular mechanism of CP inhibition in T cells. The cytochrome c-sensitive TCR-expressing hybridoma (2B4) was stimulated with pigeon cytochrome c antigen, anti-CD3 crosslinking, or PMA and ionomycin, in the presence or absence of CP, and the resulting IL-2 produced was measured in a bioassay using an IL-2-dependent cell line (CTLL-2). In the presence of CP, IL-2 production was inhibited following antigen-induced stimulation. By contrast, when stimulated with cross-linking antibodies to the CD3 complex or with PMA and ionomycin, both of which activate T cells downstream of the TCR antigen recognition site, CP had no effect on IL-2 production. These experiments suggest that CP interferes with TCR function by inhibiting T-cell activation at the transmembrane/receptor level. In addition, we show that CP inhibits early TCR signal transduction events such as TCR zeta chain phosphorylation following stimulation with either antigen or anti-CD3-crosslinking antibodies, although this is unlikely to be the mechanism leading to the reduced IL-2 production.  相似文献   

T cells with short interfering RNA-mediated Lck-knockdown (kd) display paradoxical hyper-responsiveness upon TCR ligation. We have previously reported a possible mechanism for T-cell activation in cells with low levels of Lck depending on Grb2-SOS1 recruitment to the zeta-chain of TCR/CD3 (Methi et al., Eur. J. Immunol. 2007, 37: 2539-2548). Here, we show that short interfering RNA-mediated targeting of Lck caused a dramatic reduction in c-Cbl phosphorylation and a general reduction in protein ubiquitination after TCR stimulation. Specifically, this resulted in reduced ubiquitination of the zeta-chain, yet internalization of TCR/CD3 appeared to be normal after receptor engagement. However, zeta-chain levels were elevated in Lck-kd cells, and confocal microscopy revealed reduced colocalization of CD3-containing vesicles with endosomal and lysosomal compartments. We hypothesize that prolonged stability of internalized T-cell receptor complex may result in extended signaling in T cells with low Lck levels.  相似文献   

A number of polymorphisms in immune‐regulatory genes have been identified as risk factors for the development of autoimmune disease. PTPN22 (that encodes a tyrosine phosphatase) has been associated with the development of several autoimmune diseases, including type 1 diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus. PTPN22 regulates the activity and effector functions of multiple important immune cell types, including lymphocytes, granulocytes and myeloid cells. In this review, we describe the role of PTPN22 in regulating T‐cell activation and effector responses. We discuss progress in our understanding of the impact of PTPN22 in autoimmune disease in humans and mouse models, as well as recent evidence suggesting that genetic manipulation of PTPN22 expression might enhance the efficacy of anti‐tumour T‐cell responses.  相似文献   

The peripheral T-cell pool is maintained at a constant size throughout life. This is achieved through tight homeostatic regulation of the different T-cell subsets. T cells appear to be able to sense whether the T-cell compartment is full and, if it is not, they are able to respond by undergoing cell division. Recent advances have identified that both signalling through the T-cell receptor and a variety of cytokines are essential for the regulation of these responses.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: In spite of their key immunological role, alphabeta+ T cells residing in endometrium have not been extensively explored. We analyzed here expression profile of TCRBV genes in normal human endometrium compared with peripheral blood. METHODS: Samples were taken from normal reproductive women. RT-PCR using BV-gene specific primers was performed on blood and endometrial samples. After blotting, hybridization with radiolabelled probe and autoradiography, relative expression of each TCRBV family was determined. Clonal expansions of the over-expressed genes were assessed by CDR3 length polymorphism. RESULTS: Only one gene (TCRBV7) was expressed significantly and two other genes marginally more in the endometrium compared with blood. All three TCRBV genes examined showed a rather restricted pattern in the endometrium in contrast to polyclonal patterns in the blood. CONCLUSION: Our results stress the similarities between T cells residing in different mucosal tissues and provide a basis for future investigations about endometrial T cells and their antigen specificities in gynecological problems.  相似文献   

Invariant (i) natural killer T (NKT) cells become undetectable after stimulation with α-galactosylceramide (α-GalCer) or interleukin (IL)-12. Although down-modulation of surface T-cell receptor (TCR)/NKR-P1C (NK1.1) expression has been shown convincingly after stimulation with α-GalCer, it is unclear whether this also holds true for IL-12 stimulation. To determine whether failure to detect iNKT cells after IL-12 stimulation is caused by dissociation/internalization of TCR and/or NKR-P1C, or by block of de novo synthesis of these molecules, and to examine the role of IL-12 in the disappearance of iNKT cells after stimulation with α-GalCer, surface (s)/cytoplasmic (c) protein expression, as well as messenger RNA (mRNA) expression of TCR/NKR-P1C by iNKT cells after stimulation with α-GalCer or IL-12, and the influence of IL-12 neutralization on the down-modulation of sTCR/sNKR-P1C expression by iNKT cells after stimulation with α-GalCer were examined. The s/cTCR+s/cNKR-P1C+ iNKT cells became undetectable after in vivo administration of α-GalCer, which was partially prevented by IL-12 neutralization. Whereas s/cNKR-P1C+ iNKT cells became undetectable after in vivo administration of IL-12, s/cTCR+ iNKT cells were only marginally affected. mRNA expression of TCR/NKR-P1C remained unaffected by α-GalCer or IL-12 treatment, despite the down-modulation of cTCR and/or cNKR-P1C protein expression. By contrast, cTCR+cNKR-P1C+ sTCR sNKR-P1C iNKT cells and cNKR-P1C+ sNKR-P1C iNKT cells were detectable after in vitro stimulation with α-GalCer and IL-12, respectively. Our results indicate that TCR and NKR-P1C expression by iNKT cells is differentially regulated by signalling through TCR and IL-12R. They also suggest that IL-12 participates, in part, in the disappearance of iNKT cells after stimulation with α-GalCer by down-modulating not only sNKR-P1C, but also sTCR.  相似文献   

Upon encounter with their cognate antigen, naive CD4 T cells become activated and are induced to differentiate into several possible T helper (Th) cell subsets. This differentiation depends on a number of factors including antigen‐presenting cells, cytokines and co‐stimulatory molecules. The strength of the T‐cell receptor (TCR) signal, related to the affinity of TCR for antigen and antigen dose, has emerged as a dominant factor in determining Th cell fate. Recent studies have revealed that TCR signals of high or low strength do not simply induce quantitatively different signals in the T cells, but rather qualitatively distinct pathways can be induced based on TCR signal strength. This review examines the recent literature in this area and highlights important new developments in our understanding of Th cell differentiation and TCR signal strength.  相似文献   

B-cell linker protein (BLNK) is a component of the B-cell receptor (BCR) as well as of the pre-BCR signalling pathway, and BLNK(-/-) mice have a block in B lymphopoiesis at the pro-B/pre-B cell stage. A recent report described the complete loss or drastic reduction of BLNK expression in approximately 50% of human childhood pre-B acute lymphoblastic leukaemias (ALL), therefore we investigated BLNK expression in human pre-B ALL cell lines. One of the four cell lines tested, HPB-NULL cells, was found to lack BLNK expression, and we used these human pre-B ALL cell lines that express and do not express BLNK to investigate the intracellular signalling events following pre-BCR cross-linking. When pre-BCR was cross-linked with anti-micro heavy-chain antibodies, significant phosphorylation of intracellular molecules, including Syk, Shc, ERK MAP kinase, and AKT, and an activation of Ras were observed without regard to deficiency of BLNK expression, suggesting that BLNK is not required for pre-BCR-mediated activation of MAP kinase and phosphatidyl-inositol 3 (PI3) kinase signalling. By contrast, phospholipase C-gamma2 (PLC-gamma2) phosphorylation and an increase in intracellular Ca(2+) level mediated by pre-BCR cross-linking were observed only in the BLNK-expressing cells, indicating that BLNK is essential for PLC-gamma2-induced Ca(2+) influx. Human pre-B cell lines expressing and not expressing BLNK should provide an in vitro model for investigation of the role of BLNK in the pre-BCR-mediated signalling mechanism.  相似文献   

Signal initiation in T-cell receptor microclusters   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary: Although dynamic imaging technologies have provided important insights into the underlying processes responsible for T-cell activation, the processes that link antigen recognition to downstream signaling remain poorly defined. Converging lines of inquiry indicate that T-cell receptor (TCR) microclusters are the minimal structures capable of directing effective TCR signaling. Furthermore, imaging studies have determined that these structures trigger the assembly of oligomeric signaling scaffolds that contain the adapters and effectors required for T-cell activation. Existing models of T-cell activation accurately explain the sensitivity and selectivity of antigen recognition. However, these models do not account for important properties of microclusters, including their peripheral formation, size, and movement on the actin cytoskeleton. Here we examine how lipid rafts, galectin lattices, and protein scaffolds contribute to the assembly, function, and fate of TCR microclusters within immune synapses. Finally, we propose a 'mechanical segregation' model of signal initiation in which cytoskeletal forces contribute to the lateral segregation of molecules and cytoskeletal scaffolds provide a template for microcluster assembly.  相似文献   

Bettini ML  Bettini M  Vignali DA 《Immunology》2012,136(3):265-272
The T-cell receptor (TCR) is unique in its complexity. It determines not only positive (life) and negative (death) selection in the thymus, but also mediates proliferation, anergy, differentiation, cytotoxicity and cytokine production in the periphery. Through its association with six CD3 signalling chains (εγ, δε and ζζ), the TCR is capable of recognizing an extensive variety of antigenic peptides, from both pathogens and self-antigens, and translating these interactions into multiple signalling pathways that mediate diverse T-cell developmental and functional responses. The analysis of TCR biology has been revolutionized by the development of TCR transgenic mice, which express a single clonotypic T-cell population, with diverse specificities and genetic backgrounds. However, they are time consuming to generate and characterize, limiting the analysis of large numbers of TCR over a short period of time in multiple genetic backgrounds. The recent development of TCR retrogenic technology resolves these limitations and could in time have a similarly important impact on our understanding of T-cell development and function. In this review, we will discuss the advantages and limitations of retrogenic technology compared with the generation and use of TCR transgenic mice for studying all aspects of T-cell biology.  相似文献   

Natural killer cells express an Fc receptor for IgG (CD16) in association with disulfide-linked dimers composed of two homologous subunits: the zeta chain of the T cell antigen receptor complex and the gamma chain of the mast cell/basophil Fc receptor for IgE. The ability of zeta and gamma to transduce CD16-mediated activation signals was compared by reconstituting distinct CD16 receptor isoforms composed of various combinations of zeta- and gamma-containing dimers. Stably transformed non-hematopoietic and hematopoietic cell lines were established that expressed chimeric molecules comprising the extracellular domain of CD16 joined to the transmembrane and intracellular domains of zeta or gamma. Reconstituted CD16 receptor complexes triggered Ca2+ influx, tyrosine phosphorylation, and IL-2 production in stable transformants of the Jurkat T cell line. However, cross-linking of the CD16/gamma chimera induced a specific pattern of tyrosine phosphorylation and was more efficient at signal transduction than a CD16, zeta-zeta complex, suggesting that zeta and gamma cytoplasmic domains may be coupled to distinct tyrosine kinase pathways that differentially regulate CD16-mediated activation signals. By contrast, both CD16/zeta and CD16/gamma chimeric molecules were not functional in stable transformants of the fibroblast Chinese Hamster Ovary cell line, indicating a requirement for downstream signaling components present in hematopoietic cells. Finally, the zeta transmembrane domain appears to preferentially associate with CD16 rather than the CD3:TCR complex, suggesting that a hierarchy of molecular interactions governs NK and T cell differentiation.  相似文献   

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