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Summary: To identify the changes in the respective frequency band and brain areas related to olfactory perception, we measured magnetoencephalographic (MEG) signals before and after instilling intravenously thiamine propyl disulfide (TPD) and thiamine tetrahydrofurfuryl disulfide monohydrochloride (TTFD), which evoked a strong and weak sensation of odor, respectively. For the frequency analysis of MEG, a beamformer program, synthetic aperture magnetometry (SAM), was employed and event-related desynchronization (ERD) or synchronization (ERS) was statistically determined. Both strong and weak odors induced ERD in (1) beta band (13–30 Hz) in the right precentral gyrus, and the superior and middle frontal gyri in both hemispheres, (2) low gamma band (30–60 Hz) in the left superior frontal gyrus and superior parietal lobule, and the middle frontal gyrus in both hemispheres, and (3) high gamma band 2 (100–200 Hz) in the right inferior frontal gyrus. TPD induced ERD in the left temporal, parietal and occipital lobes, while TTFD induced ERD in the right temporal, parietal and occipital lobes. The results indicate that physiological functions in several regions in the frontal lobe may change and the strength of the odor may play a different role in each hemisphere during olfactory perception in humans. This study was supported by Japan Space Forum, Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Priority Areas -Higher-Order Brain Functions-from The Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan.  相似文献   

Intravenous injection of thiamine propyldisulphide (TPD), which induces sensation of a garlic-like odor, has been used as a representative subjective olfactory test in Japan. However, cortical loci activated by TPD still remain unclear. We recorded cerebral hemodynamic responses (changes in Oxy-Hb concentrations) induced by TPD administration using whole-head multi-channel near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) system based on 3D-MRIs. TPD as an odorant and saline as a control were injected from the cephalic vein in the left forearm in ten male normosmic (five young and five elderly) subjects and five dysosmic elderly patients. The all normosmic, but not dysosmic, subjects felt the garlic-like odor in the all TPD trials. There was no significant difference in hemodynamic responses between the young and elderly normosmic subjects. However, TPD injection induced significantly larger hemodynamic responses in the bilateral operculums, bilateral dorsolateral prefrontal cortices (PFC) and anteromedial PFC in the normosmic subjects, compared with saline injection. Onset latencies of these hemodynamic responses were significantly correlated with onset latencies of subjective odor sensation in the normosmic subjects. Comparison of hemodynamic responses between the normosmic and dysosmic subjects indicated a significant difference in the bilateral operculums. The results demonstrated that Oxy-Hb increases in the bilateral operculums reflected olfactory sensation induced by TPD injection. Consideration of a route for intravenous TPD to reach the olfactory mucosa suggests that these hemodynamic responses might be attributed to food-related retronasal olfactory responses to TPD.  相似文献   

Olfactory disorders are common in patients with idiopathic Parkinson's disease (IPD). In IPD patients with hyposmia olfactory event-related potentials (ERPs) are typically found to be delayed or absent. Altered ERPs in IPD patients may also be consistent with reduced neuronal activity in the medial temporal lobe following olfactory stimulation, as demonstrated by functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI). We analyzed ERPs and fMRI scans of hyposmic IPD patients (n=18) to gain further insight about the brain regions involved in generation of olfactory ERPs. Patients were separated into two groups (n=9 per group), based on the detectability (+) or non-detectability (−) of ERPs. Central activation during olfactory stimulation was examined using fMRI. Both ERP+ and ERP− patients showed activity in brain areas relevant to olfactory processing, such as the amygdala, parahippocampal regions, and temporal regions (BA 37, 21/22). Comparison of both groups revealed higher activation in ERP+ patients, especially in the amygdala, parahippocampal cortex, inferior frontal gyrus (BA 47), insula, cingulate gyrus, striatum, and inferior temporal gyrus. The relationship between the expression of olfactory ERPs and cortical activation patterns seen during olfactory stimulation in fMRI in IPD patients supports the idea that ERPs are a sensitive marker of neurodegeneration in olfactory regions. In accordance with current neuropathological staging concepts, olfactory ERPs may be reflecting pathological changes in olfactory regions, independent of the typically observed nigro-striatal degeneration in IPD. Reduced activation of primary olfactory areas in the ERP-group may reflect a severe disruption of olfactory processing in these patients.  相似文献   

Paradoxically, attempts to visualize odorant-induced functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) activation in the human have yielded activations in secondary olfactory regions but not in the primary olfactory cortex-piriform cortex. We show that odorant-induced activation in primary olfactory cortex was not previously made evident with fMRI because of the unique time course of activity in this region: in primary olfactory cortex, odorants induced a strong early transient increase in signal amplitude that then habituated within 30-40 s of odorant presence. This time course of activation seen here in the primary olfactory cortex of the human is almost identical to that recorded electrophysiologically in the piriform cortex of the rat. Mapping activation with analyses that are sensitive to both this transient increase in signal amplitude, and temporal-variance, enabled us to use fMRI to consistently visualize odorant-induced activation in the human primary olfactory cortex. The combination of continued accurate odorant detection at the behavioral level despite primary olfactory cortex habituation at the physiological level suggests that the functional neuroanatomy of the olfactory response may change throughout prolonged olfactory stimulation.  相似文献   


Design of an MR-compatible and computer-controlled odour stimuli system is essential in the studies of human olfactory function. Olfactometers are used to deliver odours to the subjects in an objective manner. We present a portable, computer-controlled eight channels olfactometer able to stimulate olfaction by employing liquid odorant stimuli. We used a high-pressure pump to generate medical grade airflow. After passing through solenoid valve-controlled odour reservoirs, odorant stimulus is conveyed to the nasal mask. The odour delivery delay of the device was measured using photo-ionisation detectors. To assess the application of the designed olfactometer, an fMRI experiment was done with 9 healthy subjects. Two odour stimuli (Vanillin and Rose) were presented to each subject in an alternating block design task of odour and non-odour conditions. The response time of each subject was gathered using the response box. Group analysis revealed a significant BOLD signal change in some regions of olfactory and trigeminal networks including the orbitofrontal cortex, insula, inferior frontal gyrus, hippocampus, cingulate gyrus and piriform cortex. The odour delivery delay measured by photo-ionisation detector was 190?ms, and the subjects’ response showed 205?ms for the Vanillin and 243?ms for the Rose odour stimuli. Our portable MR-compatible olfactometer as a stimulation device is capable of creating adequate stimulation suitable for olfactory fMRI experiments.  相似文献   

Psychological factors are known to play an extremely important role in the maintenance and development of chronic pain conditions. However, it is unclear how such factors relate to the central neural processing of nociceptive transmission in healthy individuals. To investigate this issue, the activation of the brain was studied in 30 healthy volunteers responding to virtual pain stimuli by fMRI. In the first series of the study (non-preconditioned study), 15 participants were shown a digital video demonstrating an injection needle puncturing the right palm. In the second series of the study (pre-conditioned study), same-task paradigms were used for another 15 participants. Prior to the fMRI session, real needle punctuate stimuli were applied to the right palm of participants for pre-conditioning. fMRI analysis revealed that bilateral activations in anterior insula (BA45), parietal operculum (S2: BA40), premotor area, medial globus pallidus, inferior occipital gyrus (BA18), left temporal association cortex, right fusiform gyrus, right parietal association cortex and cerebellum occurred due to the task in the preconditioned group. On the other hand, right parietal operculum (S2: BA40), premotor area, parietal association cortex, left inferior frontal gyrus and bilateral temporal association cortex were activated in the non-preconditioned group. In addition, activation of anterior insula, inferior frontal gyrus, precentral gyrus and cerebellum significantly increased in the preconditioned group compared with the non-preconditioned group. These results suggest that the virtual needle puncture task caused memory retrieval of unpleasant experiences which is possibly related to empathy for pain, resulting in the activation of specific brain areas.  相似文献   

In previous EEG experiments we have presented a time estimation task to our subjects, who had to press a button with either the left or right index finger 3 s after an auditory warning stimulus (WS). Two seconds later a visual Knowledge of Results (KR) stimulus was presented on a screen in front, informing them about whether the movement had been made in the correct time window (a vertical line), whether it was too early (a minus sign) or too late (a plus sign). The potential distribution underlying the anticipatory attention for the KR stimulus suggested a right hemisphere network in which the prefrontal cortex, the insula Reili and the parietal cortex were involved. In the present positron emission tomography (PET) activation study we aimed to further localize the exact positions of these regions, using the same paradigm. Two conditions were compared in which the WS had to be followed by a button press with the left index finger. In experimental condition A, subjects received true information about their performance, while in condition B false information was given, utilizing the same stimuli, but randomly, thus without any relation to the actual performance. In both conditions identical stimuli were presented and identical movements were made. Therefore we applied statistical parameter mapping (SPM) for comparison of condition A with B in order to identify regional increases in perfusion related to the anticipation and use of the KR. We found in line with our predictions a right hemisphere activation of (1) BA45, (2) the junction of the posterior insula with the temporal transverse gyrus and (3) the posterior part of the parietal cortex. This activation pattern was accompanied by a better performance due to KR. A second, though not predicted, effect was the increase in correct responses during the last two sessions compared to the first two sessions, independent of KR. This learning effect was accompanied by an activation of BA46 and the supplementary motor area (SMA), again in the right hemisphere. Summarizing, two different prefrontal areas in the right hemisphere were activated: a more ventral area, related to the use of external stimuli providing feedback about a past performance, in order to produce movements in time, and another mid-dorsal one, related to temporal programming on the basis of internal cues.  相似文献   

Olfactory dysfunction and abnormalities of olfactory brain structures are found in patients with Parkinson's disease (PD), and a number of studies have reported that olfactory dysfunction is caused by abnormalities of the central olfactory systems. We previously analyzed electroencephalograms (EEGs) and respiration simultaneously in normal subjects while testing for detection and recognition of odors. We identified changes in respiration pattern in response to odor stimuli and found inspiratory phase-locked alpha oscillations (I-alpha). The genesis of I-alpha were identified in olfactory-related areas including the entorhinal cortex, hippocampus, amygdale and orbitofrontal cortex with an EEG dipole tracing method. In the present study, we used the same protocol in PD patients and compared results of PD with those of age-matched controls. All PD patients detected odor, but 5 out of 10 showed impaired odor recognition. Changes in breathing pattern associated with emotional changes during exposure to odor stimuli were not observed in PD patients. I-alpha waveforms were not observed; however, positive waves followed by negative waves were identified approximately 100ms after inspiration onset. Dipoles of this component were localized in the entorhinal cortex for odor detection in all patients and in the entorhinal cortex and middle temporal gyrus for PD patients who could discriminate odors. Odor recognition in PD could be subserved by a different neural circuit from that of normal subjects, done through the temporal association cortex as a subsystem for recognizing the odor; however, the system may not be associated with the odor-induced emotions.  相似文献   

To explore the ability of odor discrimination of olfactory receptor neurons, current responses to odorant cocktails were recorded from an isolated olfactory neuron of the turtle. Twenty-five percent of the neurons tested responded to both cAMP-dependent and the IP3-dependent odorant cocktails. Application of the cAMP-dependent (or the IP3-dependent) odorant cocktail to the neuron after an inward current induced by the IP3-dependent (or the cAMP-dependent) odorant cocktail was adapted induced a large inward current in the neuron. The results suggest that at least two different receptors exist in a single olfactory neuron.  相似文献   

It has been proposed that the right hemisphere alerting network co-activates, either directly or via the brainstem, the attention system in the parietal cortex involved in spatial attention. The observation that impaired alertness and sustained attention can predict the outcome of neglect might suggest such a relationship, too. In the present fMRI study, we intended to analyse and compare the functional anatomy of two attentional conditions both involving intrinsic (endogenous) alerting and fixation but differing with respect to the degree of spatially distributed attention by using the same paradigm under two different attentional conditions. In a group of ten participants, both a focused and a distributed visuospatial attention condition evoked similar patterns of activation in dorsolateral prefrontal regions, in the anterior cingulate gyrus, in the superior and inferior parietal cortex as well as in the superior temporal gyrus and in the thalamus. These activation foci were stronger in the right hemisphere under both conditions. After subtraction of the alertness condition with focused spatial attention, distributed spatial attention with stimuli appearing at unpredictable locations within both visual fields induced additional bilateral activations only in the left and right superior parietal cortex and in the right precuneus suggesting that these regions are specific for a more widespread dispersion of spatial attention.  相似文献   

Small-field optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) was performed in seven healthy volunteers in order to analyze the activation and deactivation patterns of visual motion, ocular motor, and multisensory vestibular cortex areas by means of fMRI during coherent visual motion stimulation. BOLD signal decreases (deactivations) were found in the first and second long insular gyri and retroinsular areas (the human homologue of the parietoinsular vestibular cortex and the visual posterior sylvian area in the monkey) of both hemispheres, extending into the transverse temporal gyrus and inferior-anterior parts of the superior temporal gyrus (BA 22), and the precentral gyri at two separate sites (BA 4 and 6). Further deactivations were found in cranioposterior parts of the superior temporal gyrus (BA 22) and the adjacent inferior parietal lobule (BA 40), anterior cingulate gyrus, hippocampus, and corpus callosum. Most of these BOLD signal decreases involved parts of the "multisensory vestibular cortical circuit". These findings support the concept of a reciprocally inhibitory visual–vestibular interaction that has now been demonstrated not only for large-field visual motion stimulation that induces vection (without eye movements) but also for optokinetically induced eye movements (without vection). The functional significance of this concept may be related to the perception of self-motion, since both large-field visual motion stimulation and optokinetic nystagmus are linked to the visual control of self-motion. With respect to activation of the cortical ocular motor system two separate and distinct areas of activations were delineated in the precentral sulcus of both hemispheres, one ventrolaterally (in BA 9) and the other dorsomedially at the junction of the superior frontal sulcus with the precentral sulcus (in BA 6). Both probably correspond to different subregions of the frontal eye field and the premotor cortex for the ocular motor performance of OKN. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

The stimulus-preceding negativity (SPN) is an event-related potential that reflects emotional and perceptual anticipation. The SPN is characterized by a right hemisphere preponderance in amplitude, and previous studies suggest that activity in the insular cortex might contribute to the amplitude of the SPN. Although the insula might contribute to the SPN's occurrence, the exact role of the insula in the pattern of SPN right hemisphere dominance remains unclear. In the present study, we manipulated task difficulty and brain activation was measured using event-related fMRI, to examine the relationship between insula functioning and the right hemisphere preponderance of the SPN. Twenty-three participants performed a time estimation task, in which they had to press a button when they thought a predetermined time had elapsed. Three seconds after pressing the button, a feedback stimulus was presented, informing subjects as to whether their response was correct, too early, or too late. There were four experimental conditions: easy, moderate, difficult, and no feedback. The fMRI results showed significantly increased activation in the bilateral insular cortex during the pre-feedback anticipation phase, in which the subjects prepare to pay attention to the occurrence of feedback stimuli. In addition, in the Difficult–Easy and Difficult–Moderate contrasts, significantly increased activations of the right anterior insula were demonstrated, suggesting the possibility that this area does underlie the SPN right hemisphere preponderance. Because the right anterior insula is related to awareness of viscerosensory information, the SPN right hemisphere preponderance might itself be related to the awareness of interoceptive information that precedes feedback stimuli.  相似文献   

Although it has been known for decades that the mammalian olfactory bulb receives a substantial number of centrifugal inputs from other regions of the brain, relatively few data have been available on the function of the centrifugal olfactory system. Knowing the role of the centrifugal projection and how it works is of critical importance to fully understanding olfaction. The centrifugal fibers can be classified into two groups, a group that release neuromodulators, such as noradrenaiine, serotonin, or acetylcholine, and a group originating in the olfactory cortex. Accumulating evidence suggests that centrifugal neuromodulatory inputs are associated with acquisition of odor memory. Because the distribution of the terminals on these fibers is diffuse and widespread, the neuromodulatory inputs must affect diverse subsets of bulbar neurons at the same time. In contrast, knowledge of the role of centrifugal fibers from the olfactory cortical areas is limited. Judging from recent morphological evidence, these fibers may modify the activity of neurons located in sparse and discrete loci in the olfactory bulb. Given the modular organization of the olfactory bulb, centrifugal fibers from the olfactory cortex may help coordinate the activities of restricted subsets of neurons belonging to distinct functional modules in an odor-specific manner. Because the olfactory cortex receives inputs from limbic and neocortical areas in addition to inputs from the bulb, the centrifugal inputs from the cortex can modulate odor processing in the bulb in response to non-olfactory as well as olfactory cues.  相似文献   

Detection and discrimination of odors generally, if not always, occurs against an odorous background. On any given inhalation, olfactory receptor neurons will be activated by features of both the target odorant and features of background stimuli. To identify a target odorant against a background therefore, the olfactory system must be capable of grouping a subset of features into an odor object distinct from the background. Our previous work has suggested that rapid homosynaptic depression of afferents to the anterior piriform cortex (aPCX) contributes to both cortical odor adaptation to prolonged stimulation and habituation of simple odor-evoked behaviors. We hypothesize here that this process may also contribute to figure-ground separation of a target odorant from background stimulation. Single-unit recordings were made from both mitral/tufted cells and aPCX neurons in urethan-anesthetized rats and mice. Single-unit responses to odorant stimuli and their binary mixtures were determined. One of the odorants was randomly selected as the background and presented for 50 s. Forty seconds after the onset of the background stimulus, the second target odorant was presented, producing a binary mixture. The results suggest that mitral/tufted cells continue to respond to the background odorant and, when the target odorant is presented, had response magnitudes similar to that evoked by the binary mixture. In contrast, aPCX neurons filter out the background stimulus while maintaining responses to the target stimulus. Thus the aPCX acts as a filter driven most strongly by changing stimuli, providing a potential mechanism for olfactory figure-ground separation and selective reading of olfactory bulb output.  相似文献   

Central to the concept of attention is the fact that identical stimuli can be processed in different ways. In olfaction, attention may designate the identical flow of air through the nose as either respiration or olfactory exploration. Here we have used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to probe this attentional mechanism in primary olfactory cortex (POC). We report a dissociation in POC that revealed attention-dependent and attention-independent subregions. Whereas a temporal subregion comprising temporal piriform cortex (PirT) responded equally across conditions, a frontal subregion comprising frontal piriform cortex (PirF) and the olfactory tubercle responded preferentially to attended sniffs as opposed to unattended sniffs. In addition, a task-specific anticipatory response occurred in the attention-dependent region only. This dissociation was consistent across two experimental designs: one focusing on sniffs of clean air, the other focusing on odor-laden sniffs. Our findings highlight the role of attention at the earliest cortical levels of olfactory processing.  相似文献   

Spikes were evoked in rat olfactory sensory neuron (OSN) populations by electrical stimulation of the olfactory bulb nerve layer in pentobarbital anesthetized rats. The latencies and recording positions for these compound spikes showed that they originated in olfactory epithelium. Dual simultaneous recordings indicated conduction velocities in the C-fiber range, around 0.5 m/s. These spikes are concluded to arise from antidromically activated olfactory sensory neurons. Electrical stimulation at 5 Hz was used to track changes in the size and latency of the antidromic compound population spike during the odor response. Strong odorant stimuli suppressed the spike size and prolonged its latency. The latency was prolonged throughout long odor stimuli, indicating continued activation of olfactory receptor neuron axons. The amounts of spike suppression and latency change were strongly correlated with the electroolfactogram (EOG) peak size evoked at the same site across odorants and across stimulus intensities. We conclude that the curve of antidromic spike suppression gives a reasonable representation of spiking activity in olfactory sensory neurons driven by odorants and that the correlation of peak spike suppression with the peak EOG shows the accuracy of the EOG as an estimate of intracellular potential in the population of olfactory sensory neurons. In addition, these results have important implications about traffic in olfactory nerve bundles. We did not observe multiple peaks corresponding to stimulated and unstimulated receptor neurons. This suggests synchronization of spikes in olfactory nerve, perhaps by ephaptic interactions. The long-lasting effect on spike latency shows that action potentials continue in the nerve throughout the duration of an odor stimulus in spite of many reports of depolarization block in olfactory receptor neuron cell bodies. Finally, strong odor stimulation caused almost complete block of antidromic spikes. This indicates that a very large proportion of olfactory axons was activated by single strong odor stimuli.  相似文献   

健康人大脑和小脑空间记忆认知功能的fMRI研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本研究应用功能磁共振成像(functional magnetic resonance imaging,fMRI)技术,检测了健康人大脑和小脑参与空间记忆的认知过程。通过对10名右利手健康志愿者进行一项短时空间记忆任务作业的同时进行脑功能磁共振扫描,实验采用组块设计,任务与对照任务交替进行,数据采用SPM99软件进行数据分析和脑功能区定位。结果显示:当统计阈值设定为P<0.0001时,大脑皮层和右侧小脑一起被显著激活;大脑皮层所激活的脑区有双侧顶叶的楔前叶、顶上小叶、缘上回(BA7/40,BA:Brodma-nn Area),双侧前额上、中、下回(BA6/9/47),双侧枕叶和枕颞交界处(BA18/19/37),右侧海马回;左侧中脑黑质及被盖部也被激活。上述结果提示:小脑和大脑皮层一起参与了空间记忆的认知过程。  相似文献   

Regional brain variations of cytochrome oxidase (CO) staining were analyzed in the honeybee (Apis mellifera) after olfactory conditioning of the proboscis extension reflex. Identification of brain sites where stimuli converge was done by precise image analysis performed in antennal lobes (AL) and mushroom bodies (MB). In Experiment 1, bees received 5 odorant stimulations that induced a transient decrease of CO activity in the lateral part of the AL. In Experiment 2, bees were trained with 5-trial olfactory conditioning. CO activity transiently increased in the lips of the MB calyces. There was also a delayed increase in the lateral part of the AL. An olfactory stimulus presented alone and an odor paired to a sucrose stimulation are treated by different pathways, including both AL and MB.  相似文献   

Discrimination among odorants by single neurons of the rat olfactory bulb   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
1. Intracellular and extracellular recordings were made from rat olfactory bulb mitral and tufted cells during odor stimulation and during electrical stimulation of the olfactory nerve. Neurons were identified by horseradish peroxidase injections and/or antidromic activation. The presentation of multiple concentrations of at least one odorant in a cyclic artificial sniff paradigm, as reported previously (10), allowed the study of odor responses. This approach was extended to multiple odorants to compare their concentration-response profiles. This procedure avoids the problems of interpretation resulting from nonequivalence of the effective concentrations of different odorants used as stimuli that have characterized previous studies of odor quality effects. Comparisons of intracellular events and responses to electrical stimulation with the odor-induced spike train activity allow us to begin to delineate the local circuitry involved in generating odor-induced responses. 2. The concentration-response profiles of the 72 cells in the present study are comparable to those previously reported for output neurons of the olfactory bulb, showing ordered changes in the temporal patterning of spike activity with step changes in odor concentration. However, eight of the neurons exhibited inhibitory responses to lower concentrations, but excitation, at similar latency, to higher concentrations of the same odorant. These data emphasize that to study pattern changes induced by changing odor quality the influence of stimulus intensity must also be carefully examined. The data also provide evidence that the temporal pattern evoked by an odorant is probably not in itself the code for odor quality recognition. 3. Complete concentration-response profiles, including subthreshold concentrations, to more than one odorant show that, although responses to the different odorant can evolve systematically with concentration, the responses to different odorants can evolve through very different patterns. For example, in some cells, the response patterns to different odors were complementary in form. These results demonstrate that the patterned responses of olfactory bulb neurons can reflect changes in odor quality as well as intensity. 4. Intracellular recording was employed to compare the temporal patterning of spikes during odor stimulation with membrane potential changes. In some cases, the spike pattern was closely correlated with apparent postsynaptic potentials. However, there were several clear exceptions. In five cells, a prominent hyperpolarization, seen in the first sniff of a series of 10 consecutive sniffs, was associated with pauses in spike activity. In the following  相似文献   

Ongoing sensory input is critical for shaping internal representations of the external world. Conversely, a lack of sensory input can profoundly perturb the formation of these representations. The olfactory system is particularly vulnerable to sensory deprivation, owing to the widespread prevalence of allergic, viral and chronic rhinosinusitis, but how the brain encodes and maintains odor information under such circumstances remains poorly understood. Here we combined functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) with multivariate (pattern-based) analyses and psychophysical approaches to show that a 7-d period of olfactory deprivation induces reversible changes in odor-evoked fMRI activity in piriform cortex and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC). Notably, multivoxel ensemble codes of odor quality in OFC became decorrelated after deprivation, and the magnitude of these changes predicted subsequent olfactory perceptual plasticity. Our findings suggest that transient changes in these key olfactory brain regions are instrumental in sustaining odor perception integrity in the wake of disrupted sensory input.  相似文献   

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